McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Isabel Netherworld: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' Lycan was travelling to the capital to refit after the battles in Qubel and Qubel Lighthouse. Luckily this time he wasn’t injured. Just before he le...)
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'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Lycan was travelling to the capital to refit after the battles in Qubel and Qubel Lighthouse. Luckily this time he wasn’t injured. Just before he left he had given a proper burial to the ones he lost. It was never an easy task. As he swayed with his mare’s walk a number of thoughts crossed his mind. The men he had just lost in battle, the letters he would have to write to their families, and then someone else came to mind...his sister Isabel. He hadn’t heard from her in a long time and he was starting to worry. It wasn’t like her to not write for this long. Something inside him gave him a bad feeling about it but he chose to ignore it until he could be certain.
He remembered she was in love with Alec, Sorsha’s brother. Which was a surprise to him. Finally someone had conquered his little sister’s heart. He himself had kept a few away from her and Cascadia, because of their bad influence on his little sisters, just like an older brother should do. He smiled at the thought of how many boys he saw running scared after having met him. Sure he was overzelous sometimes but it was his little sisters after all. And now a McDowell could become family. <i>Huh, wouldn’t that be interesting..</i>. Well at least they came from good origins and held a good name and if the one holding her heart was anything close to what Isabel had portrayed at least he wouldn’t have to chase that one way. <i>Or will I?</i> he wondered amused.
The lack of news from her wasn’t normal and he sighed thinking of what he could do about it. He thought for a minute and then decided to call out his scribe. The scribe approached him on his little horse and waited for orders. Lycan turned to him and started dictating his letter.
<i>Lady Sorsha,
I hope this letter finds you well.
I am writing to you to ask if we can meet. There’s a matter I’d like to discuss with you. I would tell you about it but I would rather talk to you in person. If you consider to meet me, please advise where and when. I am currently travelling from Qubel Lighthouse to the capital.
“Now deliver that to Lady Sorsha and let me know her reply.” The boy ran off and Lycan's gaze followed him until he disappeared from sight.
Captain Lanfried was riding a few metres behind talking to Gregor. Lycan turned back and called out to him. Lanfried approached him quickly and saluted “Yeeesss?” he asked. Lycan’s eyebrow rose at the musical tone in his voice and Lanfried quickly dropped the idiotic smile across his face.
“Pick up everyone’s pace but make sure the wounded men can keep up. Report to me about any changes.”
Lanfried replied with a salute and turned away going about his business with the idiotic grin adorning his face again.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha was walking through the halls of the Royal Palace examining some of the portraits on the walls when a servant approached her. “My Lady,” he bowed and presented her a tray with a letter.
She looked at him quietly and took up the letter. Upon seeing the seal she was tempted to set it back on the tray and ignore it but instead she took it with her to her room.
Entering the room, she removed her blood red leather gloves and set them on the table. She sat on the edge of the bed, and broke the seal. Sir Lycan did not say much and kept his words very vague. He probably wanted to speak to her on her behavior no doubt. Scrunching the letter in her fist, she noticed the hand holding it was losing strength, most likely from the injury that was left untreated. It would return to normal soon enough.
Sitting at the desk she wrote one of her own in return.
<i>Sir Lycan,
I have no interest to see you if your attempt is to change me, I warn you the effort will be futile. If you do have something of worth to speak of, then I shall be at the Royal Palace in Port Raviel inform me the moment of your arrival and I shall make arrangement. If not then you can simply continue back to the Qubel Lighthouse.</i>
She sealed the letter and found the nearest runner. “Have this delivered to Sir Lycan immediately,” she told him and returned to her room.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira'''
Lycan and Gregor arrived in Port Raviel after setting camp in the outskirts of the city. He left his man rest after the long journey and recruited more right away. Gregor led the new unit back to camp and Lycan stopped at a tavern near the palace.
He went inside, sat at the counter and ordered ale. He was exhausted after having travelled for days right after having fought the monsters in Qubel Lighthouse. But he had no time to waste, so he traveled non-stop. He was terribly worried about his sister. Still no word from her and the bad feeling in his gut wouldn't let him breathe easier.
He wrote another letter to Lady Sorsha announcing he had arrived.
Now he waited for the best time to meet with her.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha watched the city from the balcony of her room when there was a knock at her door. She turned away from the scenery to answer the door. On the other side stood a servant with a letter, picking it up, she broke the seal and read it.
“Hmmm…” she voiced and closed the door before the runner could say anything. It appeared Lycan was in Port Raviel, his request for a meeting would take place. She was tempted to make him come to her, but instead she decided she would go to him. She opened the door to see the scribe walking away. “Where is your Lord?” she asked and he turned around. “Better yet, why don’t you just take me to him.”
It was a while later she walked into a tavern. The light from the street shone brightly in comparison to the muted light in the room. She wore her black leather today, which only made her look more menacing as she stood in the doorway looking around, examining all the faces until she found the one she was looking for.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira'''
Lycan heard the door open and looked to see Sorsha standing there. He got up and walked up to her.
"Hello Sorsha. Didn't expect to see you here." he said with a serious look. His eyes and expression showed concern.
"Do you mind if we seat in the back table? I'd like some privacy." he added.
Sorsha didn't say anything and simply followed him to the table.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
He sat making sure she could see the door and he sat across from her. They were well into the back where no one sat, providing the privacy he was looking for. “Is there something wrong?” she asked, clearly seeing he wasn’t himself.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
He looked at her a bit surprised. For a second he could swear there was some concern in her voice.
"Alright." he took a deep breath as if waiting for bad news. "The reason I asked to see you was...have you heard news from your brother?" he looked into her eyes and waited
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha didn’t know what she had expected, but this had not been it. Her eyes narrowed slightly and she leaned back into the wooden chair. “My brother is dead,” she told him flatly. “Is this one of your pathetic attempts to have me break down for you?” her voice came out as a hiss.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan's heart stopped, or it felt like it.
"Wait..are you sure?" he asked still not believing her words. How could he be dead and she just say it as if it were nothing? Watching her demeanor he carried on trying to make sense of it.
"Sorsha, I'm afraid something has happened to my sister, Isabel. She was with Alec and I haven't heard from her in weeks. It's not like her..." he looked down and ran one hand through his hair thinking of all the possibilities.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
At his words she frowned. His question about her brother had not been for the reason she thought, and she watched him curiously. The pain on his face was one she knew well, but she couldn’t reach that part of her, she had desperately tried.
“Isabel was with Alec?” she mused out loud. “Well if she was with him, then she as well was consumed by the Netherworld.” Her brow furrowed and she raised her hand, motioning with two fingers for the bar wench to bring them some drinks. She leaned closer, “Lycan you haven’t heard from her, because she is gone from this world. You sister is dead. She marches with Daimons and Monsters now… the very abominations we kill.”
The bar wench set two tankards on the table and Sorsha pushed one in his direction, and left hers untouched.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
He frowned and shook his head in disbelief. "No! It can't be. She followed Alec because she loved him and they...they were joining a colony...and..." he stopped reflecting her words and added with an angry tone "Marching with Daimons?! Is this how far you'll go to hurt those around you?! Can you be that heartless?!" he watched her impassive look with a mix of despair and anger. He didn't know her anymore and part of him wanted to believe it was a mind game of hers. The alternative was too painful.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“Heartless…” she repeated his word absently. Lycan was in shock, yet he had called her out for what she really was – Yes that is exactly what she had become, heartless.
“She loved him…” she said, a part of her wondering how long Alec had planned to keep it from her, well it didn’t matter now. “That love, has led them to their death.” she added blankly, this time taking the tankard to take a long drink of ale. Deep down she was screaming at herself, her inner voice hoarse with desperation.
“Believe what you want Lycan, I care not. I would not even experience pleasure, or any shred of emotion for your reaction, so tell me, what gain would there be for me if I lied? In case you’ve forgotten already, my brother is gone as well.”
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
She was right. She had nothing to gain from it. Realizing it now, there was only one possibility left. The one he dreaded and had been in his subconscious for a few days. He took the ale in front of him and drank all of it in one gulp. He sat the tankard on the table and wiped his mouth on his sleeve keeping his silence. His mind told him the truth now but his heart was nowhere near accepting it.
He got up and look down at her not really knowing what to say anymore. She was still impassive and talked about her brother's death as if it were a dog.
"Thank you for meeting with me. Now if you don't mind, I need time alone."
He didn't wait for her answer and walked out of the tavern.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha watched as Lycan drank his ale, and left. She counted the steps as he walked out of the building and looked back to the ale before her. Taking the tankard again, she drank more…  Raising her hand, she motioned for the bar wench again.
It wasn’t long she drank her ale, and started on another one… sitting in the dark corner, thinking of what had just happened.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan arrived at his camp and walked passed the soldier on sentry duty without responding to his salute. All the way back to camp he thought about Sorsha's words. Isabel was dead. His little sister was dead. Gods knew what she had been through and he wasn't there for her. A lot of doubt was still confusing him, how it had happened, how did joining a colony turned out so terribly... but mostly he was just angry. Angry that he could do nothing about it. In his entire life he never felt so helpless. He desperatly wanted it all to be a lie.
He walked inside his tent and paced around. He stopped in front of the table and punched it with both fists. "NO!" The pain was too much to bear and before he knew he was trashing all of it.
Lanfried hearing the commotion walked inside thinking he needed help. "Is everything alright Sir?"
Seeing him enter Lycan stopped and gave him a murderous look. Lanfried swallowed hard and left fast before his commander turned his anger on him.
Lycan kept destroying everything until there was nothing left. He was out of breath and his heart was racing but little such actions did to appease his pain. He walked out, took Luna and rode into the night.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
The sun was rising and Lycan’s head was pounding. He looked around trying to realize where he was. He had been up all night wandering the city and drinking and now didn’t even recognize the part of the city he was in. One man was observing him from a distance and giving signals to two others. Lycan’s hazed mind didn’t even notice he was in a part of town not many would dare adventure into. Out of nowhere two men grabbed him by his arms and put a dagger against his neck. While another appeared in front of him grinning, presumably their leader.
“Well what do we have here? A Knight in my part of town? How honored.” He grined sarcastically.
Lycan aware of the trouble he was in kept his calm. He had fought monsters and undead why would a few thugs be any menace? Sure he wasn’t exactly in his best state but he was a trained soldier after all.
The rugged look man approached him and took his gold pouch. Realizing it was nearly empty he got frustrated. “Where’s your gold and silver?!” he said through rotten teeth.
Lycan gave him a look as if he was thinking hard trying to think of an answer for him and added. “Hmmm, spent it?” he said in a sarcastic tone.
The man punched him for his reply making his lip bleed. He spit the blood and
taking one good look at him from head to toe and making sure he noticed him do it he replied. “Man, am I that drunk or are you as ugly as a mule’s arse?” he smiled.
The thug’s smile slipped and the crook to Lycan’s left holding him pressed the dagger into his cheak. “Are you being funny? I wonder how much fun you’ll have if I cut your tongue out?”
“Not as much fun as I’m about to have.” He added with an amused tone. Before the man could process what he had just heard Lycan used both men holding him to support his weight and kicked their leader in the face. Turning to his right he gave him a head butt and the man fell to the floor. Without losing another second he punched the guy on the left with his loose arm and took the dagger from him. The guy held his broken nose and Lycan approached him saying through gritted teeth. “No one puts a knife in my throat.” With that the man felt his own dagger pierce his skin and enter his belly.
The leader was now recomposed and his eyes grew round when he saw Lycan kill one of his men. Lycan turned on the other two still holding the dagger. The one in the floor got up and ran and the leader pulled out his own knife and charged at him. Lycan easily gained the upper hand being an infantry soldier, hand to hand combat was a primary skill. He managed to hit the arm holding the knife and it flew off. Lycan dropped the dagger and grabbed the man by his shirt punching him until he fell on the floor.
Lycan was now on top of him hitting with all his strength and anger. The man managed to blurt out the words “Please don’t kill me.” But Lycan didn’t even hear his plea and kept hitting him. Lycan stopped when he didn’t have the strength to keep doing it anymore. After a few minutes the man was unconscious and beaten to a pulp. Lycan got up slowly and leaned against a wall. His vision blurred and he closed his eyes breathing deeply. The alcohol was taking its effects and he approached Luna trying to keep his balance. Getting atop her he rode back to camp.

Latest revision as of 14:11, 17 December 2012

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