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(Sir Lucifer demanded respect from Generals of the World, or there will be PROBLEM!)
(Mesh declared they will fully support Mesh Colony in defence from Ashborn!)
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Both Vagabond, King of OG and Xeth'ranis, High Marshall of OG refused to comment on the incident nor confirm the above information.
Both Vagabond, King of OG and Xeth'ranis, High Marshall of OG refused to comment on the incident nor confirm the above information.
===Mesh declared they will fully support Mesh Colony in defence from Ashborn!===
16-11-2005 Ossmat (OGG)<br>
Dargon, Chancellor of Mesh has addressed Rulers of the World earlier that Mesh would fully support their colonists to make a home for themselves. Mesh will not support the colonists to attack Ashborn Colony, but at the same time will not sit and watch Ashborn attack Mesh Colony.
Dargon has proposed that Ashborn should allow AB Colony and Mesh Colony settle their conflict among themselves, which simply means an one on one war without any outside influence.
Ashborn has not yet commented on the issue.

===WAR! Ashborn declared war on Mesh Colony!===
===WAR! Ashborn declared war on Mesh Colony!===

Revision as of 16:48, 16 November 2005
1 golden coin The National Newspaper
This is your regular Old Grehk newspaper!

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Year, 2005

(If someone can make a better time scale we would kindly use it. At the meantime we will use IRL time due to convenience)

November Issue


Sir Lucifer, ex High Marshall of Valentia found dead in his residence!

17-11-2005 Ossmat (OGG)

Sir Lucifer, ex High Marshall of Valentia, also known as Megamouth, was found dead hours ago in Valentia.

Sir Lucifer's greatest achievement in his entire military life was that, since day 1 he became High Marshall of Valentia, he started to offend every single General of the World.

Kokomaro, the King of Valentia had to step in to fix the mess he caused.

Despite being warned by his own King, Sir Lucifer didn't stop being arrogant. He complained that the matter should not be brought to ruler's attention and the whole thing, albeit started by jim, was a trap by some generals.

Kokomaro, King of Valentia, then told Sir Lucifer to step down for he no longer shown himself qualified the the job. Of course, that went against Sir Lucifer's weird unique theory on respect and honour. So Sir Lucifer decided to have his King to 'pay the price', and protested against Kokomaro.

Finally, Kokomaro, King of Valentia decided to question his his nobility and remove his title due to his unreasonable, if not mad, behaviour.

Sir Lucifer was later found dead in his residence. King Kokomaro pronounced that Sir Lucifer "died of natural causes of something to that effect".

No further details were known over the incident.

Both Vagabond, King of OG and Xeth'ranis, High Marshall of OG refused to comment on the incident nor confirm the above information.

Mesh declared they will fully support Mesh Colony in defence from Ashborn!

16-11-2005 Ossmat (OGG)

Dargon, Chancellor of Mesh has addressed Rulers of the World earlier that Mesh would fully support their colonists to make a home for themselves. Mesh will not support the colonists to attack Ashborn Colony, but at the same time will not sit and watch Ashborn attack Mesh Colony.

Dargon has proposed that Ashborn should allow AB Colony and Mesh Colony settle their conflict among themselves, which simply means an one on one war without any outside influence.

Ashborn has not yet commented on the issue.

WAR! Ashborn declared war on Mesh Colony!

15-11-2005 Ossmat (OGG)

Shortly after the Mesh finished the Colony takeover. Tensions have been prompted on the South-Western part of the continent. Ashborn has protested this action. Today the Mesh Colony Government was officially created. Shortly after this Ashborn declared war on Mesh Colony. It is not sure will this war delcaration will expand to more realms. Mesh still has not reacted yet. However note that Ashborn and Mesh is in Federation, it is not possible to for the both realms war shortly.

This might be the second war started since the post-invasion era. The Old Grehk Government and Military Command still has not commented on this issuely officially yet. Details are still unclear and we will report if we have any further details.

Major Diplomacy Update

14-11-2005 Ossmat (OGG)

AB colony was set up earlier in Heen city. Lady Payton of AB has stated that the colony intend to takeover ex-MdP regions, that is the desert area, and in particular Latlan city and Tahgalez Stronghold.

However, we have just witnessed a Mesh colony being set up in Latlan city.

What will that lead AB and Mesh to?

Lady Payton has just addressed all the rulers of Beluaterra that talks has been made earlier. And the leader of Mesh colony is well aware of the consequence of setting up in Latlan city, that is, war.

Nothing has been heard from Mesh side yet, nor the AB colony or Mesh colony.

One thing for sure, the world is watching. And some leaders of the sorld have expressed concerns over 'too many colonies'.

Sir Lucifer demanded respect from Generals of the World, or there will be PROBLEM!

13-11-2005 Ossmat (OGG)

Since Sir Lucifer is High Marshall of Valentia, a very honourable noble that deserve much respect, the report is afraid of twisting the intention of Sir Lucifer's words and thus got himself into trouble. We will simply quote what were received by Generals of the World from him.

Roleplay from Lucifer (12 recipients) Message sent to: Feng, Rah, Xeth'ranis, Danny, Bob, Alex, Angel Eyes, Coulanon, Leon, el mariachi, Little Crow, Inokichi Generals of the Land recognised as Beluaterra,

my name is Lord Lucifer Lowenbruck and I am servant of the Dark Secrets.I have come to this Continent seeking what fate has forseen for me.The ship that has brought me to this place exists no more as his captain had shown great disrespect towards me.

Show me respect and honor and we shall have no problem.I have taken charge of Valentia's army and I intend to lead it to Glory.Do you think that there is something that I should be aware of?Any of your comments or anything?

Looking forward to hear from all of you,

Lucifer High Marshal of Valentia, Marshal of the army of Unger

Roleplay from Lucifer (12 recipients) Lord Rah,

is Lord Lucifer for you,not just Lucifer!I deserve the respect that suits to the Leader of Valentia's Army.You just seem too eager to insult me with your unnoble approach of the situation.

I am Lord Lucifer and I am of a Noble parentage!As any Noble I have my place to the world that as it seems it shall probably be in a higher social status than yours soon.At least I was Noble enough to greet you and face you with respect you,filthy warlord!

My Honor and Pride shall never allow me to tolerate such an hybris like the one that you are showing!Are you sure that you seek for another enemy among our ranks?I will let you imagine what would happen if our Realms have not ever signed a Peace Treaty.I think that you are speaking like that because you know that you are safe from Valentia as long as you serve in the Southest of the Realm.

Oh and how is this called?Cowardice?Just be typically Noble and honour the Peace Treaty welcoming me with even the slightest respect!If not,then you could just keep your mouth firmly shut instead of trying an insult.

Have a nice day!

Leader of Valentia's Army,

Lucifer High Marshal of Valentia, Marshal of the army of Unger

Roleplay from Lucifer (12 recipients) "Rah",

you insist on insulting me and confronting me like I am one of your Peasants!Just stay away from Valentia and especially from me.I hope that you speak not your People's Will otherwise that would be more than a big hit to your Reputation and Credibility!

You speak like an enemy while you have signed the Peace Treaty.This is how your Realm is confronting those with a Peaceful approach?Backstabbing them?I just hope that your Ruler will be informed about your talk and deal with you swiftly!

You are someone trying to challenge me on everything as it seems.Are you that insecure that you try to humiliate others in order to appear important?

Just leave me alone as I have an Army to Lead in Glory!You can sit to your throne and watch as Valentia grows with high speed!

You are far away in order to confront you at the moment.By the way,our Allies appear to be a sweet dream for you that you shall never have the opportunity to have.

Try not to bite your tongue or you would die from the Venon,

Lucifer High Marshal of Valentia, Marshal of the army of Unger

Roleplay from Lucifer (12 recipients) Rah,

I seek no respect from you as now it would be to late for you to gain mine.In addition,it seems that you have lost your words only being able to say no more than a sentence...or should I say half of a sentence?

It is pitty that you have been elected to represent a majority of People while you lack even the least of manners and noble education!

I feel sorry for what fate forsees for you.Not even a glorious death!Miserable life you shall have.

Have a Nice Day,I have an Army to Lead!

I am responsible enough to know when I have to stop argueing and take care of my Army.

Valentia's Army Leader,

Lucifer High Marshal of Valentia, Marshal of the army of Unger

Roleplay from Lucifer (13 recipients) Generals of Beluaterra,

you appear to be much offended by my words.You mention all the time that I am threatening you with a War and such if I am not being shown respect.

Well,no.This is not the case.I have made publicly known that if I am not shown the necessary respect,I shall not show any respect to you as well.I wanted to be clear with my intentions and my expectations in order not be ever misunderstood.

Some of you have brought it to the Rulers' channel,appearing to be offended by my sayings and even trying to cause a diplomatic problem.I can not undderstand your frustration and your approach of the thread,as long as it was guided from the very beggining by Rah,appearing to be keen to find excuses for a diplomatic mess.

I am not willing to continue this respect discussion as it appears to be a trap prepared for me to fall into.

I apology to the Generals that have misunderstood my purpose or were affected by the turn that things have taken due to insults exchanged between Rah and myself.

Yes,of course,I would like to be shown respect,but this does not mean that I request it.I am here to goin the respect,not to demand it.I have no idea why you have ever thought of this being an actual request and the only thing that comes to my mind are excuses.

As for you Rah,if you were the one that brought it to your Ruler appearing much offended by Valentia's General,I can only say that I have proofs of you starting the insult-exchange much offending me as well.If you are expecting an apology from me,I am going to give it publicly and Nobly to you,only when you appear comprehensive enough and act wisely to offer me an apology yourself.

Your words are not to be taken lightly.If my words made me look fool to you,your words made me feel like an imbecile Peasant,something not easily tolarated due to my Noble parentage.

With respect to most of you, I ask you to stop the nonesense,

Lucifer High Marshal of Valentia, Marshal of the army of Unger

King Vagabond refused to comment over the dispute between Sir Lucifer and Rah. However, he expressed his deep concern over what happened to the Ship Captain, who appeared to be killed by Sir Lucifer for not showing respect, which is mentioned in the very same letter that Sir Lucifer demanded respect from Xeth'ranis our High Marshal.

Sniika returns to Old Grehk, Old Grehk population reaches 80000!

12-11-2005 Ossmat (OGG)
Sniika has returned to Old Grehk. At the same time the population of Old Grehk reached 80000, and is the third most populist realm in the continent. (More will come)

Jedinchel Occupied, Rogue Leader Captured

7-11-2005 Vore (OGG)
Old Grehk forces has captured Jedinchel. The mountain people were not very cooperative so the takeover became a hostile action. Old Grehk forces were met with some resistance. However the insurgents cannot match with Old Grehk Imperial Army's professionalism and strength and soon surrandered. Today the leader of rogue force Mija Hsimah from the mountainmens surrandered. The mountainmens were seen cooperating with undead and monsters. It is suspected the recent monster attacks on Vore were coordinated by these rogues. Old Grehk hopes pacifying the regions would bring peace to the nearby area.

The Dragon Flag flies over Iknopata

3-11-2005, Vozzessdor (OGG)
Old Grehk welcomes Iknopata to join the Kingdom. The people in Iknopata accepted to join Old Grehk after a friendly takeover. This mountain region was used to be a territory of Ashborn. Old Grehk was informed by Ashborn that they do not intend to takeover the region. Hence Old Grehk accepted the kind offer. Vozzessdor based political analysist Forgaith Hatimas suggests that Ashborn have set her eyes on the great Southern deserts, the rich regions produces great gem. So Iknopata appears to be less attractive and difficult to control. Old Grehk is very rejoiced to have her first true mountain region. The mining, ironworks industry is very happy with this addition to the Kingdom.

Verdomite Returns to Old Grehk!

1-11-2005, Vozzessdor (OGG)
After Xerus, the Southern Expedition has reinstalled OG governance in Verdomite. The people of Verdomite were already prepared to change government so the takeover was carried out smoothly and swiftly. Verdomite is located on the southeastern tip of Old Grehk and has great geo-strategical value. The King of Old Grehk is pleased and is going to visit the region shortly. We managed to contact the soldier we interview few days ago. He was accomanied by his family. Soldier Mada Htims: "I found my wife and my family! They sought refuge in a mountain cave at the south of the town and all of them were safe! Our army just arrived before they used up all their food storage. This is the happiest day in my life!." Then he kissed his wife deeply.

October Issue

Xerus Returns to Old Grehk!

30-10-2005 (OGG)

Under the command of Xeth'ranis Old Grehk forces have liberated Xerus, a townsland just south of Vozzessdor. The civil officials returned to Xerus and resume control to the once Old Grehk region. This addition to the Kingdom is celebrated everywhere in Old Grehk. Xerus citizens welcomed the Old Grehk army and were seen waving banners with joy. Locals have organised parties and carnavals however some of the troops already left the town bound to the East. Details are still classified but we interviewed a soldier of one unit. Soldier someone: We received orders to liberate Verdomite, our former border town. Actually it was my home town. I lost contact with my family there and I hope they are still okay. I really want to return and find them!".

Monsters Rounded Up in Xerus

28-10-2005 Xerus (OGG)

Old Grehk Imperial Army continues to advance South! After victories in Junohep and Ircymbar. Troops from Junohep, Vozzessdor and Ircymbar merged together in Xerus, a townsland lost during the invasion. Together they met a monster troop with similar strength of our human troops. Again Old Grehk troops formed tight formations and advanced at the same pace. The monsters as defenders stayed in the town and dug in. Old Grehk troops marched into monster ranks and brokethough their lines. Monsters were then surrounded and rounded up, executed one by one. This battle marks the finest hour of our Southern Expedition. Rumours said the government has sent civil officials in order to re-estabilish government facilities.

Assist our Allies - Victory in Ircymbar

28-10-2005 Vozzessdor Army Command (OGG) Old Grehk forces has been granted passage to assist Ashborns far eastern province of Ircymbar. This time the battle was more even. Undeads and monster from nearby regions have gathered and await the human warriors. 87 Old Grehk soldiers advanced into ranks 49 Undeads and 22 monsters. This battle was much bloodier than the day before in Junohep. Many soldiers were wounded or killed. However it was neccessary to protect nearby regions in this golden opportunity where most subhuman enemies are concentrated in one region. It was quite a mess in the frontlines and our report is based on limited sources only.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published a statement of appreciation received from Ashborn:

  Thank you very much for you assistance in Ircymbar. It is nice to know that allies can count on each other in time of need.
                                                                                                                                                                               Sir Bocephus
                                                                                                                           Minister of Defense of Ashborn, Count of Djembe

Trivia: It's Fabulous! Party in Vatrona

28-10-2005 Vatrona (OGG)
Sidenote: Trivia - The Entertainment News: Celebraties and Ball room reports with Old Grehk Glamour.

Our corespondent has received invitation to attend a party in Vatrona. The theme of the party was to celebrate the election of the new Colonial Government, Lemon Tree was elected as the ruler. Everyone were dressed so fabulous and great food and ale were offered.

Prins Simon, the Duke who hosted the party, responded to our interview:
R = Reporter, P = Prins Simon
R: So whats made you to host such a grand party?
P: In the dust of night, My guards saw a messenger approaching. He quickly orders his men to pay attention. The messenger reaches the gates of my camp and shouts to the guards: Open up! I bring you wonderful news! I quickly orders his men to open the gates, and invites the messenger into my humble residence. Then he messenger starts talking: 'I bring you the news, that the Colony has its first ruler. Lemon Tree has been chosen king, and with a big majority! 75% voted for him!' I was exited and orders some of my men to get wine and beer. And We shall build a party!'
R: Why Lemon Tree mean so much to you? Is that you two have some relationship more than ... err... friends?
P: How dare you ask me that? Oh well. I am happy to tonight so your life is spared. Tell you what. Lemon Tree is my buddy and thats it. I think you are abit too rude. The interview should stop here. Guards, drag him out
P: We will have a great night tonight. Cheers! Many blessings were spoken!
And they got drunk and had fun all night long

Battle Report, OG Victorious!

27-10-2005 Junohep and Ossmat (OGG)

Monsters were sighted pillaging the rural town of Junohep. Luckily before they start of feast on local inhabitants the Old Grehk Imperial Army arrived at the nick of time! 168 Old Grehk soldiers reached the town centre before the monsters arrived. The battle lasted 4 hours and all the monster threat were neutralised. Here is a comment from High Marshal Xeth'ranis 'The 24 monsters we fought may be strong in individual strength, but they cannot match the numbers and teamwork of our Old Grehk soldiers. It is indeed very lucky our soldiers have to conduct operations in the Far South so we are availlible near Junohep. More details will come once our mission reached its objectives. Thank you.'.

On the far North our troops are returning from the newly created colony. They encountered monsters along the way and slaughtered them for good. However details were not clear as we do not have correspondents near the scene. The only confirmed detail is Old Grehk forces secured the region. This victory also helped to protect the southern borders of the colony. The Provisional Colonial Ruler Lemon Tree has expressed appreiciation to the soldiers fought there. It is rumoured the Colonial Government will add a new region in order to supply badly needed food.

His Majesty Vagabond, the King of Old Grehk's address to World Leaders

27-10-2005 Ossmat Palace (OGG)

Leaders of the world,

I am happy to share with you over preparation and set up of the Old Grehk Colony.

Agyr was the realm situated in the northern turdra area, sadly, they fell during the Second Undeads/Monsters Invasion.

After the fall of Agyr, many of those nobles joined either Melhed or OG, because both realms were allied to Agyr that time.

When it's near the end of the invasion, nobles of OG start to consider the ideas of setting up a colony in the north, make sure the northern tundra area is inhabited by humen, not skeletons, zombies or ice ogres.

It then comes to my knowledge that the last Queen of OG, Melian, has discussed with Riombara about setting up a joint colony before. So naturally we go with that plan. As the weather of the north is harsh, some OG nobles suggested to enquire if ex-Agyr nobles (famous for resistance to cold weather)in Melhed will be interested in joining the colony, so I approached Melhed on that.

I then knew of the plan that Melhed also intend to create colonies in the north, in fact, the plan they have was to create 2 colonies. Since we don't think there is enough room for 3 colonists be set up in the north in total, we began discussion on details of colony set up.

It is finally decided that Melhed and OG (with substantial help from Riombara), each realm will create one colony in the north respectively. Regions ownership was also discussed and agreed.

OG colony will ultimately consist of Nuzanki, Sandefur, Coness, Luhgrethen, Bessimir, Pellan, Doatna and Oepiud, a total of 8 regions. They will also be in control of Affkat and Mouzl until Sandefur city is restored to full population, and after that the 2 regions will be returned to Melhed colony. This is because Unger city (under Melhed colony) has good population (over 10K that time), while Nuzanki and Sandefur city are mostly deserted with less than 100 inhabitants.

In short, the set up of OG colony gained the understanding of its immediate neighbour, and will not be a threat to any of them.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Vagabond King and Royal Treasurer of Old Grehk

Our New Neighbour on the North: OG and Rio Cooperated Realm founded!

26-10-2005, Ossmat (OGG)

After monthes of battling monsters and undeads the military forces of Old Grehk and the Multinational Colonial Expedition (Including OG and Riombara troops) have cleansed much of the land. Most of the hostile fouls are decimated and the Colonist agreed it is safe to set up a colonial government in the city of Nuzanki. There are only 69 inhabitants survived from dark age of Undead Invasion.

Lemon Tree, the leader of the Colonial force, was elected by the pioneer colonists as the provisional ruler of the Colonial Government.

The setting up of the Colony is accordance to the Treaty over Melhed Colony and OG Colony in the North. Both Melhed and Old Grehk will re-establish human control to the area and eliminate all undead threats in time.

The Old Grehk Government do not regard the Colony as a puppet realm. Instead will be an independent sovereign realm, enjoys full autonomy on military, diplomacy and internal affairs. The Colonial Government is only a provisional form of Government. Fair elections will be organised to choose the leader chosen by the majority of the colonists. However the conditions in the Colony is still very harsh, tax is extremely low and undeads still constantly threatening the lone human owned city in the North. Therefore it is anticipated elections will be carried out when basic realm infrastructure have been set up.

The colony is not only founded by Old Grehk leaders, but also lords from Riombara and also from the former Ar Agyr. This shows the deep friendship among the lords from the three realms. The aim of setting up a realm in the Northern tundras is to pacify the rogue states and eradicate all undead breeding grounds which may attack human settlements of the northern realms. In addition some lords from Ar Agyr wishes to return to their long missed homeland, which were occuiped by Undeads and Monsters during the Undead Invasion.

Old Grehk has provided military, financial and food support for the successful founding of the new realm and wishes the our new neighbour the every success in the future.