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Retravic is an oddity in the family, the only female of The Slayer clan to venture out into the world. Since her early childhood, she has had a love for blood, something hidden by her intelligence. Her career as a warrior started in [[Oligarch]], where shortly after arriving she fell in love with the people and their ideals. She fought in Oligarch until its fall, at which point she emmigrated to Beluterra to avoid the [[Sirion|Sirionites]] who so througly destroyed what she saw as one of the few honorable realms on that island. After emmigrating to Beluterra, she joins the realm of [[Enweil]] and  took Dirrik as her liege. She is loyal only to one realm, Oligarch, however she follows her liege even in his succession and creation of the [[Fwuvoghor|Republic of Fwuvoghor]].
=History, Story, and Information=
Retravic is an oddity in the family, the only female of The Slayer clan to venture out into the world. Since her early childhood, she has had a love for blood, something hidden by her intelligence. Her career as a warrior started in [[Oligarch]], where shortly after arriving she fell in love with the people and their ideals. She fought in Oligarch until its fall, at which point she emmigrated to Beluterra to avoid the [[Sirion|Sirionites]] who so througly destroyed what she saw as one of the few honorable realms on that island. After emmigrating to Beluterra, she joins the realm of [[Enweil]] and  took Dirrik as her liege. She is loyal only to one realm, Oligarch, however she follows her liege even in his succession and creation of the [[Fwuvoghor|Republic of Fwuvoghor]]...
Or so she thought. She had come to love the people of Fwuvoghor as she had loved her own home after being appointed Duchess. Time passed and things were quiet, and then Dirrik disappeared in Vilrill looking for monsters. All that was found were pieces of his armour, and all know what that means. As soon as news reached Fwuvoghor of his death, elections were called, and she found herself filling the position of her old liege. Many things happened, and then she met Hireshmont, still fighting for his people, although a new people, a different people than those of Oligarch. At the coming of the new age she found herself still in the position of Prime Minister, but this time with the title of Grand Justiciar to go with it. She found she had grown, to some extent, to love Hireshmont, and when he proposed it was one of the happiest days of her life.
More time passed, as it does, and her cousin showed up on the continent, and before long requested sanctuary for him and his comrades in the Republic. She agreed, more than willing to help him; after all, she owed him for Fontan. Unfortunately, one of his comrades, Widfara, was a treacherous man. It was found that Dark Moon was a traitor, selling out the Republic to Riombara, who Retravic had been forced to declar war on due to the massive difference in ideals of the neighboring nations. At one point, Retravic fell to the blade of an assassin, and Widfara took the opportunity to seize power and start working not for what was right, but for what would get him more power; and money. For too long had Retravic lived by the ideals of Dirrik to let this go, and led a rebellion, bringing about the largest change in the Republic's history since its founding: it became a monarchy. The People's Republic of Fwuvoghor was born, and at the throne was Retravic. The face had changed, but the soul remained the same.
The Undead arrived, as did tales of Monsters in the north. They brought not war, but an offer of peace this time. An alliance. There was something worse coming, something we now know as the fearsome Daimons. They have arrived on Beluaterra, and Retravic is working now with old enemies for the sake of humanity. For now, all grudges are forgotten. For now, all the graves are ignored. The walls of Fwuvoghor must hold strong; as many as possible must survive this, because that is what it means to be Human.

The City of Enweilieos, Enweil. January 15, 1007
Groom: Hireshmont Vellos, King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force
Ben's, Minister of Defense of Republic of Fwuvoghor, Duke of Fwuvoghor (Also acting in a security capacity)
The people of Enweilieos

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The small smile she had worn since she arrived was no longer so small as she said "I do."
The small smile she had worn since she arrived was no longer so small as she said "I do."
'''Prime Minister and Grand Justiciar of Republic of Fwuvoghor'''
'''Roleplay from Hireshmont'''
<nowiki>*The priest spreads his hands in a welcoming gestures*</nowiki>
"You may kiss the bride."
<nowiki>*Hireshmont turns to Retravic, and looks into her eyes. He pauses for a moment.*</nowiki>
"I love you."
<nowiki>*He leans in and kisses her deeply*</nowiki>
<nowiki>*Then, he lifts her right up and turns to the crowd*</nowiki>
"Bring out the beer! We have a reception party to throw!"
<nowiki>*Hireshmont turns back to Retravic*</nowiki>
"No matter how far away I am, we are always together. No matter how many armies are between us, I will find a way to get to you. No matter what paths our nations may take, we shall be one."
'''King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force'''
'''Letter from Ben's'''
Ben stood proud and tall. His whole unit was surrounding the cerimony and he had instructed them to look the best. There were a lot of commoners there, but the noblitiy was small. Hireshmont brought no one with him, which in Ben's eyes was too dangerous. So his men were ready for anything. Ben watched the wedding and thought what was next for the two people and more importantly the two realms. This was an event that would bring the two together no matter who ruled it. This event could have aftermath that last forever. What would happen to him in all this? What would happen to his realm? He tried to brush all those thoughts away and focus on what he was here to do. He walked over to the after party egar to talk to the two about the future, but he did not want to disturb them on such a special day for them. He would have to approach them later when things calmed down.
'''Minister of Defense of Republic of Fwuvoghor, Duke of Fwuvoghor'''
'''Roleplay from Hireshmont'''
<nowiki>*</nowiki>As the various local guests, few foreigners are present, and Enweilian nobles enjoy the reception, Hireshmont sits at the high table with his now wife. It is beginning to get dark... the reception would soon end, and everyone would go home. Everyone would go home.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Hireshmont turns to Retravic<nowiki>*</nowiki>
"I think I'm still slightly in shock that this day came. I suppose I never thought of myself as the marrying sort... not really in the end."
<nowiki>*</nowiki>He smiles broadly, one cannot help but be happy on such a day.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Ben's rushes up to the couple, clearly wanting to discuss the futures of their two nations<nowiki>*</nowiki>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Hireshmont laughs jovially<nowiki>*</nowiki>
"Please, please, Ben's, there will be time for politics later. Tonight is a night for celebration! Come, why don't you find yourself a lady to dance with and enjoy the party?"
'''King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force'''
'''Roleplay from Hireshmont'''
<nowiki>*</nowiki>A messenger comes up to Hireshmont and Retravic<nowiki>*</nowiki>
"M'lord, good news! Duke Possibility has declared tommorrow a holiday! There is to be great festivities and revelry all day!"
(OOC- Holiday was declared)
'''King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force'''
'''Roleplay from Ben's'''
The sky was dark, only lit by the few stars it held. The noise from Enweilieos could be heard from the surrounding regions. The city was lit and busy. People were celebrating the wedding and preparing the free day the next morning. Music was playing and food was being served. Many people attended the party. Ben had still been alert and ready for something bad to happen. He was still very strict about not letting his men drink or party much. He had not let them get much free time in the past day either. He had walked over to his second in command and given orders to oversee the secirity of the party while he took a walk.
He moved up on the walls of Enweilieos and gazed out to the harbor. He looked Northeast and saw his small city in the distance. Dispite it being a good two days travel away, it still could be seen over the flat terrian. He then thought about the realm. He was thinking that the people in Fwuvoghor where probobly doing the same thing they were here. He had given them a holiday and told nobles and commoners to relax and enjoy.
He then thought of the future of his realm and his city. What did the future hold? A rebellion in Fronen would either bring peace or war. The nobles of Fronen were already too egar to go to war with the Republic. Ben was also egar for something to happen. He was too bored at going through paperwork. He was too bored at just sitting around all day. He wanted to help efforts in the South. He wanted to go on campaigns to slay undead for glory and humanity. But none of these would happen. Things would change when he returned, he knew it. Alls he could do was wait.
Satisfied with his thoughts he turned back to the party and reissued orders to his men. He told his whole unit there was no more need for strict behaviour. He said they had already proven they were disiplent soldiers, so he gave them the rest of the night to enjoy the party.
'''Minister of Defense of Republic of Fwuvoghor, Duke of Fwuvoghor'''
'''Roleplay from Retravic'''
Retravic downed yet another barrel of mead, still smiling, her viking heritage showing its colours. The party had been going on for several hours by now, but it had yet to die down.
After all, how often are two of royalty wed?
Retravic turned to Hireshmont after the messenger brought them news of the holiday, her face not even hinting at the amount of alcohol she'd consumed (another trait of her heritage, and she would gladly drink more later, but now was not the time).
"Ben's is worried. He is my General, and he is at taking orders, but he is also more than able to think for himself. I guess thats why I chose him, after all. He knows, at some level, there is more to our marriage than we're letting on. If only he knew..."
Knowing things were good, she grabbed her new husband, kissing him not for the first time of the night, and definitly not the last. The night was young, and the party still went on.
Looking at her husband, she decided things would work out in the end. She was, at heart, still a viking, still a warrior, still a hero, still a follower of... Him. And the drums of war may soon call once again... the only question left was when.
'''Prime Minister and Grand Justiciar of Republic of Fwuvoghor'''
'''Roleplay from Hireshmont'''
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Hireshmont returns the kiss, honestly eager for the party to end.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
"Ben's is Qyrvaggian, right? Well, I must say" <nowiki>*</nowiki>Hireshmont sips at some wine, harder drink was never his forte, even though he, too, had Norse heritage<nowiki>*</nowiki> "He seems capable enough. And if he is Qyrvaggian... well..." <nowiki>*</nowiki>Hireshmont turns to Retravic and kisses her lightly on the forehead<nowiki>*</nowiki> "Who can stand against him?"
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Hireshmont looks at Retravic as she takes another drink of her mead, and thinks about where their marriage could lead. Naturally, there would be strong political implications. But... what of his original purpose for marriage? Would there be a child?<nowiki>*</nowiki>
"We'll take care of that tonight, I suppose...." he mumbles to himself.
'''King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force'''
'''Roleplay from Hireshmont'''
(OOC- I know this is late, but oh well)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Hireshmont opens his eyes as the first rays of sunlight slip into the room. He is completely awake, no doubts there. The morning after his wedding, and he knows that, within a day or two, they would have to part ways again, and return to their nations<nowiki>*</nowiki>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Hireshmont rolls over onto his side to look at his wife. Would they be able to pull it off? They would so rarely see each other... the distance would make it a challenge, a true challenge.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Retravic stirs slightly<nowiki>*</nowiki>
"Are you awake, my dear?"
'''King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force'''
'''Roleplay from Retravic'''
"Yes, I'm awake. I was just thinking that we should be leaving soon... we both have things to take care of, after all..."
And that was most definitly true. There was much to do...

'''Prime Minister and Grand Justiciar of Republic of Fwuvoghor'''
'''Prime Minister and Grand Justiciar of Republic of Fwuvoghor'''

Latest revision as of 21:10, 19 February 2008

History, Story, and Information

Retravic is an oddity in the family, the only female of The Slayer clan to venture out into the world. Since her early childhood, she has had a love for blood, something hidden by her intelligence. Her career as a warrior started in Oligarch, where shortly after arriving she fell in love with the people and their ideals. She fought in Oligarch until its fall, at which point she emmigrated to Beluterra to avoid the Sirionites who so througly destroyed what she saw as one of the few honorable realms on that island. After emmigrating to Beluterra, she joins the realm of Enweil and took Dirrik as her liege. She is loyal only to one realm, Oligarch, however she follows her liege even in his succession and creation of the Republic of Fwuvoghor...

Or so she thought. She had come to love the people of Fwuvoghor as she had loved her own home after being appointed Duchess. Time passed and things were quiet, and then Dirrik disappeared in Vilrill looking for monsters. All that was found were pieces of his armour, and all know what that means. As soon as news reached Fwuvoghor of his death, elections were called, and she found herself filling the position of her old liege. Many things happened, and then she met Hireshmont, still fighting for his people, although a new people, a different people than those of Oligarch. At the coming of the new age she found herself still in the position of Prime Minister, but this time with the title of Grand Justiciar to go with it. She found she had grown, to some extent, to love Hireshmont, and when he proposed it was one of the happiest days of her life.

More time passed, as it does, and her cousin showed up on the continent, and before long requested sanctuary for him and his comrades in the Republic. She agreed, more than willing to help him; after all, she owed him for Fontan. Unfortunately, one of his comrades, Widfara, was a treacherous man. It was found that Dark Moon was a traitor, selling out the Republic to Riombara, who Retravic had been forced to declar war on due to the massive difference in ideals of the neighboring nations. At one point, Retravic fell to the blade of an assassin, and Widfara took the opportunity to seize power and start working not for what was right, but for what would get him more power; and money. For too long had Retravic lived by the ideals of Dirrik to let this go, and led a rebellion, bringing about the largest change in the Republic's history since its founding: it became a monarchy. The People's Republic of Fwuvoghor was born, and at the throne was Retravic. The face had changed, but the soul remained the same.

The Undead arrived, as did tales of Monsters in the north. They brought not war, but an offer of peace this time. An alliance. There was something worse coming, something we now know as the fearsome Daimons. They have arrived on Beluaterra, and Retravic is working now with old enemies for the sake of humanity. For now, all grudges are forgotten. For now, all the graves are ignored. The walls of Fwuvoghor must hold strong; as many as possible must survive this, because that is what it means to be Human.


The City of Enweilieos, Enweil. January 15, 1007
Groom: Hireshmont Vellos, King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force
Ben's, Minister of Defense of Republic of Fwuvoghor, Duke of Fwuvoghor (Also acting in a security capacity)
The people of Enweilieos

Roleplay from Ben's

The sun was sinking below the sea, leaving a dark blue sky the only thing above Enweilieos, for it was too early for stars. With the light gone, Ben was egar to get inside the city. But he did not let this get in the way of his objective. They had reached the gate to Enweilieos and Ben had ordered his men to form to lines, one on each side of the gate, and prepare to let Retravic and her cavalry enter the city before his unti would. All of his men had been in full armour for cerimonial reasons. They stood talk and proud, trying to impress anyone watching. Retravic rode at the front of her unit. When she went by everyone saluted her until she was inside the city. After her whole unit was safely inside, Ben started to get his unit together and issue orders. "Alright! Listen up!" He barked "Remember why we are here. We are soldiers of Fwuvoghor and we are here to keep the peace and protect Prime Minister Retravic, if need be. So you are on duty for the whole time we are here. That means no entertainment and no drinking! We are repersenting Fwuvoghor and lets not give them a bad impression. Tomorrow will be an event that will go down in history. You should be proud to be here and see these events. You will tell your grandchildren about this some day." With that he removed his helm, placing it under his arm, and marched into the city. When the reached the main part of the city, he stopped his men and talked with all his high ranking officers. "Arther, I'll need you and your men to stay with Retravic at all times. Keep a close eye on her. I want to give her some more support besides her unit. Always know where she is. George, I want your men to find a sleeping quaters for us. I don't want us in the city barracks, so find a hotel big enough to fit us all in there. Rent the whole place out and have your men stationed there. Set it up as a temperary HQ for us when we are in the city. Samuel, your men are on night watch. You will take over when Arther's men need some sleep. The rest of the men will be with me. I'll reinforce any subunits that are in need. So you all know what you are doing, now get to it!" Men began moving to various places and within a few minutes they were underway. Ben smiled as he moved off to find where all the pre-wedding parties where going on.

Minister of Defense of Republic of Fwuvoghor, Duke of Fwuvoghor

Roleplay from Retravic

Just one more night...

This was what was going through Retravic's mind as Captain Ragen told her they were approaching Enweilieos. It turned out that Ben's Fwuvoghor Shields had passed them some time in the last day, and were now waiting outside the gates for her arrival.

Well, this was unexpected, but hey, it might be fun.

"Captain, order the men to form three lines. I will ride in front of the middle, you will be at my right, and Lieutenant Johann will be at my left. It seems that Ben's has an appreciation for ceremony." Retravic, in her full armour, like all of her men, said.

Retravic's armour was something fit for, well, a Queen one might say. The armour, a full suit of steel plated with gold and her family's crest, and her sword, the red line from when she accepted Ben's oath... before Dirrik... it was best not to think of such things. Both had been in her family for generations.

When they reached the city Ben's men were in lines on either side of the gate, allowing for Retravic to proceed the General's unit. With a small smile on her face she rode past the men, who were saluting like only a disciplined military man can, into the gates of Enweilieos.

Behind her she heard Ben's immediatly start barking orders. She'd made a good choice, she thought to herself.

Prime Minister and Grand Justiciar of Republic of Fwuvoghor

Roleplay from Hireshmont

*Hireshmont waits in the town square, with his cavalrymen and scouts, for his future queen. The long journey, combined with skirmishes along the Riombara fronteir had reduced his unit from 30, to a mere 7 mounted knights. They await on the green for Retravic and her entourage, as well as Ben's and his troops. Hireshmont eagerly awaits seeing Retravic again... it had been a long time.*

*Each of his men carried a banner. One for each region of Irombrozia, and one for each branch of the government. Hireshmont himself had the Irombrozian national emblem on a pennant on his lance.*

*Hireshmont watches in silence as Retravic's entourage approaches, their formation perfect, austere military expressions on their face. Hireshmont looks at his own men. A loose band, actually. Never given any training, the past year or two had been a fight or die world for them. They were from the local nobility of Bolkenia, volunteers, the Royal Lancers. They were even talking and joking as Retravic's entourage drew near. Such different worlds he and Retravic came from... but perhaps they were not so different as it seemed.*

*Retravic's entourage stops, and Ben's men fan out in a protective formation. Quietly, without a word, Hireshmont rides forward with his me to where Retravic is mounted on horseback*

*He stops the horse, and looks at his soon to be wife. He moves the horse in nearer, and takes her hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing it slightly.*

"I... I find myself lost for words. I have been looking forward to this day, truly, I have."

King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force

Roleplay from Ben's

After seeing Hireshmont and Retravic reunited, Ben quickly left. He left a large part of his unit to watch over the two, making sure nothing would happen to the two of them. But he himself took a small personal guard with him. He did not know how welcomed he would be here as he had never traveled to the city before. But with three foreign government officals in the city he didnt want anyone to get any ideas. He walked the street, still dressed in his cerimonal armour, which was a silver breast plate with the Fwuvoghor emblem on it, over full chainmail, followed by the rest of the plate set to cover his arms and legs, he carried his helm underneath his arm. His two handed longsword, was worn on his back. His men were in full heavy armour, but only carried short swords and left the rest of their supplies at the inn.

Ben scanned the buildings on the main street, looking for a good pub to socialize in before the big day tomorrow. He finally was satisfied by one by the name of /Enweilieos'/ /Finest/. He open the door to find the pub almost empty. There were only a few upperclass men in there and the bar seemed to be one fit for noblity. He picked a table in the corner and sat down, two of his men joined him. The rest of his men scattered to other parts of the room. He then asked for his scribe. "Tell Hireshmont and Retravic that I will here for a while and would love it if they could join me. I have some things I want to talk about and it will be good to relax before the stressful day tomorrow." The scribe jotting it down, ran for the messanger to deliver the note to the two in the city center. Ben put his feet up on the table and leaned back waiting for the two to arrive.....

Minister of Defense of Republic of Fwuvoghor, Duke of Fwuvoghor

Roleplay from Retravic

Facing her husband to be, Retravic can't help but smile seeing her old comrade in arms. "Captain Ragen, you know what to do, take care of things. Have the Lieutenant ask Ben's men where he's setting up."

It had been a long time, seemingly forever. Ever since Oligarch... but all good things must come to and end. Smiling, she turns to Hireshmont as he says "I... I find myself lost for words. I have been looking forward to this day, truly, I have."

"It has... been a long time... Hireshmont. I don't think we've been able to talk face to face since... Oligarch fell. Has it really been that long? What do you say we do some catching up and leave the more important things to Ben's and Captain Ragen" she says while dismounting from her horse.

Later on her scribe told her Ben's was looking for her in Enweilieos' Finest...

Prime Minister and Grand Justiciar of Republic of Fwuvoghor

Roleplay from Hireshmont

*Hireshmont also dismounts*

"Oligarch.... yes, it was a long time ago. So much has happened since then, the world has turned. But here we are now."

*Ben's messenger mentions he is waiting at Enweilieos' Finest*

*Hireshmont offers his arm to Retravic as the soldiers form up around them as escorts. By now, a small contingent of peasants have formed up. Even as the home city of Enweil, it is rare to see royalty, especially two of them. The upcoming wedding was the talk of the city, and the royal entourage was gathering attention.*

*Hireshmont smirks slightly as the thought occurs to him that his small guard unit must not look very impressive... especially next to Retravic's. Hireshmont turns his head briefly to look at his men, grinning broadly, almost stupidly, at having such a chance to see the world. "They'll do.", Hireshmont thinks.*

"Well, I suppose we should start out simple. I've brought a priest along from Irombrozia to do the ceremony. A Qyrvaggian priest. Do you mind? If there's a problem with that, naturally, arrangements can be made to find a different priest somewhere nearby..."

*Hireshmont awaits a response*

King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force

Roleplay from Ben's

Ben still waits at the bar for the two. He was getting restless and he coudlnt think of what was taking so long. His men where getting tired, so he sent the second watch in and his day watch left for the inn they had set up as their HQ. He sat there waiting for the two to arrive.....

Minister of Defense of Republic of Fwuvoghor, Duke of Fwuvoghor

Out-of-Character from Hireshmont

Should we skip to the wedding, or continue where we are right now?

Lyman Stone

Out-of-Character from Retravic

Yeah, that would probably be a good idea.

Joe Truba

Roleplay from Hireshmont

(OOC- Skiping to the wedding)

*Hireshmont, in his full Kingly regalia, awaits on the main front stairs of what, years upon years ago, had been the Enweilian capitol building. He had considered getting married in the Eretzism temple nearby, but decided against it. Hudnreds of peasants had gathered, and the guards of Retravic and Hireshmont were scattered throughout, defensively. The Qyrvaggian priest Hireshmont had broughtg awaited calmly*

*The wedding march begins to play, and Retravic begins to come forward. Hireshmont cannot help but smile as he watches the figure of his soon to be queen approach. She draws nearer, and with her a new life, a changed life*

*When she is beside him, he turns to face the priest*

"We are gathered here today for the purpose of a joiner of love: marriage. For these two people, man and woman, to step into a new part of their life together. To consecrate their love, and to unify their spirits. These two have settled upon the match, and let no one break apart what Qyrvagg has brought together."

*The priest turns to Hireshmont*

"May the blessings of Qyrvagg be upon you and your household, and may it grow in strength and number."

*The priest turns to Retravic*

"May the blessings of Qyrvagg be upon you and your household, and may it grow in strength and number."

*The priest faces Hireshmont.*

"Hireshmont Vellos, do you take Retravic Slayer as your wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, to love and be near, to guard and to be for?"

*Hireshmont's mind goes back to the past. To his first love... his loss of her. To his sons... his loss of them. To the first nation he had loved... his loss of it. Maybe this time he wouldn't lose what he loved, maybe this time it would last.*

"I do."

*The priest turns to Retravic*

(OOC- Your turn)

King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force

Roleplay from Retravic

As she listened to the priest, Retravic was surprised at the number of peasants that had gathered. Who knew the two diplomats could draw such a crowd?

"Hireshmont Vellos, do you take Retravic Slayer as your wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, to love and be near, to guard and to be for?"

Out of the corner of her eye Retravic sees Hireshmont momentarily look far off, as though remembering something. She could guess at what it was, but it was unimportant...

"I do." he said.

"Retravic Slayer, do you take Hireshmont Vellos as your husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, to love and be near, to guard and to be for?"

She thought back to the old times. Isn't it strange how time changes things? Here she was, in virtually another world with the man she had fought alongside with on the walls of Oligarch, defending the city from the elven hordes. And now here she was, and she was going to marry him.

The small smile she had worn since she arrived was no longer so small as she said "I do."

Prime Minister and Grand Justiciar of Republic of Fwuvoghor

Roleplay from Hireshmont

*The priest spreads his hands in a welcoming gestures*

"You may kiss the bride."

*Hireshmont turns to Retravic, and looks into her eyes. He pauses for a moment.*

"I love you."

*He leans in and kisses her deeply*

*Then, he lifts her right up and turns to the crowd*

"Bring out the beer! We have a reception party to throw!"

*Hireshmont turns back to Retravic*

"No matter how far away I am, we are always together. No matter how many armies are between us, I will find a way to get to you. No matter what paths our nations may take, we shall be one."

King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force

Letter from Ben's

Ben stood proud and tall. His whole unit was surrounding the cerimony and he had instructed them to look the best. There were a lot of commoners there, but the noblitiy was small. Hireshmont brought no one with him, which in Ben's eyes was too dangerous. So his men were ready for anything. Ben watched the wedding and thought what was next for the two people and more importantly the two realms. This was an event that would bring the two together no matter who ruled it. This event could have aftermath that last forever. What would happen to him in all this? What would happen to his realm? He tried to brush all those thoughts away and focus on what he was here to do. He walked over to the after party egar to talk to the two about the future, but he did not want to disturb them on such a special day for them. He would have to approach them later when things calmed down.

Minister of Defense of Republic of Fwuvoghor, Duke of Fwuvoghor

Roleplay from Hireshmont

*As the various local guests, few foreigners are present, and Enweilian nobles enjoy the reception, Hireshmont sits at the high table with his now wife. It is beginning to get dark... the reception would soon end, and everyone would go home. Everyone would go home.*

*Hireshmont turns to Retravic*

"I think I'm still slightly in shock that this day came. I suppose I never thought of myself as the marrying sort... not really in the end."

*He smiles broadly, one cannot help but be happy on such a day.*

*Ben's rushes up to the couple, clearly wanting to discuss the futures of their two nations*

*Hireshmont laughs jovially*

"Please, please, Ben's, there will be time for politics later. Tonight is a night for celebration! Come, why don't you find yourself a lady to dance with and enjoy the party?"

King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force

Roleplay from Hireshmont

*A messenger comes up to Hireshmont and Retravic*

"M'lord, good news! Duke Possibility has declared tommorrow a holiday! There is to be great festivities and revelry all day!"

(OOC- Holiday was declared)

King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force

Roleplay from Ben's

The sky was dark, only lit by the few stars it held. The noise from Enweilieos could be heard from the surrounding regions. The city was lit and busy. People were celebrating the wedding and preparing the free day the next morning. Music was playing and food was being served. Many people attended the party. Ben had still been alert and ready for something bad to happen. He was still very strict about not letting his men drink or party much. He had not let them get much free time in the past day either. He had walked over to his second in command and given orders to oversee the secirity of the party while he took a walk.

He moved up on the walls of Enweilieos and gazed out to the harbor. He looked Northeast and saw his small city in the distance. Dispite it being a good two days travel away, it still could be seen over the flat terrian. He then thought about the realm. He was thinking that the people in Fwuvoghor where probobly doing the same thing they were here. He had given them a holiday and told nobles and commoners to relax and enjoy.

He then thought of the future of his realm and his city. What did the future hold? A rebellion in Fronen would either bring peace or war. The nobles of Fronen were already too egar to go to war with the Republic. Ben was also egar for something to happen. He was too bored at going through paperwork. He was too bored at just sitting around all day. He wanted to help efforts in the South. He wanted to go on campaigns to slay undead for glory and humanity. But none of these would happen. Things would change when he returned, he knew it. Alls he could do was wait.

Satisfied with his thoughts he turned back to the party and reissued orders to his men. He told his whole unit there was no more need for strict behaviour. He said they had already proven they were disiplent soldiers, so he gave them the rest of the night to enjoy the party.

Minister of Defense of Republic of Fwuvoghor, Duke of Fwuvoghor

Roleplay from Retravic

Retravic downed yet another barrel of mead, still smiling, her viking heritage showing its colours. The party had been going on for several hours by now, but it had yet to die down.

After all, how often are two of royalty wed?

Retravic turned to Hireshmont after the messenger brought them news of the holiday, her face not even hinting at the amount of alcohol she'd consumed (another trait of her heritage, and she would gladly drink more later, but now was not the time).

"Ben's is worried. He is my General, and he is at taking orders, but he is also more than able to think for himself. I guess thats why I chose him, after all. He knows, at some level, there is more to our marriage than we're letting on. If only he knew..."

Knowing things were good, she grabbed her new husband, kissing him not for the first time of the night, and definitly not the last. The night was young, and the party still went on.

Looking at her husband, she decided things would work out in the end. She was, at heart, still a viking, still a warrior, still a hero, still a follower of... Him. And the drums of war may soon call once again... the only question left was when.

Prime Minister and Grand Justiciar of Republic of Fwuvoghor

Roleplay from Hireshmont

*Hireshmont returns the kiss, honestly eager for the party to end.*

"Ben's is Qyrvaggian, right? Well, I must say" *Hireshmont sips at some wine, harder drink was never his forte, even though he, too, had Norse heritage* "He seems capable enough. And if he is Qyrvaggian... well..." *Hireshmont turns to Retravic and kisses her lightly on the forehead* "Who can stand against him?"

*Hireshmont looks at Retravic as she takes another drink of her mead, and thinks about where their marriage could lead. Naturally, there would be strong political implications. But... what of his original purpose for marriage? Would there be a child?*

"We'll take care of that tonight, I suppose...." he mumbles to himself.

King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force

Roleplay from Hireshmont

(OOC- I know this is late, but oh well)

*Hireshmont opens his eyes as the first rays of sunlight slip into the room. He is completely awake, no doubts there. The morning after his wedding, and he knows that, within a day or two, they would have to part ways again, and return to their nations*

*Hireshmont rolls over onto his side to look at his wife. Would they be able to pull it off? They would so rarely see each other... the distance would make it a challenge, a true challenge.*

*Retravic stirs slightly*

"Are you awake, my dear?"

King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force

Roleplay from Retravic

"Yes, I'm awake. I was just thinking that we should be leaving soon... we both have things to take care of, after all..."

And that was most definitly true. There was much to do...

Prime Minister and Grand Justiciar of Republic of Fwuvoghor