Pelgart Family/Albus/Battle Records: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "==Battle in Nazgorn== In response to an uprising of Monsters in Nazgorn, Albus led the Ergos Pedes from Barad Falas to Nazgorn to engage. Once there, the small battl...")
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==Battle in Ulallo==
While retreating from [[Villriil]] the Meridian Republic Army (Riders of Rines?) managed to force a confrontation in [[Ulallo]]. The battle was disastrous for [[Enweil]] and for the Ergos Pedes. Albus is now en-route to [[Fengen]] with his single remaining man - the wounded Capitan Valdric.
===Battle Report===
Battle in Ulallo<br><table bgcolor=#000032><tr><th>No.</th><th>Role</th><th>Unit</th><th>Commander</th><th>Realm</th><th>Unit</th><th>Formation</th><th>Org</th><th>CS</th></tr><tr><td align=center>1</td><td align=center>A</td><td>60th Guards of Fwuvoghor</td><td>Steven</td><td align=center>Meridian Republic</td><td align=center>62&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>13 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;657</td></tr><tr><td align=center>2</td><td align=center>A</td><td>61st Guards of Athol</td><td>Squiggy</td><td align=center>Meridian Republic</td><td align=center>25&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>10 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;293</td></tr><tr><td align=center>3</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Guards</td><td>Nigel</td><td align=center>Meridian Republic</td><td align=center>77&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>90 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;611</td></tr><tr><td align=center>4</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose</td><td>Celyn</td><td align=center>Meridian Republic</td><td align=center>48&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>90 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;515</td></tr><tr><td align=center>5</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Heavy Pikes</td><td>Bors</td><td align=center>Meridian Republic</td><td align=center>49&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>89 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;408</td></tr><tr><td align=center>6</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Heralds of the House</td><td>Yosef</td><td align=center>Meridian Republic</td><td align=center>62&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>88 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;664</td></tr><tr><td align=center>7</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Puck's Plethera</td><td>Puck</td><td align=center>Meridian Republic</td><td align=center>50&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>87 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;443</td></tr><tr><td align=center>8</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Republican Triumph</td><td>Mordred</td><td align=center>Meridian Republic</td><td align=center>40&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>91 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;412</td></tr><tr><td align=center>9</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Sanctus Gloria IV</td><td>Sihaya</td><td align=center>Meridian Republic</td><td align=center>25&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>92 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;299</td></tr><tr><td align=center>10</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Arthur's Warriors</td><td>Arthur</td><td align=center>Enweil</td><td align=center>32&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>93 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;409</td></tr><tr><td align=center>11</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Elrohir</td><td>Elrohir II</td><td align=center>Enweil</td><td align=center>58&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>91 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;557</td></tr><tr><td align=center>12</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Ergos Pedes</td><td>Albus</td><td align=center>Enweil</td><td align=center>15&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>89 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;227</td></tr><tr><td align=center>13</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Micheal's AcheAngles</td><td>Micheal</td><td align=center>Enweil</td><td align=center>34&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>89 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;408</td></tr><tr><td align=center>14</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Night Elf Archers (R 4)</td><td>Handkor</td><td align=center>Enweil</td><td align=center>27&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>93 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;360</td></tr><tr><td align=center>15</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Spear Chuckers</td><td>Merkandur</td><td align=center>Enweil</td><td align=center>88&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>92 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;859</td></tr><tr><td align=center>16</td><td align=center>D</td><td>takeovers</td><td>Igor</td><td align=center>Enweil</td><td align=center>80&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>87 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;630</td></tr><tr><td align=center>17</td><td align=center>N</td><td>Boldur's Elite</td><td>Boldur</td><td align=center>Enweil</td><td align=center>0&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>9 %<td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;0</td></tr></table><br>Total:<br>9 attackers (376 Inf, 62 Cav)<br>7 defenders (161 Inf, 173 Arch)<br>Total combat strengths: 4302 vs. 3450<br>1 neutral observers (0 combat strength).<br><br><div style="font-size: 90%;"><br>Begin new treaty system battle setup:Boldur's Elite have no combat-ready men and thus stay out of the battle.<br>The region owner Enweil and their allies defend.<br>61st Guards of Athol are out for blood!<br/>60th Guards of Fwuvoghor are out for blood!<br/>Heavy Pikes have attack orders.<br/>Guards have attack orders.<br/>Republican Triumph have attack orders.<br/>Sanctus Gloria IV have attack orders.<br/>The troops from Meridian Republic join in to support their realm-mates.<br/><br>End new treaty system battle setup.</div>Boldur's Elite have no combat-ready men and thus stay out of the battle.<br>The region owner Enweil and their allies defend.<br>The Meridian Republic troops attack because they are at war with Enweil.<br><br>Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.<br><br>Igor zepplins, Chief Justice of Enweil, Duke of Fengen is spotted wearing the Golden Band.<br>Mordred Lefanis, Premier of Meridian Republic, Ambassador of Meridian Republic is spotted wielding the Ucdauh's Aegis against Fire.<br><span style="color:#00008B">Celyn Haerthorne</span>, General of Meridian Republic, Duke of Fwuvoghor, Marshal of the Riders of Rines takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation.<br><span style="color:#00008B">Merkandur Castillo</span>, Viscount of Sandlakes, Marshal of the Army of Fengen takes command of his army. They deploy in They Shall Not Pass formation.<br><P><span style="font-size: 80%; text-align: center;">(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)</span><br><span style="color: black;"><b>Turn No. 1</b></span><br><table style="background-color: #004000; width: 80%;" border="2"><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #FF6464;">6&nbsp;(62-C)<br></span></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #FF6464;">1&nbsp;(62-I)<br>2&nbsp;(25-I)<br>3&nbsp;(77-I)<br>4&nbsp;(48-I)<br>5&nbsp;(49-I)<br>7&nbsp;(50-I)<br>8&nbsp;(40-I)<br>9&nbsp;(25-I)<br></span></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #9696FF;">10&nbsp;(32-I)<br><span style="color: #00008B">12&nbsp;(15-I)<br></span>13&nbsp;(34-I)<br>16&nbsp;(80-I)<br></span></td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #9696FF;">11&nbsp;(58-A)<br>14&nbsp;(27-A)<br>15&nbsp;(88-A)<br></span></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Elrohir (11) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.<br>Spear Chuckers (15) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.<br>Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.<br>Heralds of the House (6) ride on, closing in on the defenders.<br>Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4), Republican Triumph (8), 61st Guards of Athol (2), Heavy Pikes (5), 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1), Guards (3), Sanctus Gloria IV (9) and Puck's Plethera (7) advance towards the enemy.<br><span style="color: #00008B">Arthur's Warriors (10), Ergos Pedes (12), Micheal's AcheAngles (13) and takeovers (16) advance towards the enemy.<br></span><br/><br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged)</b></span><br><P><span style="color: black;"><b>Turn No. 2</b></span><br><table style="background-color: #004000; width: 80%;" border="2"><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #FF6464;">6&nbsp;(62-C)<br></span></td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #FF6464;">1&nbsp;(62-I)<br>2&nbsp;(25-I)<br>3&nbsp;(77-I)<br>4&nbsp;(48-I)<br>5&nbsp;(49-I)<br>7&nbsp;(50-I)<br>8&nbsp;(40-I)<br>9&nbsp;(25-I)<br></span></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #9696FF;">10&nbsp;(32-I)<br><span style="color: #00008B">12&nbsp;(15-I)<br></span>13&nbsp;(34-I)<br>16&nbsp;(80-I)<br></span></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #9696FF;">11&nbsp;(58-A)<br>14&nbsp;(27-A)<br>15&nbsp;(88-A)<br></span></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.<br>Elrohir (11) move closer to get better shots.<br>Spear Chuckers (15) fire on 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1), scoring 189 hits.<br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 189, Defenders: 0</b></span><br>Heralds of the House (6) ride on, closing in on the defenders.<br>Heavy Pikes (5), Sanctus Gloria IV (9), 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1), Republican Triumph (8), Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4), 61st Guards of Athol (2), Guards (3) and Puck's Plethera (7) advance towards the enemy.<br><span style="color: #00008B">Arthur's Warriors (10), Micheal's AcheAngles (13), Ergos Pedes (12) and takeovers (16) advance towards the enemy.<br></span><br/><br><span style="color: black;">Close Combat (Defender Line 1):</span><br><span style="color: #A52A2A;">2 Enweil banners are visible in the melee.</span><br><span style="color: #A52A2A;">16 Meridian Republic banners are visible in the melee.</span><br>Heavy Pikes (5) score 268 hits on Micheal's AcheAngles (13).<br>Sanctus Gloria IV (9) score 131 hits on Arthur's Warriors (10).<br>60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) score 316 hits on Ergos Pedes (12) (342 before overkill).<br>Republican Triumph (8) score 206 hits on takeovers (16).<br>Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4) score 252 hits on Arthur's Warriors (10).<br>61st Guards of Athol (2) score 246 hits on takeovers (16).<br>Guards (3) score 177 hits on Ergos Pedes (12) (192 before overkill).<br>Puck's Plethera (7) score 240 hits on takeovers (16).<br>Heralds of the House (6) score 471 hits on Arthur's Warriors (10).<br>Arthur's Warriors (10) score 124 hits on Heralds of the House (6).<br>Arthur's Warriors (10) score 108 hits on Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4).<br>Arthur's Warriors (10) score 69 hits on Sanctus Gloria IV (9).<br>Micheal's AcheAngles (13) score 251 hits on Heavy Pikes (5).<br><span style="color: #00008B">Ergos Pedes (12) score 73 hits on Guards (3).<br></span><span style="color: #00008B">Ergos Pedes (12) score 70 hits on 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1).<br></span>takeovers (16) score 149 hits on Puck's Plethera (7).<br>takeovers (16) score 112 hits on Republican Triumph (8).<br>takeovers (16) score 79 hits on 61st Guards of Athol (2).<br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1035, Defenders: 2307 (2348 before overkill)</b></span><br><br>Heavy Pikes (5)  take 251 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.<br>Sanctus Gloria IV (9)  take 69 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) take 259 hits (70 in close combat, 189 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties.<br>Republican Triumph (8)  take 112 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.<br>Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4)  take 108 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>61st Guards of Athol (2)  take 79 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Guards (3)  take 73 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Puck's Plethera (7)  take 149 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.<br>Heralds of the House (6)  take 124 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.<br>Arthur's Warriors (10)  take 854 hits in close combat, which cause 26 casualties. One Enweil banner is lost.<br>Micheal's AcheAngles (13)  take 268 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.<br><span style="color: #00008B">Ergos Pedes (12)  take 493 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties.<br></span>takeovers (16)  take 692 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties.<br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1224 (1035 from close combat and 189 from ranged), Defenders: 2307 (2307 from close combat and 0 from ranged)</b></span><br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total casualties: 37 attackers, 62 defenders</b></span><br><P><span style="color: black;"><b>Turn No. 3</b></span><br><table style="background-color: #004000; width: 80%;" border="2"><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #FF6464;">1&nbsp;(56-I)<br>2&nbsp;(23-I)<br>3&nbsp;(75-I)<br>4&nbsp;(46-I)<br>5&nbsp;(39-I)<br>6&nbsp;(57-C)<br>7&nbsp;(46-I)<br>8&nbsp;(36-I)<br>9&nbsp;(23-I)<br></span><span style="color: #9696FF;">10&nbsp;(6-I)<br><span style="color: #00008B">12&nbsp;(4-I)<br></span>13&nbsp;(28-I)<br>16&nbsp;(61-I)<br></span></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #9696FF;">11&nbsp;(58-A)<br></span></td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #9696FF;">14&nbsp;(27-A)<br>15&nbsp;(88-A)<br></span></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Spear Chuckers (15) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.<br>Elrohir (11) hold their fire.<br>Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.<br><br/><br><span style="color: black;">Close Combat (Defender Line 1):</span><br><span style="color: #A52A2A;">1 Enweil banners are visible in the melee.</span><br><span style="color: #A52A2A;">16 Meridian Republic banners are visible in the melee.</span><br>Sanctus Gloria IV (9) score 106 hits on Arthur's Warriors (10) (148 before overkill).<br>Micheal's AcheAngles (13) score 90 hits on Heralds of the House (6).<br>Micheal's AcheAngles (13) score 44 hits on 61st Guards of Athol (2).<br>Micheal's AcheAngles (13) score 117 hits on 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1).<br><span style="color: #00008B">Ergos Pedes (12) score 35 hits on Heavy Pikes (5).<br></span><span style="color: #00008B">Ergos Pedes (12) score 24 hits on Republican Triumph (8).<br></span>61st Guards of Athol (2) score 202 hits on Micheal's AcheAngles (13).<br>Guards (3) score 196 hits on takeovers (16).<br>takeovers (16) score 230 hits on Guards (3).<br>takeovers (16) score 139 hits on Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4).<br>Republican Triumph (8) score 126 hits on Ergos Pedes (12) (298 before overkill).<br>Puck's Plethera (7) score 139 hits on Arthur's Warriors (10) (193 before overkill).<br>60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) score 215 hits on Micheal's AcheAngles (13).<br>Heralds of the House (6) score 341 hits on Micheal's AcheAngles (13).<br>Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4) score 165 hits on takeovers (16).<br>Arthur's Warriors (10) score 74 hits on Puck's Plethera (7).<br>Arthur's Warriors (10) score 35 hits on Sanctus Gloria IV (9).<br>Heavy Pikes (5) score 120 hits on Ergos Pedes (12) (284 before overkill).<br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 788, Defenders: 1610 (2042 before overkill)</b></span><br><br>Sanctus Gloria IV (9)  take 35 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Micheal's AcheAngles (13)  take 758 hits in close combat, which cause 17 casualties.<br><span style="color: #00008B">Ergos Pedes (12)  take 246 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br></span>61st Guards of Athol (2)  take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Guards (3)  take 230 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.<br>takeovers (16)  take 361 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.<br>Republican Triumph (8)  take 24 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Puck's Plethera (7)  take 74 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1)  take 117 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.<br>Heralds of the House (6)  take 90 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.<br>Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4)  take 139 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.<br>Arthur's Warriors (10)  take 245 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br><span style="color: #DC143C;">Arthur Quincey, Duke of Fheuvenem has been wounded by Puck's Plethera (7).</span><br>Heavy Pikes (5)  take 35 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 788 (788 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 1610 (1610 from close combat and 0 from ranged)</b></span><br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total casualties: 22 attackers, 37 defenders</b></span><br><P><span style="color: black;"><b>Turn No. 4</b></span><br><table style="background-color: #004000; width: 80%;" border="2"><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #FF6464;">1&nbsp;(53-I)<br>2&nbsp;(22-I)<br>3&nbsp;(69-I)<br>4&nbsp;(43-I)<br>5&nbsp;(38-I)<br>6&nbsp;(53-C)<br>7&nbsp;(44-I)<br>8&nbsp;(35-I)<br>9&nbsp;(22-I)<br></span><span style="color: #9696FF;">13&nbsp;(11-I)<br>16&nbsp;(51-I)<br></span></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #9696FF;">11&nbsp;(58-A)<br>14&nbsp;(27-A)<br>15&nbsp;(88-A)<br></span></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Elrohir (11) hold their fire.<br>Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14) hold their fire.<br>Spear Chuckers (15) move closer to get better shots.<br>Guards (3) break through the frontlines!<br>Heavy Pikes (5) break through the frontlines!<br>61st Guards of Athol (2) break through the frontlines!<br>60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) and Puck's Plethera (7) advance towards the enemy.<br><br/><br><span style="color: black;">Close Combat (Defender Line 1):</span><br><span style="color: #A52A2A;">8 Meridian Republic banners are visible in the melee.</span><br>Micheal's AcheAngles (13) score 61 hits on Heralds of the House (6).<br>Micheal's AcheAngles (13) score 75 hits on Guards (3).<br>takeovers (16) score 53 hits on Heavy Pikes (5).<br>takeovers (16) score 56 hits on Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4).<br>takeovers (16) score 61 hits on Republican Triumph (8).<br>takeovers (16) score 33 hits on Sanctus Gloria IV (9).<br>takeovers (16) score 31 hits on 61st Guards of Athol (2).<br>Sanctus Gloria IV (9) score 99 hits on takeovers (16).<br>Republican Triumph (8) score 214 hits on takeovers (16).<br>Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4) score 218 hits on takeovers (16).<br>Heralds of the House (6) score 223 hits on Micheal's AcheAngles (13) (294 before overkill).<br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 370, Defenders: 754 (825 before overkill)</b></span><br><br><span style="color: black;">Close Combat (Defender Line 2):</span><br><span style="color: #A52A2A;">2 Enweil banners are visible in the melee.</span><br><span style="color: #A52A2A;">8 Meridian Republic banners are visible in the melee.</span><br>Guards (3) score 278 hits on Spear Chuckers (15).<br>Guards (3) score 32 hits on Micheal's AcheAngles (13).<br>Heavy Pikes (5) score 208 hits on takeovers (16).<br>61st Guards of Athol (2) score 224 hits on takeovers (16).<br>Spear Chuckers (15) score 102 hits on Guards (3).<br>Spear Chuckers (15) score 66 hits on Puck's Plethera (7).<br>Spear Chuckers (15) score 76 hits on 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1).<br>60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) score 268 hits on Spear Chuckers (15).<br>Puck's Plethera (7) score 236 hits on Spear Chuckers (15).<br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 244, Defenders: 1246</b></span><br><br>Guards (3)  take 177 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.<br>Heavy Pikes (5)  take 53 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Micheal's AcheAngles (13)  take 255 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br><span style="color: #DC143C;">Micheal Langdon (Knight of Iato, Enweil) has been wounded by Heralds of the House (6).</span><br>takeovers (16)  take 963 hits in close combat, which cause 27 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br><span style="color: #DC143C;">Igor zepplins, Chief Justice of Enweil, Duke of Fengen has been wounded by Sanctus Gloria IV (9).</span><br>61st Guards of Athol (2)  take 31 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Sanctus Gloria IV (9)  take 33 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Republican Triumph (8)  take 61 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4)  take 56 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Spear Chuckers (15)  take 782 hits in close combat, which cause 23 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1)  take 76 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Puck's Plethera (7)  take 66 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>Heralds of the House (6)  take 61 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 614 (614 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 2000 (2000 from close combat and 0 from ranged)</b></span><br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total casualties: 18 attackers, 56 defenders</b></span><br><P><span style="color: black;"><b>Turn No. 5</b></span><br><table style="background-color: #004000; width: 80%;" border="2"><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #FF6464;">4&nbsp;(42-I)<br>6&nbsp;(51-C)<br>8&nbsp;(33-I)<br>9&nbsp;(21-I)<br></span></td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #FF6464;">1&nbsp;(51-I)<br>2&nbsp;(21-I)<br>3&nbsp;(64-I)<br>5&nbsp;(36-I)<br>7&nbsp;(42-I)<br></span></td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #9696FF;">11&nbsp;(58-A)<br>14&nbsp;(27-A)<br></span></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14) fire on 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1), scoring 205 hits.<br>Elrohir (11) fire on Guards (3), scoring 164 hits.<br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 369, Defenders: 0</b></span><br>Heralds of the House (6) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.<br>Sanctus Gloria IV (9), Guards (3), 61st Guards of Athol (2), Heavy Pikes (5), Republican Triumph (8), Puck's Plethera (7), 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) and Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4) advance towards the enemy.<br><br/><br><span style="color: black;">Close Combat (Defender Line 3):</span><br><span style="color: #A52A2A;">12 Meridian Republic banners are visible in the melee.</span><br>Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14) score 21 hits on Heralds of the House (6).<br>Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14) score 31 hits on Guards (3).<br>Guards (3) score 301 hits on Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14).<br>Elrohir (11) score 24 hits on Heavy Pikes (5).<br>Elrohir (11) score 22 hits on Puck's Plethera (7).<br>Elrohir (11) score 14 hits on 61st Guards of Athol (2).<br>Elrohir (11) score 24 hits on 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1).<br>61st Guards of Athol (2) score 187 hits on Elrohir (11).<br>Heralds of the House (6) score 917 hits on Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14).<br>Heavy Pikes (5) score 262 hits on Elrohir (11).<br>Puck's Plethera (7) score 260 hits on Elrohir (11).<br>60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) score 226 hits on Elrohir (11).<br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 136, Defenders: 2153</b></span><br><br>Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14)  take 1218 hits in close combat, which cause 27 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>Guards (3) take 195 hits (31 in close combat, 164 from archer fire), which cause 5 casualties.<br>Elrohir (11)  take 935 hits in close combat, which cause 30 casualties.<br>61st Guards of Athol (2)  take 14 hits in close combat. No casualties.<br>Heralds of the House (6)  take 21 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Heavy Pikes (5)  take 24 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Puck's Plethera (7)  take 22 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) take 229 hits (24 in close combat, 205 from archer fire), which cause 5 casualties.<br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 505 (136 from close combat and 369 from ranged), Defenders: 2153 (2153 from close combat and 0 from ranged)</b></span><br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total casualties: 13 attackers, 57 defenders</b></span><br><P><span style="color: black;"><b>Turn No. 6</b></span><br><table style="background-color: #004000; width: 80%;" border="2"><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #FF6464;">4&nbsp;(42-I)<br>8&nbsp;(33-I)<br>9&nbsp;(21-I)<br></span></td><td width="9%"><span style="color: #FF6464;">1&nbsp;(46-I)<br>2&nbsp;(21-I)<br>3&nbsp;(59-I)<br>5&nbsp;(35-I)<br>6&nbsp;(50-C)<br>7&nbsp;(41-I)<br></span><span style="color: #9696FF;">11&nbsp;(28-A)<br></span></td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4), Republican Triumph (8) and Sanctus Gloria IV (9) advance towards the enemy.<br>Heavy Pikes (5), 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1), Puck's Plethera (7), Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4), Republican Triumph (8) and Sanctus Gloria IV (9) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.<br><br/><br><span style="color: black;">Close Combat (Defender Line 3):</span><br><span style="color: #A52A2A;">10 Meridian Republic banners are visible in the melee.</span><br>Guards (3) score 199 hits on Elrohir (11).<br>61st Guards of Athol (2) score 157 hits on Elrohir (11).<br>Heralds of the House (6) score 397 hits on Elrohir (11).<br>Elrohir (11) score 39 hits on Heralds of the House (6).<br>Elrohir (11) score 49 hits on Guards (3).<br>Elrohir (11) score 16 hits on 61st Guards of Athol (2).<br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 104, Defenders: 753</b></span><br><br><span style="color: #A52A2A;">The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.</span><br><br>Guards (3)  take 49 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>61st Guards of Athol (2)  take 16 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>Heralds of the House (6)  take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>Elrohir (11)  take 753 hits in close combat, which cause 24 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total hits suffered: Attackers: 104 (104 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 753 (753 from close combat and 0 from ranged)</b></span><br><span style="color: black;"><b>Total casualties: 4 attackers, 24 defenders</b></span><br><br><b><span style="color: #DC143C;">Attacker Victory!</span>

Latest revision as of 19:57, 29 October 2010

Battle in Nazgorn

In response to an uprising of Monsters in Nazgorn, Albus led the Ergos Pedes from Barad Falas to Nazgorn to engage. Once there, the small battle group of several military units engaged. Despite the fact that neither Albs or his men had the opportunity to engage the enemy directly, the battle brought the troop closer together and provided much needed field experience.

Battle in Villriil 1

Abus with the Ergos Pedes and other Enweil troops engaged a group of angry peasants while passing through Villriil. The conflict was swift and the angry peasants were obliterated before the Egros Pedes could close to melee range.

Battle Report

Battle in Villriil












Arthur's Warriors



33 Inf


69 %





(not present)


21 Arch


70 %




Ergos Pedes



15 Inf


64 %




Manifest Destiny



21 Arch


66 %




Meat Sheild



29 Inf


69 %




Micheal's AcheAngles



35 Inf


63 %




Night Elf Archers (R 4)



27 Arch


69 %







38 Arch


65 %




Spear Chuckers



69 Arch


69 %







80 Inf


63 %







60 Inf


70 %




Angry Peasants

(militia/guard unit)

Meridian Republic

26 other


3 %


11 attackers (252 Inf, 176 Arch)
1 defenders (26 other)
Total combat strengths: 4882 vs. 108

Begin new treaty system battle setup:

The troops from Enweil set up defenses because they control the battlefield.
Angry Peasants are out for blood!

End new treaty system battle setup.

The peasants of Meridian Republic and their allies defend.
The Enweil troops attack because they are at war with Meridian Republic.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.

Igor zepplins, Chief Justice of Enweil, Duke of Fengen is spotted wearing the Golden Band.
Igor zepplins, Chief Justice of Enweil, Duke of Fengen is spotted wielding the Bone- Axe of Destruction.
Merkandur Castillo, Viscount of Sandlakes, Marshal of the Army of Fengen takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1



1 (33-I)
3 (15-I)
4 (21-A)
5 (29-I)
6 (35-I)
7 (27-A)
11 (60-I)

2 (21-A)
8 (38-A)
9 (69-A)

10 (80-I)


12 (26-P)





Night Elf Archers (R 4) (7) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Elrohir (2) fire on Angry Peasants (12), scoring 47 hits.
Slayers (8) move closer to get better shots.
Manifest Destiny (4) fire on Angry Peasants (12), scoring 62 hits.
Spear Chuckers (9) fire on Angry Peasants (12), scoring 228 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 337
takeovers (10), Ergos Pedes (3), Meat Sheild (5), Micheal's AcheAngles (6), Arthur's Warriors (1) and Wolverines (11) advance towards the enemy.
Angry Peasants (12) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line):
takeovers (10) score 335 hits on Angry Peasants (12).
Angry Peasants (12) score 19 hits on takeovers (10).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 19, Defenders: 335

takeovers (10) take 19 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Angry Peasants (12) take 672 hits (335 in close combat, 337 from archer fire), which cause 26 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 19 (19 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 672 (335 from close combat and 337 from ranged)
Total casualties: 1 attackers, 26 defenders

Attacker Victory!

Battle in Villriil 2

Abus with the Ergos Pedes and other Enweil troops engaged a troop led by Aenilic Wanderers of the Meridian Republic while moving into Villriil. The conflict was swift and the Meridia soldiers were quickly defeated before the Egros Pedes could close to melee range.

Battle Report

Battle in Villriil












Arthur's Warriors



33 Inf


67 %




Boldur's Elite



19 Inf


61 %





Elrohir II


58 Arch


64 %




Ergos Pedes



15 Inf


63 %




Manifest Destiny



21 Arch


64 %




Micheal's AcheAngles



35 Inf


62 %




Spear Chuckers



88 Arch


66 %







59 Inf


68 %




Aenilic Wanderers


Meridian Republic

23 Inf


12 %


8 attackers (161 Inf, 167 Arch)
1 defenders (23 Inf)
Total combat strengths: 3827 vs. 300

Begin new treaty system battle setup:

The region owner Meridian Republic attacks Enweil due to their lack of a Passage Rights treaty.

End new treaty system battle setup.

The region owner Meridian Republic and their allies defend.
The Enweil troops attack because they are at war with Meridian Republic.

Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.
Merkandur Castillo, Viscount of Sandlakes, Marshal of the Army of Fengen takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1



1 (33-I)
2 (19-I)
4 (15-I)
5 (21-A)
6 (35-I)
8 (59-I)

3 (58-A)
7 (88-A)



9 (23-I)





Elrohir (3) fire on Aenilic Wanderers (9), scoring 178 hits.
Manifest Destiny (5) fire on Aenilic Wanderers (9), scoring 47 hits.
Spear Chuckers (7) fire on Aenilic Wanderers (9), scoring 257 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 482
Ergos Pedes (4), Wolverines (8), Micheal's AcheAngles (6), Boldur's Elite (2) and Arthur's Warriors (1) advance towards the enemy.
Aenilic Wanderers (9) advance towards the enemy.

Aenilic Wanderers (9) take 482 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 482 (0 from close combat and 482 from ranged)
Total casualties: 0 attackers, 11 defenders

Turn No. 2



5 (21-A)

1 (33-I)
2 (19-I)
3 (58-A)
4 (15-I)
6 (35-I)
7 (88-A)
8 (59-I)


9 (12-I)






Manifest Destiny (5) fire on Aenilic Wanderers (9), scoring 86 hits.
Spear Chuckers (7) fire on Aenilic Wanderers (9), scoring 277 hits.
Elrohir (3) fire on Aenilic Wanderers (9), scoring 230 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 593
Arthur's Warriors (1), Micheal's AcheAngles (6), Wolverines (8), Boldur's Elite (2) and Ergos Pedes (4) advance towards the enemy.
Aenilic Wanderers (9) advance towards the enemy.
Wolverines (8), Boldur's Elite (2) and Ergos Pedes (4) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
1 Enweil banners are visible in the melee.
2 Meridian Republic banners are visible in the melee.
Arthur's Warriors (1) score 256 hits on Aenilic Wanderers (9).
Micheal's AcheAngles (6) score 342 hits on Aenilic Wanderers (9).
Aenilic Wanderers (9) score 43 hits on Arthur's Warriors (1).
Aenilic Wanderers (9) score 53 hits on Micheal's AcheAngles (6).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 96, Defenders: 598

Arthur's Warriors (1) take 43 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Micheal's AcheAngles (6) take 53 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Aenilic Wanderers (9) take 1191 hits (598 in close combat, 593 from archer fire), which cause 12 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Rickhart Haerthorne, Ambassador of Meridian Republic has been wounded by Manifest Destiny (5).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 96 (96 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 1191 (598 from close combat and 593 from ranged)
Total casualties: 2 attackers, 12 defenders

Attacker Victory!

Battle in Ulallo

While retreating from Villriil the Meridian Republic Army (Riders of Rines?) managed to force a confrontation in Ulallo. The battle was disastrous for Enweil and for the Ergos Pedes. Albus is now en-route to Fengen with his single remaining man - the wounded Capitan Valdric.

Battle Report

Battle in Ulallo

1A60th Guards of FwuvoghorStevenMeridian Republic62 Infwedge13 %  657
2A61st Guards of AtholSquiggyMeridian Republic25 Infwedge10 %  293
3AGuardsNigelMeridian Republic77 Infline90 %  611
4AHalbediers of the Bloodied RoseCelynMeridian Republic48 Infline90 %  515
5AHeavy PikesBorsMeridian Republic49 Infline89 %  408
6AHeralds of the HouseYosefMeridian Republic62 Cavwedge88 %  664
7APuck's PletheraPuckMeridian Republic50 Infline87 %  443
8ARepublican TriumphMordredMeridian Republic40 Infline91 %  412
9ASanctus Gloria IVSihayaMeridian Republic25 Infline92 %  299
10DArthur's WarriorsArthurEnweil32 Infbox93 %  409
11DElrohirElrohir IIEnweil58 Archbox91 %  557
12DErgos PedesAlbusEnweil15 Infbox89 %  227
13DMicheal's AcheAnglesMichealEnweil34 Infbox89 %  408
14DNight Elf Archers (R 4)HandkorEnweil27 Archbox93 %  360
15DSpear ChuckersMerkandurEnweil88 Archbox92 %  859
16DtakeoversIgorEnweil80 Infbox87 %  630
17NBoldur's EliteBoldurEnweil0 Infline9 %  0

9 attackers (376 Inf, 62 Cav)
7 defenders (161 Inf, 173 Arch)
Total combat strengths: 4302 vs. 3450
1 neutral observers (0 combat strength).

Begin new treaty system battle setup:Boldur's Elite have no combat-ready men and thus stay out of the battle.
The region owner Enweil and their allies defend.
61st Guards of Athol are out for blood!
60th Guards of Fwuvoghor are out for blood!
Heavy Pikes have attack orders.
Guards have attack orders.
Republican Triumph have attack orders.
Sanctus Gloria IV have attack orders.
The troops from Meridian Republic join in to support their realm-mates.

End new treaty system battle setup.

Boldur's Elite have no combat-ready men and thus stay out of the battle.
The region owner Enweil and their allies defend.
The Meridian Republic troops attack because they are at war with Enweil.

Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.

Igor zepplins, Chief Justice of Enweil, Duke of Fengen is spotted wearing the Golden Band.
Mordred Lefanis, Premier of Meridian Republic, Ambassador of Meridian Republic is spotted wielding the Ucdauh's Aegis against Fire.
Celyn Haerthorne, General of Meridian Republic, Duke of Fwuvoghor, Marshal of the Riders of Rines takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation.
Merkandur Castillo, Viscount of Sandlakes, Marshal of the Army of Fengen takes command of his army. They deploy in They Shall Not Pass formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

  6 (62-C)
 1 (62-I)
2 (25-I)
3 (77-I)
4 (48-I)
5 (49-I)
7 (50-I)
8 (40-I)
9 (25-I)
   10 (32-I)
12 (15-I)
13 (34-I)
16 (80-I)
11 (58-A)
14 (27-A)
15 (88-A)

Elrohir (11) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Spear Chuckers (15) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Heralds of the House (6) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4), Republican Triumph (8), 61st Guards of Athol (2), Heavy Pikes (5), 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1), Guards (3), Sanctus Gloria IV (9) and Puck's Plethera (7) advance towards the enemy.
Arthur's Warriors (10), Ergos Pedes (12), Micheal's AcheAngles (13) and takeovers (16) advance towards the enemy.

Total hits suffered: Attackers: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged)

Turn No. 2

    6 (62-C)
1 (62-I)
2 (25-I)
3 (77-I)
4 (48-I)
5 (49-I)
7 (50-I)
8 (40-I)
9 (25-I)
 10 (32-I)
12 (15-I)
13 (34-I)
16 (80-I)
 11 (58-A)
14 (27-A)
15 (88-A)

Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Elrohir (11) move closer to get better shots.
Spear Chuckers (15) fire on 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1), scoring 189 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 189, Defenders: 0
Heralds of the House (6) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
Heavy Pikes (5), Sanctus Gloria IV (9), 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1), Republican Triumph (8), Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4), 61st Guards of Athol (2), Guards (3) and Puck's Plethera (7) advance towards the enemy.
Arthur's Warriors (10), Micheal's AcheAngles (13), Ergos Pedes (12) and takeovers (16) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
2 Enweil banners are visible in the melee.
16 Meridian Republic banners are visible in the melee.
Heavy Pikes (5) score 268 hits on Micheal's AcheAngles (13).
Sanctus Gloria IV (9) score 131 hits on Arthur's Warriors (10).
60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) score 316 hits on Ergos Pedes (12) (342 before overkill).
Republican Triumph (8) score 206 hits on takeovers (16).
Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4) score 252 hits on Arthur's Warriors (10).
61st Guards of Athol (2) score 246 hits on takeovers (16).
Guards (3) score 177 hits on Ergos Pedes (12) (192 before overkill).
Puck's Plethera (7) score 240 hits on takeovers (16).
Heralds of the House (6) score 471 hits on Arthur's Warriors (10).
Arthur's Warriors (10) score 124 hits on Heralds of the House (6).
Arthur's Warriors (10) score 108 hits on Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4).
Arthur's Warriors (10) score 69 hits on Sanctus Gloria IV (9).
Micheal's AcheAngles (13) score 251 hits on Heavy Pikes (5).
Ergos Pedes (12) score 73 hits on Guards (3).
Ergos Pedes (12) score 70 hits on 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1).
takeovers (16) score 149 hits on Puck's Plethera (7).
takeovers (16) score 112 hits on Republican Triumph (8).
takeovers (16) score 79 hits on 61st Guards of Athol (2).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1035, Defenders: 2307 (2348 before overkill)

Heavy Pikes (5) take 251 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.
Sanctus Gloria IV (9) take 69 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) take 259 hits (70 in close combat, 189 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties.
Republican Triumph (8) take 112 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4) take 108 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
61st Guards of Athol (2) take 79 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Guards (3) take 73 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Puck's Plethera (7) take 149 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Heralds of the House (6) take 124 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Arthur's Warriors (10) take 854 hits in close combat, which cause 26 casualties. One Enweil banner is lost.
Micheal's AcheAngles (13) take 268 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.
Ergos Pedes (12) take 493 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties.
takeovers (16) take 692 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1224 (1035 from close combat and 189 from ranged), Defenders: 2307 (2307 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 37 attackers, 62 defenders

Turn No. 3

      1 (56-I)
2 (23-I)
3 (75-I)
4 (46-I)
5 (39-I)
6 (57-C)
7 (46-I)
8 (36-I)
9 (23-I)
10 (6-I)
12 (4-I)
13 (28-I)
16 (61-I)
 11 (58-A)
14 (27-A)
15 (88-A)

Spear Chuckers (15) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Elrohir (11) hold their fire.
Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
1 Enweil banners are visible in the melee.
16 Meridian Republic banners are visible in the melee.
Sanctus Gloria IV (9) score 106 hits on Arthur's Warriors (10) (148 before overkill).
Micheal's AcheAngles (13) score 90 hits on Heralds of the House (6).
Micheal's AcheAngles (13) score 44 hits on 61st Guards of Athol (2).
Micheal's AcheAngles (13) score 117 hits on 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1).
Ergos Pedes (12) score 35 hits on Heavy Pikes (5).
Ergos Pedes (12) score 24 hits on Republican Triumph (8).
61st Guards of Athol (2) score 202 hits on Micheal's AcheAngles (13).
Guards (3) score 196 hits on takeovers (16).
takeovers (16) score 230 hits on Guards (3).
takeovers (16) score 139 hits on Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4).
Republican Triumph (8) score 126 hits on Ergos Pedes (12) (298 before overkill).
Puck's Plethera (7) score 139 hits on Arthur's Warriors (10) (193 before overkill).
60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) score 215 hits on Micheal's AcheAngles (13).
Heralds of the House (6) score 341 hits on Micheal's AcheAngles (13).
Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4) score 165 hits on takeovers (16).
Arthur's Warriors (10) score 74 hits on Puck's Plethera (7).
Arthur's Warriors (10) score 35 hits on Sanctus Gloria IV (9).
Heavy Pikes (5) score 120 hits on Ergos Pedes (12) (284 before overkill).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 788, Defenders: 1610 (2042 before overkill)

Sanctus Gloria IV (9) take 35 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Micheal's AcheAngles (13) take 758 hits in close combat, which cause 17 casualties.
Ergos Pedes (12) take 246 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
61st Guards of Athol (2) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Guards (3) take 230 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.
takeovers (16) take 361 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.
Republican Triumph (8) take 24 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Puck's Plethera (7) take 74 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) take 117 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Heralds of the House (6) take 90 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4) take 139 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Arthur's Warriors (10) take 245 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Arthur Quincey, Duke of Fheuvenem has been wounded by Puck's Plethera (7).
Heavy Pikes (5) take 35 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 788 (788 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 1610 (1610 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 22 attackers, 37 defenders

Turn No. 4

      1 (53-I)
2 (22-I)
3 (69-I)
4 (43-I)
5 (38-I)
6 (53-C)
7 (44-I)
8 (35-I)
9 (22-I)
13 (11-I)
16 (51-I)
 11 (58-A)
14 (27-A)
15 (88-A)

Elrohir (11) hold their fire.
Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14) hold their fire.
Spear Chuckers (15) move closer to get better shots.
Guards (3) break through the frontlines!
Heavy Pikes (5) break through the frontlines!
61st Guards of Athol (2) break through the frontlines!
60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) and Puck's Plethera (7) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
8 Meridian Republic banners are visible in the melee.
Micheal's AcheAngles (13) score 61 hits on Heralds of the House (6).
Micheal's AcheAngles (13) score 75 hits on Guards (3).
takeovers (16) score 53 hits on Heavy Pikes (5).
takeovers (16) score 56 hits on Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4).
takeovers (16) score 61 hits on Republican Triumph (8).
takeovers (16) score 33 hits on Sanctus Gloria IV (9).
takeovers (16) score 31 hits on 61st Guards of Athol (2).
Sanctus Gloria IV (9) score 99 hits on takeovers (16).
Republican Triumph (8) score 214 hits on takeovers (16).
Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4) score 218 hits on takeovers (16).
Heralds of the House (6) score 223 hits on Micheal's AcheAngles (13) (294 before overkill).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 370, Defenders: 754 (825 before overkill)

Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
2 Enweil banners are visible in the melee.
8 Meridian Republic banners are visible in the melee.
Guards (3) score 278 hits on Spear Chuckers (15).
Guards (3) score 32 hits on Micheal's AcheAngles (13).
Heavy Pikes (5) score 208 hits on takeovers (16).
61st Guards of Athol (2) score 224 hits on takeovers (16).
Spear Chuckers (15) score 102 hits on Guards (3).
Spear Chuckers (15) score 66 hits on Puck's Plethera (7).
Spear Chuckers (15) score 76 hits on 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1).
60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) score 268 hits on Spear Chuckers (15).
Puck's Plethera (7) score 236 hits on Spear Chuckers (15).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 244, Defenders: 1246

Guards (3) take 177 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Heavy Pikes (5) take 53 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Micheal's AcheAngles (13) take 255 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Micheal Langdon (Knight of Iato, Enweil) has been wounded by Heralds of the House (6).
takeovers (16) take 963 hits in close combat, which cause 27 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Igor zepplins, Chief Justice of Enweil, Duke of Fengen has been wounded by Sanctus Gloria IV (9).
61st Guards of Athol (2) take 31 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Sanctus Gloria IV (9) take 33 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Republican Triumph (8) take 61 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4) take 56 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Spear Chuckers (15) take 782 hits in close combat, which cause 23 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) take 76 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Puck's Plethera (7) take 66 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Heralds of the House (6) take 61 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 614 (614 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 2000 (2000 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 18 attackers, 56 defenders

Turn No. 5

      4 (42-I)
6 (51-C)
8 (33-I)
9 (21-I)
1 (51-I)
2 (21-I)
3 (64-I)
5 (36-I)
7 (42-I)
11 (58-A)
14 (27-A)

Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14) fire on 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1), scoring 205 hits.
Elrohir (11) fire on Guards (3), scoring 164 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 369, Defenders: 0
Heralds of the House (6) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.
Sanctus Gloria IV (9), Guards (3), 61st Guards of Athol (2), Heavy Pikes (5), Republican Triumph (8), Puck's Plethera (7), 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) and Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Defender Line 3):
12 Meridian Republic banners are visible in the melee.
Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14) score 21 hits on Heralds of the House (6).
Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14) score 31 hits on Guards (3).
Guards (3) score 301 hits on Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14).
Elrohir (11) score 24 hits on Heavy Pikes (5).
Elrohir (11) score 22 hits on Puck's Plethera (7).
Elrohir (11) score 14 hits on 61st Guards of Athol (2).
Elrohir (11) score 24 hits on 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1).
61st Guards of Athol (2) score 187 hits on Elrohir (11).
Heralds of the House (6) score 917 hits on Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14).
Heavy Pikes (5) score 262 hits on Elrohir (11).
Puck's Plethera (7) score 260 hits on Elrohir (11).
60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) score 226 hits on Elrohir (11).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 136, Defenders: 2153

Night Elf Archers (R 4) (14) take 1218 hits in close combat, which cause 27 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Guards (3) take 195 hits (31 in close combat, 164 from archer fire), which cause 5 casualties.
Elrohir (11) take 935 hits in close combat, which cause 30 casualties.
61st Guards of Athol (2) take 14 hits in close combat. No casualties.
Heralds of the House (6) take 21 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Heavy Pikes (5) take 24 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Puck's Plethera (7) take 22 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1) take 229 hits (24 in close combat, 205 from archer fire), which cause 5 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 505 (136 from close combat and 369 from ranged), Defenders: 2153 (2153 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 13 attackers, 57 defenders

Turn No. 6

       4 (42-I)
8 (33-I)
9 (21-I)
1 (46-I)
2 (21-I)
3 (59-I)
5 (35-I)
6 (50-C)
7 (41-I)
11 (28-A)

Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4), Republican Triumph (8) and Sanctus Gloria IV (9) advance towards the enemy.
Heavy Pikes (5), 60th Guards of Fwuvoghor (1), Puck's Plethera (7), Halbediers of the Bloodied Rose (4), Republican Triumph (8) and Sanctus Gloria IV (9) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Defender Line 3):
10 Meridian Republic banners are visible in the melee.
Guards (3) score 199 hits on Elrohir (11).
61st Guards of Athol (2) score 157 hits on Elrohir (11).
Heralds of the House (6) score 397 hits on Elrohir (11).
Elrohir (11) score 39 hits on Heralds of the House (6).
Elrohir (11) score 49 hits on Guards (3).
Elrohir (11) score 16 hits on 61st Guards of Athol (2).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 104, Defenders: 753

The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.

Guards (3) take 49 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
61st Guards of Athol (2) take 16 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Heralds of the House (6) take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Elrohir (11) take 753 hits in close combat, which cause 24 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 104 (104 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 753 (753 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 4 attackers, 24 defenders

Attacker Victory!