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Joining the Discussion List

To join the discussion lists, you first need to register. Personally because it's much easier to do so, I'd register to both the discussion lists and simply disable incoming messages from the one of which you don't wish to see messages from. I.e. if you want to see only the messages received from the moderated list, then disable replies from the standard d-list, and enable replies from the moderated list.

Doing this helps things like ensure both lists receive *your* messages, enables you to quickly and effectively change between both lists when perhaps you don't have the time in the a few weeks time/months time to dedicate alot of time to alot of incoming messages and would rather have it trimmed down so only the necessary and accurate messages come through.

So first;


You should join both lists, click on the following URL;

If you haven't done so already, you will need to subscribe, do this by simply entering the e-mail you wish to have recieve the discussion lists messages and entering a suitable password (so you can protect your discussion list acount, and so only you can change it's settings). After this you will receive a confirmation message to the e-mail you entered which you must read, within this message there will be a link to confirm your account at which point you will be able to log in at the same URL above (the log in screen is just below the Subscribe area).

By simply entering your e-mail into the logging in area at the bottom of the page. Find your e-mail in the list then click upon it, then at the top of the greyed area, you'll find it by scrolling down, you will see an option called "Mail Delivery" at the very top, simply click Disable then click Submit Changes (found at the bottom of the page). *Do not* disable incoming mail from the d-list for this account if you wish to receive the unmoderated discussion lists incoming mail, only do this if you wish to join the moderated list and only receive it's incoming mail.

I'd also recommend finding the "Receive acknowledgement mail when you send mail to the list?" option some where in the middle of the greyed area. This will help you find out whether or not your messages we're received by *both* lists. Typically they will always be received by the non-moderated list, but the moderated list will usually tell you why if a post is rejected. But if not (i.e. they can be discarded without any reason being stated), you'll be able to tell because you won't receive a confirmation message.

Then register with the Moderated version found here; And do all the standard things you did the first time you subscribed with the unmoderated list ( i.e. checking your clarification emails etc, enable/disable incoming mail) and that's it. Again, I advise finding the "Receive acknowledgement mail when you send mail to the list?" and enabling it.

Can improvements be made? Got a comment or addition you want made to the document, feel free to send me a message or just go head and edit the page your self.