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==Additional information==
Some additional information that might be of interest:
Some additional information that might be of interest:
Jonathan (at least I /think/ that this was his name) went south towards Riombara right before the massive 120.000 CS invasion marching towards the south as well. We contacted him, offering him asylum, but he went mad and joined the daimons. After the South (Riombara, Alluran, Enweil, Luz and Irombro) destroyed a third of the daimon force in and near Grehk we were overrun. Then the daimons proceeded to the (now closed) undead gate, entered the lands of the undead and took 'The One' prisoner, thus enslaving all undead (at least that is the story the undead told us). This resulted in all the undead turning on the humans. First Riombara, then Enweil and Irombro were hit hard by them. The south (and here especially Alluran) did destroy the complete force of 50000 that had ravaged us while Enweil was kept under attack for several weeks.
Jonathan (at least I /think/ that this was his name) went south towards Riombara right before the massive 120.000 CS invasion marching towards the south as well. We contacted him, offering him asylum, but he went mad and joined the daimons. After the South (Riombara, Alluran, Enweil, Luz and Irombro) destroyed a third of the daimon force in and near Grehk we were overrun. Then the daimons proceeded to the (now closed) undead gate, entered the lands of the undead and took 'The One' prisoner, thus enslaving all undead (at least that is the story the undead told us). This resulted in all the undead turning on the humans. First Riombara, then Enweil and Irombro were hit hard by them. The south (and here especially Alluran) did destroy the complete force of 50000 that had ravaged us while Enweil was kept under attack for several weeks.
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:Hence why the closure of the Mio Dupaki gate sounds, overall, like a very bad idea. -[[User:Chénier|Chénier]] 18:53, 19 October 2007 (CEST)
:Hence why the closure of the Mio Dupaki gate sounds, overall, like a very bad idea. -[[User:Chénier|Chénier]] 18:53, 19 October 2007 (CEST)

::Bah!  The undead only offered token help from day one!  They constantly avoided the Daimons and rarely showed up for the battles they said they would show up for.  They've been lying to us from the beginning, and now that they have shown their true stripe they spout stories of how they were coerced into doing it.  More lies. Need I remind anyone of their advice to strip the militias from the cities?  Well it turns out that a well-stocked Militia behind solid walls CAN defeat the Daimons.  How many more lies are people willing to believe?  [[User:Sidewinder|Sidewinder]] 17:12, 19 October 2007 (CEST)
::Bah!  The undead only offered token help from day one!  They constantly avoided the Daimons and rarely showed up for the battles they said they would show up for.  They've been lying to us from the beginning, and now that they have shown their true stripe they spout stories of how they were coerced into doing it.  More lies. Need I remind anyone of their advice to strip the militias from the cities?  Well it turns out that a well-stocked Militia behind solid walls CAN defeat the Daimons.  How many more lies are people willing to believe?  [[User:Sidewinder|Sidewinder]] 18:12, 19 October 2007 (GMT)
:::Since one of us has the wrong time zone down, I've edited my post to GMT, in case it may be me. [[User:Sidewinder|Sidewinder]]
::::That's a rather interesting wiki behaviour... -[[User:Chénier|Chénier]] 19:23, 19 October 2007 (CEST)
:::::Actually it's me, not thinking, again.  Jeez where did my basic math skills go... [[User:Sidewinder|Sidewinder]]
::: -shake head- The aid of the undead was directly proportional to how much effort you put in. Those who just sat back and expected them to do everything, got nothing; those who engaged them in conversation and organized themselves, got lots. And need I remind you that the undead said to remove militia in favour of larger mobile armies that could help other nations? Besides it's well known that daimons need souls gained from combat against human armies, so the adivice to remove militia is twice as useful.--[[User:Dalakar|Dalakar]] 09:57, 21 October 2007 (CEST)
::::Defending the undead, eh? Face your mistake: They helped 1/10 allies because they were more busy with trying to conquer their own ground in Heen. Then they simply screwed all their allies in the hope of conquering there. I doubt they are under any daimon influence. From what I see now, they're just doing what they've always done, just to the entire continent instead of just three realms. There is no use trying to convince us that you were 'right' anymore, because about hundred thousands Beluaterran dead can vouch that you were wrong to trust the undead. [[User:Foreign Curs|Foreign Curs]] 12:13, 21 October 2007 (CEST)
And who's idea was it to close the Mio Dupkai gate? Any guesses?
|Type = Request
|Sender = Bocephus
|Recipients = the rulers of this world
|Content = (Human rulers only)<br>Greetings Human rulers,<br><br>I should have 2 more stones in my possession soon and have another adventurer on the way to see Handkor to give him another one. Handkor and I have talked on this a little bit and he seems to believe(correct me if I am wrong) that the best first course of action would be to shut down the gate in Mio Dupakhi first.<br><br>''...remainder of the message omitted...''
|Title=Pontifex of Sint}}
So Handkor and Bocephus collaborated on the decision to close the Mio Dupaki gate. I can understand Handkor's motivations: The gate is close to Enweil, so closing it would take some pressure off of Enweil to allow them to more effectively deal with the daimons. Can anyone think of a reason why '''Sint''' would want the gate that might be used to free the undead from daimon domination, sealed forever? It sees to me that if Sint had, as Bocephus reported, the astounding total of '''6 portal stones''', it would have been a simple matter to gather an additional two stones and close the gate in their own backyard, thus preventing any additional daimon forces from joining their realm. ''(It should be noted that Sint has already reported that they have two more portal stones. And guess what? They are sending them south. Any idea which gate they'll want closed next? Maybe a monster gate, or the other undead gate?)''<br><br>
The idea of Sint closing the daimon gate in Jobo's Mouth assumes, of course, that Sint really doesn't want the daimons in their realm. But do they really want to get rid of them? So far, we have only the highly suspicious words of Pontifex Bocephus that Sint doesn't want the daimons. Yet the fact remains that not only has Sint made no effort to remove the daimons from their realm, even back when there was only a single daimon lord amongst them that could have easily been cast forth, but the number of daimons in Sint continues to increase. The daimon strength has grown alarmingly, and continues to grow, to the point where it is easily '''four times larger''' than any realm on the island, with the exception of Vlaanderen, which is itself ruled by a daimon. The stated purpose of the daimons is bring an even larger daimon lord through a massive new daimon gate. A daimon that will lay waste to nearly all of humanity on Beluaterra.<br><br>
The fact remains that too many coincidences have taken place that all point toward Sint's complete and willing cooperation with the daimons. Sint had plenty of opportunity to remove the daimons from their ranks when they first appeared. had they taken action at that time they could have removed the daimons easily. But they didn't. Instead Pontifex Bocephus continually endorsed their presence in Sint. He has even lately begun boasting of their strength: '''"I have over 70,000 CS at my disposal..."'''. Sint has even used their daimon allies to take control of three former Old Grehk regions (including the city of Gethsemene) and one region of Ashborn. (Despite the fact that Sint and Ashborn swore a non-aggression pact when the invasion started.) Pontifex Bocephus' excuse for this? The daimons do whatever they want, he can't stop them, they'll give Djembe back when they're done with it, etc.<br><br>
Whatever ends up happening, one inevitable consequence of all of this is that Sint will almost assuredly be destroyed. Word has reached us that several of the supporters of Sint have begun to reconsider their relationship with Sint. One of Sint's allies has ''already'' told me that they will participate in an effort to destroy Sint once the daimons have been removed from the island. --[[User:Indirik|Indirik]] 20:19, 19 October 2007 (CEST)
:Damn I hate the wiki sometimes... How much of this can actually be considered IC knowledge...? -[[User:Chénier|Chénier]] 22:39, 19 October 2007 (CEST)
::Of this, I'd say none. [[User:AlexTurner|AlexTurner]] 02:03, 20 October 2007 (CEST)
:::Wow, and I am the one who is constantly spamming channels to be agreed to? I think I just got ousted off the 'fanatical spamming throne'. [[User:Foreign Curs|Foreign Curs]] 11:32, 20 October 2007 (CEST)
::::Tell your judge to spread this info you clutzy king! ;) -[[User:Chénier|Chénier]] 14:03, 20 October 2007 (CEST)
::This is all IC knowledge to all of the rulers. How much the rest of the people know, that depends on what your ruler has been passing along. I would think that all of the Outer Council of the Kingdom of Alluran knows all of this, and the rest of our realm knows most of it. Some of it just too mundane to pass along, or buried in the middle of messages that just aren't worth bothiering with. However, most of this is available to people willing to connect the dots. I'm not sure how much of this you want to call IC knowledge. Newspapers are often considered IC knowledge that anyone can use. I know that I treat them that way. As far as the talk pages... Would it help if I were to sign this with the character's name? I'm not hiding any of this. Martana knows I've been calling this out to anyone who would listen, and plenty of people who would rather NOT listen :p --[[User:Indirik|Indirik]] 16:20, 20 October 2007 (CEST)
:::"that depends on what your ruler has been passing along" Hence why I want your judge to pass it along. ;) -[[User:Chénier|Chénier]] 23:49, 20 October 2007 (CEST)
==Great writing==
Let me post OOC kudos on the high quality of the writing in this issue of the PP. Vivid imagery! --OOC [[User:Habap|Habap]] 21:07, 23 October 2007 (CEST)
:That monster article is AWESOME :) Keep it up! --[[User:Crazylozda|Crazylozda]] 16:29, 26 October 2007 (CEST)
::I love the recent stuff, though the last one is not exactly written in a newspaper style. Excellent again! --OOC [[User:Habap|Habap]] 02:51, 27 October 2007 (CEST)
I believe you just powerplayed two undead commanders. Writing an rp about how Plergoth defeated the monsters is fine, as they are NPCs. But Maldiciones and Dominus are characters played by a player. If you write an rp about their characters, that's powerplaying. Better be careful with what you write concerning other characters [[User:Foreign Curs|Foreign Curs]] 14:53, 30 October 2007 (CET)
--I didn't really consider it roleplaying.  They didn't speak, just were portrayed doing exactly what the game said they did - throwing their troops at a force twice as big and being defeated in detail, with Dominus getting captured and Maldiciones being spotted wielding the Mysterious Buckler of Defense and the Gem of Ice. 
It's more a "florid prose retelling of game mechanics" than a roleplay, which would have specified what they were thinking, saying or feeling.  We've already been told straight out by Sarge that "Summoner has plans for Zdenka", so that wasn't RPing.  It's the same thing I did when Devastating (also a player-controlled character) plowed through Creasur - fleshing out the battle report in prose.
I'm aware of the restrictions on RPing other characters, which is precisely why the only people with speaking roles are Plergothian soldiers (unless you count unearthly keening, or the slurred zombie).
:Besides, it's a newspaper. They are known to bend the truth or outright lie. -[[User:Chénier|Chénier]] 20:29, 30 October 2007 (CET)
:Fair enough, I just wanted to let you know that it is a close line. But you didn't really cross it indeed. [[User:Foreign Curs|Foreign Curs]] 12:55, 31 October 2007 (CET)

Latest revision as of 11:55, 31 October 2007

Additional information

Some additional information that might be of interest: Jonathan (at least I /think/ that this was his name) went south towards Riombara right before the massive 120.000 CS invasion marching towards the south as well. We contacted him, offering him asylum, but he went mad and joined the daimons. After the South (Riombara, Alluran, Enweil, Luz and Irombro) destroyed a third of the daimon force in and near Grehk we were overrun. Then the daimons proceeded to the (now closed) undead gate, entered the lands of the undead and took 'The One' prisoner, thus enslaving all undead (at least that is the story the undead told us). This resulted in all the undead turning on the humans. First Riombara, then Enweil and Irombro were hit hard by them. The south (and here especially Alluran) did destroy the complete force of 50000 that had ravaged us while Enweil was kept under attack for several weeks.

After the gate in Mio was closed, a second undead invasion hit Riombara, Luz, Caras Galadhon. Interestingly, a commander named Jonathan is present with the undead, commanding an undead host. Thus I might remember the name of the human who commanded the Lost Souls wrongly, because I think that he joined the daimons...TanSerrai 14:07, 19 October 2007 (CEST)

  • With more and more regions falling under the sway of the Netherworld, the Undead abruptly abandoned all their alliances and began attacking human settlements at the behest of their daimonic masters. The Monster Swarm had been telling the truth!

Actually the undead leader was captured when the lost souls assaulted the undead capitol through the Moi gate, while a monster daimon army attacked in the shadowslands. The leader is tortured daily into making orders of the other undead on behalf of the daimons, and undead must follow the commands of their superiors. Free the undead leader and the undead would help humanity again, in theory.--Dalakar 15:49, 19 October 2007 (CEST)

Hence why the closure of the Mio Dupaki gate sounds, overall, like a very bad idea. -Chénier 18:53, 19 October 2007 (CEST)
Bah! The undead only offered token help from day one! They constantly avoided the Daimons and rarely showed up for the battles they said they would show up for. They've been lying to us from the beginning, and now that they have shown their true stripe they spout stories of how they were coerced into doing it. More lies. Need I remind anyone of their advice to strip the militias from the cities? Well it turns out that a well-stocked Militia behind solid walls CAN defeat the Daimons. How many more lies are people willing to believe? Sidewinder 18:12, 19 October 2007 (GMT)
Since one of us has the wrong time zone down, I've edited my post to GMT, in case it may be me. Sidewinder
That's a rather interesting wiki behaviour... -Chénier 19:23, 19 October 2007 (CEST)
Actually it's me, not thinking, again. Jeez where did my basic math skills go... Sidewinder
-shake head- The aid of the undead was directly proportional to how much effort you put in. Those who just sat back and expected them to do everything, got nothing; those who engaged them in conversation and organized themselves, got lots. And need I remind you that the undead said to remove militia in favour of larger mobile armies that could help other nations? Besides it's well known that daimons need souls gained from combat against human armies, so the adivice to remove militia is twice as useful.--Dalakar 09:57, 21 October 2007 (CEST)
Defending the undead, eh? Face your mistake: They helped 1/10 allies because they were more busy with trying to conquer their own ground in Heen. Then they simply screwed all their allies in the hope of conquering there. I doubt they are under any daimon influence. From what I see now, they're just doing what they've always done, just to the entire continent instead of just three realms. There is no use trying to convince us that you were 'right' anymore, because about hundred thousands Beluaterran dead can vouch that you were wrong to trust the undead. Foreign Curs 12:13, 21 October 2007 (CEST)

And who's idea was it to close the Mio Dupkai gate? Any guesses?

Request from Bocephus
Message sent to the rulers of this world
(Human rulers only)
Greetings Human rulers,

I should have 2 more stones in my possession soon and have another adventurer on the way to see Handkor to give him another one. Handkor and I have talked on this a little bit and he seems to believe(correct me if I am wrong) that the best first course of action would be to shut down the gate in Mio Dupakhi first.

...remainder of the message omitted...
Bocephus (Pontifex of Sint)

So Handkor and Bocephus collaborated on the decision to close the Mio Dupaki gate. I can understand Handkor's motivations: The gate is close to Enweil, so closing it would take some pressure off of Enweil to allow them to more effectively deal with the daimons. Can anyone think of a reason why Sint would want the gate that might be used to free the undead from daimon domination, sealed forever? It sees to me that if Sint had, as Bocephus reported, the astounding total of 6 portal stones, it would have been a simple matter to gather an additional two stones and close the gate in their own backyard, thus preventing any additional daimon forces from joining their realm. (It should be noted that Sint has already reported that they have two more portal stones. And guess what? They are sending them south. Any idea which gate they'll want closed next? Maybe a monster gate, or the other undead gate?)

The idea of Sint closing the daimon gate in Jobo's Mouth assumes, of course, that Sint really doesn't want the daimons in their realm. But do they really want to get rid of them? So far, we have only the highly suspicious words of Pontifex Bocephus that Sint doesn't want the daimons. Yet the fact remains that not only has Sint made no effort to remove the daimons from their realm, even back when there was only a single daimon lord amongst them that could have easily been cast forth, but the number of daimons in Sint continues to increase. The daimon strength has grown alarmingly, and continues to grow, to the point where it is easily four times larger than any realm on the island, with the exception of Vlaanderen, which is itself ruled by a daimon. The stated purpose of the daimons is bring an even larger daimon lord through a massive new daimon gate. A daimon that will lay waste to nearly all of humanity on Beluaterra.

The fact remains that too many coincidences have taken place that all point toward Sint's complete and willing cooperation with the daimons. Sint had plenty of opportunity to remove the daimons from their ranks when they first appeared. had they taken action at that time they could have removed the daimons easily. But they didn't. Instead Pontifex Bocephus continually endorsed their presence in Sint. He has even lately begun boasting of their strength: "I have over 70,000 CS at my disposal...". Sint has even used their daimon allies to take control of three former Old Grehk regions (including the city of Gethsemene) and one region of Ashborn. (Despite the fact that Sint and Ashborn swore a non-aggression pact when the invasion started.) Pontifex Bocephus' excuse for this? The daimons do whatever they want, he can't stop them, they'll give Djembe back when they're done with it, etc.

Whatever ends up happening, one inevitable consequence of all of this is that Sint will almost assuredly be destroyed. Word has reached us that several of the supporters of Sint have begun to reconsider their relationship with Sint. One of Sint's allies has already told me that they will participate in an effort to destroy Sint once the daimons have been removed from the island. --Indirik 20:19, 19 October 2007 (CEST)

Damn I hate the wiki sometimes... How much of this can actually be considered IC knowledge...? -Chénier 22:39, 19 October 2007 (CEST)
Of this, I'd say none. AlexTurner 02:03, 20 October 2007 (CEST)
Wow, and I am the one who is constantly spamming channels to be agreed to? I think I just got ousted off the 'fanatical spamming throne'. Foreign Curs 11:32, 20 October 2007 (CEST)
Tell your judge to spread this info you clutzy king! ;) -Chénier 14:03, 20 October 2007 (CEST)
This is all IC knowledge to all of the rulers. How much the rest of the people know, that depends on what your ruler has been passing along. I would think that all of the Outer Council of the Kingdom of Alluran knows all of this, and the rest of our realm knows most of it. Some of it just too mundane to pass along, or buried in the middle of messages that just aren't worth bothiering with. However, most of this is available to people willing to connect the dots. I'm not sure how much of this you want to call IC knowledge. Newspapers are often considered IC knowledge that anyone can use. I know that I treat them that way. As far as the talk pages... Would it help if I were to sign this with the character's name? I'm not hiding any of this. Martana knows I've been calling this out to anyone who would listen, and plenty of people who would rather NOT listen :p --Indirik 16:20, 20 October 2007 (CEST)
"that depends on what your ruler has been passing along" Hence why I want your judge to pass it along. ;) -Chénier 23:49, 20 October 2007 (CEST)

Great writing

Let me post OOC kudos on the high quality of the writing in this issue of the PP. Vivid imagery! --OOC Habap 21:07, 23 October 2007 (CEST)

That monster article is AWESOME :) Keep it up! --Crazylozda 16:29, 26 October 2007 (CEST)
I love the recent stuff, though the last one is not exactly written in a newspaper style. Excellent again! --OOC Habap 02:51, 27 October 2007 (CEST)


I believe you just powerplayed two undead commanders. Writing an rp about how Plergoth defeated the monsters is fine, as they are NPCs. But Maldiciones and Dominus are characters played by a player. If you write an rp about their characters, that's powerplaying. Better be careful with what you write concerning other characters Foreign Curs 14:53, 30 October 2007 (CET)

--I didn't really consider it roleplaying. They didn't speak, just were portrayed doing exactly what the game said they did - throwing their troops at a force twice as big and being defeated in detail, with Dominus getting captured and Maldiciones being spotted wielding the Mysterious Buckler of Defense and the Gem of Ice.

It's more a "florid prose retelling of game mechanics" than a roleplay, which would have specified what they were thinking, saying or feeling. We've already been told straight out by Sarge that "Summoner has plans for Zdenka", so that wasn't RPing. It's the same thing I did when Devastating (also a player-controlled character) plowed through Creasur - fleshing out the battle report in prose.

I'm aware of the restrictions on RPing other characters, which is precisely why the only people with speaking roles are Plergothian soldiers (unless you count unearthly keening, or the slurred zombie).


Besides, it's a newspaper. They are known to bend the truth or outright lie. -Chénier 20:29, 30 October 2007 (CET)
Fair enough, I just wanted to let you know that it is a close line. But you didn't really cross it indeed. Foreign Curs 12:55, 31 October 2007 (CET)