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Revision as of 20:39, 19 June 2006 News from the South East Island
Price: 2 Gold Coins Creator: Shadow Updated as Needed
Ikalak has been defeated, only two realms remain, there can be only war

Editorial note: Please do not post any work in this paper without first asking me via the discussion option

Rebellion in Taselak
Date: April 27th, 2006

Things seem to be rapidly falling apart in Taselak with several major battles lost consecutively, with suicidal attacks against larger forces and random skirmishes with Taselakian troops being hopelessly outnumbered and outmaneuvered and general unhappiness with the current leadership; It was inevitable that a rebellion would be attempted however it was swiftly put down with two of the rebel leaders executed by Penny while the third has fled to Sandalak. Morale is certainly low in Taselak, as these two letters show. People in Taselak really dont like Castimir running things.

Our general has lost ground ever since he's been here, and he threw Ikalak City away in a suicide attack before he came here.

Now he's moving every TL he can as far east as he can. Guess what - when we get a few regions farther away, then Sandalak gets a chance to recruit, move to Taselak City, and attack it, all while our army is sitting on the eastern beaches.

I'll pass. We can't win by moving east every turn.

And if you don't think that we're about to lose a lot of troops due to having no money to pay them, and a lot more due to being cut off while we ran east, you aren't paying attention.

**** (Imperial Knight)

The only faith I have to restore this realm is in the Duchess Penny who has actually been doing something beneficial to Taselak.

I also back the fact that we do need a new High Marshall to command our troops. It is imperative that this be done as fast as possible so that we may rebound from the past tragedies. It seems that Castamir's plans of retaking Cirannor have BACKFIRED on us. By retaking it and having our forces defeated in Moeth and having us no other choice but to retreat, Sandalak forces were given the opportunity to loot the region thus giving them more supply for their army.

The last tax day yielded me only 27 gold. I'm not sure what we'll get out of it this week, but it may not be much. We have to prep for the worst.

And in order to help ourselves, a NEW General MUST be appointed or else our problems will just get deeper.

**** (Knight of Taselak)''

Is the Daily Toren Biased?
April 27, 2006

There has certainly been alot of confusion surrounding the Daily Toren. People seem convinced that we are just spitting out Sandalak propaganda. This makes no sense to me or the editing team as we strive to show both sides of this confilct. However as a paper competing with two others it is up to us to make sure that the most interesting stories are available. If this means that we report about Sandalak crushing Taselak in a major battle rather then Taselak slaughtering Sandalak in a small skirmish, it is not because we are biased, but because large events are more crucial then smaller ones.

Recent events on the South-East Island
April 27th, 2006

Sandalak recruits a massive army

Taselak drives Sandalak out of Belus

Taselak attacks Astin with its army but is crushed

Sandalak drives Taselak out of Astin - Heavy Militia placement

Astin retaken by Taselak

Neralle Taken by Sandalak, Taselak cut in two

Several Taselakian regions fall

Toren Stronghold now flies the banner of Sandalak!!

Taselakian relief force arrives in two waves, both are utterly destroyed

Brutal takeover of the stronghold begins

The second wave defeats the miltia forces in Toren Stronghold

Sandalak marches onto Toren Stronghold, the first wave is pushed back