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Erm... you can't. They 'refuse to serve foreign nobles'. And no Toren have defected to Ikalak in... 3 months? But at least it only took you a month to get an snappy remark. I think the snap faded though.
Erm... you can't. They 'refuse to serve foreign nobles'. And no Toren have defected to Ikalak in... 3 months? But at least it only took you a month to get an snappy remark. I think the snap faded though.
:There are other ways to have done it. I didn't respond for so long because it's not very important. Either your leaders were bribed or they are incompetent. If you insist that they are simply incompetent, I can accept that. If you insist. --[[User:Habap|Habap]] 23:21, 12 February 2007 (CET)
::Ha ha, very funny. I have yet to see Taselak actually threaten Toren. The leaders are not incompetent, we've managed to survive this long. Taselak on the other hand, is actually bleeding to death. Sorry :) [[User:George the Hippy|George the Hippy]] 22:21, 13 February 2007 (CET)
:::Survive? By whoring yourself out to Ikalak, you mean? 'Survival' implies that you are facing overwhelming odds, which you aren't exactly facing, now are you? Let's see how long you survive if Taselak is defeated and it's Toren against Ikalak. You may not realise it right now, but they will be the victors if this pathetic 2-on-1 war keeps going. They'll simply blitz your northern regions while keeping a force in the south. Also, your leaders are in fact imcompetent, as they botched up the latest assault on Falens. In case you hadn't noticed yet, we just took Lesthem and Seggelin, and we're in the process of taking Kail. Our army is stronger than yours, our realm is larger than yours. But yes, I can see why you're under the impression that you're doing a good job. Let's face the facts: if it wasn't for Ikalak bailing you out time and time again, Toren would be a non-factor by now. For a lap dog, you're not doing a very good job. - Sennianus the Mad [[User:Andrasta|Andrasta]] 22:32, 13 February 2007 (CET)
sur·vive  /sərˈvaɪv/ – verb (used without object. 2. to remain or continue in existence or use: Ancient farming methods still survive in the Middle East.
It by no means implies that they are facing overwhelming odds.
In any case, even if Toren falls to Ikalak eventually, they have done better than Taselak simply by living longer.. --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 23:05, 13 February 2007 (CET)
lol, don't bother. Either they are content with second place and won't bother trying to get first place, or they will backstab Ikalak in a time of opportunity. Time will tell. -[[User:Chénier|Chénier]] 23:09, 13 February 2007 (CET)
:So you're proud of not losing while on the favored side in a 2-on-1? You set your goals exceedingly low. Taselak may be able to knock you out of the war ''while'' fighting Ikalak to a standstill. So, if you can barely survive fighting an enemy with one arm tied behind its back, one can only imagine how quickly you'd collapse against an opponent that was on equal footing. The 3-wave suicide in Falens was particularly impressive. --[[User:Habap|Habap]] 03:16, 14 February 2007 (CET)
::Give me a new life, a clone and a ticket to Toren, and I would show you Tor's wrath. [[Exiled Family/Widfara|Widfara Exiled]]
:::While Tor may be mighty, the current leaders of his armies have no talent for channeling his wrath.
:::Oh, and what makes you think that Toren would have any success at a backstab? They can hardly manuever out of Toren Stronghold against a force of similar size to their own. How would they stand against Ikalak, which fields an army twice their size? --[[User:Habap|Habap]] 14:40, 14 February 2007 (CET)
:::THAT THREE WAVE ATTACK WAS BECAUSE OF A BUG! NO STUPIDNESS, JUST A BUG! An infil was caught THIRTY-TWO TIMES but a bug SCREWED IT UP. If it wasn't for that BUG Taselak would be screwed! Learn what's going on! Taselak just seems to be getting LUCKY. THAT'S IT. And survival is survival, no stupid ''we're against greater odds!'' Taselak could NEVER survive an assault from a foe who has been consistently LARGER and MORE POWERFUL! [[User:George the Hippy|George the Hippy]] 16:08, 14 February 2007 (CET)
::::I fail to see how a bug regarding an infiltrator causes you to arrive in waves. And also, Toren is neither larger nor more powerful than Taselak. Check the statistics and see for yourself. Right now, our income per head is higher than Toren's, and that's after a number of looting sprees by both Toren and Ikalak. But yes, luck, that must be it. I say again, if it weren't for Ikalak drawing our attention every now and then, we'd be dancing on the walls of Toren Stronghold by now. You may think you're almighty, but the sad truth is, you're pathetic. Even with the help of a realm that is twice as strong as Taselak, you can't win battles or hold on to your regions. - Sennianus the Mad [[User:Andrasta|Andrasta]] 16:31, 14 February 2007 (CET)
::::: How long have you been on SEI? You SHOULD know that infils can obsturct paths... well a tassie infil did that between FALENS and TS. He was caught EARLY, so noone else should've been effected, but a bug caused him to not be captured. Get it? And I was referring to Taselak. Great to see you know what you speak of. And, if you've never noticed, there is only one region with a one turn travel to TS, we know when and where you are coming from, ALWAYS. You could never sneak up on TS, we have huge walls. And I'm sure that you only have one seige engine shop in Taselak. [[User:George the Hippy|George the Hippy]] 16:43, 14 February 2007 (CET)
::::::Hm, how can I put this simple... If it weren't for Ikalak helping you, Taselak would be vastly more powerful, so it wouldn't matter where we came from to sack your capital. Also, when you said 'larger and more powerful', you weren't talking about Taselak. Furthermore, we are already facing a foe twice as powerful as us, namely the Toren-Ikalak alliance. And we seem to be doing rather well, given the fact that we just took two of your regions and are in the process of taking a third. About the infiltrator delays, it's not our fault you can't anticipate such events. Also, infils can't repeatedly delay travel, and CERTAINLY not 32 times in a row. At a certain point, they've done all the delaying they can do. So that excuse is out the window. What'll it be now? - Sennianus the Mad [[User:Andrasta|Andrasta]] 17:08, 14 February 2007 (CET)
:::::::That was the glitch though.... he stopped us over 32 times. Donk donk? And how do you know what I was talking about? Are you a linguist or something? I was referring to Taselak.<br>''Taselak could NEVER survive an assault from a foe who has been consistently LARGER and MORE POWERFUL!''<br>I was placing Taselak in Toren's shoes.
::::::::But.... we are surviving an assault from a foe that is consistently larger and more powerful - Ikalak - while still beating the heck out of Toren.
::::::::I'm confused about the bug. Did he get 32 hours? Or did he simply delay 32 units? The funny thing is that after you'd already seen how you were delayed during the first attack, that you kept on coming, not just once, but twice. Heck, the third time you should have known that you wouldn't have enough troops to win. Maybe you didn't care. Perhaps that's why nobles desert Toren and join Taselak (I assume some join Ikalak as there have been times when their numbers seemed to go up by the same amount yours went down - though we know that none have joined you from Ikalak in 3 months.) --[[User:Habap|Habap]] 18:23, 14 February 2007 (CET)
:::::::::OOC - can we please stop arguing over the bug? There is a bug that causes infils caught delaying travel to not actually be caught, so any argumets over stuipdness  about not being able to attackk Falens is irrelevant and detrimental to the atmosphere of the game as it edges closer to OOC bickering. --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 22:15, 14 February 2007 (CET)
:::::::::: The bug was that infils were released immediately after being captured while delaying travel.  The thing is, the road signs are already switched and infils get caught at the end of the turn, not while doing it (if you have a look at the message saying he was caught, the person(s) who caught him have already followed the dodgy signs before they catch him).  Who knows how many people were actually fooled while following the signs?  Also, the infil is in return for a turn and ends up in the capital, not the region they were caught in, so unless he was delaying to the capital, it's a one off shot.  The bugs been fixed too now, so don't worry :)  [[User:Mischa|Mischa]] 10:47, 19 February 2007 (CET)
==Opponent Size==
I find this statement simply odd: ''Taselak could NEVER survive an assault from a foe who has been consistently LARGER and MORE POWERFUL!'' Taselak has been fighting Ikalak, which has been consistently LARGER and MORE POWERFUL than Taselak, yet Taselak survives. In fact, over the last two months, Taselak has gained regions from Toren while facing that larger, more powerful opponent. I don't understand how you didn't notice that, since they were your regions. --[[User:Habap|Habap]] 23:18, 14 February 2007 (CET)
:How many times do they attack a month? Once? Twice? [[User:George the Hippy|George the Hippy]] 01:45, 15 February 2007 (CET)
::So you concede that Taselak is holding off a larger and more powerful enemy? --[[User:Habap|Habap]] 17:24, 15 February 2007 (CET)
::No. You just always manage to catch them in Belus, which has nice walls. In field battles, you guys are toasted.
:::And if a dog was a cow, you could milk it. Quit living in a hypothetical world. The reality is simple: Toren and Ikalak are unable to make any significant gains, despite having more than twice the military power. And for the record, we didn't catch Ikalak in Belus, they came there out of their own free will. What you need to do is stop making excuses or saying "Yeah, but if...", and learn how to fight a war. For God's sake, we're months into this two-on-one, and Toren hasn't won anything, on the contrary, they lost. Does that not say a thing or two about your leadership? - Sennianus the Mad [[User:Andrasta|Andrasta]] 22:12, 15 February 2007 (CET)
::: Hey, you're the one living on borrowed time. We can take time. You guys have a bleeding economy. As you loot, sympathy drops. Hmmm? Unless you can back up your words in a duel (don't give me stupidness about how it's illegal, defend your honour or cower) don't try to act tough.<br>Karibash the Great  || [[User:George the Hippy|George the Hippy]] 00:17, 16 February 2007 (CET)
::::I'm not acting tough. I am a leader of men, not a simple swordsman. I will not put personal honour above the success of our realm. I have sworn an oath to protect it and that outweighs any nonsense about personal honour.
::::As we take regions from Toren, we find that sympathy toward our realm slowly builds. We don't mind if they hate us at the start because they end up loving us anyway!
::::It is nice to see that you admit your inability to win the argument and resort to threats of violence. --[[User:Habap|Habap]] 14:59, 16 February 2007 (CET)
:::::You've got time, have you, Karibash? You may not have as much as you'd like to think you have. We've had a few chats with some Ikalakians in Belus, and some of them seem to think that Toren is starting to test their patience. You had best start showing some results, or you may find your support fading like snow under the sun. - Sennianus the Mad [[User:Andrasta|Andrasta]] 16:42, 16 February 2007 (CET)
== Taselak Honor ==
I just read this and found the article humorous.
So how is it that Taselak's honor is questioned, when the whole 2 vs 1 war is going on? It's the war continent...there isn't much honor here, so what's the significance in questioning it now? ---[[Bakos Family|Bakos]] March 2 2007 3:45 (EST)

Latest revision as of 08:46, 10 March 2007

Welcome to the ranks of the South-East Island newspapers! It's glad to see more and more competition turning up! When it rains, it pours! -- Dennis, Editor of the Taselak Tribune

A large welcome from the Ikalakian Times as well, its good to see aother paper up and running :) Kainaq - Editor of the Ikalakian Times

The prophet of Tor congratulates you on a job well done. --Widfara Exiled 17:41, 16 November 2006 (CET)

Nice little paper! --Habap 22:28, 12 December 2006 (CET)

Still alive?

Has the Toren Herald deserted the realm also? I've seen several nobles switch to Taselak or Ikalak. Did the paper desert also? --Habap 21:23, 8 January 2007 (CET)

Glad to see you have not folded. Thanks for the correction on the office which Maximus holds. Do you seriously think that your Toren leaders are not getting bribes for duping their nobles in this war? As yet, we have been unable to verify the rumors that this occurred. Just trying to be fair and balanced in our reporting. --Habap 13:50, 24 January 2007 (CET)
As one of the leaders high up in Toren, I KNOW that there is no payments... Smooth move on that one. Reporting? You're little more than a propoganda machine! It's quite funny. Run on and spread more lies, just be ready to taste MY blade. George the Hippy 17:55, 31 January 2007 (CET)


Actually, when you are in an enemy capital, you can visit their bank and send money to someone in that realm. I'm surprised you didn't figure this out when we were in Sandalak City. Thus, an Ikalakan could easily have slipped into Toren Stronghold and bought off your leaders. It's a shame they didn't share any of it with you. --Habap 15:40, 10 February 2007 (CET)

Oh, I thought of another method - they could have given the money to a noble who changed realms from Ikalak to Toren and that noble could have transferred the money internally. --Habap 15:42, 10 February 2007 (CET)

Erm... you can't. They 'refuse to serve foreign nobles'. And no Toren have defected to Ikalak in... 3 months? But at least it only took you a month to get an snappy remark. I think the snap faded though.

There are other ways to have done it. I didn't respond for so long because it's not very important. Either your leaders were bribed or they are incompetent. If you insist that they are simply incompetent, I can accept that. If you insist. --Habap 23:21, 12 February 2007 (CET)
Ha ha, very funny. I have yet to see Taselak actually threaten Toren. The leaders are not incompetent, we've managed to survive this long. Taselak on the other hand, is actually bleeding to death. Sorry :) George the Hippy 22:21, 13 February 2007 (CET)
Survive? By whoring yourself out to Ikalak, you mean? 'Survival' implies that you are facing overwhelming odds, which you aren't exactly facing, now are you? Let's see how long you survive if Taselak is defeated and it's Toren against Ikalak. You may not realise it right now, but they will be the victors if this pathetic 2-on-1 war keeps going. They'll simply blitz your northern regions while keeping a force in the south. Also, your leaders are in fact imcompetent, as they botched up the latest assault on Falens. In case you hadn't noticed yet, we just took Lesthem and Seggelin, and we're in the process of taking Kail. Our army is stronger than yours, our realm is larger than yours. But yes, I can see why you're under the impression that you're doing a good job. Let's face the facts: if it wasn't for Ikalak bailing you out time and time again, Toren would be a non-factor by now. For a lap dog, you're not doing a very good job. - Sennianus the Mad Andrasta 22:32, 13 February 2007 (CET)

sur·vive /sərˈvaɪv/ – verb (used without object. 2. to remain or continue in existence or use: Ancient farming methods still survive in the Middle East.

It by no means implies that they are facing overwhelming odds.

In any case, even if Toren falls to Ikalak eventually, they have done better than Taselak simply by living longer.. --The1exile 23:05, 13 February 2007 (CET)

lol, don't bother. Either they are content with second place and won't bother trying to get first place, or they will backstab Ikalak in a time of opportunity. Time will tell. -Chénier 23:09, 13 February 2007 (CET)

So you're proud of not losing while on the favored side in a 2-on-1? You set your goals exceedingly low. Taselak may be able to knock you out of the war while fighting Ikalak to a standstill. So, if you can barely survive fighting an enemy with one arm tied behind its back, one can only imagine how quickly you'd collapse against an opponent that was on equal footing. The 3-wave suicide in Falens was particularly impressive. --Habap 03:16, 14 February 2007 (CET)
Give me a new life, a clone and a ticket to Toren, and I would show you Tor's wrath. Widfara Exiled
While Tor may be mighty, the current leaders of his armies have no talent for channeling his wrath.
Oh, and what makes you think that Toren would have any success at a backstab? They can hardly manuever out of Toren Stronghold against a force of similar size to their own. How would they stand against Ikalak, which fields an army twice their size? --Habap 14:40, 14 February 2007 (CET)
THAT THREE WAVE ATTACK WAS BECAUSE OF A BUG! NO STUPIDNESS, JUST A BUG! An infil was caught THIRTY-TWO TIMES but a bug SCREWED IT UP. If it wasn't for that BUG Taselak would be screwed! Learn what's going on! Taselak just seems to be getting LUCKY. THAT'S IT. And survival is survival, no stupid we're against greater odds! Taselak could NEVER survive an assault from a foe who has been consistently LARGER and MORE POWERFUL! George the Hippy 16:08, 14 February 2007 (CET)
I fail to see how a bug regarding an infiltrator causes you to arrive in waves. And also, Toren is neither larger nor more powerful than Taselak. Check the statistics and see for yourself. Right now, our income per head is higher than Toren's, and that's after a number of looting sprees by both Toren and Ikalak. But yes, luck, that must be it. I say again, if it weren't for Ikalak drawing our attention every now and then, we'd be dancing on the walls of Toren Stronghold by now. You may think you're almighty, but the sad truth is, you're pathetic. Even with the help of a realm that is twice as strong as Taselak, you can't win battles or hold on to your regions. - Sennianus the Mad Andrasta 16:31, 14 February 2007 (CET)
How long have you been on SEI? You SHOULD know that infils can obsturct paths... well a tassie infil did that between FALENS and TS. He was caught EARLY, so noone else should've been effected, but a bug caused him to not be captured. Get it? And I was referring to Taselak. Great to see you know what you speak of. And, if you've never noticed, there is only one region with a one turn travel to TS, we know when and where you are coming from, ALWAYS. You could never sneak up on TS, we have huge walls. And I'm sure that you only have one seige engine shop in Taselak. George the Hippy 16:43, 14 February 2007 (CET)
Hm, how can I put this simple... If it weren't for Ikalak helping you, Taselak would be vastly more powerful, so it wouldn't matter where we came from to sack your capital. Also, when you said 'larger and more powerful', you weren't talking about Taselak. Furthermore, we are already facing a foe twice as powerful as us, namely the Toren-Ikalak alliance. And we seem to be doing rather well, given the fact that we just took two of your regions and are in the process of taking a third. About the infiltrator delays, it's not our fault you can't anticipate such events. Also, infils can't repeatedly delay travel, and CERTAINLY not 32 times in a row. At a certain point, they've done all the delaying they can do. So that excuse is out the window. What'll it be now? - Sennianus the Mad Andrasta 17:08, 14 February 2007 (CET)
That was the glitch though.... he stopped us over 32 times. Donk donk? And how do you know what I was talking about? Are you a linguist or something? I was referring to Taselak.
Taselak could NEVER survive an assault from a foe who has been consistently LARGER and MORE POWERFUL!
I was placing Taselak in Toren's shoes.
But.... we are surviving an assault from a foe that is consistently larger and more powerful - Ikalak - while still beating the heck out of Toren.
I'm confused about the bug. Did he get 32 hours? Or did he simply delay 32 units? The funny thing is that after you'd already seen how you were delayed during the first attack, that you kept on coming, not just once, but twice. Heck, the third time you should have known that you wouldn't have enough troops to win. Maybe you didn't care. Perhaps that's why nobles desert Toren and join Taselak (I assume some join Ikalak as there have been times when their numbers seemed to go up by the same amount yours went down - though we know that none have joined you from Ikalak in 3 months.) --Habap 18:23, 14 February 2007 (CET)
OOC - can we please stop arguing over the bug? There is a bug that causes infils caught delaying travel to not actually be caught, so any argumets over stuipdness about not being able to attackk Falens is irrelevant and detrimental to the atmosphere of the game as it edges closer to OOC bickering. --The1exile 22:15, 14 February 2007 (CET)
The bug was that infils were released immediately after being captured while delaying travel. The thing is, the road signs are already switched and infils get caught at the end of the turn, not while doing it (if you have a look at the message saying he was caught, the person(s) who caught him have already followed the dodgy signs before they catch him). Who knows how many people were actually fooled while following the signs? Also, the infil is in return for a turn and ends up in the capital, not the region they were caught in, so unless he was delaying to the capital, it's a one off shot. The bugs been fixed too now, so don't worry :) Mischa 10:47, 19 February 2007 (CET)

Opponent Size

I find this statement simply odd: Taselak could NEVER survive an assault from a foe who has been consistently LARGER and MORE POWERFUL! Taselak has been fighting Ikalak, which has been consistently LARGER and MORE POWERFUL than Taselak, yet Taselak survives. In fact, over the last two months, Taselak has gained regions from Toren while facing that larger, more powerful opponent. I don't understand how you didn't notice that, since they were your regions. --Habap 23:18, 14 February 2007 (CET)

How many times do they attack a month? Once? Twice? George the Hippy 01:45, 15 February 2007 (CET)
So you concede that Taselak is holding off a larger and more powerful enemy? --Habap 17:24, 15 February 2007 (CET)
No. You just always manage to catch them in Belus, which has nice walls. In field battles, you guys are toasted.
And if a dog was a cow, you could milk it. Quit living in a hypothetical world. The reality is simple: Toren and Ikalak are unable to make any significant gains, despite having more than twice the military power. And for the record, we didn't catch Ikalak in Belus, they came there out of their own free will. What you need to do is stop making excuses or saying "Yeah, but if...", and learn how to fight a war. For God's sake, we're months into this two-on-one, and Toren hasn't won anything, on the contrary, they lost. Does that not say a thing or two about your leadership? - Sennianus the Mad Andrasta 22:12, 15 February 2007 (CET)
Hey, you're the one living on borrowed time. We can take time. You guys have a bleeding economy. As you loot, sympathy drops. Hmmm? Unless you can back up your words in a duel (don't give me stupidness about how it's illegal, defend your honour or cower) don't try to act tough.
Karibash the Great || George the Hippy 00:17, 16 February 2007 (CET)
I'm not acting tough. I am a leader of men, not a simple swordsman. I will not put personal honour above the success of our realm. I have sworn an oath to protect it and that outweighs any nonsense about personal honour.
As we take regions from Toren, we find that sympathy toward our realm slowly builds. We don't mind if they hate us at the start because they end up loving us anyway!
It is nice to see that you admit your inability to win the argument and resort to threats of violence. --Habap 14:59, 16 February 2007 (CET)
You've got time, have you, Karibash? You may not have as much as you'd like to think you have. We've had a few chats with some Ikalakians in Belus, and some of them seem to think that Toren is starting to test their patience. You had best start showing some results, or you may find your support fading like snow under the sun. - Sennianus the Mad Andrasta 16:42, 16 February 2007 (CET)

Taselak Honor

I just read this and found the article humorous.

So how is it that Taselak's honor is questioned, when the whole 2 vs 1 war is going on? It's the war continent...there isn't much honor here, so what's the significance in questioning it now? ---Bakos March 2 2007 3:45 (EST)