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<p style="text-align: center">[[Image:VRcrest.jpg]]</p><p style="text-align: center"></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: 12px"><span style="font-family: times new roman, times, serif">"'''Nothing shall Stop Us'''."''~Motto of the Patriarch, Lothar''. </span></span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: 12px"><span style="font-family: times new roman, times, serif">'''''Family Estate:''' Perdan City, Perdan, Eastern Continent''</span></span></p><p style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: 18px"><span style="font-family: times new roman, times, serif"><u>Members of the Dark Family</u></span></span></p><p style="text-align: center">'''''&nbsp;'''''</p>
*<span style="font-size: 14px">[[Von_Richthofen_Family/Markus|'''Markus''']], ''the Mad''</span>

<span style="font-size: 12px">High Marshal and Councillor of [[Caligus]], Marshal of the Caligus Red Gryphons, Keeper of the Keys of [[Sanctus Acies]], The eldest living male in the von Richthofen line. A devotee to the Crown, he has served with distinction in wars against Perdan, Westmoor, Fontan, and Ibladesh. He has several mental conditions, making him somewhat unpredictable in public, and rather volatile when drinking... which is often. His current dealings are rather unknown to the family, other than his falling in with a dark crowd...

Appearance: Walking along the streets, one would probably overlook the eldest von Richthofen, unless you knew him. He stands at six foot two and is of a medium build, well muscled but still trim. His black hair is cut at shoulder length, and typically pushed behind his ears. He has grey eyes that show malice and anger more often than not, but no matter his mood, his scheming and plotting mind can always be read in his eyes. He has started growing a beard, much to his father's displeasure, although Markus is quite happy with the one year of growth. He typically wears a white or red silk long tunic, a black tabard with a strange symbol on the right side four inches below the arm, black gloves, black breeches, and black riding boots. He keeps a short dagger and medium length blade on his belt, with a more important dagger strapped to his left forearm. He wears a dark cloak at night, white with red trim during the day and his hood is inevitably up, casting his face into deep shadow. His only ornamentation is the silver rose pin used to clasp his cloak, and a signet ring on his right hand index finger that is always there. When in the field with the Army, he wears a breastplate, helm, chainmail tunic, his distinctive white with red trim cloak, and the same weapons along with a hand axe. On longer campaigns he brings a small shield (think buckler).

=The Dark Family Von Richthofen=
D&D Style Alignment: Lawful Evil.
'''Caligan Loyalists'''

"An archaic group of barbarians they have been called by their foes, and hard working and diligent servants by their Kingdom. "
Banner: Cendrée Fox Stalking facing Sinister, on a Pean Field. </span>

Brought forth from the lands of Dwilight, where the rule of the Church of Sanguis Astroism and beliefs in Stars and other such silly things are far too abundant. The family saw it's rise from the land of Huanghai, with the first Noble of the line;
*<span style="font-size: 14px"><span style="font-size: 14px">'''Woelfen''', ''the Cursed''</span></span>

*Klaus von Richthofen
<span style="font-size: 12px">Baron of [[Eldoret]], Former Vice Marshal of Perdan's Crimson Wing, Warrior Saint of Sanctus Acies. Living back on Dwilight in near poverty due to the lack of motivation in taking back Darfix, gladly took up the call and came to aid his warlike kinsman. With his Shadowflight darkening the sky along with the remainder of the Caligan forces, the Siege of Partora quickly became a rout, with Caligus dominating the defenders and taking the city. Immediately following the end of the Second Perdan-Caligus war, Woelfen became a Priest and worked diligently to protect his flock. Woelfen was appointed as Lord of Eldoret after Markus refused the position to pursue his military career. Eventually, the region was transferred to Perdan along with the rest of the Partora Duchy. After an attempted murder by an Ibladeshian infiltrator, Woelfen resumed combat duties, and has led the Shadowflight on to great success against the Diocese of Aix. The foundation and growth of his guild, The Order of the Blue Flame, is his crowning glory.  
A military prodigy, he helped order and bring about the assault on Muspelheim. Having been fed up with the repeated overlookings of the higher ups, he led a small revolt and was immediately captured. Upon release from Prison, he committed suicide due to his failure. While this was happening, another of the family...

*Jens von Richthofen 
Appearance: Scars are the first thing one notices on Woelfen, when they are exposed anyway. He had a mishap with a witch living too near the original family estate and was consequently doused in some strange skin decaying potion. The scars run from his right collarbone down his right side and cover both of his hands due to his flailing. He is a slight man, only standing at five foot ten and being of a willowy build. His eyes are pale green and show a cunning and automaton-like determination that have stopped many assassins in their tracks. He typically lets his brown hair do what it wants, and looks no worse the wear for it. He wears a grey tunic with a blue tabard (Order of the Blue Flame) over it, grey cloak with the hood down, black breeches, blue gloves, heavily worked boots and a grey floppy hat with a white plume when in home lands. He wears supple leather armour of grey and green when in the field. A stilleto dagger and a bow are his weapons of choice, but he is no novice with the broadsword he carries either.
having grown bold due to his cousin's sudden rise to fame and power decided to make a name for himself, and left the family estate on Dwilight and started a good career in the Cagilan Empire. He was the steward to Duke Neleron Carna for a while, until the Duke's sudden disappearance. The new Duke that was instated was not a fan of the ambitious young Noble, and treated him poorly.
After a spectacular tournament in which Sir Crescent Strika won the largest tournament winnings of all time, and Jens merely placed .... well, somewhere in the bottom... the aspiring von Richthofen Noble departed for Beluaterra and the lands of Riombara. He disappeared suddenly and without explanation shortly thereafter. Luckily, his brother Markus had already taken up the Mantle as Man of the House...

*Markus von Richthofen
D&D Style Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Marshall of the Caligus Red Gryphons, Knight of Viseu, Councillor of Caligus, Keeper of the Keys of Sanctus Acies, is the eldest living male in the von Richthofen line. A devotee to the Crown, and it's wearer Dobromir Menethil, he served with distinction in the war with Perdan. Assisting in all of the assaults on Partora and in Brive, let alone countless skirmishes along the borderlands between Perdan and Caligus. After being wounded halfway through the war, Markus put out a call to his family to come and assist in the Siege of Partora and finally put an end to the war. His brother...  

*Woelfen von Richthofen
Banner: Or Boar to the Dexter, on a Pale split Purpure-Gules Field. </span>
Living back on Dwilight in near poverty due to the lack of motivation in taking back Darfix, gladly took up the call and came to aid his warlike kinsman. With his Shadowflight darkening the sky along with the remainder of the Caligan foces, the Siege of Partora quickly became a rout, with Caligus dominating the defenders and taking the city.
At the end of the Perdan war, Woelfen von Richthofen swore off fighting, due to the amount of injuries he was invoking on others and the level of guilt he felt about it. He joined the church of Sanctus Acies, as had his brother, and became a Priest. He is now the Mystic Priest of Sanctus Acies and has all the lands from Perdan to Partora and from Nascot to Dimwood under his wing.  

In the meanwhile, the Dark Family von Richthofen remains busy working diligently for the Crown and the Greater Good.
*<span style="font-size: 14px"><span style="font-size: 14px">'''Berwin''', ''the Humble''</span></span>

<span style="font-size: 12px">Marshal of the Field of Honour, and youngest of the line, Berwin is looking to make a name for himself in [[Arcaea]]. So far he has attained a temporary Baronship in [[Unotosa]] but was ousted a week later by the peasantry. He is the black sheep of the family, as he is polite and kind to everyone, and apparently has no mental defects. As such, he was not invited to the most recent gathering of the family, and is not welcome to visit the family estate in Perdan at any time due to the various compliments he pays everyone. As training for family acceptance, Berwin has recently begun working on winning the "Best Insult of the Campaign" award from the Arcaean Nobles. He raises mastiffs in the city of Lasop as a peacetime hobby. (Two of which accompany him on his campaigns)

For the Crimson Lion,
Appearance: Berwin is the giant of the family, standing at six foot eight. He was a large boy, and was picked on for it unmercifully by his older brothers until they left home. He has blonde hair that is quite unkempt for a nobleman, and rather smells like dogs. His pale blue eyes show an ambition that his brothers couldn't squash out of him. He has a brand on the back of right hand as a testament, given to him by Markus as a territorial marking: a fox. He is not fat, for being so tall though, and moves quickly with his well muscled frame. He wears an orange shirt with blue breeches, a white scarf, white gloves, dark riding boots, and a heavily plumed tricorne hat. In the field, full plate & mail that is decorated and showy along with a lance is the only way for him to fight. A heavy bladed shortsword is attached to his saddle for when it is needed.

Ad Honorem, Ad Mortem.
D&D Style Alignment: Chaotic Good/Neutral

Banner: Argent Dragon on a Sable Field, facing the Dexter </span>

*<span style="font-size: 14px"><span style="font-size: 14px"><span style="font-size: 14px">'''Klaus''', ''the Noble''</span></span></span>

[[Category: Families]]
<span style="font-size: 12px">''-Deceased-'' Chaotic Good. A military prodigy and first of the family line, he helped order and bring about the assault on Muspelheim. Having been fed up with the repeated overlookings of the higher ups, he led a small revolt and was immediately captured. Upon release from Prison, he committed suicide due to his failure.</span>
*<span style="font-size: 14px"><span style="font-size: 14px"><span style="font-size: 14px"><span style="font-size: 14px">'''Jens''', ''the Wanderer''</span></span></span></span>
<span style="font-size: 12px">''-Deceased-'' True Neutral. Had lived in The Cagilan Empire, Riombara, Arcachon, and after returning to Atamara was killed by a stray arrow while fighting for Darka in foreign lands.</span>
<br/><span style="font-size: 14px"><span style="font-size: 14px"><span style="font-size: 14px"><span style="font-size: 14px">{{Infobox Family|30561}}</span></span></span></span>

Latest revision as of 21:53, 23 May 2011


"Nothing shall Stop Us."~Motto of the Patriarch, Lothar.

Family Estate: Perdan City, Perdan, Eastern Continent

Members of the Dark Family


High Marshal and Councillor of Caligus, Marshal of the Caligus Red Gryphons, Keeper of the Keys of Sanctus Acies, The eldest living male in the von Richthofen line. A devotee to the Crown, he has served with distinction in wars against Perdan, Westmoor, Fontan, and Ibladesh. He has several mental conditions, making him somewhat unpredictable in public, and rather volatile when drinking... which is often. His current dealings are rather unknown to the family, other than his falling in with a dark crowd...

Appearance: Walking along the streets, one would probably overlook the eldest von Richthofen, unless you knew him. He stands at six foot two and is of a medium build, well muscled but still trim. His black hair is cut at shoulder length, and typically pushed behind his ears. He has grey eyes that show malice and anger more often than not, but no matter his mood, his scheming and plotting mind can always be read in his eyes. He has started growing a beard, much to his father's displeasure, although Markus is quite happy with the one year of growth. He typically wears a white or red silk long tunic, a black tabard with a strange symbol on the right side four inches below the arm, black gloves, black breeches, and black riding boots. He keeps a short dagger and medium length blade on his belt, with a more important dagger strapped to his left forearm. He wears a dark cloak at night, white with red trim during the day and his hood is inevitably up, casting his face into deep shadow. His only ornamentation is the silver rose pin used to clasp his cloak, and a signet ring on his right hand index finger that is always there. When in the field with the Army, he wears a breastplate, helm, chainmail tunic, his distinctive white with red trim cloak, and the same weapons along with a hand axe. On longer campaigns he brings a small shield (think buckler).

D&D Style Alignment: Lawful Evil.

Banner: Cendrée Fox Stalking facing Sinister, on a Pean Field.

  • Woelfen, the Cursed

Baron of Eldoret, Former Vice Marshal of Perdan's Crimson Wing, Warrior Saint of Sanctus Acies. Living back on Dwilight in near poverty due to the lack of motivation in taking back Darfix, gladly took up the call and came to aid his warlike kinsman. With his Shadowflight darkening the sky along with the remainder of the Caligan forces, the Siege of Partora quickly became a rout, with Caligus dominating the defenders and taking the city. Immediately following the end of the Second Perdan-Caligus war, Woelfen became a Priest and worked diligently to protect his flock. Woelfen was appointed as Lord of Eldoret after Markus refused the position to pursue his military career. Eventually, the region was transferred to Perdan along with the rest of the Partora Duchy. After an attempted murder by an Ibladeshian infiltrator, Woelfen resumed combat duties, and has led the Shadowflight on to great success against the Diocese of Aix. The foundation and growth of his guild, The Order of the Blue Flame, is his crowning glory.

Appearance: Scars are the first thing one notices on Woelfen, when they are exposed anyway. He had a mishap with a witch living too near the original family estate and was consequently doused in some strange skin decaying potion. The scars run from his right collarbone down his right side and cover both of his hands due to his flailing. He is a slight man, only standing at five foot ten and being of a willowy build. His eyes are pale green and show a cunning and automaton-like determination that have stopped many assassins in their tracks. He typically lets his brown hair do what it wants, and looks no worse the wear for it. He wears a grey tunic with a blue tabard (Order of the Blue Flame) over it, grey cloak with the hood down, black breeches, blue gloves, heavily worked boots and a grey floppy hat with a white plume when in home lands. He wears supple leather armour of grey and green when in the field. A stilleto dagger and a bow are his weapons of choice, but he is no novice with the broadsword he carries either.

D&D Style Alignment: Lawful Neutral.

Banner: Or Boar to the Dexter, on a Pale split Purpure-Gules Field.

  • Berwin, the Humble

Marshal of the Field of Honour, and youngest of the line, Berwin is looking to make a name for himself in Arcaea. So far he has attained a temporary Baronship in Unotosa but was ousted a week later by the peasantry. He is the black sheep of the family, as he is polite and kind to everyone, and apparently has no mental defects. As such, he was not invited to the most recent gathering of the family, and is not welcome to visit the family estate in Perdan at any time due to the various compliments he pays everyone. As training for family acceptance, Berwin has recently begun working on winning the "Best Insult of the Campaign" award from the Arcaean Nobles. He raises mastiffs in the city of Lasop as a peacetime hobby. (Two of which accompany him on his campaigns)

Appearance: Berwin is the giant of the family, standing at six foot eight. He was a large boy, and was picked on for it unmercifully by his older brothers until they left home. He has blonde hair that is quite unkempt for a nobleman, and rather smells like dogs. His pale blue eyes show an ambition that his brothers couldn't squash out of him. He has a brand on the back of right hand as a testament, given to him by Markus as a territorial marking: a fox. He is not fat, for being so tall though, and moves quickly with his well muscled frame. He wears an orange shirt with blue breeches, a white scarf, white gloves, dark riding boots, and a heavily plumed tricorne hat. In the field, full plate & mail that is decorated and showy along with a lance is the only way for him to fight. A heavy bladed shortsword is attached to his saddle for when it is needed.

D&D Style Alignment: Chaotic Good/Neutral

Banner: Argent Dragon on a Sable Field, facing the Dexter

  • Klaus, the Noble

-Deceased- Chaotic Good. A military prodigy and first of the family line, he helped order and bring about the assault on Muspelheim. Having been fed up with the repeated overlookings of the higher ups, he led a small revolt and was immediately captured. Upon release from Prison, he committed suicide due to his failure.

  • Jens, the Wanderer

-Deceased- True Neutral. Had lived in The Cagilan Empire, Riombara, Arcachon, and after returning to Atamara was killed by a stray arrow while fighting for Darka in foreign lands.

Error while fetching data from URL https://battlemaster.org/data/family/30561: $2.
There was a problem during the HTTP request: 400 Bad Request
Could not get URL https://battlemaster.org/data/family/30561 after 3 tries.

Error: no local variable "name" has been set. Family
Fame Error: no local variable "fame" has been set."Error: no local variable "fame" has been set." is not a number.
Wealth Error: no local variable "wealth" has been set."Error: no local variable "wealth" has been set." is not a number.
Home Region Error: no local variable "homeRegion" has been set.Property "Family home in" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "homeRegion" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Home World Error: no local variable "homeWorld" has been set.Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "homeWorld" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.