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{{Template:Realm Infobox
|text colour=white
|largest city=Fissoa
|gov type=Monarchy
|food=1924 bushels
|region number=10 regions
|population=63278 and rising
|council position names=
* Regent
* Duchy Marshal
* High Judge
* Duchy Banker
|council members=
[[Decimus Family|Phonos Decimus]]<br> [[LeonidasFamily|Slade Leonidas]] <br> [[Rai Family|Requiem Rai]] <br>[[Seldon Family|Raych Seldon]]<br>
* Fissoan Privateers
[[Seldon Family|Raych Seldon]]
* Fissoa
* Fissoa Fields
* Libba
* Munawai
* Drowenton
* Mangai
* Palm Sea (former)
* Kamade
* Mellifera (former)
* Nuas
* Maraba (former)
* Maf
* Irvington
|region lords=
[[Agenor Family|Leon Agenor]]<br>
[[Nabarl Family|Sir Eldrond Nabarl]]<br>
[[Quasath Family|Sir Samuel Quasath]]<br>
[[Brether Family|Deqos Brether]]<br>
[[of Arc Family|Catalina of Arc]]<br>
[[Wentwood Family|Silesia Wentwood]]<br>
[[IGhost Family|Natasha IGhost]]<br>
[[Decimus Family|Phonos Decimus]]<br>
[[Livingstone Family|Melerion Livingstone]]

Formerly the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, the Maritime Kingdom of Fissoa stands as the preeminent economic, political, and military power of southern Dwilight. To her allies, Fissoa is an honourable, fierce friend. To her enemies, she is terrible. Those that believe and uphold these ideals are invited to commit themselves to Fissoa. ((OOC: Game code does not allow a realm to change its name, so within the game menus the name "Grand Duchy of Fissoa" is still used although the name "Maritime Kingdom of Fissoa" is used for IC roleplay purposes.))
{| style=" margin: 1px 1px 1px 1px; Padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; background:#E9E9E9;"

'''''Fellowship, Justice, Labour --'''''
==History of the Grand Duchy==
The Grand Duchy of Fissoa was born when declaring independece from [[Madina]]. At the time the regions part of the Grand Duchy were [[Dwilight/Fissoa|Fissoa]], [[Dwilight/Fissoa Fields|Fissoa Fields]], [[Dwilight/Libba|Libba]], [[Dwilight/Munawai|Munawai]] and [[Dwilight/Drowenton|Drowenton]]. [[Dwilight/Mangai|Mangai]] was readly added to the lands of the Grand Duke and then a monster army stoped the expansion. Once cleared of the monsters, the region of [[Dwilight/Palm Sea|Palm Sea]] was the next target of the army. With this annexion the Grand Duchy reached the lands claimed by the realm of [[Pian en Luries|Pian en Luries]]. Soon after, while the army was moving to [[Dwilight/Moon Bay|Moon Bay]], [[Pian en Luries|Pian en Luries]] declared war but no battles was fought. Peace talks concluded and secured a treaty between the two realms. Meanwhile the region of [[Dwilight/Kamade|Kamade]] has been claimed and secured while the people of [[Dwilight/Mellifera|Mellifera]] decided to join the Grand Duchy. [[Dwilight/Mellifera|Mellifera]] has returned to independence and peace was restored between the two realms.

==Game opportunities (OOC info)==
'''''Honour over all.'''''
With the realm expanding there are a lot of opportunities ahead.
Note to newcomers:
Please realise that when you arrive at the docks you aren't able to send a public speach to everyone since you hardly know anybody. It might be a bit more work to message lords individually introducing yourself and arranging for an audience, but since you won't have a lord and income for a while, use the oppertinity for some nice roleplays.
Also remember to use the needed etiquette when adressing someone according to their status.

==Law of Fissoa==
== Geography & Climate ==
The current legislation can be found [[Grand Duchy of Fissoa/Law|here]]
Starting with the stronghold of [[Tower Fatmilak]] in the west, the Kingdom of Fissoa stretches across the islands of Fatmilak and Madina far into the east of [[Dwilight/Forland|Forland]]. The sheer size of Fissoan territory means the nation covers a wide variety of terrains including grasslands, forests, mountains, and even deserts. However, perhaps the most dominant geographic feature of Fissoa is the sea. Vast waterways physically divide Fissoa’s many lands and have resulted in a strong seafaring tradition among its people.

==Fallen Heroes==
Although large longitudinally, Fissoa’s borders do not extend particularly far north. As such the kingdom falls entirely within Dwilight’s South Mediterranean climate band. Fissoa’s weather generally consists of hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters. Summers can be uncomfortably warm, and snowfall is nonexistent even in the dead of winter. Winter does, however, bring heavy rains to the region which benefit local crops but hamper road travel. At its farthest southern points, the weather becomes borderline tropical. While citizens of these southern regions have become accustomed to the long, extremely hot summers, others generally only visit during the cooler autumn and winter months.

We honour those who have served our realm as the finest nobles, our Heroes.The names of those who paid the ultimate price in service to the Grand Duchy of Fissoa are placed on this wall. May their name continue to inspire brilliance, courage, duty, honour and loyalty to Fissoa.  
== Political Divisions ==
=== Duchy of Madina ===
The Duchy of Madina is the crown jewel at the heart of the Kingdom of Fissoa. Comprising both the Isles of Madina and Fatmilak, this duchy is both Fissoa’s largest and wealthiest. Fissoa’s capital lies at its center in the city of Madina.  

*The hero [[Evergreen Family|Bernard Evergreen]], General of Grand Duchy of Fissoa, Earl of Drowenton was killed fighting monsters in [[Dwilight/Kamade|Kamade]].
=== Duchy of Fissoa ===
The Duchy of Fissoa is the birthplace of the kingdom. The lands of this duchy comprise Fissoan territory back when the country was founded as the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. Today, this duchy is Fissoa’s second largest and an important economic region.

==Fissoan Privateers==
=== Duchy of Drowenton ===
The Duchy of Drowenton comprises all of Fissoa’s holdings along the border with its eastern neighbors. Predominately forests and deserts, this duchy focuses less on agriculture like Madina and Fissoa and more on foreign trade and border defense.

Sponsored by [[Quasath Family|Sir Samuel Quasath]], they became ''the'' fighting force of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. Mainly, their first duty is to constantly eliminate the Monster Scourge from Fissoa. Aside from a brief, cold [[Pian en Luries/Lurian-Fissoan War|war with Pian en Luries]], the army has yet to conduct a full scale military campaign.  
=== Duchy of Candiels ===
The Duchy of Candiels is a purely titular title held by the King of Fissoa. While once a part of the kingdom, the Candiels region was eventually consumed and destroyed by the large roving packs of monsters that plague western Dwilight.

Within the army, the legend of a renowned battle group arose during a routine cleansing of monsters.  This tale is known as the [[Legend of the Iron Toughs]]. Now disgraced this legend is only spoken in hushed voices in shady taverns, any thought to support the traitor and former Judge Bowie Ironsides are publicly punished.
== Kingdom Governance ==
=== Realm Council ===
The Maritime Kingdom of Fissoa is led by a King or Queen, and this political office is formally called the Office of the King. The King has ultimate authority in all matters of importance within Fissoa, though may delegate some decisions to either the Warrior's Council, or the Council of Lords, and may defer to them from time to time. Kings may choose, or have bestowed upon them, certain additional honorary titles, kennings or honorifics as applicable - such as "the Great" or "Our Wise Queen." Underneath the King in authority are the realm's dukes and their subject vassals. Most decisions and actions are to follow the normal feudal hierarchy with the exception of certain activities that may fall under the purview of the Crown's ministers.

To assist the Crown with his or her duties, he or she retains three ministers: the Prince-at-Arms, the Prince of Coin, and the High Chancellor. The Prince-at-Arms manages the Office of War ensuring Fissoan military victory over its enemies. The Prince of Coin manages the Office of Life tasked with overseeing food distribution throughout the kingdom. Fissoa’s High Chancellor is directly responsible for imposing the King’s Law upon the land. As the sole arbiter of justice in the kingdom, many view this position as de facto second in power only to the Crown. Together, the King and his or her ministers form the realm's ruling council. Should the King or Queen not bear any suitable heirs, the Crown shall pass to one his ministers with the Prince-at-Arms and Prince of Coin taking precedence over the High Chancellor.

The Grand Duchy of Fissoa, once a part of Madina declared independence from the Republic of Madina after experiencing increased cultural division through its proud army, the Fissoan Privateers.
=== International Treaties ===
As a signing party to both The Treaty of Southern Hospitality and the Southern Trade Bloc Compact, Fissoa is a member of the Southern League. This alliance of southern realms is dedicated to the preservation of peaceful commerce and to the deterrence of outside military aggression. Currently, the Southern League contains the realms of Fissoa, and [[D'Hara]]([[Barca]] having been destroyed) and is allied with the realms of [[Astrum]] and [[Morek Empire]].

The people of Fissoa are diverse; most inhabitants are simple peasants and live on the country side while the richer folk and traders live in the city of Fissoa or the outskirts known as Fissoa fields. A townsland in the north called Drowenton has a sort of independence within the Duchy. The current Countess is a privateer in service of the Grand Duke and Doge of the previous realm.
== Military Structure ==
=== The Fissoa Privateers ===
The Privateers are the primary army of Fissoa. This military force contains most of Fissoa’s noble commanders and their battalions of battle-hardened marines. Whenever a problem needs solving or, more appropriately, a few heads need cracking, this vast host stands ready put Fissoa’s enemies to the sword.

While peasants do enjoy some simple freedom within the duchy, any instance of rebellion is crushed without remorse: Exile into the desert is common punishment for those that rebel and considered even worse than a quick execution due to the rampaging monsters.
=== The Fissoa Lions ===
The Lions are Fissoa’s smaller, nimbler, auxiliary force. These elite troops carry out a variety of tasks from supporting large Privateer military campaigns to providing internal security against monsters and undead. Whereas the Privateers are Fissoa’s hammer, the Lions are its scalpel.

All boys are conscripted into the army school at the age of 6 and are taught basic writing and reading, history, law, wrestling, running, and other useful knowledge and skills. Normally they can visit their homes once every 3 months for a few days but only the richest can afford these trips for their sons. At the age of 16 boys are considered a man and are allowed to return for their families. The wise scholars and capable fighters and usually opt to stay on in the service.
== Religion & Guilds ==
=== Religious Orders ===
Although renowned for their religious tolerance, Fissoans themselves generally subscribe to only one of two religions: [[Verdis Elementum]] (VE) and [[Sanguis Astroism]] (SA). While VE is slightly predominant overall, its followers are primarily concentrated in Fissoa’s western provinces. The further east one travels, the more concentrated followers of SA become. SA is especially predominant along Fissoa’s eastern border nearer to the SA theocracies.

Training includes being sent off into the dense forest region of Manuwai, where they are tutored in the use of weapons such as the spear, sword and shield. If they survive training and pass their final tests they will serve with the small regular forces of the Grand Duchy. The brighter pupils are trained to aid the government in their daily tasks. They are the bureaucrats, doctors, and inventors within the duchy.
=== Royal Fissoa Verminators ===
The [[Fissoa Verminators|Royal Fissoa Verminators]] is Fissoa’s main guild. This organization operates under an official royal charter and manages all common adventurer activities within the kingdom. All professed adventurers within Fissoa’s borders are required to register with the guild. This ensures all armed peasants remain under the watchful eyes of noble supervision and are more effectively utilized in protecting the kingdom. In addition to the Royal Verminators, the capital city of Madina also hosts outposts of the [[Order of the White Rose]] and [[Dwilight University]].  

== Additional Information ==
The Grand Duchy do not have an official newspaper. Copies of the most important papers of the continent can be found in the city of [[Dwilight/Fissoa|Fissoa]] within few days from the newspaper release. Some nobles may have a subscription and receive a copy of the newspaper at their current location.
=== History ===
Historical chronicles of Fissoa's esteemed past can be found [[Maritime Kingdom of Fissoa/Chronicles|here]]. This page may be dated as the information contained within is not regularly updated. Anyone with knowledge of Fissoa's history is invited to write down their own historical accounts. This section also contains a listing of some of Fissoa's fallen heros.

=== Grand Duchy Archive ===
The original page for the realm in its Grand Duchy days can be found [[Grand Duchy of Fissoa/old|here]]. This page helps preserve a bit of the realm's history such as its former regimental military system and military honors.

=== Kingdom Map (as of 5 August 2014) ===
Map of the Grand Duchy.
<center>[[Image:Fissoa 8 03 2014.jpg|800px|Borders of Fissoa, 03 August 2014]]</center>
{{Template:GDoF Regions}}

[[Category:Lost Realms]]

Latest revision as of 20:20, 28 December 2020


Formerly the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, the Maritime Kingdom of Fissoa stands as the preeminent economic, political, and military power of southern Dwilight. To her allies, Fissoa is an honourable, fierce friend. To her enemies, she is terrible. Those that believe and uphold these ideals are invited to commit themselves to Fissoa. ((OOC: Game code does not allow a realm to change its name, so within the game menus the name "Grand Duchy of Fissoa" is still used although the name "Maritime Kingdom of Fissoa" is used for IC roleplay purposes.))

Fellowship, Justice, Labour --

Honour over all.

Geography & Climate

Starting with the stronghold of Tower Fatmilak in the west, the Kingdom of Fissoa stretches across the islands of Fatmilak and Madina far into the east of Forland. The sheer size of Fissoan territory means the nation covers a wide variety of terrains including grasslands, forests, mountains, and even deserts. However, perhaps the most dominant geographic feature of Fissoa is the sea. Vast waterways physically divide Fissoa’s many lands and have resulted in a strong seafaring tradition among its people.

Although large longitudinally, Fissoa’s borders do not extend particularly far north. As such the kingdom falls entirely within Dwilight’s South Mediterranean climate band. Fissoa’s weather generally consists of hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters. Summers can be uncomfortably warm, and snowfall is nonexistent even in the dead of winter. Winter does, however, bring heavy rains to the region which benefit local crops but hamper road travel. At its farthest southern points, the weather becomes borderline tropical. While citizens of these southern regions have become accustomed to the long, extremely hot summers, others generally only visit during the cooler autumn and winter months.

Political Divisions

Duchy of Madina

The Duchy of Madina is the crown jewel at the heart of the Kingdom of Fissoa. Comprising both the Isles of Madina and Fatmilak, this duchy is both Fissoa’s largest and wealthiest. Fissoa’s capital lies at its center in the city of Madina.

Duchy of Fissoa

The Duchy of Fissoa is the birthplace of the kingdom. The lands of this duchy comprise Fissoan territory back when the country was founded as the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. Today, this duchy is Fissoa’s second largest and an important economic region.

Duchy of Drowenton

The Duchy of Drowenton comprises all of Fissoa’s holdings along the border with its eastern neighbors. Predominately forests and deserts, this duchy focuses less on agriculture like Madina and Fissoa and more on foreign trade and border defense.

Duchy of Candiels

The Duchy of Candiels is a purely titular title held by the King of Fissoa. While once a part of the kingdom, the Candiels region was eventually consumed and destroyed by the large roving packs of monsters that plague western Dwilight.

Kingdom Governance

Realm Council

The Maritime Kingdom of Fissoa is led by a King or Queen, and this political office is formally called the Office of the King. The King has ultimate authority in all matters of importance within Fissoa, though may delegate some decisions to either the Warrior's Council, or the Council of Lords, and may defer to them from time to time. Kings may choose, or have bestowed upon them, certain additional honorary titles, kennings or honorifics as applicable - such as "the Great" or "Our Wise Queen." Underneath the King in authority are the realm's dukes and their subject vassals. Most decisions and actions are to follow the normal feudal hierarchy with the exception of certain activities that may fall under the purview of the Crown's ministers.

To assist the Crown with his or her duties, he or she retains three ministers: the Prince-at-Arms, the Prince of Coin, and the High Chancellor. The Prince-at-Arms manages the Office of War ensuring Fissoan military victory over its enemies. The Prince of Coin manages the Office of Life tasked with overseeing food distribution throughout the kingdom. Fissoa’s High Chancellor is directly responsible for imposing the King’s Law upon the land. As the sole arbiter of justice in the kingdom, many view this position as de facto second in power only to the Crown. Together, the King and his or her ministers form the realm's ruling council. Should the King or Queen not bear any suitable heirs, the Crown shall pass to one his ministers with the Prince-at-Arms and Prince of Coin taking precedence over the High Chancellor.

International Treaties

As a signing party to both The Treaty of Southern Hospitality and the Southern Trade Bloc Compact, Fissoa is a member of the Southern League. This alliance of southern realms is dedicated to the preservation of peaceful commerce and to the deterrence of outside military aggression. Currently, the Southern League contains the realms of Fissoa, and D'Hara(Barca having been destroyed) and is allied with the realms of Astrum and Morek Empire.

Military Structure

The Fissoa Privateers

The Privateers are the primary army of Fissoa. This military force contains most of Fissoa’s noble commanders and their battalions of battle-hardened marines. Whenever a problem needs solving or, more appropriately, a few heads need cracking, this vast host stands ready put Fissoa’s enemies to the sword.

The Fissoa Lions

The Lions are Fissoa’s smaller, nimbler, auxiliary force. These elite troops carry out a variety of tasks from supporting large Privateer military campaigns to providing internal security against monsters and undead. Whereas the Privateers are Fissoa’s hammer, the Lions are its scalpel.

Religion & Guilds

Religious Orders

Although renowned for their religious tolerance, Fissoans themselves generally subscribe to only one of two religions: Verdis Elementum (VE) and Sanguis Astroism (SA). While VE is slightly predominant overall, its followers are primarily concentrated in Fissoa’s western provinces. The further east one travels, the more concentrated followers of SA become. SA is especially predominant along Fissoa’s eastern border nearer to the SA theocracies.

Royal Fissoa Verminators

The Royal Fissoa Verminators is Fissoa’s main guild. This organization operates under an official royal charter and manages all common adventurer activities within the kingdom. All professed adventurers within Fissoa’s borders are required to register with the guild. This ensures all armed peasants remain under the watchful eyes of noble supervision and are more effectively utilized in protecting the kingdom. In addition to the Royal Verminators, the capital city of Madina also hosts outposts of the Order of the White Rose and Dwilight University.

Additional Information


Historical chronicles of Fissoa's esteemed past can be found here. This page may be dated as the information contained within is not regularly updated. Anyone with knowledge of Fissoa's history is invited to write down their own historical accounts. This section also contains a listing of some of Fissoa's fallen heros.

Grand Duchy Archive

The original page for the realm in its Grand Duchy days can be found here. This page helps preserve a bit of the realm's history such as its former regimental military system and military honors.

Kingdom Map (as of 5 August 2014)

Borders of Fissoa, 03 August 2014