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{{Template:RealmInfobox |
{{Template:RealmInfobox |
realmname =Itorunt|
realmname = Itorunt|
smallcrest =|
smallcrest =|
locationimage = Itorunt.png|
locationimage = Itorunt.png|
Line 7: Line 7:
largestcity = [[East Continent/Itorunt|Itorunt]]|
largestcity = [[East Continent/Itorunt|Itorunt]]|
governmentsystem = [[Government_System#Monarchy|Monarchy]]|
governmentsystem = [[Government_System#Monarchy|Monarchy]]|
ruler_pos =King |
ruler_pos = Regina|
general_pos = High Marshal|
general_pos = Grand Marshal|
judge_pos = Arch Priest|
judge_pos = High Arbiter|
banker_pos = Royal Treasurer|
banker_pos = Royal Treasurer|
ruler = [[Vincent_Family#Lucian_Vincent.2C_King_of_Itorunt|Lucian]]|
ruler = Lady Morgana Lefanis|
general = Wilfred|
general = Sir Gryphon Dumeric|
judge = Lodius|
judge = Sir Ryndhal Nabarl|
banker = Manfred|
banker = Lady Morgana Lefanis|
regioncount = 15|
regioncount = 10|
population = 176125|
population = ca. 155564|
populationrank = 4th
populationrank = 6th

==Itorunt Diplomacy==
==Itorunt's Diplomacy==
We are in a federation with [[Ibladesh]] and [[Yssaria]] and are allied with [[Old Rancagua]], [[Sirion]], and [[Fontan]]. We have recently declared peace with everyone in events chronicled in the [[Itorunt Informer/August '06|Itorunt newspaper]], including peace with the long time enemies of our confederate [[Yssaria]], the kingdom of [[Caligus]] that has been forced to surrender.

===Current Status===
===Current Status===

We are currently regaining ancestral lands as part of the old region trade agreement from Ibladesh and securing these regions under our administration, as well as enjoying tournaments and efforts to capture monsters for training in our RC.
Itorunt was defeated by the combined forces of [[Caligus]] and [[Ibladesh]].  The government has fallen and all territoy has been claimed by Ibladesh or is rogue.

==Itorunt's History==

Itorunt is an ancient realm with a rich history. Unfortunately, we only have the middle history of Itorunt. The accounts of our ancient history has been lost to time. The modern history is yet to be recorded in detail, but we in Itorunt know it well. Although if you visit the [[Itorunt Informer]] archives I'm sure you can learn of our recent history.
Itorunt is an ancient realm with a rich history.  

===Gopherman's History of Itorunt===
Unfortunately, we only have the middle history of Itorunt. The accounts of our ancient history has been lost to time. The modern history is yet to be recorded in detail, but we in Itorunt know it well. Although if you visit the [[Itorunt Informer]] archives I'm sure you can learn of our recent history.

This is Itorunt, land of the brave, an ancient realm on the southern sea in the East Island.
For some primary sources we have: [[Itorunt/A History of Itorunt|A History of Itorunt]]

Itorunt's history dates back far back to the makings of the first island. While much of its history is lost, there are still those in Itorunt who have survived the worst, the thick and the thin, and if they want, they can tell history of before what I know. My first history of Itorunt was when they were allies with Ibladesh. The realm of Isadril and Ubent were involved (there is better history on the old wiki, and not on this page, but I hope to get it soon). Anyways, this was after Ubent had defeated Perden, and the Ubent empire streched all the way down to Xavax.
==Military of Itorunt==

However, the realm of Fallangard was created, and a war between Itorunt, and Fallangard was started. TK Jones, questionably the most influential TL in Itorunt's history, made an agreement when he was king that Itorunt would fight a war with Fallangard one on one, with no outside intervetion. Now it was during this long war that I entered the realm (and the game).  After months of fighting, a situation developed (and once again, details are not to be found here, but are to be found elsewhere) whereby Ubent attacked Ibladesh for fear of Ibladesh, Itorunt's long time ally, joining in with Itorunt against Fallangard. I think this was because TK had gotten Fallangard to join Itorunt, instead of fight them, but that may have happened after the Ubent attack.
Itorunt's military represents one of the most accomplished and distinguished fighting forces on the East Continent, boasting a fine military tradition of excellence and martial prowess. In the past Itorunt's military has been divided into specific divisions, however this method has fallen into disuse and now under the command of Lord Thray Walsh a new grouping, the Army of Tempests has been formed. Prior to the Army of Tempests, the Army of Golden Thunder was the primary army until its disbandment.

I still remember, the food code was new, and I was a trader, Ibladesh was starving, and due to the primitive food code Ubent won the battle in a matter of days. I could simply not get enough food to Ibladesh in time, and they city's stats dropped like a rock, and Ibladesh was quickly fourced into surrender, and Ubent continued their longstanding tradition of setting up "sister" realms, much like Perden, and Fallangard, where they changed the allances to their side, but left the realm to govern themselves. While this ensures that Ubent will never be destroyed, as their sister realm's actions will never fall on Ubent, the sister realms will eventually come around, as you shall see.
===Hall of Fame===

Anyways, Ibladesh turned on Itorunt, and under Ubent's control, attacked. Fallangard joined Itorunt, but Perden and Caligus quickly came to Ubent's aid. With the combined largest fource ever seen on the island, destroyed Fallangard, and striking Isadril, crushed the large fource defending the city.
In the past Divisions have been utilised and carried with them both a Hall of Fame; the records of such are kept here:

Fallangard's regons were quickly taken by Ubent, all the way down to Xavax, and Ibladesh picked up [[East Continent/Itor Boss|Itor Boss]] and Aeng in the aftermath. TK Jones was seriously wounded, as he led a last frantic charge to Isadril to get to the city before the seige, but was cought one turn too late, and the large army crushed him.
*[[/Itorunt Hall of Fame|Itorunt Hall of Fame]]
*[[/Division I Hall of Fame|Division I Hall of Fame]]
*[[/Division II Hall of Fame|Division II Hall of Fame]]

The rulership was up for grabs, and it could have gone to 15 different people, thats how many great TL's that could rule there are, Jabeer, the Nyles, Esprite, Ryandal, Tommy, just to name a few. However the public choice was me, the writer, Gopherman. I remember the day, I was gone for the day, and hadn't logged in for 2 turns, so I log in, and I was shocked!
===Fallen Heroes===
A record has been kept of Itorunt's heroes that have fallen in battle fighting bravely for our realm.
*[[Itorunt/Fallen Heroes|Itorunt's Fallen Heroes]]

Anyways, I then started the long uphill battle to save Itorunt from certon destruction. The closest allied realm was Fontan, or Coimbra, it was Itorunt against Caligus, Perden, Ibladesh, and Ubent. They should have finished us off quickly, and next, we never would have lasted, but they didn't. Perden left to go aid Oligarch once again, you can talk to Doc about that one, and Caligus and Ubent were left to retake what was slimmly remaining of Fallangard. However, godly intervention came. A new hero from the west arrived in Isadril, and using the power of the people created a new realm, the realm of Yssaria in the ashes of Isadril. And so began my story of peace, and saving the two realms.

I knew instantly that there was a link between Yssaria and Itorunt, and I vowed to do whatever I could to save the realm from the evil Bethe, tyrrant of Ubent. And I gave a passionate speach, probably (at least I think so) the most important speach in the history of the island, from Itorunt's and mine, point of view. I got Yamajima, the ruler of Perden to vow to protect Yssaria, and not to destroy it, like Bethe and Ubent wanted. Ubent showed who was really incharge, by simply ignoring Perden's wishes. Yamajima relized that there was nothing left for him to do, his council all had family members in Ubent (another think Doc can rant at better then I can), and he simply had no authority. He then resigned from the game, ending that chapter in Perden's involvement with the south.
*[[Itorunt Informer|The Itorunt Informer]]
This then began a near year long battle against Ibladesh. All this time, I spent time trying to convince numerous Ubent, and Ibladesh rulers to sign a peace with Itorunt, through Minerva, Mistress A. (sorry I destroyed that name...), now Mistress A was a great ruler, though she wasn't perminate. She did understand, and started me off on the long road. As for Ubent, just when I convinsed Bethe to swich, he vanished, never to be heard from again. I then worked on Quill? Was it Quill, I cannot remember the order, but eventually it moved to Ioshus. And finally, one of the greatest rulers, just wonderfull, was Sorcha. Understanding, charasmatic, and devoted to our cause, I spent months trying to open her eyes to the truth, Itorunt was not the villan, it was Ubent, who attacked Ibladesh, Itorunt's long time friend. The truth came out, through countless eye witnesses, even through God Thooommaas himself. Anyways, I finally convinced her to work to bring our realms closer, and through the help of Yssaria, who had grown, we joined together, in the Southern Allance, and finally attacked the dictator Ioshus (who OOC is great guy). Ubent quickly fell, and the begged Perden for help, Perden obliged, but not entirely willangly. A new ruler came to Ubent, and he brought sweeping change, and now we fight together against Perden, and Yssaria against Caligus.
We shall be victorious, we have the strength in numbers, and the strength in our hearts. Eleran, I love ya man! Lol, you too Sorcha.
I would also like to remind everyone that Itorunt is the ONLY realm on the ENTIRE East Island that is not offically at war with anyone. We have OK relations with every realm, and we are the most peacefull realm on the island, I like to promote peace, even with our enemies.
Gopherman--King of Itorunt
===Post-Gopherman History===
Itorunt changed some when Gopherman was wounded and Emanuel was elected King. In an effort to show Perdan and Ibladesh that Itorunt was serious about its obligations to our ally Ibladesh we declared a state of war with Perdan. Ibladesh had consistantly lost battles against our common enemy Perdan. Things changed for the better and Ibladesh after much difficulty and help from our northern allies we were able to defeat Perdan for good. We remain strong allies with Yssaria. Itorunt no longer desires to remain peacefull with its enemies and will persecute them with all of its might.
Emanuel--King of Itorunt
This has yet again changed. We remain peaceful. There was a pseudo-rebellion and Emanuel stepped down. TK Jones was re-elected and we were restoring peaceful relations until Ubent declared war on us.

The war ended well with Perdan and Itorunt was able to gain significant grounds. The New King Lucian admist some protest moved the Capital from Itorunt to Semall to help in the war. Shortly after the capital move the war ended.
==Religions and Religious Policy==

- Aurum [[Bishamon Family|Bishamon]]
The dominant religion in Itorunt is the [[Triumvirate Religion]].
<br> Modified by - Emanual Prophet of the Triumvirate

Itorunt's official policy regarding religion can be found [[Itorunt/Religious Edict|here]].
*[[Itorunt Informer|The Itorunt Informer]]
==Religions of Itorunt==
*The Triumvirate<br>Three goddesses that represent aspects that Itorunt holds dear. They also represent the seasons and winds from a compass point. There is a fourth goddess, known as the Crone, who is not usually directly worshiped as she holds negative aspects.<br>
**Elysia represents Spring and the East. Her symbol is a torch which warms the cold away. She is the youngest and stands for enlightenment and truth. Truth and honesty shine forth, but also self discovery and curiousity. The hopefulness of youth.<br>
**Aulysia the South wind can is a warrior goddess. She represents summer, when most wars are held. She is middle aged and strong. Her symbols are the shield, sword  & spear. She represents vanqueshing evil. Her shield protects all and her weapons reach far.<br>
**Zama the West wind is a matronly figure, she represents fall and harvest time. Her symbols are the sickle & scales. The scales represent the accounting of things for much financial transactions happen at harvest time, and the sickle for the harvest. The areas of the mind, diplomacy, trading, and negotiations are her area of expertise.<br>
**Ballisa the North wind, also known as the Crone, who's north wind brings the cold of winter. She adds mystery to the religion and stands for the unknown. The Crone is the Queen of the Underworld and cares for little besides those that fall under her realm. Until they are dead, she has little use for them. Her priests usually act to appease her in the winter months and pray for the undead to quiet.<br><br>Each goddess represents specific aspects with real life attachments. The cycle of the seasons and life are represented. The mystic symbols of the torch of enlightenment, the sword and shield of war, and the scales of balance. All represent aspects that we hold dear. General followers worship each aspect of the for winds equally, and the first rank of preisthood balances each of the goddesses. Higher ranking preists begin to specialize there teachings into one aspect of the four. Finally the Propet of the four completes the cycle and worships all four again with equality.
The Lost Scrolls of  the Triumvirate were found by Emanual of Itorunt. Emanual said he was traveling to do beurocratic work in Dayr, when he saw a previously sunken cave in the Zamor region. Curious he and his squire ventured up to the cave. Emanual and his squire didn’t see anything in the shallow cave and decided to set up camp. During the night Emanual had a dream. In the dream there were four women. One was young and beautiful holding a Torch she beckoned for Emanual to come to the back of the cave. She held her torch up against the back of the cave and Emanual could see that there was once a shelf in the cave. The woman pointed at the ground and Emanual could see a tunnel with handholds cut into the rock. There were three women at the bottom of the tunnel and they gestured for him to climb down. Emanual climbed down into the lost Library of the Triumvirate. Emanual began to speak to the women but suddenly was awakend by his squire. The cave was once again cold and dark. Morning was on the horizon and Emanual explained to his squire his dream while they build a fire to cook breakfast and warm themselves. Emanual and his squire discovered that indeed the tunnel existed, but it needed to be dug out. Emanual and his squire returned to Semall and bought digging equipment. They returned to Zamor and excavated the tunnel and unearthed the forgotten scrolls of The Triumvirate. Emanual spent time translating all of the scrolls and now it is spring for The Triumvirate in Itorunt after a long winter.

*[[Order of the Doughnuts/East Continent|Order of the Doughnuts]]<br>
*[[Order of the Doughnuts/East Continent|Order of the Doughnuts]]<br>
*Band of the Savage Hand (All but dead)<br>
**Ibladesh (Itorunt has several nobles in the guild, but we have no guildhouses within realm's borders)
*Church of Oc Lu Pesh<br>
**Oc Lu Pesh (Itorunt has several nobles in the guild, but we have no guildhouses within the realm's borders)
*Itorunt's Royal Guild<br>
*Itorunt's Royal Guild<br>
**Itorunt, Semall
**Itorunt, Semall
*[[Royal Itorunt Military Academy/East Island Guilds|Royal Itorunt Military Academy]]
*Soul of Itorunt<br>
*Soul of Itorunt<br>
*Order of the White Shield
*Order of the White Shield
**Xavax, Ejarr Puutl
**Xavax, Ejarr Puutl, Semall

==Fallen Heroes==
A record of Itorunt's heroes that have fallen in battle fighting bravely for our realm.
*[[Itorunt/Fallen Heroes|Itorunt's Fallen Heroes]]
==Hall of Fame==
Currently both Divisions have a Hall of Fame. Talk to your Division Leaders for updated Hall of Fame records.
*[[/Division I Hall of Fame|Division I Hall of Fame]]
*[[/Division II Hall of Fame|Division II Hall of Fame]]
*[[/Itorunt Hall of Fame|Itorunt Hall of Fame]]

[[Category: East Island]]
[[Category: Lost Realms]]
[[Category: Realms]]
[[Category:Lost Realms of East Continent]]
[[Category: History]]
[[Category:Original Realms of East Continent]]

Latest revision as of 17:24, 8 October 2018

Itorunt's Diplomacy

Current Status

Itorunt was defeated by the combined forces of Caligus and Ibladesh. The government has fallen and all territoy has been claimed by Ibladesh or is rogue.

Itorunt's History

Itorunt is an ancient realm with a rich history.

Unfortunately, we only have the middle history of Itorunt. The accounts of our ancient history has been lost to time. The modern history is yet to be recorded in detail, but we in Itorunt know it well. Although if you visit the Itorunt Informer archives I'm sure you can learn of our recent history.

For some primary sources we have: A History of Itorunt

Military of Itorunt

Itorunt's military represents one of the most accomplished and distinguished fighting forces on the East Continent, boasting a fine military tradition of excellence and martial prowess. In the past Itorunt's military has been divided into specific divisions, however this method has fallen into disuse and now under the command of Lord Thray Walsh a new grouping, the Army of Tempests has been formed. Prior to the Army of Tempests, the Army of Golden Thunder was the primary army until its disbandment.

Hall of Fame

In the past Divisions have been utilised and carried with them both a Hall of Fame; the records of such are kept here:

Fallen Heroes

A record has been kept of Itorunt's heroes that have fallen in battle fighting bravely for our realm.


Religions and Religious Policy

The dominant religion in Itorunt is the Triumvirate Religion.

Itorunt's official policy regarding religion can be found here.


Location of Itorunt
Continent / Island East Continent
Capital Semall
Largest City Itorunt
Government System

Grand Marshal
High Arbiter
Royal Treasurer


Lady Morgana Lefanis
Sir Gryphon Dumeric
Sir Ryndhal Nabarl
Lady Morgana Lefanis

Region Numbers 10
Population ca. 155564 (6th)