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(New page: My Lords, As most of you do not know, I shall now tell you of how Sir Milmice and I came to Fissoa. It was in Caerwyn that Sir Milmice first contacted me in a most unusual way - asking me...)
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|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=Council of Lords of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Personal Crest of the House of Fury]]
My Lords,
My Lords,

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I do not say anything lightly of any man, and the fact that I have followed him here for hundreds of miles should speak volumes of my respect for this great man. He has suffered much and in return has much to offer. I trust him with my life.
I do not say anything lightly of any man, and the fact that I have followed him here for hundreds of miles should speak volumes of my respect for this great man. He has suffered much and in return has much to offer. I trust him with my life.

''Eternal Fury
|Title=Earl of Mangai
Earl of Mangai''

|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=all nobles of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|The Lion signifies a bond with the Grand Duchy of Fissoa]]

I am returning to Fissoa after the disaster at Nuas with all my men wiped out. I had my squire hold all messages while I took a long nap on a long trip to the capital and it seems I've missed all the excitement. As such, I will now speak my peace.  
I am returning to Fissoa after the disaster at Nuas with all my men wiped out. I had my squire hold all messages while I took a long nap on a long trip to the capital and it seems I've missed all the excitement. As such, I will now speak my peace.  

The Grand Duke has his reasons for doing what he is doing and he will make things known in good time. The realms are uniting and it will be the Duke's prerogative to explain... or not. The flurry of protests will not hasten the explanation. He is of sound mind, sounder than any with foresight and vision. The threat we shall be facing shall be explained by the Grand Duke and it is not my place to step before him. It is our duty stand behind him that he may be able to present a ''strong and unite''d Fissoa before the realms of Dwilight.
The Grand Duke has his reasons for doing what he is doing and he will make things known in good time. The realms are uniting and it will be the Duke's prerogative to explain... or not. The flurry of protests will not hasten the explanation. He is of sound mind, sounder than any with foresight and vision. The threat we shall be facing shall be explained by the Grand Duke and it is not my place to step before him. It is our duty stand behind him that he may be able to present a ''strong and united'' Fissoa before the realms of Dwilight.

As for Sir Milmice, Judge of Fissoa, I shall also speak my peace as one who knows him better than any here save one. Sir Milmice and I have travelled from Caerwyn. We are not natives of Fissoa but have made our home here. It may be that the local Fissoans have a different way of reacting to things but I know Sir Milmice as a knight who upholds honour and chivalry. Insults, intended or otherwise - directly or indirectly casts a slur upon his honour and his code of chivalry will ''always'' demand a duel and I have seen it happen. While he may be new to Fissoa, he is a knight with much honour and experience behind his armour and it would be in the better interest of us all to court that experience and honour rather than confront it. He has no notions of power or holding on to it but rather uses it as a tool to serve the realm. In fact he has a greater destiny and confronts his future with humility - and this too I have personally experienced.  
As for Sir Milmice, Judge of Fissoa, I shall also speak my peace as one who knows him better than any here save one. Sir Milmice and I have travelled from Caerwyn. We are not natives of Fissoa but have made our home here. It may be that the local Fissoans have a different way of reacting to things but I know Sir Milmice as a knight who upholds honour and chivalry. Insults, intended or otherwise - directly or indirectly casts a slur upon his honour and his code of chivalry will ''always'' demand a duel and I have seen it happen. While he may be new to Fissoa, he is a knight with much honour and experience behind his armour and it would be in the better interest of us all to court that experience and honour rather than confront it. He has no notions of power or holding on to it but rather uses it as a tool to serve the realm. In fact he has a greater destiny and confronts his future with humility - and this too I have personally experienced.  

So, forgive him should his words cause concern for they come from a heart that cares and suffers not slights to his honour or to the realm that he serves.
So, forgive him should his words cause concern for they come from a heart that cares and suffers not slights to his honour or to the realm that he serves.
Eternal Fury
Earl of Mangai''

|Title=Earl of Mangai

|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=all nobles of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|An annointment on the spiritual peaks of Mt. Mangai]]

On his return to Mangai, the region of Fissoa that sits upon a narrow gulf creating a safe and natural harbour from the treacherous storms of the southern seas and characterised by its generous expanse of grassland bordered by a desert of wild palm trees to its north and and a close-knit forest to its east, Eternal Fury found himself invited to a spiritual ceremony in the clouded peaks of Mt. Mangai.
On his return to Mangai, the region of Fissoa that sits upon a narrow gulf creating a safe and natural harbour from the treacherous storms of the southern seas and characterised by its generous expanse of grassland bordered by a desert of wild palm trees to its north and and a close-knit forest to its east, Eternal Fury found himself invited to a spiritual ceremony in the clouded peaks of Mt. Mangai.
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It was then that Eternal realised his spiritual annointing and blessings. He was and will always be Eternal Fury but to the spiritual pilgrims he is, in the ancient and forgotten languages of Dwilight, '''Arden''' - ''desire, fervour, passion and intensity''. Arden pondered upon the meaning of it all as he surveyed the view from the top of Mt. Mangai that extends beyond the seas of Dwilight into the unknown...
It was then that Eternal realised his spiritual annointing and blessings. He was and will always be Eternal Fury but to the spiritual pilgrims he is, in the ancient and forgotten languages of Dwilight, '''Arden''' - ''desire, fervour, passion and intensity''. Arden pondered upon the meaning of it all as he surveyed the view from the top of Mt. Mangai that extends beyond the seas of Dwilight into the unknown...

''Arden Fury
Earl of Mangai''
|Title=Earl of Mangai
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=all four members of Inferi Hunters
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Only the four Inferi Hunters have the seal of the Lion affixed to their top right crest]]
At last, our first sighting of Daimons... The heart skips a beat then must steel itself. From its size, it looks like an advance scouting party. Certainly not large enough for a takeover unit.
The undead and daimons converging in Thysan may prove to be to our advantage. Reports have shown that they do not... get along. There may be battle and the outcome will be a weakened party that should no longer threaten us.
What is of utmost importance now is that the surrounding areas of Rettleville, particularly Thysan is scouted. If Sir Vertigo can do this then we need not have our vanguard arrive first. Otherwise we will be going in blind. The areas that have not been scouted - Nark, Kydonia - may hold an undetermined number of forces. As Sir Vertigo is not yet a part of us and his reliability in scouting has not yet been ascertained, I would prefer our vanguard to arrive first and scout the lay of the lands. With more and more threats appearing over the horizon, moving as a single unit may not be advantageous anymore.
If we:
* don't know ourselves and the enemy - we'll lose 100% of the time
* know ourselves but don't know the enemy - we'll win 50% of the time
* know ourselves and know the enemy - we'll win 100% of the time
I am now en route to Rettlewood. Estimated time of arrival is 26 hours from now. Rettleville is 10 hours away after that. Let us take one step at a time and adjust our strategy accordingly.
|Title=Earl of Mangai
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=all four members of Inferi Hunters
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|The founding of a new realm after a long voyage]]
The four nobles stood at the edge of the wood before the clearing leading to the walls of Rettleville. They had travelled far from a distant land - Fissoa. They had sailed the seas of Dwilight and marched through danger. But by Zisa and Tyr, the daimons and the undead were confounded! And the spiritual pilgrims, warrior monastic knights with steely determination and endurance had made it unharmed to their soon-to-be capital. And to think that:
''It(the quest) started out as a feeling''
''Which then grew into a hope''
''Which then turned into a quiet thought''
Which then turned into a quiet word''
''And then that word grew louder and louder''
''Till it was a battle cry''
And the men, over 200 of them all cried out as one:
I believe in Zisa, gentle mother, shaper of heaven and earth.
She is the bringer of life, the first blossom that marks the end of winter.
I believe in Tyr, wise father, guardian of the balance,
who fought for our salvation on a thousand worlds, and led man through fire.
I believe in the teachings of our mother, given to man in the first age:
That we should put the good of our brothers and sisters before our own,
so the whole might be made stronger and our world be made whole.
I believe in the teachings of our father, given to man in the second age:
That we should guard ourselves against the shadow,
against greed, and hatred, and envy,
so that the daemon shall find no shelter in our hearts.
I believe that the world is poised on the brink of oblivion,
for the heretic and the daemon are ever among us.
Through unwavering faith we steel our souls,
that no false gods shall again threaten us.
We are the children of the gods,
and we are forever. 
|Title=Noble of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=all four members of Inferi Hunters
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Thee House of Fury is a proud member of the Inferi Hunters]]
Arden walked through the city enjoying the sights and sounds. He was in great spirits, the burden of ensuring safety for the party in reaching the final destination having being lifted. It has been a long way from Caerwyn to Fissoa and then back the same way again. He even recalled speaking briefly to Lady Catalina - now desposed - in Port Raviel.
However, his thoughts were now focused on Grand Master Milmice. There were reports of his sudden poor health and Arden had even seen with his own eyes that he had looked pale as of late. Could it be the sudden stress of the takeover? The arrival at the end of the final destination? Demon fever? No - perish the thought. But yet there seems to be something to all this.
"What are you up to, Milmice?" Arden muttered to himself. "Surely you're not ... ", Arden stopped with a startle. He had been about to say, " ... going to have me take over the running of the realm?" But he suddenly realised that he ''knew''.
Grand Master Milmice was having an '''awakening'''.
|Title=Noble of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the realm
[[Image:Ordenstaat_crest.jpeg|right|framed|The sign of the four founding fathers and its bond with Fissoa]]
Welcome Sir Francis, Sir Osmund to Ordenstaat - a colony of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. We trust you will respect the hierarchy established by the ruling and founding council. The monks of Wi-Ki have already begun keeping records on our realm of Ordenstaat.
In short, Ordenstaat has been organized as the first line of defense against the daimon invasion of Dwilight. While other realms may bicker and tend to their own backyards, we - Grand Master Milmice, Brother Justicar Eddard, Brother Furiens Reynevan and myself, Brother Bellator Arden are spiritual knights of the Order of St. Iestyn - warrior monastic in nature.
In the matter of our quest in eradicating the daimon threat, I wish to say that if we have nothing which we are willing to fight for, nothing which we care more about than we do our own personal safety, then we are miserable creatures who have no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than ourselves.
Should your hearts beat with anticipation at this, and your souls are at peace with yourselves then join us. Brother Justicar Eddard will have more detailed information for you. Soon, the hierarchy will be established.
|Title=Noble of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|The original unit was named Eternal Wrath]]
General Arden was ''stunned''. In an astonishing turnabout, Grand Master Milmice who was heading back to Rettleville to take care of matters of the realm had turned back and appeared alongside the rest of the Inferi Hunters in battle. His sudden change of plans had no doubt left him and his men with no time to dig in.
Charging into battle, Grand Master Milmice headed straight towards the monsters. General Arden's archers fired volley after volley in support but the beasts would not be swayed. It was unbelievable. The General's brows started to furrow with sweat. They had sensed royal blood and their bloodcurdling roars would have left any men shaking yet ''the Grand Master'' would not be swayed.
Judge Eddard's men were rearing to move into action but were held back by him. He spoke just two words, "Not yet."
Again and again, men and beasts clashed - tusks against shields, metal against hide and metal rain fell from the sky. Then the beasts broke through the front lines!
"Back! Back towards the melee!", the Grand Master, who was miraculously unhurt in the initial charge, shouted.
Then, in a flash, one of the men screamed, "The Grand Master!" Many turned only to see him falling to the ground and a bloody tusk gleaming red in the sunlight.
- and Judge Eddard could hold it no more. "Now!" he screamed and he and his men echoing their battle cries of ''For Ordenstaat!'' - charged into the melee.
With this new assault and the continued pinpoint bleeding of the metal rain, the beasts could take it no more. With a final roar of defeat, the remaining surviving creatures turned tail and fled in a panicked retreat.
- and Grand Master Milmice could not be found. Yet... he saved the day. The surviving monsters had all disappeared.
''Keep faith Grand Master, Brother Furiens. Already men are combing the woods for your location.''
|Title=General of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|A horrific day for the House of Fury]]
The archers stood in silent discipline in a row against the insurgents. It was only this morning that they had, along with the Madinan forces decimated a horde of those beasts. Now, somehow, somewhere, the creatures had called for reinforcements from the deep forests of Rettlewood. It was unthinkable that they had the intelligence to do so. It was almost as if they ''cheated''.
"Sir, our men are in position but the Madinan forces.." the aide-de-camp rushed up. "...they are not in their position."
General Arden turned to look and it was true. They looked confused, disorganized, and disarrayed as if they didn't know what to do. Where was Lord Admiral Vallyn? Why had he not given the order?
Bellows of rage came from the front lines. The insurgent beast creatures were charging! It was too late. The archers lined up in perfection as they had this morning. Only, this time the sunset cast terrifying shadows of fur and tusks and galloping hooves.
"Fire! Fire!" he cried but in his heart he knew. He ''knew''. It was too late to retreat. The onrushing horde crashed into the line. Savege jaws tore into flesh as bows and arrows snapped. The screams of terror rended his heart.
"FUCCANT!" Arden bellowed.
When it was all over, Arden surveyed the scene. Out of 73 men only three remained. The Madinan forces stood uneasily by, as well as they should. They had watched the scene - and they had not helped. Their word was not as good as their bond. A paperless alliance was something to be spat on. Arden would remember this. He would remember this day for life.
The survivors dragged themselves back to the capital. Even Arden's horse was not spared. "Excuse me, Sir?" his aide-de-camp cleared his throat uneasily but was stopped with a cold glare. "Uh, the three men, Sir? They're asking for their wages... including those of the dead men."
Without breaking a stride Arden turned back towards the startled men and in a flourish drew his sword and swung it in one quick motion. Three feathered helmets fell to the ground with a thud and rolled into the dirt. The aide-de-camp stood motionless in shock with terror in his eyes and said nothing as the General strode on by. Then, "Pick them up you fools!" he whispered from the side of his mouth as the three stragglers hurried to retrieve them.
In the distance, "I'll cry when I'm done killing", Arden said through gritted teeth.
|Title=General of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Sparkling(?) repartee report on a battle gone wrong]]
Lord Admiral Vallyn,
I'm happy to say that Ordenstaat is not going to go down so easily to monster trickery or ''confused'' soldiers. We have now established a recruitment center and will need a few more men to get a takeover unit running.
Although I must say that a little bird in the forest told me that your account to your men of how the unfortunate battle occured varies considerably with my ''first''hand view in the ''front''lines of the battle? Perhaps things were a little hazy from the ''back''?
Regardless, I hope you and your men will have time one day to visit our capital when you return from your mission to the north.
Best wishes,
''Arden Fury'',
''Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville''
I am happy to see you admit it was your soldiers own confusion that caused the incident. It is quite unfortunate that your unit was so far from the Madinan battle line. I am sure this is an minor error attributed to the darkness of an evening battle. No doubt in the deep woods you simply mistook your location at night and assumed you were actually closer to the Madinan formation than you believed.
Indeed, things were quite hazy from the distance we were at, not even our archers could pick out their targets.    They held in fear of hitting your own men -- perhaps next time I should insist they fire? 
I would then suggest you have Sir Milmice talk with the Doge some more -- Baroness Cagalli has offered to send her army, the Madinan Border Patrol to assist in patrolling between Paisly and Rettleville. I am sure some joint operations may ease the sting of such an unfortunate incident.
''Vallyn Rothach''
''Lord Admiral of Madina, Marshal of the Madinan Ducal Guards''
|Title=General of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Fury in action]]
It has been brought to my attention that there are some of us giving orders on stolen red parchment. Bear in mind that if someone who does not have the authority to give orders but does so is incriminating himself or herself by signing "orders" on that stolen red parchment. I leave it to your collective noble wisdom on recognizing the proper hierarchy for giving orders.
Secondly, while it might be somewhat amusing to see some of our fellow nobles disregard orders by wandering around the wilderness wonderland with their armed men in tow or digging in in inappropriate places, it would be cruel of me to let you learn your lesson the hard way by being ambushed from some of the local fauna. Western Dwilight is a savage place.
Therefore, let me rephrase the previous orders:
''All units (this means those with men) return and stay in the capital (Rettleville). When Grand Master Milmice has recruited enough men (in a week or two) to take over another region, you shall accompany him as his military escort.''
''If you have no unit to command, then you are free to explore and patrol the regions surrounding Rettlewood (and not further than that - we may need you back on short notice) and reporting your findings. You may also wish to pursue life in the court as a courtier.''
''Should morale or loyalty in any region be lower than 100%, perform police work. Should production levels be less than 100%, perform civil work. Right now, population levels are too low for civil work so check daily. If you have nothing to do, enjoy the city sights.''
This letter is not sent out as an order on purpose as I do not like repeating orders. The proliferation of stolen red parchment has also made orders on such parchment a silver a dozen. Thus, I trust that you will do the right thing.
We keep close tabs on all nobles in Ordenstaat (location, activity, co-operation, etc.) Stand out for the right reasons and you may very well be recognised and promoted. Stand out for the wrong reasons and... well, just don't. We need all of you as a disciplined military force. The threat from the west is real and will be coming all too soon.
|Title=Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=all members of the Inferi Hunters
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Opportunistic strikes with ferocity, keen blades, and puncturing arrows!]]
'''Brave knights of the Inferi Hunters'''
Your ferocity, your keen blades, and your puncturing arrows are the hallmark of our glorious army. May I add another hallmark to be recognised as a trait of the Inferi Hunters - opportunistic strikes!
We will strike the moment opportunity presents itself. Just as in our last battle in Rettlewood where we outnumbered the rogues and had moved in from Celtiberia. Only their reinforcements prevented us from clearing the region. Now we must wait. And be patient. Like the vipers that drape themselves from the branches of the woods in these lands. we must wait when the enemy is bored and is not expecting us and grows lax in their defence while we keep our spirits high and our men trained.
We strike as one! - or not at all.
Soon, be patient and meditate on the ways of knighthood. Join the Order of St. Iestyn and show your willingness to be a part of the Brotherhood - the military wing of the Order of St. Iestyn, warrior monastic in nature!
|Title=Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=the realm's council
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|The General is more political than military...]]
Sponsoring the army takes a lot of gold as well as paying for the upkeep of the temple in Rettleville. My command staff have told me that if I wish to continue being the sponsor I need to make sure the war chest has gold at all times. I assume that the army will look for a new sponsor if I stopped adding funds to the chest. I am willing to let someone else sponsor the army, now or later if it is required.
Looking through our roster of knights, Sir Francis would have made an excellent Marshal. In fact, he aspires to be a General and still came even though I told him the post of General was already taken. The next choice besides any one of the council members is Sir Antan who has a lot of experience. However, reports show that neither he nor his family have any military experience in command positions.
Can I give up the General position instead to someone else, perhaps to one in the Brotherhood? The General is more political than military dealing with foreign military and decisions affecting Ordenstaat are often made off the battlefield. The primary objective of the House of Fury is to command the largest, meanest, scariest press-gang ever to tromp through the countryside and a Marshal is better suited to that role rather than a General. Also, I feel upset whenever battle tactics or formations set by someone else result in defeat or a loss of men. The military strategies that I use may not be followed by someone else and taking a back seat in the army doesn't suit me.
|Title=Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=Eddard Oakheart, Milmice Vecchio Ratto, Reynevan Silesian, Zanaras Tian
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|The Brotherhood - warrior monastic in nature]]
''On behalf of the realm council, I request a copy of the report you sent to the Order.''
Sir Zanaras, the Brotherhood is warrior monastic in nature. To join, you must and must be able to fight with a physical weapon. To accept words as your choice of weapons would, in my opinion, be stretching the laws of the Brotherhood.
Should you really wish to join, you must consider an alternative sub class. You are now a priest. What do you feel you are capable of becoming? A priest/infiltrator, a priest/cavalier or a priest/hero? Only you will know your abilities (''options''). I see this not as a way out but a way in for you - into the Brotherhood. To be a Brother, you must bear arms and suffer the same hurt that we suffer before we can be brothers. Once you have proven yourself, you may return to the life of just a priest should you choose to, having thus gained our respect as a fellow combatant.
The reason why priests of St. Iestyn are not a part of the Brotherhood are as you have realised because of a question of loyalty and allegiance. The Grand Master (''of the Brotherhood not the realm'') is not a lifelong position. It will be rotated and thus it is a symbol of the Brotherhood and not of a person. To be a Brother, you must pledge your allegiance to the Grand Master, the symbol of the Brotherhood first and foremost. We are warrior monastic in nature. Warriors first, monastic (''priests'') second. Our priestly spiritual lives complement and enhance our warrior stature but we are first and foremost warriors.
This is what it means to be a Brother in the Brotherhood.
|Title=Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Fury aroused.]]
Brother Zanaras, why have you accepted Sir Renquest's pledge of fealty? You knew that there was opposition towards him particularly from me yet you have said nothing and silently gave him an estate.
It is your right to have whatever knights to serve your region - kindly keep him out of the army.
|Title=Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville
|Sender=Zanaras Tian
|Recipients=everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"
[[Image:Personalcrest-TIAN.jpg|right|framed|Bishop's Gambit.]]
Duke Arden,
I am aware of his past. In fact he is probably the one who attacked me a few days ago. If he tries anything stupid, well, I'll just have to deal with it.
Zanaras Tian,
Bishop of the Order of Saint Iestyn,
|Title=Baron of Thysan
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Mark my words.]]
Brother Zanaras,
What is the reason for accepting him? Why was the attack on your person not reported before? You suspected him yet accepted him? Can you explain your thinking? He told me he understood loyalty and honour yet when I asked him what it was he was offering Ordenstaat he chose to remain silent and move on to other regions in the realm. Now, he has possibly attacked a member of the realm?!
We are giving him a tax share that he may build up his unit - from his actions past and present, there is only one logical choice that he will make once he is ready - rebellion. It is not Thysan that will have to deal with him but Ordenstaat. He did not succeed in other realms because they were more established with a larger base of loyal knights. That cannot be said of Ordenstaat - already there are elements of rebels within our midst and to have a known serial rebel in our realm is unacceptable.
Were you to accept the consequences of his actions it would prove to be of little worth once he has taken control of the realm and we are out on our feet - well, maybe not Thysan as it never chose to be on the loyalists side. For the record, the reason of not wanting to upset the balance of the region has no meaning as none of the regions that chose to be loyal became unbalanced.
Did no one read the letter I sent from Madina? Am I the only one who believes that accepting Sir Renquest is foolish and reckless? This is not a game of seeing who will be proven right. It is a matter of security and we are now compromised.
'''Mark my words.'''
|Title=Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville
|Sender=Zanaras Tian
|Recipients=everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"
[[Image:Personalcrest-TIAN.jpg|right|framed|A chance to rebel?!.]]
Duke Arden,
I believe people should have a chance. Just like I thought Ordenstaat should have a chance when I followed you and your fellows here initially.
Though I must admit, the tax is uncalled for. Though it is nice to know you do not trust those appointed below you. I will assign him to the Inferi Hunters when I feel he merits such trust, should he do something against the realm I will see to his punishment.
I did not say I suspected he was the one, I said it was probable, unless you know of some other possible infiltrator lurking about. There is a difference, Duke Arden. And, I did not report the attack on me because the realm has more important things to worry about. I have a past on this island Duke, not to mention a bounty out for my head. I've been expecting someone to come after me nearly a year and a half now.
Though I must admit it concerns me how easily you distrust your own realm members. Perhaps someone should let them know that their Duke and General does not trust them to follow orders? Not to mention I can assure you that no one of his caliber can assume control of a realm, the burocrats wouldn't take to someone of so little renown running a realm, let alone a city.
If you want to bring my loyalty into question, we can go over it once more. My loyalty is to my Faith, to Order, and to the gods Tyr and Zisa. Would you like to question my faith? The same faith that I have spent months preaching to the commoner of Ordenstaat? The same faith that helped reinforce the realm in it's early days, when there were only a handful of us here.
If we are compromised by his being a knight of Thysan, we were compromised by him just joining the realm. His owing allegiance to me increases the chances he'll mess up by solely giving him more chances to do so. Better than him just sitting in Rettleville all day long, the region that every noble of this realm has to go through at one point or another. If he's a saboteur, that's the LAST place we want him, correct? Or has my strategic mind left me in these past months, Duke?
|Title=Baron of Thysan
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|As guilty as hell.]]
Brother Zanaras,
You compare us to saboteurs, infiltrators and rebels? You cannot take two different situations and try to make a connection. I did give Sir Renquest a chance. I told him that his reputation preceded him and asked him what exactly it was he has to offer Ordenstaat. He chose to remain silent. Anyone who chooses to remain silent when given an opportunity to defend himself or correct a misperception is guilty as hell.
People should be given a chance - just not a chance to rebel. Would you not agree that is our duty is to cleanse the world of treacherous men given in to chaos as Sir Renquest is?  Would you not agree that we must always watch over our people, and ensure that Chaos will never rise again? Answer me this.
As for the attack on you, you did not say that it was probable. You said he was ''probably'' the one who attacked you. Probable indicates possibility. Probably denotes likelihood. Check your notes - and yes, there is a difference. Keeping such information as an attack on our nobles and a member of the Brotherhood with the reason that the realm has more important things to worry about is another unconvincing reason like the one about not wanting to upset the balance in you region. An attack is an important thing to worry about. Should you not be able to ''discern'' this, kindly leave it to the rest of us to decide.
It is your poor judgement in this matter that is being called into question - not your loyalty. You have made your loyalty to the Order of St. Iestyn clear enough yet you requested to be in the Brotherhood against Brotherhood regulations. What then if there were a conflict of interest as in the last rebellion? Choose to be loyal and support the Brotherhood or remain neutral and support whoever comes to power as long as they profess the same faith? Shall you let us know now or ... when the time comes?
Who says he must be of a certain calibre to rule a realm? Anyone can rule a realm - what kind of realm is ruled depends on the ruler in question. Do you not know the powers of instigation? Did you not yourself come into power in Thysan in this very manner? Can you not see all possibilities ''as you say you do'' and picture him rousing the realm or a handful of disgruntled nobles to rise up?
Trust is earned not gained. Who I trust or not is a matter of realm security. What is more important is how easily some nobles earn that distrust by keeping silent. You mention orders? I specifically said not to include Sir Renquest in the army and you are telling me that you will send him to serve in the army as and when you see fit. Would a formal order change your mind? You would use bureaucracy and red tape to deny me the right as sponsor to decide the composition of the Inferi Hunters?
The tax is to send a message that I find your judgement in this matter to be in error - a grave mistake, one that could cost us the realm. Let me know if the low tax is sending the wrong message.
|Title=Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville
|Sender=Zanaras Tian
|Recipients=everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"
[[Image:Personalcrest-TIAN.jpg|right|framed|The facts of life.]]
Everyone has the chance to rebel, Duke Arden. This is a fact of life. There is not a noble in the realm that does not know who to contact to do so. They have meeting places in almost every region of the realm, just sometimes they are more careful.
Perhaps he missed your message? He's been fairly talkative with me.
As for the rebellion, it was true that I did not want to upset the balance of my region. How would I know that it may not have anyways, regardless of whether I joined the loyalists or not? I do not possess the power to predict the future Duke, and neither do you. On a side note, he claimed to have visions, I was interested enough to not simply say he was wrong immediately. I am a man of faith, Duke. He never did reply, but that is another thing I did not have the power to know at the time.
And I never compared anyone to rebels. I would really like to know how you got that out of my messages. If I implied that, it was unintentional.
If you want to talk about possibility though, there's a possibility it could have just as easily been a daemon, or perhaps one of those rebels from a while back. Who knows? Not me.
I see many possibilities, many of them are very remote. He is new, the only ones he'd be able to sway are also new. Anyone who has been here for sometime should be able to realize that. Not to mention, I'm sure he'll be able to take the capital on his own receiving a paltry 15 gold a week.
I haven't added him to the army yet have I? Perhaps you may have thought that the time I would see fit to add him would be when this discussion of his loyalty was over? I guess not though.
|Title=Baron of Thysan
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Once bitten, twice shy.]]
''Brother Arden is heard to fume in his private chambers:''
Visions? Visions?! That was what Xiahou said! And now, Renquest?
|Title=Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Pruned of dead leaves, the tree of Ordenstaat may flourish as a beacon in western Dwilight and stand tall as a bastion against the daimon horde in the west.]]
'''Nobles of Ordenstaat'''
It is a fact of life when nobles come and nobles go - and we have seen a great many come and go. It is the way of Ordenstaat to sift the wheat from the chaff. It is a test of their patience, resolve and determination for qualities such as these are needed to survive and prosper in our realm. Even some of those who have made it to lordship have fallen by the way and disappeared into obscurity.
Nobles new to the realm are usually welcomed - but on my part only after they have introduced themselves. Questions asked are always welcomed. Even better are questions asked to seek understanding. To assume something without asking needs no response but ours is a courteous realm and different nobles have different ways of asking - some nobler, some less so.
Study the history of Ordenstaat. The foundations of this realm is built on solid rock. There is no shaking it. Grand Master Milmice is still the Grand Master of Ordenstaat in all but name. He has relieved himself of rulership for personal reasons and wished that Lord Eddard assume his responsibilites temporarily as steward, much like the steward who replaced Grand Duke Leon in the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. Lord Eddard may rename his title to Steward or he may not - it is his prerogative but Grand Master Milmice will be back. As for the reasons for the changes and appointments the realm council has its reasons. Not everything can be shared with the realm. We are a monarchy and the ruler is supreme.
Loyalty is cherished. Rebels are not. As Duke, I have been granted power to appoint the ruler in the event of a vacancy. With that power, I could have appointed myself as ruler. But I did not. For we co-operate in this realm as an unshaking core whilst the disbelieving and unfaithful fall by the wayside. Pruned of dead leaves, the tree of Ordenstaat may flourish as a beacon in western Dwilight and stand tall as a bastion against the daimon horde in the west.
Lord Eddard has requested that he have access to more detailed information on the army and I have granted him access but protocol must still be observed and as SiC of the Inferi Hunters, the information will be available to him. As sponsor of the Inferi Hunters it is my right to appoint - as I have appointed Lord Zeromus as Marshal before and will reappoint him as soon as his duties in the capital are finished.
Study the laws of Ordenstaat. Study the laws of the Ordenstaat/Brotherhood. The Order of St. Iestyn is not the Brotherhood and the Brotherhood is not the Order of St. Iestyn.
|Title=Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Victory in defeat? How he would love to learn that secret..]]
'''''Somewhere in Rettleville...'''''
Duke Arden read the reports and sighed. Twainwood has been brutally taken over by the rogues after Bishop Zanaras gave up his lordship and proclaimed himself Duke of Twainville.
Now Twainville has been cut off from the rest of Ordenstaat by a horde of angry monsters. With food running out and no safe passage to send food, things were looking bleak indeed.
Arden wondered what the Bishop was thinking as he surveyed the ravenous beasts outside the city, hungry no doubt for his blood. Was the city worth it to be stuck now with no military support in sight?
The Bishop had asked support to retake Twainwood and re-establish a supply route but there was the matter of a few hundred monsters and undead in the way in at least two interconnecting regions.
He had complained to the Brotherhood that the army was just sitting in the capital. Which army was that? Surely he could not be referring to his own, ah... private army?
Arden could still hear the Bishop's words leaping from the pages of his letter to the Brotherhood:
''"I heard stories of smaller armies defeating larger armies, I saw a realm fight not just one war on one side, but two wars on opposite sides, and still hold their own. Ordenstaat has not yet learned such skill in war, but in due time you will realize it is possible for you to attack Rettlewood and win. Some believe there is only victory in victory, I grew up knowing there was also victory in defeat as well."''
Arden sighed yet again. The good Bishop was once again considerably vague in the details. Victory in defeat? How he would love to learn that secret.
No, Bishop Zanaras was here to stay. At least until he knew he was capable of taking on a bigger challenge - a challenge that Arden had thrown to him:
To venture forth into Volcano Nightscree and become only the second person in the history of the known world to get himself... ah, but that would be stealing his thunder and glory. Arden could be generous and wait for that day to announce itself.
"Captain Stephan!" Arden called out.
"General Arden?", Stephan came hurrying up. He was from the old military school of thought and didn't allow fancy terms to confuse him.
"How is the progress of the army of Inferi Hunters under command of Marshal Zeromus?"
"It is coming along nicely, my Lord. Another week and we shall be back to our full strength", replied the captain.
Soon, Arden thought. But for now, we must hone our skills.
|Title=Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|The untold story.]]
'''The Founding of Ordenstaat - History and The Early Days'''
The seeds of the realm were seeded as far back as my early days in Caerwyn and probably even further back than that. It was in Caerwyn where I first met Grandmaster Milmice - he who wanted my coat. While Caerwyn thought that his ideas were crazy - there were no men to recruit and we were being overrun by rogues - I was intrigue by his character. Still, I was new in Caerwyn and although I did not partake in the heated discussion between him and the realm I followed him to the Grand Duchy of Fissoa when he invited me.
Along the way we stopped by in Paisly which was independent then. I sensed that Grandmaster Milmice was considering Paisly as the start of a new realm although he didn't say much.
Once in the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, I reported to Grand Duke Leon who was a close personal friend of his. We spent some time there, a long time perhaps until I wondered if our original purpose still existed. I rose to a local lordship and Grand Master Milmice rose to be the Judge of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. I seemed like we were settling down and I was becoming comfortable with my position and new role in society,
Then one day, out of the blue, Grand Master Milmice comes and tells me that it was time to leave and wanted to know if I was still with him. There was no doubt about it. I was with him. Even though I left Mangai, my region with a heavy heart for it was in Mangai that I was annointed with the name Arden by the people of Mangai.
Thus, we had gathered the gold, recruited enough men to takeover a city - all that was left was to recruit knights to join us on the quest. While Grand Master Milmice recruited Regent Eddard who had recently arrived in Fissoa, I recruited Brother Furiens Reynevan who among all the knights of Mangai responded to my call for a secret quest to the west. Both of them took up the challenge though initially they could not have known much about the quest. There were also plans to recruit knights from Madina but none joined us.
And so, it was the four of us that set sail from Fissoa, each of us in a different ferry.
''(to be continued)''
|Title=Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the realm
[[Image:Brotherbadge.jpg|right|framed|The fate of Ordenstaat and the Brotherhood will forever be intertwined.]]
You are mistaken on so many counts, Dame Selene.
It is not my council. I am not on the council nor am I running for my previous position of General. If it is at all my council then it is as much your council too just as Ordenstaat is our realm.
The Brotherhood founded Ordenstaat. Its fate shall forever be intertwined. You knew this when you joined Ordenstaat just as you knew that Ordenstaat is a Monarchy. All historical texts were available to you when it came for you to choose.
A Monarchy does not respect all human beings? Define your interpretation of respect. Define your interpretation of a free government.
All realms are ruled by a body. Even in a democracy or a republic it is ruled by a body of Senators or Representatives. You will not do well in such a realm if you do not even take part in running in a Monarchy. Ordenstaat has loosened its definition of a Monarchy somewhat. A true Monarchy does not have elections. Capable leaders are appointed just as capable leaders are voted in a democracy or a republic.
Should you feel yourself capable you are free to run or to support whomever you wish just as it is my right to support whomever I wish.
Former Regent Marina herself did not see fit to change the government system of Ordenstaat to a democracy during her tenure despite calls for democracy being the cause of the rebellion. She only changed the title system to democratic. A rose by any other name smells just as sweet. And Ordenstaat as a Monarchy runs just as well even though we were called Representatives.
Another thing that you will find wherever you are on any number of islands in the world is that we are a feudal society. As such you have a liege even in a democracy or republic. It would behoove you to remember this.
|Title=Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|To hell with the plan.]]
Over 200 archers stood facing nearly 30 beasts safely hidden behind hastily erected walls of branches and leaves interspersed with the heads of peasants, their blood still freshly dried on their faces. The sight made Arden's blood boil.
"Careful now," muttered Arden to no one in particular. "Stick to the plan. Get into position quietly." With precise military drill, the Inferi Hunters - the pride of Ordenstaat - formed a line and advanced just within firing range.
Then "Now!", Arden said quietly and over 200 arrows sped their way into the fading daylights and thudded into fur and flesh. A furious roar came from the beasts as they felt the pain of the rain of death. Miraculously their thick hide cushioned the blows and only one unfortunate creature died immediately, an arrow having pierced its brain through its ear - a one in a thousand shot.
"Steady! Steady men! Do not break the line!" cried Captain Stephan(+5) on his left. "Stick to the plan!" he ordered as he tried to hold the men together. Then suddenly, Arden strode forward in front of the army. He saw someone he recognized beyond the beasts. Someone he did not expect to see here. Incredible.
"Marshal Arden," yelled Stephan in panic, raising his voice over the roars of the beasts. "What about the plan?!" Arden turned back to face his captain, his face inscrutable. "To hell with the plan. Eternal Wrath, move forward!" commanded Arden.
The rest of the Inferi Hunters, unsure of this new development and hearing no specific orders continued firing... and the beasts continued their unnatural roar in the confusion of the attack as another of their fiend went down - permanently.
It was not easy to hold the line and in the clatter of battle Eternal Wrath found Baccus Archers beside them. Another two fiends fell and did not rise again. The attack was going well. All they had to do now was to hold the line and the battle would...
"TO ME! TO ME, INFERI HUNTERS!!", cried Arden as he ordered Eternal Wrath forward again. This was too much. Then the monsters finally got their act together and came forth from behind their fortifications.
Arden could sense Preceptor Voltaire shaking his head in amazement in the back. How would he explain this bold move? To advance once, yes but twice? Under the covering fire from the rest of the army Arden found himself face to face with the creatures and his men raised their bows to make a final close range killing shot but even beasts knew suicide if Arden didn't. They fled into the night.
"My Duke," called Captain Stephan as he came running up. "Two of our units have retreated. Preceptor Voltaire has called for a fallback to the capital."
"What?" Arden turned around in amazement. He considered it for a moment then simply said, "Then fallback, Captain. Fallback." And as he made his way back from where they came from he turned back once more to look at the face that he had seen and recognised. It was not there anymore. But he knew. He had seen. Sir Jonordebrir, former Lord of Kydonia and squire to Grand Master Milmice, now a knight of Port Nebel - has returned.
|Title=Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|So help me.]]
I regret that it has come to this.
For the record, there is nothing to fear from Brother Zanaras. Forgive the unflattering description but he is all bark and hardly any bite. As a priest, he has no sword to threaten anyone with. All he has are his words.
For the record, I was the first in Ordenstaat to cross quills with him to the extent of even raising a tax on Thysan (his region then) to prove a point to him. Our disagreement became more voluminious until Grand Master Milmice himself stepped in and told us to make peace or he would be very angry. Towards the end we had actually reached an understanding of one another and had already made peace on our own.
It is this understanding of Brother Zanaras, former King of Silverfall, ex-Duke of Twainville, ex-Baron of Thysan, and heretic priest (as he describes himself) of St. Iestyn that is missing from most of Ordenstaat. It is not easy to understand one such as him for he clothes himself with words and uses them as his tools as one would wave a sword in front of him.
And it is this very flaunting and brazen attitude that puts people off their comfort zone. He is like a mighty oak tree that will not bend like the reeds. Thus, when the storm comes the reeds will sway in the mightiest of wind and survive but the oak tree cannot and is uprooted in the storm. If Brother Zanaras would bend like the reed he would not be uprooted but then neither would he be who he is - and no one knows who that is including him.
I sensed that he is one who is still searching for something which was why I encouraged him to fulfill his desire in founding a new faith forgetting myself that the law prohibits it. Nonetheless, I urged him to come forward to speak to the Brotherhood and I asked that we consider a more localised chapter of the faith. It was not the faith that we found lacking but the support of the religious leadership, in particular the affront by one of the faith itself, an aspirant but of the faith nonetheless - and the leadership gave no acknowledgement to the part played by the Brotherhood in bringing the faith to these parts. That - I could not accept.
Before I could advise Brother Zanaras that any new faith needed to maintain ties with Tyr and Zisa, as this is probably the only way that Grand Master Milmice can ever accept the founding of a variant faith, - he protested. Even I didn't see that coming.
A heretic priest leading a new chapter of Tyr and Zisa in Ordenstaat will certainly bring to life the faith that insofar is merely being paid lip service by most in Ordenstaat as a requirement to advance one's career.
Though he has seceded he has never rebelled and if even the rebels are not banned why should he? I have come to trust him and if others do not then I say leave him to me. Give him room to speak his mind for he must but do not fear his words. Leave him to me for I understand him and can counter his words and his logic should they prove harmful. Let him stay and let him start a new chapter of Tyr and Zisa. It will keep his hands full to keep it going. Do not mind his words for they are but the stirring of his passion and it is something that we need in Ordenstaat and not to give away to another realm.
I ask all these in the name of Tyr and Zisa. So help me.
|Title=Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the Brotherhood
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Of the obvious, the assumed and wrong impressions.]]
I can put up with my archers moving forward to engage the enemy who are out of range or to get better shots even though they should only do so if I instruct them to be aggressive - defensively they should in fact be holding back. However, I cannot accept them moving out of their fortifications that I had instructed them to dig for SIX hours. It defeats the entire purpose of digging in and any excuse for them moving out is unacceptable and inexcusable. For this they have paid the price and we will see if they will learn from their mistake.
To speak of matters of things that are obvious and assumed and giving wrong impressions as you have brought up in your personal correspondence I remind you and everyone once again that proper decorum and etiquette must be maintained in addressing one another in all correspondence be they personal or public and while by and large you have been observing this it has been obvious that on more than a few occasions you have been remiss and while you may assume we will take your lack of honorifics in address to denote warmth and friendliness it is nonetheless wrong, improper and forbidden. It gives the wrong impression that we are equals. We are not. Even among equals rulers will address one another properly and with decorum. A sworn enemy noble would still deserve the proper recognition of his station. What separates us from the commoners is a proper respect and recognition of nobility and its hierarchy. A lack of that is an intended insult.
Note too that common customs and understanding of our world must be observed at all times. Thus, peculiar notions like turns are forbidden. Foreign influence is not permitted within our society unless it is something that we cannot describe. We are nobles and the rules and social mores of our society will be guarded and enforced and repeated and blatant violation of noble conduct can be and will have punishment meted out. As a future ruler you will undoubtedly be dealing with this at some point and how you deal with it now will reflect on how you will deal with it then.
Know too as has been said many times already that you have been invited to Ordenstaat that we may first know you and your knights and judge if you are honourable and true and would make worthy confederates. Only then will we decide on your claim to Twainville and help you found a realm or not.
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the Brotherhood
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Let us not make religion a problem for Ordenstaat.]]
Brethren -
For those of you who are new, while I am Grand Master of Ordenstaat, Grand Master Milmice is the Grand Master of the Brotherhood. While we are a secret society it is more a function of keeping chaos out of the Brotherhood than to keep secrets. As such Grand Master Milmice is to be accorded all the respect that pertains to his position as well as being a former ruler and a founder and the very architect of Ordenstaat itself. Likewise all brothers and sisters are also to be accorded the proper respect by virtue of being brethren as well as being nobility.
As such I would remind Grand Master Milmice that his code of conduct is on display and sets an example for all the Brotherhood and proper respect and decorum in address must be maintained at all times. Brother Zanaras is not simply Zanaras and cannot be referred to as such. At the least he must be referred to as Priest Zanaras if he is not accepted as a Brother. To refer to him without any title is a violation of noble conduct and repeated and blatant violations of such conduct destroys the fabric of our society and a reminder to the realm will be sent - again - and this time Grand Justiciar Tamerran will be instructed to be on the watch for such violations in public or in private.
Ordenstaat has indeed been founded as a bastion against the daimons. To deny this would be to deny the very foundation of our realm. While it is true that there have been no reports of daimon attacks I would remind the Brotherhood that daimons are creatures from the netherworld - the daimon realm. There is no such thing as a peaceful daimon. If they claim to be from somewhere else you can be sure that they are lying through their teeth.
While there may be some merit to the fact that they have not done anything untowards and if they indeed are 'peaceful' then this will be the first case of its kind and what are the odds of that? I would not bet on it. Daimons invaded Beluaterra. On Dwilight they may be just biding their time. If they are peaceful then I will be the first to celebrate but we will continue to be a bastion of humanity and maintain our guard.
To return to the issues of the Brotherhood, Brother Zanaras himself was admitted to the Brotherhood by Grand Master Milmice. Brother Zanaras was invited to Ordenstaat to spread the faith of the Order of St. Iestyn. The only problem was the Order of St. Iestyn does not care for Ordenstaat. It is true when Brother Zanaras claims that St. Iestyn is merely a tool for Pian en Luries to create a Lurian Empire. I have had reliable information that Queeen Alanna herself claiming that the Grand Duchy of Fissoa was now part of the Lurian Empire (due to Grand Duke Leon embracing St. Iestyn) but when I informed the Grand Duke of this he was mad but did not leave St. Iestyn. And so we left St. Iestyn and formed the Argent Order having decided that we would carve our own spiritual path in the western wilderness. And when we left, the hierarchy of St. Iestyn never bothered to ask why.
My fellow founders, My brothers -
Despite what Brother Zanaras has done I have forgiven him. I ask that you forgive him too and rejoin Ordenstaat. I had asked before that you leave him to me and in this time he has proved to be a strong and reliable brother one that Ordenstaat cannot do without. We are growing stronger here. The Argent Order has been good for Ordenstaat. We are carving our own path, our own destiny. I believe in Brother Zanaras and if you believe in me too then believe in him. I ask you Brother Milmice and Brother Eddard to believe in me. We are all working for a better Ordenstaat. While Brother Reynevan is still of the faith of St. Iestyn, religion has never been an issue or a problem for him. Let us not make it a problem for Ordenstaat.
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|May your gods have mercy on your soul.]]
A heavy and well-armed contingent of Royal Guards march through the woods of Rettlewood, the tromping of their boots flattening the grass and startling the peasants out of their daily routine. Out of respect they stood at attention unused to the sense of purpose, determination and destination that the soldiers displayed. They knew the soldiers weren't here to clear the region of monsters and the undead, who were by now a regular occurence and they took it as part of their lives. If they were, the soldiers would be less visible, less... single-minded in their steps. No, this was a Mission - one that Ordenstaat likely has never seen and probably never will again.
In the middle of the road out of Rettlewood the contingent came to a halt. They wait and watch with precise military discipline and patience honed by seasons of waiting. Soon, in the distance the rumbling wheels of a caravan are heard. Then a green flag bearing the image of a golden lion slowly comes into view. At this, the Royal Guards lower their eyes once in respect then raise them again as they await the Grand Master of the Brotherhood, the architect of Ordenstaat - Sir Milmice Vecchio Ratto.
The caravan comes to a slow stop in front of the contingent and a knight wielding a golden shield steps out and walks towards them. Before he can speak, Captain Stephan, the Royal Captain of the Royal Guard of Eternal Wrath takes two steps forward and unfurls a red scroll that extends to his knees. He looks once at the knight before him, nods then proclaims in deep and commanding tones:
Sir Milmice Vecchio Ratto -
''Architect of Ordenstaat,''
''Founder of the Realm,''
''Grand Master of the Brotherhood,''
'''By Order of the Royal Council:'''
You are hereby accused and condemned of the following crimes against Ordenstaat:-
* Insults & threats of murder against nobles
* Causing dissension and discord within the Brotherhood
* Portraying nobles as snakes and the leachers of your dreams
* Attempts to subjugate Ordenstaat with the influence of St. Iestyn
* Attempts to force a noble into exile by reason of personal vendetta
* Secretly joining the underground and conspiring to overthrow the realm
* False allegations of chaos, heresy, daimonic influence & numerous others
* Attempts to usurp the authority of the realm council and retake council positions
* Secretly poisoning the minds of nobles with false accusations through private letters
Captain Stephan rolls up the scroll and draws his sword in one swift motion of fury, raising it to the heavens. In a clear voice he declares with utter conviction and truth, and the words ring through the hills:
''A thing of beauty once created''
''Is gone forever''
''And no longer belongs to its Creator.''
''Ordenstaat is that thing of beauty.''
''It no longer belongs to its Founders''
''But to all who would call it... their home.''
"Sir Milmice," Captain Stephan addresses him for the final time. "We will escort you out of Ordenstaat."
'''"May your gods have mercy on your soul."'''
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the Brotherhood
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Milmice replies to this: "How miserable."]]
Grand Master Milmice -
You accused Brother Zanaras of letting a daimon party go through Thysan (his land). Just how was he expected to stop it? We couldn't. We didn't have the strength. And it was just passing through. Did you expect us to attack them anyway and bring down 15,000CS worth of daimons on our heads?
For the record, the second rebellion was successful due to multiple Agents of Chaos ''(ooc: multiple a/cs)''. Their names:
  1. AoC Marina who took the rulership
  2. AoC Azazel who took the Judgeship
  3. AoC Voltaire who took the Generalship
  4. AoC Selene who took the Bankership
They are CONFIRMED agents of chaos, confirmed by the very TITANS themselves. Then suddenly you simple ask AoC Marina to give you back the rulership and she did. I found this unbelievable at that time. But now that I KNOW that they are agents of chaos, I have to wonder - were you infected by chaos through them? Did you BARGAIN YOUR SOUL AWAY in exchange for a return of your rulership?! And you ruled for a time with THREE other agents of chaos on the realm council! Then you tried to ban Brother Zanaras and NO ONE supported you.
And you left. And where did you go? To Dragon's Roost - a godless place where NO FAITH WHATSOEVER can survive. A place where NO PRIEST, no religious or godly person could ever go! ''(ooc: 16+ travel hours, impossible for priests)''. I know this because a foreign priest came to look for you and I sent him. And he came back and told me.
And when I told you he was looking for you you ran away to Volcano Nightscree! The very place of daimons that you swore to destroy! WHAT WERE YOU DOING THERE?
My brethren -
It is now clear to me and to everyone who can see that Sir Milmice is no longer fit to command the Brotherhood. As Secret Keeper, I am exercising my authority to remove him from the Grand Mastership of the Brotherhood. He will remain as an aspirant until he realises the errors of his ways and the veracity of his chaotic infection can be ascertained.
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=the Rulers of Dwilight
[[Image:Storm_coat_of_arms.jpg|right|framed|The heart of a basilisk, even blacker still.]]
Rulers of Dwilight -
I urge you to beware of the ''Dragon King'', a most dishonourable and sly a knight as ever to come and a disgrace to the nobility. After having taken away Paisly and Paisland from Madina by force he has now set his greedy eyes further west.
The issues are:
* Ordenstaat & D'Hara '''had''' an Open Border's & a Right of Passage treaty. With courtesy, our priest informed him and I confirmed of our priest's wish to travel through Paisly. With contempt, false accusations, insults and outright lies he forbade it. In fact he had even forgotten he had signed such a treaty with me until I brought it up.
* He has made veiled threats to invade Ordenstaat all in the name of bringing 'jusctice' to his 'friend' who had stepped down from the rulership willingly and left the realm.
* As if that was not enough, this ''Wyvern King'' has sent an assassin who spoke with a D'Haran accent and seriously wounded me and is even now burning down our warehouses and breaking into our tax offices. Upon further investigation we have found that a certain Sir Vijsktrol Stormbringer (Knight of Port Nebel), is in Rettleville and I am certain we shall catch him in the act sooner or later. For now, we have wounded him ourselves.
Let it be known that Ordenstaat stands on the righteous path. The D'Harans with their own hidden objectives seek to topple a legitimate goverment and install most possibly a puppet ruler who will be beholden to D'Hara for what they will have given him. If ever we are to make a stand against injustice and evil, it is now. For it may be that the hearts of men are even blacker than the hearts of daimons - and the heart of a basilisk, even blacker still.
In addition -
Even now his troops are pouring into Maeotis (Ordenstaat) and I have already cancelled our treaties. Treaty or no treaty, he does as he pleases throwing the weight of D'Hara around. Even his own ambassador has no idea of his doings.
Ordenstaat's last act of existence will not be to cower before a ''Serpent''.
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Ordenstaat, does not and will never need any knights other than the best.]]
You words are seditious. Have a care. As a new knight to the realm you will learn your place and your conduct. If you do not wish to contribute you are free to leave lest you are overwhelmed by your struggles and the shape of the realm confers a torment upon your well-being.
I see that you appear to be leaving the realm and are not following orders and this fact may embolden you to cast aspersions upon the realm. There is no place for any negativity in Ordenstaat and you would do well to leave. Fare thee well. I doubt your derisions will be welcomed in any civilized realm.
Ordenstaat -
There are many realms on Dwilight. Some are larger and established. Ours is a new realm. A difficult one but filled with opportunities. Those who seek a quick fortune will not find it here or be given it. You will have to prove yourselves - in words and deeds. The control of this realm is in the tight and good hands of the council. Resources are limited and dangers abound. From within and without. This does not mean you cannot bring up matters but there is always a right way and a wrong way to say things. the right way is harder and requires thought. The wrong way merely requires you to speak without thought.
Ask yourselves why you chose Ordenstaat - a small realm in the middle of nowhere when you could have chosen an established and wealthy realm? Your conduct gives rise to your answer and you need not say anything.
Knights such as those that have been banned in the past are a negative influence on others. Have a care that it does not influence you. Greed and impatience is unwelcomed. In the past, we were more lax with indisciplined and bad behaviour. This led to many agents of chaos that infiltrated our ranks and nearly destroyed us. I will have it no more. All negativity will be nipped in the bud. From experience, the best knights are the ones who stay despite the hardships and obstacles. Ordenstaat, does not and will never need any knights other than the best.
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|A rescue.]]
"''Quiet now!''" came the short sharp whisper. It was a small and bold band of knights that made their way up the hillside in the dark. The growls of the trolls at the summit grew louder and became more argumentative.
"''I'd wager they're thinking up the best way of cooking him M'lord''," hissed Captain Jander.
Preceptor Arden paused in his tracks causing the rest of his team to fall flat to the ground. He pondered the thought and considered how long his Vice Marshal could hold on once dumped into their boiling vat of broth - and added the option of charging up the hill into the equation.
He had hand-picked his men for their speed and raw power for surprise was their only advantage against a superior foe who had even matched them in wits. The motion to move forward was made with the index finger pressing forward then all five fingers clenched and released in a spreading out motion.
They all took their place just below the summit as their forward scout came down to join them.
"''I've taken out the perimeter guards... the way is clear''," their scout motioned in sign language. He was a local of Rettlewood whom the rogues had never managed to chase out of the region or to even find him. Small-built, he excelled in certain tasks but would be staying out of the brutal combat that was about to happen.
It happened in a flash. Three bowmen fired silently and in rapid succession as the outer edges of the trolls fell in grunts. Then the inner trolls, realizing the attack gave gutteral roars and charged towards the edge where their kin fell only to have the remaining knights spring their trap by charging from the opposite site across the centre of the summit with the (already!) boiling vat and thrusting their swords and spears into the backs of the trolls. Some that turned back had their bellies gutted.
In the midst of the battle, unbeknownst to all, Vice Marshal Ragrim rolled in the darkness and firelight towards the largest troll who was lying with two swords in his back - dead - and pulled what seemed like a crystal globe that glinted briefly from the embers of the fire.
Arden noticed the movement while fending off two trolls were swinging wildly with their hatchets against his two swords - one in each hand. With a flurry of movement, counter-thrusts and dance-like movements, one troll was beheaded and the other lost both knees.
Captain Jander had only time to pick up his Vice Marshal before the rest of the horde alerted by the battle started to charge up the battle.
Arden knew even then that they had accomplished their mission. If there was one thing that was a common occurence in their fight against the rogues is that they excelled at retreating and the rogues were reluctant to chase after their dinner - at least not across an entire region.
"''Let's go!''" he barked. And that was that.
|Title=Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the region Rettleville
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Daimons finally 'attack' Ordenstaat.]]
"'''Marshal Duke Ragrim! Report'''." The Grand Master commanded as he strode onto the battlements overlooking the city.
"How stands the Inferi Hunters?" He had heard that at least two knights had fled the city. The glory days of the Inferi Hunters had certainly faded in the distant past.
''If the Zuma were here to destroy Ordenstaat then the decent thing would be to make it quick. But after that first attack they now kept to the trees. Arden smiled. He knew why they were here and it wasn't just to deal with the rogues as the Sorcerer of Nowhere claimed. Oh no. They were here on a social visit to make their presence... known.''
''Ordenstaat - aside from the ones who ran - would not fear the daimons. They may outnumber us in numbers but they would never outnumber us... in words - and the Grand Master, if he were to be the last Grand Master of Ordenstaat - would have plenty of words to throw at them.''
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in the region Rettleville
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|A treaty unfolds.]]
The usually calm night of Rettleville was shattered by the occasional howls of the monsters now roaming the streets. Grand Master Arden was unperturbed as he continued writing a letter from the western tower. He could often be found here in meditation. The solitude helped to solidify his senses and keep him focused on the greater glory of Ordenstaat.
There was nothing for the beasts to eat in the city and when they realize it they would soon move on. After all these years no one knew more about them then those who had chosen to make their homes in the western wilderness.
For Ordenstaat, life went on - according to plan.
Sealing his letter with the royal seal he had it delivered to the most dangerous location on Dwilight. Should his ''carefully crafted'' and ''meticulously worded'' letter be accepted Ordenstaat would be the first realm throughout Dwilight in recent history to conclude such a treaty.
Despite the setbacks he understood sentient beings intimately - their interests and motivations. Once you knew this, negotiations became so much easier.
"'''Deliver this to the heart of darkness where the fire from the belly of the earth pours into the sky'''", he intoned to a waiting aide.
Yes indeed. Life in Ordenstaat was going on - ''according to plan.''
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Taronis Thurdan
|Recipients=Arden Fury
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|First contact.]]
Grand Master Arden Fury,
My apologies for troubling Your Grace, however, I have seen, and heard of additional reports of nobility of Ordenstaat within Pian lands or approaching them.
I was hoping you might be able to explain what their presence is for.
|Title=Royal Exchequer of Pian en Luries, Duke of Poryatown, Ambassador of Pian en Luries
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=Taronis Thurdan
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Diplomatic opening.]]
Taronis Thurdan
Royal Exchequer of Pian en Luries,
Duke of Poryatown,
Ambassador of Pian en Luries -
I am leading a small unarmed spiritual expedition to visit the seat of the Order of St. Iestyn, the founding faith of Ordenstaat.
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Ambassador of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Taronis Thurdan
|Recipients=Arden Fury
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|All is well.]]
Grand Master Arden,
My thanks for the information. I will be sure to pass it along to those who had questions concerning your arrival.
Thank you for your time, and enjoy your stay. If you would like, let me know and I will have room for you within my estate in Poryatown.
|Title=Royal Exchequer of Pian en Luries, Duke of Poryatown, Ambassador of Pian en Luries
|Sender=Taronis Thurdan
|Recipients=Arden Fury
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|The grognards behind the scene start to grumble.]]
Grand Master Arden,
I have been informed by Grand Master Drystan that he has not been informed of such a visit. I would suggest that you first clear this visit with Grand Master Drystan, or that of Her Majesty, Queen Alanna Anaris before treading further into Lurian lands.
|Title=Royal Exchequer of Pian en Luries, Duke of Poryatown, Ambassador of Pian en Luries
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=Taronis Thurdan
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Will Pian En Luries observe proper decorum for visiting dignitaries?]]
Taronis Thurdan
Royal Exchequer of Pian en Luries,
Duke of Poryatown,
Ambassador of Pian en Luries -
Royal Exchequer Taronis Thurdan -
I am no longer of the faith of St. Iestyn therefore have no contact with Grand Master Drystan. This is a visit to discover the roots of the founding of Ordenstaat and see where we go from there - if anywhere.
It is a thing unheard of but I suppose not all royals are created equal. Especially for a realm like Ordenstaat? Or is Queen Alanna no longer claiming Ordenstaat as part of her Lurian Empire as she did so long ago in the rulers council?
Note: I neither admit nor deny her claim. If there was any such claim it was done without the knowledge of the founding fathers of Ordenstaat of which I am one.
We shall come to Askileon then and ask for ourselves if we are welcome. I trust that Pian En Luries will observe proper decorum for visiting dignitaries.
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Ambassador of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Taronis Thurdan
|Recipients=Arden Fury
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|One of the very few upright nobles in the land.]]
Grand Master Arden,
Queen Alanna will meet you in Askileon.
I had no intention of slighting your nation, nor to suggest that you are not equal. Given the lack of information on your visit, and the current diplomatic situation with Fissoa it was necessary to seek Her Majesties guidance on this matter.
Her Majesty has also indicated that she would be happy to discuss such matters as Ordenstaats founding with you personally.
You will be treated with the utmost respect given to all dignitaries, and more as a visiting ruler.
I hope your visit is prosperous,
|Title=Royal Exchequer of Pian en Luries, Duke of Poryatown, Ambassador of Pian en Luries
|Sender=Amaury Capet
|Recipients=Arden Fury
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|Da Duke.]]
Grand Master Arden,
Word has reached me that you have invited yourself to my city without even consulting the Empire beforehand. Sadly, I have more decency than that, which prohibits me from declaring you unwelcome... However, during your stay in Askileon, you are not to leave the royal palace unless permitted. The rest of the city is off-limits to you.
|Title=Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr en Luries
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=Amaury Capet
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Apparently, Da Duke was left out of the briefing.]]
Duke Amaury Capet -
It is good to know that you answer to a higher authority. To visit your city I am supposed to "consult the Empire beforehand"? If it's your city I would have assumed I should have to consult you.
Thankfully, your decency is confined to your city as it is the custom throughout Dwilight to travel unhindered without needing to consult anyone. Of course, I have to assume now that this consulting business must be peculiar to Pian En Luries, so far east that she is from the rest of Dwilight that she has forgotten common courtesy given to travellers what more to one whom you have never corresponded before much less a foreign dignitary or do you consider Ordenstaat beneath you?
Though, if you wish I wonder if you can actually "close the city gates"? And if you can't then there is your answer that the cities are open to anyone what more non-city regions with no gates and it is inter-realm diplomacy that regulates travel.
As far as I know Queen Alanna has graciously accepted to meet me in Askileon as conveyed by Royal Exchequer Taronis Thurdan who has assured me that I will be "treated with the utmost respect given to all dignitaries, and more as a visiting ruler."
Apparently, you were left out of the briefing.
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Ambassador of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Amaury Capet
|Recipients=Arden Fury
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|Da Macho Duke, B.S.]]
Grand Master,
You should be less concerned with briefings I missed, and more with those I attended. I have my orders, and if you are curious about how I intend to enforce them, by all means, stick your head out the palace gates and see what happens.
Perhaps your sense of decency differs from my own, but I was raised to announce my arrival well ahead of time, rather than showing up on someone's doorstep unannounced - and uninvited - especially when I have ties to the enemies of my perceived host. That is not only rude, but reckless behavior, unbecoming of a man who fancies himself a ruler.
And if you must know, I do indeed consider Ordenstaat beneath us. Being an ambassador means little when you represent a landfill. A realm that can say that at one point it had more nobles than commoners within its borders should not act too high and mighty towards others, and your alliance with our enemy does little to improve your standing with the Lurians. Quite frankly, I think you and your realm are a joke, and I have no idea what you expect from your journey other than pity and rejection. I'm sure you've made yourself believe you're quite important, but I consider you no more a ruler than I did Loathin during his brief stint as 'king'.
Feel free to complain about my tone if you wish. As I said, I have my orders. For as long as you are a guest in my city - and by extension my duchy - you will abide by the rules I lay out on behalf of the Empire. I recommend that you do not try to find out what the alternatives are.
|Title=Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr en Luries
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=Amaury Capet
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Truly arrogant beyond belief.]]
As customs differ you should give the benefit of the doubt rather than giving insults.
Obviously it is not clear where I stand so I shall say this:
I am fully aware where Ordenstaat ranks in Dwilight.
I am fully aware of the hatred between Pian En Luries and Fissoa, our allies.
Are YOU fully aware that the alliance was formed before your problems with them?
I am also fully aware that I am here unarmed in a land bred for animosity - as evident by your insults.
By considering another people beneath you you are truly arrogant beyond belief. As you know not why I am here save your theories for yourself.
You would do well to watch your words. Call Ordenstaat a landfill or a joke or talk about pity and rejection one more time and I will take this to the NEXT LEVEL. GO AHEAD AND TRY IT.
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Ambassador of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Amaury Capet
|Recipients=Arden Fury
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|And a finer Duke he makes.]]
Grand Master,
What a fine Ambassador you make. You threaten a Lurian Duke, in his own land, after showing up uninvited and permitting yourself access to his city, while calling his enemy your friend. If you are going to issue threats, be sure you can make good on them. You're a long way from home... it would be a shame if something were to happen to you all the way down here.
|Title=Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr en Luries
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=Amaury Capet
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Hear! Hear!]]
That's better Duke Askileon.
Perhaps we shall make an ambassador out of you after all.
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Ambassador of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Amaury Capet
|Recipients=Arden Fury
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|Prior sarcasm apparently not registered.]]
I think you misunderstood me, Grand Master. My last letter was not meant as some kind of reconciliation offer. It was meant as a warning.
|Title=Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr en Luries
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=Amaury Capet
No one could misunderstand your words, Duke Amaury.
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Ambassador of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=Alanna Anaris
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Diplomatic overture.]]
Queen Alanna -
Long ago you claimed that Ordenstaat was part of the Lurian Empire. As I shall soon be stepping down from rulership you will be free to make good on your claim should you still so wish to.
I know that a Lurian knight is already on his way to Rettleville and through him you may indeed expand your Empire.
It is enough that we have seen the birthplace of the Order of St. Iestyn and though I am no longer of the faith I was so for much a time.
All we ask in return are men and gold for our protection as we continue to traverse the lands of Dwilight for the lands are harsh and without protection we have been robbed many times already along the way.
It is a small request for hospitality but we shall manage regardless.
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Ambassador of Ordenstaat
|Sender=Alanna Anaris
|Recipients=Arden Fury
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|Pian en Luries willing to help out of the goodness of their hearts? Perish the thought.]]
Grand Master,
I think it would be worthwhile to correct a few misconceptions.
First of all, it was not that Pian en Luries claimed Ordenstaat as a province of the Empire. Ordenstaat was founded by the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, which was then officially a part of the Empire. Not only did that make it a part of the Empire by extension, its early leaders, especially Lord Milmice, swore allegiance to the Lurian crown.
Later political and religious upheavals in Ordenstaat caused the land to renounce its membership in the Empire. Due to the distance involved, and the poor state Ordenstaat was already in by that time, We never saw it as particularly necessary to travel there and show them the error of their ways.
As for the Order of St Iestyn, the stamp of which is still on Ordenstaat in everything from the names of your Council positions to the name of the realm itself, you betrayed it long ago, and I understand that Grand Master Drystan is not at all pleased with you for coming here at all. He has also mentioned that, as an apostate, you are barred from entering the temple, so I would recommend against trying it, unless you enjoy large muscular guards picking you up and throwing you down flights of stairs.
Your third misconception appears to be an idea that Pian en Luries will help you out of the goodness of our hearts. I don't know where you got this idea, but it is completely wrong. Pian en Luries is not in the habit of handing out money or supplying troops to any beggar who stops on our doorstep, whether or not he wears a crown.
If you were to swear allegiance to Pian en Luries, and agree to certain conditions regarding any future home you might find, then we would be willing to discuss the possibility of funding your efforts.
There is also another colony effort currently planned in Pian en Luries, which would be officially supported and funded, but will not be leaving for a while yet, as we still have some cleaning up to do in the aftermath of the Civil War. If you would be willing to join that as equals with all the other nobles participating, you would all be welcomed. The effort is still in early enough stages that you would have a certain amount of influence over the eventual direction of the realm. However, again, you would need to abide by certain conditions.
In the name of Sun and Moon,
|Title=Queen of Pian en Luries
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=Alanna Anaris
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Lord Milmice swore differently - ''say what?'']]
Queen Alanna -
Lord Milmice swore differently that Ordenstaat was never part of the Lurian Empire but it is moot now.
As Ordenstaat was never part of the Lurian Empire - there is no black and white written anywhere - I am not sure what betrayal you mean. You cannot put everything under a hierarchy especially when those "under" it do not even know about it.
The Order of St. Iestyn is a matter of faith. When the belief is no longer there the faith ceases to exist. And any relation of the faith to the coat-of-arms of Ordenstaat or the titles themselves merely serves as a historical note of the founding and nothing more. The laws reflect reality and the Order no longer plays a role.
Certainly I expected no help from Pian En Luries. The 'goodness of the heart' is something apparently missing here. It is more like the land of animosity and insults.
Very well, we will pay for the men ourselves. You may be interested in purchasing a set of unique items that I have now offered you. It will need repairs. If not I will just offer it to others.
It is difficult to swear allegiance to Pian En Luries when I was accosted, accused and insulted even before stepping foot on Lurian soil most notably from the Duke of the capital city. I do not think the two of us can exist within the same realm.
|Sender=Alanna Anaris
|Recipients=Arden Fury
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|Quietly observing and learning the art of capitalization...]]
Sir Arden,
Please clarify something for me:
Are you intending, now that you have joined Pian en Luries, swearing fealty to the Lurian Crown, intending to take the men you have recruited from our capital and depart to found a colony without Our leave?
In the name of Sun and Moon,
|Title=Queen of Pian en Luries
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=Alanna Anaris
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|'''Yet''' to formally make a pledge.]]
Queen Alanna -
Ordenstaat was founded with over 200 men. No colony can be created with the men we have. They would be wiped out if we travelled long through rogue territory. They are for our protection as we will not submit to be robbed blind in daylight again.
A fealty is a pledge of allegiance of one person to another. I have yet to formally make a pledge yet the bureaucrats tell me that I now owe my allegiance to my local lord (Sir Amaury Capet, Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr).
As He has threatened to Have my head on a spike on His City Gates I believe I will be moving out of the city to avoid giving him the chance. Then there is also the matter of the unique items I have for trade. If there is none to be had in this city there must be in other cities.
|Sender=Alanna Anaris
|Recipients=Arden Fury
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|On the contrary...]]
Grand Master Arden,
By pledging loyalty to Pian en Luries—which you have done, that is what allegiance to a realm is—you have sworn fealty to the Lurian Crown.
As one of Our newest subjects, We will have you answer plainly:
Do you intend to remain in Pian en Luries and fulfill your new oaths? Or do you intend to simply use Pian en Luries as a stepping-stone, a convenient place from which to find a more gullible realm that will shower you with gifts so that you can claim power for yourself?
In the name of Sun and Moon,
|Title=Queen of Pian en Luries
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=Alanna Anaris
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Formally, formally, formally. Life is but a dream.]]
Queen Alanna -
I have not Formally sworn any fealty to anyone nor have I Formally pledged anything or are things done Informally here? That would be bad for business. Without anything in black and white one could claim all sorts of nonsense without proper documents to back it up.
Joining your realm was simply an administrative procedure. To even consider swearing fealty I would have to know the laws - and the laws are Not available to me until After I join. Without a Formal pledge of allegiance it is non-binding.
What I intend to do now is to meet up with Royal Exchequer Taronis Thurdan who has been most kind and accommodating. As you have declined the set of unique items I brought I shall make an offer to him.
Now let me ask you plainly:
With all your insults and insinuations right from the start, Why would Anyone Choose to Stay? For more Insults?
|Sender=Alanna Anaris
|Recipients=Arden Fury
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|New scroll in the market: "Ruling For Dummies".]]
Sir Arden,
Then you declare that you hold no loyalty for Pian en Luries?
That makes things much simpler.
I would suggest you put your affairs in order.
In the name of Sun and Moon,
|Title=Queen of Pian en Luries
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|"Dissenting for Dummies" - Step 3: Take it public.]]
Queen Alanna -
Really now? Please quote where I have "declared quite unambiguously that [I] hold no loyalty for Pian en Luries, and refuses to acknowledge [...] obligations to the Crown?
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|A new one, eh boys?]]
For the record this is the letter I sent to Queen Alanna (the pertinent points underlined) -
Letter from Arden Fury
(Personal message to Alanna Anaris)
Queen Alanna -
I have not '''Formally''' sworn any fealty to anyone nor have I '''Formally''' pledged anything or are things done '''Informally''' here? That would be bad for business. Without anything in black and white one could claim all sorts of nonsense without proper documents to back it up.
Joining your realm was simply an administrative procedure. To even consider swearing fealty I would have to know the laws - and the laws are '''Not available''' to me until '''After''' I join. Without a '''Formal''' pledge of allegiance it is non-binding.
From the Judge Bulletin:
''An oath is defined as a legally binding contract between two parties in which mutual privileges and obligations are established.''
I have studied all pertinent information. I Know My Rights.
|Sender=Amaury Capet
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|What an opening he's given.]]
Sir Arden,
This is the message delivered to me upon your joining: ''Arden Fury (Noble) has traveled to your capital and left everything behind, pledging his service to your realm.''
You have pledged your allegiance to the Empire. The Queen is the Empire. By declaring yourself exempt from her service now, you forsook any rights you thought you may have had. I hope you and your men are quick on your feet...
|Title=Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Read it better, eh?]]
Duke Askileon -
You are correct. But read it better: "pledging his service to your realm".
My Service - My Sword - My Skills that you seem so fond of.
Not my allegiance. That - requires a "legally binding contract" or are those just mere words in the Bulletin? Perhaps you may be quicker with your thoughts rather than your feet.
The same goes for Queen Alanna's points. Always quick to accuse. Does not even provide a contract. No rites, no ceremony. It is the Hallmark of a civilized realm to perform a Proper Formal Investiture.
All I get is "Your way or the highway". How easy it is to ban. When did I say that I am "not loyal to the Lurian Crown, and do not acknowledge its authority over [me]"? Do Not Put Words into my mouth. All I was waiting for was a Formal Investiture. Only Then will it be Legally Binding. Do it properly or not at all.
Right now, All that I have pledged is my service and if it is not going to be accepted then I ask to be free to leave off my own accord.
|Sender=Alanna Anaris 
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|No, your Highness. Your own Judge Bulletin defines an oath (which is a '''Formal''' allegiance) as a "legally binding contract". But sure, go ahead anyway and worm your way out of it.]]
Sir Arden,
You seem to be under the impression that Pian en Luries is some sort of Republic, ruled by paper-pushers.
It is not. This is a Monarchy, and words on a page have far less worth than your own voice and breath.
You claim that allegiance requires some sort of "contract", which is the most preposterous thing I have heard. If you like, you may call this a "contract": As long as you provide the Crown with your service and allegiance, you are under its protection. If you choose instead to do whatever you please, disregarding the wishes of the Crown and the customs and practices of the Kingdom, you will be considered to be a rogue noble, and treated as such.
In the name of Sun and Moon,
|Title=Queen of Pian en Luries
|Sender=Amaury Capet
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|He actually ran out of words - for now...]]
My my, it has been a while since we've had a lawyer in the realm... is this the next level you warned me about, Sir Arden?
|Title=Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr
|Sender=Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|Guess we know who graduated from Kinder-class.]]
Queen Alanna, Duke Amaury,
I'm not certain Lord Arden will understand your letters unless there are places underlined...
It seems a trend in his writing.
I shall attempt to translated to him.
Lord Arden,
The Lurian '''QUEEN''' is the LURIAN '''Law'''. The Queen says it. The High Justice '''enforces''' it. There is no need for '''paperwork''' supporting this. The last one that attempted circumventing the laws... Well.. '''Giask just hasn't been the same'''... I would strongly recommend replying '''humbly''' to the Queen, and the '''Duke''' of the '''Capital''', as is proper for a '''landless, liege-less noble'''. Perhaps '''apologize''' for your indiscretions in how you have spoken with them. You've already openly '''defied the Duke of Askileon''', as well as told the '''Queen''' she was wrong via technicality. I would strongly recommend '''apology''', and perhaps a vow of '''silence''' until you can learn to control your tongue...
Yours in Arms,
|Title=Count of Santoo
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Do you just make it up as you go along? What are the Bulletins for? Advertising?]]
Duke Askileon -
Laws are written to exacting standards in civilized realms. Or do you just make it up as you go along?
Count Tenebrioun -
Even Monarchs are subject to the laws that they write. I think what you are thinking of ''may'' be a Tyranny. If there is no need for paperwork then what are the Bulletins for? Advertising? It's good that you admit that the Queen was wrong via technicality. Wrong is wrong and two wrongs don't make a right.
I speak the way I am spoken to. Perhaps... others should speak the way they want others to speak to them - and I have spoken differently with others in the realm.
Queen Alanna -
You speak of my insolence and presumption. That was exactly what I encountered before your borders and within your realm. Words on a page are what govern any civilized realm. Monarchs do not Appoint themselves to the throne. They are elected by the nobility. You are not free to do as you please but in accordance with the laws that have been laid down. To make them up on the spot makes you a despot.
By your Own words in the Ruler's Bulletin:
''Flagrant disrespect or slander of a fellow noble will not be tolerated.''
And please don't say it only applies to Lurian nobility. That's making it up on the spot - again.
But such is that which you and your Duke have shown me. I did not come here to cause trouble. The both of you stirred it up for me in anticipation of my arrival. You stacked the deck against me and now play your hand as if it were a fluid move.
I trust that the Royal Inquisitor will be more concerned with justice.
I state again:
I wish to leave of my own accord and am already leaving.
'''Let me be.'''
|Sender=Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|An unhealthy preoccupation with childhood.]]
Arden, Noble of no Land,
You are VERY presumptuous. First off, No sir, you are incorrect. A "Constitutional Monarchy" is as you describe. We are not a constitutional Monarchy.
A Tyranny implies that the Queen rules through fear. Ours rules through our admiration and support, not through fear. This is also known as a "Total Monarchy".
Paperwork creates loopholes for slimy fellows such as yourself to slip through. Were the Queen to declare that those with the Name of Arden, Noble of No Land, are illegal in Pian En Luries, I would happily follow through on that law, entirely based on your attitude. But I would trust and have faith that there was a sound reason behind a seemingly arbitrary law.
And it is irrelevant how your superiors speak to you. It is important how you speak to them. You are not even sworn to a liege in our realm, yet you seem to believe you deserve to be afford the same respect as a Duke? Or the Queen? And that furthermore the same Duke, and Queen should AFFORD YOU that respect?
Are you a wishful child?
Yours in Arms,
|Title=Count of Santoo
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Speaking plainly.]]
Queen Alanna -
I will say again why I came.
Ordenstaat is impossible to defend. We have tried and failed. It is time for others to try.
So we seek a new colony. Fissoa would be a good choice as a motherland as Ordenstaat was formerly her colony. But... it would be embarrassing to return and ask again as we failed the first time and the Regent did respond to several drafts that I sent even though it was agreed to at first and I did not think I should pursue the matter.
Then on the way here I stopped in Mangai where I was first lord and it was a sort of homecoming and I sent a greeting but no one recognized me so I moved on. Pian En Luries was connected with Ordenstaat not through politics but religion and we came here on a spiritual pilgrimage - to test the waters and see how people responded to us. And if it were favourable, to speak of a colony.
Then you mentioned that you already had plans for a colony - a commendable effort given that you're just recovering from a civil war. And while my plans aren't exactly set in stone I was willing for a spiritual connection but your conditions probably meant political.
Then you warned me not to approach the temple citing being thrown down the stairs by burly guards and it all sort of went downhill after that - or even before that. As to why Ordenstaat left the Order of St. Iestyn I will be glad to explain if Grandmaster Drystan wishes to hear it again.
I personally lost ~1000 gold having being accosted several times by bandits. We had no recruitment centers left in Rettleville, the last one torn to pieces by the rogues so we had no choice but to travel solo.
So the recruits from your centers are for our protection, paid for with our remaining gold and not your charity.
And as you can see this letter has no malice in it and yet every letter you send has at least one insult: your last being "incompetence slew".
While I may not have been a Monarch for as long as you I do know how to treat others.
Now, ''let me leave in peace.''
|Sender=Amaury Capet
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|Da Macho Duke, B.S. - Bachelor of Sychophancy.]]
Sir Arden,
You show up in our lands uninvited and unannounced. As I've told you before, that is plain rude especially considering your alliance to an enemy of the Empire, so we can safely say that the first disrespect was on your part. Then, you invite yourself to an audience with the Queen, without so much as consulting her beforehand. A fine show of arrogance. Then, you are told that you are allowed into Askileon, provided you do not leave the Royal Palace until permitted. You reply that it is not our business to tell you where you can or cannot go in our own lands. Then, you declare yourself a Lurian noble, a direct subject of Her Majesty, and proceed to hire men from our barracks, again without so much as an explanation or even an introduction. You are nothing but a common leech, siphoning off troops for your own silly endeavors. Were you planning on founding a new realm, perhaps? Given how Ordenstaat fared under your rule, I would call that a reckless undertaking by an incompetent wannabe ruler.
Yet you still attempt to hide behind our laws, after blatantly insulting those who created and uphold them, debating technicalities of laws you have no understanding of? If you act like a peasant, you can expect to be treated as one.
You abandoned your realm, its nobles and its people in their darkest hour, only to come to us and insult us and take our soldiers. What do you know about how to treat others? You are a pathetic excuse for a man, let alone a noble. I have commoners in my service with more honor and dignity than you display.
Do not worry, it happens to everyone who runs out of baseless, self-important arguments to throw around.
It occurs to me that you have some literacy issues as well. You merely reinforced Lord Tenebrioun's point that we are /not/, in any way, shape or form a constitutional monarchy. You were mentioning making things up? Learn to practice what you preach, you impudent toad.
|Title=Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr
|Sender=Alanna Anaris 
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|Jewels?! Is that another opening? This is too easy...]]
Sir Arden,
If you apologize for all your insults and insolent behaviour, return all the Lurian soldiers you have attempted to abscond with, and present yourself personally before Our throne, then and only then will We permit you to leave in peace.
One does not allow someone to depart in peace who breaks into one's house, spits on one's face, and takes one's jewels.
In the name of Sun and Moon,
|Title=Queen of Pian en Luries
|Sender=Drystan Bellator 
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|Much ado about nothing or round and round we go.]]
Sir Arden,
It is interesting to me that you claim to know the laws of this land better than I do, particularly since I wrote them. There are several laws that are made explicit, but many more that have not been collected in the Lurian Code because I consider them to be a matter of common sense.
You argue technicalities without having bothered to inform as to the Court's opinions on the subject. You insist that there is no contract that would oblige you to submit to the rule of the Crown, but nowhere will you find it written that this contract needs to be written down, or even be explicitly stated at all. In cases where no information as to the specifics of a given oath are available, it is my perogative to judge the case based on my experience. Certain obligations and privileges of both liege and vassal are so fundamental to our being that I do not believe they need to be explictly written down to apply.
If you fail to accept your place in a society that might otherwise have welcomed you despite your past, it is not my task to force that society to accept you. It is my duty to enforce the laws of this land and the customs that set us apart from the unwashed masses, and to keep the peace.
Your actions thus far constitute a breach of the peace at the very least, even before I consider your insolence towards the Crown and towards myself. If this is representative of the manner in which you intend to conduct yourself, there shall be no place for you here.
If Sir Ragrim wishes to denounce your outrageous claims and work towards earning a place for herself here, that is something I may yet consider. Until that time, I shall assume that he follows you.
|Title=Royal Inquisitor of Pian en Luries, Ambassador of Pian en Luries
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|You can't very well bite the hand that feeds you, ''Can You?'' And me making an enemy of the Duke? What a Joke. Is there anyone who is even friends with him?]]
Royal Inquisitor -
The only thing that comes as no surprise is your biased judgement. Do you even bother trying not to look so?
The only "history" I have with you was through the Order so don't assume you know more than that.
As for your Order, if you find running a religion with half baked-efficiency your cup of tea than it is no wonder you carry out your judicial duties half-heartedly making up reasons as you go along and covering one eye upon the real law-breakers of your realm.
For the record, Bishop Zanaras - you remember him, don't you? Your Elder Priest? Bishop of Rettleville? He asked many times in the Order but you gave no reply whatsoever and in the end it was he who was really running the Order of St. Iestyn and frustrated with your lack of input and couldn't care less attititude - "I'm the Grandmaster of the Order of St. Iestyn, I don't need to reply to others" - he advised that we in Ordenstaat break away from the Order and set our own direction. After all, we were already doing that. And that is what happened. Is that the cause of your resentment? Please, get over it.
When did I show up unannounced? I was already hailed Outside your borders. I gave my intent and was told that Queen Alanna would meet me in Askileon. How is that uninvited and unannouced? But of course, make all the lies you want. Perish the thought it should get in the way of real judgement. If we were not welcomed then you should have closed your borders. That - shows intent.
And when did I expect to be treated as a king? You're making assumptions again - but that seems to be the convenient habit you people have. I mentioned foreign dignitary but if your Queen's dealings in the rulers council is anything to go by you people have no idea on diplomacy.
And your long winded attempt at "judgement"? Your Queen calls and you answer. She and her selected nobles break the law and you go both deaf and dumb. After all, you were Appointed to your position. You can't very well bite the hand that feeds you, Can You? But you could have advised her on the law and in the process maintained some level of respect for sure your realm-mates are watching and judging your own actions silently. By your selective processes and conveniently ignoring real judgement you have shown yourself not as a beacon of justice but as a mouthpiece who's been, like others, in his seat for too long.
And me making an enemy of the Duke? What a Joke. Is there anyone who is even friends with him?
I will not trouble your mind with the injustice you have perpetrated. Obviously you are merely the mouthpiece of your Monarch - and yes, the realm is just a Monarchy - not Constitutional, Total or otherwise. So, I say again:
Show me where it says Total Monarchy? Pardon my earlier oversight.
To rephrase the words of an incompetent wannabe (his words) Duke sychophant who can't keep me in his city despite all his hot air, insulting me with his First letter and can't take it when he is put down for the impudent toad (his words) that he is - and believe me I'm doing the realm a favour. You've been having it coming to you for a long time now - I'd Wager.
So, Queen Alanna, it is not so easy to behave here in your realm as you do in the Rulers council for your behaviour is then laid bare for your nobles to see and I was really thinking that it was just your diplomatic front that you put on for other rulers and that you would be different in your lands - but alas, there was no mask after all.
I say again, what about your insults and behaviour as well as those of your selected nobles that WERE SHOWN TO ME FIRST. Surely I must believe then that that is expected behaviour in your realm and I AM TO BE PUNISHED FIRST, INSTEAD? (chuckle).
We paid for the men and they are now ours - not yours. Get used to it. Because that's the real issue, isn't it?
|Sender=Ramiel Avis 
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|''Our Most Glorious and Beautiful Queen - the Golden Queen Alanna Anaris, Our Most Stalwart and Courageous Duke - the Duke Amaury Capet, and Our Most Faithful and Just Royal Inquisitor''... let's all sing along!]]
For how much longer must we endure the words of a would-be traitor? He speaks slandorously about our Queen, about the Royal Inquisitor, and the Duke of Askileon. Can we simply hang him and be done with it?
His constant steam of filth and dirt is starting to bore me, although I am thankful in a sense - he does have the ability of a fool, perhaps he might become the Fool of the Queens Court - to boost moral amongst the men and the peasents, and ofcourse to make new content that is better than this frothy nonesense so that we to might be entertained, instead of only bored?
Failing that, a nice long hanging would be a short but effective boost to morale, after all he spouts insult after insult to three of the most powerful people in Pain en Luries; Our Most Glorious and Beautiful Queen - the Golden Queen Alanna Anaris, Our Most Stalwart and Courageous Duke - the Duke Amaury Capet, and Our Most Faithful and Just Royal Inquisitor who guides us of the Realm in matters of Law and us of the Order on matters of the Divine, Royal Inquisitor Drystan Bellator the Grand Master of the Order of St Iestyn. Insults and Slander that would, I am sure he hopes, stain their honour, which of course - it would not! After all one is not annoying AND boring unless one is also wrong.
The man forthing at the mouth and spouting this tirade of filth and slander - a self-called Nobleman of our Realm. Well... he can go and self-proclaim him the King of Dwilight if he wants, no one will listen. If only he could learn, prehaps he can be taught as a dog is taught. Why perhaps there is hope for him yet to be the Fool and to entertain us, if only he could learn to be more funny and less... well... less self righteous and annoying for a start, less rude for another.
Well, we shall see what we shall see. But if he cant be trained, we could at least have his head on a Pike... maybe we can make him into a puppet for some Grand Puppeteer, now that would at least be interesting!
|Title=Knight of Ciarin Tut
|Sender=Juan De-Legro 
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|Revealing the true Nature of the beloved Queen and the Duke of Askileon and even now the Royal Inquisitor? Ironically apt actually.]]
I believe Sir Arden the real issue would be your arrogance, sense of entitlement, complete lack of knowledge about the function, intent and creation of law in OUR realm, and more then a smattering of peasant colloquiums in your speech.
We have a Queen as you may have noticed, ordained and empowered to rule by virtue of her blood. Laws exist in this realm to enable her to rule, not to limit her actions and empower those who owe her service. If a law hinders her, then of course it may be suspended or even removed, after all the law was the Queens to create in the first place, to inform us of her will. Why would their be any question that the law may be modified as required by the Queen?
You ask were it says we are Total Monarchy? Why no where, why would it. Those of us who did not simple join the realm as a stepping stone to their goal, those who desired to serve the realm and its Queen learn this fact BEFORE we make proclamations of being a noble of the realm.
However I did so enjoy your attempts to reveal the true Nature of our beloved Queen and the Duke of Askileon and even now the Royal Inquisitor. Heavens only knows how we could have been so blind. It is simply amazing how in such a short time you have come to understand our customs laws and traditions so well.
|Sender=Amaury Capet 
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|''Another talentless hack with delusions of grandeur?'' How noble-like to run down someone who's not around to defend himself, eh?]]
Sir Arden,
You continue to make a fine spectacle of yourself. I don't believe I have met anyone who enjoys hearing himself talk as much as you do since the days of Brom Silverfire, another talentless hack with delusions of grandeur.
Pray tell, why would I not let you walk out of my city? It will be far more gratifying to see you walk to your doom beyond the Lurian borders. I have a lifetime to take my own personal revenge. And do clarify what exactly it is that I had coming? Your "exposing" me as a sycophant? I have spent my entire career on the battlefield, cutting down hordes of monsters as they encroached on our borders. I have paid my dues in blood, both my own and that of my men. Everything I have, I earned through merit and loyalty. The fact you call that sycophancy is laughable. You wouldn't recognize merit and loyalty if they struck you in the face. Insult me all you wish... we have all heard the stories of Duke Arden running Rettleville into the ground, then abandoning his people and disappearing like a thief in the night. My qualities as Duke are without question, which is a lot more than can be said about yours.
And judging from the fact that you ran from your kingdom and arrived her like a beggar without a single soldier at you back, I'd say you're a bit lower on friends than I am.
Nonetheless, we all thank you for enlightening us. Truly, with your keen insights and eons of experience serving the Empire, you have opened our eyes to the corruption of our leaders. Why, I believe I can hear the rioting in Askileon all the way from Outer Giask. I should pack my gear and leave, before a group of disgruntled nobles rebels and ousts me and my masters!
Honestly, Sir Arden, try to preserve at least a shred of your dignity...
|Title=Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr
|Sender=Aneurin Cadfan
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|Always a pleasure to reach out to people.]]
Sir Arden
Why thank you so much for expressing the opinion of poor oppressed knights suc as myself. It must be a true gift to so quickly ascertain the feelings of disappointment we have toward our enlightened and much beloved hierarchy. It completely baffles me how such an obviously superior noble managed to lose a realm to the unthinking hordes of monsters and undead. But I see that your wonderful charisma and obvious talent have secured you a truly staggering following for your future endeavours.
|Title=Knight of Lupa Lapu
|Sender=Kerowyn Starblade
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|Let us record my "poorly formed arguments and preconceived notions" for posterity then, shall we?]]
Sir Arden
Why persist with your foolish rhetoric. Surely by now it is obvious that the weight of opinion is against you. Exactly whom do you think you will convince with your poorly formed arguments and preconceived notions of what it is to be Lurien. You speak of our Queen being a disappointment to us? If that was true we would not have so recently spilt blood to rid the realm of fools that thought similar things. Perhaps you hope that some of the Giask Republicans are still present in this realm?
Regardless I think the fact that you managed to abandon your realm, with nary a soldier to help defend you riches, and a single subject following on your heels speaks much more about the opinion your subjects must have held about your own abilities as a ruler.
|Title=Countess of Lupa Lapu
|Sender=Trivaria Dravean
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[File:Pian_en_Luries_New_Banner.jpg|right|framed|''For my Queen. For my Duke. For my realm.'' Any more sychophancy like this and I'd have to go for counselling.]]
Sir Arden,
I have read the pathetic excuses you have given as well as the arguments of my fellow realm-mates and now I shall put forth my own opinion. I will not make any additions to my writing such as needless underlinings so you might wish to read slowly and carefully so that you may comprehend my words.
I am not a lawyer, Sir Arden. I do not pretend to be, and I shall never strive to become one. However, I have common sense. I know people, and I know how attitudes can bring ruin upon one's head. This is such a time.
You have brought with you an attitude from your old realm. A certain attitude that I am not surprised has brought that realm to near-destruction. When one comes running from the fragments of their old home, they come to the new, on metaphorical knees. To try and rise above the standing of 'newcomer' before earning it, you bring the attention of those above you. All whom you have insulted are above you.
'Sir' Arden, you have insulted my queen.
In insulting the face and heart of Pian en Luries, you have brought the wrath of all of us upon your over-stuffed head. Loopholes and oaths aside, an insult is an insult, and no apology has been made to rectify your actions. And now you take Luarian troops and run like a coward, begging for us to simply watch you scurry away like the ant you are? No. No, I am afraid not, 'Sir' Arden.
For my Queen. For my Duke. For my realm. I shall join with Pian en Luries in catching you, as soon as possible. You are not worth the time that has been spent upon you.
You are an ant, 'Sir' Arden, and you shall be crushed accordingly.
|Title=Countess of Ciarin Tut
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|There's always something new to learn, ''eh boys''?]]
Sir Juan De-Legro -
''[Laws]... may be suspended or even removed.''
How convenient then. Agree that they have broken the laws themselves - first - But we can't convict them, can we? So, let's skirt around them. And the Royal Skirt is the power around here. You're simply condemning them further without even knowing it. I think they will thank you for keeping your reasoning to yourself.
The laws are not available until After one joins. This is true of any realm. And I made no proclamations. Again the habit of putting words in other people's mouths. So that you can argue on my behalf? Very novel indeed!
Your own city would make a fine spectacle in its own right with you as its Bard. In fact, I can hear them chanting your name as the Duchal Crier chants the title of the play:
'''The Queen of P''ai''N:
Caught between a Rock and a Hard Place... And ''Lurving'' It!'''
Played by:
* The Rock -> Sycophantic Duke Suitor
* A Hard Place -> Wannabe Sycophantic Duke Suitor
''Really'' Duke: everyone can see right through you.
Sir Aneurin Cadfan -
''Trying'' to raise your name above the unwashed masses? Really, try a little... Harder.
Countess Kerowyn Starblade -
Why respond to my rhetoric... at all? What makes you think I am trying to convince anyone? You've obviously made up your minds. No need for reasoning or justice. I have to come here with sycophantic behaviour ''(notice a common theme in this realm?)'' pleading and begging for some scraps just to boost the '''Collective Lurian Ego'''? Read my lips: Not. A. Chance.
I am merely responding to the insults that were first thrown and to the malicious ban. And no, I didn't "speak of [y]our Queen [as] being a disappointment to [you]" - it seems Everyone in Pian knows the 'let's put words in people's mouth' game! But... feel free to think that she is a disappointment if you will. Sometimes our subconscious mind prods our mouth into speaking. Best not to say further on this I'd say.
Countess Trivaria Dravean -
If I had to read your words "''slowly and carefully''" I would fall asleep from the inanity. "''Loopholes and oaths aside''"? Another admission! Want to join the skirting guild? - Get In Line. Gods know the queue is long enough.
And please, no need to 'Sir' me here and 'Sir' me there in every other line. There are enough fawners in the land of PaiN.
Count Antonine -
Finding this realm oppressive, I asked to leave in peace but they wouldn't let me, would they? Claiming I'm absconding with their 'Jewels'. If this 40 ragged men are jewels I dread to think what the fighting elite is like. They are my men now paid for with my gold and PaiN wants them back? Get real. Or ask them yourselves if they want to go back.
To the rest:
For the record, if I have insulted anyone then Quote my words! I dare you. But do not forget to quote the Lurian insults too (and fired first!) or you'll just prove yourself a Hypocrite, and we wouldn't want that, now would we?
All that this land of PaiN has shown with the ban is its Ungraciousness and Spite. So good riddance indeed!
So, to sum it all up:
* In joining a realm, only service is pledged - not allegiance.
* Service, like allegiance must be '''offered''' as well as '''received'''.
* Realm laws - of which there are only actually about F.O.U.R. (but let's not get into that) are not available until AFTER one joins.
* Recruits belong to whomever pays for them.
No matter how established one thinks one's family is, there's always something new to learn, ''eh boys''? (wink)
|Sender=Arden Fury
|Recipients=everyone in your realm
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|SO LONG BOYS AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH!]]
"My Lord! The Lurian horde is after us!" cried the ex-Lurian recruits of Lurian origins.
"No worries, boys!" cried Arden with a guffaw.
"It's all part of the plan!"
"To get caught?" wondered the recruits.
"No, to lead them out of the Empire, of course!"
|Sender=Arden Fury
[[Image:Personalcrest-FURY.jpg|right|framed|Long lost draft of letter found in the belongings of Arden (now deceased). Unsure if it was ever sent.]]
***** -
I am just stalling for time. But don't tell the serpent this. He already has delusions of grandeur and making him paranoid won't help anyone. The way he tries to claim the moral high ground is astonishing in its boldness but I suppose the thick hide of a dragon feels no shame. Not when its rump is parked in the middle of the entire Dwilight, sitting there and calling for all to 'flock to his banner'. It's outrageous to say the least. The way he goes on and on as if he were lecturing the entire island with bad rhetoric is mind-boggling. But then he claims to be a dragon - or is he just ruling in name? - and they are all full of hot air. In fact, he is full of a lot of things but to tell him this will just swell his ego.
No, the best thing is to just ignore his foolish outbursts. Heaven knows he needs to be taken down a peg or two and I believe I've done my part. Between you and me he's just an arrogant imbecile. Look how he has the 'loorrds of Ordenstaat' beseeching him to save us from my yolk as if he were a saviour. He speaks of salvation this and salvation that and its all nonsense of course. We in Ordenstaat think more in practical terms like security and food. But now we have to deal with this ego-maniac - as if we had the time of day to play with him.
I'll tell you what *****, keep him talking and see what else splurts out from that snout of his. It comes out all funny the more high-falluting he tries to make it. High flatulence is what I call his babble. And all this talk of rebellion. I suppose that's what you get when you have his breeding. Come to think of it that's how he came to power I suppose.
The bottom line is, he's simply trying to destroy a legitimate government and will use whatever petty excuses he can cook up and he doesn't have the testicular fortitude to 'fess up that he doesn't have enough farmlands to feed his three cities. He can continue to swing *****'s military pendulum back and forth to try and reach us. Frankly, he has likely not factored in the cost of his shenanigans to his political standing.
I suppose I should end off with a quote too. You can tell him to:
Hit the road, worm! Don't come no more no more no more! After all, a wise man once told me in the end - A dragon is nothing but a big worm that digs in other people's gardens.
|Title=Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat

Latest revision as of 11:43, 13 March 2011

Arden Fury Full Battle Regalia.png

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to Council of Lords of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa

Personal Crest of the House of Fury

My Lords,

As most of you do not know, I shall now tell you of how Sir Milmice and I came to Fissoa. It was in Caerwyn that Sir Milmice first contacted me in a most unusual way - asking me for my coat no less with nary an introduction. My first thought was that he was a batty old knight (apologies, Sir Milmice!) who spoke strangely and talked of daemons.

In time, I have found him to be the most noble knight I have ever known - one who clothes himself with honour and chivalry. An adventurous explorer who delights in all things Dwilight. There is no fear of him overthrowing anyone. On our journey here at the invitation of Duke Leon (the reason of which I shall leave for another time), Sir Milmice has confided much in me and it would be extremely unlikely that he has any ulterior motive other than the welfare of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa.

I do not say anything lightly of any man, and the fact that I have followed him here for hundreds of miles should speak volumes of my respect for this great man. He has suffered much and in return has much to offer. I trust him with my life.
Arden Fury (Earl of Mangai)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to all nobles of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa

The Lion signifies a bond with the Grand Duchy of Fissoa

I am returning to Fissoa after the disaster at Nuas with all my men wiped out. I had my squire hold all messages while I took a long nap on a long trip to the capital and it seems I've missed all the excitement. As such, I will now speak my peace.

The Grand Duke has his reasons for doing what he is doing and he will make things known in good time. The realms are uniting and it will be the Duke's prerogative to explain... or not. The flurry of protests will not hasten the explanation. He is of sound mind, sounder than any with foresight and vision. The threat we shall be facing shall be explained by the Grand Duke and it is not my place to step before him. It is our duty stand behind him that he may be able to present a strong and united Fissoa before the realms of Dwilight.

As for Sir Milmice, Judge of Fissoa, I shall also speak my peace as one who knows him better than any here save one. Sir Milmice and I have travelled from Caerwyn. We are not natives of Fissoa but have made our home here. It may be that the local Fissoans have a different way of reacting to things but I know Sir Milmice as a knight who upholds honour and chivalry. Insults, intended or otherwise - directly or indirectly casts a slur upon his honour and his code of chivalry will always demand a duel and I have seen it happen. While he may be new to Fissoa, he is a knight with much honour and experience behind his armour and it would be in the better interest of us all to court that experience and honour rather than confront it. He has no notions of power or holding on to it but rather uses it as a tool to serve the realm. In fact he has a greater destiny and confronts his future with humility - and this too I have personally experienced.

So, forgive him should his words cause concern for they come from a heart that cares and suffers not slights to his honour or to the realm that he serves.
Arden Fury (Earl of Mangai)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to all nobles of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa

An annointment on the spiritual peaks of Mt. Mangai

On his return to Mangai, the region of Fissoa that sits upon a narrow gulf creating a safe and natural harbour from the treacherous storms of the southern seas and characterised by its generous expanse of grassland bordered by a desert of wild palm trees to its north and and a close-knit forest to its east, Eternal Fury found himself invited to a spiritual ceremony in the clouded peaks of Mt. Mangai.

Mangai, which takes its name from Mt. Mangai - a mysterious mountain that cuts a solitary figure opening into the gulf, is a popular destination for pilgrims of all faiths who come from afar to make a spiritual pilgrimage. As Eternal made his way to the top accompanied by his squire he was warmly welcomed by dozens of pilgrims who rose as he approached and bowed deeply.

"Arden! Arden! Lord of the land - Lord of Mangai! May you be blessed." And the pilgrims departed swiftly and silently as they descended the mountain with low murmurs of "Arden...Arden...".

It was then that Eternal realised his spiritual annointing and blessings. He was and will always be Eternal Fury but to the spiritual pilgrims he is, in the ancient and forgotten languages of Dwilight, Arden - desire, fervour, passion and intensity. Arden pondered upon the meaning of it all as he surveyed the view from the top of Mt. Mangai that extends beyond the seas of Dwilight into the unknown...
Arden Fury (Earl of Mangai)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to all four members of Inferi Hunters

Only the four Inferi Hunters have the seal of the Lion affixed to their top right crest

At last, our first sighting of Daimons... The heart skips a beat then must steel itself. From its size, it looks like an advance scouting party. Certainly not large enough for a takeover unit.

The undead and daimons converging in Thysan may prove to be to our advantage. Reports have shown that they do not... get along. There may be battle and the outcome will be a weakened party that should no longer threaten us.

What is of utmost importance now is that the surrounding areas of Rettleville, particularly Thysan is scouted. If Sir Vertigo can do this then we need not have our vanguard arrive first. Otherwise we will be going in blind. The areas that have not been scouted - Nark, Kydonia - may hold an undetermined number of forces. As Sir Vertigo is not yet a part of us and his reliability in scouting has not yet been ascertained, I would prefer our vanguard to arrive first and scout the lay of the lands. With more and more threats appearing over the horizon, moving as a single unit may not be advantageous anymore.

If we:

  • don't know ourselves and the enemy - we'll lose 100% of the time
  • know ourselves but don't know the enemy - we'll win 50% of the time
  • know ourselves and know the enemy - we'll win 100% of the time
I am now en route to Rettlewood. Estimated time of arrival is 26 hours from now. Rettleville is 10 hours away after that. Let us take one step at a time and adjust our strategy accordingly.
Arden Fury (Earl of Mangai)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to all four members of Inferi Hunters

The founding of a new realm after a long voyage

The four nobles stood at the edge of the wood before the clearing leading to the walls of Rettleville. They had travelled far from a distant land - Fissoa. They had sailed the seas of Dwilight and marched through danger. But by Zisa and Tyr, the daimons and the undead were confounded! And the spiritual pilgrims, warrior monastic knights with steely determination and endurance had made it unharmed to their soon-to-be capital. And to think that:

It(the quest) started out as a feeling

Which then grew into a hope

Which then turned into a quiet thought Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder

Till it was a battle cry

And the men, over 200 of them all cried out as one:

I believe in Zisa, gentle mother, shaper of heaven and earth. She is the bringer of life, the first blossom that marks the end of winter. I believe in Tyr, wise father, guardian of the balance, who fought for our salvation on a thousand worlds, and led man through fire. I believe in the teachings of our mother, given to man in the first age: That we should put the good of our brothers and sisters before our own, so the whole might be made stronger and our world be made whole. I believe in the teachings of our father, given to man in the second age: That we should guard ourselves against the shadow, against greed, and hatred, and envy, so that the daemon shall find no shelter in our hearts. I believe that the world is poised on the brink of oblivion, for the heretic and the daemon are ever among us. Through unwavering faith we steel our souls, that no false gods shall again threaten us. We are the children of the gods,

and we are forever.
Arden Fury (Noble of Ordenstaat)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to all four members of Inferi Hunters

Thee House of Fury is a proud member of the Inferi Hunters

Arden walked through the city enjoying the sights and sounds. He was in great spirits, the burden of ensuring safety for the party in reaching the final destination having being lifted. It has been a long way from Caerwyn to Fissoa and then back the same way again. He even recalled speaking briefly to Lady Catalina - now desposed - in Port Raviel.

However, his thoughts were now focused on Grand Master Milmice. There were reports of his sudden poor health and Arden had even seen with his own eyes that he had looked pale as of late. Could it be the sudden stress of the takeover? The arrival at the end of the final destination? Demon fever? No - perish the thought. But yet there seems to be something to all this.

"What are you up to, Milmice?" Arden muttered to himself. "Surely you're not ... ", Arden stopped with a startle. He had been about to say, " ... going to have me take over the running of the realm?" But he suddenly realised that he knew.

Grand Master Milmice was having an awakening.
Arden Fury (Noble of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

The sign of the four founding fathers and its bond with Fissoa

Welcome Sir Francis, Sir Osmund to Ordenstaat - a colony of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. We trust you will respect the hierarchy established by the ruling and founding council. The monks of Wi-Ki have already begun keeping records on our realm of Ordenstaat.

In short, Ordenstaat has been organized as the first line of defense against the daimon invasion of Dwilight. While other realms may bicker and tend to their own backyards, we - Grand Master Milmice, Brother Justicar Eddard, Brother Furiens Reynevan and myself, Brother Bellator Arden are spiritual knights of the Order of St. Iestyn - warrior monastic in nature.

In the matter of our quest in eradicating the daimon threat, I wish to say that if we have nothing which we are willing to fight for, nothing which we care more about than we do our own personal safety, then we are miserable creatures who have no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than ourselves.

Should your hearts beat with anticipation at this, and your souls are at peace with yourselves then join us. Brother Justicar Eddard will have more detailed information for you. Soon, the hierarchy will be established.
Arden Fury (Noble of Ordenstaat)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

The original unit was named Eternal Wrath

General Arden was stunned. In an astonishing turnabout, Grand Master Milmice who was heading back to Rettleville to take care of matters of the realm had turned back and appeared alongside the rest of the Inferi Hunters in battle. His sudden change of plans had no doubt left him and his men with no time to dig in.

Charging into battle, Grand Master Milmice headed straight towards the monsters. General Arden's archers fired volley after volley in support but the beasts would not be swayed. It was unbelievable. The General's brows started to furrow with sweat. They had sensed royal blood and their bloodcurdling roars would have left any men shaking yet the Grand Master would not be swayed.

Judge Eddard's men were rearing to move into action but were held back by him. He spoke just two words, "Not yet."

Again and again, men and beasts clashed - tusks against shields, metal against hide and metal rain fell from the sky. Then the beasts broke through the front lines!

"Back! Back towards the melee!", the Grand Master, who was miraculously unhurt in the initial charge, shouted.

Then, in a flash, one of the men screamed, "The Grand Master!" Many turned only to see him falling to the ground and a bloody tusk gleaming red in the sunlight.

- and Judge Eddard could hold it no more. "Now!" he screamed and he and his men echoing their battle cries of For Ordenstaat! - charged into the melee.

With this new assault and the continued pinpoint bleeding of the metal rain, the beasts could take it no more. With a final roar of defeat, the remaining surviving creatures turned tail and fled in a panicked retreat.

- and Grand Master Milmice could not be found. Yet... he saved the day. The surviving monsters had all disappeared.

Keep faith Grand Master, Brother Furiens. Already men are combing the woods for your location.
Arden Fury (General of Ordenstaat)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

A horrific day for the House of Fury

The archers stood in silent discipline in a row against the insurgents. It was only this morning that they had, along with the Madinan forces decimated a horde of those beasts. Now, somehow, somewhere, the creatures had called for reinforcements from the deep forests of Rettlewood. It was unthinkable that they had the intelligence to do so. It was almost as if they cheated.

"Sir, our men are in position but the Madinan forces.." the aide-de-camp rushed up. "...they are not in their position."

General Arden turned to look and it was true. They looked confused, disorganized, and disarrayed as if they didn't know what to do. Where was Lord Admiral Vallyn? Why had he not given the order?

Bellows of rage came from the front lines. The insurgent beast creatures were charging! It was too late. The archers lined up in perfection as they had this morning. Only, this time the sunset cast terrifying shadows of fur and tusks and galloping hooves.

"Fire! Fire!" he cried but in his heart he knew. He knew. It was too late to retreat. The onrushing horde crashed into the line. Savege jaws tore into flesh as bows and arrows snapped. The screams of terror rended his heart.

"FUCCANT!" Arden bellowed.

When it was all over, Arden surveyed the scene. Out of 73 men only three remained. The Madinan forces stood uneasily by, as well as they should. They had watched the scene - and they had not helped. Their word was not as good as their bond. A paperless alliance was something to be spat on. Arden would remember this. He would remember this day for life.

The survivors dragged themselves back to the capital. Even Arden's horse was not spared. "Excuse me, Sir?" his aide-de-camp cleared his throat uneasily but was stopped with a cold glare. "Uh, the three men, Sir? They're asking for their wages... including those of the dead men."

Without breaking a stride Arden turned back towards the startled men and in a flourish drew his sword and swung it in one quick motion. Three feathered helmets fell to the ground with a thud and rolled into the dirt. The aide-de-camp stood motionless in shock with terror in his eyes and said nothing as the General strode on by. Then, "Pick them up you fools!" he whispered from the side of his mouth as the three stragglers hurried to retrieve them.

In the distance, "I'll cry when I'm done killing", Arden said through gritted teeth.
Arden Fury (General of Ordenstaat)

Report from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

Sparkling(?) repartee report on a battle gone wrong

Lord Admiral Vallyn,

I'm happy to say that Ordenstaat is not going to go down so easily to monster trickery or confused soldiers. We have now established a recruitment center and will need a few more men to get a takeover unit running.

Although I must say that a little bird in the forest told me that your account to your men of how the unfortunate battle occured varies considerably with my firsthand view in the frontlines of the battle? Perhaps things were a little hazy from the back?

Regardless, I hope you and your men will have time one day to visit our capital when you return from your mission to the north.

Best wishes,

Arden Fury, Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville


I am happy to see you admit it was your soldiers own confusion that caused the incident. It is quite unfortunate that your unit was so far from the Madinan battle line. I am sure this is an minor error attributed to the darkness of an evening battle. No doubt in the deep woods you simply mistook your location at night and assumed you were actually closer to the Madinan formation than you believed.

Indeed, things were quite hazy from the distance we were at, not even our archers could pick out their targets. They held in fear of hitting your own men -- perhaps next time I should insist they fire?

I would then suggest you have Sir Milmice talk with the Doge some more -- Baroness Cagalli has offered to send her army, the Madinan Border Patrol to assist in patrolling between Paisly and Rettleville. I am sure some joint operations may ease the sting of such an unfortunate incident.

Vallyn Rothach

Lord Admiral of Madina, Marshal of the Madinan Ducal Guards
Arden Fury (General of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

Fury in action

It has been brought to my attention that there are some of us giving orders on stolen red parchment. Bear in mind that if someone who does not have the authority to give orders but does so is incriminating himself or herself by signing "orders" on that stolen red parchment. I leave it to your collective noble wisdom on recognizing the proper hierarchy for giving orders.

Secondly, while it might be somewhat amusing to see some of our fellow nobles disregard orders by wandering around the wilderness wonderland with their armed men in tow or digging in in inappropriate places, it would be cruel of me to let you learn your lesson the hard way by being ambushed from some of the local fauna. Western Dwilight is a savage place.

Therefore, let me rephrase the previous orders:

All units (this means those with men) return and stay in the capital (Rettleville). When Grand Master Milmice has recruited enough men (in a week or two) to take over another region, you shall accompany him as his military escort.

If you have no unit to command, then you are free to explore and patrol the regions surrounding Rettlewood (and not further than that - we may need you back on short notice) and reporting your findings. You may also wish to pursue life in the court as a courtier.

Should morale or loyalty in any region be lower than 100%, perform police work. Should production levels be less than 100%, perform civil work. Right now, population levels are too low for civil work so check daily. If you have nothing to do, enjoy the city sights.

This letter is not sent out as an order on purpose as I do not like repeating orders. The proliferation of stolen red parchment has also made orders on such parchment a silver a dozen. Thus, I trust that you will do the right thing.

We keep close tabs on all nobles in Ordenstaat (location, activity, co-operation, etc.) Stand out for the right reasons and you may very well be recognised and promoted. Stand out for the wrong reasons and... well, just don't. We need all of you as a disciplined military force. The threat from the west is real and will be coming all too soon.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to all members of the Inferi Hunters

Opportunistic strikes with ferocity, keen blades, and puncturing arrows!

Brave knights of the Inferi Hunters

Your ferocity, your keen blades, and your puncturing arrows are the hallmark of our glorious army. May I add another hallmark to be recognised as a trait of the Inferi Hunters - opportunistic strikes!

We will strike the moment opportunity presents itself. Just as in our last battle in Rettlewood where we outnumbered the rogues and had moved in from Celtiberia. Only their reinforcements prevented us from clearing the region. Now we must wait. And be patient. Like the vipers that drape themselves from the branches of the woods in these lands. we must wait when the enemy is bored and is not expecting us and grows lax in their defence while we keep our spirits high and our men trained.

We strike as one! - or not at all.

Soon, be patient and meditate on the ways of knighthood. Join the Order of St. Iestyn and show your willingness to be a part of the Brotherhood - the military wing of the Order of St. Iestyn, warrior monastic in nature!
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to the realm's council

The General is more political than military...

Sponsoring the army takes a lot of gold as well as paying for the upkeep of the temple in Rettleville. My command staff have told me that if I wish to continue being the sponsor I need to make sure the war chest has gold at all times. I assume that the army will look for a new sponsor if I stopped adding funds to the chest. I am willing to let someone else sponsor the army, now or later if it is required.

Looking through our roster of knights, Sir Francis would have made an excellent Marshal. In fact, he aspires to be a General and still came even though I told him the post of General was already taken. The next choice besides any one of the council members is Sir Antan who has a lot of experience. However, reports show that neither he nor his family have any military experience in command positions.

Can I give up the General position instead to someone else, perhaps to one in the Brotherhood? The General is more political than military dealing with foreign military and decisions affecting Ordenstaat are often made off the battlefield. The primary objective of the House of Fury is to command the largest, meanest, scariest press-gang ever to tromp through the countryside and a Marshal is better suited to that role rather than a General. Also, I feel upset whenever battle tactics or formations set by someone else result in defeat or a loss of men. The military strategies that I use may not be followed by someone else and taking a back seat in the army doesn't suit me.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to Eddard Oakheart, Milmice Vecchio Ratto, Reynevan Silesian, Zanaras Tian

The Brotherhood - warrior monastic in nature

On behalf of the realm council, I request a copy of the report you sent to the Order.

Sir Zanaras, the Brotherhood is warrior monastic in nature. To join, you must and must be able to fight with a physical weapon. To accept words as your choice of weapons would, in my opinion, be stretching the laws of the Brotherhood.

Should you really wish to join, you must consider an alternative sub class. You are now a priest. What do you feel you are capable of becoming? A priest/infiltrator, a priest/cavalier or a priest/hero? Only you will know your abilities (options). I see this not as a way out but a way in for you - into the Brotherhood. To be a Brother, you must bear arms and suffer the same hurt that we suffer before we can be brothers. Once you have proven yourself, you may return to the life of just a priest should you choose to, having thus gained our respect as a fellow combatant.

The reason why priests of St. Iestyn are not a part of the Brotherhood are as you have realised because of a question of loyalty and allegiance. The Grand Master (of the Brotherhood not the realm) is not a lifelong position. It will be rotated and thus it is a symbol of the Brotherhood and not of a person. To be a Brother, you must pledge your allegiance to the Grand Master, the symbol of the Brotherhood first and foremost. We are warrior monastic in nature. Warriors first, monastic (priests) second. Our priestly spiritual lives complement and enhance our warrior stature but we are first and foremost warriors.

This is what it means to be a Brother in the Brotherhood.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"

Fury aroused.

Brother Zanaras, why have you accepted Sir Renquest's pledge of fealty? You knew that there was opposition towards him particularly from me yet you have said nothing and silently gave him an estate.

It is your right to have whatever knights to serve your region - kindly keep him out of the army.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville)

Letter from Zanaras Tian
Message sent to everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"

Bishop's Gambit.

Duke Arden,

I am aware of his past. In fact he is probably the one who attacked me a few days ago. If he tries anything stupid, well, I'll just have to deal with it.


Zanaras Tian,

Bishop of the Order of Saint Iestyn,
Zanaras Tian (Baron of Thysan)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"

Mark my words.

Brother Zanaras,

What is the reason for accepting him? Why was the attack on your person not reported before? You suspected him yet accepted him? Can you explain your thinking? He told me he understood loyalty and honour yet when I asked him what it was he was offering Ordenstaat he chose to remain silent and move on to other regions in the realm. Now, he has possibly attacked a member of the realm?!

We are giving him a tax share that he may build up his unit - from his actions past and present, there is only one logical choice that he will make once he is ready - rebellion. It is not Thysan that will have to deal with him but Ordenstaat. He did not succeed in other realms because they were more established with a larger base of loyal knights. That cannot be said of Ordenstaat - already there are elements of rebels within our midst and to have a known serial rebel in our realm is unacceptable.

Were you to accept the consequences of his actions it would prove to be of little worth once he has taken control of the realm and we are out on our feet - well, maybe not Thysan as it never chose to be on the loyalists side. For the record, the reason of not wanting to upset the balance of the region has no meaning as none of the regions that chose to be loyal became unbalanced.

Did no one read the letter I sent from Madina? Am I the only one who believes that accepting Sir Renquest is foolish and reckless? This is not a game of seeing who will be proven right. It is a matter of security and we are now compromised.

Mark my words.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville)

Letter from Zanaras Tian
Message sent to everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"

A chance to rebel?!.

Duke Arden,

I believe people should have a chance. Just like I thought Ordenstaat should have a chance when I followed you and your fellows here initially.

Though I must admit, the tax is uncalled for. Though it is nice to know you do not trust those appointed below you. I will assign him to the Inferi Hunters when I feel he merits such trust, should he do something against the realm I will see to his punishment.

I did not say I suspected he was the one, I said it was probable, unless you know of some other possible infiltrator lurking about. There is a difference, Duke Arden. And, I did not report the attack on me because the realm has more important things to worry about. I have a past on this island Duke, not to mention a bounty out for my head. I've been expecting someone to come after me nearly a year and a half now.

Though I must admit it concerns me how easily you distrust your own realm members. Perhaps someone should let them know that their Duke and General does not trust them to follow orders? Not to mention I can assure you that no one of his caliber can assume control of a realm, the burocrats wouldn't take to someone of so little renown running a realm, let alone a city.

If you want to bring my loyalty into question, we can go over it once more. My loyalty is to my Faith, to Order, and to the gods Tyr and Zisa. Would you like to question my faith? The same faith that I have spent months preaching to the commoner of Ordenstaat? The same faith that helped reinforce the realm in it's early days, when there were only a handful of us here.

If we are compromised by his being a knight of Thysan, we were compromised by him just joining the realm. His owing allegiance to me increases the chances he'll mess up by solely giving him more chances to do so. Better than him just sitting in Rettleville all day long, the region that every noble of this realm has to go through at one point or another. If he's a saboteur, that's the LAST place we want him, correct? Or has my strategic mind left me in these past months, Duke?
Zanaras Tian (Baron of Thysan)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"

As guilty as hell.

Brother Zanaras,

You compare us to saboteurs, infiltrators and rebels? You cannot take two different situations and try to make a connection. I did give Sir Renquest a chance. I told him that his reputation preceded him and asked him what exactly it was he has to offer Ordenstaat. He chose to remain silent. Anyone who chooses to remain silent when given an opportunity to defend himself or correct a misperception is guilty as hell.

People should be given a chance - just not a chance to rebel. Would you not agree that is our duty is to cleanse the world of treacherous men given in to chaos as Sir Renquest is? Would you not agree that we must always watch over our people, and ensure that Chaos will never rise again? Answer me this.

As for the attack on you, you did not say that it was probable. You said he was probably the one who attacked you. Probable indicates possibility. Probably denotes likelihood. Check your notes - and yes, there is a difference. Keeping such information as an attack on our nobles and a member of the Brotherhood with the reason that the realm has more important things to worry about is another unconvincing reason like the one about not wanting to upset the balance in you region. An attack is an important thing to worry about. Should you not be able to discern this, kindly leave it to the rest of us to decide.

It is your poor judgement in this matter that is being called into question - not your loyalty. You have made your loyalty to the Order of St. Iestyn clear enough yet you requested to be in the Brotherhood against Brotherhood regulations. What then if there were a conflict of interest as in the last rebellion? Choose to be loyal and support the Brotherhood or remain neutral and support whoever comes to power as long as they profess the same faith? Shall you let us know now or ... when the time comes?

Who says he must be of a certain calibre to rule a realm? Anyone can rule a realm - what kind of realm is ruled depends on the ruler in question. Do you not know the powers of instigation? Did you not yourself come into power in Thysan in this very manner? Can you not see all possibilities as you say you do and picture him rousing the realm or a handful of disgruntled nobles to rise up?

Trust is earned not gained. Who I trust or not is a matter of realm security. What is more important is how easily some nobles earn that distrust by keeping silent. You mention orders? I specifically said not to include Sir Renquest in the army and you are telling me that you will send him to serve in the army as and when you see fit. Would a formal order change your mind? You would use bureaucracy and red tape to deny me the right as sponsor to decide the composition of the Inferi Hunters?

The tax is to send a message that I find your judgement in this matter to be in error - a grave mistake, one that could cost us the realm. Let me know if the low tax is sending the wrong message.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville)

Letter from Zanaras Tian
Message sent to everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"

The facts of life.

Everyone has the chance to rebel, Duke Arden. This is a fact of life. There is not a noble in the realm that does not know who to contact to do so. They have meeting places in almost every region of the realm, just sometimes they are more careful.

Perhaps he missed your message? He's been fairly talkative with me.

As for the rebellion, it was true that I did not want to upset the balance of my region. How would I know that it may not have anyways, regardless of whether I joined the loyalists or not? I do not possess the power to predict the future Duke, and neither do you. On a side note, he claimed to have visions, I was interested enough to not simply say he was wrong immediately. I am a man of faith, Duke. He never did reply, but that is another thing I did not have the power to know at the time.

And I never compared anyone to rebels. I would really like to know how you got that out of my messages. If I implied that, it was unintentional.

If you want to talk about possibility though, there's a possibility it could have just as easily been a daemon, or perhaps one of those rebels from a while back. Who knows? Not me.

I see many possibilities, many of them are very remote. He is new, the only ones he'd be able to sway are also new. Anyone who has been here for sometime should be able to realize that. Not to mention, I'm sure he'll be able to take the capital on his own receiving a paltry 15 gold a week.

I haven't added him to the army yet have I? Perhaps you may have thought that the time I would see fit to add him would be when this discussion of his loyalty was over? I guess not though.
Zanaras Tian (Baron of Thysan)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"

Once bitten, twice shy.

Brother Arden is heard to fume in his private chambers:

Visions? Visions?! That was what Xiahou said! And now, Renquest?

Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

Pruned of dead leaves, the tree of Ordenstaat may flourish as a beacon in western Dwilight and stand tall as a bastion against the daimon horde in the west.

Nobles of Ordenstaat

It is a fact of life when nobles come and nobles go - and we have seen a great many come and go. It is the way of Ordenstaat to sift the wheat from the chaff. It is a test of their patience, resolve and determination for qualities such as these are needed to survive and prosper in our realm. Even some of those who have made it to lordship have fallen by the way and disappeared into obscurity.

Nobles new to the realm are usually welcomed - but on my part only after they have introduced themselves. Questions asked are always welcomed. Even better are questions asked to seek understanding. To assume something without asking needs no response but ours is a courteous realm and different nobles have different ways of asking - some nobler, some less so.

Study the history of Ordenstaat. The foundations of this realm is built on solid rock. There is no shaking it. Grand Master Milmice is still the Grand Master of Ordenstaat in all but name. He has relieved himself of rulership for personal reasons and wished that Lord Eddard assume his responsibilites temporarily as steward, much like the steward who replaced Grand Duke Leon in the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. Lord Eddard may rename his title to Steward or he may not - it is his prerogative but Grand Master Milmice will be back. As for the reasons for the changes and appointments the realm council has its reasons. Not everything can be shared with the realm. We are a monarchy and the ruler is supreme.

Loyalty is cherished. Rebels are not. As Duke, I have been granted power to appoint the ruler in the event of a vacancy. With that power, I could have appointed myself as ruler. But I did not. For we co-operate in this realm as an unshaking core whilst the disbelieving and unfaithful fall by the wayside. Pruned of dead leaves, the tree of Ordenstaat may flourish as a beacon in western Dwilight and stand tall as a bastion against the daimon horde in the west.

Lord Eddard has requested that he have access to more detailed information on the army and I have granted him access but protocol must still be observed and as SiC of the Inferi Hunters, the information will be available to him. As sponsor of the Inferi Hunters it is my right to appoint - as I have appointed Lord Zeromus as Marshal before and will reappoint him as soon as his duties in the capital are finished.

Study the laws of Ordenstaat. Study the laws of the Ordenstaat/Brotherhood. The Order of St. Iestyn is not the Brotherhood and the Brotherhood is not the Order of St. Iestyn.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

Victory in defeat? How he would love to learn that secret..

Somewhere in Rettleville...

Duke Arden read the reports and sighed. Twainwood has been brutally taken over by the rogues after Bishop Zanaras gave up his lordship and proclaimed himself Duke of Twainville.

Now Twainville has been cut off from the rest of Ordenstaat by a horde of angry monsters. With food running out and no safe passage to send food, things were looking bleak indeed.

Arden wondered what the Bishop was thinking as he surveyed the ravenous beasts outside the city, hungry no doubt for his blood. Was the city worth it to be stuck now with no military support in sight?

The Bishop had asked support to retake Twainwood and re-establish a supply route but there was the matter of a few hundred monsters and undead in the way in at least two interconnecting regions.

He had complained to the Brotherhood that the army was just sitting in the capital. Which army was that? Surely he could not be referring to his own, ah... private army?

Arden could still hear the Bishop's words leaping from the pages of his letter to the Brotherhood:

"I heard stories of smaller armies defeating larger armies, I saw a realm fight not just one war on one side, but two wars on opposite sides, and still hold their own. Ordenstaat has not yet learned such skill in war, but in due time you will realize it is possible for you to attack Rettlewood and win. Some believe there is only victory in victory, I grew up knowing there was also victory in defeat as well."

Arden sighed yet again. The good Bishop was once again considerably vague in the details. Victory in defeat? How he would love to learn that secret. No, Bishop Zanaras was here to stay. At least until he knew he was capable of taking on a bigger challenge - a challenge that Arden had thrown to him: To venture forth into Volcano Nightscree and become only the second person in the history of the known world to get himself... ah, but that would be stealing his thunder and glory. Arden could be generous and wait for that day to announce itself.

"Captain Stephan!" Arden called out.

"General Arden?", Stephan came hurrying up. He was from the old military school of thought and didn't allow fancy terms to confuse him.

"How is the progress of the army of Inferi Hunters under command of Marshal Zeromus?"

"It is coming along nicely, my Lord. Another week and we shall be back to our full strength", replied the captain.

Soon, Arden thought. But for now, we must hone our skills.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

The untold story.

The Founding of Ordenstaat - History and The Early Days

The seeds of the realm were seeded as far back as my early days in Caerwyn and probably even further back than that. It was in Caerwyn where I first met Grandmaster Milmice - he who wanted my coat. While Caerwyn thought that his ideas were crazy - there were no men to recruit and we were being overrun by rogues - I was intrigue by his character. Still, I was new in Caerwyn and although I did not partake in the heated discussion between him and the realm I followed him to the Grand Duchy of Fissoa when he invited me.

Along the way we stopped by in Paisly which was independent then. I sensed that Grandmaster Milmice was considering Paisly as the start of a new realm although he didn't say much.

Once in the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, I reported to Grand Duke Leon who was a close personal friend of his. We spent some time there, a long time perhaps until I wondered if our original purpose still existed. I rose to a local lordship and Grand Master Milmice rose to be the Judge of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. I seemed like we were settling down and I was becoming comfortable with my position and new role in society,

Then one day, out of the blue, Grand Master Milmice comes and tells me that it was time to leave and wanted to know if I was still with him. There was no doubt about it. I was with him. Even though I left Mangai, my region with a heavy heart for it was in Mangai that I was annointed with the name Arden by the people of Mangai.

Thus, we had gathered the gold, recruited enough men to takeover a city - all that was left was to recruit knights to join us on the quest. While Grand Master Milmice recruited Regent Eddard who had recently arrived in Fissoa, I recruited Brother Furiens Reynevan who among all the knights of Mangai responded to my call for a secret quest to the west. Both of them took up the challenge though initially they could not have known much about the quest. There were also plans to recruit knights from Madina but none joined us.

And so, it was the four of us that set sail from Fissoa, each of us in a different ferry.

(to be continued)
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

The fate of Ordenstaat and the Brotherhood will forever be intertwined.

You are mistaken on so many counts, Dame Selene.

It is not my council. I am not on the council nor am I running for my previous position of General. If it is at all my council then it is as much your council too just as Ordenstaat is our realm.

The Brotherhood founded Ordenstaat. Its fate shall forever be intertwined. You knew this when you joined Ordenstaat just as you knew that Ordenstaat is a Monarchy. All historical texts were available to you when it came for you to choose.

A Monarchy does not respect all human beings? Define your interpretation of respect. Define your interpretation of a free government.

All realms are ruled by a body. Even in a democracy or a republic it is ruled by a body of Senators or Representatives. You will not do well in such a realm if you do not even take part in running in a Monarchy. Ordenstaat has loosened its definition of a Monarchy somewhat. A true Monarchy does not have elections. Capable leaders are appointed just as capable leaders are voted in a democracy or a republic.

Should you feel yourself capable you are free to run or to support whomever you wish just as it is my right to support whomever I wish.

Former Regent Marina herself did not see fit to change the government system of Ordenstaat to a democracy during her tenure despite calls for democracy being the cause of the rebellion. She only changed the title system to democratic. A rose by any other name smells just as sweet. And Ordenstaat as a Monarchy runs just as well even though we were called Representatives.

Another thing that you will find wherever you are on any number of islands in the world is that we are a feudal society. As such you have a liege even in a democracy or republic. It would behoove you to remember this.
Arden Fury (Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

To hell with the plan.

Over 200 archers stood facing nearly 30 beasts safely hidden behind hastily erected walls of branches and leaves interspersed with the heads of peasants, their blood still freshly dried on their faces. The sight made Arden's blood boil.

"Careful now," muttered Arden to no one in particular. "Stick to the plan. Get into position quietly." With precise military drill, the Inferi Hunters - the pride of Ordenstaat - formed a line and advanced just within firing range.

Then "Now!", Arden said quietly and over 200 arrows sped their way into the fading daylights and thudded into fur and flesh. A furious roar came from the beasts as they felt the pain of the rain of death. Miraculously their thick hide cushioned the blows and only one unfortunate creature died immediately, an arrow having pierced its brain through its ear - a one in a thousand shot.

"Steady! Steady men! Do not break the line!" cried Captain Stephan(+5) on his left. "Stick to the plan!" he ordered as he tried to hold the men together. Then suddenly, Arden strode forward in front of the army. He saw someone he recognized beyond the beasts. Someone he did not expect to see here. Incredible.

"Marshal Arden," yelled Stephan in panic, raising his voice over the roars of the beasts. "What about the plan?!" Arden turned back to face his captain, his face inscrutable. "To hell with the plan. Eternal Wrath, move forward!" commanded Arden.

The rest of the Inferi Hunters, unsure of this new development and hearing no specific orders continued firing... and the beasts continued their unnatural roar in the confusion of the attack as another of their fiend went down - permanently.

It was not easy to hold the line and in the clatter of battle Eternal Wrath found Baccus Archers beside them. Another two fiends fell and did not rise again. The attack was going well. All they had to do now was to hold the line and the battle would...

"TO ME! TO ME, INFERI HUNTERS!!", cried Arden as he ordered Eternal Wrath forward again. This was too much. Then the monsters finally got their act together and came forth from behind their fortifications.

Arden could sense Preceptor Voltaire shaking his head in amazement in the back. How would he explain this bold move? To advance once, yes but twice? Under the covering fire from the rest of the army Arden found himself face to face with the creatures and his men raised their bows to make a final close range killing shot but even beasts knew suicide if Arden didn't. They fled into the night.

"My Duke," called Captain Stephan as he came running up. "Two of our units have retreated. Preceptor Voltaire has called for a fallback to the capital."

"What?" Arden turned around in amazement. He considered it for a moment then simply said, "Then fallback, Captain. Fallback." And as he made his way back from where they came from he turned back once more to look at the face that he had seen and recognised. It was not there anymore. But he knew. He had seen. Sir Jonordebrir, former Lord of Kydonia and squire to Grand Master Milmice, now a knight of Port Nebel - has returned.
Arden Fury (Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

So help me.

I regret that it has come to this.

For the record, there is nothing to fear from Brother Zanaras. Forgive the unflattering description but he is all bark and hardly any bite. As a priest, he has no sword to threaten anyone with. All he has are his words.

For the record, I was the first in Ordenstaat to cross quills with him to the extent of even raising a tax on Thysan (his region then) to prove a point to him. Our disagreement became more voluminious until Grand Master Milmice himself stepped in and told us to make peace or he would be very angry. Towards the end we had actually reached an understanding of one another and had already made peace on our own.

It is this understanding of Brother Zanaras, former King of Silverfall, ex-Duke of Twainville, ex-Baron of Thysan, and heretic priest (as he describes himself) of St. Iestyn that is missing from most of Ordenstaat. It is not easy to understand one such as him for he clothes himself with words and uses them as his tools as one would wave a sword in front of him.

And it is this very flaunting and brazen attitude that puts people off their comfort zone. He is like a mighty oak tree that will not bend like the reeds. Thus, when the storm comes the reeds will sway in the mightiest of wind and survive but the oak tree cannot and is uprooted in the storm. If Brother Zanaras would bend like the reed he would not be uprooted but then neither would he be who he is - and no one knows who that is including him.

I sensed that he is one who is still searching for something which was why I encouraged him to fulfill his desire in founding a new faith forgetting myself that the law prohibits it. Nonetheless, I urged him to come forward to speak to the Brotherhood and I asked that we consider a more localised chapter of the faith. It was not the faith that we found lacking but the support of the religious leadership, in particular the affront by one of the faith itself, an aspirant but of the faith nonetheless - and the leadership gave no acknowledgement to the part played by the Brotherhood in bringing the faith to these parts. That - I could not accept.

Before I could advise Brother Zanaras that any new faith needed to maintain ties with Tyr and Zisa, as this is probably the only way that Grand Master Milmice can ever accept the founding of a variant faith, - he protested. Even I didn't see that coming.

A heretic priest leading a new chapter of Tyr and Zisa in Ordenstaat will certainly bring to life the faith that insofar is merely being paid lip service by most in Ordenstaat as a requirement to advance one's career.

Though he has seceded he has never rebelled and if even the rebels are not banned why should he? I have come to trust him and if others do not then I say leave him to me. Give him room to speak his mind for he must but do not fear his words. Leave him to me for I understand him and can counter his words and his logic should they prove harmful. Let him stay and let him start a new chapter of Tyr and Zisa. It will keep his hands full to keep it going. Do not mind his words for they are but the stirring of his passion and it is something that we need in Ordenstaat and not to give away to another realm.

I ask all these in the name of Tyr and Zisa. So help me.
Arden Fury (Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the Brotherhood

Of the obvious, the assumed and wrong impressions.

I can put up with my archers moving forward to engage the enemy who are out of range or to get better shots even though they should only do so if I instruct them to be aggressive - defensively they should in fact be holding back. However, I cannot accept them moving out of their fortifications that I had instructed them to dig for SIX hours. It defeats the entire purpose of digging in and any excuse for them moving out is unacceptable and inexcusable. For this they have paid the price and we will see if they will learn from their mistake.

To speak of matters of things that are obvious and assumed and giving wrong impressions as you have brought up in your personal correspondence I remind you and everyone once again that proper decorum and etiquette must be maintained in addressing one another in all correspondence be they personal or public and while by and large you have been observing this it has been obvious that on more than a few occasions you have been remiss and while you may assume we will take your lack of honorifics in address to denote warmth and friendliness it is nonetheless wrong, improper and forbidden. It gives the wrong impression that we are equals. We are not. Even among equals rulers will address one another properly and with decorum. A sworn enemy noble would still deserve the proper recognition of his station. What separates us from the commoners is a proper respect and recognition of nobility and its hierarchy. A lack of that is an intended insult.

Note too that common customs and understanding of our world must be observed at all times. Thus, peculiar notions like turns are forbidden. Foreign influence is not permitted within our society unless it is something that we cannot describe. We are nobles and the rules and social mores of our society will be guarded and enforced and repeated and blatant violation of noble conduct can be and will have punishment meted out. As a future ruler you will undoubtedly be dealing with this at some point and how you deal with it now will reflect on how you will deal with it then.

Know too as has been said many times already that you have been invited to Ordenstaat that we may first know you and your knights and judge if you are honourable and true and would make worthy confederates. Only then will we decide on your claim to Twainville and help you found a realm or not.
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the Brotherhood

Let us not make religion a problem for Ordenstaat.

Brethren -

For those of you who are new, while I am Grand Master of Ordenstaat, Grand Master Milmice is the Grand Master of the Brotherhood. While we are a secret society it is more a function of keeping chaos out of the Brotherhood than to keep secrets. As such Grand Master Milmice is to be accorded all the respect that pertains to his position as well as being a former ruler and a founder and the very architect of Ordenstaat itself. Likewise all brothers and sisters are also to be accorded the proper respect by virtue of being brethren as well as being nobility.

As such I would remind Grand Master Milmice that his code of conduct is on display and sets an example for all the Brotherhood and proper respect and decorum in address must be maintained at all times. Brother Zanaras is not simply Zanaras and cannot be referred to as such. At the least he must be referred to as Priest Zanaras if he is not accepted as a Brother. To refer to him without any title is a violation of noble conduct and repeated and blatant violations of such conduct destroys the fabric of our society and a reminder to the realm will be sent - again - and this time Grand Justiciar Tamerran will be instructed to be on the watch for such violations in public or in private.

Ordenstaat has indeed been founded as a bastion against the daimons. To deny this would be to deny the very foundation of our realm. While it is true that there have been no reports of daimon attacks I would remind the Brotherhood that daimons are creatures from the netherworld - the daimon realm. There is no such thing as a peaceful daimon. If they claim to be from somewhere else you can be sure that they are lying through their teeth.

While there may be some merit to the fact that they have not done anything untowards and if they indeed are 'peaceful' then this will be the first case of its kind and what are the odds of that? I would not bet on it. Daimons invaded Beluaterra. On Dwilight they may be just biding their time. If they are peaceful then I will be the first to celebrate but we will continue to be a bastion of humanity and maintain our guard.

To return to the issues of the Brotherhood, Brother Zanaras himself was admitted to the Brotherhood by Grand Master Milmice. Brother Zanaras was invited to Ordenstaat to spread the faith of the Order of St. Iestyn. The only problem was the Order of St. Iestyn does not care for Ordenstaat. It is true when Brother Zanaras claims that St. Iestyn is merely a tool for Pian en Luries to create a Lurian Empire. I have had reliable information that Queeen Alanna herself claiming that the Grand Duchy of Fissoa was now part of the Lurian Empire (due to Grand Duke Leon embracing St. Iestyn) but when I informed the Grand Duke of this he was mad but did not leave St. Iestyn. And so we left St. Iestyn and formed the Argent Order having decided that we would carve our own spiritual path in the western wilderness. And when we left, the hierarchy of St. Iestyn never bothered to ask why.

My fellow founders, My brothers -

Despite what Brother Zanaras has done I have forgiven him. I ask that you forgive him too and rejoin Ordenstaat. I had asked before that you leave him to me and in this time he has proved to be a strong and reliable brother one that Ordenstaat cannot do without. We are growing stronger here. The Argent Order has been good for Ordenstaat. We are carving our own path, our own destiny. I believe in Brother Zanaras and if you believe in me too then believe in him. I ask you Brother Milmice and Brother Eddard to believe in me. We are all working for a better Ordenstaat. While Brother Reynevan is still of the faith of St. Iestyn, religion has never been an issue or a problem for him. Let us not make it a problem for Ordenstaat.
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

May your gods have mercy on your soul.

A heavy and well-armed contingent of Royal Guards march through the woods of Rettlewood, the tromping of their boots flattening the grass and startling the peasants out of their daily routine. Out of respect they stood at attention unused to the sense of purpose, determination and destination that the soldiers displayed. They knew the soldiers weren't here to clear the region of monsters and the undead, who were by now a regular occurence and they took it as part of their lives. If they were, the soldiers would be less visible, less... single-minded in their steps. No, this was a Mission - one that Ordenstaat likely has never seen and probably never will again.

In the middle of the road out of Rettlewood the contingent came to a halt. They wait and watch with precise military discipline and patience honed by seasons of waiting. Soon, in the distance the rumbling wheels of a caravan are heard. Then a green flag bearing the image of a golden lion slowly comes into view. At this, the Royal Guards lower their eyes once in respect then raise them again as they await the Grand Master of the Brotherhood, the architect of Ordenstaat - Sir Milmice Vecchio Ratto.

The caravan comes to a slow stop in front of the contingent and a knight wielding a golden shield steps out and walks towards them. Before he can speak, Captain Stephan, the Royal Captain of the Royal Guard of Eternal Wrath takes two steps forward and unfurls a red scroll that extends to his knees. He looks once at the knight before him, nods then proclaims in deep and commanding tones:

Sir Milmice Vecchio Ratto -

Architect of Ordenstaat,

Founder of the Realm,

Grand Master of the Brotherhood,

By Order of the Royal Council:

You are hereby accused and condemned of the following crimes against Ordenstaat:-

  • Insults & threats of murder against nobles
  • Causing dissension and discord within the Brotherhood
  • Portraying nobles as snakes and the leachers of your dreams
  • Attempts to subjugate Ordenstaat with the influence of St. Iestyn
  • Attempts to force a noble into exile by reason of personal vendetta
  • Secretly joining the underground and conspiring to overthrow the realm
  • False allegations of chaos, heresy, daimonic influence & numerous others
  • Attempts to usurp the authority of the realm council and retake council positions
  • Secretly poisoning the minds of nobles with false accusations through private letters

Captain Stephan rolls up the scroll and draws his sword in one swift motion of fury, raising it to the heavens. In a clear voice he declares with utter conviction and truth, and the words ring through the hills:

A thing of beauty once created

Is gone forever

And no longer belongs to its Creator.

Ordenstaat is that thing of beauty.

It no longer belongs to its Founders

But to all who would call it... their home.

"Sir Milmice," Captain Stephan addresses him for the final time. "We will escort you out of Ordenstaat."

"May your gods have mercy on your soul."
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the Brotherhood

Milmice replies to this: "How miserable."

Grand Master Milmice -

You accused Brother Zanaras of letting a daimon party go through Thysan (his land). Just how was he expected to stop it? We couldn't. We didn't have the strength. And it was just passing through. Did you expect us to attack them anyway and bring down 15,000CS worth of daimons on our heads?

For the record, the second rebellion was successful due to multiple Agents of Chaos (ooc: multiple a/cs). Their names:

  1. AoC Marina who took the rulership
  2. AoC Azazel who took the Judgeship
  3. AoC Voltaire who took the Generalship
  4. AoC Selene who took the Bankership

They are CONFIRMED agents of chaos, confirmed by the very TITANS themselves. Then suddenly you simple ask AoC Marina to give you back the rulership and she did. I found this unbelievable at that time. But now that I KNOW that they are agents of chaos, I have to wonder - were you infected by chaos through them? Did you BARGAIN YOUR SOUL AWAY in exchange for a return of your rulership?! And you ruled for a time with THREE other agents of chaos on the realm council! Then you tried to ban Brother Zanaras and NO ONE supported you.

And you left. And where did you go? To Dragon's Roost - a godless place where NO FAITH WHATSOEVER can survive. A place where NO PRIEST, no religious or godly person could ever go! (ooc: 16+ travel hours, impossible for priests). I know this because a foreign priest came to look for you and I sent him. And he came back and told me.

And when I told you he was looking for you you ran away to Volcano Nightscree! The very place of daimons that you swore to destroy! WHAT WERE YOU DOING THERE?

My brethren -

It is now clear to me and to everyone who can see that Sir Milmice is no longer fit to command the Brotherhood. As Secret Keeper, I am exercising my authority to remove him from the Grand Mastership of the Brotherhood. He will remain as an aspirant until he realises the errors of his ways and the veracity of his chaotic infection can be ascertained.
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight

The heart of a basilisk, even blacker still.

Rulers of Dwilight -

I urge you to beware of the Dragon King, a most dishonourable and sly a knight as ever to come and a disgrace to the nobility. After having taken away Paisly and Paisland from Madina by force he has now set his greedy eyes further west.

The issues are:

  • Ordenstaat & D'Hara had an Open Border's & a Right of Passage treaty. With courtesy, our priest informed him and I confirmed of our priest's wish to travel through Paisly. With contempt, false accusations, insults and outright lies he forbade it. In fact he had even forgotten he had signed such a treaty with me until I brought it up.
  • He has made veiled threats to invade Ordenstaat all in the name of bringing 'jusctice' to his 'friend' who had stepped down from the rulership willingly and left the realm.
  • As if that was not enough, this Wyvern King has sent an assassin who spoke with a D'Haran accent and seriously wounded me and is even now burning down our warehouses and breaking into our tax offices. Upon further investigation we have found that a certain Sir Vijsktrol Stormbringer (Knight of Port Nebel), is in Rettleville and I am certain we shall catch him in the act sooner or later. For now, we have wounded him ourselves.

Let it be known that Ordenstaat stands on the righteous path. The D'Harans with their own hidden objectives seek to topple a legitimate goverment and install most possibly a puppet ruler who will be beholden to D'Hara for what they will have given him. If ever we are to make a stand against injustice and evil, it is now. For it may be that the hearts of men are even blacker than the hearts of daimons - and the heart of a basilisk, even blacker still.

In addition -

Even now his troops are pouring into Maeotis (Ordenstaat) and I have already cancelled our treaties. Treaty or no treaty, he does as he pleases throwing the weight of D'Hara around. Even his own ambassador has no idea of his doings.

Ordenstaat's last act of existence will not be to cower before a Serpent.
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

Ordenstaat, does not and will never need any knights other than the best.

You words are seditious. Have a care. As a new knight to the realm you will learn your place and your conduct. If you do not wish to contribute you are free to leave lest you are overwhelmed by your struggles and the shape of the realm confers a torment upon your well-being.

I see that you appear to be leaving the realm and are not following orders and this fact may embolden you to cast aspersions upon the realm. There is no place for any negativity in Ordenstaat and you would do well to leave. Fare thee well. I doubt your derisions will be welcomed in any civilized realm.

Ordenstaat -

There are many realms on Dwilight. Some are larger and established. Ours is a new realm. A difficult one but filled with opportunities. Those who seek a quick fortune will not find it here or be given it. You will have to prove yourselves - in words and deeds. The control of this realm is in the tight and good hands of the council. Resources are limited and dangers abound. From within and without. This does not mean you cannot bring up matters but there is always a right way and a wrong way to say things. the right way is harder and requires thought. The wrong way merely requires you to speak without thought.

Ask yourselves why you chose Ordenstaat - a small realm in the middle of nowhere when you could have chosen an established and wealthy realm? Your conduct gives rise to your answer and you need not say anything.

Knights such as those that have been banned in the past are a negative influence on others. Have a care that it does not influence you. Greed and impatience is unwelcomed. In the past, we were more lax with indisciplined and bad behaviour. This led to many agents of chaos that infiltrated our ranks and nearly destroyed us. I will have it no more. All negativity will be nipped in the bud. From experience, the best knights are the ones who stay despite the hardships and obstacles. Ordenstaat, does not and will never need any knights other than the best.
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

A rescue.

"Quiet now!" came the short sharp whisper. It was a small and bold band of knights that made their way up the hillside in the dark. The growls of the trolls at the summit grew louder and became more argumentative.

"I'd wager they're thinking up the best way of cooking him M'lord," hissed Captain Jander.

Preceptor Arden paused in his tracks causing the rest of his team to fall flat to the ground. He pondered the thought and considered how long his Vice Marshal could hold on once dumped into their boiling vat of broth - and added the option of charging up the hill into the equation.

He had hand-picked his men for their speed and raw power for surprise was their only advantage against a superior foe who had even matched them in wits. The motion to move forward was made with the index finger pressing forward then all five fingers clenched and released in a spreading out motion.

They all took their place just below the summit as their forward scout came down to join them.

"I've taken out the perimeter guards... the way is clear," their scout motioned in sign language. He was a local of Rettlewood whom the rogues had never managed to chase out of the region or to even find him. Small-built, he excelled in certain tasks but would be staying out of the brutal combat that was about to happen.

It happened in a flash. Three bowmen fired silently and in rapid succession as the outer edges of the trolls fell in grunts. Then the inner trolls, realizing the attack gave gutteral roars and charged towards the edge where their kin fell only to have the remaining knights spring their trap by charging from the opposite site across the centre of the summit with the (already!) boiling vat and thrusting their swords and spears into the backs of the trolls. Some that turned back had their bellies gutted.

In the midst of the battle, unbeknownst to all, Vice Marshal Ragrim rolled in the darkness and firelight towards the largest troll who was lying with two swords in his back - dead - and pulled what seemed like a crystal globe that glinted briefly from the embers of the fire.

Arden noticed the movement while fending off two trolls were swinging wildly with their hatchets against his two swords - one in each hand. With a flurry of movement, counter-thrusts and dance-like movements, one troll was beheaded and the other lost both knees.

Captain Jander had only time to pick up his Vice Marshal before the rest of the horde alerted by the battle started to charge up the battle.

Arden knew even then that they had accomplished their mission. If there was one thing that was a common occurence in their fight against the rogues is that they excelled at retreating and the rogues were reluctant to chase after their dinner - at least not across an entire region.

"Let's go!" he barked. And that was that.
Arden Fury (Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the region Rettleville

Daimons finally 'attack' Ordenstaat.

"Marshal Duke Ragrim! Report." The Grand Master commanded as he strode onto the battlements overlooking the city.

"How stands the Inferi Hunters?" He had heard that at least two knights had fled the city. The glory days of the Inferi Hunters had certainly faded in the distant past.

If the Zuma were here to destroy Ordenstaat then the decent thing would be to make it quick. But after that first attack they now kept to the trees. Arden smiled. He knew why they were here and it wasn't just to deal with the rogues as the Sorcerer of Nowhere claimed. Oh no. They were here on a social visit to make their presence... known.

Ordenstaat - aside from the ones who ran - would not fear the daimons. They may outnumber us in numbers but they would never outnumber us... in words - and the Grand Master, if he were to be the last Grand Master of Ordenstaat - would have plenty of words to throw at them.
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the region Rettleville

A treaty unfolds.

The usually calm night of Rettleville was shattered by the occasional howls of the monsters now roaming the streets. Grand Master Arden was unperturbed as he continued writing a letter from the western tower. He could often be found here in meditation. The solitude helped to solidify his senses and keep him focused on the greater glory of Ordenstaat.

There was nothing for the beasts to eat in the city and when they realize it they would soon move on. After all these years no one knew more about them then those who had chosen to make their homes in the western wilderness.

For Ordenstaat, life went on - according to plan.

Sealing his letter with the royal seal he had it delivered to the most dangerous location on Dwilight. Should his carefully crafted and meticulously worded letter be accepted Ordenstaat would be the first realm throughout Dwilight in recent history to conclude such a treaty.

Despite the setbacks he understood sentient beings intimately - their interests and motivations. Once you knew this, negotiations became so much easier.

"Deliver this to the heart of darkness where the fire from the belly of the earth pours into the sky", he intoned to a waiting aide.

Yes indeed. Life in Ordenstaat was going on - according to plan.
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Taronis Thurdan
Message sent to Arden Fury

First contact.

Grand Master Arden Fury,

My apologies for troubling Your Grace, however, I have seen, and heard of additional reports of nobility of Ordenstaat within Pian lands or approaching them.

I was hoping you might be able to explain what their presence is for.

Taronis Thurdan (Royal Exchequer of Pian en Luries, Duke of Poryatown, Ambassador of Pian en Luries)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to Taronis Thurdan

Diplomatic opening.

Taronis Thurdan Royal Exchequer of Pian en Luries, Duke of Poryatown, Ambassador of Pian en Luries -

I am leading a small unarmed spiritual expedition to visit the seat of the Order of St. Iestyn, the founding faith of Ordenstaat.
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Ambassador of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Taronis Thurdan
Message sent to Arden Fury

All is well.

Grand Master Arden,

My thanks for the information. I will be sure to pass it along to those who had questions concerning your arrival.

Thank you for your time, and enjoy your stay. If you would like, let me know and I will have room for you within my estate in Poryatown.
Taronis Thurdan (Royal Exchequer of Pian en Luries, Duke of Poryatown, Ambassador of Pian en Luries)

Letter from Taronis Thurdan
Message sent to Arden Fury

The grognards behind the scene start to grumble.

Grand Master Arden,

I have been informed by Grand Master Drystan that he has not been informed of such a visit. I would suggest that you first clear this visit with Grand Master Drystan, or that of Her Majesty, Queen Alanna Anaris before treading further into Lurian lands.
Taronis Thurdan (Royal Exchequer of Pian en Luries, Duke of Poryatown, Ambassador of Pian en Luries)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to Taronis Thurdan

Will Pian En Luries observe proper decorum for visiting dignitaries?

Taronis Thurdan Royal Exchequer of Pian en Luries, Duke of Poryatown, Ambassador of Pian en Luries -

Royal Exchequer Taronis Thurdan -

I am no longer of the faith of St. Iestyn therefore have no contact with Grand Master Drystan. This is a visit to discover the roots of the founding of Ordenstaat and see where we go from there - if anywhere.

It is a thing unheard of but I suppose not all royals are created equal. Especially for a realm like Ordenstaat? Or is Queen Alanna no longer claiming Ordenstaat as part of her Lurian Empire as she did so long ago in the rulers council?

Note: I neither admit nor deny her claim. If there was any such claim it was done without the knowledge of the founding fathers of Ordenstaat of which I am one.

We shall come to Askileon then and ask for ourselves if we are welcome. I trust that Pian En Luries will observe proper decorum for visiting dignitaries.
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Ambassador of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Taronis Thurdan
Message sent to Arden Fury

One of the very few upright nobles in the land.

Grand Master Arden,

Queen Alanna will meet you in Askileon.

I had no intention of slighting your nation, nor to suggest that you are not equal. Given the lack of information on your visit, and the current diplomatic situation with Fissoa it was necessary to seek Her Majesties guidance on this matter.

Her Majesty has also indicated that she would be happy to discuss such matters as Ordenstaats founding with you personally.

You will be treated with the utmost respect given to all dignitaries, and more as a visiting ruler.

I hope your visit is prosperous,
Taronis Thurdan (Royal Exchequer of Pian en Luries, Duke of Poryatown, Ambassador of Pian en Luries)

Letter from Amaury Capet
Message sent to Arden Fury

Da Duke.

Grand Master Arden,

Word has reached me that you have invited yourself to my city without even consulting the Empire beforehand. Sadly, I have more decency than that, which prohibits me from declaring you unwelcome... However, during your stay in Askileon, you are not to leave the royal palace unless permitted. The rest of the city is off-limits to you.

Amaury Capet (Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr en Luries)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to Amaury Capet

Apparently, Da Duke was left out of the briefing.

Duke Amaury Capet -

It is good to know that you answer to a higher authority. To visit your city I am supposed to "consult the Empire beforehand"? If it's your city I would have assumed I should have to consult you.

Thankfully, your decency is confined to your city as it is the custom throughout Dwilight to travel unhindered without needing to consult anyone. Of course, I have to assume now that this consulting business must be peculiar to Pian En Luries, so far east that she is from the rest of Dwilight that she has forgotten common courtesy given to travellers what more to one whom you have never corresponded before much less a foreign dignitary or do you consider Ordenstaat beneath you?

Though, if you wish I wonder if you can actually "close the city gates"? And if you can't then there is your answer that the cities are open to anyone what more non-city regions with no gates and it is inter-realm diplomacy that regulates travel.

As far as I know Queen Alanna has graciously accepted to meet me in Askileon as conveyed by Royal Exchequer Taronis Thurdan who has assured me that I will be "treated with the utmost respect given to all dignitaries, and more as a visiting ruler."

Apparently, you were left out of the briefing.
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Ambassador of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Amaury Capet
Message sent to Arden Fury

Da Macho Duke, B.S.

Grand Master,

You should be less concerned with briefings I missed, and more with those I attended. I have my orders, and if you are curious about how I intend to enforce them, by all means, stick your head out the palace gates and see what happens.

Perhaps your sense of decency differs from my own, but I was raised to announce my arrival well ahead of time, rather than showing up on someone's doorstep unannounced - and uninvited - especially when I have ties to the enemies of my perceived host. That is not only rude, but reckless behavior, unbecoming of a man who fancies himself a ruler.

And if you must know, I do indeed consider Ordenstaat beneath us. Being an ambassador means little when you represent a landfill. A realm that can say that at one point it had more nobles than commoners within its borders should not act too high and mighty towards others, and your alliance with our enemy does little to improve your standing with the Lurians. Quite frankly, I think you and your realm are a joke, and I have no idea what you expect from your journey other than pity and rejection. I'm sure you've made yourself believe you're quite important, but I consider you no more a ruler than I did Loathin during his brief stint as 'king'.

Feel free to complain about my tone if you wish. As I said, I have my orders. For as long as you are a guest in my city - and by extension my duchy - you will abide by the rules I lay out on behalf of the Empire. I recommend that you do not try to find out what the alternatives are.

Amaury Capet (Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr en Luries)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to Amaury Capet

Truly arrogant beyond belief.


As customs differ you should give the benefit of the doubt rather than giving insults.

Obviously it is not clear where I stand so I shall say this:

I am fully aware where Ordenstaat ranks in Dwilight. I am fully aware of the hatred between Pian En Luries and Fissoa, our allies. Are YOU fully aware that the alliance was formed before your problems with them? I am also fully aware that I am here unarmed in a land bred for animosity - as evident by your insults.

By considering another people beneath you you are truly arrogant beyond belief. As you know not why I am here save your theories for yourself.

You would do well to watch your words. Call Ordenstaat a landfill or a joke or talk about pity and rejection one more time and I will take this to the NEXT LEVEL. GO AHEAD AND TRY IT.
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Ambassador of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Amaury Capet
Message sent to Arden Fury

And a finer Duke he makes.

Grand Master,

What a fine Ambassador you make. You threaten a Lurian Duke, in his own land, after showing up uninvited and permitting yourself access to his city, while calling his enemy your friend. If you are going to issue threats, be sure you can make good on them. You're a long way from home... it would be a shame if something were to happen to you all the way down here.

Amaury Capet (Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr en Luries)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to Amaury Capet

Hear! Hear!

That's better Duke Askileon.

Perhaps we shall make an ambassador out of you after all.
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Ambassador of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Amaury Capet
Message sent to Arden Fury

Prior sarcasm apparently not registered.

I think you misunderstood me, Grand Master. My last letter was not meant as some kind of reconciliation offer. It was meant as a warning.

Amaury Capet (Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr en Luries)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to Amaury Capet

No one could misunderstand your words, Duke Amaury.
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Ambassador of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to Alanna Anaris

Diplomatic overture.

Queen Alanna -

Long ago you claimed that Ordenstaat was part of the Lurian Empire. As I shall soon be stepping down from rulership you will be free to make good on your claim should you still so wish to.

I know that a Lurian knight is already on his way to Rettleville and through him you may indeed expand your Empire.

It is enough that we have seen the birthplace of the Order of St. Iestyn and though I am no longer of the faith I was so for much a time.

All we ask in return are men and gold for our protection as we continue to traverse the lands of Dwilight for the lands are harsh and without protection we have been robbed many times already along the way.

It is a small request for hospitality but we shall manage regardless.
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat, Ambassador of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Alanna Anaris
Message sent to Arden Fury

Pian en Luries willing to help out of the goodness of their hearts? Perish the thought.

Grand Master,

I think it would be worthwhile to correct a few misconceptions.

First of all, it was not that Pian en Luries claimed Ordenstaat as a province of the Empire. Ordenstaat was founded by the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, which was then officially a part of the Empire. Not only did that make it a part of the Empire by extension, its early leaders, especially Lord Milmice, swore allegiance to the Lurian crown.

Later political and religious upheavals in Ordenstaat caused the land to renounce its membership in the Empire. Due to the distance involved, and the poor state Ordenstaat was already in by that time, We never saw it as particularly necessary to travel there and show them the error of their ways.

As for the Order of St Iestyn, the stamp of which is still on Ordenstaat in everything from the names of your Council positions to the name of the realm itself, you betrayed it long ago, and I understand that Grand Master Drystan is not at all pleased with you for coming here at all. He has also mentioned that, as an apostate, you are barred from entering the temple, so I would recommend against trying it, unless you enjoy large muscular guards picking you up and throwing you down flights of stairs.

Your third misconception appears to be an idea that Pian en Luries will help you out of the goodness of our hearts. I don't know where you got this idea, but it is completely wrong. Pian en Luries is not in the habit of handing out money or supplying troops to any beggar who stops on our doorstep, whether or not he wears a crown.

If you were to swear allegiance to Pian en Luries, and agree to certain conditions regarding any future home you might find, then we would be willing to discuss the possibility of funding your efforts.

There is also another colony effort currently planned in Pian en Luries, which would be officially supported and funded, but will not be leaving for a while yet, as we still have some cleaning up to do in the aftermath of the Civil War. If you would be willing to join that as equals with all the other nobles participating, you would all be welcomed. The effort is still in early enough stages that you would have a certain amount of influence over the eventual direction of the realm. However, again, you would need to abide by certain conditions.

In the name of Sun and Moon,
Alanna Anaris (Queen of Pian en Luries)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to Alanna Anaris

Lord Milmice swore differently - say what?

Queen Alanna -

Lord Milmice swore differently that Ordenstaat was never part of the Lurian Empire but it is moot now.

As Ordenstaat was never part of the Lurian Empire - there is no black and white written anywhere - I am not sure what betrayal you mean. You cannot put everything under a hierarchy especially when those "under" it do not even know about it.

The Order of St. Iestyn is a matter of faith. When the belief is no longer there the faith ceases to exist. And any relation of the faith to the coat-of-arms of Ordenstaat or the titles themselves merely serves as a historical note of the founding and nothing more. The laws reflect reality and the Order no longer plays a role.

Certainly I expected no help from Pian En Luries. The 'goodness of the heart' is something apparently missing here. It is more like the land of animosity and insults.

Very well, we will pay for the men ourselves. You may be interested in purchasing a set of unique items that I have now offered you. It will need repairs. If not I will just offer it to others.

It is difficult to swear allegiance to Pian En Luries when I was accosted, accused and insulted even before stepping foot on Lurian soil most notably from the Duke of the capital city. I do not think the two of us can exist within the same realm.
Arden Fury (Noble)

Letter from Alanna Anaris
Message sent to Arden Fury

Quietly observing and learning the art of capitalization...

Sir Arden,

Please clarify something for me:

Are you intending, now that you have joined Pian en Luries, swearing fealty to the Lurian Crown, intending to take the men you have recruited from our capital and depart to found a colony without Our leave?

In the name of Sun and Moon,
Alanna Anaris (Queen of Pian en Luries)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to Alanna Anaris

Yet to formally make a pledge.

Queen Alanna -

Ordenstaat was founded with over 200 men. No colony can be created with the men we have. They would be wiped out if we travelled long through rogue territory. They are for our protection as we will not submit to be robbed blind in daylight again.

A fealty is a pledge of allegiance of one person to another. I have yet to formally make a pledge yet the bureaucrats tell me that I now owe my allegiance to my local lord (Sir Amaury Capet, Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr).

As He has threatened to Have my head on a spike on His City Gates I believe I will be moving out of the city to avoid giving him the chance. Then there is also the matter of the unique items I have for trade. If there is none to be had in this city there must be in other cities.
Arden Fury (Noble)

Letter from Alanna Anaris
Message sent to Arden Fury

On the contrary...

Grand Master Arden,

By pledging loyalty to Pian en Luries—which you have done, that is what allegiance to a realm is—you have sworn fealty to the Lurian Crown.

As one of Our newest subjects, We will have you answer plainly:

Do you intend to remain in Pian en Luries and fulfill your new oaths? Or do you intend to simply use Pian en Luries as a stepping-stone, a convenient place from which to find a more gullible realm that will shower you with gifts so that you can claim power for yourself?

In the name of Sun and Moon,
Alanna Anaris (Queen of Pian en Luries)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to Alanna Anaris

Formally, formally, formally. Life is but a dream.

Queen Alanna -

I have not Formally sworn any fealty to anyone nor have I Formally pledged anything or are things done Informally here? That would be bad for business. Without anything in black and white one could claim all sorts of nonsense without proper documents to back it up.

Joining your realm was simply an administrative procedure. To even consider swearing fealty I would have to know the laws - and the laws are Not available to me until After I join. Without a Formal pledge of allegiance it is non-binding.

What I intend to do now is to meet up with Royal Exchequer Taronis Thurdan who has been most kind and accommodating. As you have declined the set of unique items I brought I shall make an offer to him.

Now let me ask you plainly:

With all your insults and insinuations right from the start, Why would Anyone Choose to Stay? For more Insults?
Arden Fury (Noble)

Letter from Alanna Anaris
Message sent to Arden Fury

New scroll in the market: "Ruling For Dummies".

Sir Arden,

Then you declare that you hold no loyalty for Pian en Luries?

That makes things much simpler.

I would suggest you put your affairs in order.

In the name of Sun and Moon,
Alanna Anaris (Queen of Pian en Luries)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in your realm

"Dissenting for Dummies" - Step 3: Take it public.

Queen Alanna -

Really now? Please quote where I have "declared quite unambiguously that [I] hold no loyalty for Pian en Luries, and refuses to acknowledge [...] obligations to the Crown?
Arden Fury (Noble)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in your realm

A new one, eh boys?

For the record this is the letter I sent to Queen Alanna (the pertinent points underlined) -

Letter from Arden Fury (Personal message to Alanna Anaris)

Queen Alanna -

I have not Formally sworn any fealty to anyone nor have I Formally pledged anything or are things done Informally here? That would be bad for business. Without anything in black and white one could claim all sorts of nonsense without proper documents to back it up.

Joining your realm was simply an administrative procedure. To even consider swearing fealty I would have to know the laws - and the laws are Not available to me until After I join. Without a Formal pledge of allegiance it is non-binding.


From the Judge Bulletin:

An oath is defined as a legally binding contract between two parties in which mutual privileges and obligations are established.

I have studied all pertinent information. I Know My Rights.
Arden Fury (Noble)

Letter from Amaury Capet
Message sent to everyone in your realm

What an opening he's given.

Sir Arden,

This is the message delivered to me upon your joining: Arden Fury (Noble) has traveled to your capital and left everything behind, pledging his service to your realm.

You have pledged your allegiance to the Empire. The Queen is the Empire. By declaring yourself exempt from her service now, you forsook any rights you thought you may have had. I hope you and your men are quick on your feet...

Amaury Capet (Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in your realm

Read it better, eh?

Duke Askileon -

You are correct. But read it better: "pledging his service to your realm".

My Service - My Sword - My Skills that you seem so fond of. Not my allegiance. That - requires a "legally binding contract" or are those just mere words in the Bulletin? Perhaps you may be quicker with your thoughts rather than your feet.

The same goes for Queen Alanna's points. Always quick to accuse. Does not even provide a contract. No rites, no ceremony. It is the Hallmark of a civilized realm to perform a Proper Formal Investiture.

All I get is "Your way or the highway". How easy it is to ban. When did I say that I am "not loyal to the Lurian Crown, and do not acknowledge its authority over [me]"? Do Not Put Words into my mouth. All I was waiting for was a Formal Investiture. Only Then will it be Legally Binding. Do it properly or not at all.

Right now, All that I have pledged is my service and if it is not going to be accepted then I ask to be free to leave off my own accord.
Arden Fury (Noble)

Letter from Alanna Anaris
Message sent to everyone in your realm

No, your Highness. Your own Judge Bulletin defines an oath (which is a Formal allegiance) as a "legally binding contract". But sure, go ahead anyway and worm your way out of it.

Sir Arden,

You seem to be under the impression that Pian en Luries is some sort of Republic, ruled by paper-pushers.

It is not. This is a Monarchy, and words on a page have far less worth than your own voice and breath.

You claim that allegiance requires some sort of "contract", which is the most preposterous thing I have heard. If you like, you may call this a "contract": As long as you provide the Crown with your service and allegiance, you are under its protection. If you choose instead to do whatever you please, disregarding the wishes of the Crown and the customs and practices of the Kingdom, you will be considered to be a rogue noble, and treated as such.

In the name of Sun and Moon,
Alanna Anaris (Queen of Pian en Luries)

Letter from Amaury Capet
Message sent to everyone in your realm

He actually ran out of words - for now...
My my, it has been a while since we've had a lawyer in the realm... is this the next level you warned me about, Sir Arden?
Amaury Capet (Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr)

Letter from Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith
Message sent to everyone in your realm

Guess we know who graduated from Kinder-class.

Queen Alanna, Duke Amaury,

I'm not certain Lord Arden will understand your letters unless there are places underlined...

It seems a trend in his writing.

I shall attempt to translated to him.

Lord Arden,

The Lurian QUEEN is the LURIAN Law. The Queen says it. The High Justice enforces it. There is no need for paperwork supporting this. The last one that attempted circumventing the laws... Well.. Giask just hasn't been the same... I would strongly recommend replying humbly to the Queen, and the Duke of the Capital, as is proper for a landless, liege-less noble. Perhaps apologize for your indiscretions in how you have spoken with them. You've already openly defied the Duke of Askileon, as well as told the Queen she was wrong via technicality. I would strongly recommend apology, and perhaps a vow of silence until you can learn to control your tongue...

Yours in Arms,
Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith (Count of Santoo)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in your realm

Do you just make it up as you go along? What are the Bulletins for? Advertising?

Duke Askileon -

Laws are written to exacting standards in civilized realms. Or do you just make it up as you go along?

Count Tenebrioun -

Even Monarchs are subject to the laws that they write. I think what you are thinking of may be a Tyranny. If there is no need for paperwork then what are the Bulletins for? Advertising? It's good that you admit that the Queen was wrong via technicality. Wrong is wrong and two wrongs don't make a right.

I speak the way I am spoken to. Perhaps... others should speak the way they want others to speak to them - and I have spoken differently with others in the realm.

Queen Alanna -

You speak of my insolence and presumption. That was exactly what I encountered before your borders and within your realm. Words on a page are what govern any civilized realm. Monarchs do not Appoint themselves to the throne. They are elected by the nobility. You are not free to do as you please but in accordance with the laws that have been laid down. To make them up on the spot makes you a despot.

By your Own words in the Ruler's Bulletin: Flagrant disrespect or slander of a fellow noble will not be tolerated. And please don't say it only applies to Lurian nobility. That's making it up on the spot - again.

But such is that which you and your Duke have shown me. I did not come here to cause trouble. The both of you stirred it up for me in anticipation of my arrival. You stacked the deck against me and now play your hand as if it were a fluid move.

I trust that the Royal Inquisitor will be more concerned with justice.

I state again: I wish to leave of my own accord and am already leaving.

Let me be.
Arden Fury (Noble)

Letter from Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith
Message sent to everyone in your realm

An unhealthy preoccupation with childhood.

Arden, Noble of no Land,

You are VERY presumptuous. First off, No sir, you are incorrect. A "Constitutional Monarchy" is as you describe. We are not a constitutional Monarchy.

A Tyranny implies that the Queen rules through fear. Ours rules through our admiration and support, not through fear. This is also known as a "Total Monarchy".

Paperwork creates loopholes for slimy fellows such as yourself to slip through. Were the Queen to declare that those with the Name of Arden, Noble of No Land, are illegal in Pian En Luries, I would happily follow through on that law, entirely based on your attitude. But I would trust and have faith that there was a sound reason behind a seemingly arbitrary law.

And it is irrelevant how your superiors speak to you. It is important how you speak to them. You are not even sworn to a liege in our realm, yet you seem to believe you deserve to be afford the same respect as a Duke? Or the Queen? And that furthermore the same Duke, and Queen should AFFORD YOU that respect?

Are you a wishful child?

Yours in Arms,
Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith (Count of Santoo)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in your realm

Speaking plainly.

Queen Alanna -

I will say again why I came.

Ordenstaat is impossible to defend. We have tried and failed. It is time for others to try.

So we seek a new colony. Fissoa would be a good choice as a motherland as Ordenstaat was formerly her colony. But... it would be embarrassing to return and ask again as we failed the first time and the Regent did respond to several drafts that I sent even though it was agreed to at first and I did not think I should pursue the matter.

Then on the way here I stopped in Mangai where I was first lord and it was a sort of homecoming and I sent a greeting but no one recognized me so I moved on. Pian En Luries was connected with Ordenstaat not through politics but religion and we came here on a spiritual pilgrimage - to test the waters and see how people responded to us. And if it were favourable, to speak of a colony.

Then you mentioned that you already had plans for a colony - a commendable effort given that you're just recovering from a civil war. And while my plans aren't exactly set in stone I was willing for a spiritual connection but your conditions probably meant political.

Then you warned me not to approach the temple citing being thrown down the stairs by burly guards and it all sort of went downhill after that - or even before that. As to why Ordenstaat left the Order of St. Iestyn I will be glad to explain if Grandmaster Drystan wishes to hear it again.

I personally lost ~1000 gold having being accosted several times by bandits. We had no recruitment centers left in Rettleville, the last one torn to pieces by the rogues so we had no choice but to travel solo.

So the recruits from your centers are for our protection, paid for with our remaining gold and not your charity.

And as you can see this letter has no malice in it and yet every letter you send has at least one insult: your last being "incompetence slew".

While I may not have been a Monarch for as long as you I do know how to treat others.

Now, let me leave in peace.
Arden Fury (Noble)

Letter from Amaury Capet
Message sent to everyone in your realm

Da Macho Duke, B.S. - Bachelor of Sychophancy.

Sir Arden,

You show up in our lands uninvited and unannounced. As I've told you before, that is plain rude especially considering your alliance to an enemy of the Empire, so we can safely say that the first disrespect was on your part. Then, you invite yourself to an audience with the Queen, without so much as consulting her beforehand. A fine show of arrogance. Then, you are told that you are allowed into Askileon, provided you do not leave the Royal Palace until permitted. You reply that it is not our business to tell you where you can or cannot go in our own lands. Then, you declare yourself a Lurian noble, a direct subject of Her Majesty, and proceed to hire men from our barracks, again without so much as an explanation or even an introduction. You are nothing but a common leech, siphoning off troops for your own silly endeavors. Were you planning on founding a new realm, perhaps? Given how Ordenstaat fared under your rule, I would call that a reckless undertaking by an incompetent wannabe ruler.

Yet you still attempt to hide behind our laws, after blatantly insulting those who created and uphold them, debating technicalities of laws you have no understanding of? If you act like a peasant, you can expect to be treated as one.


You abandoned your realm, its nobles and its people in their darkest hour, only to come to us and insult us and take our soldiers. What do you know about how to treat others? You are a pathetic excuse for a man, let alone a noble. I have commoners in my service with more honor and dignity than you display.


Do not worry, it happens to everyone who runs out of baseless, self-important arguments to throw around.

It occurs to me that you have some literacy issues as well. You merely reinforced Lord Tenebrioun's point that we are /not/, in any way, shape or form a constitutional monarchy. You were mentioning making things up? Learn to practice what you preach, you impudent toad.

Amaury Capet (Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr)

Letter from Alanna Anaris
Message sent to everyone in your realm

Jewels?! Is that another opening? This is too easy...

Sir Arden, If you apologize for all your insults and insolent behaviour, return all the Lurian soldiers you have attempted to abscond with, and present yourself personally before Our throne, then and only then will We permit you to leave in peace.

One does not allow someone to depart in peace who breaks into one's house, spits on one's face, and takes one's jewels.

In the name of Sun and Moon,
Alanna Anaris (Queen of Pian en Luries)

Letter from Drystan Bellator
Message sent to everyone in your realm

Much ado about nothing or round and round we go.

Sir Arden,

It is interesting to me that you claim to know the laws of this land better than I do, particularly since I wrote them. There are several laws that are made explicit, but many more that have not been collected in the Lurian Code because I consider them to be a matter of common sense.

You argue technicalities without having bothered to inform as to the Court's opinions on the subject. You insist that there is no contract that would oblige you to submit to the rule of the Crown, but nowhere will you find it written that this contract needs to be written down, or even be explicitly stated at all. In cases where no information as to the specifics of a given oath are available, it is my perogative to judge the case based on my experience. Certain obligations and privileges of both liege and vassal are so fundamental to our being that I do not believe they need to be explictly written down to apply.

If you fail to accept your place in a society that might otherwise have welcomed you despite your past, it is not my task to force that society to accept you. It is my duty to enforce the laws of this land and the customs that set us apart from the unwashed masses, and to keep the peace.

Your actions thus far constitute a breach of the peace at the very least, even before I consider your insolence towards the Crown and towards myself. If this is representative of the manner in which you intend to conduct yourself, there shall be no place for you here.

If Sir Ragrim wishes to denounce your outrageous claims and work towards earning a place for herself here, that is something I may yet consider. Until that time, I shall assume that he follows you.
Drystan Bellator (Royal Inquisitor of Pian en Luries, Ambassador of Pian en Luries)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in your realm

You can't very well bite the hand that feeds you, Can You? And me making an enemy of the Duke? What a Joke. Is there anyone who is even friends with him?

Royal Inquisitor -

The only thing that comes as no surprise is your biased judgement. Do you even bother trying not to look so?

The only "history" I have with you was through the Order so don't assume you know more than that.

As for your Order, if you find running a religion with half baked-efficiency your cup of tea than it is no wonder you carry out your judicial duties half-heartedly making up reasons as you go along and covering one eye upon the real law-breakers of your realm.

For the record, Bishop Zanaras - you remember him, don't you? Your Elder Priest? Bishop of Rettleville? He asked many times in the Order but you gave no reply whatsoever and in the end it was he who was really running the Order of St. Iestyn and frustrated with your lack of input and couldn't care less attititude - "I'm the Grandmaster of the Order of St. Iestyn, I don't need to reply to others" - he advised that we in Ordenstaat break away from the Order and set our own direction. After all, we were already doing that. And that is what happened. Is that the cause of your resentment? Please, get over it.

When did I show up unannounced? I was already hailed Outside your borders. I gave my intent and was told that Queen Alanna would meet me in Askileon. How is that uninvited and unannouced? But of course, make all the lies you want. Perish the thought it should get in the way of real judgement. If we were not welcomed then you should have closed your borders. That - shows intent.

And when did I expect to be treated as a king? You're making assumptions again - but that seems to be the convenient habit you people have. I mentioned foreign dignitary but if your Queen's dealings in the rulers council is anything to go by you people have no idea on diplomacy.

And your long winded attempt at "judgement"? Your Queen calls and you answer. She and her selected nobles break the law and you go both deaf and dumb. After all, you were Appointed to your position. You can't very well bite the hand that feeds you, Can You? But you could have advised her on the law and in the process maintained some level of respect for sure your realm-mates are watching and judging your own actions silently. By your selective processes and conveniently ignoring real judgement you have shown yourself not as a beacon of justice but as a mouthpiece who's been, like others, in his seat for too long.

And me making an enemy of the Duke? What a Joke. Is there anyone who is even friends with him?

I will not trouble your mind with the injustice you have perpetrated. Obviously you are merely the mouthpiece of your Monarch - and yes, the realm is just a Monarchy - not Constitutional, Total or otherwise. So, I say again: Show me where it says Total Monarchy? Pardon my earlier oversight.

To rephrase the words of an incompetent wannabe (his words) Duke sychophant who can't keep me in his city despite all his hot air, insulting me with his First letter and can't take it when he is put down for the impudent toad (his words) that he is - and believe me I'm doing the realm a favour. You've been having it coming to you for a long time now - I'd Wager.

So, Queen Alanna, it is not so easy to behave here in your realm as you do in the Rulers council for your behaviour is then laid bare for your nobles to see and I was really thinking that it was just your diplomatic front that you put on for other rulers and that you would be different in your lands - but alas, there was no mask after all.

I say again, what about your insults and behaviour as well as those of your selected nobles that WERE SHOWN TO ME FIRST. Surely I must believe then that that is expected behaviour in your realm and I AM TO BE PUNISHED FIRST, INSTEAD? (chuckle).

We paid for the men and they are now ours - not yours. Get used to it. Because that's the real issue, isn't it?
Arden Fury (Noble)

Letter from Ramiel Avis
Message sent to everyone in your realm

Our Most Glorious and Beautiful Queen - the Golden Queen Alanna Anaris, Our Most Stalwart and Courageous Duke - the Duke Amaury Capet, and Our Most Faithful and Just Royal Inquisitor... let's all sing along!

Lurians, For how much longer must we endure the words of a would-be traitor? He speaks slandorously about our Queen, about the Royal Inquisitor, and the Duke of Askileon. Can we simply hang him and be done with it? His constant steam of filth and dirt is starting to bore me, although I am thankful in a sense - he does have the ability of a fool, perhaps he might become the Fool of the Queens Court - to boost moral amongst the men and the peasents, and ofcourse to make new content that is better than this frothy nonesense so that we to might be entertained, instead of only bored?

Failing that, a nice long hanging would be a short but effective boost to morale, after all he spouts insult after insult to three of the most powerful people in Pain en Luries; Our Most Glorious and Beautiful Queen - the Golden Queen Alanna Anaris, Our Most Stalwart and Courageous Duke - the Duke Amaury Capet, and Our Most Faithful and Just Royal Inquisitor who guides us of the Realm in matters of Law and us of the Order on matters of the Divine, Royal Inquisitor Drystan Bellator the Grand Master of the Order of St Iestyn. Insults and Slander that would, I am sure he hopes, stain their honour, which of course - it would not! After all one is not annoying AND boring unless one is also wrong.

The man forthing at the mouth and spouting this tirade of filth and slander - a self-called Nobleman of our Realm. Well... he can go and self-proclaim him the King of Dwilight if he wants, no one will listen. If only he could learn, prehaps he can be taught as a dog is taught. Why perhaps there is hope for him yet to be the Fool and to entertain us, if only he could learn to be more funny and less... well... less self righteous and annoying for a start, less rude for another.

Well, we shall see what we shall see. But if he cant be trained, we could at least have his head on a Pike... maybe we can make him into a puppet for some Grand Puppeteer, now that would at least be interesting!
Ramiel Avis (Knight of Ciarin Tut)

Letter from Juan De-Legro
Message sent to everyone in your realm

Revealing the true Nature of the beloved Queen and the Duke of Askileon and even now the Royal Inquisitor? Ironically apt actually.

I believe Sir Arden the real issue would be your arrogance, sense of entitlement, complete lack of knowledge about the function, intent and creation of law in OUR realm, and more then a smattering of peasant colloquiums in your speech.

We have a Queen as you may have noticed, ordained and empowered to rule by virtue of her blood. Laws exist in this realm to enable her to rule, not to limit her actions and empower those who owe her service. If a law hinders her, then of course it may be suspended or even removed, after all the law was the Queens to create in the first place, to inform us of her will. Why would their be any question that the law may be modified as required by the Queen?

You ask were it says we are Total Monarchy? Why no where, why would it. Those of us who did not simple join the realm as a stepping stone to their goal, those who desired to serve the realm and its Queen learn this fact BEFORE we make proclamations of being a noble of the realm.

However I did so enjoy your attempts to reveal the true Nature of our beloved Queen and the Duke of Askileon and even now the Royal Inquisitor. Heavens only knows how we could have been so blind. It is simply amazing how in such a short time you have come to understand our customs laws and traditions so well.
Juan De-Legro (Lord)

Letter from Amaury Capet
Message sent to everyone in your realm

Another talentless hack with delusions of grandeur? How noble-like to run down someone who's not around to defend himself, eh?

Sir Arden,

You continue to make a fine spectacle of yourself. I don't believe I have met anyone who enjoys hearing himself talk as much as you do since the days of Brom Silverfire, another talentless hack with delusions of grandeur.

Pray tell, why would I not let you walk out of my city? It will be far more gratifying to see you walk to your doom beyond the Lurian borders. I have a lifetime to take my own personal revenge. And do clarify what exactly it is that I had coming? Your "exposing" me as a sycophant? I have spent my entire career on the battlefield, cutting down hordes of monsters as they encroached on our borders. I have paid my dues in blood, both my own and that of my men. Everything I have, I earned through merit and loyalty. The fact you call that sycophancy is laughable. You wouldn't recognize merit and loyalty if they struck you in the face. Insult me all you wish... we have all heard the stories of Duke Arden running Rettleville into the ground, then abandoning his people and disappearing like a thief in the night. My qualities as Duke are without question, which is a lot more than can be said about yours.

And judging from the fact that you ran from your kingdom and arrived her like a beggar without a single soldier at you back, I'd say you're a bit lower on friends than I am.

Nonetheless, we all thank you for enlightening us. Truly, with your keen insights and eons of experience serving the Empire, you have opened our eyes to the corruption of our leaders. Why, I believe I can hear the rioting in Askileon all the way from Outer Giask. I should pack my gear and leave, before a group of disgruntled nobles rebels and ousts me and my masters!

Honestly, Sir Arden, try to preserve at least a shred of your dignity...

Amaury Capet (Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr)

Letter from Aneurin Cadfan
Message sent to everyone in your realm

Always a pleasure to reach out to people.

Sir Arden

Why thank you so much for expressing the opinion of poor oppressed knights suc as myself. It must be a true gift to so quickly ascertain the feelings of disappointment we have toward our enlightened and much beloved hierarchy. It completely baffles me how such an obviously superior noble managed to lose a realm to the unthinking hordes of monsters and undead. But I see that your wonderful charisma and obvious talent have secured you a truly staggering following for your future endeavours.
Aneurin Cadfan (Knight of Lupa Lapu)

Letter from Kerowyn Starblade
Message sent to everyone in your realm

Let us record my "poorly formed arguments and preconceived notions" for posterity then, shall we?

Sir Arden

Why persist with your foolish rhetoric. Surely by now it is obvious that the weight of opinion is against you. Exactly whom do you think you will convince with your poorly formed arguments and preconceived notions of what it is to be Lurien. You speak of our Queen being a disappointment to us? If that was true we would not have so recently spilt blood to rid the realm of fools that thought similar things. Perhaps you hope that some of the Giask Republicans are still present in this realm?

Regardless I think the fact that you managed to abandon your realm, with nary a soldier to help defend you riches, and a single subject following on your heels speaks much more about the opinion your subjects must have held about your own abilities as a ruler.
Kerowyn Starblade (Countess of Lupa Lapu)

Letter from Trivaria Dravean
Message sent to everyone in your realm

For my Queen. For my Duke. For my realm. Any more sychophancy like this and I'd have to go for counselling.

Sir Arden,

I have read the pathetic excuses you have given as well as the arguments of my fellow realm-mates and now I shall put forth my own opinion. I will not make any additions to my writing such as needless underlinings so you might wish to read slowly and carefully so that you may comprehend my words.

I am not a lawyer, Sir Arden. I do not pretend to be, and I shall never strive to become one. However, I have common sense. I know people, and I know how attitudes can bring ruin upon one's head. This is such a time.

You have brought with you an attitude from your old realm. A certain attitude that I am not surprised has brought that realm to near-destruction. When one comes running from the fragments of their old home, they come to the new, on metaphorical knees. To try and rise above the standing of 'newcomer' before earning it, you bring the attention of those above you. All whom you have insulted are above you.

'Sir' Arden, you have insulted my queen.

In insulting the face and heart of Pian en Luries, you have brought the wrath of all of us upon your over-stuffed head. Loopholes and oaths aside, an insult is an insult, and no apology has been made to rectify your actions. And now you take Luarian troops and run like a coward, begging for us to simply watch you scurry away like the ant you are? No. No, I am afraid not, 'Sir' Arden.

For my Queen. For my Duke. For my realm. I shall join with Pian en Luries in catching you, as soon as possible. You are not worth the time that has been spent upon you.

You are an ant, 'Sir' Arden, and you shall be crushed accordingly.
Trivaria Dravean (Countess of Ciarin Tut)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in your realm

There's always something new to learn, eh boys?

Sir Juan De-Legro -

[Laws]... may be suspended or even removed. How convenient then. Agree that they have broken the laws themselves - first - But we can't convict them, can we? So, let's skirt around them. And the Royal Skirt is the power around here. You're simply condemning them further without even knowing it. I think they will thank you for keeping your reasoning to yourself.

The laws are not available until After one joins. This is true of any realm. And I made no proclamations. Again the habit of putting words in other people's mouths. So that you can argue on my behalf? Very novel indeed!


Your own city would make a fine spectacle in its own right with you as its Bard. In fact, I can hear them chanting your name as the Duchal Crier chants the title of the play:

The Queen of PaiN: Caught between a Rock and a Hard Place... And Lurving It!

Played by:

  • The Rock -> Sycophantic Duke Suitor
  • A Hard Place -> Wannabe Sycophantic Duke Suitor

Really Duke: everyone can see right through you.

Sir Aneurin Cadfan -

Trying to raise your name above the unwashed masses? Really, try a little... Harder.

Countess Kerowyn Starblade -

Why respond to my rhetoric... at all? What makes you think I am trying to convince anyone? You've obviously made up your minds. No need for reasoning or justice. I have to come here with sycophantic behaviour (notice a common theme in this realm?) pleading and begging for some scraps just to boost the Collective Lurian Ego? Read my lips: Not. A. Chance.

I am merely responding to the insults that were first thrown and to the malicious ban. And no, I didn't "speak of [y]our Queen [as] being a disappointment to [you]" - it seems Everyone in Pian knows the 'let's put words in people's mouth' game! But... feel free to think that she is a disappointment if you will. Sometimes our subconscious mind prods our mouth into speaking. Best not to say further on this I'd say.

Countess Trivaria Dravean -

If I had to read your words "slowly and carefully" I would fall asleep from the inanity. "Loopholes and oaths aside"? Another admission! Want to join the skirting guild? - Get In Line. Gods know the queue is long enough.

And please, no need to 'Sir' me here and 'Sir' me there in every other line. There are enough fawners in the land of PaiN.

Count Antonine -

Finding this realm oppressive, I asked to leave in peace but they wouldn't let me, would they? Claiming I'm absconding with their 'Jewels'. If this 40 ragged men are jewels I dread to think what the fighting elite is like. They are my men now paid for with my gold and PaiN wants them back? Get real. Or ask them yourselves if they want to go back.

To the rest: For the record, if I have insulted anyone then Quote my words! I dare you. But do not forget to quote the Lurian insults too (and fired first!) or you'll just prove yourself a Hypocrite, and we wouldn't want that, now would we?

All that this land of PaiN has shown with the ban is its Ungraciousness and Spite. So good riddance indeed!

So, to sum it all up:

  • In joining a realm, only service is pledged - not allegiance.
  • Service, like allegiance must be offered as well as received.
  • Realm laws - of which there are only actually about F.O.U.R. (but let's not get into that) are not available until AFTER one joins.
  • Recruits belong to whomever pays for them.
No matter how established one thinks one's family is, there's always something new to learn, eh boys? (wink)
Arden Fury (Noble)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in your realm


"My Lord! The Lurian horde is after us!" cried the ex-Lurian recruits of Lurian origins.

"No worries, boys!" cried Arden with a guffaw. "It's all part of the plan!"

"To get caught?" wondered the recruits.

"No, to lead them out of the Empire, of course!"
Arden Fury (Noble)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to *****

Long lost draft of letter found in the belongings of Arden (now deceased). Unsure if it was ever sent.
          • -

I am just stalling for time. But don't tell the serpent this. He already has delusions of grandeur and making him paranoid won't help anyone. The way he tries to claim the moral high ground is astonishing in its boldness but I suppose the thick hide of a dragon feels no shame. Not when its rump is parked in the middle of the entire Dwilight, sitting there and calling for all to 'flock to his banner'. It's outrageous to say the least. The way he goes on and on as if he were lecturing the entire island with bad rhetoric is mind-boggling. But then he claims to be a dragon - or is he just ruling in name? - and they are all full of hot air. In fact, he is full of a lot of things but to tell him this will just swell his ego.

No, the best thing is to just ignore his foolish outbursts. Heaven knows he needs to be taken down a peg or two and I believe I've done my part. Between you and me he's just an arrogant imbecile. Look how he has the 'loorrds of Ordenstaat' beseeching him to save us from my yolk as if he were a saviour. He speaks of salvation this and salvation that and its all nonsense of course. We in Ordenstaat think more in practical terms like security and food. But now we have to deal with this ego-maniac - as if we had the time of day to play with him.

I'll tell you what *****, keep him talking and see what else splurts out from that snout of his. It comes out all funny the more high-falluting he tries to make it. High flatulence is what I call his babble. And all this talk of rebellion. I suppose that's what you get when you have his breeding. Come to think of it that's how he came to power I suppose.

The bottom line is, he's simply trying to destroy a legitimate government and will use whatever petty excuses he can cook up and he doesn't have the testicular fortitude to 'fess up that he doesn't have enough farmlands to feed his three cities. He can continue to swing *****'s military pendulum back and forth to try and reach us. Frankly, he has likely not factored in the cost of his shenanigans to his political standing.

I suppose I should end off with a quote too. You can tell him to:

Hit the road, worm! Don't come no more no more no more! After all, a wise man once told me in the end - A dragon is nothing but a big worm that digs in other people's gardens.
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat)