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Latest revision as of 22:33, 3 February 2007

Old Rancagua Press
The True Story from the Lands of the North

The Old Rancaguan Press would like to thank the Editor of the Rampant Lion for his excellent work concerning the layouts of his papers (which we have stolen shamelessly :). This is work in progress, and is not concrete.

Disclaimer: Furthermore, The Press would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Old Rancaguan Government.

Chief of Staff: Wenliang Dell

Reporter: Antan Christenson

Battle Reporter: N/A

Interviewer: N/A

News Stories and Words from the Editors
News around the Continent

November 27th, 2006 -

DR's last ditch attempt to salvage Avamar

Now, lets take a closer look at that most hateful document which was sent out to the rulers of the East Continent from a woman known for her manipulative brutality.

...crying “Peace!” in a peaceful continent...Citizens of East Continent, this word for the Kalmarian people has a very specific meaning. It means what it means. It means “Peace”. For Old Rancaguan leadership it means “Greed”. It means expansion, it means a puppet colony. For Sirion, peace, means “Control”. Controlling Old Rancagua and through her the Islands...

What a load of total crock. Old Rancagua seeks peace, probably more than most, but we have learned just as Sirion and Fontan learned along time ago, that peace with Avamar only leads to being taken advantage of. You have TAKEN what was NOT yours and we, in our righteous crusade, will stand by our Kalmarian brothers in returning to them their realm. Old Rancagua does not seek puppets, was the original Kalmarian nation a puppet? The answer is no, and nor will it ever be. Furthermore, Sirion did not ask us to do this, it is because we are an honourable realm that we march forth to destroy all those enemies of peace and harmony, for Avamar finds itself repeated incapable of co-existence.

...The invaders can take down the elected Kalmarian officials. And they have done that as you know. They can take away our food and our gold. And they have done that as you know...

We took not your food, nor your gold, we took away your ability to stir the populace into frenzied revolt. The Kalmarian people are valiant, but they are naive, and by destroying your recruitment centres and other infrastructure, we have shortened the conflict and will now bring liberation and swift justice all the faster.

...Our love for Democracy. Our love for Independence and yours. Our love for Freedom and yours...

Indeed, what they really mean here is just reiteration of what I have spoken of earlier. Their inability to co-exist with others in other realms. No, instead they must enforce their "democracy" upon those who did not want it in the first place. It is not democracy, it is oligarchy and we will do all in our power to rid the East Continent of your "democracy".

I don't think we really need to hear more do you? The enemies of peace are the ones who continue to desperately hold on to what was not theirs, Avamar are the enemies of peace on this continent. They have ransomed the Kalmarian people by placing them in harms way to save their own skins, and they have insulted and maimed the true Kalmarian Loyalists by removing them from their lands. Old Rancagua, in our righteous might shall march forth and end this war, and with swift justice finally bring an end to the Avamarian plague. This is the last time they will EVER harm the East Continent again.

Legatus is back!

Well! It seems that with the revival of the Press her old enemies crawl out of the woodwork. It's good to see the Kalmar Island Chronicles back in business, after all we always like to hear the "Kalmarian" recollection of the current events surrounding our righteous crusade. However, what is most disappointing is that it seems that my esteemed fellow Editor-in-Chief, Legatus, has still nothing to really talk about. After all, near every one of her articles continue to be simply pointless rebuttal against the facts.

Let us hope from now on they can see this war for what it is, a last valiant effort to finally rid the East Continent of her oldest enemy. Avamar is disease, and Old Rancagua is the cure. No realm is safe from their evil and I call on all realms of the East Continent to join with us in removing them from these lands once and for all.

November 24th, 2006 -

Our righteous crusade

The past week has seen many changes in the war to restore the northern isles and bring its Avamarian tyrants to justice. The usurpers of Avamar have been dealt a crushing blow in the face of the overwhelming numbers of valiant liberators as both Old Rancaguan and Sirionite alike charged forward to destroy the enemy once more, the East Continent's oldest enemy. For it seems that Avamarians have a total inability to co-exist with others, and can only take what is not theirs.

After the deaths of many brave Old Rancaguan soldiers in the fateful invasions of the last few months, finally the tides were turned as the infiltrators who had caused so much damage in the past were rendered useless by the combined efforts of infiltrators from many realms, most notably the spearheads of the restoration, Old Rancagua and Sirion as well as the overwhelming numbers of valiant troops. In this most recent invasion, a change of direction was taken in our efforts to cleanse the isles and restore them to the last remaining loyalist Kalmarian refugees.

In order to limit the Avamarian influence and ability to prolong this war, the Old Rancaguan Military High Command turned toward the destruction of military infrastructure in the regions of Stora and Alvaret. Unfortunately, Avamar have been in amongst the faithful Kalmarian people for too long, and whipped up fanatiscm in their naive hearts which led to some minor casualties. However, these were kept to a minimum, and the mission has been deemed a much needed success.

Of course, the Avamarians have attempted to turn the success of these righteous actions to mud, citing Old Rancagua's lack of honour for turning down "this path". But may the Press remind the Avamarians of how many peasants have fallen in the repeated looting excursions of Avamarian battlegroups? Kazan, Poitiers and Gadlock have never been the same since Lalakis the Tyrant came through during the dying days of Oligarch.

Taxes come soon, and once more the Old Rancaguan army, along with her Sirionite allies, renewed in their zeal to end the Avamarian menace once and for all we shall return to finish the job and return Kalmar to the true rulers of the isles!

Insult! ANOTHER Avamarian elected to rulership in Kalmar

If the situation wasn't any worse of Avamar, it seems that they have decided to dig a deeper grave for themselves. With the popular revolt, leading to the resignation of the underhanded Lucifer Jr., the accursed Avamarian oligarchy in Kalmar have elected none other than the sadistic Judge of the "People's Republic" of Avamar, "Lady" Donna Ragna. We all know her....

But then to add insult to injury, her first address to the Rulers of the East Continent was one calling for peace! The Gods above, if you wanted peace why didn't you say so?! If every single Avamarian leaves the Isles, then peace can be achieved, it is YOU who continue this war and cause the deaths of so many valiant men and women!

If Avamar is so democratic, why is it that I have not seen a SINGLE former Kalmarian elected to the rulership? After all we all know Prometheus was only elected because you thought he could save your skins and I damn the lot of you for doing something like that to such an honourable man.

November 23rd, 2006 -

The Press is back in business!

Tired of a one-sided journalistic propaganda of the recently revived Avamarian Press (hopefully we have successfully destroyed their offices along with anything else remotely Avamarian in Kalmar), I have returned to once again give true reports concerning our crusade to rid the East Continent of its most dangerous and oldest cancers.

November 22nd, 2006 -

New ruler in Kalmar Islands: The realm of Kalmar Islands has elected Donna Ragna as its new Chancellor.

November 21st, 2006 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Stora:Old Rancagua vs. Avamar Selective, Kalmar Islands

Estimated combat strengths: 11000 CS vs. 8000 CS Attacker Victory!

November 17th, 2006 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Stora:Old Rancagua, Sirion vs. Avamar Selective, Kalmar Islands

Estimated combat strengths: 17000 CS vs. 14000 CS Attacker Victory!

November 16th, 2006 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Stora:Old Rancagua, Sirion vs. Avamar Selective, Kalmar Islands

Estimated combat strengths: 4000 CS vs. 13000 CS Defender Victory!

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