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Fingal Din is the son of Argus & Sabetha Din.  To the Scots, Fingal means "white stranger" although his friends refer to him as Crazy Fingal the Bard.  Fingal is a skilled woodsman and fearless fighter like his father. But, as his father would say, he is "crazier than an owl turd, just like his mother."  
Fingal Din is the twin sons of Argus & Sabetha Din.  To the Scots, Fingal means "white stranger" although his friends refer to him as Fingal the Bard.  Fingal is a skilled woodsman and fearless fighter like his father. His father would often say, "Fingal is the smart one in the family...but that's not saying much!"

Fingal is the Stepbrother of Mikolas that is currentlt residing in Pertora.  
Fingal is the brother of Mikolas that is currently residing in Perdan as a Knight of Nascot. His twin brother Dingal is in the Cagilan Empire and a Knight of Iknopata.  And his older brother Drexel roams the hills of Iknopata in Old Grehk as an adventurer.
Fingal has recently been appointed as Baron of Wasteland in the soon to be Obsidian Isles.

Fingal has a fine barritone voice and is often enjoyed around the campfire for the fine way he tells his tales.  Here is one of his favorites:
Fingal has a fine barritone voice and is often enjoyed around the campfire for the fine way he tells his tales.  Here is one of his favorites:
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Once again, on their way back from Partora, The Headbuster Brigade had stopped for the evening to make camp. The men were restless and the many changes going on in Caligus was of course keeping everyone on edge. Although normally occupied with scout reports, requests from the locals and such, tonight Fingal decided that his time would be better spent with the men.
Pulling up a barrel to sit on, Fingal joined his men around the fire. What little conversation there was stopped as an uncomfortable silence fell over the men. Trying to figure out how to break the uncomfortable silence Fingal finally spoke up and said, "Did I ever tell you men about the bear hunt I once had in the woods of Muese?"
Looking at each other, unsure quite how to respond to the out of the blue remark from their Troop Leader, finally second in command Sargent Curr said, "No Sire you haven't. Please share your tale with us."
Fingal took a long draw from the mug he held and began "You see this happened many years ago when I was but a young lad. I had this old skin and bones dog named Ol' Blue. Ol' Blue was one of the greatest hunting dogs I have ever owned and on this particular day Ol' Blue and I were hunting for a rabbit or two to take home to Mom. Well, as soon as we entered the patch of woods, Old Blue hit a trail. I could hear him howling his head off, but then I could tell that his bark had changed and he had something up a tree. Well, I figured we might not have rabbit tonight, but if he had treed a badger or a fox that would work just fine."
Fingal looked around at the men who were leaned so that they could hear. He continued "You see, I was listening to Ol’ Blue’s singing as it echoed through the woods and the sound of it started me reminiscing about all the hunt’s me and that dog had. I snapped back to reality when a yelp shattered the rhythm of the song Ol’ Blue had been singing. I could tell that I wasn’t more than 150 yards from him and I had to get there fast, Ol’ Blue was in trouble. I busted through a few more yards of brush and there they were in front of me, Ol Blue and the biggest bear I had ever laid eyes on. The size of the bear or the fact that he had spotted me hadn’t bothered me yet. All I could see was my motionless dog lying there covered in blood. The bear had gained a few yards on me by the time I realized that I better forget the dog and start worrying about the bear. I had noticed that the bear was big, but I hadn’t seen how big he was until now. His shadow alone must have weighed a quarter ton. The bear was coming on strong now, and couldn’t have been more than twenty-five yards away by the time I got my crossbow up and fired. Immediately I knew that I had hit high as I saw the blood splash up on his right shoulder. I started to nock another quarrel and then...."
I stopped the story at that point and looked away.
The crackling of the fire was the only sound for long moments as the men waited anxiously for Fingal to finish. Finally, Sargent Curr couldn't wait any longer and asked “Well, what happened Sire!”
Keeping his head turned away, Fingal said, “Never mind, I don’t really like the end of this story.”
“Why?, Does Ol' Blue get killed?” he asked.
“No,,,, Not that....It's because every time I tell it my crossbow breaks and I get killed!” Fingal said walking away with a wide grin. Several steps away from the fire he could hear the men start to chuckle and then laugh heartily as they get the joke.
Opening the letter his scribe had just handed him, Fingal begins to read....
Dear brother,
I am currently tied up chasing some undead, but will arrive at the tourney soon. Until I get there, look for a couple of my friends, Sir Maelg, Count of Dimwood and Ser Magnus a Viking, and Knight of Bescannon. We have traveled and drank a lot in Perdan and I look forward to you meeting them.
P.S. Whatever you do, don't let Magnus around any of the Vulture Spleen Vodka.
Your brother,
Fingal folded the letter back and put it in his pocket. "Vulture Spleen Vodka...wonder what that is?", he said outloud as he passed a tent with a sign that said "Tumbles Tent Tavern".....Hmmmmmmm
Walking across the parade grounds, Fingal spotted a sign that read "Tumbles Tent Tavern." Fingal stopped and pulled a drawstring bag from his waist. Reaching in he pulls out a shiney gold piece emblazoned with the banner of Caligus on it. Fingal steps up to the bar and lays the gold coin down....
"My name's Tumbles, what can I get you friend?" asked the bartender as he wiped out a glass with a dirty rag. A deep battle scar across his forehead turned upward as he smiled at Fingal.
"I wish to try some of this Vulture Spleen Vodka I've been hearing about." said Fingal.
The bartender rolled his eyes as he reached behind him, "Been hanging around those Viking types, huh? Be careful, this isn't your normal drink." he said pouring a clear liquid from a bottle to the mug in front of Fingal, and then turned back to his duties.
Fingal eyed the glass as he reached in his pocket. Pulling his favorite pipe from his pocket, he tapped it on the side of the bar and then began to stuff it with fresh herbs and smoke-weed.
Turning from his duties, the bartender Tumbles turned just in time to see Fingal start striking his flint box. Quickly, reaching across the bar, he knocked the flintbox and pipe from Fingals hand....sending it flying across the room.
Fingal insinctivley drew his sword and stepped back as Tumbles yelled, "What are you daft man, you trying to kill us all!"
Fingal eyed the bartender warily. Not sure what had just transpired.
"You have to be careful with that Vulture Spleen Vodka!" Tumbles said, "one spark and we will all end up blown to Ubent!"
Fingal sheathed his sword and with hesitation reached across the bar to try this dangerous drink. After all if a Viking could handle it.....Fingal could handle it......
"28 horns of mead on the wall 28 horns of mead! Take one down pass is around.....er what number are we on now?"
Fingal staggered in between his brother and his newfound Viking friend Magnus. After downing the rest of the drinking horn he asked Magnus, "So how long have yer been drinkin' the Spulcher Veen Vodka....burp.....I heard it was kind of flammanableee.....flamaball....uh, I heard it will catch fire!"
"How many have you had already?" Mikolas asked.
Fingal held up three fingers and said "Six!"
"You know our dear old Pa used to tell us not to drink anymore!" Mikolas said smiling.
"Yep! But he also said not to drink any less!" Fingal said laughing so hard that he lost his balance and fell against the bar......
Mikolas stood at the bar sharing another mug of mead with Magnus and sliding a fresh mug over to Maelg, who had just stepped in.....
"Did you just hear something?", Mikolas asked.
Magnus pointed down and said, "I think it's your brother."
Mikolas looked down at Fingal who was sitting on the floor, leaning against the bar. The effects of the Vulture Spleen Vodka were apparently in full swing as Fingal was currently trying to catch his right thumb with his left hand and not having much luck.
"Hath you theen my fet.....feet." Fingal asked to no one in particular.
"What?" Mikolas asked.
"I thed, hath you theen my feet!" said Fingal.
Mikolas shook his head, "Yes, I've seen your feet. They are very dirty and at the end of your legs....why?"
Fingal looked around dumbfounded for a moment and then said, "Becauth I wanted ta go thumwhere....and I cant find my fee....." the smile faded from Fingal's face as his head fell back, and he once again fell against the bar sound asleep.
Mikolas just shook his head and turned back to his friends Magnus and Maelg, "Another round?" he asked......
......some bar in Partora.
Mikolas raised his throbbing head and pushed away the chair parts that were laying on him. Looking around at the damage, he hoped that Queen Evangiline had not been informed of the bar brawl at this tournament. Last time that Mikolas, Maelg, Magnus & SINBAD had started a fight at a tournament, she had made them apoligize.
Standing, Mikolas looked around and found his little brother Fingal still lying against the bar, fast asleep. Pulling the broken barrel and chair parts off his brother, he reached up a slapped him hard against the face...
"What!....Where?....Where am I?" Fingal asked.
Mikolas reached up and took a piece of broken mug out of his brothers ear and said, "The tourney in Partora....you light-weight!"
"Yep! Light Weight! You had two lousy mugs of Vulture Spleen Vodka and you have been passed out for three days!......You really embarrassed me in front of my Viking friend Magnus....passing out after two mugs....who would have thought!"
Fingal looked around at the devastation in the bar, "Did we have a bar-fight?"
"We?.....Well, we didn't have a bar-fight, although I did throw you at a few people.....by the way.....you could stand to lose some weight." Mikolas laughed.
Fingal finally stood, holding onto the bar. "You know brudder, I think I need a change of scenery. I am becoming a light-weight.....It's this thrice dammned peace! My senses are dulled and my sword arm has been idle too long...."
"Well, brother I have just the thing for you." Mikolas said, "I hear that there is still a little adventure left up around the Obsidian Isles.....a friend of mine Karlson is up there now.....I could write a letter of introduction for you.....but are you really ready to leave Caligus?"
"I love Caligus brudder, and now that our family home is here....it means even more to me....." he trailed off, "But, I need more right now, I need new adventures and challeneges.....I think I will travel up there and check it out.....you can watch after the home front for a while."
Mikolas put his arm around his brothers shoulder and they began to walk out of the demolished bar, "You know you could just "fly" up there!"
"I can't fly you big idiot.....!", Fingal responded.
"You could last night!" Mikolas retorted, "You could last night little brother!.......Heh Heh Heh....."
......in the Din Family home in Partora.
Standing there looking out the window of his room, Fingal felt a pang of regret. He loved Caligus. He wasn't even sure he wanted to leave, but he needed more right now. He needed someplace that he could show his worth as more than just a warrior. His brothers were perfectly happy with their lot as brazen, drunken berzerker warriors, but not Fingal.
He reached into the dresser drawer and took out some breetches, tunics and a few various other items that he wanted on the trip, and stuffed them into his rucksack.
Fingal's thoughts drifted to the next thing he had to do. He was going to leave his Headbuster Brigade behind. He had trained these 27 men, taught them to work together and they had formed a unit with more heart than any other he had commanded. He would miss them most of all.
Fingal stopped and took one last look around at his room.....this wasn't the end.....he would be back someday......
Fingal leaned over the rail of the ship and stared into the cool blue waters below. This was his first time he had traveled on the sea, and after ridding his intestines of last night stew, he was beginning to get his "sea-legs." Deep in thought about the major changes that had come into his life so quickly, Fingal failed to notice that one of his men had walked up alongside him....
"Boy, am ever ready to get my feet back on land sir!" , the young man said.
"Not too much longer," Fingal replied, "and we will be in our new land."
The young man looked nervous, and Fingal understood. He was a little nervous also. He had never left his homeland before. He had grown up in Partora, and there he had stayed except for serving awhile in the Caligan army.
"What are the Obsidian Isles like?", the youth asked.
"Well, from what I hear, it's mostly rocky and dry. I have heard a rumor that there is a mountain that spews fire....but, who knows." Fingal said, pulling his pipe from his pocket...he began to stuff a small picnch of pipe-weed into it.
"Pardon me for saying so, but that doesn't sound very promising." said the young soldier.
"Maybe not, but I do know many of the new settlers...Karlson, Kerwyn, Atticus, Orion, Arkan and many others that I have heard tales told about. We will be starting a new colony, and many will be starting a new life, with a new chance for glories and honor. Follow orders, follow your heart and you will have chances that would not have been possible elsewhere.", Fingal patted the young man on the shoulder and walked back toward the cabin.....
Striking his flint-box, he puffed at the pipe as his mind turned back to the conversation he just had. His whole unit was young and inexperienced like that young man. He had been low on funds when he passed through Perdan City, so he just couldn't afford some of the best trained men. He had recruited mostly from The Maimed Seagull, but Fingal had turned men just like these into warriors before.
He had left those warriors doing militia work in Partora. The thought of those brave warriors doing militia work pained him, but the past was gone....it was time to look towards these new recruits, turn them into warriors. Turn them into an army to serve the Obsidian Isles and their new King Shady......
......in the region of Wasteland.
Baron Fingal steps out onto the porch of his recently rebuilt coutry estate. Looking out across the meager hovels and the thin people that worked the small areas of tillable soil. The takeover of Wasteland had left the already forsaken land in even worse condition than nature had left it, and now the Queen had entrusted him to bring this region back to where it was.
Nay, that was not enough. Fingal needed to bring this region up to it's full potential...not the status quo that was.
But, looking out over the land...he knew his job would be hard. Looking at the locals as they passed, he could see the hatred hidden behind the glassy look in their eyes. He knew that the slightest chance and they would try to rebel. Fingal took solace in the fact that his brother Mikolas had stopped to visit and the presence of the forty-one soldiers of The Gutbuster Brigade had quieted things down considerably.
A man walked by pushing an ox cart full of turnips.
"Good Day Sire.", he said as he passed.
"And a good day to you my fine man." Fingal responded.
The farmer continued down the dirt road.
Fingal watched as the farmer continued down the road. Production has started...even if it is meager. A dozen new people have been entered on the tax rolls. Wasteland was rebuilding.
This is a tough land, Fingal thought. But, not as tough as I am.....
....in his study.
"Captain Bertold!" Baron Fingal says loudly.
"Yes, M'Lord." Captain Bertold says as he enters the room.
"I need you to take a letter."
Captain Bertold glares at Baron Fingal, but does not move or say a word.
"Captain, I am well aware of your rank....and rest assured as soon as I can afford a scribe, I will hire one. But, it will not be to preserve your station but, rather to make my dispatches readable!" Baron Fingal stated, "Now....I need you to take a letter!"
Reluctantly, Captain Bertold, took quill and parchment from the desk and sat in front of Baron Fingal.
"Send this to Duke Johann of Chaos Temple.....
I, Fingal Din, having been elected to the office of Baron of Wasteland do in the name of the Almighty swear that I will be faithful and true to the Duchy of Chaos Temple; that I will at all times preserve, protect and defend the laws and people of the Duchy.
I further solemnly swear that should I at any time break this oath of office I shall submit myself to the laws of the Duchy of Chaos Temple and suffer the penalty for it.
...have that dispatched as quickly as possible Captain."

Baron Fingal turned and looked out the window.....day by day, he thought. Day by day.....

By the way, Fingal has been known to search the woods tirelessly just before a battle.  He believes it to be good luck to carry an owl turd in his pocket during battle.

Latest revision as of 23:34, 30 March 2007

Fingal Din is the twin sons of Argus & Sabetha Din. To the Scots, Fingal means "white stranger" although his friends refer to him as Fingal the Bard. Fingal is a skilled woodsman and fearless fighter like his father. His father would often say, "Fingal is the smart one in the family...but that's not saying much!"

Fingal is the brother of Mikolas that is currently residing in Perdan as a Knight of Nascot. His twin brother Dingal is in the Cagilan Empire and a Knight of Iknopata. And his older brother Drexel roams the hills of Iknopata in Old Grehk as an adventurer.

Fingal has recently been appointed as Baron of Wasteland in the soon to be Obsidian Isles.

Fingal has a fine barritone voice and is often enjoyed around the campfire for the fine way he tells his tales. Here is one of his favorites:

"Born in the days of glories now gone.

Men of honor, men of proud song.

A knight in armor with a fine gleaming sword.

Echos of the past, heard in a bard's chord.

Life was lived, for glory and pride.

Into songs and history, forever you'll ride."

Once again, on their way back from Partora, The Headbuster Brigade had stopped for the evening to make camp. The men were restless and the many changes going on in Caligus was of course keeping everyone on edge. Although normally occupied with scout reports, requests from the locals and such, tonight Fingal decided that his time would be better spent with the men.

Pulling up a barrel to sit on, Fingal joined his men around the fire. What little conversation there was stopped as an uncomfortable silence fell over the men. Trying to figure out how to break the uncomfortable silence Fingal finally spoke up and said, "Did I ever tell you men about the bear hunt I once had in the woods of Muese?"

Looking at each other, unsure quite how to respond to the out of the blue remark from their Troop Leader, finally second in command Sargent Curr said, "No Sire you haven't. Please share your tale with us."

Fingal took a long draw from the mug he held and began "You see this happened many years ago when I was but a young lad. I had this old skin and bones dog named Ol' Blue. Ol' Blue was one of the greatest hunting dogs I have ever owned and on this particular day Ol' Blue and I were hunting for a rabbit or two to take home to Mom. Well, as soon as we entered the patch of woods, Old Blue hit a trail. I could hear him howling his head off, but then I could tell that his bark had changed and he had something up a tree. Well, I figured we might not have rabbit tonight, but if he had treed a badger or a fox that would work just fine."

Fingal looked around at the men who were leaned so that they could hear. He continued "You see, I was listening to Ol’ Blue’s singing as it echoed through the woods and the sound of it started me reminiscing about all the hunt’s me and that dog had. I snapped back to reality when a yelp shattered the rhythm of the song Ol’ Blue had been singing. I could tell that I wasn’t more than 150 yards from him and I had to get there fast, Ol’ Blue was in trouble. I busted through a few more yards of brush and there they were in front of me, Ol Blue and the biggest bear I had ever laid eyes on. The size of the bear or the fact that he had spotted me hadn’t bothered me yet. All I could see was my motionless dog lying there covered in blood. The bear had gained a few yards on me by the time I realized that I better forget the dog and start worrying about the bear. I had noticed that the bear was big, but I hadn’t seen how big he was until now. His shadow alone must have weighed a quarter ton. The bear was coming on strong now, and couldn’t have been more than twenty-five yards away by the time I got my crossbow up and fired. Immediately I knew that I had hit high as I saw the blood splash up on his right shoulder. I started to nock another quarrel and then...."

I stopped the story at that point and looked away.

The crackling of the fire was the only sound for long moments as the men waited anxiously for Fingal to finish. Finally, Sargent Curr couldn't wait any longer and asked “Well, what happened Sire!”

Keeping his head turned away, Fingal said, “Never mind, I don’t really like the end of this story.”

“Why?, Does Ol' Blue get killed?” he asked.

“No,,,, Not that....It's because every time I tell it my crossbow breaks and I get killed!” Fingal said walking away with a wide grin. Several steps away from the fire he could hear the men start to chuckle and then laugh heartily as they get the joke.

Opening the letter his scribe had just handed him, Fingal begins to read....

Dear brother,

I am currently tied up chasing some undead, but will arrive at the tourney soon. Until I get there, look for a couple of my friends, Sir Maelg, Count of Dimwood and Ser Magnus a Viking, and Knight of Bescannon. We have traveled and drank a lot in Perdan and I look forward to you meeting them.

P.S. Whatever you do, don't let Magnus around any of the Vulture Spleen Vodka.

Your brother,


Fingal folded the letter back and put it in his pocket. "Vulture Spleen Vodka...wonder what that is?", he said outloud as he passed a tent with a sign that said "Tumbles Tent Tavern".....Hmmmmmmm

Walking across the parade grounds, Fingal spotted a sign that read "Tumbles Tent Tavern." Fingal stopped and pulled a drawstring bag from his waist. Reaching in he pulls out a shiney gold piece emblazoned with the banner of Caligus on it. Fingal steps up to the bar and lays the gold coin down....

"My name's Tumbles, what can I get you friend?" asked the bartender as he wiped out a glass with a dirty rag. A deep battle scar across his forehead turned upward as he smiled at Fingal.

"I wish to try some of this Vulture Spleen Vodka I've been hearing about." said Fingal.

The bartender rolled his eyes as he reached behind him, "Been hanging around those Viking types, huh? Be careful, this isn't your normal drink." he said pouring a clear liquid from a bottle to the mug in front of Fingal, and then turned back to his duties.

Fingal eyed the glass as he reached in his pocket. Pulling his favorite pipe from his pocket, he tapped it on the side of the bar and then began to stuff it with fresh herbs and smoke-weed.

Turning from his duties, the bartender Tumbles turned just in time to see Fingal start striking his flint box. Quickly, reaching across the bar, he knocked the flintbox and pipe from Fingals hand....sending it flying across the room.

Fingal insinctivley drew his sword and stepped back as Tumbles yelled, "What are you daft man, you trying to kill us all!"

Fingal eyed the bartender warily. Not sure what had just transpired.

"You have to be careful with that Vulture Spleen Vodka!" Tumbles said, "one spark and we will all end up blown to Ubent!"

Fingal sheathed his sword and with hesitation reached across the bar to try this dangerous drink. After all if a Viking could handle it.....Fingal could handle it......

"28 horns of mead on the wall 28 horns of mead! Take one down pass is around.....er what number are we on now?"

Fingal staggered in between his brother and his newfound Viking friend Magnus. After downing the rest of the drinking horn he asked Magnus, "So how long have yer been drinkin' the Spulcher Veen Vodka....burp.....I heard it was kind of flammanableee.....flamaball....uh, I heard it will catch fire!"

"How many have you had already?" Mikolas asked.

Fingal held up three fingers and said "Six!"

"You know our dear old Pa used to tell us not to drink anymore!" Mikolas said smiling.

"Yep! But he also said not to drink any less!" Fingal said laughing so hard that he lost his balance and fell against the bar......

Mikolas stood at the bar sharing another mug of mead with Magnus and sliding a fresh mug over to Maelg, who had just stepped in.....

"Did you just hear something?", Mikolas asked.

Magnus pointed down and said, "I think it's your brother."

Mikolas looked down at Fingal who was sitting on the floor, leaning against the bar. The effects of the Vulture Spleen Vodka were apparently in full swing as Fingal was currently trying to catch his right thumb with his left hand and not having much luck.

"Hath you theen my fet.....feet." Fingal asked to no one in particular.

"What?" Mikolas asked.

"I thed, hath you theen my feet!" said Fingal.

Mikolas shook his head, "Yes, I've seen your feet. They are very dirty and at the end of your legs....why?"

Fingal looked around dumbfounded for a moment and then said, "Becauth I wanted ta go thumwhere....and I cant find my fee....." the smile faded from Fingal's face as his head fell back, and he once again fell against the bar sound asleep.

Mikolas just shook his head and turned back to his friends Magnus and Maelg, "Another round?" he asked......

......some bar in Partora.

Mikolas raised his throbbing head and pushed away the chair parts that were laying on him. Looking around at the damage, he hoped that Queen Evangiline had not been informed of the bar brawl at this tournament. Last time that Mikolas, Maelg, Magnus & SINBAD had started a fight at a tournament, she had made them apoligize.

Standing, Mikolas looked around and found his little brother Fingal still lying against the bar, fast asleep. Pulling the broken barrel and chair parts off his brother, he reached up a slapped him hard against the face...

"What!....Where?....Where am I?" Fingal asked.

Mikolas reached up and took a piece of broken mug out of his brothers ear and said, "The tourney in Partora....you light-weight!"


"Yep! Light Weight! You had two lousy mugs of Vulture Spleen Vodka and you have been passed out for three days!......You really embarrassed me in front of my Viking friend Magnus....passing out after two mugs....who would have thought!"

Fingal looked around at the devastation in the bar, "Did we have a bar-fight?"

"We?.....Well, we didn't have a bar-fight, although I did throw you at a few people.....by the way.....you could stand to lose some weight." Mikolas laughed.

Fingal finally stood, holding onto the bar. "You know brudder, I think I need a change of scenery. I am becoming a light-weight.....It's this thrice dammned peace! My senses are dulled and my sword arm has been idle too long...."

"Well, brother I have just the thing for you." Mikolas said, "I hear that there is still a little adventure left up around the Obsidian Isles.....a friend of mine Karlson is up there now.....I could write a letter of introduction for you.....but are you really ready to leave Caligus?"

"I love Caligus brudder, and now that our family home is here....it means even more to me....." he trailed off, "But, I need more right now, I need new adventures and challeneges.....I think I will travel up there and check it out.....you can watch after the home front for a while."

Mikolas put his arm around his brothers shoulder and they began to walk out of the demolished bar, "You know you could just "fly" up there!"

"I can't fly you big idiot.....!", Fingal responded.

"You could last night!" Mikolas retorted, "You could last night little brother!.......Heh Heh Heh....."

......in the Din Family home in Partora.

Standing there looking out the window of his room, Fingal felt a pang of regret. He loved Caligus. He wasn't even sure he wanted to leave, but he needed more right now. He needed someplace that he could show his worth as more than just a warrior. His brothers were perfectly happy with their lot as brazen, drunken berzerker warriors, but not Fingal.

He reached into the dresser drawer and took out some breetches, tunics and a few various other items that he wanted on the trip, and stuffed them into his rucksack.

Fingal's thoughts drifted to the next thing he had to do. He was going to leave his Headbuster Brigade behind. He had trained these 27 men, taught them to work together and they had formed a unit with more heart than any other he had commanded. He would miss them most of all.

Fingal stopped and took one last look around at his room.....this wasn't the end.....he would be back someday......

Fingal leaned over the rail of the ship and stared into the cool blue waters below. This was his first time he had traveled on the sea, and after ridding his intestines of last night stew, he was beginning to get his "sea-legs." Deep in thought about the major changes that had come into his life so quickly, Fingal failed to notice that one of his men had walked up alongside him....

"Boy, am ever ready to get my feet back on land sir!" , the young man said.

"Not too much longer," Fingal replied, "and we will be in our new land."

The young man looked nervous, and Fingal understood. He was a little nervous also. He had never left his homeland before. He had grown up in Partora, and there he had stayed except for serving awhile in the Caligan army.

"What are the Obsidian Isles like?", the youth asked.

"Well, from what I hear, it's mostly rocky and dry. I have heard a rumor that there is a mountain that spews fire....but, who knows." Fingal said, pulling his pipe from his pocket...he began to stuff a small picnch of pipe-weed into it.

"Pardon me for saying so, but that doesn't sound very promising." said the young soldier.

"Maybe not, but I do know many of the new settlers...Karlson, Kerwyn, Atticus, Orion, Arkan and many others that I have heard tales told about. We will be starting a new colony, and many will be starting a new life, with a new chance for glories and honor. Follow orders, follow your heart and you will have chances that would not have been possible elsewhere.", Fingal patted the young man on the shoulder and walked back toward the cabin.....

Striking his flint-box, he puffed at the pipe as his mind turned back to the conversation he just had. His whole unit was young and inexperienced like that young man. He had been low on funds when he passed through Perdan City, so he just couldn't afford some of the best trained men. He had recruited mostly from The Maimed Seagull, but Fingal had turned men just like these into warriors before.

He had left those warriors doing militia work in Partora. The thought of those brave warriors doing militia work pained him, but the past was gone....it was time to look towards these new recruits, turn them into warriors. Turn them into an army to serve the Obsidian Isles and their new King Shady......

......in the region of Wasteland.

Baron Fingal steps out onto the porch of his recently rebuilt coutry estate. Looking out across the meager hovels and the thin people that worked the small areas of tillable soil. The takeover of Wasteland had left the already forsaken land in even worse condition than nature had left it, and now the Queen had entrusted him to bring this region back to where it was.

Nay, that was not enough. Fingal needed to bring this region up to it's full potential...not the status quo that was.

But, looking out over the land...he knew his job would be hard. Looking at the locals as they passed, he could see the hatred hidden behind the glassy look in their eyes. He knew that the slightest chance and they would try to rebel. Fingal took solace in the fact that his brother Mikolas had stopped to visit and the presence of the forty-one soldiers of The Gutbuster Brigade had quieted things down considerably.

A man walked by pushing an ox cart full of turnips.

"Good Day Sire.", he said as he passed.

"And a good day to you my fine man." Fingal responded.

The farmer continued down the dirt road.

Fingal watched as the farmer continued down the road. Production has started...even if it is meager. A dozen new people have been entered on the tax rolls. Wasteland was rebuilding.

This is a tough land, Fingal thought. But, not as tough as I am.....

....in his study.

"Captain Bertold!" Baron Fingal says loudly.

"Yes, M'Lord." Captain Bertold says as he enters the room.

"I need you to take a letter."

Captain Bertold glares at Baron Fingal, but does not move or say a word.

"Captain, I am well aware of your rank....and rest assured as soon as I can afford a scribe, I will hire one. But, it will not be to preserve your station but, rather to make my dispatches readable!" Baron Fingal stated, "Now....I need you to take a letter!"

Reluctantly, Captain Bertold, took quill and parchment from the desk and sat in front of Baron Fingal.

"Send this to Duke Johann of Chaos Temple.....

I, Fingal Din, having been elected to the office of Baron of Wasteland do in the name of the Almighty swear that I will be faithful and true to the Duchy of Chaos Temple; that I will at all times preserve, protect and defend the laws and people of the Duchy.

I further solemnly swear that should I at any time break this oath of office I shall submit myself to the laws of the Duchy of Chaos Temple and suffer the penalty for it.

...have that dispatched as quickly as possible Captain."

Baron Fingal turned and looked out the window.....day by day, he thought. Day by day.....