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In accordance with Article 4 of the [[Sanguis_Astroism/Charter|Severine Charter]] this document records all decrees made by the elder council. All decrees listed herein are to be considered standing unless they have explicit expiration clauses or have been struck-down by subsequent decrees.
In accordance with Article 4 of the [[Sanguis_Astroism/Charter|Severine Charter]] this document records all decrees made by the elder council. All decrees listed herein are to be considered standing unless they have explicit expiration clauses or have been struck-down by subsequent decrees.

== Declaration of a Crusade In Defense of Swordfell during the Lurian Invasion ==
For over five years now our faith has suffered horrors and atrocities never before seen in the history of our church. In the name of vengeance for an insignificant religious riot the Lurian Empire has orchestrated a genocidal campaign across their lands and beyond, burning our temples, slaughtering our temple guards and lay-faithful, and manipulating the survivors into joining their loathsome imperial cult known as "Lux Nova". 
In the face of this scourge we have shown remarkable restraint. Even as the names of the martyrs grew beyond our ability to recall or count we did not go on the offensive. Even as they went abroad to destroy the temple of Mimer, one of our most holy sites we chose only defense, never attack. And further we tried every means of diplomacy to slake their lust for blood. I offered my very life if they would only spare the temple of Giask, the last left in their lands. However their hatred burns like an eternal and all consuming flame. For years we have been guided by a watchful Austere, but now a Bright Auspicious lends us wisdom and the Maddening waxes, stirring the beat of our hearts to match the drumbeats of war.
The Lurians have revealed the depths of their depravity by declaring war on Swordfell, their most stalwart ally, for no other reason than that they welcome our faith, and that I, many years ago, served as one of their nobles. A once noble realm, the Lurians seem to have abandoned all noble concepts of honor and loyalty. They wage war for the sake of killing, they destroy for the sake of destroying, they betray for the joy of betrayal. In short they commit evil for evil's sake.
In response to this unchecked malevolence, and inspired by the valiant resistance of the Fellish people the church is declaring a crusade for the first time since the fall of Astrum. The terms of the crusade are as follows:
1. All Fellish nobles who are members of the church, unless they already hold a higher rank, shall be granted the rank of knight crusader and may draw on temple funds to defray the costs of their military units.
2. Any faithful noble that bares arms against Luria Nova, sacks a Lux Nova Temple, or captures a Sun priest, will be granted the same
3. All faithful nobles are encouraged to support the crusade, whether through arms, diplomacy, ungentlemanly warfare, or financial support. Anyone who volunteers to help deliver funds to the Fellish temples will also be granted the rank of Knight crusader, excepting those already possessed of higher rank
Faithful, I urge you to petition your leaders to declare war upon the Lurian Empire. Do not let them be fooled into thinking that the Lurians as they are now can be appeased nor let them continue to believe the specious argument that "If we simply leave them alone they will cause us no trouble". They do not ever sincerely seek peace, only time to weaken their enemies, for despite their incredible power and wealth they are at heart great cowards. When they invaded Astrum, on pretenses as flimsy as those they use now, their ambassador implored the nations of Dwilight to take action, warning them "Tomorrow it will be you". Tomorrow has come for Swordfell. Let it not come for D'Hara, Westgard, nor Avenor. There will never be a more opportune time to take a stand against the Lurian Empire. We will only grow weaker, more disunited, more vulnerable, and they only stronger and more emboldened.
May the Bloodstars Save Dwilight,
Severina Erickson
Duchess of Belianzi's Breath
Margravine of Nifelhold
Priestess of Sanguis Astroism
Prophetess of Sanguis Astroism
== Decree establishing the rank of == Sanguine Ranger' ==
The elder council has approved a new aspirant rank "Sanguine Ranger" which shall have a monthly grant of 1 gold. To become a ranker and maintain this status, an adventurer must hunt rogues in the lands East of Yggd'Razhuul and north of Huang Hai. The purpose is to help them coordinate and support their activities so that they may reduce the rogue infestations in the north that threaten Holy Tol Goldora and prevent us reclaiming sacred lands such as the Holy City of Caiyun.

== Decree for the Recognition of Tol Goldora as a Theocracy of Sanguis Astroism ==
== Decree for the Recognition of Tol Goldora as a Theocracy of Sanguis Astroism ==

Latest revision as of 15:33, 16 September 2024

In accordance with Article 4 of the Severine Charter this document records all decrees made by the elder council. All decrees listed herein are to be considered standing unless they have explicit expiration clauses or have been struck-down by subsequent decrees.

Declaration of a Crusade In Defense of Swordfell during the Lurian Invasion


For over five years now our faith has suffered horrors and atrocities never before seen in the history of our church. In the name of vengeance for an insignificant religious riot the Lurian Empire has orchestrated a genocidal campaign across their lands and beyond, burning our temples, slaughtering our temple guards and lay-faithful, and manipulating the survivors into joining their loathsome imperial cult known as "Lux Nova". 

In the face of this scourge we have shown remarkable restraint. Even as the names of the martyrs grew beyond our ability to recall or count we did not go on the offensive. Even as they went abroad to destroy the temple of Mimer, one of our most holy sites we chose only defense, never attack. And further we tried every means of diplomacy to slake their lust for blood. I offered my very life if they would only spare the temple of Giask, the last left in their lands. However their hatred burns like an eternal and all consuming flame. For years we have been guided by a watchful Austere, but now a Bright Auspicious lends us wisdom and the Maddening waxes, stirring the beat of our hearts to match the drumbeats of war.

The Lurians have revealed the depths of their depravity by declaring war on Swordfell, their most stalwart ally, for no other reason than that they welcome our faith, and that I, many years ago, served as one of their nobles. A once noble realm, the Lurians seem to have abandoned all noble concepts of honor and loyalty. They wage war for the sake of killing, they destroy for the sake of destroying, they betray for the joy of betrayal. In short they commit evil for evil's sake.

In response to this unchecked malevolence, and inspired by the valiant resistance of the Fellish people the church is declaring a crusade for the first time since the fall of Astrum. The terms of the crusade are as follows:

1. All Fellish nobles who are members of the church, unless they already hold a higher rank, shall be granted the rank of knight crusader and may draw on temple funds to defray the costs of their military units.

2. Any faithful noble that bares arms against Luria Nova, sacks a Lux Nova Temple, or captures a Sun priest, will be granted the same

3. All faithful nobles are encouraged to support the crusade, whether through arms, diplomacy, ungentlemanly warfare, or financial support. Anyone who volunteers to help deliver funds to the Fellish temples will also be granted the rank of Knight crusader, excepting those already possessed of higher rank

Faithful, I urge you to petition your leaders to declare war upon the Lurian Empire. Do not let them be fooled into thinking that the Lurians as they are now can be appeased nor let them continue to believe the specious argument that "If we simply leave them alone they will cause us no trouble". They do not ever sincerely seek peace, only time to weaken their enemies, for despite their incredible power and wealth they are at heart great cowards. When they invaded Astrum, on pretenses as flimsy as those they use now, their ambassador implored the nations of Dwilight to take action, warning them "Tomorrow it will be you". Tomorrow has come for Swordfell. Let it not come for D'Hara, Westgard, nor Avenor. There will never be a more opportune time to take a stand against the Lurian Empire. We will only grow weaker, more disunited, more vulnerable, and they only stronger and more emboldened.

May the Bloodstars Save Dwilight,

Severina Erickson Duchess of Belianzi's Breath Margravine of Nifelhold Priestess of Sanguis Astroism Prophetess of Sanguis Astroism

Decree establishing the rank of == Sanguine Ranger'

The elder council has approved a new aspirant rank "Sanguine Ranger" which shall have a monthly grant of 1 gold. To become a ranker and maintain this status, an adventurer must hunt rogues in the lands East of Yggd'Razhuul and north of Huang Hai. The purpose is to help them coordinate and support their activities so that they may reduce the rogue infestations in the north that threaten Holy Tol Goldora and prevent us reclaiming sacred lands such as the Holy City of Caiyun.

Decree for the Recognition of Tol Goldora as a Theocracy of Sanguis Astroism

The Elder Council formally recognizes Tol Goldora as a theocracy of the Divine Blood Stars

Decree for the Creation of the Elder Rank "Captain of the Temple Guard"

The Elder council approves the creation of a new elder rank "Captain of the Temple Guard". Their duty is the assist the Lord Commander in maintaining the temple guard to the best of their ability. Directly defending temples when necessary and possible would also be encouraged. The Lord Commander will permit them to hire or fire temple guards, and enlarge temples in order to better defend them. In all matters they are to be considered subordinate to the Lord Commander and should not take any official actions against his orders. Like other elders they must announce their intentions before taking official action and allow two days time for any objections.

The Captain will be entitled to borrow up to 100 gold from the treasury, with which to hire new guards. If these resources are insufficient they may request additional funds be deposited at a temple of their choice. Fulfilling such requests is at the discretion of any noble of the church who wishes to donate and no one is under any obligation to do so.

Though the Captain holds elder rank they are not officially members of the Elder Council. They do not vote nor can they officially introduce a matter to vote upon. They may be asked to report to the council or offered the opportunity to contribute to discussions. The elder council is under no obligation to share any deliberations with the Captain.

The Captain shall be selected by the Lord Commander. They may issue a call for applicants to find suitable candidates. The Council of Three will then have two days to vote on the selected candidate. They may vote to approve, veto, or call for a period of deliberation. If two days pass without a vote from at least two voting elders this shall be considered a vote of "no objection" and the candidate shall be made Captain.

The Captain shall serve for life unless they resign or are dismissed. A Captain may be dismissed by the Lord. Commander or by vote of the Council of Three. The Commander or the council, such as the case may be, shall announce if the Captain is being dismissed honorably or dishonorably. In the event that it is the Lord Commander who has initiated the dismissal, there shall be a two day grace period during which voting elders may approve the dismissal, reject it, or call for a period of a deliberation. If two days pass without a vote from at least two voting elders this shall be considered a vote of "no objection" and the Captain shall be dismissed"

Decree for the Creation of the Elder Rank of Luminary

"The Elder council approves the creation of a new elder rank "Luminary". Luminaries must be priests. They are non-voting elders who serve as advisors and help to maintain the priest and secular balance within the elder council. Candidates for Luminary are nominated by the Prophetess and then approved by a majority vote of the Council of Three. The Luminary serves for life unless they resign or are dismissed by a a 2/3rds vote of the council of three. When a motion is made to dismiss the council must state if this is an honorable or dishonorable dismissal. The elder council is not obligated to fill the rank of Luminary when there is no need for one."

A Decree for the Protection of Priests and the Regulation of Hostile Religious Actions

1. Sacrosanctity of Priests

Priests should by default be considered sacrosanct. Members of this body are forbidden to injure or accost them in any way and shall be punished for doing so according to the nature and severity of the transgression. A priest's sacrosanctity however is not absolute and may be lost or limited under certain conditions.

1.2 There are three degrees of violation of sacrosanctity:

1.2.1 A violation in the third degree shall consist of any noble arresting a priest or a Astroist judge deporting a priest to another continent. The punishment for such violations shall be determined by the elder council. Under certain circumstances a violation of sacrosanctity in the third degree shall be permissible for certain individuals. In others a violation in the third degree may be upgraded to a violation in the second (see:hostile religious actions). The arrest of a priest by local authorities, such as may happen when they travel through enemy territory or fail an auto de fe or religious takeover, shall not be considered a violation on the part of the region lord, only those arrests expressly ordered by them constitute a violation of sacrosanctity in the third degree.

1.2.2 A violation in the second degree shall consist of any Astroist noble assaulting a priest as an infiltrator or conspiring to see a priest wounded or killed. In absence of mitigating circumstances the punishment for such an assault by a member of this church is excommunication. The excommunication shall not be rescinded without a majority vote of the elder council in response to sincere acts of contrition.

1.2.3 A violation in the first degree shall consist of an Astroist Judge executing or attempting to execute a priest. A violation in the first degree shall never be acceptable, only a priest who has been stripped of sacrosanctity may be killed. Anyone of this congregation who commits a violation of sacrosanctity in the first degree shall not only be excommunicated but proscribed. Their name shall be placed upon a list of the proscribed and cannot be removed save by a unanimous vote of the council in recognition of extreme contrition. The church shall henceforth consider their lands a legitimate target for auto de fes in perpetuity wherever they may reside. Any noble of the faith who wounds a proscribed enemy of the church shall, should they desire it, be granted an honorific rank and a reward of 500 gold.

2. Hostile Religious Actions

2.1 Oversight by the Elder Council

Hostile religions actions may be divinely inspired and acts inspired by the Holy Blood Stars should not be punished by the church. There are ways of determining if one's motives are consistent with the will of the Blood Stars. There shall be investigations into all uses of Auto De Fes, Religious Takeovers, persecution of heretics, and sermons meant to spread disloyalty to the ruling realm and cause general unrest. The prophet(ess) and other priests shall examine the events leading up to the incident, consult the Blood Star charts, assess the priest's mental state before, during, and immediately after the event, and consider any possible ulterior motives the priest may have.

2.2 Suspension of Sacrosanctity

When a priest uses a hostile religious action against a secular target citizens of that realm shall be exempted from prosecution for violation of sacrosanctity in the third degree only. There is an exception to this. If the noble arrests the priest with full knowledge that the realm's judge intends to execute them and the execution is carried out they shall be guilty of a violation of sacrosanctity in the second degree.

2.3 Rogue Priests

In addition, if the council believes a priest is not acting based on divine inspiration or in the interests of the church but rather out of personal gain, malice, mental or spiritual corruption, or otherwise malevolent motives, they may declare them rogue via a standard council vote. A rogue priest is stripped of all sacrosanctity."

Lord Commander of the Temple Guard

The Elder council approves the creation of a new elder rank "Lord Commander of the Temple Guard". Their duty is to oversee distribution of guards at our temples, increasing garrison numbers at temples that may be under threat and decreasing them at temples that are safe and have no need for them. Directly defending temples when necessary and possible would also be encouraged. The Lord Commander's authority will permit them to hire or fire temple guards, and enlarge temples in order to better defend them. Like other elders they must announce their intentions before taking official action and allow two days time for any objections.

The Lord Commander will be entitled to borrow up to 200 gold from the treasury and will receive a grant of 20 gold per month, with which to hire new guards. If these resources are insufficient they may request additional funds be deposited at a temple of their choice. Fulfilling such requests is at the discretion of any noble of the church who wishes to donate and no one is under any obligation to do so.

Though the Lord Commander holds elder rank they are not officially members of the Elder Council. They do not vote nor can they officially introduce a matter to vote upon. They may be asked to report to the council or offered the opportunity to contribute to discussions. The elder council is under no obligation to share any deliberations with the Lord Commander.

The Lord Commander shall be selected by the Prophetess. She shall do so by issuing a call for applicants and hand selecting the one she feels makes the strongest proposal. The council will then have two days to vote on the selected candidate. They may vote to approve, veto, or call for a period of deliberation. If two days pass without a vote from either elder this shall be considered a vote of "no objection" and the candidate shall be made Lord Commander.

The Lord Commander shall serve for life unless they resign or are dismissed. Dismissal of the Lord Commander shall be by vote of the Elder council. When voting the council shall state if they are being dismissed honorably or dishonorably. When the post of Lord Commander becomes vacant it is at the Prophetess' discretion whether or not to appoint a new one.