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(OOC: Some of this page is going to be OOC: There are things which are needed to know in game terms that simply don't translate well into IC game text)

Traveling throughout the reagions and realms is pretty straightforward. You get on a road, you go to where you need to go to. But there are several things you can do which involve travel that can reflect upon other things, such as combat and guile. (Cool word...huh?)

Travel: You can travel directly between the region you are in and any neighboring region. Your scribe will tell you how long it will take to get there. Once you have set travel orders and your unit moves out, you won't be able to do certain things like Buy Paraphernalia, scout a lot of regions, repair equipment and other things. You can't do this stuff while on the road. Travel times are dependent upon a variety of factors. Wounded men, carts and siege engines can slow you down. If you have a good quantity of trained scouts, there is a good chance that they will be able to find a shorter route, taking some time off your trip.

(OOC: You can use the Routefinder to find you the most direct route between the region you are in and any other region on the continent. Or, you can use it to find the most direct route through allied and safe lands. It is always a good idea to use the option to find the safe route, because if the direct route takes you through enemy regions, or even neutral regions, you might end up in combat that you didn't want.)

Misdirection: A lot of combat involves misleading enemy scouts and the like. If you want to make people think you are travelling to one location, when in fact you aren't, you can send out some men in a fake out called Misdirection. However, doing this takes up an hour of your available time.

Scout Ahead: When you're traveling, you can only send scouts ahead to the region you are traveling to. You can't have guys running off in all directions and expect them to come back in time to catch up with you.

Field Camp: Normally travel is a moving in a straight line. But if you wanted to delay your arrival for any reason, you can do this by setting up a field camp.

Set Next Destination: If you are traveling farther than just one region, you can give your scribe instructions to travel on to the next location after passing through the region you are in. (OOC: You can only travel through one region per turn change. It doesn't matter if you have a full twelve hours and the region you want to get to two regions over but only 10 hours travel time. You will still only be able to move through one region at a time.

(OOC: When you set your character to travel, the "effects" of travel won't take place until the turn change. If you set your character and unit to travel and your destination is 6 hours away, it doesn't matter if there are 10 hours until the next turn change or only 1, as long as you have enough hours you can get there and the effect won't take place until the turn change in game. Priests and Adventurers are the exception to this rule. These two classes get hours in a real time basis. If three hours pass in the real world, the character will get three hours in game. Once you set one of these characters to travel, it takes place immediately.)