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Revision as of 10:33, 26 May 2024

The sacking of Keffa (2024-04-07)

The Wolf lord's Rebellion (2024-05-03)

Lahta Komurov is calling for an uprising against the current government! In a passionate speech she said:

Nobles of Ar Agyr,
I, General Lahta of Ar Agyr, hereby declare myself in active rebellion against King Rogan. I do this not for my own power, but for the benefit of our realm as a whole. Below I will list out my reasons for taking this action, as there have been a number of issues which have made me resort to this action. After that I will list my planned reforms should I succeed.

  1. Failure of King Rogan to fulfill his role as ruler. King Rogan has sat silently for most of my time as General. He rarely took action for the realm, and when he did, it was without my input or in spite of it. Most often it was done without discussion. The example I will provide is his improving our relations with Shattered Vales to Peace. He did this without regard for the opinions of the rest of the realm, and without my input. I have organized the armies, gave them direction, objectives, purpose. All without his help in finding a direction for our realm. Not once has he given such direction, content to sit and let others struggle at the weight of giving our nobles direction and purpose. This has put all the pressure and responsibility for providing our nobles opportunity for action on myself and the military commanders of the realm. We did not become Generals and Marshals to run a realm, but to command the armies of it.
  2. When it comes to Shattered Vales, he has shown himself to be soft. His threat to ban anyone who loots their land is proof of that. First he provides no direction for our nobles, then he has the temerity to threaten to ban any noble who directs themselves in his absence. He does nothing when their own nobles demand the heads of our nobles, such as the Imperator of Shattered Vales. The very least he could do as King is ensure none of our nobles need fear an outside party attempting to harm our own. He sat idly by while an infiltrator made an attempt on Vice-Marshal Erik Estrall's life. That is not the action of a ruler, that is the action of a coward.
  3. I have repeatedly recommended that the other council positions be put up for election just as the General position is. He has either ignored me or refused every time. I frankly find it frustrating in the extreme that these positions are protected from being challenged by other noble candidates who wish to serve our realm. I have had my city nearly starve and yet there is little recourse for myself besides to abandon my duties with the armies and return to a city in order to ensure that I have food even after I have informed the Chancellor that I had needed food while on campaign.

For all these reasons, as well as other minor ones not worth mentioning here, I now declare this rebellion.
My aims for this rebellion are the following:

  1. Overthrow King Rogan's ineffectual rule. Should he step down I will allow him to keep his dukeship. I do not believe him disloyal, merely a poor ruler whose time as King has ended.
  2. Reform the realm into a Republic. The current Council, outside of the General position, is currently ossified by the lack of other nobles able to challenge the incumbents and attempt to provide new energy to the positions.
  3. A reduction in Duke taxes overall. Far more gold than is needed is being taken away from the Dukes and Duchesses, who could instead invest that gold into their own regions and the lords of their duchies.
  4. I will take the Ruler position, whatever its eventual title ends up being, for one term upon the success of the rebellion, to ensure the creation of new institutions. I will then allow elections to replace me and run once more for General. I take this action out of necessity, not out of any desire to rule the realm myself. I do not desire power, I wish only for our realm to have direction and clarity of purpose. Without these, we will be weak, and there is no greater sin in the eyes of the Wolf Lord.

I ask that those who feel similarly to me either rise up or stay neutral. This is a grand risk, a gamble to change the realm's direction. We will only get one chance at this.
Lastly, for those who remembered, yes this does replace the State of the Realm for this month. For obvious reasons I will not be writing that this month.

The government of :ArAgyr: has been overthrown in a bloody rebellion. The leader of the rebel forces, Lahta Komurov, has been announced the new ruler.