Talk:Falasan Inquirer/March07: Difference between revisions

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m (Talk:Falasan Inquirer/March moved to Talk:Falasan Inquirer/March07: seems like I forgot provisions for a year change. Implementing them now.)
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Latest revision as of 05:15, 2 April 2007


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Great! I love it!

Votes: 3 

It's an improvement.

Votes: 0

Meh. Nothing much, it's all the same to me.

Votes: 0

It could be better.

Votes: 0

It's terrible! It was better before!

Votes: 0

Some parts are good, some are bad.

Votes: 1

Selective reporting

Selective reporting, I see? -Francisco Pizarro 01:41, 6 March 2007 (CET)

Well, it is a lot easier to write about events on which there's a lot of information or interest about. If you're referring to the Belegmon failure, you shouldn't be surprised that Reilwin would try to gloss over the juicy details of how Falasan's army got completely smashed ;) or were you talking about something else? --RubyDragon 00:42, 9 March 2007 (CET)
Oops, just noticed the date you wrote that at :S I guess you pointing out the lack of articles on anything but the Menedor battle, lol --RubyDragon 00:44, 9 March 2007 (CET)

Instantaneous Newspapers

quote: Editor's note: While other papers may employ sorcery and witchcraft to instantaneous transport their news across the continent, the Falasan Inquirer refuses to stoop to such a level and contents itself with simple carts and wagons. As such, do not be surprised if you encounter new articles that are released at an older date than is current.

- you can argue that messages are sent by carrier pigeon. Thus, almost instantaneous articles can be made.

Well, my thinking went that while single messages could do that, newspaper would be bulky items carried en masse from a printing press in the city to the surrounding regions. Admittedly, there's on average about 80-100 nobles in a realm, but when a paper is expected to be read by the entire continent, and you include the npc lesser nobles/land-owners who managed the estates, why, then it gets into the order of thousands of copies.
Admittedly, the time can be reduced if the paper has multiple printing presses spread out for optimal distribution, and single copies are sent out from the headquarters to the outlying printing presses, but I'm afraid that the distribution of newspapers using pigeons in bulk would not feasible.
True, the size of BM's newspapers has little to compare with today's modern newspapers, but then again, if we stuck to reality, BM wouldn't have the printing presses to print those newspapers in the first place. So if we take the newspapers presented to have the lesser articles of no interest to the player characters, but of interest to the npcs, to have been removed, then BM newspapers could be assumed to have a size comparable to that of today's newspaper...I don't see carrier pigeons transporting that kind of newspaper, unless it's an african swallow :p (see Monty Python if you didn't get that last comment).
In any case, yes, there are ways to reduce the lag without resorting to accusations of sorcery...but it's really an excuse as to why I often publish articles which are outdated by several days, and points an accusing finger, glowing in bright, neon lights, at other newspapers :p --RubyDragon 05:47, 18 March 2007 (CET)


The new design is pretty. I'm glad someone liked my designs and was able to adapt from them. if you really want to, you could go as as looking at Kazuma's Aenilian Times but that does not have a set layout and is more like a magazine. Whatever suits you best good Reilwin. -- Nami

I really like the new design generally. I much prefer having all the reports in the main area no matter how small they are, so i think it is good. The only trivial thing i dislike is the yellow title, its the background part is dislike. I think it would be clearer without the yellow background attached to the letters.

Thank you for your input Jambo :) I appreciate the time you invested for review and constructive criticism. Nami, I have indeed looked over your brother's Aenilian Times, and although it is well written and has a wonderful layout, I am afraid that it will not suit the Falasan Inquirer at this time. Again, let me repeat my thanks for your provision of the template molds. --Reilwin Merytis 05:48, 30 March 2007 (CEST)

BoM in Menedor

Pish posh! Had you been able to read, you would have noticed that the Barony troops in menedor tried to evade the battle. Those who fought were spotted by your troops, so perhaps you should blame yourself. -Pizarro 19:31, 25 March 2007 (CEST)

Spotted by our troops? Of course they were spotted, we could hardly hear ourselves over the din of their merriment! I say that to the contrary, those who fought were simply those found sober enough by the incoming Estonite troops to be convinced by them to fight. -Rathkanouros Kalantis 19:51, 25 March 2007 (CEST)

Ronan's article

I find it very poetic and beautiful, but I think there's a slight inaccuracy. Surely Menedor is the gateway to our eastern provinces?--Dparker 07:39, 31 March 2007 (CEST)

I believe that Ronan, being the Marquis of Menedor, was regarding the geography from a Menedoran perspective. As such, he would consider all other Falasani regions as "Western" regions, to the west of Menedor.
Or, one could think of it in this manner: Menedor is the gateway in that, to reach Falasan's western regions from without, one must first enter the easternmost region: Menedor. This, at least, is how I thought of it when I first read his paper. Reilwin Merytis 08:25, 31 March 2007 (CEST)
Interesting, but I don't quite agree! Regarding the first argument, it is a very strange perspective to see Menedor as the only eastern province, and all the other 12 as western. Lord Ronan might have strong pride in his province, but there's nothing particularly honorable about being eastern. Regarding the second, this is simply not true, in that it's possible to enter Falasan through many different provinces, and even coming from the east one does not have to go through Menedor.
I think the passage makes much better sense if we consider it a typo: in the context of the current war, Eston has to go through Menedor to reach our eastern provinces, and through Galadia, Nazgorn etc. to reach the western.--Dparker 09:03, 31 March 2007 (CEST)