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(New page: '''Roleplay from Alec McDowell''' Alec opened his eyes and groaned miserably, the sun was so bright and his head seemed to pound as if he had just been hit by a ton of bricks. Touching th...)
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'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Alec opened his eyes and groaned miserably, the sun was so bright and his head seemed to pound as if he had just been hit by a ton of bricks. Touching the back of his head, he brought bloody fingers to his face and winced. He looked up to the sky. Had he simply fallen there? “No…” he whispered. How in the world had he gotten there? He couldn’t remember. Beside him, his horse nudged him and he moved to take up his reins. Had he simply fallen off his horse?
Looking around, he noticed trees, a road which had been trampled a thousand times over by horses’s hooves and the fine trailing of cart wheels that led to what he could see as a city. “Where am I?” he asked no one and looked to the other way. All he could see on that side was a large building, which resembled a temple.
The simple motion of looking to and from made him dizzy and he closed his eyes. He felt sick. Suddenly his world seemed to tilt and he leaned forward, losing his meal and his horse danced away. He coughed, and wiped his mouth. “Sorry boy,” he said hoarsely.
It took him a while but he managed to catch his breath. He tried to think of something that would tell him where he was, but still he couldn’t recall anything. He did remember his name though, that was good.
“What did you get yourself into this time Alec?” he said and pushed himself off the ground, and walked towards the temple. Maybe they could help.
When he walked up the steps, he noticed a man standing outside dressed in white robes. “Excuse me, could you tell me where I am?” he asked, rubbing his head tenderly.
“You are in the realm of C’thonia,” the man answered and frowned seeing Alec in obvious pain.
“C’thonia,” Alec repeated the word slowly. “And who is your leader?”
“King Thain Himoura,” he bowed as if in reverence to the King himself and Alec watched him, almost cracking a smile, but then he paused at the name. “Himoura… why does that sound familiar to me?” he said under his breath.
“And what is this place?” he asked pointing to the temple behind him. “This is the temple of the Order Of The Elders,” the man waved the entrance as if beckoning Alec to enter, and he then cracked a smile. “Thanks,” he smiled, “but I think I’ll come back later.” He didn’t know why, but this sudden fear seemed to creep inside him and he shivered.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thanks, but I think I’ll come back later." Thain heard as he exited the temple, flanked by a pair of young templars. Thain looked at the man before him oddly, he was a noble by his dress... But Thain did not know him.
"Might I ask, what is your name good sir? I am not familiar with your face, and I do make it a point to know my nobility."
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Alec heard a voice from behind him, and turned to see a new noble. One of much higher stature considering the crown on his head, this could only be the King himself.  Alec’s hazel eyes studied him quickly and he looked down the road to the city.
“My name is Alec… McDowell,” he bowed after offering his name. “I apologize but, other than my name there isn’t much else I can provide you with. I am unable to recall how I arrived…” he trailed off and looked back to the King. “Would you be able to point me in the direction of a fine inn, and a healer so that I may take care of this?” he pointed to his head, and bloody fingers.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain gave a subtle nod, and he and the two men flanking him drew their blades in a flash, and moved to surround him.
"Alec McDowell, of the Netherworld no less. Well I'll be. The Elders have dropped you into my lap. Daimon worshipper, your foul masters couldn't have put you in a worse place. Take him away!"
The two templars approached cautiously and moved to throw a dark sack over Alec's head. The other held a blackjack at the ready to knock him out.
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Alec frowned at the other man’s words and the blades being drawn. “Netherworld?”  he repeated dumbly and only managed to stiffen as the other two grabbed him and put a sack over his head. “Oh for the love of… boys, is this how you greet nobles?” his words came out muffled. He had two choices, he could go quietly or he could fight them off… Although his odds weren’t that great since they already had the upper hand. From deep within a calm rage seemed to rise to the surface but Alec kept the emotion at bay.
Then he frowned. “I’ll go quietly…” his voice sounded resigned. “Just…” he whistled for his warhorse, and Nor approached menacingly but remained a distance away.
“Someone tell me what’s going on here…”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"Oh spoken so much like a Daimon worshiper. Idle threats. My father was right. After so many years, there are so many constants in the enemies I face. Makes things so much easier."
Thain motioned for the two to begin dragging him, and the rest of the Royal bodyguard fanned out as Thain walked beside the men dragging Alec.
"No, this is not how I greet new nobles. Its how I greet heretics, the damned, and enemies of the free world. Alec McDowell, Executioner of the Netherworld, Duke of Fianik, Marshal of the Legion of Chaos. Quite the title. Word spreads fast. You think the pious man would overlook your transgressions against humanity? No. I would have you burnt at the stake right now, if my precious Deianarah wouldn't kill me for setting fire to one of her kinsmen, Daimon worshiper or not. You're getting a rare treat for a man who follows the way of evil... Well not so rare, seeing as the palace was liberated from Mad Tony."
Thain talked as they moved, and they soon arrived in a room in the palace where Alec was bound to a chair.
"Send for Dei."
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Alec couldn’t believe the titles this man was giving him. “Wait.. what? Executioner…Duke?” he asked confused. “I’m a Duke?” he asked with a small air of smugness.  Why couldn’t he remember anything? He seemed to be able to recall his earlier life, but nothing recent. It was all so confusing. And then he said a name that made him stop cold. “Deianarah? Dei is here?!” he asked now shocked.
He was dragged into a room and made to sit, his heart hammering a mile a minute. His little sister was here, and Thain called her precious? What was her connection to this man…?
Calculating all that he heard, Alec couldn’t help feeling the gods were laughing at him. He could hear the men walk off as Thain sent for his sister. All he could do now was wait.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"Were a Duke. You're a long way from your precious Netherworld now." Thain spat.
"Lucky you, we have the Voice of the Underworld here today. Chief of our inquisitors. It will be the highlight of your wretched existence."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah was only just then arriving from the stables from a morning ride. She removed her gloves and stopped as men entered the room before her. “My lady, the King sends for you,” he said. Dei looked to the strange look of fear in the man’s eyes and then glanced to the other who mirrored it.
“What’s going on?”  she asked softly and they both looked to her quietly. “I believe it is best that you simply come.”
Deianarah sighed, “very well,” she enjoyed surprises, but not like this. She felt a sense of dread she couldn’t shake.
It wasn’t long she walked into the room, and noticed Thain was there, standing a distance away from a man sitting on a chair with a small sack over his head. “What’s going on?”  she asked, unsure what to expect. Could this be a new prisoner she would need to be careful with. Why was he brought to her this way?
She examined the man again and back to Thain. “Who is this man?”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain looked up and to Deianarah, and pulled the hood off of Alec's head.
"Any idea what your Netherworld dwelling kinsman is doing here, a'thaisce?" he said walking over to her, and wrapping an arm around her.
"He claims not to know anything, but is still quick to throw down death threats."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Dei’s eyes grew as round as they could go and both hands reached up to stifle the gasp that escaped her lips. “Alec?” she asked him with a sound of awe lacing her voice and he gave her a characteristic smirk she couldn’t mistake.
Alec frowned and then his gaze was on his sister and he couldn’t help the smile on his face. “Hey Dei,” he said softly. “You don’t know how nice it is to see you. You really grew up baby sister.”
“But… you’re dead,” she breathed and her eyes filled with water at the sight of her older brother. The only person who had made her life bearable as a child. She couldn’t help herself and rushed to him, putting her arms around his neck. “Oh gods I missed you,” she kissed his cheek and held on tighter. Her eyes filled with tears and she cried.
“Alec…” she said his name again, unable to say anything else but for the lump in her throat. She straightened stoically, remembering Thain and his question. She could only shake her head at a loss. She wanted to run to her brother and hold him, she had missed him so much. But it was true and Thain was right, he had been lost to the Netherworld.
“He is a warrior, Thain. Much like yourself… did he outright make the threat that led you to capture him, or was it after?”  she asked instead and shook her head not really believing this was happening.  She didn’t even know what to say, she seemed frozen. A shiver ran through her, and she walked to stand by Thain who had approached and she put a cold hand in his.
“Alec…what do you remember?” she asked, resolved.
“I can’t remember anything…” he answered her with exasperation and swallowed.
Deianarah’s gaze never left Alec’s. She then took Thain out of the room to speak privately. “I don’t know what’s going on,” she started softly. She reached up to wipe the tears on her cheeks. “But…he’s telling the truth,” she whispered softly. “I know my brother.”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"Even if he doesn't, what happens when he does?" Thain whispered. "I know he's your brother, and I empathize with you... But I have a duty to my people, how can I knowingly let him loose after what he's done?"
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
At his words, what hope Deianarah had began to wane but she wouldn’t give up on Alec that easily, she refused to. Tears filled her eyes once more and she looked away, to the direction of the room. “But… he has been returned to me,” she said softly.
“We don’t have to let him loose, we can watch him…” she suggested and Thain seemed to turn away from her words and she insisted, “to see how he behaves. Thain,” she said his name pleadingly and her lower lip trembled. “I know my brother is good, he has a good heart,” she reached in to make him look back at her, and she then took her frozen hand away from his face.
Her words were only whispers now because of the heartache she felt within, she had to convince him. “Are we to execute him, burn him in the cleansing fires for something we have only heard whispers about? What if...” her sand colored eyes seemed to light up at her next words.  “What if he managed to escape the Netherworld? He was stolen away without a trace in the first place. Maybe after all this time, he finally found a way out. It’s conceivable.”
Her words seemed to pick up a bit of speed, in hopes that Thain wouldn’t stop listening or walk away from her before she had time to finish. “Would we as followers of the Order leave a man who needs our help, defenseless, without salvaging his soul, only to return him to the Hel in which he came from? When one is forced to live in a horrific world, to live against impossible odds, would they purposely change to survive? What would we do if it happened to us? There is an explanation I know there is. This is my brother!” her hands tightened around his and she grit her teeth only to keep herself from crying but her tears slid from the corner of her eyes to her cheeks. “He’s my brother…” she whimpered emotionally. “Please… don’t take him from me again…” 
'''Roleplay from Isabel Moreira'''
Isabel woke up to the sound of a caravan stopping right next to her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up realizing she was lying in the middle of a road.
The caravan driver hopped off and approached her.
"Milady, are you alright?" the man asked seeing her confused look.
"I don't know..." she tried getting up and the man gave her a hand. She was dressed as a noble but her clothes were muddy and her face bruised.
"Where am I?" she looked around trying to recognize... anything.
"You're in C'thonia. The duchy of Azros to be more exact."
"C'thonia? Hmm...this wasn't exactly my plan but I guess any place is better than..." she stop to look at the man who was now trying to make sense of what she was saying.
"Sir, I don't mean to abuse your kindness but would you please give me a ride to the nearest city? I must speak to your ruler."
The man smiled and nodded in agreement. "I'm already headed that way." he helped her getting on the caravan and rode off in the direction of the city.
All the way there she was thinking of Alec. Where was he now? Had her plan worked or was she here alone? She deeply hoped it did work, the alternative was too scary and unbearable.
They hadn’t move farther from where Isabel was picked up and a Temple could be seen. The driver explained what kind of temple it was but Isabel could only shiver and look away from it. The memories were too vivid and the horrors haunted her.
The Castle could be seen at the distance and the driver pointed to it. “Milady, that’s where you’ll find King Thain Himoura, our ruler.”
At his name Isabel rose an eyebrow in surprise. Himoura?! Could he be related to Kaine? she wondered.
A little later they arrived in the city, they passed through the city square and the marketplace where the caravan stopped. Isabel thanked the driver and descended from the caravan with a groan. Her entire body ached. What a fall it had been, but at least she was alive and hopefully so was Alec.
Two women at a nearby stand were gossiping and Isabel overheard the name “Alec”. Isabel immediately turned to them and asked. “Excuse me, I couldn’t help overhearing you, did you just mentioned someone named Alec?”
The two women exchanged a look and one answered. “Yes, I did.” So Isabel continued eager to find out more but trying not to reveal much. “Would this man be a stranger to this land and appeared here recently?”
This time the other spoke. “Yes as a matter of fact he did. Now we can’t wait to see what will his fate be.” She gave a mirthful laugh.
“What do you mean?” Isabel questioned such demeanor.
“Oh, he was imprisoned by the King this morning.” said the first one. “He is from the Netherworld, you see?! The Executioner himself!” she exclaimed and both fear and excitement could be heard in her voice.
At her words, Isabel’s heart started pounding in her ears, her face went white and her mouth dried. Oh Gods no!! Not after all we’ve been through! she pleaded in thought.
She was hoping to keep both their identities a secret and that was one of the reasons she made sure he would lose his memory before arriving there. They both needed a safe harbor not a death sentence.
She looked back at the castle and took a deep breath. Now she had to risk it and see the King if she wanted any chance to save Alec. If they had Alec and actually recognized him, his fate would probably be the one she feared the most.
She quickly walked up to the Castle hoping she wasn’t too late already and announced to the guards. “I am Isabel Moreira, of the Moreira family of Krimml. I request an audience with your King, I have information about your prisoner.”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"Ah yes, we've been expecting you." the guard said with a grin, before slapping her in shackles. "We'll take you to be with your friend. I assume the King will be with you shortly." he said, his blade at the ready, motioning for her to follow. He led her to a room, and sat her in a chair, and bound her to it. Next to her was Alec, similarly bound.
"He was right about you Netherworld types. Where there's one, there's more."
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
The guard approached Thain and whispered into his ear, informing him of the new arrival.
"I don't know Dei, I don't want to take him from you... But there is a chance he's not your brother anymore. Sure, he looks like him, but inside he may very well be different. We'll see. And now he has a friend." he leaned in and wiped her tears away.
"No one is taking him from you. But I can't have these two just running around. For starters its dangerous, and how do you think that makes us look, harboring known members of the Netherworld?"
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Alec had been waiting, remaining as quiet as possible, trying to overhear anything but they had obviously walked too far from him to allow it.
He looked up to the ceiling, and tried to break his hands free but they were bound tightly. The palace was lavishly decorated, therefore he surmised it could only belong to the King.
He wasn’t able to get his hands free and stopped trying. Either way, Alec really didn’t have anywhere else to go. His younger sister was here and apparently she was very close to the King, and by his extensive knowledge in this type of affair, Alec was ready to bet his sword hand they were lovers. They weren’t engaged or married, because Deianarah’s McDowell ring was still complete, he had noticed that at least.
Well so far, she had done well for herself, too bad the King saw him as a daimon worshipper. Had he gotten drunk and played a nasty prank on someone, only to end up shackled by a zealous fanatic? He tried to think back, he closed his eyes and concentrated on the muddled images in his mind. All he seemed to be able to come up with was a pair of green eyes… “Isabel…” he said her name as if only then remembering her and his heart tightened with panic. Where was she? He couldn’t remember anything and he let out a strangled noise.  Had something happened to her?
At the thought, he struggled harder and tried to move out of the chair determined to get the hell out. What if she was in trouble and he couldn’t get to her.
As if in answer to his panicked thoughts, Isabel was then dragged into the room and made to sit beside him and then bound.
Alec’s eyes glistened with relief and he swallowed down his fear. “Wow, ask and you shall receive,” he grinned, and winked at her. “Not the way I like my women to see me, but ropes are sexy right?” he joked, trying to hide how scared he really was. “Are you alright?” he asked her tenderly, truly concerned for her welfare.
He could see she was bruised. He would kill the man who hurt her. “What happened to you? And what is going on?” he whispered to her, seriously. “I can’t remember anything… I mean I remember my childhood, Fontan, Atamara, Beluaterra and then Athol Margos and then nothing, and I just woke up here. Are you okay?”
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Thain wiped her tears and she put her arms around his waist, seeking comfort. “I know…” she answered softly. “Lets just give him a chance… maybe this friend of his can give us the answers he seems to be unable to give us.” She looked up and stood on the tips of her toes to kiss him. The kiss was chaste but then deepened and she pulled away slowly. “Just wait…For me?”
She lowered to the ground and kissed his hand. “Doesn’t matter how it looks at this point, if we save someone from the Netherworld, how will it truly appear then?”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
Thain took her hand in his.
"You're right. Lets go talk to this other one... Perhaps she will have answers."
Thain walked back in the room with Dei in hand, then slowly let go of her hand, and walked slowly up to Isabel. He squatted down until his eyes were level with hers, and lifted up his eye patch, revealing an eye that was milky and glazed over.
"You have a lot of explaining to do."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah walked in behind Thain and stood a short distance away from him. Her gaze then fell on the woman beside Alec and her breath caught in her throat. She recognized her. This was the same woman she had seen with Alec in Silmeriel’s pool.
Thain squatted before her and Deianarah watched Alec’s facial expression. Oh this was not good. Alec sneered as if protectively and watched Thain carefully. Deianarah was about to interrupt when someone appeared near her and cleared his throat. He bowed extremely low and looked up meekly. “My apologies Duchess…” he then stood and whispered into her ears.
Deianarah nodded to him and Alec’s eyes met hers. He looked proud of her, if that could be said and she looked to Thain again.  She hated this, she didn’t want to leave Thain alone with Alec and vice versa, she was too curious. She wanted to be able to provide some balance if possible, it may or may not be needed, but she didn’t much like taking that chance.
Only this was too important. She touched Thain’s shoulder before Isabel could so much as say anything. “Mo’cuishle, I think we’re going about this the wrong way… Perhaps we should give them some time to think of the situation they’re in. In separate rooms,” she said pointedly. “Once enough time has passed, we will return to question them individually.” Deianarah’s hands squeezed Thain’s shoulder lightly. They had been together long enough now, he should know from the way she touched him, she had another reason for it. 
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"I suppose you're right love." Thain said, and stood. He motioned for the guards.
"Take them away. Put them in separate quarters. Let them loose from the chairs. Windowless rooms, no one goes in or out unless I am with them. If either of them try and escape, kill the woman, but spare the man." he said, recognizing the look on Alec's face. He stood and took Deianarah's hand in his own and guided her out of the room.
"What is it my dear?"
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
“Thain… that woman… She’s Alec’s… lover. Remember when I told you I saw those visions in Silmeriel’s pool?” she reminded him and he nodded slowly.
“I saw them together… All I’m saying is that putting them together like that isn’t good. Emotions will come into play and we’re not trying to make them aggressive, we want them to work with us here. At least this way we’ll be able to find out if they’re lying.” Her thumb brushed his hand lightly and she brought her other one into his. They were still so cold. “And… King Jenred will be arriving soon, we need to prepare. I’m sure the King would understand the need to investigate prisoners, but making him wait is not the best course.”

Latest revision as of 13:55, 17 December 2012

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