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|discoveredby=Dana Tinsley
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|discodate=4 December 2007
|island=East Continent
|island=East Continent

Latest revision as of 06:15, 14 September 2009

Type Weapon
Discovered By Dana Tinsley
Discovery Date 4 December 2007
Discovery Location Noritor, East Continent
Abilities Prestige +1
Current Owner (unknown)

The Brilliant Sabre of Battle was found in Noritor, Itorunt, East Continent by the freeman, Dana Tinsley when he faced an Undead Champion.

Name: Brilliant Sabre of Battle
Type: Weapon
Condition: 79%
Prestige: +1
Bonus: NA

This is a placeholder until the RP gets polished. For now...

Dana awoke. He had dreamed he heard thunder, and checked to make sure that he was dry. He rolled over and saw Tidey. How she found him, he didn't know. That woman had a way with directions. She couldn't give them worth a hoot, but she could make the best of what she had. Reflecting on that, he thought that perhaps the directions that she gave were actually very accurate and that he just couldn't follow them. He took a small, thin blanket from his pack and covered her with it. He tossed a few thick branches on the fire. Perhaps those two things in combination would keep her warm.

Satisfied that she would be okay, he set off to find some undead. He'd seen their tracks and was able to quickly find them. They were like brittle cookies, just falling apart almost at his approach. Some left coin behind, but he was hoping to find a champion to test his mettle against. The gods were listening, for he almost ran into the undead leader as he crested a small knoll.

The leader let his small band attack Dana first while he stayed out of the way. Dana had no trouble putting them down. The champion came forth, screeched with a voice that was not human and charged at him. Dana remembered some of basic swordfighting lessons that he learned as young man, primarily, avoid the blade of your opponent. He sidestepped and watched the champion stumble past. Dana followed up with a blow to the skull of the creature and watched him fall. Making sure that he was not going to rise again, Dana picked up the shiny sword that the champion used. He'd never seen anything like it. All other weapons that he'd seen the undead use were rusty. Not this one. Gleaming, brilliant almost. He'd heard that special weapons had names. He figured that this one must be special.

He was tired and it was getting late. Tidey must be wondering where he was. As he traveled back to the spot where he left her, he pondered various names that he might give to the sword. Sword of the Undead Champion? No, too obvious. Gleaming Dagger of Death? Not really rich enough. Brilliant Sabre of Battle? That sounded good. He'd ask his friend what she thought, and then he'd try it out on the next batch of evil creatures that he found. At least it was better than his short sword.