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===Lost Letters===
===Lost Letters===
30 Jul 2011<br>
30 Jul 2011<br>
to all in Irdalni
to all in Irdalni<br>
Follows on from [[Waroe_Family/MardelRP/Religion_and_Wayburg#Lost_Letters|Mardel Waroe RP on Lost Letters]].

''Orlen gets handed a letter by a messenger. Flicking through it briefly, he mutters something to Harlen, and the messenger takes it away again. ''
''Orlen gets handed a letter by a messenger. Flicking through it briefly, he mutters something to Harlen, and the messenger takes it away again. ''

Latest revision as of 19:48, 2 August 2011

Arrival in Oritolon

Orlen joins the realm.

Arrival in Iglavik

26 Jul 2011
to everyone in Oritolon

Orlen says goodbye to his uncle as he leaves the house to embark on his career. Looking nervously behind him, not wanting to leave the comfort and protection of home, he moves towards the group of archers that his uncle has recruited for him to command. Walking alongside him is Harlen, his scribe. The two had met by mistake as boys playing in the woods one afternoon, and had got to know each other after a long discussion about the fact that their names rhymed. Alike in more than name, they might have been good friends had it not been for their class differences, and instead, Orlen had employed Harlen as his scribe and confidant some years later.

Orlen [pointing at the archers]: What am I to do with them?

Harlen [shaking his head slightly]: I don't know, sir. Perhaps find something for them to shoot at?

Orlen: Ah, yes. Men! Please form a line, and spend some time honing your shooting skills by shooting at... erm... that tree. Don't stop until you've all made contact with it.

Orlen [turning back to Harlen]: So, what to do while they do that.

Harlen: Nothing, sir.

Orlen: Nothing? You suggesting we just stand here?

Harlen: No, sir, I mean we can't do something while they try to hit the tree.

Orlen: Whyever not?

Harlen: They've all already hit it, sir.

The archers, by no means outstanding, are nevertheless stood in their line, bows by their side, each with an arrow embedded in the tree which stands only ten yards in front of them.

Orlen [quitely to Harlen]: Gosh, that was good, wasn't it?

Harlen: It might have been a bit easy, sir?

Orlen: Oh, yes. Well, shall I give them a harder task?

Harlen: Oh, yes, a fine idea. Why not get them to fire at that thistle?

Orlen [louder, to the men]: Excellent work! That was, um... the warm up. Now your real test. Stay in your line, and fire at that thistle. Two silver pieces for the first man to hit.

Harlen: Very good, sir.

Orlen [to Harlen]: I suppose it is a thistle, is it? I can't tell from here.

Harlen: Not too sure, sir. It might be a fallen tree branch. Or a piece of broken armour. It's awfully far away, not easy to tell from here.

Orlen: Well, that should keep them busy for now, then. Keep an eye on them that they don't cheat. I'm going to find somewhere to sit and practise my new piece.

Harlen: Very good, sir. There are a few letters here for you as well.

Orlen takes them and sits some way off, enjoying the view from the side of the mountains, and trying the new melodies on his reed instrument as it echoes around the nearby rocks.

Offer Letters

26 Jul 2011
to everyone in Oritolon

Orlen finishes his practice, puts down his shawm, and opens his letters. The first is from Baron Malice Osha of Irdalni, setting out the greatness of the duchy of Alowca and the benefits that could be his by being his knight. He reads it through, interested in the description of the area, and seems quite pleased by the offer.

Next he opens one from Count Alexander Stiale of Warmanoras. Another offer - he is happy to have received such attention already. The Warmanoras Waroes... it sounds particularly honourable, somehow. And again from the duchy of Alowca.

Finally he opens the letter with a seal he recognises - a variation on his own seal - and as he opens it he knows it to be from his cousin Mardel, sent from Strombran back on Atamara. Mardel is roughly the same age as Orlen, and describes to his cousin how his first few weeks in the world of adult Carelian nobility have seen him march the entire length of the realm, battle with undead, meet a King, and find a fine liege - an ageing region lord by the name of Malice Osha.

Orlen [to himself]: Malice Osha. I'm sure I've heard that name before, recently. Was he one of my uncle's acquantances? No, I don't think so. Or mentioned in the letter yesterday from my father? No, no.

Orlen [flicking back through his letters]: Oh, my! There. Baron Malice Osha. But why have I got a letter from a lord on Atamara offering me an oath here in the Colonies? I... but it takes days to get from one to the other. Or is he offering me an oath on Atamara? Gosh, I'm not sure I... erm... no, that wouldn't make sense. Or is Mardel here in Irdalni... but no, because he is in Carelia, but... to manage a region both in Atamara and the Colonies... that's superhuman. Well, Mardel does say good things about him, but... wow.

Confused, Orlen decides to think about the offers during the evening, and head south-east towards Alowca the following day.

A Winning Archer

26 Jul 2011 (much later)
to everyone in Oritolon

As dusk falls, Harlen finds Orlen having a small meal.

Harlen: Hello, sir. May I introduce to you Rugh, one of your archers.

Orlen: Hello, Rugh.

Rugh: Sir.

Harlen: Rugh has just hit the thistle, sir - a fine shot indeed.

Orlen: Thistle? What thistle?

Harlen: The one the men have been shooting at since just after dawn, sir.

Orlen: Since dawn? It's nearly dark!

Harlen: It was quite a small thistle, and quite far away, sir.

Orlen [realising why he's been having such a quiet afternoon]: You've been shooting at that all day?

Rugh: Not quite all day, sir. At the start of the day we shot at a tree.

Orlen [giving a couple of silver pieces to Rugh and looking a little embarrassed]: Excellent work, Rugh. You may go back and tell the others that you have nothing more to do until tomorrow.

Arrival in Irdalni

29 Jul 2011
to everyone in Oritolon

Orlen: Here we are, Irdalni!

Harlen: And where's your estate, sir?

Orlen: Well, when it's been fully enlarged, it'll come to about here.

Harlen: It's a bit... jungly.

Orlen: Of course it is, if it hasn't been cleared. Look, you'll be able to go hunting right next to the estate, isn't that good?

Harlen: Oh, excellent, sir. Perhaps you could hunt that one?

Orlen: What one?

Harlen: That sort of wild-carnivore-type-beastie behind you, sir.

Lost Letters

30 Jul 2011
to all in Irdalni
Follows on from Mardel Waroe RP on Lost Letters.

Orlen gets handed a letter by a messenger. Flicking through it briefly, he mutters something to Harlen, and the messenger takes it away again.

Orlen: It seems the heat here is affecting the messengers. I wonder how you do cope with the warmth here. I can feel a headache coming on. Get me some sage water please, Harlen.


30 Jul 2011
to Duke Pyran of Alowca

Letter from Orlen Waroe

Duke Pyran,


As requested by our leader, and marshal, who fear an attack on your city, I have tried to reinforce the defences with my men, but they refuse to station themselves accordingly. I wonder if there is anything in your power to assist me with this mission?

Knight Waroe

Orlen Waroe (Knight of Irdalni)


Letter from Pyran Bas-Tyra

Sir Orlen,

March them within the city, and let them use the city's walls, preferably by telling them to act defensively during any battle.

Pyran Bas-Tyra
Duke of Alowca


Letter from Orlen Waroe

Duke Pyran,

Thank you for your letter. When you ask me to march them within the city and on the walls, to whom are you referring? Do you mean that you would like my own troops marched on your walls? Or do you require my services to march some other troops in the city?

I am happy to try to assist the duchy; I am just unsure exactly what you require of me. Are we expecting any battles?

Orlen Waroe (Knight of Irdalni)


Letter from Pyran Bas-Tyra

Sir Orlen,

As I understood from your first message, you said that you sought to defend the city, and as such I was confused, but decided to humor you, at least until I understood what you were talking about. I am telling you that, if you are wishing to defend the city, then simply march on in and up to the ramparts. If anything is coming, be it a tree or, as I hear, a thistle, and it is hostile, have your men shoot at it.

Pyran Bas-Tyra
Duke of Alowca


Letter from Orlen Waroe

Duke Pyran,

I only sent my first message to you after you had first sent a message to me. This is, after all, only my second message to you. If you were already confused when you sent the first message, before I had written to you, it is perhaps of no surprise that we are now both confused.

Confusion aside, I am happy to help defend Alowca when you desire, assuming it pleases Baron Malice for me to do so. If you happen to be having difficulty with hostile flora at the moment then it is of happy chance that my men were recently training on the non-hostile forms of both trees and thistles, and I am pleased that their training has been of such use already. I shall instruct them to shoot at the first signs of dangerous vegetation.

Orlen Waroe (Knight of Irdalni)


Letter from Pyran Bas-Tyra

My scribes have no mention of a letter written to you, previous to the letters you sent to me, and the letters to all of the nobles of Alowca duchy have no mention of that which you speak.

Pyran Bas-Tyra
Duke of Alowca


Roleplay from Orlen Waroe

Orlen [holding a letter from Duke Pyran]: Right, men! We are on our way to Alowca, but I wish to ensure you are all prepared. The Duke tells me that they are experiencing difficulties with hostile plants, and I need to check that you are ready for an encounter. Recently, we practised shooting against trees and thistles. These were passive targets, but by this time tomorrow, we may have encountered our first hostile form.

Kol [one of Orlen's archers]: Hostile plants, sir?

'Orlen: Yes, indeed! We have already seen many unusual creatures in our travels through this jungle. Alowca lies the other side of the jungle, so may have any number of unusual flora and fauna. In particular, it seems, the hostility of thistles is particularly threatening.

Harlen: Should we practise more, sir?

Orlen: A fine idea. Men, each pick a thistle to shoot at. Stand a little closer than last time though. Take a score of shots at it from different angles, imagining that it is evading your moves.

Despite the raised eyebrows, being convinced by the mention of the Duke and the point about the unknown jungle, the men practise against thistles for an hour before retiring for dinner.


Letter from Orlen Waroe

Duke Pyran,

It is certainly most perplexing that you have either received more letters from me than I have written, or have written fewer letters to me than I have received. Were it the other way around, I might suspect a messenger of having lost some part of our recent communication, but as it is, it leaves me baffled.

However, I believe it matters not. What is important is that my troops are on the way to Alowca to help defend against the enemy plantlife, and I have had them perform extra training specially for this task. We should arrive in Alowca roughly after dawn.

Orlen Waroe (Knight of Irdalni)


Letter from Pyran Bas-Tyra

Sir Orlen,

I would also like them to assist in the effort to keep control of the city, as well as fighting off any rogue plantlife, for you know what they say, "When Burnham wood comes to Dunsinane..."

Pyran Bas-Tyra
Duke of Alowca