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| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | <span style="font-size: 16px">'''Regional News''' </span>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''3 April 1012''
<b>Looting Reported
Fontan forces have plundered and marauded in Bruck!</b>
<b>Looting Failed
An unidentified unit has attempted to loot Commonyr. Defending forces have prevented the attempt.</b>
<b>Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of Commonyr (Fontan). </b>
<u>Peasant Militia forming
The citizens of Commonyr have had enough with the looting. Since nobody seems to be helping them, they have formed a citizen militia. 43 men take up improvised weapons to defend their homes.</u>
<b>Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of Oberndorf (Fontan).
Witnesses report that the looting was conducted by Eliza Mailler (Dame of Oligarch).</b>
<b>Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of Oberndorf (Fontan). </b>
<b>Looting Reported
Tax collectors and wealthy locals in Bruck have been attacked and robbed by Fontan forces!</b>
<b>Enemy Takeover attempt
People fleeing from Bruck are spreading horror tales of the terror and brutality with which an enemy army is taking control of their homeland.</b>
<b>Looting Failed
Lady Cassandra Foxglove (Dame of Poitiers) has attempted to loot Commonyr. Defending forces have prevented the attempt.</b>
<b>Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has damaged the military infrastructure of Commonyr (Fontan). </b>
<u>Peasant Militia forming
The citizens of Commonyr have had enough with the looting. Since nobody seems to be helping them, they have formed a citizen militia. 98 men take up improvised weapons to defend their homes.</u>
<b><u>Takeover initiated
Thomas has initiated a Brutal Takeover of Commonyr, currently belonging to Fontan.</u></b>
<b>Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of Commonyr (Fontan).
Witnesses report that the looting was conducted by Maliki Nautilus, Lord Treasurer of Westmoor, Count of Dulbin.</b>
<u>Peasant Militia forming
The citizens of Commonyr have had enough with the looting. Since nobody seems to be helping them, they have formed a citizen militia. 358 men take up improvised weapons to defend their homes.</u>
<b>Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of Commonyr (Fontan). </b>
<b>Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of Commonyr (Fontan).
Witnesses report that the looting was conducted by Sir Ravier Nebehn, Marshal of the Westmoorian Column.</b>
<b>Temple Ruined
Rumours say that Sir Ravier Nebehn, Marshal of the Westmoorian Column has looted the small shack of "Flow of the Balance" in [[Commonyr]]. The temple was destroyed during the looting, and is now nothing but rubble.</b>
<u>Takeover still running
The government of Oberndorf is still loyal, but resistance is falling.
More troops would surely help to speed up the takeover. 89 peasants are killed in clashes with the takeover forces.</u>
<b>Battle in [[Commonyr]]
(rogue), Westmoor vs. Fontan
Estimated strengths: 600 men vs. 90 men
<u>Attacker Victory!</u></b>
<b>Battle in Oberndorf
(rogue), Fontan vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 190 men vs. 310 men
<u>Defender Victory!</u></b>
<b>Battle in Bruck
Fontan vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 1140 men vs. 650 men
The Democratic Guard (Fontan), sponsored by Lady Rhidhana Dubhaine, Marshal of the Fontan Rangers, were led into battle by Marshal Laicch Abliarsec.
The Eagle Regiment (Fontan), sponsored by Ariana Carnes, Duchess of Krimml, Margravine of Krimml, were led into battle by Marshal Basilius Decimus.
<u>Attacker Victory!</u></b>
<b>Looting Reported
Fontan forces have plundered and marauded in [[Evora]]!</b>
<b>Looting Reported
Fontan forces have plundered and marauded in [[Bruck]]!</b>
New Westmoor paper runs out of Ink. Runners have to be sent to buy more parchment and quills.
<b>Looting Failed
An unidentified unit has attempted to loot [[Oberndorf]]. Defending forces have prevented the attempt.</b>
<u><b>New local lord appointed
Corwin D'Saferate, Duke of Oligarch, Duke of Oligarch has appointed Rhakanvar as the new Count of [[Hagley]].</b></u>
<b>Looting Reported
Fontan forces have plundered and marauded in [[Evora]]!</b>
<b>Looting Failed
An unidentified unit has attempted to loot [[Oberndorf]]. Defending forces have prevented the attempt.</b>
<b>Looting Failed
An unidentified unit has attempted to loot [[Oberndorf]]. Defending forces have prevented the attempt.</b>
<b>Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has looted the region of Oberndorf (Fontan). </b>
<u>Peasant Militia forming
The citizens of Oberndorf have had enough with the looting. Since nobody seems to be helping them, they have formed a citizen militia. 141 men take up improvised weapons to defend their homes.</u>
<b>Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of [[Oberndorf]] (Fontan). </b>
Panic is spreading in Oberndorf after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde.
The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.</i>
Monsters have been seen in the region of [[Tabost]].
The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.</i>
<b><u>Peasant Revolt
The people in Hagley are revolting!
The revolting peasants have kicked the local lord and his court out, and demand that a more capable leader be put in his place!
Getting rid of their old, disliked lord results in the peasants being more hopeful and content with their lot. Morale rises 5% and independence falls.</u></b>
<i>Region Revolts
The people of [[Al Aquabah]] have revolted and declared independence from Ibladesh!</i>
<b><u>Takeover still running
The government of Oberndorf is still loyal, but resistance is falling.
More troops would surely help to speed up the takeover. 72 peasants are killed in clashes with the takeover forces.</u></b>
<b>Battle in Bruck
Fontan vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 550 men vs. 90 men
The Democratic Guard (Fontan), sponsored by Lady Rhidhana Dubhaine, Marshal of the Fontan Rangers, were led into battle by Marshal Laicch Abliarsec.
<u>Attacker Victory!</u></b>
<b>Looting Reported
Fontan forces have plundered and marauded in [[Evora]]!</b>
<b>Looting Failed (X3)
An unidentified unit has attempted to loot [[Oberndorf]]. Defending forces have prevented the attempt.</b>
<b>Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of [[Oberndorf]] (Fontan). </b>
<u>Peasant Militia forming
The citizens of [[Oberndorf]] have had enough with the looting. Since nobody seems to be helping them, they have formed a citizen militia. 51 men take up improvised weapons to defend their homes.</u>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''2 April 1012''
<b>Looting Failed
An unidentified unit has attempted to loot [[Oberndorf]]. Defending forces have prevented the attempt.
Looting Reported
Tax collectors and wealthy locals in Evora have been attacked and robbed by Fontan forces!
Looting Failed
An unidentified unit has attempted to loot Oberndorf. Defending forces have prevented the attempt.
Looting Failed
An unidentified unit has attempted to loot Oberndorf. Defending forces have prevented the attempt.
Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of Oberndorf (Fontan). </b>
<u>Peasant Militia forming
The citizens of Oberndorf have had enough with the looting. Since nobody seems to be helping them, they have formed a citizen militia. 99 men take up improvised weapons to defend their homes.</u>
<b>Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of Oberndorf (Fontan).
Witnesses report that the looting was conducted by Sir Feoran Lionheart, Baron of Evora.</b>
<u>Peasant Militia forming
The citizens of Oberndorf have had enough with the looting. Since nobody seems to be helping them, they have formed a citizen militia. 275 men take up improvised weapons to defend their homes.</u>
<b>Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of Oberndorf (Fontan).
Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of Oberndorf (Fontan).
Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of Oberndorf (Fontan).
Witnesses report that the looting was conducted by Cross Thunder Strike (Knight of Dulbin).</b>
<u>Civil unrest
The police unit of Maron attempted to arrest a priest in Oberndorf and was forced into battle with a mob of angry believers. There were casualties on both sides.</u>
<b><u>Takeover initiated
Thomas has initiated a Brutal Takeover of Oberndorf, currently belonging to Fontan.</u></b>
<b>Battle in Oberndorf
Westmoor vs. Fontan
Estimated strengths: 600 and something men, and some horses vs. 40 Fontanese Scum.<br>
Who cares we won.
<u>Attacker Victory!</u></b>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''1 April 1012''
<b>Looting Reported
Fontan forces have plundered and marauded in [[Dulbin]]!</b>
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[[Image:New WestmoorRose.jpg|left|New Westmoor.jpg]]
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<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 16px">'''Casualties on both sides'''</span> <span style="font-size: 11px">''3 April 1012''</span>''<span style="font-size: 11px"> </span>''
<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 16px">'''End of newspaper</span> <span style="font-size: 11px">''?? ??1014''</span>''<span style="font-size: 11px"> </span>''
Due to Fontan still managing to somehow raise enough gold to have a larger army than us the tactics used by the military council have undergone a massive change noticeable in Regional news – nicknamed by this paper: <i>Operation burn Commonyr and Oberndorf to the ground.</i> Fontan has countered by launching a brutal takeover of [[Bruck]] which if successful could seriously jeopardise the stability of Oligarch city, effectively cutting it off from Westmoor.
King Jor Tanos has written to several rulers of the continent requesting that Fontan be forced to remove Church of Ibladesh priests from its regions as several were suspected of having been used to massively speed up the 24 hour takeover of Greatbridge. On the bright side Fontan’s army has been reduced by quite a fair amount with us currently seeing only about 12,000 CS in Bruck. It’s suspected that the Fontanese war effort may finally be running out of steam. Oberndorf has suffered heavy looting from Westmoor and Commonyr is also currently undergoing similar damage. The high number of Commonyr militia was wiped out today by Westmoor's armies.
<span style="font-size: 16px">'''[[Hagley]] receives new lord'''</span>

The region of Hagley has changed ownership after the peasants kicked out Hergoervik Draekarne. Hagley has been in continual decline now since January due to appallingly high taxes reducing the region’s production and moral. Those who’ve read this paper may remember the situation being mentioned back in February which we kept relatively quiet at that time. Duke Corwin has now replaced Hergoervik with Rhakanvar [[Schumacher Family|Schumacher]] as the new count. It was remarked by many in both the military council and house of lords that Rhakanvar would find it extremely difficult to do any worse than his predecessor.
<i>With the loss of Westmoor's capitol city due to Sirion and allied forces assaulting the city, the newspaper was forced to close along with the destruction of the realm of Westmoor. New Westmoor successfully covered a large period of Westmoor's history through thick and thin and will be sorely missed. Let the wars continue on!</i>
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<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 16px">'''[[Evora]] celebrates National [[Ikrif]] Day'''</span> <span style="font-size: 11px">''1 April 1012''</span>''<span style="font-size: 11px"> </span>''
<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 16px">'''War continues</span> <span style="font-size: 11px">''2 June 1014''</span>''<span style="font-size: 11px"> </span>''

In what is a huge embarrassment to this newspaper we have to report that the daemon invasion reported yesterday was a complete falsehood.  Yesterday and this morning it seems that the people of Evora were celebrating national Ikrif day. While generally discouraged in Westmoor the drug known as Ikrif holds an important part in the life of the Evoran people on the last day of March and the 1st day of April. While scouts reporting on the activities did indeed return with news of a thirty thousand CS daemon army they were also not wearing any clothes – a fact that in hindsight should have raised our suspicions.
All in all the map looks similar to the one we showed last month with the exception that Krimml is back in Sirion hands. We are busy here in Westmoor preparing our defenses for the next attacks from the enemy. Westmoor managed to regain the rogued region of Troyes. Perdan and Sirion are away at refit and may not be back onto the battlefield for some time giving us some time to rest and repair.

[[Image:WestmoorJune2014.png|left|Westmoor on June 2nd]]

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== <span style="font-family: times new roman,times,serif"><span style="font-family: times new roman,times,serif">Editor </span></span> ==
== <span style="font-family: times new roman,times,serif"><span style="font-family: times new roman,times,serif">Editor </span></span> ==
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== [[/Archives/]] ==
== [[/Archives/]] ==
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | <span style="font-size: 16px">'''Regional News''' </span>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''2 June 1014''


Latest revision as of 11:52, 10 September 2014

New Westmoor.jpg

 End of newspaper ?? ??1014

With the loss of Westmoor's capitol city due to Sirion and allied forces assaulting the city, the newspaper was forced to close along with the destruction of the realm of Westmoor. New Westmoor successfully covered a large period of Westmoor's history through thick and thin and will be sorely missed. Let the wars continue on!

 War continues 2 June 1014

All in all the map looks similar to the one we showed last month with the exception that Krimml is back in Sirion hands. We are busy here in Westmoor preparing our defenses for the next attacks from the enemy. Westmoor managed to regain the rogued region of Troyes. Perdan and Sirion are away at refit and may not be back onto the battlefield for some time giving us some time to rest and repair.

Westmoor on June 2nd




Regional News
2 June 1014