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article =I admit I did cut out a lot of messages from this. If I didn't you'd be looking at closer to an eight page article rather than a four page one. I also editted some of the messages to condense their size a bit, as well as some spell checking to ensure readability. I have tried my hardest not to by biased in anything I have said in this, showing each viewpoint's most contributive messages and arguments. Like I said on the first page, I leave you the reader to draw the conclusions.
article =I admit I did cut out a lot of messages from this. If I didn't you'd be looking at closer to an eight page article rather than a four page one. I also editted some of the messages to condense their size a bit, as well as some spell checking to ensure readability. I have tried my hardest not to by biased in anything I have said in this, showing each viewpoint's most contributive messages and arguments. Like I said on the first page, I leave you the reader to draw the conclusions.

Also, I would like to thank both the realms of Shadovar and D'Hara for giving me the inspiration to write again. And a very special thanks to whoever may read this for making my work worthwhile. Hope you read the next issue of the Lurian Weekly!|}}
Also, I would like to thank both the realms of Shadovar and D'Hara for giving me the inspiration to write again. And a very special thanks to whoever may read this for making my work worthwhile. Hope you read the next issue of the Lurian Weekly!
<center>[[Poryatown Press/Lurian Weekly/Special 4/Page 3|Back to Page 3]] - [[Poryatown Press/Lurian Weekly/Special 4|Return to Page 1]]</center>|}}
[[Category:Poryatown Press|Lurian Weekly|Issue 24|Special 4|Page 4]]

Latest revision as of 07:00, 12 July 2009

Lurian Weekly
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Special #4
Previous Issue September 5 - September 23 Next Issue
Previous Page Page Four of Four Next Page
' '
Due to the length of the article, it has been split into parts over multiple pages. For reference:
Page 1: Rebellion! - Page 2: Internal Conflict - Page 3: Yoruk - Page 4: D'Hara
Shadovar Part 4: D'Hara
September 23rd Zanaras Tian
After Yoruk was banned, things seemed to settle down a little-no, a slight bit. Lady Edith Hashimashidas was appointed Marchioness of Raviel by order of Duchess Katayanna Ogren of Port Raviel. Shortly after that the gods took action against the sorcerous ways of Scarlett Emperor Mathias Ridder, striking him down with a bolt of lightning; this left the throne temporairly without a ruler. A day later on September 12th the ban on Yoruk BronzeWeasel took effect. With Sir Mathias Ridder injured, Sir Conrac Amcastra was not appointed until the next day, September 13th.

It was shortly thereafter where things once more got turbulent. Duchess Katayanna Ogren sent the following message:

Greetings and Salutations,
I would like to report to all of you that Port Raviel now has walls and militia. I could of cours use more militia, but it is a start.
On another note. It has come to my attention that the Overwatch army now has 4 members, which means it is growing. This is alarming as only a Lord can place a knight into an army. I have done some investigating and have discovered who has done such a thing. I am ashamed to say that the culprit is within my own duchy.
The Overwatch army is still controlled by Edelstein himself. This is a completely unacceptable action to place Knights of my duchy into an enemy army. It is an act of treason. I have written 2 letters to this individual personally to remove these shadovar knights from that army and to place them into the main army. My letters have received no response. And it does not end there. Raviel is still at province and Marchioness Edith has left her region. I have ordered her to return to it and see to its maintenance.
(Both of her knights as well as the 2 analigned nobles that are part of Raviel are in Overwatch. I know this becuase I assigned myself there in order to see who the other knights were. I will remain there until the knights are removed, As it is not a current realm army. but the army still controlled by Edelstien)
What concerns me more is that Priestess Edith has been very vocal about her being neutral in all the has happened. and with her being the founder of a religion in this realm and acting in treasonous fashion. It makes me wonder just how neutral this religion is.
Chancellor Valdrix, I will give Edith yet another chance to redeem herself, as I am sure that this is all a honest error on her part. If she has returned to er region by sunset and removed her knights from Edelstiens army, I will not ask that charges be pressed and that she be banned from this realm, thereby removing her from the lordship of Raviel. If however, she refuses, I may ask that charges be placed upon her and if she refuses to step down from Raviel that a ban be placed. At least that would be my request of our Chancellor. If the Chancellor chooses to act on this information before that, he will have my full support in doing so. The charge I will be requesting is HIGH TREASON.
(The evidence below is public knowledge and my scribes records of who is in overwatch)
  1. Raviel - Marchioness Edith, 363 peasants per noble
Altaria, Gaspar, Nils, Sibyl
Writing Message
Sending message to all members of the Overwatch (4 recipients):
Altaria, Gaspar, Nils, Sibyl
As you can see they are a perfect match and indisputable evidence.

Chief Strategist Celyn Haerthorne commented shortly thereafter with:

There is nothing that can be done about Overwatch unless Edith herself reassigns the knights, for until Edelstein is removed from the realm, he is in charge as the sponsor of the army. However, since he has not assigned a marshal or anything, I have let things be.
Lady Katyanna, I understand your concerns but as a priest, Edith should be more concerned with the spiritual side of things than the political. Because of this it is no suprise she continues to assign her knights to the Overwatch, rather than the Dragons of Shadovar. As is my understanding, she maintains her position as lord solely so she can fund the efforts of the Ordo Concilium, and I can respect this seeing as she has lost out as well due to Yoruk's greed.

Later, Marchioness Edith Hashimashidas sent her reply.

I assigned them to the Overwatch, because when Edelstein leaves, sponsorship of the army will go to someone else, and I believe that we can do with two armies, one for the defense of the south, one for the defense of the north. Having two Marshals also means that we will have twice the chance of success with our formations.
I don't see how this is treason.

Maybe an hour after Edith's reply, Duchess Katayanna sent another message.

The stratefy of having 2 armies is good and sound, Shadovar does not have the stregth to even fill one army properly. Once you have corrected the issue and put them all in the dragons, even then we will not have even a 1000cs. Now is not the time for a second army. Not one under the control of the previous ruler. You still have some time to correct this issue. The army will not go away. the sponsorship will transfer to Mathias. And at that time, we can put nobles into it.
One other thing
Edith, as a region lord your are expected to care for your region as well as draft from it when required. You have the responsibiltiy of sending gold to the duchy as well as the realm. Are you completely sure she can do all that as well as fulfill your priestess duties. I gave you the position because I trusted in her talent but currently Raviel has not sent taxes to duchy or realm, has not drafted to help us build an army, and has placed Knights in an army controlled by Edelstien. This is not acceptable.
Priestess Eddith there is no shame in only being a priest, being a region lord requires time and incredible devotion to the region first. There is little time to convert while there is gold that needs to be sent, troops drafted and control maintained. Once this is all done then is the time for preaching. but not until.
If you cannot live with this then Please step down from the lordship of raviel. One of my letters to you were explicit orders that thus far have not been obeyed. Our feudal contract is clear on this. If you do not have the knights out of that army by sunset and shoen be proof that you have made the appropriate changes to the tax And have not stepped down, I will press the charges of HIGH TREASON I advised you about earlier.

Around the same time I sent the following report:

You all are successfully making mountains of mole hills.
Duchess, when exactly was Edith re-appointed? You wouldn't receive much of the taxes before that. Regions without lords draw half the regular taxes, then you take into account the already lowered production.
And it was not Edith that said the religion was remaining neutral, that was me. She was remaining neutral at my request. Likely the only reason I was able to do this is because as far as the religion itself is concerned, I've seniority as I converted her to the Ordo before it's official founding in Shadovar.
Please cease your pointless attacks, Duchess Raviel. They are not showing you in a favourable light. You are still young though, so I can understand why you may not realise most of this.
Only make mountains when you have mountains to make them from. Molehills are not mountains.

Marchioness Edith Hashimashidas replied to Duchess Katayanna within the hour.

Lady Katayanna,
I was just appointed, I cannot draft armies until the region control is higher, I cannot hold court more than twice a day, which I do each day, and without higher control, drafting troops will lower it.
As to sending taxes, I have sent taxes to the duchy.
As well, Lady Katayanna,
I believe I made it clear before I was given the position as Lord of Raviel.
While I will do all I can to make sure Raviel contributes to the realm, it's main purpose is to advance the faith. The two will not conflict.

Duchess Katayanna furthered the disagreement with:

Priestess Edith,
What you say about region morale is true drafting will hurt Morale. However I just looked at your region stats. What happened to the RC's that were there. They are not gone..
And if you are not able to send taxes to the realm an only the duchy that is fine. the last tax report shows that you are not sending to the duchy very clearly.
I hereby formally request that you step down from the lordship of Raveil. And that the Chancellor investigate why you closed down the RC's in Raviel.
This is an act of High Treason on top of placing knights at the disposal of a sworn Enemy.
Chancellor I leave the issue of her crimes in your capable hands.
Step down and maybe I will allow your temple to remain. As you are its founder, so your actions reflect upon it.

Minutes later Marchioness Edith rebutted with:

I have not closed down any recruitment centers in Raviel, I Cannot draft any troops because of the lack of region control ((Literally, I don't have the option under Command))
And Taxes were called the day I was put as Lord.

With this Duchess Katayanna once again requested from Chancellor Valdrix Hendrix that Marchioness Edith be banished from the realm for treason.

Chancellor Valdrix,
Please look for yourself, the RC's in Raviel are gone. Port Raviel is in worse condition that Raviel and I not only opened 3 new ones, but drafted as well.
She has yet to remove the knights from Edelstiens army as well.
And since she has lied about the RC's then I can only assume that she is lying about the taxes as well. I made my changes after I sent her directions on what to send where and mine showed up.
And she was appointed the day before taxes.
Sir Valdrix, I leave it in your very capable hands, my request is that she face charges of High Treason. As far as I am concerned she is guilty. I would respectfully request a ban be placed on her and that she be given that time to defend herself. If you find her innocent then the ban can be lifted, if not then she can be on her way...
Your call as always.

This arguement continued for a few hours until Duchess Katayanna sent this:

Good Nobles of Shadovar,
I would like you to know that Lady Edith has returned to her region and held court and as a result, Raviel is now at main. She has complied with what I have asked of her.
As to the disappearance of the RC's in Raviel, My scribe must have brought me the wrong scout report. I have reviewed my messages and have found that I was wrong in accusing her of such. The RC's went away a day after the rebellion apparently. I was mistaken on the time frame that it happened.
Lady Edith, Thank you for complied with my requests, and I offer you my sincerest apology for misspeaking. I honestly thought that I was correct. I was not and I am sorry. You have done no wrong with regards to the RC's. I hope we can rebuild them soon though.

Or atleast, the argument was over until the Duchess's scribes finally managed to get my aforementioned report to her.

Sir Zanaras Tian, Knight of Port Raviel, and My vassal,
First I would like to say that if your letter had been directly to me as a private letter, I would have looked upon it as a knight doing his duty and advising his Liege. By sending it to the entire realm, you have stepped outside what I consider proper.
Never are you to speak to me as my elder, Your age makes little difference to me, I am not part of your religion, nor will I be. You are not my priest. You owe your fealty to this region as well as the Duchy of Port Raviel, and did before you became a Priest. And I expect you to act thus.
Your letter called my authority into question, As long as you hold an estate on my lands, you will not do so again. If you must disagree with me, you do it in private as is the right of a knight to his liege. Never do it publicly again.
To do so will have dire consequences.

Shortly thereafter I myself took my leave of the Duchy of Port Raviel, I also sent the following message in response:

Lady Duchess Raviel,
My apologies for your differences with my actions and my religion. Thusly I have left your duchy for that of Port Nebel, where I plan to use my abilities in such a way to support the lands my estate lies on when I am sure that I can do it effectively, considering they haven't outright banned my religion.
As for my estate on your lands, yes it was on your lands but when you became Duchess I had a tax percentage with a 0 coin income. I was fine with this for I came to found the religion, it was my full intention to leave shortly there after, but I have found Shadovar to be an intriguing realm, I think I might stay even after the Ordo is in a good condition just to see how things play out. Regardless, you increased my tax share and paid for the expansion of my estate to further the well-being of your lands. An honourable goal.
I have always been a vocal person, many times taking the lesser travelled path. If you want, you can ask Queen Alanna of Pian, I'm sure she'll agree with me on this. I also believe that public words teach faster than private ones, you pay more attention when your reputation is at stake. Though if you no longer wish my council, so be it.

Sir Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith sent his first significant contribution to the debate at this time.

Priest Zanaras,
One might wonder... Considering Duchess Katayanna's recent complaints of Marchioness Edith's disregard for her Region, in favor of her religion. Her belief on the importance of their spiritual well-being, without regard to their physical well-being. And given the ease of mind with which Duchess Katayanna expelled Ordo from her lands. How much good were you effectively doing in the first place?
Furthermore, was your tax share immediately reduced upon the expansion of your estate? Or was it left where it was, implying a much more devious ulterior motive of her increase beyond merely the well-being of her lands, something so evil, as perhaps say, Giving you gold? And I do wonder if every single gold piece from that increase in the bounty of your oath, did every single piece go to your estate expansion? Or did some of it accidently fall into the Ordo's coffers?
From Lady Edith's examples, we've already seen which is the priority in Ordo's eyes. You claim that you pay more attention when your reputation is at stake priest, and yet you go to disprove this belief with your own words. Is that not Ironic? I hope you find a Liege more tolerent of Apathy, and excuses, Good Travels.

Duchess Katayanna sent the following shortly there-after.

Sir Zanaras Tian, Priest of Ordo Concilium,
I have no issue with you leaving Port Raviel. As for your veiled statement that you will spread your religion into my region from Port Nebel, I can see how that would effect my region, Nay My duchy, so in response to your letter, I am now decaring the Ordo religion illegal within my duchy.
Anyone found to be preach said religion within my duchy is to be arrested and it will be requested that the Chancellor banish them. Any and all temples and shrines are to be destroyed immediately by all region Lords. If there is a priest available to remove the shrine or the temple, then allow them to do so. I will tour my Duchy in 1 day. At which time any Lord that has not removed any and all shrines and temples shall be required to step down from their position for disobeying a lawful order of there Duchess. And there by breaking their feudal contract and forfeiting their right to the position that they were appointed to.
I believe I am well withing my rights as Duchess in this.

This restarted the arguments over the Lordship of Raviel, with Marchioness Edith Hashimashidas refusing to abide by Duchess Katayanna's declaring her religion evil, and Duchess Katayanna using this denial to fuel her reasonings for the Marchioness to be banished.

To keep this issue from being any longer than it needs to, this back and forth arguing between Duchess Katayanna Ogren, Sir Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith, Marchioness Edith Hashismashidas, and myself for about a day and eventually included Lady Kristabelle of Emerald Flare (taking a rahter neutral stance between the two sides), Lady Sibyl Jackson (supporting Lady Edith). It made up about a fifth of the messages I'd received in the past three weeks.

It ended with Duchess Katayanna Ogren of Port Raviel being banished with the following reason: "Katayanna,I have stood by and watched this madness for long enough. I understood the need for change...thus the rebellion once begun was that catalyst for it. Yet you sense that moment have shown nothing but trechery."

Half a day later, Duchess Katayanna seceded from Shadovar creating the realm now known as D'Hara. Two days later, on September 17th, Valdrix Hendrix and Mathias Ridder met for a duel to the death. It left both of them seriously injured, Shadovar without a Chancellor (Judge) and the Throne once more temporairly vacant.

The next day Scarlett Emperor Mathias Ridder appoint Conrac Amcastra as Chancellor of the realm. The day after that Mathias Ridder stated, after not receiving much of any response from a request for public opinion he sent out, he decreed he was stepping down.

On September 20th the new Chancellor Conrac banished Valdrix Hendrix for "incredible lack of respect towards hierarchy to the point of insulting your own king. Your actions have resulted in spliting Shadovar in half and have caused great misery for the general state and stability of the realm." He also banished Edith Hashimashidas for refusal to "follow the orders of your Duke" and Kristabelle of Emerald Flare for "inciting rebellion against the crown and slanderously and maliciously publishing and pronouncing, by express writing and words, that the King our sovereign lord is a tyrant/infidel/etc..."

Later that same day, Chief Strategist Celyn Haerthorne was seen boarding a ship heading for the East Continent. A day later Sir Mathias Ridder stepped down from his position as he had stated sometime beforehand. Sometime later, Edith was said to have left for Pian en Luries, and the bans on Kristabelle and Valdrix went into effect. Sir Mathias Ridder was later seen leaving for D'Hara.

End Notes
September 23rd Zanaras Tian
I admit I did cut out a lot of messages from this. If I didn't you'd be looking at closer to an eight page article rather than a four page one. I also editted some of the messages to condense their size a bit, as well as some spell checking to ensure readability. I have tried my hardest not to by biased in anything I have said in this, showing each viewpoint's most contributive messages and arguments. Like I said on the first page, I leave you the reader to draw the conclusions.

Also, I would like to thank both the realms of Shadovar and D'Hara for giving me the inspiration to write again. And a very special thanks to whoever may read this for making my work worthwhile. Hope you read the next issue of the Lurian Weekly!

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