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By treaty means that the land is not owned by Morek but has been left to Morek in a treaty
:By treaty means that the land is not owned by Morek but has been left to Morek in a treaty
By geography means that the land is not owned by Morek but will be difficult or impractical for another realm to claim it.
:By geography means that the land is not owned by Morek but will be difficult or impractical for another realm to claim it.

Revision as of 02:21, 12 February 2008

Morek Region Claims


Right of Claims This is the report of claimants for the Duchy of Donghaiewei and imperial regions within The Order of Morek. (these are RP, IC claims, not game mechanical claims)If you are a duke, you are expected to keep a similar record and preside over claims within your duchy.

First, claims are legal reasons for just ownership of a title. Anyone holding a claim has a right to the region they claim, but may be legally or factually overpowered to actual ownership.

There are many types of claims and some are weaker than others. These are written in shorthand for practical purposes. They are as follows: Interests

Interests are very very weak claims, especially if is general to the region, or is unbefitting of the region.(military interest in a bishopric for example)These claims must be stated to take effect.

Interest: has shown interest in a claim on the region, this is very, very weak. Not Interested: is willfully avert to the idea of ownership, this negates a claim, but can be reversed at any time. Religious interests: the claimant has an interest in the church. If the region is considered a bishopric, this is a very weak claim. If not, the claim is almost non-existent. Military interest: shows interest in development or leadership of the military in the region. This is a very very weak claim, but is strengthened if it is to a boarder region, on of strategic importance. Stewardal interest: shows interest in administration or politics of the region. a very very weak claim. Merit

Merit is much like interests except shows competency and experience. These claims are weak, but stronger than interests. These claims must be stated to take effect.

Religious merit: has shown experience in religious leadership and investment. These claims are very weak unless to a bishopric. Military merit: has shown experience in military leadership and investment. These claims are weak unless to a boarder region or region of strategic importance. Stewardal Merit: has shown experienced in stewardal acts and politics. This claim is somewhat weak. Feudal and Secular Claims

Feudal/Secular claims are usually very strong. They are associated with political prowess and power.

Owner De facto: If your rule a region, you have a claim to it, and very strong one. Knight: If you are a knight of a region, you have a claim on it. The claim may very in strength. Overlord: If you are a duke, you have claim to any land within the duchy that you have not personally given in trust. The same goes for the grandmaster to ducal rulership. This claim is quite strong. Appointment: If you have been appointed to a region and are not yet the lord, you have very strong claim to it. Personal Nomination: If someone nominated you to a lordship, you have claim to it. These are usually very weak, but get stronger with the influence of the nominator and the number of nominations. Elective Nomination: If you are nominated by election, you have a claim as strong as appointment. Conqueror: If you conquer a region, you have a fair claim to it. Investments: amount of personal(not domestic region income) capitol invested in a region. Stregnth varies. Inheritance Inheritance claims are very strong. These are held by relatives. (IC RP bonds, since the BM is not set up for familial relationships.)

All relatives receive a claim when a person abdicates or is killed. The strength of relations are as follows. If the top person is dead, you restart the list from that dead person and only proceed down the list if there is no one on the entire list of the next dead or non-existent person. For this reason distant relations do not need to be displayed (cousins, uncles, grandchildren)Adoptions are legal relationships.

Eldest child Child Spouse Eldest Sibling Sibling Parents Eldest Bastard (adventurer, if inheritance is accepted, becomes noble) Bastard


Current Lordship Claims (2/11)

Donghaiwei(capitol, city, seat of the Duchy of Donghaiwei)
Deverka Cryfdwr- Owner De Facto, Ducal Claim, Realm Claim.
Kat Enochian- Knight, stewardal experiance
Aelwolf Burson- Knight, not interested
Osric Inspirion- Knight
Serkan Colorad- Knight
Strahd von Loravich- Knight
Zyrdan Olik- Knight
Donghai(townsland, duchy of Donghaiwei)
Right of scutage and vassalage held by Deverka Cryfdwr by title of Duke of Donghaiwei
Allison Kabrinski- Owner Defacto, Appointed by Deverka Cryfdwr(duke)
Deverka Cryfdwr- ducal claim, realm claim, not interested
Alexander Wulf- Knight
Armand Vici- Knight
Teniel Dell- Knight
Vesuvis Adriddrea- Knight
Linhai(Rural, Duchy of Donhaiwei)
Right of scutage and vassalage held by Deverka Cryfdwr by title of Duke of Donghaiwei
Brance Indirik- Owner De Facto, Appointed by Deverka Cryfdwr(duke)
Deverka Cryfdwr- ducal claim, realm claim, not interested
Anabellium West- Knight
Justin Greystone- Knight
Zhongyuan(rural, Duchy of Donghaiwei):
Right of scutage and vassalage held by Deverka Cryfdwr by title of Duke of Donghaiwei
Liandra Greywolf- Owner De Facto
Deverka Cryfdwr- ducal claim, realm claim, not interested
Bohai(rural,boarder region, Duchy of Donghaiwei):
Right of scutage and vassalage held by Deverka Cryfdwr by title of Duke of Donghaiwei
Deverka Cryfdwr- ducal claim, realm claim, not interested
Anabellium - Conquerer, Military Merit, Military Interest
Jason Hawk- Military merit, Stewardal merit, interest
Justin Greystone- Stewardal merit, interest
Unterstrom(city, Ducal seat): (By Geography)
Right of scutage and vassalage held by Deverka Cryfdwr by title of Grandmaster
Deverka Cryfdwr- realm claim, not interesrested
Allison Kabrinski- supported(Vesuvis Adriddae, Brance Indirik), stewardal merit, great investments (in Donghai), military merit, interest
Caiyun(bishopric, townsland, Duchy of Donghaiwei):
Right of scutage and vassalage held by Deverka Cryfdwr by title of Duke of Donghaiwei
Mathurin Hossenfeffer- Owner De facto
Dolvir Hvassi- willed steward by current owner,knight, interest
Deverka Cryfdwr- ducal claim, realm claim, not interested
Teniel Dell- supported(Allison Kabrinski, Zul'Jin Stormreaver II), denounced(Dolvir Hvassi), stewardal merit,military interest, private intent for personal investment, religious interest, interest
Flowrestown (city, Ducal seat): (By Treaty)
Right of scutage and vassalage held by Deverka Cryfdwr by title of Grandmaster
Deverka Cryfdwr- realm claim, not interested
Vesuvis Adriddae- supported (Allyson Kabrinski, Anabellium West, Justin Greystone), military merit, interested
Flow(townsland, Duchy of Flowrestown)(By Treaty)
Right of Scutage and vassalage held by no one, by title of Duke of Flowrestown.
Deverka Cryfdwr- ducal claim, realm claim, not interested
Justin Greystone, Stewardal merit, Military merit, interested
Taishan(rural, Duchy of Donghaiwei)
Right of scutage and vassalage held by Deverka Cryfdwr by title of Duke of Donghaiwei
Deverka Cryfdwr- ducal claim, realm claim, not interested
Anabellium - Conquerer, Military Merit, Military Interest
Huanghai(rural, Duchy of Donghaiwei)
Right of scutage and vassalage held by Deverka Cryfdwr by title of Duke of Donghaiwei
Deverka Cryfdwr- ducal claim, realm claim, not interested
Nimh(rural, Duchy of Donghaiwei) (Take-over in progress)
Right of scutage and vassalage held by Deverka Cryfdwr by title of Duke of Donghaiwei
Deverka Cryfdwr- realm claim, not interested
Anabellium - Conquerer, Military Merit, Military Interest
Mimer(city) (By geography)
Right of Scutage and vassalage held by no one
Deverka Cryfdwr- realm claim, not interested
Horus Darkfire- Military merit, Stewardal merit, Militiary interst


By treaty means that the land is not owned by Morek but has been left to Morek in a treaty
By geography means that the land is not owned by Morek but will be difficult or impractical for another realm to claim it.