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Out-of-Character from Morpheus
Out-of-Character from Morpheus

Revision as of 00:05, 15 January 2007


Out-of-Character from Morpheus Message sent to everyone in your realm (56 recipients) Roleplay from Morpheus Message sent to everyone in your realm (51 recipients)

  • Prophet Morpheus...

I am Irrida,i am coming of His behalf!

Do NOT wake,there is a purpose that i am visiting you in your dream!I will always visit you like this.

Its time for you to have few things revealed as soon the time is coming.

Your name is not a game of Fate,you re the representative of Sleep and Dreams.

Bring "sleep" to those that will insult our God and bring "Dreams" to those that will be faith and loyal to Him!

White is the Colour and Rose is the Symbol!

Soon you ll have the papyrous (ooc:old papers) with his teachings!

Come in contact with your father,King Kronos and ask him to make our religion as the official of Carelia.

Dont forget to contact also the Senate!They re too important in Carelia for being ignored,they re representing the people of Carelia and usually are wise.

You must never forget that we represent the GOOD!

Those that will be unfair,with no nobility and cowards,have no place among our Ranks!

Every once and a while you must have a Tournament organised in Carelia devoted to Him.

Avoid to call His name with no serious reason!

Soon,you ll know also the Titles for the Guild and the Religion.The Ranks must be strictly followed and named as He calls!

Prophet Morpheus,be Just and there will be nothing to fear off!As you will be our representative here,DO NOT let down our people and our loayls.

Justice and Nobility young Prophet!*

Sir Morpheus Count of Craigmore

George Sifonios

Out-of-Character from Morpheus Message sent to everyone in your realm (56 recipients) Report from Morpheus Message sent to everyone in your realm (56 recipients)

  • Morpheus, do not wake up, yes, I am Irrida, once again.

Chosen one, its time now.

Its time to have all the secrets of Evgenism, revealed.*

Morpheus, was sitting under a tree. A dark night, a moon that was insufficient and a dream that could never be conquered. Yes, now is the time. The man that was chosen to deny his past, his titles and whatever he has ever learned, now he was chosen to deny his nature.

The messenger of Evgenis, was finally showed up and is ready to make known his new duties. Morpheus is no longer a Prince, no more a Son or a Father. Now he is the one that will find the best and will spread the word of Evgenis.

  • Prophet Morpheus, I am giving you these papyruses. Here you ll find anything you may need. It is the last time that we meet. Other spirits will follow in the years that will come. From now on, you re the representative and the Word of Evgenis. It was an honor for me to come in contact with you!*

Morpheus woke up, the night was everywhere, still he couldn’t ignore the silence. Not even one noise from animals, not even the whistle of the air. What a dream he thought. He stayed a little bit to watch the sky and he wondered when the papyrus will end up to his hands.

No more than few secs needed to get his reply. The ancient papers were there. Under his cloak. He was shocked! So that’s it? It has begun? He wondered.

He took the ancient papers to his hands, they were rolled and sealed with wax. The rose on the wax was impressive. The white rose.

Carefully he took the papers and walk back to the Castle. Even though he denied his titles as a Prince, he still had his apartments there till his departure once and for all.

He took a candle and put it on the table, few woods for fire and he was ready to study his feature.

  • To the One,

Few things were created to become glorious and famous, when others to stay invisible and in the dark. Few men and few women or many men and many women. World is complicated and life so simple. Or it is the other way around?

Morpheus, you were not chosen to decide! Neither to judge! You were chosen to show! To show another way, an alternative. Your duty is not to enforce my Word, your duty is not to desire or to demand. Your duty is to give options and to let the others free to choose.

"Everyone ought to worship God according to his own inclinations, and not to be constrained by force."

"The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible."

"To believe in God or in a guiding force because someone tells you to is the height of stupidity. We are given senses to receive our information within. With our own eyes we see, and with our own skin we feel. With our intelligence, it is intended that we understand. But each person must puzzle it out for himself or herself."

Morpheus,the only thing that I want from you,is to show them the way. Then, I want them to chose whether they ll follow it or not!

Our ideal and principle will be:

"Evgenis, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference"

I want our loyal people to believe in me like they believe in the sun rise. Not because they can see it, but because they can see all that it touches.

However,in your path you shall meet not only faith,but also anger and betrayal.

If you won’t see,then seek for it!

Loyalty,Discipline and Faith are crucial for you.

Those that will try to harm your Land,the Land were Evgenism was born,shall face the Knights of the White Rose!

Carelia is now blessed and under my protection!It is the light on our people and the dark upon our enemies!

You stand for the virtues of wisdom, sincerely, benevolence, courage and strictness.

"The man who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom."

Prophet Morpheus,remember my words. Remember the Word of Evgenis*

Sir Morpheus (Priest of Evgenism)