Assassins/Army of Shadows/silence: Difference between revisions

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Less common but still widely used is blade coatings, a grease mixed with various herbs provide a array of various blade coatings some are simple tarrier arrow poisons, so they wont wear off the blade, some wont let the blood stop, some provide great pain when ends up in a wound, some make infections and fever, some provide even hallucinations.<br />
Less common but still widely used is blade coatings, a grease mixed with various herbs provide a array of various blade coatings some are simple tarrier arrow poisons, so they wont wear off the blade, some wont let the blood stop, some provide great pain when ends up in a wound, some make infections and fever, some provide even hallucinations.<br />
Also rarely used at all but mostly used in scoutings and the like, cause in battle would prove more harm full than use are several bombs, none realy cause damage, some provide a loud noise and a flash, some release sleeping gas, in battle such things would affect allyes near by too.<br />
Also rarely used at all but mostly used in scoutings and the like, cause in battle would prove more harm full than use are several bombs, none realy cause damage, some provide a loud noise and a flash, some release sleeping gas, in battle such things would affect allyes near by too.<br />
Rarely also drugs and potions have found use, silence consume them prior to battle and they improve theyr performance, often used when battle is too lopsided in the enemys favor, for the such drugs have usually bad side effects(usually ending up causing the drug used being incapacitated for a week, in case of more potent and stronger drugs permanent damage or even death can occour), thus are avoided when ever possible.}}</center>
Rarely also drugs and potions have found use, silence consume them prior to battle and they improve theyr performance, often used when battle is too lopsided in the enemys favor, for the such drugs have usually bad side effects(usually ending up causing the drug user being incapacitated for a week, in case of more potent and stronger drugs permanent damage or even death can occour), thus are avoided when ever possible.}}</center>
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Revision as of 17:33, 17 June 2008


Silence are the special forces of Dark Citadel, arguably the best unit on the Colonies. Equipped with two handed swords, crossbows, throwing knives, chain armor topped with leather armor and a whole lot more lethal equipment.

Dwellers of light, if they have only basked in the light refusing to accept the shadow, are prey in the darkness.

Two handed sword: each silence warrior has a 2-handed sword, usually a claymore or a flamberge, on they backs.

Silence dosnt use shields, it dosnt need to, a good silence warrior finishes his opponent without giving the enemy a chance to attack.
Captains of silence units yield dual long swords, instead of the usual two hander.

Also they carry a cutting criss, which is mostly symbolic but can come handy in very close quarters where swinging a two handed sword is difficult.

Crossbow: although small in size, it packs a powerful punch and can fire a arrow as far as a longbow could. Generally uses bodkin arrowheads, rarely broad-head ones.

Accesories: silence are equipped with a array of lethal tools of theyr trade. Most common ones are throwing knives, for it takes time to reload a crossbow and to some enemies close enough a well placed knife in the eye can bring them down before they get too close.

Another standard accessory is arrow poison, makeing of that poison is with in the silence training, so any warrior can make a new patch of poison right on the field (provided it isnt a desolate place), both arrow poison and throwing knives areon almost every silence unit, it is rare to see on without them, so one could almost count them standard equipment for silence.
Less common but still widely used is blade coatings, a grease mixed with various herbs provide a array of various blade coatings some are simple tarrier arrow poisons, so they wont wear off the blade, some wont let the blood stop, some provide great pain when ends up in a wound, some make infections and fever, some provide even hallucinations.
Also rarely used at all but mostly used in scoutings and the like, cause in battle would prove more harm full than use are several bombs, none realy cause damage, some provide a loud noise and a flash, some release sleeping gas, in battle such things would affect allyes near by too.

Rarely also drugs and potions have found use, silence consume them prior to battle and they improve theyr performance, often used when battle is too lopsided in the enemys favor, for the such drugs have usually bad side effects(usually ending up causing the drug user being incapacitated for a week, in case of more potent and stronger drugs permanent damage or even death can occour), thus are avoided when ever possible.

Armor: Silence wears chain mail underneath and various very thick hard-leather vestments atop.

Chain to stop cutting and piercing attacks, leather to absord the force of blunt weapons.
Hard leather is the neck guard (which covers the mouth and thus cometh the name of the Silence unit) and the vertical straps of the chest vestment. Other is soft leather of more mobility.
The unit also wears a dark cloak for camouflage and concealment.

Leather boots are reinforced with metal, to make kicking your enemy as convenient and pleasurable as possible (the recieving end might not view it in the same light).

Read more about:

The Assassins
The History
The Army of Shadows
Hall of the Fallen
Dark Citadel Times

In this page pictures are made by Metsamees.