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(New page: '''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth''' Silmeriel smiled satisfied at Deianarah’s reaction and approached the pool. "Yes this is it, should work just fine if you want to give it a try, j...)
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'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Silmeriel smiled satisfied at Deianarah’s reaction and approached the pool.
"Yes this is it, should work just fine if you want to give it a try, just touch the surface, carefully don't make too many waves or it gets too blurry to see anything, it's already a bit difficult to discern smaller details at times"
"It will probably show you a few scenes of emotionally important moments of your past, and possibly of those close to you, it has no established order for the events though it's usually by date, it may also show possible futures, from the most probable to the most difficult to happen..." she then seemed a bit lost with a sad look on her face but quickly recovered
"But that's rare, usually it's only the past, and all visions of the future are just possibilities and not certainties"
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah listened to Silmeriel’s instructions and gazed down to the pool. She could see her reflection staring back at her, and Silmeriel’s watchful gaze over her shoulder.
Slowly she reached in and lightly touched the surface with the tip of her finger. When she did, the surface rippled ever so slightly and her reflection changed. Instead she was looking at her sister’s face. “Sorsha,” she said softly, her heart jumping with joy at her older sister’s face, but then her heart sunk when she realized what memory it was.
“Deianarah, you’re letting your guard down,” her sister told her sternly and she could then see a younger version of herself, and her smile slowly slipped. Her hair was tightly braided in resemblance to her older sister. She held two daggers in her hands, and her older sister shook her head with disappointment.
“But how can I even guard myself, they’re daggers,” Deianarah defended and her sister tsked her tongue. “Remember what I’ve been showing you. Prepare yourself, again!” Sorsha ordered and the younger version of herself did. They changed stance again, and prepared to fight one another, and almost as quickly as it began, the fighting was over. Deianarah was on her back, Sorsha’s foot on her wrist. “You’re lucky it’s me and not father,” she said and Sorsha shook her head, walking away without saying another word.
Only rarely did Sorsha ever get these types of moods, but Deianarah always seemed to be the unlucky recipient. When Sorsha was out of sight, Alec came up to her and picked her up off the ground. He looked back the direction Sorsha had gone and down to her light brown eyes.
“She’s in one of her moods again eh?” he grinned and Deianarah nodded. She felt humiliated, she could never get used to fighting Sorsha, she loved her too much, she knew she couldn’t hurt her, but she didn’t even want to chance it. She especially looked up to her. Deep down she had always wanted to be like her, perfection, but she knew she’d never amount to it. Her light brown eyes then filled with tears and she tried her best to hide it from her brother.
Seeing the emotion in her eyes, Alec put his arm around her shoulder and brought her closer to him. “She's hard on you for a reason, and that's because she loves you so much. One day you’ll exceed even her...” He laughed at the expression of doubt on her face. “Its true.. hey look at me, she’s kicked my behind a few times, but daggers aren’t my specialty, swords are.” He winked and she looked to the daggers in her hands. “You’ll find your weapon soon and you’ll be just as perfect… just as beautiful you know,” he whispered and pulled on her braid. “You know how I know that?”
She shook her head and he raised her chin to look her in the face. “Because you have the same features as me and I know I’m gorgeous,” he laughed and she pursed her lip with a small shake of her head at his vain words.
His face became serious again. “You can’t measure yourself to her, you know that right?” he asked and she looked up into his green eyes. Her brother was especially handsome, it was no wonder all the women adored him. “You have to be your own person Dei,” he said softly, shortening her name. He was the only one who had ever called her that. It had started with him teasing her, calling her Deidei, but it had eventually shortened to Dei, and now she held on to the name with affection.
“I know what’s going to cheer you up,” he ran ahead and she smiled, seeing his mischievous grin. He was up to no good and then the memory faded and the pool became clear once more.
Deianarah now remembered that day and her eyes filled with tears, missing her brother more than anything in the world at that moment. She looked up to Silmeriel with wet eyes. “He pranked Sorsha that entire day afterwards, to make me feel better, he told me, no matter how much trouble he got into with father, he said every hit had been worth it.”
Deianarah’s tears slipped to her cheeks and looked away to wipe it.
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
Silmeriel watched the scene in a trance, unable to say anything until it vanished, her eyes were full of tears making them gleam in the faint blue light of the night that had arrived, but she did not cry she remained firm in her place as the vision showed that moment.
As Deianarah spoke and turned her face to wipe her tears away she kneeled, putting a hand over her shoulder and saying, in a calm, caring and serious tone that she rarely used, it sounded almost like another person, a strong but worried woman.
"And he was right, Sorsha is a good person but she can be harsh at times, and in that moment you needed a lesson of confidence not military discipline, and he was right about everything else too, why do you think I always preferred you over the others ? He was right."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Silmeriel’s words were wise and true, and now that Deianarah was older she could see it.
Deianarah prepared herself, she would try once more. She touched the pool again.
“How was her training?” her father asked, reading reports at the table. Sorsha walked beside him, stopped and sighed. “It was sufficient, better than the last.”
“She needs rest father, she needs to enjoy herself sometimes as well.”
“I will decide when she needs rest, you will be harder next time.” Her father looked up to Sorsha with dark eyes.
“Father, do you want her to be like Kaylan, all seriousness, no happiness? Deianarah needs to know what it feels like to be an adolescent. She already doesn’t remember what it is to be a child, must you take that from her as well?”
“Sorsha you will refrain yourself, I do these things with reason.” He hissed and Sorsha slammed her hand onto the table, losing her temper, “so do I!”
And her father had barked back. “What so she can play with the dolls you make for her?” he sneered and cut the air with his hand. “I will not stand idly by and leave my children defenseless to endure the cruelty that is out there. You will be harder Sorsha and you will train her harder and you will stop when I say you are done. Is that clear!?” He got off his chair, towering over Sorsha, and Deianarah then chose that moment to walk into the room, but scrambled back behind the library when she had realized what was going on. Her heart beating so hard in her chest, it was a wonder they couldn’t hear her.
Sorsha bit her lip and crossed her arms looking away. “She hates me,” she said softly and her father cocked his head. “Nonsense,” her father countered and Sorsha took her dagger and slammed the blade into the table. “I am done doing your dirty work for you, you want her to be prepared fine… you want her to be harsh and cruel, very well, but when she hates someone, I want her to realize who is pulling the strings and it won’t be me.”
Her father had watched the dagger dig into the wood and almost raised his hand at Sorsha for her defiance and her older sister stared back with chin raised. “Do it!” she screamed and her father tightened his hand into a fist. There was a long stretch of silence and he lowered his hand. “I’m done,” Sorsha hissed and walked away.
When she did, she noticed Deianarah behind the library and she stood to face her sister’s disconcerting eyes. Light blue orbs, with strange violet flecks stared back and she swallowed.
“Keep your chin up, and never let anyone tell you, you can’t do something,” Sorsha told her.  “Even when the choices before you are hard.  Remember… the right one isn’t always the easiest one to make.”
That had been the last time Deianarah had seen her older sister, she had left shortly after to Dwilight. Dei had cried, thinking her older sister had abandoned them, but now she understood.
Sorsha had tried to protect her in the only way she could, she had tried to teach her softness in the small things she did. Over the years they had exchanged letters, but she had never known why she really left.
The pool cleared up again and Deianarah sighed. “It’s been so long since I last saw her,” she said softly and looked up to Silmeriel. “Thank you.”
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
"It is you I have to thank Dei, thank you for coming here, perhaps you will see her again, it's one of the possibilities I have seen, perhaps not but she is your sister and she loves you and will do so no matter what happens, and I'm sure you'll never forget her too"
She then looked at Deianarah’s eyes with admiration and stared back into the now clear waters of the pool, her tears had dried in her eyes and her look was thoughtful, she then spoke again in the same cool voice.
"Would you like to try it one more time ? I don't know what we will see but three is an interesting number, it has a certain strength in magical things, my mother likes it for some reason"
She then watched the pool atenciously, her beating faster for some reason, she had no idea of what she was about to see and yet she knew she was involved somehow, that it was important to them both, and the doubt and expectations became visible on her face. Deianarah could feel it too, but the sensation also sparked her curiosity and she agreed with a nod and touched the pool.
For a moment it seemed as if nothing would appear on the surface of the water, the small weaves created by the touch of the woman dissipated almost instantly, no sounds were heard until Thain's voice cut through the oppressive veil of silence, Silmeriel stood motionless and her eyes once again were full of tears.
The image had come...
"Then don't" said the image with Thain's voice
Thain took the virtual Deianarah’s hand in his and her eyes followed its trajectory. Deianarah looked to his hand, cradling hers. She looked to his arm and then up to his face, and her eyes looked into his. Her other hand reached in and she took his in both of hers.
“I don't want to...I never do,” she admitted with a whisper, passing her lower lip through her teeth. Her fingers lightly traced his hand, her thumbs brushing his palm.
Thain admired Deianarah’s figure for a moment, before looking into her eyes. He looked thoughtful for a moment. His mind jumped back to the situation at hand however.
"I know." he said, and leaned in and kissed her.
Silmeriel gasped in shock not at the kiss but when she heard her own voice come from the depths of the pool and the image dispersed, it was rushed, passionate, yet strong not unlike the one she spoke a few moments ago, but still different somehow
"I've always loved you Dei, I've loved you ever since I first saw you in that pool. I was a kid back then and could not understand why I cared for you so deeply, why I spent so many hours touching the surface of the water hoping with all my heart that you would show up again, I could not understand why I suffered so terribly when I saw you suffering, I couldn't understand why I couldn't breathe easily and enjoy life around me when I spent a day without seeing you"
"But now I do, you're my soulmate, I needed no pool to tell me when you were suffering for the darkest of the visions came only when I was already feeling something wrong, I could always feel you, I could always understand you, I love you I..."
And then the words were cut by a blurred image of the two women kissing themselves passionately, the only thing that could be seen besides the two was a bright night sky full of stars. The image the ended but it had already been too much, Silmeriel fell to her knees crying silently and watching the pool with a lost expression on her face and then saying in a similarly confused voice.
"All of that can happen, one of these images can happen, or perhaps both of them will happen at distinct times, perhaps in this order, or in a different one, we'll only know when the time comes or if it never comes, I am sorry Dei, but I love you. it must be so confusing to you..." contrary to what her voice indicated she did not burst into tears or lose control, she stood there motionless, the tears slowly running down her face
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah watched the pool with silent but anxious expectation. Already the last two memories she had seen had taken an emotional toll on her, what would the next bring her? She could see how sitting here looking at this pool could easily become addictive.
She heard his voice before the pool revealed Thain’s handsome face and her heart skipped a beat. He was talking to her, in such a gentle manner, and she almost reached into the pool to touch him but withdrew her hand when she heard herself reply to him.  The moment seemed so tender, and she suddenly felt like an intruder worming into an extremely private moment between them, but then fascination hit her as he leaned in to kiss her. And she blinked as the image disappeared, she leaned in hoping to see more but it was already gone. She let out a small whimper in the back of her throat, and the image changed.
This time the voice was Silmeriel’s and Deianarah watched, entranced not only by the words she expressed but the look of pain across the woman’s face at her declaration of love.
Her hands reached in to touch the side of the pool, and she seemed to be holding her breath. Then she watched, bewildered as they both kissed, and with passion. She couldn’t help the blushing of her cheeks.
And then the image disappeared and she looked up to Silmeriel as she tried to explain what she had just seen, and then the words came again. Proving the truth of the pool’s revelation, the other woman was in love with her.  She kneeled to the ground beside her, with silent tears.
Deianarah didn’t know what to say, yes she was very confused. She had been given an image of something she wanted… To have Thain kiss her, something she had only allowed herself to dream of.  But surely all of this must be a dream.
But what of the other woman…Did she want Silmeriel as well? Or would she eventually want to be with her, in the future? Just thinking it, made every part of her feel wrong. Surely it wasn’t normal.
Were the images products of chance? Or was the fact that she had seen it now, the deciding factor in her decision to create it, or would the result differ now that she had knowledge of it? 
Or was it spun from desire alone? Did she deep down want this to happen as well? “Oh…” she said softly and both her hands reached up to the side of her head at the racing thoughts that filled it.
It was a moment before she looked up again. This time her eyes filled with tears. With all of her heart, she wanted one to happen… but if it did, would she seal the other one to permanency as well?
“I’m sorry,” she told Silmeriel, and reached out to touch the other woman’s hand. “Don’t cry,” she pleaded, ironically her own eyes moist and reached up to wipe some of her tears away. “I don’t think any less of you,” she told her, “I’m just, I don’t know. It’s so much to take in,” she admitted.
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
Deianarah’s touch woke her from her thoughts and she looked around her, scared, as if trying to remember where she was, and then she saw Deianarah and the pool. She looked down at the floor and sighed, trying to hold the tears but they were still flowing albeit in a slower motion. She took a deep breath trying to control the accelerated beat of her heart and said trying to simulate the previous calm tone, but it was faint, she was apparently finding it difficult to breath.
"I understand...It must be so strange to you see it all through an image...I should've told you....I..." she then shrugged and raised in one quick movement gently lifting Deianarah with her in a incredible display of strength
"Here there are no such differences I grew used to having casual relationships with both men and women naturally and even a few serious ones, but I also understand how different things are outside here, I spent much of my youth in Orbeh and sometimes I learned things the hard way there" her voice was coming back slowly, she didn't dare to look at Deianarah’s eyes for long even when speaking with her, fearful of losing control if she did so
"But I am...fine, it's just that I shouldn't have let this happen like that, I shouldn't..." she shrugged again and said putting all confidence she could pour into the sound of her voice while drawing a weak smile
"Come, this shouldn't be reason to be sad, I love you and I want you to be happy, think about this as much as you need to, but don't cry for it, don't cry for me. I am happy when you are, so smile and let us leave a mark on this court, let them say about the proud noble ladies, not of the crying and confused poor women. It's already night and we both have long lives ahead of us to settle these matters" she wiped the last tears of her face, and she offered an arm to Deianarah, her eyes still showed a chaotic mix of emotions but her smile was sincere.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah listened to her words in silence and nodded. She didn’t say anything else, but kept thinking of her words. She wiped her own moist eyes and smiled. “Let’s do that then,” she said. “Your mother is probably wondering where we are since everyone else has announced our presence,” she grinned trying to make light of the situation.

Latest revision as of 14:25, 17 December 2012

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