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|date=September 27, 2012
|headline= The Curious Case of Skezard.
|article=It has been reported that Sirion has retaken the island of Skezard, the first time in awhile that Sirion has controlled the island. Skezard has always been a strange place and has never been held for long by any realm. In my time in Sirion I recall numerous times young knights calling for us to retake the island of Skezard and their proposals were always rejected. With its remote location, the only transportation to the island is a very rare and long ferry ride from Blaastambar, it's not hard to see why. The island is plagued with constant monster outbreaks that destroy its minimal infrastructure and population. The time and effort that it takes to send units to Skezard is simply not worth it, especially in wartime when those forces are needed elsewhere.
I would argue that Skezard is a sort of indicator of the upper health of Sirion. Things must be very peaceful domestically and abroad for Sirion to even consider retaking Skezard.
But, what is on Skezard? As someone who has never traveled there, I do not know first-hand. From other's accounts I can gather it is a rocky land with poor soil. Those that do live there often sustain themselves from fishing and stonecutting. The monsters that are seen there are fierce indeed, massive ogre's and daemons being not an uncommon sight.
Skezard may not be a good place to live or rule, but it certainly captures the attention of all those who first look at the map of the Eastern Continent and see that little island sticking out.
-''Editor Vessol on September 27, 2012''}}

|date=September 26, 2012
|date=January 28, 2012
|headline= Caligus announces war with Dunnera once again.
|headline= Placeholder
|article=It seems that the tentative compromise set between Dunnera and Caligus has fallen apart. The direct reasons are unknown as of now, but rumors are that the primary motivation of King Dobromir re-engaging in hostile actions against Dunnera is due to his brother, Aiden Menethil, not being re-granted the Dukeship of Fontan that was stripped from him after he destroyed the infrastructure and recruitment centers of that city.
|article=Placeholder entry for now. Expect more news near the 1st.
-''Editor Vessol on January 28, 2012''}}
|Sender=Dobromir Menethil
|Recipients=Message sent to the Rulers of East Continent (8 recipients)

This is an official letter which all of you already knew would happen.  Caligus is preparing military action against the realm of Dunnera.  I have extended an invitation to my former friends including King Traemlin back into Caligus if he so wishes.  I intend to reclaim Viseu, An Najaf and Fontan city only.
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| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''The News Ticker'''

|date=May 16, 2013
|article='''New Ruler Elected'''
The realm of Obsidian Islands has elected Epoch Shadowbane as its new Emperor.}}

Dobromir Menethil
King of Caligus
|date=May 16, 2013
|article='''Region Takeover'''
Sirion has taken control of Greatbridge. The region used to belong to Westmoor.}}
-''Editor Vessol on September 26, 2012''}}

|date=September 23, 2012
|date=May 16, 2013
|headline= Compromise Reached between Caligus and Dunnera!
|article='''Huge Battle Fought'''
|article=The news is spreading across the land: Dunnera and Caligus have reached a compromise. Dunnera has banned the former Royal Treasurer of Dunnera, Davis Nosferatus, the one involved in the altercation with King Dorbromir's brother, and, in return, Caligus has called off their war.

-''Editor Neji on September 23, 2012''}}
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Woolton:

Perdan vs. Armonía, Eponllyn

Estimated strengths: 1960 men vs. 1530 men
|date=September 21, 2012
|headline= King Traemlin of Dunnera issues a response to King Dobromir.
|article=The situation between Caligus and Dunnera continues to develop. However, there are rumors however that a compromise between the two kingdoms is being made. King Traemlin of Dunnera recently sent a letter to the leaders of the realms:
|Sender=Traemlin Augulus
|Recipients=Message sent to the Rulers of East Continent (8 recipients)
|Content=King Dobromir,

If you define freedom as corruption, than I will run a corrupt realm until the day that I perish.
'''Defender Victory!'''}}

Whether or not my banker may be interested in creating a "guild of shadows," I know not.  This is the first I have heard of it.  The matter will be looked into.
|date=May 15, 2013
|article='''Huge Battle Fought'''

In essence, I will not bow down to your will.  I am perfectly willing to stop this conflict from escalating, but first you must quit telling me to ban my nobles.  In addition, you and your brother must quit calling my nobles commoners.  It is befitting of a noble to challenge another's birthright, and something I find rather distasteful.  I also find it distasteful to judge a noble based on his family history.  Davis has proven to be devoted to Dunnera.  He is ambitious, yes, but aren't you?  I don't believe any of you would be rulers if you were not ambitious.
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Winkamus:

What is it that you fear from Dunnera, King Dobromir?  Our right to make our own decisions?  Perhaps you should have considered this before creating a sovereign nation, and a monarchy at that.  I had even proposed to create Dunnera with a charter, and yet that was ignored.  My intent had been to avoid problems exactly like this.
Perdan vs. Caligus

Traemlin Augulus
Estimated strengths: 950 men vs. 440 men
King of Dunnera, Duke of The Golden Coast, Count of An Najaf

-''Editor Vessol on September 21, 2012''}}
'''Attacker Victory!'''}}

|date=September 21, 2012
|date=May 13, 2013
|headline=Davis Nosferatus responds to King Dobromir of Caligus
|article='''Huge Battle Fought'''
|article= Davis Nosferatus recently sent me a letter in which he refutes many of the points brought up about King Dobromir and sheds more light on his side of the story regarding the situation:
|Sender=Davis Nosferatus
|Content=As editor of an important and my personal favorite newspaper and leader of an new independent nation, like Dunnera I want to share with you the truth of this outrage that has come from the Menethil family.
Your reporting was quite adequate and i could find no misinformation, however King Dobromir's letter does contain ALOT of simple blunt lies, things that are so far from the truth that I can't even see that these lies are derived from it.
The Menethils have become crazy and are desperately trying to destroy all of us.
Let me, for the sake of the truth correct all King Dobromir's lies in his last letter:

"Dunnera is completely corrupt and I refuse to leave a corrupt extension that I created left unchecked. Perhaps the Fontanese lands are cursed."
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Commonyr:

Well, I have no idea where he got the idea that we're corrupt, there is only one person in Dunnera that is corrupt and acted as a traitor to the realm and his name is Lord Aiden who is the most hated person in the realm as we speak.
Sirion vs. Westmoor
There is nothing cursed to these lands, which is also an insult towards Duke Ryu and his duchy, not only Dunnera.

Estimated strengths: 1590 men vs. 820 men

"Furthermore they are seeking to created a shadowy guild with secret agents in every realm. This means all of yours."
Adrian Daimall, Knight of Westmoor was captured by Manish Eastwood's unit.

A desperate attempt to try and rally other realms in his favor, he knows he is wrongly attacking  a sovereign nation and only doing so to help his spoiled brother.
'''Attacker Victory!'''}}
My letter was sent very recently to a friend and former lord of mine with the question if he knew any assassins guild so i may hire one to send after Lord Aiden to prevent further damage to our capital, right now he raised taxes to max amount, destroyed all our RCs, closed the banks and disbanded all militia forces and i was not the only one who openly searched for a murderer to put Lord Aiden.
Unfortunately I am to late to prevent most of the damage being done.
There is no ' shadowy guild' controlled by me or King Treamlin (which he first claimed), there is only a shadowy guild and perhaps alot other things in King Dobromirs crazy, illusionary mind and my letter certainly does not proof or implies that at all.
I must admit that sending my letter was foolish, i should have never trusted that 'friend'.
I also despise the use of infiltrators and find it a dishonorable act, but if its the only and final option for the defense of my sovereign nation then i will use it.

"He is a former commoner and also part of the traitor Vlad Nosferatu whose faction nearly destroyed Caligus in the great war. He simply jumped at the opportunity for power and you were blind to it."
|date=May 12, 2013
|article='''Huge Battle Fought'''

What does he mean with being part of some former Caligan King I have never met or heard about?
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Meuse:
Is this another of his illusions playing in his mind? or does he confuse me of being someone else perhaps from a family with a similar name ?
He and Lord Aiden both have claimed to know my family before, I repeatedly asked him about this family and pointed out that I am not part of it, he seemed to understand back then.
Now he refers to this again as if we never spoke.
If this 'Vlad' Nosferatu and his 'faction' is or is not a traitor to Caligus, I do not know, as i said before, I never heard of him.
My father was a Abbot of Madina, and because my mother was from a infamous family, I was deported with nothing on me to this Continent where I served King Dobromir and other Caligans loyally until my nobility was recognized here in the EC.
I still curse the man for what he did to his blood own son...
As far as I know my father has no brothers or sisters.

"Caligus will simple be claiming Viseu, An Najaf and Fontan city as is under our rights. I will not take or do any damage to other lands."
Caligus vs. Perdan

Any war in this area will harm the whole area, including Sirion and Caligan lands.
Estimated strengths: 1260 men vs. 1740 men
He cannot 'simply' claim what he promised earlier to a new nation and every single noble in Dunnera will stand for this.
He can claim what he wishes, but he cannot suspect that we won't resist against this tyranny.

I'd also like to point out that formerly we were promised by the Mad King to be a independent nation, now he clearly states to us that we are supposed to be an 'extension of Caligus' as per his words.
Albion Pendragon, Duke of Domus, Margrave of Domus was captured by Joreb deLacy's unit.
There is no-one in Dunnera that is aware that we are supposed to be a puppet state and none of us would accept that.
Every single noble in Dunnera is shocked by this sudden madness from the mad King and it would be ignoble to sit and watch this dishonorable monster destroy and consume what ever his mad heart desires.

This whole ordeal started between me and Lord Aiden, he kicked me out of my estate and highly insulted me while demanding my resignation, he never allowed me to duel him, not till death not till surrender and not even against his champion.
'''Defender Victory!'''}}
All the judge did is act like any judge would to keep peace and order in the realm and he even came to his judgement after he counciled a jury of several Dunneran nobles.
It almost seems like Lord Aiden waited for the Judge to fine him for is negligence and ignorance towards the whole case so he and his brother could take the duchy back all for them selves.
No-one in Dunnera did nothing wrong or dishonored any agreements.

The Menethils are mad and need to be stopped before there madness reaches uncontrollable heights that will destroy not only Dunnera but perhaps many other vulnerable nations.
This conflict is a shocking and horrible display of dishonorable, ignoble, narcissistic and childish behavior of a big baby that doesn't get everything it demands, nothing more, nothing less and everyone should know it so we can be witness of the horrible acts of the Mad King of Caligus.
|date=May 11, 2013
|article='''Huge Battle Fought'''

Share this with your newspaper as you see fit.
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Bruck:

With Respect,
Westmoor vs. Sirion

Davis Nosferatus
Estimated strengths: 1370 men vs. 690 men
Royal Treasurer of Dunnera}}

-''Editor Vessol on September 21, 2012''}}
Marion Mercury, Baroness of Tabost was captured by Edward Anthony Mercer's unit.

'''Attacker Victory!'''}}
|date=September 19, 2012
|headline= Caligus threatens war on Dunnera.
|article=As some of you may recall, I posted a story in late August from an anonymous source within Dunnera who told of an altercation between the Banker of Dunnera, Davis Nosferatu, and the Duke of Fontan, Aiden Menethil, brother of King Dobromir. It seems that this situation has escalated.

After an altercation between Banker Davis Nosferatu and Duke Aiden Menethil(brother of King Dobromir), Caligus is readying for war against Dunnera. From what I have gathered, the former Duke Aiden shared King Dobromir's views on Banker Davis and accused him of treason. The Judge of Dunnera started a trial, Duke Aiden never answered and Banker Davis spoke in his defense. King Dobromir claims his brother was never offered a chance to defend himself. After Duke Aiden was fined(I assume for falsely accusing a noble of being a commoner and a traitor), the Judge of Dunnera says that the King's brother then threatened to bring Dobromir's wrath upon Dunnera, and disbanded all of the militia units in Fontan City while King Dobromir lowered relations. King Dobromir claims he gave King Traemlin a chance to restore his brother, and when that did not happen, he lowered relations.
|date=May 9, 2013
|article='''New Ruler Elected'''
The realm of Westmoor has elected Thomas Foxglove as its new King.}}

That is all that I have gathered thus far on the conflict.
|date=May 8, 2013
|article='''Huge Battle Fought'''

The King's official letter to the Rulers:
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Gadlock:

Sirion vs. Obsidian Islands

Estimated strengths: 970 men vs. 850 men
|Sender=Dobromir Menethil
|Recipients=Message sent to the Rulers of East Continent (8 recipients)
Greetings Rulers,

I will be blunt.  Caligus will be declaring war on Dunnera.  The reasoning is quite simple.  Dunnera is completely corrupt and I refuse to leave a corrupt extension that I created left unchecked.  Perhaps the Fontanese lands are cursed.
'''Attacker Victory!'''}}

Furthermore they are seeking to created a shadowy guild with secret agents in every realm.  This means all of yours. Here is the folly of the recent attempt by the banker who is simply put making lies and manipulating the people there because he talks alot:
|date=May 7, 2013
|article='''Region Takeover'''
Nivemus has taken control of Pedrera. The region used to belong to (rogue).}}

|date=May 6, 2013
|article='''Region Takeover'''
|Sender=Davis Nosferatus
Nivemus has taken control of Salta. The region used to belong to (rogue).}}
|Recipients=Actron Burep
Lord Actron,

Apparently our nations are no longer Allied, do you have any idea why so?
|date=May 6, 2013
|article='''New Ruler Elected'''
The realm of Sirion has elected Zakilevo Lapallanch as its new Prime Minister.}}

Also i am looking for perhaps a guild that focuses on operations from the shadows, if you know what i mean.
We are looking to hire someone.
|date=May 6, 2013
If you could help me, i'd really apreciate it.
|article='''Huge Battle Fought'''

PS, we are still loaded on food, we cannot buy none right now.
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Poitiers:
I will however personally buy it for dump prices of 10 gold per 100 bushels in Negev.

Furthermore, King Traemlin never restored my brothers position as Fontan city Duke and kept it for himself.  Yes, today I made an ultimatum that unless he sets things right war will come.  He did not do so and in contrary he is trying to gather allies to help himself.  I simply dont have anything to gain from this war.  Everyone here knows me very well.  You can still save yourself and Dunnera Traemlin by putting things right immediately.  Davis nosferatu however has to be banned.  He is a former commoner and also part of the traitor Vlad Nosferatu whose faction nearly destroyed Caligus in the great war.  He simply jumped at the opportunity for power and you were blind to it.
Westmoor vs. Sirion

I hope you all continue on your way there is no reason to escalate this.  Caligus will simple be claiming Viseu, An Najaf and Fontan city as is under our rights.  I will not take or do any damage to other lands.
Estimated strengths: 750 men vs. 780 men

'''Defender Victory!'''}}

Dobromir Menethil
|date=May 5, 2013
|article='''Huge Battle Fought'''

King of Caligus
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Al Aquabah:

-''Editor Vessol on September 19, 2012''}}
Perdan vs. Armonía, Eponllyn

Estimated strengths: 1250 men vs. 220 men

'''Attacker Victory!'''}}
|date=September 15, 2012
|headline= Tournament Results in Armonia
|article=We have recently received word that the tournament to commemorate the end to the War of the Southern Queens, has come to an end. Here is the report:

The tournament in Itorunt is over. 106 nobles from 9 realms fought and drank. There was a swordfighting and a jousting contest.
|date=May 5, 2013
Walnar Of Stargard of Dunnera (Noble of Dunnera) won the swordfighting tournament (Jaroslav Principe of Eponllyn (Knight of Zamor, Eponllyn) came second place).
|article='''Huge Battle Fought'''
The jousting contest was won by Cain Erendegard of Sirion (Knight of Limbar, Sirion) (Second place: Joreb deLacy of Perdan (Knight of Montauban, Perdan)).
-''Editor Vessol on September 15, 2012''}}

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Winkamus:
|date=September 3, 2012
|headline= Sirion and Westmoor agree to a Cease-fire
|article= It has come to our attention that Sirion and Westmoor have settled upon a cease fire agreement that will end their conflict that has been fought for months within the north. We are not sure of the specific details of the cease fire, but when they are available they will be reported here.

The origins of this conflict began when Westmoor declared war on the Democracy of Fontan due to rumors and conspiracy that there was plans for Fontan to attack them. Fontan then had a sudden influx of strange foreign nobles, a few whom were judged by the immortals and found to be conspirators and powerplayers. After rallying the help of Perdan and Caligus, Westmoor crushed Fontan.
Perdan vs. Caligus

It was at this time that Sirion declared war on Westmoor in order to prevent them from taking the former Fontanese regions. Sirion did extremely well in a strong campaign to destroy Westmoors rural regions, and then it settled into a stalemate. Caligus and Perdan then finished off Fontan which lead to Caligus creating their colony in Dunnera.
Estimated strengths: 860 men vs. 380 men

Only recently as peace talks between Sirion and Westmoor were stalled and going nowhere, a large Perdanese force marched north to Westmoor. However, with the signed of this cease fire it seems that further conflict is to be averted for now.
'''Attacker Victory!'''}}

I've seen few references to this war and period, but I've come to dub it 'The Fontanese-Westmoorian Subjugation War'.
|date=May 4, 2013
|article='''Huge Battle Fought'''

-''Editor Vessol on September 10, 2012''}}
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Meuse:

Caligus vs. Perdan
|date=September 7, 2012
|headline= An Interview with Queen Autrey of Armonia
|article= With the signing of a recent peace treaty, the realms of Armonia and Eponllyn have ended their hostilities and now are looking towards the future. With Armonia setting up a Tournament on the 14th of September, I petitioned the Queen of that realm, Autrey Bendix, and was granted an interview.

Estimated strengths: 2030 men vs. 2390 men

'''Editor Vessol: Could you describe to our readers your background and how you came to be queen of Armonia?'''
Tygus Rolund, High Marshal of Caligus, Count of An Najaf was seriously wounded by Nalok IceBeard's unit.
Sir Bors Zhuravlev, Baron of Mines of Isadril was captured by Elkon Asfaloth's unit.
Trialops Gracious, Knight of Viseu was seriously wounded by Agrippa de Calatine's unit.

''Queen Autrey: "The Bendix Family originates in Uforth, a tundra region The Barony of Makar, a hard viking realm in Northern Atamara. I was sent to Ibladesh by my father Furious Bendix to repay a debt to the Shifter Family (now defunct) from his youth. Over two decades ago his life was saved by an unlikely Talerian, Khorne, whose daughter Leliel was Viscountess of Aeng during the the war against Caligus. I guess I showed a knack for command and I rose up the ranks. I've lived here since I was a young woman."''
'''Defender Victory!'''}}
''"I became Queen of Armonia when our Founder, the Great Dread Fantom, retired from rulership after a long absence due to illness. I wouldn't call my election a great victory by any means: I ran for the position unopposed."''
'''V: What was the reasons behind the War of the Southern Queens and are you happy with the conclusion and peace treaty that your realm and Eponllyn drew up?'''
''QA: "Eponllyn sent an assassin named Valko D'Este to kill the our Founder, the Great Dread Fantom. Armonia gave Eponllyn one week to ban Sir Valko, and when they failed to do so, we went to war. Valko has conveniently disappeared since then, so unfortunately no one will be able to question him personally. Queen Siana maintains that she had no knowledge of Valko's actions or intentions, but she also made no attempt to make any sort of apology or reparation. My hands were tied on this one- only one thing to be done, unfortunately."''
''"The War was put to and end with considerable help from a few rational thinkers in Eponllyn with whom I worked out the details of the treaty. They know who they are. Understand that we had no desire to destroy Eponllyn completely- we just can't abide sitting idle with potential enemies right next door to to our Capitol. We kept Ejarr Puutl as a buffer zone to prevent any further assassination attempts or other hostilities, and we gave up Ar Raqqah as compensation."''
'''V: What lessons do you feel that your realm has learned from Ibladesh in the past and what are your long term plans going forward for your realm?'''
''QA: "Theocracy doesn't work, plain and simple. The problem with it is that people are promoted for their zealotry, not their competence, and that makes for poor infrastructure. Making 'faith' a requirement for advancement in society takes away all of its meaning. Nobles should not be promoted or persecuted for what they believe, but rather according to their abilities. Hubris brought about the fall of Ibladesh, and that is why we made our peace with Eponllyn in as fair and cordial manner as we could, rather than with greed or pompousness."''
'''V: Do you have any thoughts on who from your realm might win the tournament coming up soon?'''
''QA: "I didn't host this tournament to prove anything in particular about Armonian martial prowess- one person's individual skill with a blade or a lance makes little difference on the battlefield, where strategy, tactics, cohesion, and maneuver are the key to victory. The tournament is an opportunity for people all over the continent to come together, take a vacation, and learn from some of the greatest champions of the East. We do have many fine veteran cavaliers and heroes, however- Tanya Jimenez, Intarex Tibro, and of course Sceptre Meadowcrest, who is widely considered to be the most honorable Cavalier on the continent."''
'''V: Finally, If you could speak with a young and aspiring noble, what would you tell them to sway them into becoming a noble of Armonia? What makes your realm stand out?'''
''QA: "Armonia rewards enthusiasm for public service over any other trait. Though we are a Monarchy, every other government position is electable; I do not make any appointments here. We have many great young commanders and government officials who have shown their intelligence and dedication and have risen to the position they deserve. Armonia also has a strong military tradition, and the elite nobility of our realm sponsor the training of many younger nobles personally."''
'''V: Thank you very much for your time Queen Autrey, I really appreciate it. I certainly learned a lot that I did not know before and I'm sure many readers will say likewise.'''
-''Editor Vessol on September 7, 2012''}}
|date=September 3, 2012
|headline= Eastern Continent Power Rankings for September 2012
|article= Our first month as a newspaper has passed us by and now it is time to start anew with a fresh issue of the White Tree Times. First off, how we wish to start off each month is a power ranking listing of the realms of the continent. This list is compiled through total military combat strength, food production and supply, gold income, number of regions and diplomatic relationships. I hope that you enjoy:
1. Sirion
Keeping their same position from last month, Sirion still stands as the most powerful and influential realm on the island. Their economic and military strength continues to remain steady. They recently lost a few nobles to the new realm of Dunnera, however none of their lands were given away so the effect on their power was minimal. With peace talks still currently on the table with Westmoor, there is much left in the air as to which direction Sirion will take in its future.
2. Perdan
Perdan remains a close second to Sirion. For the past month they have mostly sat back and have gathered their strength. Perdan's regions remain economically productive, providing a steady stream of both food and gold to power their war machine. With rumors of troops movements heading northward, there is questions about this powerful realms goals in the near future.
3. Caligus
Caligus retains its spot in third place, but it took a big hit on its military and economic strength from the formation of Dunnera. Regardless it maintains a strong wildcard in politics on the island, Caligus has long been the middleman to consider with both conflicts in the north and in the south. They seem to be looking towards the future as their food supply has also increased.
4. Westmoor
Westmoor is really ramped up their military and economic strength in the past month. If they continue on this trend, by this time next month they will be in 3rd place. Westmoor maintains a strong relationship diplomatically with Perdan and spiritually as well as both realms share the faith of the Church of Humanity, a faith that is primarily under the control of Westmoor.
5. Nivemus
Nivemus takes a bump up this month due to their steady increase in nobles as well as the strengthening of their regions economically and their military. They hold the second highest food surplus and maintain a strong relationship with Sirion with friendly relations with Caligus and Dunnera as well. In the past month Nivemus has also built what may be the strongest special forces unit on the island, the effects of this though are minimal.
6. Armonia
The War of the Southern Queens has only ended recently, but Armonia has managed to come out of it with no real benefit. Armonia had the clear upperhand against Eponllyn, yet they settled with a peace treaty that gives them little benefit. They retain their position as the strongest realm in the former lands of Ibladesh, but they are no closer to taking the heritage of that old realm, the major city of Ibladesh which remains rogue and in a state of anarchy.
7. Eponllyn
They came out of the recent war relatively unscathed, with the lose of one region near their capital and the acquirement of another region near Ibladesh, they are in a curious position now. Their military and economic strength have dwindled somewhat, so it is curious as to where they will bring themselves in the future.
8. Obsidian Islands
The Obisdian Islands is always brought down by the quality of its regions and its lack of nobles, and this month is no exception. They have had a slight uptick in their military strength, but things seem mostly very quiet on the volcanic island chain.
9. Dunnera
Taking the last spot in these rankings is the new realm of Dunnera. Rising out of the ashes of the destroyed realm of Fontan, Dunnera has been comprised of nobles from Sirion and Fontan with refugee nobles from Fontan as well. They have slowly increased their region count to Fontan's former regions, but they remain very weak. Food seems to be in constant shortage and rumors of internal discord are both two barriers that the new realm must overcome if it is to rise above.
Thank you for reading and I hope that you enjoy this month to come of The White Tree Times.
-''Editor Vessol on September 3, 2012''}}
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| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''The News Ticker'''

|date=September 29, 2012
|date=May 3, 2013
|article=Rumours spread that [[(nobody)s]] tournament had to be cancelled due to low participation...Forever alone :(}}
|article='''Diplomatic News'''
The realm of Nivemus has declared war on the Obsidian Islands.}}

|date=September 29, 2012
|date=May 2, 2013
|article='''Huge Battle Fought'''
|article='''Huge Battle Fought'''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Negev:
[[Caligus]] vs. [[Dunnera]]
Estimated strengths: 760 men vs. 370 men
The Caligus' Golden Talons (Caligus), sponsored by Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus, were led into battle by Marshal Crescent Strika.
Sir Actron Burep, Royal Treasurer of Caligus, Count of Abadan is spotted wielding the Doomed Arrow of Doom.
'''Defender Victory!'''}}

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Woolton:
|date=September 27, 2012
|article=[[Caligus]] has declared war on [[Dunnera]].}}

Nivemus, Sirion vs. Obsidian Islands, Westmoor
|date=September 27, 2012
|article=[[Sirion (Realm)|Sirion]] has taken control of [[Skezard]]. The region used to belong to (rogue).}}

Estimated strengths: 940 men vs. 1120 men
|date=September 26, 2012
|article=The realms of [[Nivemus]] and [[Perdan (Realm)|Perdan]] have signed a peace treaty.}}

'''Defender Victory!'''}}
|date=September 25, 2012
|article=The realms of [[Nivemus]] and [[Caligus]] have signed a peace treaty.}}

|date=September 22, 2012
|date=May 1, 2013
|article=[[Perdan (Realm)|Perdan]] has taken control of [[Moyale]]. The region used to belong to (rogue).}}
|article='''Diplomatic News'''
The realms of Eponllyn and Nivemus have signed a peace treaty.}}

|date=September 21, 2012
|date=May 1, 2013
|article=[[Perdan (Realm)|Perdan]] has taken control of [[Bursa]]. The region used to belong to (rogue).}}
|article='''Diplomatic News'''
The realms of Armonía and Nivemus have signed a peace treaty.}}

|date=September 19, 2012
|date=May 1, 2013
|article=The realms of [[Sirion (Realm)|Sirion]] and [[Obsidian Islands]] have joined into an alliance.}}
|article='''Diplomatic News'''
The realms of Armonía and Nivemus have signed a peace treaty.}}

|date=September 18, 2012
|date=May 1, 2013
|article=The realms of [[Sirion (Realm)|Sirion]] and [[Dunnera]] have joined into an alliance.}}
|article='''Huge Battle Fought'''
|date=September 15, 2012
|article=The rogue Crystal is publicly executed in [[Caligus]].}}

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Woolton:
|date=September 8, 2012
|article=[[Caligus]] has taken control of [[Tota]]. The region used to belong to (rogue).}}

Perdan vs. Armonía
|date=September 7, 2012
|article=[[Eponllyn]] has taken control of [[Ibladesh]]. The region used to belong to (rogue).}}

Estimated strengths: 720 men vs. 270 men
|date=September 5, 2012
|article=[[Sirion (Realm)|Sirion]] and [[Westmoor (Realm)|Westmoor]] have ended their hostilities and agreed to a cease fire.}}

'''Attacker Victory!'''}}
|date=September 5, 2012
|article=[[Negev]] has changed its allegiance to the realm of [[Dunnera]]. The region used to belong to [[Sirion (Realm)|Sirion]].}}

|date=September 4, 2012
|date=May 1, 2013
|article=[[Dunnera]] has taken control of [[Braga]]. The region used to belong to (rogue).}}
|article='''New Ruler Elected'''
The realm of Nivemus has elected Hergoervik Draekarne as its new Kronogos.}}


Latest revision as of 06:01, 16 May 2013

Whitetree sample.png

Editor: Snowe Mithridates
Commentary and Editorials

Placeholder entry for now. Expect more news near the 1st.

-Editor Vessol on January 28, 2012

The News Ticker

May 16, 2013
New Ruler Elected

The realm of Obsidian Islands has elected Epoch Shadowbane as its new Emperor.

May 16, 2013
Region Takeover

Sirion has taken control of Greatbridge. The region used to belong to Westmoor.

May 16, 2013
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Woolton:

Perdan vs. Armonía, Eponllyn

Estimated strengths: 1960 men vs. 1530 men

Defender Victory!

May 15, 2013
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Winkamus:

Perdan vs. Caligus

Estimated strengths: 950 men vs. 440 men

Attacker Victory!

May 13, 2013
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Commonyr:

Sirion vs. Westmoor

Estimated strengths: 1590 men vs. 820 men

Adrian Daimall, Knight of Westmoor was captured by Manish Eastwood's unit.

Attacker Victory!

May 12, 2013
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Meuse:

Caligus vs. Perdan

Estimated strengths: 1260 men vs. 1740 men

Albion Pendragon, Duke of Domus, Margrave of Domus was captured by Joreb deLacy's unit.

Defender Victory!

May 11, 2013
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Bruck:

Westmoor vs. Sirion

Estimated strengths: 1370 men vs. 690 men

Marion Mercury, Baroness of Tabost was captured by Edward Anthony Mercer's unit.

Attacker Victory!

May 9, 2013
New Ruler Elected

The realm of Westmoor has elected Thomas Foxglove as its new King.

May 8, 2013
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Gadlock:

Sirion vs. Obsidian Islands

Estimated strengths: 970 men vs. 850 men

Attacker Victory!

May 7, 2013
Region Takeover

Nivemus has taken control of Pedrera. The region used to belong to (rogue).

May 6, 2013
Region Takeover

Nivemus has taken control of Salta. The region used to belong to (rogue).

May 6, 2013
New Ruler Elected

The realm of Sirion has elected Zakilevo Lapallanch as its new Prime Minister.

May 6, 2013
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Poitiers:

Westmoor vs. Sirion

Estimated strengths: 750 men vs. 780 men

Defender Victory!

May 5, 2013
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Al Aquabah:

Perdan vs. Armonía, Eponllyn

Estimated strengths: 1250 men vs. 220 men

Attacker Victory!

May 5, 2013
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Winkamus:

Perdan vs. Caligus

Estimated strengths: 860 men vs. 380 men

Attacker Victory!

May 4, 2013
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Meuse:

Caligus vs. Perdan

Estimated strengths: 2030 men vs. 2390 men

Tygus Rolund, High Marshal of Caligus, Count of An Najaf was seriously wounded by Nalok IceBeard's unit. Sir Bors Zhuravlev, Baron of Mines of Isadril was captured by Elkon Asfaloth's unit. Trialops Gracious, Knight of Viseu was seriously wounded by Agrippa de Calatine's unit.

Defender Victory!

May 3, 2013
Diplomatic News

The realm of Nivemus has declared war on the Obsidian Islands.

May 2, 2013
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Woolton:

Nivemus, Sirion vs. Obsidian Islands, Westmoor

Estimated strengths: 940 men vs. 1120 men

Defender Victory!

May 1, 2013
Diplomatic News

The realms of Eponllyn and Nivemus have signed a peace treaty.

May 1, 2013
Diplomatic News

The realms of Armonía and Nivemus have signed a peace treaty.

May 1, 2013
Diplomatic News

The realms of Armonía and Nivemus have signed a peace treaty.

May 1, 2013
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Woolton:

Perdan vs. Armonía

Estimated strengths: 720 men vs. 270 men

Attacker Victory!

May 1, 2013
New Ruler Elected

The realm of Nivemus has elected Hergoervik Draekarne as its new Kronogos.

News Archives