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=The of Arescod Dynasty=
=The of Arescod Dynasty=

[[Image:Arescod banner.jpg|200px|thumb|right|The heraldics of the Arescodian nobles.]]  
[[Image:Arescod banner.jpg|200px|thumb|right|The heraldics of House Arescod in the past.]]
===The Beginnings===
The of Arescod family is an old and relatively unknown noble family, having used a laidback policy over the past decennia to a moderate succes. As a result its family holdings in [[Ulitsa]] had grown in wealth allowing them to expand their influence outwards. Ulitsa is a peaceful and rural coast region, known for its gentle climat and pleasant situation in the Barcan lands of [[Dwilight]]. The House of Arescod always had close ties with the [[of Rynir Family|House of Rynir]]. Although they eachother as allies, they have long since been severed, and the family of Rynir is but an old memory. Their rise to power began right before the war between the Federation of [[Véinsørmoot]] and [[Luria Nova]].

The of Arescod family is an old and relatively unknown noble family, having used a laidback policy over the past decennia to a moderate succes. As a result its family holdings in [[Ulitsa]] have grown in wealth allowing them to expand their influence outwards. Ulitsa is a peaceful and rural coast region, known for its gentle climat and pleasant situation in the Barcan lands of [[Dwilight]]. Their rise to power began right before the war between the Federation of [[Véinsørmoot]] and Luria Novia. The House of Arescod always had close ties with the [[of Rynir Family|House of Rynir]].
Unfortunately, most of this was lost when the horde or monsters arose. Much of the family's power and prestige were all gone. Nevermind wealth. The old manor is now ruined, and only the brave find their way there to loot. But not one of them has made it back.

Their origins are a blend of the Southern Dwilight cultures and they share many of the local beliefs and traditions. They are of a somewhat low noble descent, and they have a quite martial tradition because of that. This resulting in sharing a tradition that started in [[Port Nebel]] and also have a form of birth swords. Instead, the user receives their sword once he has come of age, as a rite of passage. This sword is only smithed at that point, to avoid giving a man a sword unfit for his physique. While they stick to some traditions they are quite innovative, allowing their members to keep a clear mind in a situation where another noble would be clouded by prejudices.  
===The Continuation===
It has been a few dozen years but a side-family carrying same surname, has appeared on a different continent, [[Beluaterra]]. There, centered in the region of [[Vore]], they once again pride themselves as a noble house. Once again they are expanding outwards, but this time with a very keen look on their surroundings. The manor has been upgraded with a very simple keep, allowing the family to rest at ease when the Daemons rise, at least, so long the tide has been beaten back. However since [[Thalmarkin]] has been driven away and the control over the region was lost, there have been voices of unrest within the Arescod estate.  

==Family Members==

The current head of the family, Tyvandor of Arescod, freely reigns over the family's keep, offering some ample but helpful support to his relatives and offspring. The heir apparant of the family is Roran of Arescod.
===Lambert of Arescod===
While you may not look upon him to find the tallest of nobles, Lambert definitely has the strength part down. But to say that he uses his strength to the fullest potential would be untrue. His demeanor is calm, almost abnormally so! Very rare are the opportunities that give Lambert a reason to smile, nevermind feel sadness. Sternnesss is the exact quality you're looking at.

The first to leave his newfound home in [[Vore]], he has been in [[Thalmarkin]] eversince. He has been busy with the war that has driven him out of Vore, and hopes that one day he can welcome his kin back.

===Margaretha of Arescod===
Contrary to the former and much to his chagrin when they both lived at home, Margaretha is quite tall for a woman. This has ensured, amongst other things, that she's quite nervous when taking critisism. Her true passion lies in travelling. She wishes to see the world, and all that it may offer. That's why she travelled back to Dwilight, to discover!

When she arrived she had taken a knight's position in [[Poryatu]]. The region is quite rich, and could do well for her, but she'd be off visiting a whole new world. Curiously, and without her knowing of this, she has taken the oath at [[Luria Nova]], the exact realm her past family fought against with their might.

==Family Members - Deceased==

==Family Members==
====Roran of Arescod====

====Roran of Arescod - Deceased====
[[Image:Roran of Arescod.jpg|275px|thumb|right|A painting of Roran of Arescod, prepared for battle.]]  
[[Image:Roran of Arescod.jpg|275px|thumb|right|A painting of Roran of Arescod, prepared for battle.]]  
Roran was the first of his family to venture outwards to make a name for himself and his family in the realm of [[Barca]]. He quickly received his own region of [[Thysan]] in the North of Barca. He took at interest in religion, albeit not too heavily. He become a follower of [[Verdis Elementum]].  he, according to the laws of the realm, takes his duty of protecting the freedom of religion of his people very seriously. In the Barcan war against [[Luria Nova]] he attacked [[Port Nebel]]. After it's third siege they succeeded in capturing [[Port Nebel]].

Eventually he too was forced out his ancestral home of [[Ulitsa]], together with the rest of his family. He went to live on the Eastern side of [[Dwilight]], but he was not content. He organised a group of nobles who were to try and relinquish the monsters horde over Western Dwilight. He was about to begin a rise around Eastern Dwilight in support of those nobles between realms who felt like him, that he disappeared. No sign of him was ever seen.

Roran was the first of his family to venture outwards to make a name for himself and his family at the young age of 17. He started out locally, as a knight under the service of Senator Childerik de Merovech, founder of the [[De Merovech Family]], but quickly rose through the hierarchy of [[Barca]] and received his own region of [[Thysan]] in the North of Barca.  
====Robin of Arescod - Deceased====
Robin has appeared on [[Atamara]] mere days after Roran, and ended up in [[Galadia]]. He is less ambitious and more reserved than his slightly older cousin Roran, and started out as a humble knight in the realm of [[Silnaria]]. After plunging straight into the Silnarian-Minas Leon war he fought valiantly, but was brutally scarred during his first real conflict, planting the seeds of anger and embitterment in his soul.
He experienced the beginning of the Cultus of the Bear Lords in Barca and was involved in the struggle of it trying to set up and grow. His bastard sister was blackmailed into converting, which she denied to, leading to her outrageous execution. He has taken this very personal, as the only way the world could work is if everyone would keep themselves to at least a st of rules. As a result, while he himself is a devout believer of [[Verdis Elementum]] he, according to the laws of the realm, takes his duty of protecting the freedom of religion of his people very seriously.  
He participated in the unsuccesful first siege of Port Nebel and fought valiantly to conquer the battlements but was driven off the walls along with his unit of levied spearmen. He suffered no injuries worth mentioning that day, but his first great battle washed away his inexperience with blood. After the battle on the way home to refit and restock his first unit was ambushed and defeated by monsters, upon which he decided to recruit an entirely new unit.
After the unsuccesful second siege of Port Nebel he and his men slowly made their way back to the capital to refit, being delayed greatly by the winter weather and an inexperienced ferry captain. This time his unit survived the battle in a better shape, but it helped that his household footknights were a lot better equipped than the levy spearmen he led the last siege.
After the third siege of Port Nebel he and his soldiers broke through the Lurian defences and managed to strike the hated enemy archers. This lust for veangeance amongst his men was so great that instead of caputring the enemy commander they tried killing him instead, what led to his escape. Nonetheless, his soldiers fought valiantly and helped the recapture of Port Nebel for the Southern Alliance.
With the monster outbreak after the strange man's rituals he was forced to leave his homeland, along with nearly everyone else living on the Western Dwilight Continent. The situation looked dire as the monsters started creating burrows and new forts all over previously colonized lands, and Roran was swift to acknowledge the size of the problem, and to act accordingly.
He is often seen wearing a gambeson with his family's heraldics proudly displayed on them. However, when he goes to battle he always reveals the blank steel plate of his plate armour. He always carries his trusted bastard sword crafted by a Nebellese mastersmith.

====Robin of Arescod====
After many battles, fights and skirmishes he has rapidly grown under the constant stress of being a knight pitched in a full-out war. He was appointed to the lordship of the region [[Galadia]], taking a turn for the better. His religious life took a turn too, having become a faithful aspirant in [[The Order]]. After the monster outbreak he bought the [[Sword_of_Flame|Sword of Flame]] from [[le_Drake_Family|Melot le Drake]] to smite Silnaria's enemies. Unfortunately, his tracks end here. He was probably eaten by monsters, or slain in battle.
Robin is a cousin of Roran, and ventured towards the continent of [[Atamara]] mere days after Roran set out. Also being 17 years old, he started out as a humble knight in Galadia. He is less ambitious and more reserved than his slightly older cousin Roran, and started out as a humble knight in the realm of [[Silnaria]]. After plunging straight into the Silnarian-Minas Leon war he fought valiantly, but was brutally scarred during his first real conflict, planting the seeds of anger and embitterment in his soul.
After many battles, fights and skirmishes he has rapidly grown under the constant stress of being a knight pitched in a full-out war. He had been wounded during a miscoordinated attack, taking an arrow shaft into his leg. He was recently appointed to the lordship of the region [[Galadia]] and has changed his tactics eversince. Instead of joining the fray, he took op a company of archers to support his realm instead, as fighting from a distance certainly is more effective than from up close and personal. His religious life took a turn too, having become a faithful aspirant in [[The Order]]. He hopes to finally melt his body and soul into one in order to avoid chaos, and find order.
After the monster outbreak he bought the [[Sword_of_Flame|Sword of Flame]] from [[le_Drake_Family|Melot le Drake]] to smite Silnaria's enemies.

====Helena of Arescod - Deceased====
====Helena of Arescod - Deceased====
A bastard daughter of Tyvandor of Arescod, the father of both her and Roran, the patriarchof the family. She was his firstborn yet unlawfull child, and a s a result only seen as a mere commoner by most. In the contrary though she has received a decent education and handles the pen as well as the sword. She has made herself useful for the family which has given her so many more things than usual for a bastard child by offering her services as a hunter of undead and monsters in Barca. After she reported being blackmailed by Sir Chuldah Keuerleber into converting to the new and young Bear Lords religion she was imprisoned for further investigation, yet executed for forgery by the Lord Justice.
A bastard daughter of Tyvandor of Arescod, the father of both her and Roran, the patriarchof the family. She was his firstborn yet unlawfull child, and a s a result only seen as a mere commoner by most. In the contrary though she has received a decent education and handles the pen as well as the sword. She has made herself useful for the family which has given her so many more things than usual for a bastard child by offering her services as a hunter of undead and monsters in Barca. After she reported being blackmailed by Sir Chuldah Keuerleber into converting to the new and young Bear Lords religion she was imprisoned for further investigation, yet executed for forgery by the Lord Justice.
====Sander of Arescod====


====Sander 'of Arescod' - Deceased====
An adopted child, and a false-brother to Robin of Arescod. Even though he enjoyed a sort of noble upbringing he, knowing of his own adopted origins, was quite the rebel. All his lessons about reading, history, art, music and any other noble activity were wasted on him, as all he really cared about was the sword. The moment he learned that with a simple piece of steel created by smelting rocks hidden in the ground one could slay any man, no matter what colour his blood was, he was sold. Hours and hours were swallowed into his obsession as his skill with fighting in general improved. Now, as a man of 20 years old, he ventured into the world to make use of his abilities, running away from the boring life of a noble to which he'd never be recognised anyways. When scouting in the region of Eregon, he discovered the [[Doomed Breastplate of the Zuma]].
An adopted child, and a false-brother to Robin of Arescod. Even though he enjoyed a sort of noble upbringing he, knowing of his own adopted origins, was quite the rebel. All his lessons about reading, history, art, music and any other noble activity were wasted on him, as all he really cared about was the sword. The moment he learned that with a simple piece of steel created by smelting rocks hidden in the ground one could slay any man, no matter what colour his blood was, he was sold. Hours and hours were swallowed into his obsession as his skill with fighting in general improved. Now, as a man of 20 years old, he ventured into the world to make use of his abilities, running away from the boring life of a noble to which he'd never be recognised anyways. When scouting in the region of Eregon, he discovered the [[Doomed Breastplate of the Zuma]].

When hunting for undead in Nark he was ambushed by a small undead army, and unable to escape. The locals found him, beaten to the brink of death, and hardly breathing at all. He was quickly brought from the circle of his own blood to a healer and he spent half of Spring recovering from his gruesome injuries. This encounter turned him a little bit more grim. He staretd realising that being a great swordsman is no guarantee for survival, and that living or dying is a matter of luck. This made him more wary and distrusting of his environment, but has had no real results so far.
When hunting for undead in Nark he was ambushed by a small undead army, and unable to escape. The locals found him, beaten to the brink of death, and hardly breathing at all. He was quickly brought from the circle of his own blood to a healer and he spent half of Spring recovering from his gruesome injuries. This encounter turned him grim. He staretd realising that being a great swordsman is no guarantee for survival, and that living or dying is a matter of luck. This made him more wary and distrusting of his environment, but has had no real results until then.

After selling the Doomed piece of armour to [[le_Drake_Family|Jocelin le Drake]] he turned towards the Royal Barcan academies with his new stache of gold to improve his mastery of the sword. However, his newfound fortune didn't last long when he made an impolite joke about Sir Chuldah's bastard son, and he was quickly imprisoned and tortured. Spending the largest part of the monster invasion locked up in a cold cell underneath Rettleville, he curses his own fate.
After selling the Doomed piece of armour to [[le_Drake_Family|Jocelin le Drake]] he turned towards the Royal Barcan academies with his new stache of gold to improve his mastery of the sword. However, his newfound fortune didn't last long when he made an impolite joke about Sir Chuldah's bastard son, and he was quickly imprisoned and tortured. Spending the largest part of the monster invasion locked up in a cold cell underneath Rettleville, he cursed his own fate.

--[[User:Roran|Roran]] ([[User talk:Roran|talk]]) 04:18, 5 November 2013 (CET)
--[[User:Roran|Roran]] ([[User talk:Roran|talk]]) 04:18, 5 November 2013 (CET)
[[Category: Families]]

Latest revision as of 09:24, 25 May 2020

The of Arescod Dynasty

The heraldics of House Arescod in the past.

The Beginnings

The of Arescod family is an old and relatively unknown noble family, having used a laidback policy over the past decennia to a moderate succes. As a result its family holdings in Ulitsa had grown in wealth allowing them to expand their influence outwards. Ulitsa is a peaceful and rural coast region, known for its gentle climat and pleasant situation in the Barcan lands of Dwilight. The House of Arescod always had close ties with the House of Rynir. Although they eachother as allies, they have long since been severed, and the family of Rynir is but an old memory. Their rise to power began right before the war between the Federation of Véinsørmoot and Luria Nova.

Unfortunately, most of this was lost when the horde or monsters arose. Much of the family's power and prestige were all gone. Nevermind wealth. The old manor is now ruined, and only the brave find their way there to loot. But not one of them has made it back.

The Continuation

It has been a few dozen years but a side-family carrying same surname, has appeared on a different continent, Beluaterra. There, centered in the region of Vore, they once again pride themselves as a noble house. Once again they are expanding outwards, but this time with a very keen look on their surroundings. The manor has been upgraded with a very simple keep, allowing the family to rest at ease when the Daemons rise, at least, so long the tide has been beaten back. However since Thalmarkin has been driven away and the control over the region was lost, there have been voices of unrest within the Arescod estate.

Family Members

Lambert of Arescod

While you may not look upon him to find the tallest of nobles, Lambert definitely has the strength part down. But to say that he uses his strength to the fullest potential would be untrue. His demeanor is calm, almost abnormally so! Very rare are the opportunities that give Lambert a reason to smile, nevermind feel sadness. Sternnesss is the exact quality you're looking at.

The first to leave his newfound home in Vore, he has been in Thalmarkin eversince. He has been busy with the war that has driven him out of Vore, and hopes that one day he can welcome his kin back.

Margaretha of Arescod

Contrary to the former and much to his chagrin when they both lived at home, Margaretha is quite tall for a woman. This has ensured, amongst other things, that she's quite nervous when taking critisism. Her true passion lies in travelling. She wishes to see the world, and all that it may offer. That's why she travelled back to Dwilight, to discover!

When she arrived she had taken a knight's position in Poryatu. The region is quite rich, and could do well for her, but she'd be off visiting a whole new world. Curiously, and without her knowing of this, she has taken the oath at Luria Nova, the exact realm her past family fought against with their might.

Family Members - Deceased

Roran of Arescod - Deceased

A painting of Roran of Arescod, prepared for battle.

Roran was the first of his family to venture outwards to make a name for himself and his family in the realm of Barca. He quickly received his own region of Thysan in the North of Barca. He took at interest in religion, albeit not too heavily. He become a follower of Verdis Elementum. he, according to the laws of the realm, takes his duty of protecting the freedom of religion of his people very seriously. In the Barcan war against Luria Nova he attacked Port Nebel. After it's third siege they succeeded in capturing Port Nebel.

Eventually he too was forced out his ancestral home of Ulitsa, together with the rest of his family. He went to live on the Eastern side of Dwilight, but he was not content. He organised a group of nobles who were to try and relinquish the monsters horde over Western Dwilight. He was about to begin a rise around Eastern Dwilight in support of those nobles between realms who felt like him, that he disappeared. No sign of him was ever seen.

Robin of Arescod - Deceased

Robin has appeared on Atamara mere days after Roran, and ended up in Galadia. He is less ambitious and more reserved than his slightly older cousin Roran, and started out as a humble knight in the realm of Silnaria. After plunging straight into the Silnarian-Minas Leon war he fought valiantly, but was brutally scarred during his first real conflict, planting the seeds of anger and embitterment in his soul.

After many battles, fights and skirmishes he has rapidly grown under the constant stress of being a knight pitched in a full-out war. He was appointed to the lordship of the region Galadia, taking a turn for the better. His religious life took a turn too, having become a faithful aspirant in The Order. After the monster outbreak he bought the Sword of Flame from Melot le Drake to smite Silnaria's enemies. Unfortunately, his tracks end here. He was probably eaten by monsters, or slain in battle.

Helena of Arescod - Deceased

A bastard daughter of Tyvandor of Arescod, the father of both her and Roran, the patriarchof the family. She was his firstborn yet unlawfull child, and a s a result only seen as a mere commoner by most. In the contrary though she has received a decent education and handles the pen as well as the sword. She has made herself useful for the family which has given her so many more things than usual for a bastard child by offering her services as a hunter of undead and monsters in Barca. After she reported being blackmailed by Sir Chuldah Keuerleber into converting to the new and young Bear Lords religion she was imprisoned for further investigation, yet executed for forgery by the Lord Justice.


Sander 'of Arescod' - Deceased

An adopted child, and a false-brother to Robin of Arescod. Even though he enjoyed a sort of noble upbringing he, knowing of his own adopted origins, was quite the rebel. All his lessons about reading, history, art, music and any other noble activity were wasted on him, as all he really cared about was the sword. The moment he learned that with a simple piece of steel created by smelting rocks hidden in the ground one could slay any man, no matter what colour his blood was, he was sold. Hours and hours were swallowed into his obsession as his skill with fighting in general improved. Now, as a man of 20 years old, he ventured into the world to make use of his abilities, running away from the boring life of a noble to which he'd never be recognised anyways. When scouting in the region of Eregon, he discovered the Doomed Breastplate of the Zuma.

When hunting for undead in Nark he was ambushed by a small undead army, and unable to escape. The locals found him, beaten to the brink of death, and hardly breathing at all. He was quickly brought from the circle of his own blood to a healer and he spent half of Spring recovering from his gruesome injuries. This encounter turned him grim. He staretd realising that being a great swordsman is no guarantee for survival, and that living or dying is a matter of luck. This made him more wary and distrusting of his environment, but has had no real results until then.

After selling the Doomed piece of armour to Jocelin le Drake he turned towards the Royal Barcan academies with his new stache of gold to improve his mastery of the sword. However, his newfound fortune didn't last long when he made an impolite joke about Sir Chuldah's bastard son, and he was quickly imprisoned and tortured. Spending the largest part of the monster invasion locked up in a cold cell underneath Rettleville, he cursed his own fate.

--Roran (talk) 04:18, 5 November 2013 (CET)