McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/garden: Difference between revisions

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Roleplay from Asriel Octavius

Asriel rose half a foot from his chair as a sign of respect as Hexic left. After the duke had left he sank back down into his seat. "My lady, nothing would please me more than to take a walk in the garden." he said with a smile. Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha watched Hexic leave as quickly as he had arrived. The Duke wasn’t one to stay in one place too long and she respected that. She watched him leave and then turned her attention back to Asriel. “No one has seen it yet,” she admitted and rose from her chair.

She grabbed a cloak and indicated for her servant to bring Asriel’s and together they walked up some stairs until they reached the roof. “Mathias had it made for me,” she explained as the myriad of rose bushes came into view. The entire roof had been transformed into a beautiful garden, of course now in the heart of winter, the frost had covered everything, but to her it was still beautiful. “I come here to watch the stars,” she said softly and looked up, the darkness was slowly taking toll but no stars were out yet. “What does Asriel dream about when he has a moment to himself?” she asked curiously.

Roleplay from Douglas Münchhausen

Douglas strolled along the coast his scribe in tow, keeping track of accounts.

It was quite a scene, the tall if not lanky Douglas striding leisurely while taking in every foot of scenery; and the little commoner chasing after him, the breeze making it impossible to keep so many papers in order and stopping to scribble down a note every couple of steps.

"Isn't it lovely out here?"

"Yes sir, lovely, now if you can see this production increase in Paisly will be sufficient to bring the increase in the balance of..."

"And who do you think that estate belongs to, truly beautiful, it may be the largest on the island."

"No idea sir, havn't left Paisly in years, and as I was saying while current expenditure exceed the income you expect this trend is ..."

Duke Hexic makes his way down the path from Lady Sorsha's estate to where his coach awaits him.

"Oh, not now, I'm not interested in all those numbers, see that gentleman, he's just now leaving, he's sure to know who is able to call such a palace home, come, come, I plan to ask him."

"Sir do you think thats..."

"Excuse me, Sir; Excuse me could I have a word?"

The Duke Hexic is startled not expecting an encounter with a stranger.

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

Hexic was slightly startled by the stranger. Not many had the nerve to approach him on the streets that had no intention of assassinating him. He was wary of him and his companion. The man that spoke was well dressed, and bore a family crest he was not familiar with, while the latter seemed to be a commoner.

"Indeed, we may have a word, but it must be brief. I am Hexic, Duke of Qubel Lighthouse, Marshal of the D'Haran Guard, Grandmaster of the Dwilight Dueling Circuit, and Former Royal High Commander of the armies of Everguard, among other titles. I prefer to be addressed as Duke. Who are you that bears such an unfamiliar crest, and would approach me on the streets? The last strange noble that approached me so tried to assassinate me, and was arrested."

Roleplay from Douglas Münchhausen

Douglas sprung to posture, straightening his spine like an arrow, and transitioned into a theatrical thought sincere bow. His scribe grovelled in his shadow facing the ground before the Duke.

"Your Grace, Marshal, Grandmaster, and honourable Duke of the grand Qubel Lighthouse"

Slowly raising himself from the bow until he was once again standing as the last word left his mouth.

Douglas paused for a minute preparing himself, and thinking he could detect a trace of a smile attempting to escape the Duke's mouth.

"Your reputation precedes you by miles Good Duke and it is an honour to stand in your presence. Unfortunately up until this instant I have not had the pleasure of laying eyes on your Grace, so you may understand my surprise at finding myself face to face.

I am merely the Knight Douglas Munchhausen, servant of D'Hara, and of no importance to a Duke of your stature.

You must excuse my indiscretion, as I merely found my eyes on the back of a man's coat while calling out to your grace. Had my eyes met with the full visage of the bearer of this garment it would have become immediately apparent that such a stately figure was leagues ahead of myself in terms of importance, honour, and class; and I should have dared not seek to mislead him from his going-abouts as my mere whims stand worlds below them. I was merely admiring this magnificent estate and curious as to the Noble who has the pleasure of calling it their home.

But I can see I have intruded far too much already and far be it from me to bother a Noble Duke with such matters, I will merely ask your forgiveness and detain you no further your Grace"

Douglas ended his tirade with another bow and partially extended his hand as if beckoning or possibly preparing for a handshake. It was impossible to determine from the gesture.

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

The respect Douglas showed was more like groveling. Duke Hexic doubted that there were any thoughts of murder in his head, at least for the moment. A small smile formed on his lips. "Sir Douglas, you are no mere knight. I know of your actions that aided us against Madina. On behalf of D'Hara, you have our thanks. This 'estate' is none other than the Palace of Shadovar. Duchess Sorsha resides here. Unfortunately I have business in Qubel Lighthouse, and must be going. I would be pleased if we could discuss Madina, and what you think they are doing right now. Either in person or by mail. I bid thee farewell."

Hexic ignored the carriage that was beside him and continued walking down the street to where Andric and the rest of the men were camped. "Andric! A word before we leave." Hexic called out to his captain as he approached. "Sire?" inquired Andric. "Start discreet inquires of one Douglas Münchhausen. What I know is that he is a traitor of Madina that aided us against them before changing allegiance. I want to know of any reason why he would approach me or Duchess Sorsha." Hexic said quietly and hurriedly. Even if Douglas had no thoughts of murder, and truly did not know who he was approaching, he may yet have some sinister purpose in Port Nebel.

Roleplay from Douglas Münchhausen

As soon as the Duke had disappeared Douglas ripped his hat back onto his head and begun mid stroll back the way he had come, as if the world had simply swung a half turn on its axis rather than him turn the 180 degrees. A smile played upon his face and grew with time, it would be impossible for any stranger to miss, that he was clearly very pleased with himself.

"Reminder me to write the Duke Hexic on the morrow though I shan't be able to help from reminding myself. We simply must arrange for drinks to be had. The man composes himself quite well, I must say I haven't met a Duke I didn't like"

His scribe says nothing but scribes dutifully, the explodes into a grin across Douglas's face and fades back as they continue their walk along the coast.

Roleplay from Asriel Octavius

As they emerged onto the roof Asriel looked around and was impressed by the garden, he could tell that during the summer it would be incredibly beautiful and, even now, the frost decorated everything, glittering faintly in the light.

Asriel was taken aback by Sorsha's question, he had never really thought about it before. After a moment he looked into the distance and said "Hmm. Well, I suppose in the main my dreams are mundane, in winter I dream of warm fires and comfortable chairs, in the summer I dream of cold punch and cool breezes. But, I suppose that occasionally I manage to think of bigger things. My dreams are no doubt foolish, but there are two things I would dearly love to achieve lifetime.

"The first is the establishment of the church of the Allfather, dull stuff so I shan't bore you with it. My second is... something more for myself." he admitted. "I dream of a family, of a wife I can love and cherish till the end of my days and who feels the same about me, of children who I can take pride in and be a father to. Mayhap even a pet cat." he finished with a laugh.

He turned to Sorsha "As you can see, my dreams are pretty tame fare. But I suppose they at least give me something to aim for. And what of yourself? What does Sorsha dream of?"

As soon as the words were out Asriel could have kicked himself. How, by all that was holy, could he have forgotten to use her title. As usual he kept his features impassive but inside he could not believe his mistake.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha’s focus was on Asriel as he spoke and she gave a faint smile at his dreams. What most men wanted, so much they even cherished it in their dreams while others had it but didn’t take pride in it or the time to appreciate it. They arrived to two chairs, both cushioned and a servant that had been staying in the distance up until this moment, brought fur blankets for them to sit on. Sorsha sat, and covered herself with the blanket and then asked for some warm tea to be brought out. The last of winter was with them, but the chill in the air remained.

As if to answer his last statement, Lasair made an appearance and sat between them. This had become a ritual for her and her cat, she would come to the roof to watch the stars and he would keep her company while she cried. Tonight she had different company and hopefully there would be no tears.

When her question was redirected to her, she looked away to the sky and she gave a sad smile. She didn’t notice the lack of title and Lasair put his head on her lap and she scratched behind his ear. “Most of my dreams have been realized already,” she said softly but the undertone of sadness lacing her voice was too hard to miss, yet she forced a smile on her face as she looked directly in Asriel’s eyes.

“Once that occurs, sometimes you realize it is not what you truly wished for in the first place and your dreams are a construct of ideals, what you have envied in others but they have a way of changing. I have a husband I love dearly yet one I barely see now. I am carrying his child, yet everyday of my pregnancy brings change and with it fear and… loneliness. My home is a place I love and cherish, of which I am fiercely proud of. I have worked hard and sacrificed,” she paused and swallowed, “…too much to get where I am today, but the disappointment I have in myself is far greater.”

She balled her hands together and held her abdomen protectively. “I speak in riddles Asriel… I apologize, I suppose since I have already spoken the truth once today, there should be no reason for me to stop. All I can seem to think at this point in my life is that there should be more to look forward to, that this can’t be it but I can no longer find the energy to dream.”

Roleplay from Asriel Octavius

Asriel reached out and took Sorsha's hand. "My lady, what you speak of is perfectly natural. Things are always different from the way you expect them to be. But you should not be disappointed in yourself, you have achieved so much already it is only to be expected that you cannot see anything else to aim for. But believe me, in time that will change. You are in the midst of pregnancy, it is only natural that your emotions are complex. You need to rest, there is only so much your position requires of you, and most of it can be delegated to others. When you are no longer tired you will find that there is much to have hope in and much to dream of."

During the conversation he had been looking directly into her eyes. Sorsha could see the man's fervent belief in what he was saying and his warm, friendly concern.