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I send you my 'basic manual', if you don't understand something or you think that I can explain something better tell me and I will try to improve this manual. Thanks for your collaboration.


Welcome to CE, as your mentor I will help you to start your career as a Troop Leader. First of all introduce yourself to the real and read the bulletins (Ruler, General, Judge and Banker) in "Information".

Now I will explain you the menu:

In "Messages" you can read and write messages in the game.

In "Information" you can see some information about the realm and the continent.

In "Paperwork" you can manage some task like your unit settings and your votes for the high ranks on the realm.

In "Travel" you can travel between regions, take care and don't enter in enemy territory without the main army or you will be captured.

In "Actions" you can do some actions with your character.

in "Orders" you can do some actions with your unit. Very important, don't loot NEVER without permission.

Follow the orders of the command chain (look at the bulletins to know who can send you orders), don't fight with your fellows and get fun.

Soon I will send you some more instruction, be patient and ask if you have some questions.

OOC (Out of character): You also can read the manual and the wiki.

Some abbreviations that are commonly used:

  • OOC: Out of Characters
  • IC: In Character
  • CE: Cagilan Empire
  • TL: Troop leader


Now I will explain you how to travel, in the menu Travel you can set your destination. Every movement between regions needs some hours to complete, when you set your movement you don't travel immediately, the action will be done when the turn finishes so don't waste the number of hours that you need to travel, if you don't have enough hours to travel you will continue your travel next turn and if you want to travel more than one region you can set your next destination, when you arrive to the first region your men will continue to the next, however, you can not advance two regions in the same turns, if your men have enough hours to do this they wont arrive, it will remain one hour.

When you set your destination you have another option called misdirection, this will think to the spies that you are moving to the region you selected but in fact you won't move, you will stay in your current region.


In "Messages" you can read and write messages. First of all, when someone sends a message OOC (Out of Character) means that is talking the real person who plays the game (you will see OOC, or a gray box), and when someone talk IC (In Character) mean that who is talking is the Troop Leader in the world Of Battlemaster. You must try to keep what you know as a real person out of your character (maybe you have some information with another character that your current character can't know). Keep an eye on red boxes, red boxes are orders that in most of the cases you must follow, if you don't follow the orders that the chain of command gives you you can be fined.


Every week you will receive the taxes from your realm (the first week in the realm you don't receive anything). You will receive some bonds that you can exchange for gold in the cities of your realm. With bonds you can not pay anything, you can transfer to your family or to fellows, but if you want to buy, to recruit or pay your men you need to exchange in a city your bonds for gold.

The first week you will receive some gold from your family so don't worry about gold now. If you travel to your family region you will be able to visit them and receive some extra gold from them.


You only can recruit in the capital of your realm. When you are in the capital go to the "Orders" menu and choose "Recruit". Then you will see the list of troops recruitable for your realm. There are some types of units and with some stats. The equipment is very important because you can not modify it until you recruit new men. So choose a good equipment instead of a good Training skill. You can not mix different types of units, so if you want to add men to your current unit choose the same type. Take care spending all your money because you must pay them every day, and you must repair their equipment or they can get hurt themselves.


Your men will enter in battle when they meet the enemy in a region. Try to avoid enemy regions without orders or you could be captured by the enemy. Before the battle the commander of the army will post the unit settings for the battle, you must follow strictly these settings if you want to succeed. If you don't know these settings, please ask for them, they are very important. After the battle, if you loose you would need to gather your men because they would be hiding from the enemy. If you win the battle and your unit don't become wiped out before the end of the battle you will get some extra options like hunt for enemies hiding, forage battlefield, destroy the fortifications, takeover the region, etc...

Sometimes you can get wounded, then you would stay with healers until you get healed (normally until the next morning).

OOC: You can read the wiki for more information