Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Goffrey's Miraculous and Disturbing Recovery: Difference between revisions

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Harmony went straight to the Castle after the day’s patrolling was wrapped up. She considered stopping at her house to change into some girly clothes, but Edara was informal enough and just as like to be in trousers herself. Besides, since the attack, Harmony had felt more comfortable staying in clothes that she could move in…and she felt silly strapping her sword on over a dress…not to mention that her working attire left her other weapons more accessible. She was not foolish enough to think that she could take on a warrior that had left Goff in such a state, but she was certainly not going to go down easily. Her skills might be rustier than they used to be, but she felt that she could hold her own against any ordinary man.

As she entered the Hall, Harmony wondered if she would find Goffrey awake this time…and perhaps coherent. He had seemed to be improving nicely though her cousin’s healer had been keeping him well-dosed up. She felt a twinge of guilt considering Goffrey…he was such a nice young man…and so very pretty…but…she had only wanted to play with him a bit…not…engage his affections.

She thought again of ‘Dara and her Jenred…and the way that her father occasionally spoke of his deceased wife…and wondered…maybe that sort of love happened…but maybe it was just so rare…and the rest just had to make do with affection and pleasant encounters. Certainly, she had never felt anything that approached…love…much less…that sort of…undying devotion. And speaking of…there were the undyingly devoted themselves…wrapped around each other as always…despite the company of a pretty, auburn haired young woman.

Harmony’s eyes looked to the great table…oh…damnation…where was Goffrey?

“Edara! Goffrey…he didn’t…he’s not…dead…is he?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Goffrey meandered about the castle aimlessly, more to loosen his aching muscles then anything else. He had managed to elude the guards at his door, placed they're to make sure he wouldn't "Escape" by sparking a religious debate between the two. They seemed level headed enough to avoid coming to blows over the issue, yet passionate enough to forget that the Lord they were supposed to be keeping an eye on was no longer in his quarters.

Unfortunately Goffrey was still unable to find a shirt, as he had returned Aerywyn's cloak before he had left a few days before. (yes I just skipped us ahead a few days sorry but it had to be done)

So shirtless and more or less lost, Goffrey stumbled upon Edara's Parlor almost entirely by accident, managing to catch Harmony's question right as he entered. The sight of her brought a smile to Goffrey's face, and he strode into the hall completely forgetting his current state of half dress.

"Oh," he said, catching the girls off guard,"I don't suppose I was quite as injured as I let on."

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat