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{{Infobox Fontan}}
'''Fontan''' is the ''Beacon of Democracy and Freedom'' on [[East Continent]].
'''Fontan''' is the ''Beacon of Democracy and Freedom'' on [[East Continent]].

== Introduction ==
Fontan is the only true democracy on the Eastern Continent.  The realm as a whole is rife with open debates, but is guided by the [[Fontan/Elections|monthly elected]] Council which oversee that the realm operates as one in all manners. The majority rules in Fontan so if you are skilled enough you can easily rise to prominence.
==History Up to the Destruction of Oligarch==
Hello, I'm Lorrie Furion Archbane, betcha you never heard of me. But I'm going to tell you the history of Fontan. Or at least what my pop passed on to me. Now I'm gonna start from when my pop landed in Fontan City on board "Winchester". And I'm gonna warn ya, he has some bad memory, not really remember names and such. But generally I hope its true. Now pop stop eating those buns.
When he landed as a young man, Fontan represented honor and pride. The TLs were all loyal to Fontan. They were at war with Caligus, The battle grounds were then 3 regions west of Fontan City. Ever seen a Caligus horse, they dun really ride well, and on those plains, calvary were the key, and Fontan had some damn good calvary at that time. Those times were when Coimbra was just as strong as Fontan. Fallangard was still around, so Yssaria couldn't be born.
Caligus were brave, my pop gives them at least so much. But against the brave, honorable and loyal TL of Fontan, well they were losing regions slowly but surely. And even with Perdan in the fray half the time, well the other half they were busy fighting either Itorunt, Fallangard(Yssaria didn't like Perdan too, too much pent up feeling against them after being under siege half your life) or Sirion. And at the time they were the strongest buggers out there. Well Fontan took pride in being comparable with the strongest, they were either on par or damn close with the Praetorian, now that name strikes fear into the hearts of any soldier last time. So Caligus and half of Perdan against Fontan, and Fontan damn well almost took Domus. Well Akesh Temple was held by Fontan for awhile, and Perdan damn well didn't like it. Well my pop was the lord of Akesh Temple until it fell. And hes damn proud of that. In the end, Oligarch raiding coupled with fighting Perdan and Caligus all the way at Aestus and Aureus were really taking their toll even with help from a young Yssaria and Fontan sued for peace. People of renown were Zedd, Mikhail and many braves who were left out. There was even a funny event, which wasn't that funny back then. The Lord of Fontan almost rebelled because a honor guard in memory of a fallen Fontan leader was summoned to the front line at a dangerous time. In the end, that particular Lord moved to Oligarch or Perdan or Ibladesh, i forgot which one. Pop felt that was real unnecessary as Fontan lost a real experienced and loyal TL just because of small problems.
That was one chapter of Fontan, but not the first. My pop didn't know much about what happened before though.
Anyway, at that time Coimbra was left with 3 or 4 regions at that time, Evora and a few others. And some fool created Avamar from the satellite realm of W.Sirion. The regions and allies around Fontan, namely Coimbra which attacked Oligarch, were being crushed by the Oligarch war machine. Oligarch-Perdan raiding parties at the behest of Perdan were the last straw and Fontan made peace. Well anyway, Coimbra were wiped clean by Oligarch and Fontan tried their best to protect Coimbra. In the end, a deal was struck at the eleventh hour and Coimbra ceded their remaining territories to Fontan. Better Fontan than Oligarch anyway.
Fontan was a peaceful realm then, but the peace did not hold, we found a ring of spies amongst us and their paymaster was Avamar. We demanded Avamar surrender a region in reparations. They refused.
Finally, they joined with their allies, Sirion, OR and Coimbra versus the SA, Oligarch, Rancagua, Eleador(the lost realm) and the rogue state Avamar with their bred and born infiltrators. (OOC. Heard of North Korea) Then was the testing time of witches and warlocks who heeded the call of Avamar to destroy Fontan. My pop was very against those demons from Avamar and along with the mostly loyal Fontan TLs, they found their cells and destroyed them a couple times. But this made Fontan even stronger, and they managed to take Krimml from under Oligarch's nose. Oligarch City was even looted by Fontan or Sirion, a massive accomplishment. Fontan and their allies had the upper hand at that time. OR was at the walls of Rancangua's capital and Avamar was filled with militia as always.
My pop made Chancellor, but he went down with a dangerous ailment awhile later. The doctor said something about Avamar marsh gas. Anyway, he stopped concerning himself with the affairs of EC along with the rest of his family and retired to Mansbridge. Home of the Gomez family. Archbane is the new family name, and one day we will return.

When I made troop leader, Fontan was fighting an inconclusive battle with Oligarch. Oligarch was pushed back along all fronts, but they still held on. Yes, such determination. Raiding parties by Oligarch and Perdan struck Fontan but were drove back. Fontan's did many TOs which wasn't real successful but bit by bit they were taking Oligarch apart.
Fontan is the only true democracy on the Eastern Continent. The realm as a whole is rife with open debates, but is guided by the [[/Elections|monthly elected]] Council which oversee that the realm operates as one in all manners. The majority rules in Fontan so if you are skilled enough you can easily rise to prominence.

=== Current ===

==Fontan-Caligus War==
The Democracy of Fontan was destroyed by the combined army of [[Caligus]], [[Perdan]], and [[Westmoor]] in late July 2012.

''From the memoirs of Lord Mikhail, Chancellor, Judge and Council Member during the Fontan-Caligus war''
== History ==

The journey of Fontan during the Fontan-Caligus one was a tumultous and stormy one, never throughout her history had Fontan been so tested, never before had so many given so much and so many rose to the challenges that faced before them. Fontan back then was a different realm than what it is today. It was a small realm that was not wealthy in gold or regions, but the commitment and patriotism of its nobles was second to none on the continent and the realm was as lively in debate and discussion as it is today. From my experiences during those times, the Fontanese experience during the Fontan-Caligus war can be marked by a few significant events which changed the face and directions of the war, these being the Fall of Fallangard, the election of the legendary Chancellor Lord Klaus and General Son of Patrick and the intervention of Perdan and to a lesser extent Oligarch into the Fontan-Caligus conflict.
*[[/Fontan-Caligus War/]]
*[[/History Up to the Destruction of Oligarch/]]
*[[/Light of Fountain(LoF) seceded from Fontan and the Destruction of Oligarch/]]
*[[/History After the Destruction of Oligarch/]]
*[[/Codex/]] - An informal draft of a constitution.
*[[/4 on 1 War/]]
*[[Vita Family/Hamilton's Ban|Hamilton's Ban from His Perspective]]
**''Looking for someone to put up a version of this from the opposite perspective''
*[[Timeline of East Continent/The Krimml Incident|The Krimml Incident]]
*[[/The Swelling Tyranny/]]
*[[/Alise's History|The Beginning of the War in the North to Present]]

I was only a young noble when the realm of Fallangard fell and I still remember it distinctly as it left quite an impression on me. Reduced to a City State located in Isadril, the SA (Ibladesh, Perdan, Caligus and Ubent) had amassed a mighty army in which to invade the City, a force so large the likes had never been seen before on the continent. The leadership of Fallangard had been desperately trying to raise enough militia in which it could repel an invasion, but they just did not have enough. They requested Fontan's assistance and we attempted to assist them. I remember being a Troop Leader in the force that was sent to assist them, but we never reached her in time, only reaching as far as Mashhad before she succumbed to the combined armies of the SA. From the ashes of Fallangard rose a new realm known as Yssaria, created by a man named Ardor. The regions of Hamadan and Mashhad were traditionally Caligus lands, but they were unable to maintain them and they eventually fell under Yssaria's control when the new realm was born. It was from this point in our history that Fontan saw the beginnings of its great successes in the Fontan-Caligus war.
== Documents ==

Fontan had made an alliance with the realm of Yssaria, who was at war with Caligus and Ubent who both layed claim to her regions. The loss of Hamadan and Mashhad was a huge blow to Caligus and the presence of another foe in our conflict helped to turn things on our side. Also at the time the leadership of Caligus's military was poor, suffering from inactivity and poor organization and leadership. Fontan on the other hand had bred a new generation of leaders who would go down in history as some of the greatest heroes that had ever served the realm.
*[[/Elections|Speeches of Past Elections]]
*[[/Confederate Amnesty Registrar/]]

Lord Klaus, a leader of one of our Battle Groups had risen the ranks and become Chancellor of Fontan, with Lord Gandalf and Lord The Revenger having served before him. Klaus's ability to inspire the nobility and lead men was apparent and he commanded both the loyalty and determination of his nobles, his success as a Chancellor was key in making Fontan an exciting place to be which payed significant dividends on the battlefield, as our troops were more active and fought harder than our Caligus foes ever did. Another noble that contributed greatly was Lord Son of Patrick, who was our General who so successfully waged a campaign from Caligus, bringing us to the very doorstep of Domus in a matter of months. Son of Patrick's knowledge and mastery of military matters was inspiring and he made our military man for man the best on the continent. Other significant nobles that should be acknowledged are Lord Gregor, who even then was considered the wisest and most senior amongst us, Lord Andro, who served as our most skillful Banker, Lord Alexi, a man of great intellect and fierce loyalty to Fontan, Lord Geoffrey 'Bun', a dear friend and a man who brought humour and warmth to those of us on the front, Lord Lycastus and Lord Zedd, who both today are considered men of treason they were some of the most loyal and honourable men to serve Fontan during the Fontan-Caligus war, plus countless more nobles whose names I have forgotten with the sands of time. My service during much of this time was as Supreme Judge of Fontan and as a Council Member and I spent most of my time fighting on the front, maintaining regions or deliberating on matters brought to the Council's attention.
=== Government Bulletin Complements ===

Fontan's advances under these young and capable nobles against Caligus were quick and significant. In a few short months our victories were swift and they seemed endless. Region after region fell under our control and it was as if Fontan had doubled in size overnight. Aureus, Sordidus, Aestus, Supra and Akesh Temple all fell under our control and we had reduced the morale and fighting ability of Caligus's army to basically nil. These were great times of rejoicing for the nobles of Fontan, morale and confidence ran at an all time high and we felt that victory was assured and that we held all the cards in our hands. These successes made Lord Klaus and Son of Patrick heroes in Fontan and they commanded an incredible amount of respect and admiration. However things in this world don't always turn out like you expect them to be, and we were all in for a rude shock as the nature of the war was about to change quickly and that victory we were so sure of was about to be stolen away from us by the watching eyes of Caligus's allies. We were young and arrogant, to a fault, and we were in for the hardest lesson of our lives.
*[[/Ruler Bulletin|Ruler Bulletin Complement]]
*[[/General Bulletin|General Bulletin Complement]]
*[[/Judge Bulletin|Judge Bulletin Complement]]

The SA had been watching closely the recent developments in the Fontan-Caligus conflict and they were not liking what they saw. With their ally seemingly close to defeat, various SA countries began to approach Lord Klaus seeking treaties and agreements which would seal the future of Fontan and her role after the war. Fontan had previously signed an agreement with the SA, to only fight against Caligus and to stay out of the SA's crusade against Sirion. Perdan under King Gadouha approached Lord Klaus with an agreement regarding the territories of Nascot, Bescanon and Akesh Temple. At roughly the same time Ubent had approached Lord Klaus seeking an alliance, as their Dictator Ioshus stated that they were wishing to wage war against Perdan and would like to have our assistance. The council rejected Ubent's proposal as we were then on reasonably good terms with Perdan and in the middle of negotiations, but our negotiations with them stalled over Akesh Temple, which we were fearful of relinquishing because of its perceived strategic importance to both Fontan and Perdan. Perdan argued they wanted Akesh Temple as a buffer against Fontan, but we were wary of giving her up because we had fought they had no claim to a region we lost many lives for.
== Fallen In Service ==

The negotiations stalled and then what is quite possibly the biggest diplomatic disaster in Fontanese history occurred. With Ubent's proposal for an alliance against Perdan rejected by the Fontanese Council, Ioshus told Perdan that Lord Klaus and Fontan were plotting to attack Perdan while we were negotiating with them and that Fontan approached Ubent about an alliance. Perdan seized on this as justification for declaring war on Fontan, along with Ubent and Oligarch. This came as the most horrific shock to the Council and people of Fontan and Lord Klaus appealed many times to the SA with evidence that it was Ubent not Fontan who was plotting against Perdan, but our pleas were unheard by their leadership. Many of us believe that the SA orchestrated the whole thing as a way to justify them giving assistance to Caligus and removing the threat of Fontan as a great power sympathetic to Sirion and Itorunt and to this day I am adamant that the claims brought against us by the SA were false. The SA at the time was very intertwined, led by many close families. The leader of Oligarch Lysander had a brother in Ubent called Illidorn who was high up in their leadership and Gadouha had a brother in Oligarch named Itthordai who also was high in their leadership. Because of the close family relationships between SA realms we felt that we had been set up and framed for something we did not do and many of us suspected that at the very least the Ruler of Oligarch knew the truth but he still took advantage of the situation and declared war upon us.
* <b>Parn Ashwind</b> - Killed as a hero in a battle against [[Perdan]].
* <b>Siriath Ravenswing</b> - Killed as a hero in a battle against [[Perdan]].
* <b>Pepe Smallwood</b> - Killed as a hero in [[Ashforth]] against [[Old Rancagua]] forces.
* <b>Celad Anthas</b> - Killed as a hero in [[Parm]] against [[Sirion]] forces.
* <b>Lorrie Furion Archbane</b> - Killed in a duel against Cartor of Caligus
* <b>Lady Jai Graves</b> - Killed as a hero against the [[Confederacy of Fontan|Confederates]] in [[Negev]].
* <b>Duchess Amelia Bernstein</b>, [[Timeline of East Continent/The Krimml Incident|Saviour of Krimml]] - Killed as a hero against [[Perdan]] in [[Hagley]].
* <b>Lord Ertugrul Kalkandelen the Great</b> - Killed heroically against [[Old Rancagua]] in [[Juazeiro]]. The day of his death, February 7th, and every seventh day hereafter will become days of remembrance for the fallen hero.
* <b>Lord Kacher Morlork</b>, Count of [[Oporto]] - Killed heroically against [[Sirion]] in [[Csopa]].
* <b>Lord Theros Landre</b>, Count of [[Montijo]] - Killed heroically against [[Sirion]] in [[Sermbar]].
* <b>Sir Byron Lanrezac</b>, Knight of [[Braga]] - Killed heroically against [[Sirion]] in [[Tabost]].
* <b>Sir Bernard Mercer</b>, Knight of [[Oberndorf]] - Killed in a duel against Dabrun Mowbray of [[Sirion (Realm)|Sirion]]
* <b>Sir Draco Dragon Master</b>, Knight of [[Oporto]] - Killed heroically against [[Sirion]] in [[Tabost]].
* <b>Sir Archonius Decimus</b>, Priest of The Flow - Executed by Sirion.
* <b>Dame Sai'sa Nalnatorz</b>, Dame of [[Krimml]]- Killed heroically against [[Sirion]] in [[Braga]], aged 18.
* <b>Sir Malenard Saegarus Griffirtaen</b>, Noble of [[Fontan]] - Killed heroically against [[Sirion]] in [[Krimml]].
* <b>Sir Akron Hyde</b>, Knight of [[Oporto]] - Executed by Westmoor.
* <b>Minister of Defence [[Dubhaine Family/Rhidhana|Rhidhana Dubhaine]]</b>, Dame of [[Krimml]] - Killed as a hero in battle against [[Caligus]] defending [[Krimml]].
* <b>Lord Royal [[Decimus Family/Basilius Decimus|Basilius Decimus]]</b>, Knight of [[Krimml]] - Killed as a hero in battle against [[Caligus]] defending [[Krimml]].

This diplomatic debacle was where everything changed for Fontan during the war and eventually led to our defeat. We quickly became from being the victors to being a realm under assault from the SA. Perdan intervened and assisted Caligus in taking back the regions we had won by ourselves, while Perdan's PMW Battle Group with Oligarch raped and pillaged our home regions while our armies were engaged to the South. We felt like we were ganged up upon and our morale and confidence vanished as we found ourselves incapable of withstanding such assaults. Lord Klaus seemed a broken man, he largely kept to himself and eventually resigned from the Chancellery under great stress and weary of the backstabbing and treachery of politics. We had decided then to ally ourselves with Sirion and her allies, effectively putting us in the "NA" bloc. It was then that Fontan went from winning a one-on-one war to losing a war against the SA.
* '''And Many More Who Selflessly Sacrificed Their Lives To Defend Our Democracy'''

It was during this tumultuous times that I decided to run for Chancellor of Fontan. I prepared a campaign speech and was elected as Fontan's new Chancellor, with Lord Alexi replacing me as Judge. I promised to reform how our government worked by removing the Council system and promoting a new system where foreign affairs and defence were handled by separate councils. In an effort to improve accountability, increase democracy, participation of our nobles in government, activity and most importantly increase the credibility of what is discussed in regards to foreign affairs as the lessons of what the SA had done to us showed the weakness of a closed Council system as they were able to say that we had no concrete proof, I opened up the Foreign Affairs group to any noble who was interested in diplomacy and who had served a month in our realm. The Defence Council was for military matters and was not an open forum. Also was of importance was that our closed Council was conservative and reactionary and I doubt that we would have accepted any peace agreement with Caligus, as our policy had been that we were not to talk to them or negotiate and the hatred for Caligus was deep throughout the realm. While today there have been additional changes to the system, it warms my heart to see that the framework still remains today and that during those dark times we were able to reform ourselves into a more democratic realm in the face of such adversity.  
== Armies of Fontan ==
*'''[[Democratic Guards|Democratic Guard]]''': The oldest army on the East Island, the Democratic Guards were formed by then Chancellor Gregor Relak to provide for the defense of the Democracy so cherished by the people of Fontan. The army continues to serve with distinction as the protectors of freedom, and liberty in Fontan. Dissolved following the loss of the Coastal Cities, the army was refounded in April 1011 by Minister of Defence [[Dubhaine Family/Rhidhana|Rhidhana Dubhaine]].

With the new Foreign Affairs group created I approached the King of Perdan and tried engaging with him to see if we could resolve the situation, no matter how slim the chances were. I attempted appealed to his better sensibilities, but he did not wish to listen and it was as if his mind was already made up. He stated that his goal was not to destroy Fontan but to remove her as a threat and it became increasingly apparent to me as we were pushed back to Tokat that our choices were becoming either sign peace with Caligus or die as a realm. I also tried discussing the matter with Lysander along with trying to sue peace between Coimbra and Oligarch but yet again there was no fruit to be bore on that front as both Oligarch and Perdan already had their plans for Fontan. One ruler of the SA who I found to be most helpful was Lady Sorcha, who sympathized with our situation and there was a growing animosity between Ibladesh and her allies, particularly Perdan and Ubent. Lady Sorcha wished for an end of the war between Itorunt and Ibladesh and a return to their great alliance, as friends. I helped facilitate some discussions between the two realms in an attempt to lay the groundwork for peace but what I found was there was far more resistance to the idea on the Itorunt side than Ibladesh, which was surprising since with Ibladesh on our side there was a chance that the continental war could overall turn to our favour. Another realm I found progress with was the realm of Old Rancagua, especially with its General Fuinir, who would eventually become its King. We were like minded individuals and discussed together strategies and ways we could help each other eventually turn the tide against the SA. Old Rancagua at the time was fighting Rancagua, its sister realm ruled by a Theocracy and we were able to work together to get some volunteers to join Old Rancagua, whose pressing problem was a lack of nobles. With many diplomatic avenues being explored, the new Foreign Affairs group was coming up with many ideas, some that we put into practice and others which we did not and probably seem amusing today. One such notion that was proposed by someone was that Fontan should sue peace with the SA and aid them in attacking Sirion, but obviously this did idea did not get off the drawing board.  
* '''[[/Fontan Rangers/]]''': |FR| Created by Lord Lorrie Furion as a small elite branch of the FSR whose original purpose was to aid in border defense and to respond to enemy incursions with coordinated raids into their own lands. Disbanded during the latter years of the war with Sirion, the army was refounded by Minister of Defence [[Dubhaine Family/Rhidhana|Rhidhana Dubhaine]].

With most of our options exhausted I asked the Foreign Affairs group to begin debating about peace with Caligus, which at the time was a taboo subject which many nobles thought the idea of was repulsive. I began discussions with Lady Gwynyth, Queen of Caligus and we made some progress, with what I remember to be the first official discussions between our two realms in quite a long time. Lady Gwynyth did seem interested in suing peace with us, far more interested than Gadouha at the time, but she also had to deal with a council that was as full of hatred as ours was.  
*'''Eagle Regiment:''' Created by Duchess [[Carnes_Family/Ariana_Carnes|Ariana Carnes]] as an elite army. Ordered to disbandment.

It was during this time that my tenure as Chancellor eventually came to an end, after which was an amazing and unforgettable experience as Chancellor of Fontan in which I had the honour of being part of our history. What put an end to my career was that we had recently elected a General named Kylinn, who was enthusiastic about his job but he was unable to restrain himself and respect the seperation of powers that had been set up. Kylinn began to not only do his job as General, but also the role of Chancellor, by formulating agreements and conducting discussions with other Rulers without my approval and without any feedback and discussion in our Foreign Affairs group, in some ways taking the diplomacy of Fontan into his own hands and acting against the spirit of the reforms I implemented. After having a disagreement with him in which he would not stop pursuing his actions or respect the way our democracy works, I was eventually forced to resign and step down in protest, effectively ending his political career in the process.  
*'''Fontan Homeland Guard:''' Created by Countess [[Dragul_Family|Katalynfae Dragul]] for home defence and policing.

After the end of my tenure as Chancellor, Lord Son of Patrick became the new Chancellor of Fontan and was ultimately successful in suing peace with Caligus, however the vote was very close and the realm was split on what to do. Many nobles wanted to fight to the death and for Fontan to disappear in honour, fighting against Caligus to the last man, while others felt that preserving the only democracy on the continent and what is a very special realm was worth more than fighting our hated enemy to the death. Fontan which at the peak of its success during the Fontan-Caligus war had territories which reached near the walls of Domus, had ended the war only with a few regions. While this defeat had bruised our morale and some of our ego's, the nobles of Fontan still had a strong sense of loyalty and honour to Fontan and our way of life was preserved throughout these trusting times. More turbulent times layed ahead for Fontan, but it was during the testing times ahead in which she was reborn like a rising Phoenix out of the ashes, restoring herself to her rightful place as a realm which commanded great respect as a formidable military power and as the greatest Democracy the world has ever seen again. It was during this time that I took a much needed break, and I would not reappear until months later when Fontan was on the rise again.
=== ''Defunct'' Armies ===
* '''[[/1st Expeditionary Army/]]''': The 1st Expeditionary Army was created by General Basilius Decimus to rescue former Chancellor Gregor.

* '''[[/Dark Angels/]]''': Created by Duke Katsuyori Takeda in the city of [[East Continent/Avamar|Avamar]] at the end of the "4 vs 1" war, the Dark Angels were to be the protectors of the north. With the secession of [[East Continent/Fontan|Fontan City]] by the Tyrant Gregor the Dark Angels were left alone in the north to protect [[East Continent/Ashforth|Ashforth]] and Avamar as well as help the [[Sultanate of Asena]], while the other armies took on the [[Confederacy of Fontan|Confederacy]], [[Perdan]], and [[Caligus]]. When Avamar was taken with the resurgence of [[Sirion]] militarily, the Dark Angels were lost. In November 2008, it was recorded that they had 15 members and were marshaled by Amroth Mekorig.

==Light of Fountain(LoF) seceded from Fontan and the Destruction of Oligarch==
* '''[[/Fontan Corps of Guides/]]''': Created by Marchioness [[Dubhaine Family/Moira|Moira Dubhaine]] as an irregular raiding force, during their brief life the Guides ranged through the north-eastern provinces of [[Sirion]].

Fontan City seceded from Fontan at the behest of Lycastus. He felt the old Fontan wasn't around anymore and sought to bring it back with Light Of Fountain, a Theocracy. There were some religion in his talk, which i think is to legitimize his claim for LOF. Anyway, a couple of experienced TLs moved to LOF. An Najaf and Negev joined the new realm. There was much hype about what to do, but in the end, Fontan continued their feud with Oligarch. Viseu joined LoF awhile later, brought over by a unhappy TL.
* '''[[/The Lions/]]''': Originally started by famous patriotic knights of Dulbin during the Oligarchian war. They once served as the backbone of Fontan's forces and were feared by their enemies. After political pressure and turmoil lead to the death of their founder, and the loss of many other contributing members, the army elders decided to dissolve, placing The Lions into the halls of celebrated history.  
**In August 2008, it was recorded as having 23 members, being marshalled by Ertugrul Kalkandelen and vice-marshalled by Kira, and sponsored by Sulliven Koga.

Fontan did better even with less tax. They took Greatbridge, Hagley, Troyes and Westmoor in quick succession. They rested and refitted and coordinated with allied generals, on the final push. Then Oligarch City fell. A combined force of 48k cs attacked the 20k cs in Oligarch City. They stone walls creaked under the march of Fontan, Sirion and OR's troops. So Oligarch is no more. Sirion is currently doing a TO of it. Commonyr is being TOed by our TLs. Oligarch is dead. Destroyed by our combined might. The Northern Conflict is finally over. For Fontan!
* '''[[/The Obsidian Cavaliers/]]''': Sponsored by Count Aulus Severus of Oberndorf for a number of knights from The Obsidian Islands who joined Fontan after O.I. signed peace with Sirion and backed out of the War. Marshalled by Cesera Azul, former Marshal of The Army of Obsidian Islands, and with Sir Sirius Drakon as her Second-in-Command, the Islanders have sworn their loyalties to Fontan and continue their quest against the elves.

==History After the Destruction of Oligarch==
* '''[[/Order of The Thunder/]]''': A long known name in the traditional Fontan military history. First led by General Lycastus against Avamar and Kazakh. Then revived by General Teshup in the Oligarchian war, and finally reformed as a militant elite group supported by a guild. In August 2008, it was recorded as having 18 members, the sponsor as being The Revenger AveFenix, the marshal as Alise Athins, and the vice-marshal as Leane Tse Tung.
Fontan is has been enjoying peace after the last war Light of Fountain. We reclaimed Fontan City and took back An Najaf, Negev, Evora, and Viseu as well.

During the war with LoF, our Chancellor at the time, Gregor, made a journey to Ibladesh.  However, he was attacked by an infiltrator and has been stranded in Ibladesh since. General Basilius Decimus created [[Fontan/1st Expeditionary Army|The 1st Expeditionary Army]] and is currently traveling with a few other elite troop leaders to Ibladesh to rescue our former Chancellor.
* '''[[/Fontan Strike Regiment/]]''': ~=FSR=~ The Fontan Strike Regiment was formerly an elite military unit of Fontan during the Caligus War. However, it has been resurrected by Duke Alexi Pelevin and Lorrie Furion and is now a front line army of Fontan. The FSR takes pride in it's discipline, loyalty and courage it displays at all times, whether defending the heartland or striking deep into enemy territory. The FSR's anthem, written by Lord Armstrong Ironsides the self-styled [[Ironsides Family/Armstrong|Hero of Democracy]]; [[Ironsides Family/Armstrong/FSR anthem|We are the FSR!]].
**On August 20, 2008, it was recorded as being sponsored by Alise Athins, the marshal as being Requiem Rai, and the vice-marshal as being Tiberius Caesar. The army had 11 noble members.
**February 23, 2009, the vice-marshal was recorded as being [[Ironsides Family/Armstrong|Armstrong Ironsides]].
**On May 1, 2009, it was recorded that the command staff switched with marshal becoming Armstrong Ironsides and the vice-marshal becoming Requiem Rai.
**On May 20, 2009, it was recorded that Requiem Rai became marshal again and Aulus Severus of the Scipii became vice-marshal.
**On November 2, 2009, it was recorded as increasing to 18 members.</i>

As a sign of improving relations with [[Perdan|Perdan]], the [[Fontan/Treaties/UBA|Unguarded Borders Agreement]] was signed on October 30th, 2007.  Since then, Perdan has declared war on [[Ibladesh|Ibladesh]].  Fontan does not want to get involved.
*'''Flow Administrators''': Created by Duke Elberan of Ashforth to centralize Fontan's bureaucratic effort.
**On August 17, 2008, it was recorded that Jon Paul Ogren was its marshal, Katalynfae Dragul was its vice-marshal, and it had 15 members.
**On October 7, 2008, it was recorded that Katalynfae Dragul was its marshal and Malcolm Bedwyr was its vice-marshal.

In talks of trying to create New Coimbra, relations between Old Rancagua and Fontan have suffered.  [[Old Rancagua|Old Rancagua]] denies ever signing a treaty agreeing to help recreate New Coimbra but what pushed matters too far were a couple of insulting letters from a Duke of Old Rancagua.  As a result, relations have been lowered from Alliance to Peace.  Fontan is waiting on Sirion's response on if [[Sirion|Sirion]] will stay federated with Old Rancagua or with Fontan should matters escalate to war.
*'''Manticores:''' Created by Duke [[Carnes_Family/Elberan_Carnes|Elberan Carnes ]]as an elite Cavalry army.

The 1st Expeditionary Army successfully rescued Gregor and the members have been reassigned to their former armies.  Old Rancagua has been insulting Fontan repeatedly and they seem to be wanting war.  Sirion is now asking for Commonyr as there was apparently a verbal agreement to give it to them after the destruction of Oligarch.  Whether or not it will be given to them remains to be seen.
== Message Groups ==

Also, through divine intervention Chancellor Katsuyori was struck by lightning and severely wounded. Johnnn Doe took his place briefly while Katsuyori was healing but Katsuyori retook his position as Chancellor.
* The '''[[Fontan Assembly]]''': The Fontan Assembly is the heart of Fontan, the forum within which all matters, political, judicial and domestic are discussed. Motions voted upon and passed in the Assembly determine Fontan Policy, as a clear and direct form of Democracy. The Assembly is open to any noble who has been in the realm for more than one Month, and a letter to the Chancellor to announce your interest in participating in the debates is all that is required for acceptance.<br>

==4 on 1 War==
* '''The Cabinet''': The Cabinet is the Chancellor’s Council, consisting of the other elected members of the Government and the Ruler’s choice aides and personal advisors.<br>

Eventually, despite Chancellor Katsuyori's best efforts, Old Rancagua went to war with Fontan.  When a single TL accidentally slaughtered his unit by moving to Oligarch, Sirion joined OR against Fontan.  Soon after LoF and Obsidian Islands declared War on Fontan. Despite being at war with 4 realms on two fronts, Fontan has been victorious.  OI's involvment in the war has been little to none, only occasionally appearing on the battlefield.  LoF is now just a memory as Fontan took their remaining regions.  Sirion has scarcely been seen on the battlefield these past few weeks and OR's army has not been able to stop Fontan's takeovers.
* '''Council of Administration''': The Council of Administration consists of the Chancellor, the Minister of Finance, and all of the region lords of the realm. Under the guidance of the Minister of Finance, the Council of Administration coordinates the domestic affairs, financial aids and trades of the realm.<br>

Talks are currently in play about breaking OR up into at least one other realm.  Shortly after the war started, Chancellor Katsuyori stepped down and was replaced by Chancellor Tal.  After a couple months, he decided not to run for reelection as well and has been replaced by our current Chancellor Rogal Dorn.
== Suspended Message Groups ==

Eventually, out of OR the Sultanate of Asena was created.  Obsidian Islands has also agreed to Peace with Fontan.  OR's last city is currently occupied by the FSR while a takeover is underway.  OR has now started to ask for peace, what the treaty entails is yet to be seen.
* '''Hall of Advisement''': The Hall of Advisement consisted of the Chancellor, the elected members of Government, the Dukes and nobles whom the Chancellor wished to have as his advisers. The Hall of Advisement under the Chancellery of [[Of_the_Scipii_Family/Aulus_Severus|Aulus Severus]] was replaced with The Cabinet.<br>

==The Krimml Incident==
* '''Shadows of Fontan''': For those who hide in the shadows. Presently obsolete.
[[Timeline of East Continent/The Krimml Incident|The Krimml Incident]]
==The Swelling Tyranny==
During this current war, our Beacon of Democracy is being pummelled by devilish enemies. There is much more history to this war than is presented here, and hopefully a wider scope will be added in the near future to satisfy all curious minds. Especially once there is a moment to collect our thoughts and put them to the books. Until then, this brief summary must do.
Due to serious factionalism within the nobility, and the outcomes of those feuds, Fontan finds itself against five raging foes. This war is a continuation of one that was being fought between Fontan vs. Old Rancagua and Sirion. While that war furthered on, the Tyrant Gregor Relak ceded the Duchy of Fontan and declared civil war. This opened up a deep wound in the once mighty expanding Fontan. Taking advantage of this weakness, and taking advantage of the unfortunate Krimml Incident, Perdan and Caligus jumped into the fray. Now we Fontanese sit surrounded by enemies, how lucky we are!
Despite many efforts, peace is yet to be reached with the northern half of the continent (OR and Sirion), and the selfish and immoral southern half (Caligus and Perdan) continue to rake in our blood day by day. During this difficult time, we have lost many noble heroes on the field of battle or in the ring of duels. This war is a trying test of the Fontanese way, but however tight the vice may be our Democracy will prevail! Our nobles will see to that.
The Civil War has also brought about the return of patriotism and love of Fontanese democracy that was thought to have been lacking during the expansionist days. Though the times seem their darkest, there continue to be nobles of inspiring heroism. They are the ones who use their lives to benefit all Fontanese and do so without the expectation of award. Living or dead, may their names be remembered for the great souls they are.
After a series of changes in the Chancellorship, back and forth from The Revenger to Alise, Lord Mikhail won the office early and now runs the realm with a farseeing vision. Praise to his good nature and democratic principles. Also, the wise and virtuous Lady Moira entered the position of Judge, may her justice keep Fontan noble. Lord Basilius and Lord Elberan remain General and Banker respectively. They are a testament to the exceptional skills Fontan possess.
==Fallen In Service==
*Parn Ashwind - Killed as a hero in a battle against [[Perdan]].
*Siriath Ravenswing - Killed as a hero in a battle against [[Perdan]].
*Pepe Smallwood - Killed as a hero in [[East Continent\Ashforth|Ashforth]] against [[Old Rancagua]] forces.
*Celad Anthas - Killed as a hero in [[East Continent\Parm|Parm]] against [[Sirion]] forces.
*Lady Jai Graves - Killed as a hero against the [[Confederacy of Fontan|Confederates]] in [[East Continent/Negev|Negev]].
*Duchess Amelia Bernstein, [[Timeline of East Continent/The Krimml Incident|Saviour of Krimml]] - Killed as a hero against [[Perdan ]]in [[East Continent/Hagley|Hagley]].
==Armies of Fontan==
*[[Order of The Thunder]]: A long known name in the traditional Fontan military history. First led by General Lycastus against Avamar and Kazakh. Then reviwed by General Teshup in the Oligarchian war and reformed as a militant elite group supported by a guild.
*[[Lions]]: Orginally started by famous patriotic knights of Dulbin during the Oligarchian war. They are still serving as the backbone of Fontan's forces.
*[[Fontan Strike Regiment]]: ~=FSR=~ The Fontan Strike Regiment was formerly an elite military unit of Fontan during the Caligus War. However, it has been ressurected by Duke Alexi Pelevin and Lorrie Furion and is now a front line army of Fontan. The FSR takes pride in it's discipline, loyalty and courage it displays at all times, whether defending the heartland or striking deep into enemy territory. The Regiment is currently accepting all new members.
*[[Fontan/1st Expeditionary Army|1st Expeditionary Army]]: The 1st Expeditionary Army was created by General Basilius Decimus to rescue former Chancellor Gregor.
*[[Fontan/Dark Angels|Dark Angels]]
*[[Fontan/Fontan Rangers|Fontan Rangers]]
==Families of the Realm==
* Andro - [[Pilgrim Family]]
* Gregor, Lelnor - [[House of Relak]]
* Lilith - [[Balancetraveller Family]]
* Murtoch - [[Murtrie Family#Murtoch|Murtrie Family]]
* Private - [[Deadmeat Family#Private|Clan Deadmeat]]
* Talnost - [[Lankmere Family/Talnost|Lankmere Family]]
* Tempest - [[Dragon Family]]
* Teshup - [[Commagene Family]]
* Zedd - [[IGhost Family|House IGhost]]

* '''Fontan Bureau of Irregular Warfare''': Intelligence gathering and special operations coordination. Disbanded sometime during 1010.

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Latest revision as of 16:54, 28 March 2014

Fontan is the Beacon of Democracy and Freedom on East Continent.


Fontan is the only true democracy on the Eastern Continent. The realm as a whole is rife with open debates, but is guided by the monthly elected Council which oversee that the realm operates as one in all manners. The majority rules in Fontan so if you are skilled enough you can easily rise to prominence.


The Democracy of Fontan was destroyed by the combined army of Caligus, Perdan, and Westmoor in late July 2012.



Government Bulletin Complements

Fallen In Service

  • Parn Ashwind - Killed as a hero in a battle against Perdan.
  • Siriath Ravenswing - Killed as a hero in a battle against Perdan.
  • Pepe Smallwood - Killed as a hero in Ashforth against Old Rancagua forces.
  • Celad Anthas - Killed as a hero in Parm against Sirion forces.
  • Lorrie Furion Archbane - Killed in a duel against Cartor of Caligus
  • Lady Jai Graves - Killed as a hero against the Confederates in Negev.
  • Duchess Amelia Bernstein, Saviour of Krimml - Killed as a hero against Perdan in Hagley.
  • Lord Ertugrul Kalkandelen the Great - Killed heroically against Old Rancagua in Juazeiro. The day of his death, February 7th, and every seventh day hereafter will become days of remembrance for the fallen hero.
  • Lord Kacher Morlork, Count of Oporto - Killed heroically against Sirion in Csopa.
  • Lord Theros Landre, Count of Montijo - Killed heroically against Sirion in Sermbar.
  • Sir Byron Lanrezac, Knight of Braga - Killed heroically against Sirion in Tabost.
  • Sir Bernard Mercer, Knight of Oberndorf - Killed in a duel against Dabrun Mowbray of Sirion
  • Sir Draco Dragon Master, Knight of Oporto - Killed heroically against Sirion in Tabost.
  • Sir Archonius Decimus, Priest of The Flow - Executed by Sirion.
  • Dame Sai'sa Nalnatorz, Dame of Krimml- Killed heroically against Sirion in Braga, aged 18.
  • Sir Malenard Saegarus Griffirtaen, Noble of Fontan - Killed heroically against Sirion in Krimml.
  • Sir Akron Hyde, Knight of Oporto - Executed by Westmoor.
  • Minister of Defence Rhidhana Dubhaine, Dame of Krimml - Killed as a hero in battle against Caligus defending Krimml.
  • Lord Royal Basilius Decimus, Knight of Krimml - Killed as a hero in battle against Caligus defending Krimml.
  • And Many More Who Selflessly Sacrificed Their Lives To Defend Our Democracy

Armies of Fontan

  • Democratic Guard: The oldest army on the East Island, the Democratic Guards were formed by then Chancellor Gregor Relak to provide for the defense of the Democracy so cherished by the people of Fontan. The army continues to serve with distinction as the protectors of freedom, and liberty in Fontan. Dissolved following the loss of the Coastal Cities, the army was refounded in April 1011 by Minister of Defence Rhidhana Dubhaine.
  • Fontan Rangers: |FR| Created by Lord Lorrie Furion as a small elite branch of the FSR whose original purpose was to aid in border defense and to respond to enemy incursions with coordinated raids into their own lands. Disbanded during the latter years of the war with Sirion, the army was refounded by Minister of Defence Rhidhana Dubhaine.
  • Eagle Regiment: Created by Duchess Ariana Carnes as an elite army. Ordered to disbandment.
  • Fontan Homeland Guard: Created by Countess Katalynfae Dragul for home defence and policing.

Defunct Armies

  • 1st Expeditionary Army: The 1st Expeditionary Army was created by General Basilius Decimus to rescue former Chancellor Gregor.
  • Dark Angels: Created by Duke Katsuyori Takeda in the city of Avamar at the end of the "4 vs 1" war, the Dark Angels were to be the protectors of the north. With the secession of Fontan City by the Tyrant Gregor the Dark Angels were left alone in the north to protect Ashforth and Avamar as well as help the Sultanate of Asena, while the other armies took on the Confederacy, Perdan, and Caligus. When Avamar was taken with the resurgence of Sirion militarily, the Dark Angels were lost. In November 2008, it was recorded that they had 15 members and were marshaled by Amroth Mekorig.
  • The Lions: Originally started by famous patriotic knights of Dulbin during the Oligarchian war. They once served as the backbone of Fontan's forces and were feared by their enemies. After political pressure and turmoil lead to the death of their founder, and the loss of many other contributing members, the army elders decided to dissolve, placing The Lions into the halls of celebrated history.
    • In August 2008, it was recorded as having 23 members, being marshalled by Ertugrul Kalkandelen and vice-marshalled by Kira, and sponsored by Sulliven Koga.
  • The Obsidian Cavaliers: Sponsored by Count Aulus Severus of Oberndorf for a number of knights from The Obsidian Islands who joined Fontan after O.I. signed peace with Sirion and backed out of the War. Marshalled by Cesera Azul, former Marshal of The Army of Obsidian Islands, and with Sir Sirius Drakon as her Second-in-Command, the Islanders have sworn their loyalties to Fontan and continue their quest against the elves.
  • Order of The Thunder: A long known name in the traditional Fontan military history. First led by General Lycastus against Avamar and Kazakh. Then revived by General Teshup in the Oligarchian war, and finally reformed as a militant elite group supported by a guild. In August 2008, it was recorded as having 18 members, the sponsor as being The Revenger AveFenix, the marshal as Alise Athins, and the vice-marshal as Leane Tse Tung.
  • Fontan Strike Regiment: ~=FSR=~ The Fontan Strike Regiment was formerly an elite military unit of Fontan during the Caligus War. However, it has been resurrected by Duke Alexi Pelevin and Lorrie Furion and is now a front line army of Fontan. The FSR takes pride in it's discipline, loyalty and courage it displays at all times, whether defending the heartland or striking deep into enemy territory. The FSR's anthem, written by Lord Armstrong Ironsides the self-styled Hero of Democracy; We are the FSR!.

    • On August 20, 2008, it was recorded as being sponsored by Alise Athins, the marshal as being Requiem Rai, and the vice-marshal as being Tiberius Caesar. The army had 11 noble members.
    • February 23, 2009, the vice-marshal was recorded as being Armstrong Ironsides.
    • On May 1, 2009, it was recorded that the command staff switched with marshal becoming Armstrong Ironsides and the vice-marshal becoming Requiem Rai.
    • On May 20, 2009, it was recorded that Requiem Rai became marshal again and Aulus Severus of the Scipii became vice-marshal.
    • On November 2, 2009, it was recorded as increasing to 18 members.
  • Flow Administrators: Created by Duke Elberan of Ashforth to centralize Fontan's bureaucratic effort.
    • On August 17, 2008, it was recorded that Jon Paul Ogren was its marshal, Katalynfae Dragul was its vice-marshal, and it had 15 members.
    • On October 7, 2008, it was recorded that Katalynfae Dragul was its marshal and Malcolm Bedwyr was its vice-marshal.

Message Groups

  • The Fontan Assembly: The Fontan Assembly is the heart of Fontan, the forum within which all matters, political, judicial and domestic are discussed. Motions voted upon and passed in the Assembly determine Fontan Policy, as a clear and direct form of Democracy. The Assembly is open to any noble who has been in the realm for more than one Month, and a letter to the Chancellor to announce your interest in participating in the debates is all that is required for acceptance.
  • The Cabinet: The Cabinet is the Chancellor’s Council, consisting of the other elected members of the Government and the Ruler’s choice aides and personal advisors.
  • Council of Administration: The Council of Administration consists of the Chancellor, the Minister of Finance, and all of the region lords of the realm. Under the guidance of the Minister of Finance, the Council of Administration coordinates the domestic affairs, financial aids and trades of the realm.

Suspended Message Groups

  • Hall of Advisement: The Hall of Advisement consisted of the Chancellor, the elected members of Government, the Dukes and nobles whom the Chancellor wished to have as his advisers. The Hall of Advisement under the Chancellery of Aulus Severus was replaced with The Cabinet.
  • Shadows of Fontan: For those who hide in the shadows. Presently obsolete.
  • Fontan Bureau of Irregular Warfare: Intelligence gathering and special operations coordination. Disbanded sometime during 1010.

Flag of Fontan Duchies and Regions of Fontan Flag of Fontan
Duchy of Krimml

Braga | Commonyr | Krimml | Negev | Oberndorf | Oporto