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Marelda in Lasanar

The Following is the earliest of Marelda's Roleplays, charting her early months in Lasanar, then the Highland Empire, before her betrayal of the Empire led her to fleeing to Lunaria, and forging a new life for herself there.

Marelda stepped down on to the docks of Sasrhas. She marvelled at this new world, so like and yet unlike her homeland, far across the sea to the west. She had been a difficult child, and like her troubled elder cousin Eris before her, Marelda did not want to conform to the family's traditional views on women's role in a feudal society. After the bloody battle of Sudfern, when her eldest cousin Ulric became head of the family when she was 13, she knew that things were going to get serious. She had never liked Ulric- he had always been big and broody. He had once called her a niave, innocent child, more concerned with songs and stories than the harsh realities of life- which was true, for the most part, she had to confess to herself. But she was no shy flower. She grew rebellious, and when Ulric informed her on her 14th birthday that she was to be married to some elder noble to strengthen ties, she knew what she had to do. She began stealing little bits of gold, no more than a few peices at a time, and hiding them away. She also began practicing with a bow and dagger, aided by a sympathetic captain, Ehrlich. He regarded her as the daughter he never had, and with Marelda's father dead, and her mother forever away at court, he became something like it to her. But she did not want to be a soldier. Killing and fighting sickened her, and she much preffered to be a trader. Between arguements and fights with her guardians- though never with Ehrlich or her nurse- she would sneak out, and meet with the local peasent children. She learned many things over the months, and had her family known, she would have recieved a lot worse than a beating. As she drew nearer the fateful age of 16, she knew time was running out. She had tried often over the years to avoid this fate, but it seemed inevitable. Noone really knew her, or how determined she could be. Using the gold she had saved up, she bribed the guards and put on her finest robe, and a light leather baldric under it, just in case. Wishing her luck, Ehrlich gave her some more gold and helped her escape the province, and referred an old sea captain to her. Using all her grace and her cousin's authority, she hired 22 Mercenaries, and boarded the ship, to find her destiny. Now here she was. Nervous, eyeing her remaining dwindling gold supplies, she remembered the songs and stories she had loved as a child, in particular the plays about the girl who dressed as a boy and had adventures. Steeling herself, Marelda led her surly mercenaries into the city. She would join this realm's nobility, and perhaps they would allow her to follow her dreams of becoming a Great Merchant. If not...well, she would have to put her meagre skills of combat to the test. She eyed the brutal mercenaries surrounding her, and decided that they were a much scarier bunch than any invisible enemy of a country she was not yet an accepted member of. She hurried through the streets, trying to project arrogant noble poise and confidence, the mercenaries keeping swift pace behind her.

As Marelda swore fealty to the bored savant before her, she felt an upsurge of relief, followed by anxiety. She was free from command of her Family, and she would now have a regular income of gold from this realm's treasury. But the thought of leading men into battle worried her. She knew how to use a dagger, and had managed to learn how to shoot a bow, but strategy and tactics were beyond her. Nonetheless, She was free, and a Knight to boot. If she did well in this realm, she could form her own house, and choose her own husband. Deciding on the whole to be happy, Marelda left the Ducal Palace, collected the mercenaries and healer, and headed for the Capital. She was In. Now to make the most of it.

Marelda found, to her suprise, she was no longer afraid. months of training, reading, and setting herself up in this realm had had banished her fears and concerns of pursuit. Clearly her family didn't care enough to drag her back to Atamara. But that was okay. Lasanar was a wonderful realm, and very hot and exotic. Fashions were different, customs were different- even the dialect was different! Now, having honed her mercenary force to perfection, she was ready to go to war for this realm. She found herself oddly calm at this. She had practiced with the sword, although not much, and she had bought herself some armour, which had been specially tailored for a woman. Marelda had even trimmed back her hair...something she would never have dared under her family's rule. She understood that, as a Noble, responsibilties came with her priveleges. and one of those was defending the realm that clothed, fed and gave her gold. Afterwards, perhaps, she might be able to serve the realm differently, as a trader or beaureaucrat, if there were any spaces available. But for now, she was a Lieutenant in the Army of Sasrhas, and she had a duty to prepare for war. She decided to recruit more Mercenaries from her homeland. She felt safest around the professional warriors, clad in half plate armour, and wielding large double-handed swords. Though on reflection, it was probably wisest to perhaps recruit locally- Mercenaries were rather expensive, and those from her homeland might be agents sent by her family to take her back. You could never be too careful... Resolving to not let paranoia consume her, she went out, to prepare for her upcoming first battle, in the name of Lasanar....

After the meeting, Marelda left the room, sobbing with rage. Her Captain of Arms, alarmed, went to speak to her. "My Lady, what happened? Are we to move out?" "Yes, Captain. We move out. these fools do not appreciate a woman's voice, nor her loyalty. These scum have abused us! I will wait the morrow, and see if cooler heads prevail, but I see now that this realm wishes to return me to my family and its realm, and cares not for a wilful woman. I will not allow them to treat me like a slave! Come, we must prepare. If this realm has no wish for us...well, we shall cross that bridge when we come to it." The Captain was bemused. what had brought on this sudden change? Clearly, the Dukes of Lasanar were not as just or wise as made out. Corrupt, greedy and uncouth, perhaps? He could think of little that would drive his mistress to such rage, so the words spoken must have been terrible indeed. It was a pity, perhaps, to leave this realm so soon. But the shifty looks, the mistrust, the xenophobic fear- it was all adding up. if even the Dukes despised them- then the Mercenaries of Marelda would find work elsewhere.

Marelda in the Highland Empire

Much to Marelda's pleasent suprise, it quickly became apparent to her that the majority of the Highland Empire's leaders were female. This cheered her up no end. the stuffy male dukes of Lasanar had not been particularly friendly, especially after her family's patriarchial treatment of her as chattel. This Empire could well be what she was looking for- a strong, vibrant, and most importantly non-patriarchical realm in which a woman of her talents- few as they were- could perhaps find a niche for herself. she looked forward toseeing what this Obtol conference would be about, and see what her role in this developing realm might be- assuming of course, they wanted someone like her. She battled her old insecurities, ruthlessly reminding herself that she was surrounded by discplined, tough mercenaries loyal to her and her alone, and that she would go to every damn realm on this continent if need be. But somehow she doubted that would be neccessary- something told her this realm would be different.

{much between her arival in the Highland Empire, her betrayal of it, and her early months in Lunaria has been sadly lost by poor record keeping my part.}

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