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;June 1st from sunrise to sunset:<br>
;June 1st from sunrise to sunset:<br>
:Used the healing scroll on the [[Amlug Sigil|Amlug Sigil]] and then made a shallow incision with it on the corrupted area of his skin. The healing began, but an elven soul trapped in the dagger escaped into his body and stopped the healing process. He blacked out, was found 2 hours later, and was pronounced dead. North woke up a bit later, now with the personality and memories of two people mixing in his mind, and ordered the clerks to reform the government of Sirion into a monarchy.
:Used the healing scroll on the [[Amlug Sigil|Amlug Sigil]] and then made a shallow incision with it on the corrupted area of his skin. The healing began, but an elven soul trapped in the dagger escaped into his body and stopped the healing process. He blacked out, was found 2 hours later, and was pronounced dead. North woke up a bit later, now with the personality and memories of two people mixing in his mind, and ordered the clerks to reform the government of Sirion into a monarchy.<br>
== Why turn Sirion into a monarchy after the "resurrection"? ==
North has long been frustrated by not being able to get any proposals past the republican council. He approached other government members, asking them for support to reform the government system, but did not receive it. He didn't push the topic further, as he was afraid of the backlash.<br>
North claims that during his magical healing process the soul of an elven duke (trapped in the dagger he used) entered his body and mind. The duke was brother to an elven king, and had ambitions to take the throne. He was also not afraid of offending anyone, unlike North.<br>
The event shifter North's personality closer to that of the elven duke, and gave him the extra strength of will to announce the establishment of the monarchy.<br>
(Whether the soul is real or not is irrelevant. What matters is that North believes it to be real, and so his mental barriers have been broken.)<br>

== Roleplay summary ==
== Roleplay summary ==

Revision as of 08:53, 3 June 2024

Sequence of events

May 18th, sunrise

Wounded by a Blade of Decay after the battle against the Undead Horde in Salta
He saw an unusually shiny blade on one of the undead bodies after the battle, approached it, but the body sprang to life and stabbed at North's chest with the weapon. North tried turning aside, and was stabbed in his right upper-arm instead. The Skin around wound turned black and started slowly spreading within a a few days. (While helping restore realm control in Tabost.)

May 23rd, day

  • Arrived in Sirion city to find out about the blade and the affliction:
A book in Sirion city's library (closed section, only accessible because he is the Lord Speaker) had mentions of the Blade of Decay, and that wounds caused by it cannot be healed with conventional methods. Another book claimed that the Order of the Dragon is in possession of several magical items (perhaps even healing ones)
  • Visited and joined the Order of the Dragon. North was denied access to the documents about the magic items and the items themselves, because of his low rank within the guild.
  • Elevated to the rank "Red Dragon" (elder) by Rearden Arylon soon after, giving access to the documents. There was no mention of healing items, but there was one which could enhance the effects of magic: Amlug Sigil / Dragon Dagger. The document claimed that the dagger was stored in the Sir Temple guildhouse.

May 26th - May 28th

Travelled from Sirion city to Sir Temple. On the way called on all adventurers with a healing scroll for sale to meet him in Sir Temple.

May 28th, night

Met with Michaela in Sir Temple, who sold him a healing scroll.

May 28th - May 29th

Found the Amlug Sigil in the local Order of the Dragon guildhouse. He was not allowed to take it, but the clerks changed their minds when North offered to fund the enlargement of the guildhouse to match the one in Oroya ("vast and splendid guildhouse")

May 30th sunset - June 1st sunrise

Traveled back to Sirion city with the Amlug Sigil and the healing scroll

June 1st from sunrise to sunset

Used the healing scroll on the Amlug Sigil and then made a shallow incision with it on the corrupted area of his skin. The healing began, but an elven soul trapped in the dagger escaped into his body and stopped the healing process. He blacked out, was found 2 hours later, and was pronounced dead. North woke up a bit later, now with the personality and memories of two people mixing in his mind, and ordered the clerks to reform the government of Sirion into a monarchy.

Why turn Sirion into a monarchy after the "resurrection"?

North has long been frustrated by not being able to get any proposals past the republican council. He approached other government members, asking them for support to reform the government system, but did not receive it. He didn't push the topic further, as he was afraid of the backlash.

North claims that during his magical healing process the soul of an elven duke (trapped in the dagger he used) entered his body and mind. The duke was brother to an elven king, and had ambitions to take the throne. He was also not afraid of offending anyone, unlike North.
The event shifter North's personality closer to that of the elven duke, and gave him the extra strength of will to announce the establishment of the monarchy.
(Whether the soul is real or not is irrelevant. What matters is that North believes it to be real, and so his mental barriers have been broken.)

Roleplay summary

Departing from Sirion city for Sir Temple

Lord Speaker North has been seen far less frequently ever since the battle against the Undead Horde in Salta.
In fact in the past multiple days he'd been only spotted when entering and leaving the library of Sirion in the capital alone.

Today there was a change in the pattern, as he had a bag with him when leaving (presumably containing a few books), and left the city with his men through the northern gate after sunset.

What this uncharacteristically secretive behaviour might imply is anyone's guess...

Departing from Sir Temple for Sirion city

Speaker North was spotted in Sir Temple by some locals in the past few days.
None have seen him arrive to the stronghold, so his business is most likely of a secretive nature.

Some claim he visited the Order of the Red Dragon multiple times, and noted that construction began on the guildhouse after his last visit.
There are rumors going around of him having a romantic relationship with a commoner.
A drunk mercenary is telling stories in taverns about having seen the Lord Speaker fly above the walls using his very real dragon wings.
A street urchin says that while Speaker North had been cautiously covering up his arms, he saw his right hand slip out, and it was black, as if burned. Locals can generally agree that the Lord Speaker has been wearing gloves and long sleeves whenever observed.

The latest word on the street is that Lord Speaker North has quietly left Sir Temple, going south.

"Abdication" event

Lord Speaker North is in his apartment within the Sirion palace, alone. He instructed the guards not to enter or let anyone in before sunset.
His right arm is almost entirely numb, the skin on it black and dry, essentially dead. The affliction has also spread to his right shoulder and the right part of his neck.

It is time to do what must be done... or experience a painful death very soon.
The ancient dagger and the magic healing scroll are in front of him. He acquired both of them in Sir Temple: the dagger from the Order of the Dragon guildhouse, and the scroll from an adventurer.
North has no experience with spellcasting, but according to the documents he read about the dagger, the plan will work even if the casting itself fails.

He picks up the scroll and casts the spell on the dagger. The spell fizzles out, and the weapon lights up slightly for a second. The documents mentioned nothing of this visual feedback, but he can only assume it means the spell was absorbed.
The Lord Speaker takes off his shirt, grabs the dagger with his left hand and makes a shallow cut from his right hand all the way up to his neck. There is no blood.
The effects are indeed much stronger than a normal healing spell. The dagger works just as expected based its description. The pain is diminished, and the corrupted skin starts turning from black to grey.

But something is wrong... North feels another consciousness entering his mind and is overcome by memories not his own.
It is too much for his body to handle, and he blacks out.

The guards outside hear some noises, but follow their orders and stay put.


Two hours pass by. The room has been silent this whole time.
The guards start to worry and call on Algytha, captain of North's troops. She permits them to enter, taking responsibility for ignoring orders.
The Lord Speaker is on the floor. He's dead.
The room is investigated for forced entry and a runner is sent for healers. They confirm that there is no sign of life, though the can't determine the cause of death. Based on the grey skin, they can only assume its of a magical nature.

The clerks are informed, and with uncharacteristic efficiency they start making preparations for a funeral, begin writing the public proclamation of the ruler's death, and commence organizing new elections.


Starting the rebellion event

North awakens about an hour after losing consciousness. He had strange dreams of an ancient elven kingdom; of an elven duke, who challenged his brother, the king, to a duel to first blood for a made-up offense. The duke used the Amlug Sigil (Dragon Dagger) in the fight, upon which he cast soul trap beforehand. He was next in line for the throne, so if he could find a way to get rid of his brother without killing him...
But one of the parries by the king pushed the blade back towards the duke and scratched his forehead. After that there is darkness...

Until the awakening in the Royal Palace. North is dizzy. He feels an overwhelming desire to become king. This is something he had considered before, and even discussed with other members of government. But now he is compelled. He feels he must do it, or... there is no "or".

The palace guards notice him rising from the bed he was moved to after being discovered lying on the floor. They were put there to guard a dead body.
North sees the shock on their faces.
"What happened?" he asks.
One of the guards rushes out, while the other remains there, speechless.
Eventually he blurts out that North should be dead, though he himself doesn't know the circumstances of his death.

The captain of the palace guards and Captain Algytha, North's personal captain, rush in together.
They provide more context, but have no explanation for how it all happened.
It is enough for North to puzzle the pieces together, as his own memories of the healing ritual return.
He is now clothed, but peeks at his right hand, while also trying to move it. It is no longer numb, but the skin never finished healing.

"Get the head clerks here. I need them to stop whatever they are doing and begin reforming our government into a monarchy."
The palace captain looks at him surprised: "Sirion has always been a republic. Surely you do not intend to change that."
"It wasn't always a republic. Before the arrival of humans to this continent it was ruled by kings."

The palace captain considers the explanation. The clerks won't say no to a ruler who just returned from the dead. If nothing else, they will be intimidated.
He is the last person who can put a stop to this, if he chooses to.

The sun is setting...

After turn change with successful rebellion

The captain accepts North as his ruler and calls for the clerks.
North is reinstated as Lord Speaker and the clerks are instructed to reform the government.

Messages are sent to High Arbiter Fingolfinir and High Commander Brian M. that they are reinstated into their positions.
An acceptance letter arrives from the scribe of High Arbiter Fingolfinir, but no answer from High Commander Brian M.