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Undead slowly took over much of Thalmarkin, while the worlds attention was on the Monsters and Daimons.
Undead slowly took over much of Thalmarkin, while the worlds attention was on the Monsters and Daimons.
Long ago, Man faced extinction in the face of a great enemy. Men fought, and for a time, held their walls. But the evil was a tireless thing, and men are not innumerable. Shrouded in flame and with claws that cut stone, it swept across the world, laying waste to all in its path, leaving only queer uninhabitable landscapes. It was from these desolate landscapes that the First of Many rose and struck out against men as a second plague. The battle-weary men fell to become the Many and set out to increase their number, raising every man they slew and body discovered into their ranks.
And so it was that destruction had two faces for men: the evil which wasted their land and the dead risen. For a time, men despaired, seeing no hope in the face of darkness, until the wisest noticed that in the lands through which the dead traveled, plants were found once more to grow, and the twisted landscapes slowly reshaped themselves. Whatever foul magic left by the great evil was drained by the passage of the dead.
With time, a great conqueror rode to meet the Many. A warrior of great prowess never before or again seen, forgotten by all but the dead themselves on the tides of time. Before the arrival of the great evil it was beaneath his banner that the entirety of man stood, and he signed with the Many a pact for all time. No longer would the dead destroy as the evil had, laying waste to their own source. Instead, they were were to become defenders, and to them all the bodies of the dead would belong.
And so it was that side by side, Man and the Dead stood sgainst the vil that plagued the land, chasing it back to the dark corners from where it emerged in endless numbers. The great evil, however, did not retreat without a fight: that which animated the dead was sealed for all time, forever preventing the innumerable dead from growing in number...
But time destroys all bindings, all bars, all prisons. So it was that in Qual the first crack appeared and the mind that is the many awoke once more, immediately setting to finding the power that had been sealed away. The dead toiled while men watched in fear, and having forgotten the Ancient Pact, marched on the Many, destroying the ones that had risen. But once they appear, cracks will grow with little effort, and as the seal weakened, the first swell rose up to consume those that had marched on them.
The seal remains. With every passing day it weakens while the dead look out across the endless rides of war, waiting for the day of the second surge.. For the day the bindings break and they march once more.

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|Recipients=Everyone in the vicinity of Pomatim (38 recipients)
|Recipients=Everyone in the vicinity of Pomatim (38 recipients)
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|Recipients=Everyone in the region Ossmat (17 recipients)
|Content= The armies of Tarchennan had gathered outside the city for the decision. It had taken so long, so much work, none knew if they had met with success.
"...offer Melhed's hand in friendship and an alliance proposal." The scribe finished the reading. He was terrified, but less so than the first meeting. Familiarity - and the message he carried - eased his nerves, even if just a little.
The horde shifted as one among their number moved forward to stand before Dilgaard. There was little remarkable about him. His tattered clothes were in the same shape as the rest, and his body clearly no more alive. It was with dead eyes that Tarchennan of The Few gazed upon the mortal - hopefully the first of many - and delivered The Many's response.
"As we were, we stand again.
Once more the swords of Man,
raise twice as it was then,
and before the blade
let the darkness fade."
|Title= Undead Lord
|Content= Those... creatures... are a taint upon the world. There is no evil greater than what they once taught man, no darkness deeper than the knowledge they left.
The soul of Man is no weapon, but they force it into one.
|Content= Have you ever seen tainted water, mortal?
To the eye it looks clear and clean and cool, but when you reach for it you notice the taint on the surface. Like a sheen of oil it clings, corrupting the whole.
Marta is an ancient name, mortal, a name ancient even to the Many. They call themselves Servants of Light, but that light is like a tainted stream.
To think all evil must breathe flames or cut with claws is the mark of a fool. To be as ignorant as you of the greater evils? That is the deepest depth of foolishness.
Now, for some even greater foolishness, tell me why then, are we still intent on defeating the daimons and monsters when a greater evil threatens us all?
Because, mortal, some evils - the greatest - can be conquered only by the things that spawn them.
|Sender=Nigel De La Fere
You carefully work the ritual inscribed on your scroll of Holy Light.
A bright, magical light descends from the sky, piercing clouds and the cover of trees, engulfing the Undead Legion. As the light fades, 252 of the undead have crumbled to dust.
|Recipients=Everyone in the region Wilwau (1 recipient)
As the surge of magic fades, Moridin snorts disdainfully.
"These mortals... they truly believe they can destroy us with the Flows. Fools, but still an annoyance."
With that, Moridin turns towards the pile of ash left by the shaft of light and concentrates. Making a slow grasping motion with his fist, Moridin intones "Return."
As he turns back to the house being burned, near three hundred soldiers climb from the ash as though it were a deep hole.

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Fingolfin Noldorin, Grand Marshal of Thalmarkin, Count of Winifael was captured by Tarchennan Carpath's unit.
Fingolfin Noldorin, Grand Marshal of Thalmarkin, Count of Winifael was captured by Tarchennan Carpath's unit.
Defender Victory!
'''August 7'''
'''Huge Battle Fought '''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Pomatim:
Undead vs. Old Grehk, Sint
Estimated strengths: 2320 men vs. 1610 men
The Army of Old Grehk (Old Grehk), sponsored by Skye Uceek (Royal), were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Zyrthos Sarracenia.
The Arm of the Destroyer (Sint), sponsored by Murchadh Spearhawk, Banker of Sint, Duke of Firbalt, were led into battle by Marshal Thiaraut Daris.
Kieran York (Knight of Junohep, Old Grehk) was captured by Vigo Carpath's unit.
The battle ends undecisive. No winners.
'''August 8'''
'''Huge Battle Fought '''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Pomatim:
Old Grehk, Sint vs. Undead
Estimated strengths: 590 men vs. 2610 men
The Army of Old Grehk (Old Grehk), sponsored by Skye Uceek (Royal), were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Zyrthos Sarracenia.
The Arm of the Destroyer (Sint), sponsored by Murchadh Spearhawk, Banker of Sint, Duke of Firbalt, were led into battle by Marshal Thiaraut Daris.
The Legion (Undead), sponsored by Marshal, were led into battle by Marshal Marshal Carpath.
Lady Celeste Fleisher (Dame of Lezzel, Sint) was seriously wounded by Cwellan Carpath's unit.
Defender Victory!
'''August 17'''
'''Huge Battle Fought'''
Huge Battle Fought 
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Lastfell:
Undead vs. Melhed, Thalmarkin
Estimated strengths: 3400 men vs. 320 men
Marc de Coivos, Quaestor of Melhed, Senator of Fronepu is spotted wielding the Shield of the Dragonslayer.
Sir Kojiro Hinamoto, Senator of Lastfell, Marshal of the Wolf Inner Guard was captured by Primus Carpath's unit.
Attacker Victory!
'''August 24'''
'''Huge Battle Fought  '''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Pomatim:
Undead vs. Old Grehk, Sint
Estimated strengths: 2060 men vs. 1990 men
The Army of Old Grehk (Old Grehk), sponsored by Skye Uceek (Royal), were led into battle by Marshal Askarn Iltaran.
The Dragon Warriors of Hemaglobe (Sint), sponsored by Lady Providence Fleisher, Duchess of Gethsemene, were led into battle by Marshal Janos Buonare.
The Arm of the Destroyer (Sint), sponsored by Murchadh Spearhawk, Banker of Sint, Duke of Firbalt, were led into battle by Marshal Thiara ut
Askarn Iltaran, King and High Marshal of Old Grehk, Marshal of the Army of Old Grehk is spotted wielding the Enchanted Dagger of Doom.
Benton Aelradir, Pontifex of Sint is spotted wielding the Brilliant Arrow.
Lady Providence Fleisher, Duchess of Gethsemene was captured by Charrom Carpath's unit.
Charrom has been killed by Thiara's unit.
Defender Victory!
'''Huge Battle Fought '''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Pomatim:
Old Grehk, Sint, Thalmarkin vs. Undead
Estimated strengths: 1410 men vs. 3970 men
The Army of Old Grehk (Old Grehk), sponsored by Skye Uceek (Royal), were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Zyrthos Sarracenia.
The Legion of the Wolf (Thalmarkin), sponsored by Alfons Lorganson, Duke of Unger, were led into battle by Marshal Malvolia Cancelot.
The Arm of the Destroyer (Sint), sponsored by Murchadh Spearhawk, Banker of Sint, Duke of Firbalt, were led into battle by Marshal Thiara ut
The Dragon Warriors of Hemaglobe (Sint), sponsored by Lady Providence Fleisher (Duke), were led into battle by Marshal Janos Buonare.
The Legion (Undead), sponsored by Marshal, were led into battle by Marshal Marshal Carpath.
Benton Aelradir, Pontifex of Sint is spotted wielding the Brilliant Arrow.
Bartolo Gary (Duke of Thalmarkin) was captured by Vigo Carpath's unit.
The hero Lachlan MacDuff (Knight of Rolbury, Old Grehk) was killed by Tarchennan Carpath's unit.
Morgen Scallywag (Dame of Unger, Thalmarkin) was captured by Tarchennan Carpath's unit.
Vala Graeven (Dame of Unger, Thalmarkin) was captured by Marshal Carpath's unit.

Defender Victory!
Defender Victory!

Latest revision as of 05:04, 15 November 2010

The undead are lead by ruler Tarchennan. They seem to be based in Qual, which they took over on the June 2nd. They seem to be forming a center in Rolbury. So far, very little is known of them. A source managed to uncover the records of a correspondence between Nicolas of Enweil and the Undead Marshal. It is saved here.

Undead slowly took over much of Thalmarkin, while the worlds attention was on the Monsters and Daimons.

Long ago, Man faced extinction in the face of a great enemy. Men fought, and for a time, held their walls. But the evil was a tireless thing, and men are not innumerable. Shrouded in flame and with claws that cut stone, it swept across the world, laying waste to all in its path, leaving only queer uninhabitable landscapes. It was from these desolate landscapes that the First of Many rose and struck out against men as a second plague. The battle-weary men fell to become the Many and set out to increase their number, raising every man they slew and body discovered into their ranks.

And so it was that destruction had two faces for men: the evil which wasted their land and the dead risen. For a time, men despaired, seeing no hope in the face of darkness, until the wisest noticed that in the lands through which the dead traveled, plants were found once more to grow, and the twisted landscapes slowly reshaped themselves. Whatever foul magic left by the great evil was drained by the passage of the dead.

With time, a great conqueror rode to meet the Many. A warrior of great prowess never before or again seen, forgotten by all but the dead themselves on the tides of time. Before the arrival of the great evil it was beaneath his banner that the entirety of man stood, and he signed with the Many a pact for all time. No longer would the dead destroy as the evil had, laying waste to their own source. Instead, they were were to become defenders, and to them all the bodies of the dead would belong.

And so it was that side by side, Man and the Dead stood sgainst the vil that plagued the land, chasing it back to the dark corners from where it emerged in endless numbers. The great evil, however, did not retreat without a fight: that which animated the dead was sealed for all time, forever preventing the innumerable dead from growing in number...

But time destroys all bindings, all bars, all prisons. So it was that in Qual the first crack appeared and the mind that is the many awoke once more, immediately setting to finding the power that had been sealed away. The dead toiled while men watched in fear, and having forgotten the Ancient Pact, marched on the Many, destroying the ones that had risen. But once they appear, cracks will grow with little effort, and as the seal weakened, the first swell rose up to consume those that had marched on them.

The seal remains. With every passing day it weakens while the dead look out across the endless rides of war, waiting for the day of the second surge.. For the day the bindings break and they march once more.


Letter from Anonymous
Message sent to Unknown
My lords,

I just had a very disturbing dream and one that I am compelled to relay to each of you quickly upon first waking. Last night just as I was falling asleep, a strange feeling came over me but I pushed the feeling aside in the throes of sleep only to find my dreams most disconcerting. This was not the first time and as I dreamed the strange dream where I was once again is in a cave, before a beautiful creature. It was the Seer Diamon creature I had met before in the netherworld lands. And once again the Seer spoke to me a warning in a melodic and calm voice.

"The evil has arrived, The travel survived.

Takeover the humans they will, Defeat the humans they will.

Qual the base is, Human the betrayer is.

Daimons only hope, Death otherwise last stop."

As the creature stopped speaking, my dream started fading, and I grasped at the visions struggling to retain vestiges of the message for it is obvious to me that the message contains the warning that could save or destroy humanity.

The past vision I had kept to myself but this is too strong to be ignore and word must be passed to all the realms of the land. If divided we stand then united we will fall. I have done my part and I have passed along the Seer's warning and I will leave it to each of you to do with it as you will.
Anonymous (Unknown)

Letter from Piru Petteri Cosula
Message sent to The human rulers of Beluaterra
Some of the undeads have talked some jibberish nonsens... One of them had said few words which could have make some sense:

Message sent to everyone in your realm (22 recipients) Drazo have big important message!

"I Marshal. Escaped. They come. We. You. Must friends. Must fight. No hope without."

Drazo Trvc Baron of Jedinchel

As some of you prolly know, I hate all these damned aliens... monsters, undeads and DAimons, so i wont start anykind of co-operation with them easily.
Piru Petteri Cosula (King of Thalmarkin, Count of Wailing Wood)

Report from Piru Petteri Cosula
Message sent to The human rulers of Beluaterra
Here rest what they have talked about... feel free to enlighten us if you can translate it.

Letter from Drazo Trvc (21 hours, 40 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (22 recipients) Yes. One called Marshal say:

"Ash po oida dropal? Peint zu sac dort... oida rotun gunli?

Merch, Shambler. Oadriax less zu brgdo nidali, od merch ladnah oadriax peint dropalun vnig oiad lviahe."

Then one called Shambler say:

"Ol op bagle olani zum merch nanaeel oadrix oida...?"

Drazo say, okay, have beer before you go.

Drazo Trvc Baron of Jedinchel
Piru Petteri Cosula (King of Thalmarkin, Count of Wailing Wood)

Letter from Prothall
Message sent to Members of Motley Exchange
I am Prothall, freeman of Old Grehk. I have spent quite a large amount of time in Tor seeking my birthright, but recently the King of Old Grehk had issued a proclamation to all adventurers of our realm to investigate the nearby mountains for signs of Daemon activity.

As I have spent so much time in Tor I felt I would send a report to the members of our guild similar to the one I have sent to my king.

There is some evidence that there may be evil tidings stirring in the mountains of Qual.

I have located there 6 persons who are of neither Noble origin nor are they freemen. of the following names:

  • Tarchennan
  • Marshal
  • Cwellan
  • Charrom
  • Shambler
  • Praetor

I fear these may be the leaders of fell creatures.

Additionally there were a number of nobles from the realm of Melhed, and one priest from Thalmarkin in the same region.

  • Aldo Unti, Consul of Melhed, Senator of Agyr
  • Bimbo Neuropa, Imperator of Melhed, Senator of Bisana
  • Jaymes Cain (Knight of Rafferty)
  • Black Dragon Master, Senator of Melhed, Marshal of the Wolf Legion
  • Lady Norah Questor (Priestess of Da Way )
  • Sir Rah Arya, Senator of Tepmona
  • Sir Jefferson Vita, Senator of Bil Havil, Ambassador of Melhed
  • Kadrin Vanderhoof, Senator of Gor Ault

Please feel free to inform your councils of this report.

Prothall (Kith of Motley Exchange)

Letter from Alex Kidd
Message sent to The human rulers of Beluaterra
I just established contact with Marshal to find out what they are looking for. Does anyone know where Tarchennan is?

Letter from Marshal (just in) No. It is something older. Speak with Tarchennan - we have not finished searching this place yet, so it is not permenant, but there is enough for the language magic... for now, at least. Still, we search.


Alex Kidd Supreme Chancellor of Enweil

Report from Aldo Unti (7 hours, 53 minutes ago) Message sent to the human rulers of Beluaterra (12 recipients) The Undead attacked because they wished to.

Scribe Note Battle in Qual fresh Scribe Note Battle in Qual 2 turn

As for what they seek:

Letter from Tarchennan (4 hours, 20 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Qual (14 recipients) While not the Flow we sought, it will do for now.

We do not want war, the daimons should be of much more concern to both of us, but we cannot allow you to have this land. This place is not meant for mortals. Tarchennan

I'll see what else I can piece together after some rest.

Aldo Unti

Consul of Melhed, Senator of Agyr
Alex Kidd (Supreme Chancellor of Enweil)

Letter from Alex Kidd
Message sent to The human rulers of Beluaterra
Letter from Tarchennan (just in)

Yes, we search, but it is nothing something mortals can see... or find.

Daimon.... Daimon gren shar. We fight them. We kill them.

Alex Kidd (Supreme Chancellor of Enweil)

Roleplay from Tarchennan
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Qual (12 recipients)
As the sun sets once more for the night, the last ray of light seems to linger.

The sky seems to lose it's colour, and sounds seem to lose their fullness, as though something were sucking the life out of the very air.

The ground shakes and the breeze carries the smell of rot for miles as an explosion rocks the mountains.
Tarchennan (Undead King)

Letter from Rauth
Message sent to Rafael Shadovar

Forgive my rudeness to address one of your status directly. However i fear the situation warrants for it.

In Rolbury, your lordships region, undead have made a lair. And not just, a lair. Regardless of how great the lair, over time i have been able to etch down theyr number.... eventually, and slay the necromancers, most of them atleast.

This time however the undead, they are more organized, and numerous. I keep getting beaten back, luckly without loosing a limb thus far. This has been continuing for several days, yet apparently i have little if any effect at all. This may just be a more cunning necromancer cabal, than the average.

But it worries me. I was recently in Qual, but i fled from there in haste, they were so numerous in the region i could hardly find a place to rest. And nearly got killed several times in my (failed) attempts to scout them and find out whom ever controlled the dead.

The undead in Rolbury .... somehow resemble those in Qual with theyr behavior. They may just be the excess that flowed towards the west, from the mountains. But i fear this is not the case, they may have already infiltrated the region and leech of its dead like a parasite, gaining strength over time, before froming a formdable force.

I have no evidence to say if my speculations are true or not, and from what it seems i am the only bounty hunter in this region so i have none to consult with other than the locals who coudnt tell the difference.

If i may be as impudent as to advice your lordship to pay attention, to not only towards the borders, but within aswell. That is if your lordship is not already aware of this.

I shall continue to hunt them sure to take advantage of all the options, either they are the same flock as those in Qual, or a different brew, i will likely not be able to stop or maybe even hinder them from forming a army.

Thus i leave this letter in the hands of one of your servants.

Rauth (Freeman)

22 June

Letter from Tarchennan
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Pomatim (24 recipients)
Truly you mortals would, in utter ignorance, happily urge on your own destruction.
Tarchennan (Undead King)

Letter from Luka Ryngaar
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Pomatim (24 recipients)
And you consider yourself immortal? Oh I will have great pleasure in proving you wrong..
Luka Ryngaar (Knight of Ossmat)

Letter from Tarchennan
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Pomatim (24 recipients)

Strange choice of word to describe us, but certainly not our choice. Does not your own ruler now sit upon the edge of his death bed, struck down by the Marshal? Or the commander of that realm to the east, and the Lord under his command?

We do not suffer such, for we have already done so. Our state aside, it is certainly difficult to offer aid to a people so ready to remain in ignorance.
Tarchennan (Undead King)

23 June

Roleplay from Tarchennan
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Pomatim (24 recipients)
"We have finally broken the seal and they persist in harassing us."

Tarchennan spoke with a certain disappointment mixed with severity, his deep voice falling queerly short in the air. Here in the quiet of the horde, Tarchennan met with the Marshal and Charrom.

"We knew they would not march," came the drawling, and less unnatural, voice of Charrom, "if they will not be raised by their blood, we must raise them by their bodies."

"It would be so much easier to have them twice. This being pressed for time is uncomfortable after all these years," Tarchennan rumbled, turning towards the human forces.

"Time is still ours," said a monotonous voice. The Marshal was not so preserved as Tarchennan, his spirit not as naturally strong. "The seal is broken, but many still sleep, waiting for us to call. The mortals may yet join us."

"And perhaps not." Tarchennan turned once more to face the two dead men, his face distorted in what may have been the shadow of a smile. "But even the dead can hope."
Tarchennan (Undead Lord)

July 14

Roleplay from Tarchennan
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Bessimir (6 recipients)
"Tarchennan, the grave watchers tell us the mortals have moved as planned."

Tarchennan turned to face the Marshal and thought not for the first time how odd the decay of one so willful was. The skin was beginning to flake as the rot progressed, and soon the mind might follow. A replacement would need to be found eventually, but in the mean time the ancient warrior's plan was unfolding beautifully.

"It is time to take the first city, then. I pity the mortals to fall to the wights of Primus..."
Tarchennan (Undead Lord)

Roleplay from Primus
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Ukh (6 recipients)
All at once the constant movement of the undead hordes ceased. Nothing moved, living or dead, as a faint rumbling was felt from the earth.

As one, they turn to face west, towards the mountain of Jobo.

A voice like an evil wind rose, raspy and wheezing, rising and falling as the words struggled from the mouth of Primus.

"Fi..nally. A ch...allenge."

If more was said, it was lost in the noise that followed. A horrid cacaphony that shook the earth and wilted the trees, carrying with the wind and grinding the soul of all who heard.

The wrights of Primus were laughing.
Primus (Undead Lord)

Event from Tarchennan
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Pomatim (38 recipients)
As the sun falls beneath the horizon and the tide returns to sea, the waters begin to boil. Bubbling and churning, whatever the cause is clearly moving towards the beach. Eventually it is clear that the water is not boiling, when the thousand undead break the surface.
Tarchennan (Undead Lord)

Roleplay from Tarchennan
Message sent to Everyone in the region Ossmat (17 recipients)
The armies of Tarchennan had gathered outside the city for the decision. It had taken so long, so much work, none knew if they had met with success.

"...offer Melhed's hand in friendship and an alliance proposal." The scribe finished the reading. He was terrified, but less so than the first meeting. Familiarity - and the message he carried - eased his nerves, even if just a little.

The horde shifted as one among their number moved forward to stand before Dilgaard. There was little remarkable about him. His tattered clothes were in the same shape as the rest, and his body clearly no more alive. It was with dead eyes that Tarchennan of The Few gazed upon the mortal - hopefully the first of many - and delivered The Many's response.

"As we were, we stand again. Once more the swords of Man, raise twice as it was then, and before the blade

let the darkness fade."
Tarchennan (Undead Lord)

Letter from Tarchennan
Those... creatures... are a taint upon the world. There is no evil greater than what they once taught man, no darkness deeper than the knowledge they left. The soul of Man is no weapon, but they force it into one.

Letter from Tarchennan
Have you ever seen tainted water, mortal?

To the eye it looks clear and clean and cool, but when you reach for it you notice the taint on the surface. Like a sheen of oil it clings, corrupting the whole.

Marta is an ancient name, mortal, a name ancient even to the Many. They call themselves Servants of Light, but that light is like a tainted stream.

Letter from Tarchennan
To think all evil must breathe flames or cut with claws is the mark of a fool. To be as ignorant as you of the greater evils? That is the deepest depth of foolishness.

Letter from Anon
Now, for some even greater foolishness, tell me why then, are we still intent on defeating the daimons and monsters when a greater evil threatens us all?

Letter from Tarchennan
Because, mortal, some evils - the greatest - can be conquered only by the things that spawn them.

Report from Nigel De La Fere
You carefully work the ritual inscribed on your scroll of Holy Light. A bright, magical light descends from the sky, piercing clouds and the cover of trees, engulfing the Undead Legion. As the light fades, 252 of the undead have crumbled to dust.
Nigel De La Fere

Event from Moridin
Message sent to Everyone in the region Wilwau (1 recipient)
As the surge of magic fades, Moridin snorts disdainfully.

"These mortals... they truly believe they can destroy us with the Flows. Fools, but still an annoyance."

With that, Moridin turns towards the pile of ash left by the shaft of light and concentrates. Making a slow grasping motion with his fist, Moridin intones "Return."

As he turns back to the house being burned, near three hundred soldiers climb from the ash as though it were a deep hole.


June 9

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Qual:

Undead vs. Avalon, Fronen

Estimated strengths: 1610 men vs. 1840 men

The Legion of the Great Oak (Avalon), sponsored by Lady Jord Jorvik, Chancellor of Avalon, were led into battle by Marshal Telaph Arnel.

The Legione della Repubblica (Fronen), sponsored by Varak Thorson, Savio della Guerra of Fronen, Senator of Vore, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal johnnny Anno.

The Esercito della Spade (Fronen), sponsored by Jack Carnes, Senator of Vozzessdor, Marshal of the Legione della Repubblica, were led into battle by Marshal Lucius Geronus.

Yeux Serpentis, Minister of Finances of Avalon, Baron of Cori is spotted wielding the Dazzling Aegis of Righteousness.

Galvin Black Feather, Baron of Norjke was seriously wounded by Praetor Carpath's unit.

Defender Victory!

July 28

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Ukh:

Thalmarkin vs. Undead

Estimated strengths: 520 men vs. 990 men

The Legion of the Wolf (Thalmarkin), sponsored by Alfons Lorganson, Duke of Vatrona, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Aengla Godwin.

Dixon Tissitunvittu (Lord of Thalmarkin) was captured by Primus Carpath's unit.

Fingolfin Noldorin, Grand Marshal of Thalmarkin, Count of Winifael was captured by Tarchennan Carpath's unit.

Defender Victory!

August 7

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Pomatim:

Undead vs. Old Grehk, Sint

Estimated strengths: 2320 men vs. 1610 men

The Army of Old Grehk (Old Grehk), sponsored by Skye Uceek (Royal), were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Zyrthos Sarracenia.

The Arm of the Destroyer (Sint), sponsored by Murchadh Spearhawk, Banker of Sint, Duke of Firbalt, were led into battle by Marshal Thiaraut Daris.

Kieran York (Knight of Junohep, Old Grehk) was captured by Vigo Carpath's unit.

The battle ends undecisive. No winners.

August 8

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Pomatim:

Old Grehk, Sint vs. Undead

Estimated strengths: 590 men vs. 2610 men

The Army of Old Grehk (Old Grehk), sponsored by Skye Uceek (Royal), were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Zyrthos Sarracenia.

The Arm of the Destroyer (Sint), sponsored by Murchadh Spearhawk, Banker of Sint, Duke of Firbalt, were led into battle by Marshal Thiaraut Daris.

The Legion (Undead), sponsored by Marshal, were led into battle by Marshal Marshal Carpath.

Lady Celeste Fleisher (Dame of Lezzel, Sint) was seriously wounded by Cwellan Carpath's unit.

Defender Victory!

August 17

Huge Battle Fought

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Lastfell:

Undead vs. Melhed, Thalmarkin

Estimated strengths: 3400 men vs. 320 men

Marc de Coivos, Quaestor of Melhed, Senator of Fronepu is spotted wielding the Shield of the Dragonslayer.

Sir Kojiro Hinamoto, Senator of Lastfell, Marshal of the Wolf Inner Guard was captured by Primus Carpath's unit.

Attacker Victory!

August 24

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Pomatim:

Undead vs. Old Grehk, Sint

Estimated strengths: 2060 men vs. 1990 men

The Army of Old Grehk (Old Grehk), sponsored by Skye Uceek (Royal), were led into battle by Marshal Askarn Iltaran.

The Dragon Warriors of Hemaglobe (Sint), sponsored by Lady Providence Fleisher, Duchess of Gethsemene, were led into battle by Marshal Janos Buonare.

The Arm of the Destroyer (Sint), sponsored by Murchadh Spearhawk, Banker of Sint, Duke of Firbalt, were led into battle by Marshal Thiara ut Daris.

Askarn Iltaran, King and High Marshal of Old Grehk, Marshal of the Army of Old Grehk is spotted wielding the Enchanted Dagger of Doom.

Benton Aelradir, Pontifex of Sint is spotted wielding the Brilliant Arrow.

Lady Providence Fleisher, Duchess of Gethsemene was captured by Charrom Carpath's unit.

Charrom has been killed by Thiara's unit.

Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Pomatim:

Old Grehk, Sint, Thalmarkin vs. Undead

Estimated strengths: 1410 men vs. 3970 men

The Army of Old Grehk (Old Grehk), sponsored by Skye Uceek (Royal), were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Zyrthos Sarracenia.

The Legion of the Wolf (Thalmarkin), sponsored by Alfons Lorganson, Duke of Unger, were led into battle by Marshal Malvolia Cancelot.

The Arm of the Destroyer (Sint), sponsored by Murchadh Spearhawk, Banker of Sint, Duke of Firbalt, were led into battle by Marshal Thiara ut Daris.

The Dragon Warriors of Hemaglobe (Sint), sponsored by Lady Providence Fleisher (Duke), were led into battle by Marshal Janos Buonare.

The Legion (Undead), sponsored by Marshal, were led into battle by Marshal Marshal Carpath.

Benton Aelradir, Pontifex of Sint is spotted wielding the Brilliant Arrow.

Bartolo Gary (Duke of Thalmarkin) was captured by Vigo Carpath's unit.

The hero Lachlan MacDuff (Knight of Rolbury, Old Grehk) was killed by Tarchennan Carpath's unit.

Morgen Scallywag (Dame of Unger, Thalmarkin) was captured by Tarchennan Carpath's unit.

Vala Graeven (Dame of Unger, Thalmarkin) was captured by Marshal Carpath's unit.

Defender Victory!