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Senator of Tabost
Senator of Tabost
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Revision as of 11:09, 24 February 2023

(( Out-of-Character Note: This page is for the...Saved roleplays, letters, and discussions from when Sirion had Sir Eisenritter Felsenbach visit to provide advice and assessments of the military infrastructure of the realm in regards to Recruitment Centers. Many thanks to Rea (behind the Rea Family, playing Sir Dominic Rea) and Zakky (behind the Felsenbach Family, playing Sir Eisenritter Felsenbach. Many around the community know him as Zakky from when he played the Lappallanch Family, particularly Zakilevo Lappallanch in my case...) for making this happen with their characters, which in turn engaged other Sirion players (and their characters) to chime in and contribute to discussions, and overall help create something to engage with for the Sirion playerbase, as well as -attempt- to refresh and update the realm's military capabilities. ))

The Visiting Military Advisor

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi
I am completely against abandoning the northern region of Tallbar. Its an excellent region and has no administrative problems.

Moreover taking Obendorf will bring us into war against a more powerful foe. This course is likely to leave us worse off.

High Commander of Sirion

Senator of Trinbar
Lorenzo Falconi

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-24 12:18:30

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 3 points. Your men seem to be getting along better. Unit cohesion rises. Battle in Limbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Limbar - 2023-01-24 12:18:39

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Sir Temple message to all realms participating in the battle in Sir Temple - 2023-01-24 12:18:40

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 20 men

Defender Victory! Monster Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-01-24 12:18:52

Monsters are rampaging in Tabost: Rampaging monsters cause damage to various buildings and production drops 2 %. 15 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters. Letter from Dominic Rea

Letter from Dominic Rea
Are they more powerful? Truly? They have but two more commands then us, and they have laughably less honorable knights. The newest King is quite the difference from the last two, and has not only broken alliance with the Southern Duchy but also called for war against it.

If we take Obendorf in lieu of Tallbar is not a question for this day, but knowledge that we must consider for if we wish to trade Sir Temple for Ashforth. Ashforth is a better region then Sir Temple by the numbers, but that will leave Tallbar out by itself for the time being. We have little time to choose, as the moment a Horsemaster enters the region it will be lost to us once again. There are two nobles in Obendorf, but only one with a unit, and he is still not moved to attempt to steal the region once again.


Knight of Sir Temple
Dominic Rea

Letter from Solomon Steele
Sir Dominic speaks truth. My scribes have information 7 days and older that Eponllyn has much less wealth than us, but ~2.6K gold more gold than us in economic strength. With the loss of Salt and Ashforth that is reduced to ~1K gold more gold than us in economic strength.

The winning factors will be in size of the troops we can recruit, our recruit centers quantity and quality and our strategy.

Senator of Tabost
Solomon Steele

Report from Dominic Rea
I do believe our weakness in is our centers, as time has been a fickle mistress to them. Regardless of what we do, a priority should be to clean up our centers and improve them so that we may mount a proper defense at the minimum.


Knight of Sir Temple
Dominic Rea

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi
If you want my honest opinion on our state of readiness, we're in bad shape

last time Eponlynn came, they had bigger units and moved faster. That's why they were able to take Oroya city and Salta. We couldn't even get our act together to put a Lord in Salta.

Another example is that I gave orders two days ago for forces to assemble in Oroya and only 2 knights are there.

We can't win any conflict without substantial improvement.

Also why would you even want Obendorf? Surely Ashforth improves our position much more? You could even justify it by saying it was rogue when we took it.

High Commander of Sirion

Senator of Trinbar
Lorenzo Falconi

Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-24 22:46:32

We want Obendorf because it's easier to hold then Tallbar, and has basically the same production. We want Ashforth for the same reason, but in lieu of Sir Temple.

The Horsemasters did not beat us on speed, they beat us in tactics. They made a choice and they stuck to it. We took a region and had two more under TO before they even reached the first region they wanted. As for the Lord in Salta, that's on the Duke, as I have been repeatedly turned down on changing our lordships to elect over direct-duke appointment. We need to re-do our centers, and we will be ready as we will ever get.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-25 00:02:30

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 6 points. Battle in Limbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Limbar - 2023-01-25 00:02:39

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 130 men Royal Zadek Dragul is spotted wielding the Glowing Sabre of Nightmare.

Defender Victory! Battle in Sir Temple message to all realms participating in the battle in Sir Temple - 2023-01-25 00:02:45

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 20 men

Defender Victory! Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-01-25 00:02:59


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Regional Events in Salta message to everyone in Salta - 2023-01-25 00:02:59

   Surplus food in the region allows for troops to resupply.

Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-01-25 00:02:59

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   The fortifications in Parm are taking damage through wear and tear. They are now 64 % damaged.
   9 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 16 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (171 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm has improved a bit. It is now worshipful.

Monster Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-01-25 00:03:00

Monsters are rampaging in Tabost: The monsters have eaten 24 bushels of food. Rampaging monsters cause damage to various buildings and production drops 5 %. 17 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters. Report from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 00:15:27

My troops had to repair their equipment or be unable to fight. Now I must protect Tabost.

In Service,

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Letter from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 00:37:45


The High Commander makes a few points, among them is indeed that taking Oberndorf does result in the Republic declaring war on Eponllyn. It is also mentioned however, that few nobility responded to the summons to Oroya City, stating currently only two are there -- I have looked more closely at the list myself, and the reports show that at least 8 of our noble ranks are within the surrounding areas of Oroya City, and likely spread out slightly as calls to investigate Salta, and then investigate Ashforth City were put forth. The others elsewhere throughout the Republic I believe have reasonable duties to attend to maintaining regions towards our rearline, such as Senator Brock whom has continued most excellent vigilance in putting down the Glinmar and Hillmar infestations of undead and monsters as they appear. Others such as my Liege, Lord Speaker Ivo and Steward Jay II also perform similar duties maintaining Parm City, I have no doubt as an Old Knight of Parm... I can only imagine the others are performing similar governmental duties taking care of the Republic's regions, or refitting in Sirion City.

Though that is perhaps not a large enough number to face Eponllyn, it does show we have a level of response and active military adherence to orders almost reaches the half-mark of our total nobility.

Dominic Rea Knight Warrior Cavalier Ashforth Lorenzo Falconi Lord Warrior Cavalier Dale Lorne Roseguard Knight Warrior Dale Brock Ketchum Lord Warrior Hillmar Razo Carmel Lord Warrior Limbar Zadek Dragul Royal Warrior Limbar Leofric Kubo Lord Warrior Lissambar Molly Prestongreen Lord Warrior Oroya Periurium Baceolus Knight Warrior Hero Oroya Rearden Arylon Royal Warrior Hero Oroya Ivo Mersault Royal Courtier Diplomat Parm Jay II Fireborn Knight Warrior Parm Solomon Steele Lord Warrior Parm Lerriana Leather Lord Courtier Salta Naismith Willarc Knight Warrior Diplomat Salta Brian M. Cameron Lord Warrior Sirion Tyr Erickson Lord Warrior Sirion

Sir Dominic puts forth an interesting proposal -- that of the

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Letter from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 00:37:49

immigration and safe passage of those from regions of Sir Temple and Tallbar -- cut off from the rest of Sirion by rogue lands, and using those extra regions we could take instead, to move and make more solid our front-line of regions, and put us much closer to our neighbours, and particularly with the Horsemasters. Taking Oberndorf would be open war, though the hostile actions that can already be blamed upon them could justify enough nobility and ground-swelling support to declare open conflict with them, and such an announcement would be reach far across the continent -- that the Red Dragon has awoken once more and taken firm action, in earnest.

While I do not heed the calls of war as some more eager hearts of you do, there is a time for the Ancient Republic to decide when to change our past, but retain enough of ourselves into the future. Sir Dominic is right -- we have come far in the last many months, perhaps years... and we stand at a higher readiness than before, perhaps not as much as the High Commander would like... but it stands to you to decide whether this is enough for all of you to go forward -- and to war with the Horsemasters....

Shadowdale to our south also continues to bear news laden with tension on the religious front against Duke Edmund Calder... and soon in the next weeks... or... months .... I may publish a early list of Unique Items with historical and cultural ties to our Republic's history, and from there perhaps I may... encourage pressure upon those willing, to recover... rescue... retrieve.. preserve... these artefacts, and to bring them home from foreign lands, so that we may keep aspects of our history, and heritage... within our hands, and safely maintained within archives for studying and learning.

These old eyes have given a rough look at the maps, and seen that if we should give up Sir Temple and Tallbar, we could alternatively consider using replacing them with Ashforth City, and Rowanglade. Instead of Ashforth City and Oberndorf... we would assert a strong claim on Ashforth City that may cause tensions still with the Horsemasters, and lead to war, but it may fall upon them to initiate the declaration first -- and at the same time, we connect Sirion City to the isolated Hillmar and Glinmar, and Avamar City -- no longer would we have any region of the Sirion left alone with no safe travel routes -- the entire Republic would be connected.

However, I understand Sir Temple has been a large part of holdings for many years, and Royal Duke Rearden tended to it for many seasons as well... while I do not know the further details of both Tallbar and Sir Temple's benefits compared to what the High Commander has so far indicated, it is a discussion I urge many of you to consider partaking in...

A referendum may be a way as recommended by Sir Dominic may be one way to gain more official input on this matter from the nobility.

Safe travels and may the Fates be with you...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Request from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 00:43:34


Standing at 23-strong, my company and my coffers are down to 4 gold... another 25 gold or 50 gold would keep my company in the field another week, or two weeks, respectively. This would cover both wages, repairing equipment, and provisions re-supply at a minimum. If the Republic would wish for me to increase my company... 75 gold or 100 gold would likely allow me to increase the ranks to 30 or 35-strong, and still stay in the field for 2 weeks.

I request at minimum 25-gold from those whom may have that much to spare...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm

Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 03:12:45

I am moving to Tabost

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Senator of Trinbar

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 03:18:57

Sir Temple is integral to our history. It's the source of the Sirion river and the earliest records of Sirion show that the region was first called Sirion Castle, seat of the duchy of Sirion Castle, and first capital of the great Sirion Republic. It is a rich region with excellent RCs and easy to defend and easy to administer. You can't just abandon it. No way.

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Senator of Trinbar

Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 04:13:01

And the historic first capital of Nivemus was Ashforth city: I'm sure our brothers here in Sirion from the fallen realm would like to see it returned to their hands. Sirion City is named of our Realm, and even if there are documents somewhere stating your claim, Sir Temple is the second region we would take the moment we have the nobles to do so - should we manage to keep our realm on the path we've been treading, it is unlikely long before we take it back anyways.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Report from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 04:34:59

I will gladly donate to Knight Naismith.

On another note, cleaning up rogue may no longer be a regular task should we able to link up the regions. Otherwise we may find my predicament where I am stuck in between Hillmar and Glinmar where I have to fought rogue.

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

Letter from Molly Prestongreen Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 05:02:37

I have visited the bankers and funds are aero be sent to good Naismith.

In service,

Molly Prestongreen Senator of Salta

Gold Transfer (Personal message) - 2023-01-25 05:03:21

Senator Molly Prestongreen has transferred 100 bonds to Knight Naismith Willarc on 2023-01-25

Molly Prestongreen Senator of Salta

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 05:10:19

   Gold Transfer
   (Personal message) - 5 minutes ago
   Senator Molly Prestongreen has transferred 100 bonds to Knight Naismith Willarc on 2023-01-25
   Molly Prestongreen
   Senator of Salta

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 05:26:24


Many thanks of deep gratitude to Senators' Brock and Molly of Hillmar and Salta respectively... their swift offers give this Old Knight a warm welcome... Senator Molly of Salta has funded this Old Knight's coffers, and should be able to suffice for a good few weeks, and once a refit order is cleared from high command, an additional 5-10 soldiers will likely reinforce my company. Many thanks, Senator Molly. Senator Brock, you may elect to retain those funds for now, though as always, your hard work in Glinmar and Hillmar may require those coin to further bolster your rogue-hunting and bone-crushing operations there. Many thanks for your swiftness to assist...

While Sir Dominic and High Commander Lorenzo both make good points in that both Sir Temple does have written documents showing it's historical connection as a cultural landmark in the history of the Sirion, our Ancient Republic... but also at the same time being a region we could reclaim with haste once our nobility count increases -- I would still remark that Senator Brock mentioning he would be likely, or potentially, freed from the constant patrols between Glinmar and Hillmar should we at least connect the those two coastal regions with a safe connector to Sirion City by way of Rowanglade, in addition to linking up the roads to Avamar City -- that is another noble whom may be able to operate more on the front-lines with the main army -- and one whom has great experience in military affairs... as once Kronogos of Nivemus himself... Ruler of Nivemus...

But the argument between giving up Sir Temple and Tallbar... those points I leave for you of active interest among the nobility to debate further... to gain Ashforth City, or Oberndorf, or Rowanglade... to give up Sir Temple, or just Tallbar... or some other region entirely... there are many gains to consider... but there will be losses to keep heart when deciding...

We do control Salta now, and Ashforth City is not yet under our banners, but it may yet be... I would encourage any solution to at least link the realm through Rowanglade, somehow...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Request from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 05:31:02

High Commander Lorenzo,

With Senator Molly's funding of 100 gold, I am able to refit in Sirion City at your convenience... and expand my company from 23-strong to at least 30-strong or possibly 35-strong. Would you like me to refit now, or continue to stay in Salta to support the army? I may need to at least visit a bank in Oroya City, if a refit in Sirion City is deemed too far... I have 4 gold coin in the purse... Senator Molly's gold transfer awaits in the banks... my company can stay another 2-3 days in the field before I will need to depart for at least a bank...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Report from Rearden Arylon Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 08:51:18

I'm not sure who has gold that can be spared, but I have exhausted most of my reserves on first Ashforth, and now Oroya. If any large chunks of gold can be spared, I could use it as we seek to rehabilitate the city and protect it. I'd especially like to build higher walls here, particularly given the diplomatic tensions and the possibility of future attack. So if there is anyone who is sitting on a significant sum of gold, I would appreciate it if you considered transferring some of that gold reserve to me so that I can tackle some of these issues.

Rearden Arylon Royal of Sirion Duke of Oroya Governor of Oroya

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-25 12:16:10

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 6 points. Your men seem to be getting along better. Unit cohesion rises. Battle in Avamar message to all realms participating in the battle in Avamar - 2023-01-25 12:16:18

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 70 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Tabost message to all realms participating in the battle in Tabost - 2023-01-25 12:16:19

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Sermbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Sermbar - 2023-01-25 12:16:21

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 70 men vs. 20 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Limbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Limbar - 2023-01-25 12:16:22

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 160 men Royal Zadek Dragul is spotted wielding the Glowing Sabre of Nightmare.

Defender Victory! Battle in Parm message to all realms participating in the battle in Parm - 2023-01-25 12:16:32

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 40 men

Defender Victory! Monster Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-01-25 12:16:43

Monsters are rampaging in Obando: 1 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters. Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-01-25 12:16:43

Undead are still at large in Parm: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Request from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 13:54:06

Dame Molly,

Report show that the militia in Salta flies Horsemaster banners, and not our own. Perhaps your watch captain should look into that, or barring that, they should be fired.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Letter from Lerriana Leather Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 14:41:19

I second the fact we should not let go of Sir Temple.  It has been part of Siron for a long time.  What about its RC and the food it brings to the realm?

Lerriana Leather High Arbiter of Sirion Governor of Avamar Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 14:53:17

Sir Temple

Gold: 858 gold Food: 174 bushels


Gold: 930 gold Food: 170 bushels

The production of each area, compared, is largely a wash, Good Lerriana. Ashforth is slightly better, but the real improvement for us is that we can control it much easier as it's not surrounded by rogue that we can't take. I've defended the region before, and the rogues between are very detrimental to travel, unit damage, and harbor more monsters. The minute we grow larger we can take Sir Temple and it's surrounding regions back first. A paltry five nobles would give us plenty of administrative power to reach back in that direction. As for it's RC, as discussed, the RC's of our realm are....mediocre at best and should be replaced anyways.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Letter from Rearden Arylon Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (16 recipients) - 2023-01-25 15:36:40

I favor holding Ashforth over Sir Temple, for the simple reason that it makes Sirion more contiguous. I have always strongly disliked the disjointed nature of our realm, which has only grown worse with time. If we could give up one city for a comperable, slightly richer city, and make ourselves more contiguous in the process, I'm in favor of that.

Despite that I was the long time Lord of Sir Temple.

Despite the recruitment center and economic issue.

I think geography alone makes it worth it.

(ooc: also consider the benefit post-Hinterlands, whenever that happens... as we would have the "front line" city, but then could take all of the interior regions behind our western front line once that goes into place. Just something to think about.)

Rearden Arylon Royal of Sirion Duke of Oroya Governor of Oroya

New Knight of Salta message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-01-25 15:54:01

A new knight has emerged from among the ranks of the Sirion nobles. Vandryn Dayne Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat has taken up the vacant Gristmill Manor estate in the region of Salta and started his career today.

Also on this continent from the Dayne family:

   Waldyr Dayne, Noble of Perdan (paused)

You can check the background of this family or send a welcome message.

Letter from Brian M. Cameron Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-25 16:28:34

Sir Vandryn Dayne,

Welcome to Sirion. We are always happy to see new nobles come here to begin their careers.

Let Us Unite,

Brian M. Cameron Senator of Limbar

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-25 17:30:02

Sir Vandryn Dayne,

Welcome to Sirion. It is good you joined this mighty and ancient Republic at this time, as it brings opportunity for you and the Republic.


Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Letter from Vandryn Dayne Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-25 17:53:37

Noble Houses of this Ancient Republic,

I am grateful for the warm welcomes from Senators Brian and Solomon. I am eager to begin the next step in my journey here, with you all. I spent most of my youth within the confines of the Temple of Ainanos in Salta. I have completed my trials, taken my oaths and now stand ready to serve you all.

By Her Light & through His Might,

Vandryn Dayne Knight of Salta

Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-25 17:57:07

Sir Naismith Willarc,

By all means refit now. Recruit more troops if you wish.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Senator of Trinbar

Orders from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-25 17:58:43

Someone please kill the rogue in Obando.

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Senator of Trinbar

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-26 00:07:41

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 3 points. Battle in Avamar message to all realms participating in the battle in Avamar - 2023-01-26 00:07:51

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 70 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Obando message to all realms participating in the battle in Obando - 2023-01-26 00:07:52

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 40 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-01-26 00:08:13


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-01-26 00:08:13

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   War, looting or unrest makes the peasants unhappy.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   9 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 16 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (171 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   In summary, production has improved a bit. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now worshipful.

Regional Events in Salta message to everyone in Salta - 2023-01-26 00:08:13

   Surplus food in the region allows for troops to resupply.

Region Tax Report message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-01-26 00:08:22

The following taxes were collected in Parm. The tax rate for this collection was 2 %.

Regional income and expensesPeasants Taxes 78 gold Taxes from Guildhouses + 2 gold Buildings Upkeep - 7 gold Collectable Tax Gold 73 gold Estate of Size Peasants Tax Collected Knight Share Lord Share Jay II 20 % 2112 14 gold 13 gold 1 gold Naismith 20 % 2112 14 gold 13 gold 1 gold Ivo 20 % 2112 14 gold 14 gold (vacant) 20 % 2112 7 gold 7 gold (vacant) 20 % 2112 7 gold 7 gold Region Totals 56 gold 26 gold 30 gold

Lord and Duke SharesLord Share 30 gold Dukes Share - 30 gold Lords Tax Income nothing

Subsidy Received (Personal message) - 2023-01-26 00:08:22

As a knight of the The Ancient Republic of Sirion, you earn 14 gold as a subsidy from the crown. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold. Taxes Received (Personal message) - 2023-01-26 00:08:22

As a knight of Parm, Naismith Manor earns you 13 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold. Realm Tax Report message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-01-26 00:08:23

Taxes were collected today throughout the realm. Here is a summary of what the tax collectors could get: Region Tax Income Upkeep avg. Knight Share Lord Share Duke Share Realm Share Duchy of Avamar (100% rulers share) Avamar 533 gold 124 gold 506 gold 27 gold Sir Temple 320 gold 90 gold ~ 121 gold - 199 gold Tallbar 117 gold 128 gold 105 gold 12 gold Duchy Totals 970 gold 342 gold 238 gold Duchy of Oroya (25% rulers share) Oroya 52 gold 13 gold - 52 gold Salta 86 gold 0 gold ~ 27 gold 53 gold 6 gold Duchy Totals 138 gold 13 gold 43 gold 15 gold Duchy of Osmeneliath (100% rulers share) Dale 39 gold 0 gold - 39 gold Obando 10 gold 0 gold - 10 gold Parm 56 gold 7 gold ~ 13 gold - 30 gold Tabost 183 gold 0 gold 173 gold 10 gold Trinbar 360 gold 144 gold 342 gold 18 gold Duchy Totals 648 gold 151 gold 107 gold Duchy of Sirion (25% rulers share) Elmbar 330 gold 143 gold 306 gold 24 gold Glinmar 262 gold 13 gold 243 gold 19 gold Hillmar 340 gold 16 gold 316 gold 24 gold Limbar 88 gold 10 gold 83 gold 5 gold Sirion 890 gold 190 gold ~ 177 gold - 537 gold Duchy Totals 1910 gold 372 gold 456 gold 153 gold

The crown has received 513 gold tax income thanks to an average rulers share of 63%. The crown also receives 289 gold in property taxes (1% above 1000 gold or bonds) and 0 gold in wealth taxes (5% above 10000 gold or bonds). This brings the crown's total income to 802 gold.

With a 10% share, the realm's 6 knights and dames each receive 14 gold from the crown. With a 30% share, the High Commander receives 241 gold from the crown. The Lord Speaker retains 477 gold for himself.

Out-of-Character from Ivo Mersault Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-26 02:27:06

Recent IRL events have left me with not so much time for BM at the moment. Ivo will not contest the upcoming PM election, so if anyone wants to give leading Sirion a go, do speak up and make yourselves known. If there's a strong candidate that's willing to take over immediately, I can make Ivo step down in the next few days too.

Sorry for any letters to me that might have gone unanswered recently.

Zee Out-of-Character from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-26 03:57:43

Thanks for letting us know Zee... continue to take care of IRL as much as you need... but a big thank you for having your character Ivo lead Sirion during what was a uncertain time ever since Brian from the Tezokian Family disappeared...and before that, taking over from the legacy of Matthew's efforts through Rearden Arylon...

Through Ivo, you keep things afloat, alive, and survive enough to where Sirion may have a more hopeful future ahead... ..... please don't leave or pause out... but also... do whatever you feel necessary... I am just thankful for the time you put in for Ivo's term(s) in the last year or so... Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-26 04:21:34


It appears thanks to reports, it is Knight Lorne Roseguard whom has cleared the Obando monsters with swift action so shortly after the High Commander issued the request to see the rogue threat defeated, and the region made safe once more. Well done, and thank you for responding to the High Commander's call... my old bones had begun travels too late... but I can now save time and move for Sirion City more quickly...

I shall happily transfer some of the funds I have received from Senator Molly to Royal Duke Rearden's accounts once I reach Sirion City, our capitol, to evaluate the resupply and refitting options, and deem what is necessary... it may turn out I can at least transfer 50 bonds to the Royal Duke of Oroya City, and I would hope others in the realm with additional coffers and reserves may be able to further fulfill his request for funding to rebuild the infrastructure of Oroya City, after having spent much of his funds on Ashforth City earlier, and tending to Sir Temple for many years before that.

And of Sir Temple... and the continued discussion on the gains and losses of giving up Sirionite holdings in favour of potentially controlling regions such as Ashforth City, or connecting the realm to Hillmar, Glinmar, and Avamar City proper... there are good points raised about the historical value and meaning, in addition to the comparable production values and recruitment centers that Sir Temple has long provided to our Ancient Republic... I tend towards the fond memories and connection to the past... but at the same time, it would not be lost forever... as some point out... and once the population has safely migrated to whichever region(s) we take next after abandoning Sir Temple, we may be in a better position for the long-term future to reclaim back... Ashforth City...Oberndorf... Tallbar and Sir Temple... Rowanglade to connect Hillmar and Glinmar in addition to Avamar City... there are many choices... some may lead us to conflict and war with the Horsemasters of Eponllyn...

To milords Solomon of House Steele and Brian M. of House Cameron words of welcome to Knight Vandryn Dayne, this Old Knight also nods his head and welcomes you warmly to the Republic, the Ancient Republic of Sirion... perhaps with your arrival... we may not need to sacrifice Sir Temple... but still gain Ashforth City, and a connecting region in Rowanglade to make safe a roadway to the eastern coasts of Hillmar and Glinmar where Senator Brock Ketchum still does patrols to keep the monsters and undead threats reduced, and the southern coast where Avamar City lies...

High Commander Lorenzo, many thanks for your permission to refit, I shall hope to hear word from Lord Speaker Ivo soon when he has the time to address the realm once more... I imagine he has been quite busy with many affairs of state and more to attend to...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Out-of-Character from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-26 04:24:25

...aw... I forgot to bold Brock's name... I didn't read my own writing closely enough... sorry... please assume it would have been bolded otherwise... just for fun to highlight your characters being mentioned... I do that sometimes once in awhile... Out-of-Character from Razo Carmel Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-26 05:57:44

Zee, thank you for doing a great job with Ivo as Lord Speaker.

Best wishes in IRL and do please keep as active with the game as you can.

Carl Zimmer Letter from Razo Carmel Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-26 07:02:29

Can I make a clear stipulation on the proposed regional changes currently being discussed? I apologise if it is obvious or taken as read but please do not swap a derelict region for a well maintained one even if they are otherwise comparable or advantageous.

For example, Ashforth will remain derelict for many many seasons and is no substitute for Sir Temple at the moment. Similarly Tallbar for Rowanglade is not a good fit either right now or ever, to be absolutely frank.

I do agree the current geographical anomalies need to be addressed, in time and as our Noble count allows but otherwise they can be tweaked as needed for the moment.

Razo Carmel Chancellor of the Treasury of Sirion Senator of Elmbar

New Knight of Avamar message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-01-26 08:54:01

A new knight has emerged from among the ranks of the Sirion nobles. Marak De Arnak Player experience level: new Player play preference: unsure has taken up the vacant Forest estate estate in the region of Avamar and started his career today. He comes from an unknown noble family (OOC: 0 days in game), and may need some assistance to get started. Please help him out. You can check the background of this family or send a welcome message. Knight Deleted message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-01-26 09:00:42

The player of Marak De Arnak has left the game, the character is therefore deleted. Due to his departure, he loses the following:

   His unit, "De Arnak Sentinels", is set up as a local militia unit in Avamar.
   He vacates his estate in Avamar

Out-of-Character from Rearden Arylon Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-26 09:40:49

I'm happy to take over, Zee, if need be, but honestly my preference is to NOT do that and kind of stay doing what I'm doing now. But if another strong candidate doesn't step forward, I'm happy to do it just in the interest in "keeping things moving forward" if you will.

Matthew Gagnon Out-of-Character from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-26 10:23:14

I'd do it. I've dropped all my command roles in Dwilight so that frees up some time. If elected I would try to improve relations with shadowdale, uphold traditional Sirion values and heritage, and not push Eponllyn any harder. I would also try to get a region lord for every region. And build up a war fund.

Mo Travel Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-26 12:07:40

You find the route more difficult than you guessed, and will take one hour longer for the trip than planned. You make a short stop in Salta before you continue your travel to Dale. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-26 12:07:42

Wear and tear causes 3 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 5 points. Your men seem to be getting along better. Unit cohesion rises. Battle in Obando message to all realms participating in the battle in Obando - 2023-01-26 12:07:49

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 60 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Rowanglade message to all realms participating in the battle in Rowanglade - 2023-01-26 12:07:55

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Travel Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-27 00:06:30

You find the route you planned to take blocked and must find a new one. It will take you 2 hours longer to arrive than you originally estimated. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-27 00:06:37

Wear and tear causes 2 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 5 points. Your men seem to be getting along better. Unit cohesion rises. Battle in Dolmbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Dolmbar - 2023-01-27 00:06:45

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 70 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Obando message to all realms participating in the battle in Obando - 2023-01-27 00:06:46

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 20 men

Defender Victory! Huge Battle Fought message to everyone on East Continent - 2023-01-27 00:06:49

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Ejarr Puutl: Perleone vs. Yssrgard Estimated strengths: 680 men vs. 920 men The Blazing Swords (Perleone), sponsored by King Marchusson Polytus, were led into battle by Marshal Marchusson Polytus. King Marchusson Polytus is spotted wielding the Elemental Warblade of the Grand Lodge of Lunaria. Prime Minister Greatjon Mormont is spotted wearing the Ring of Ikalak. King Marchusson Polytus is spotted wearing the Adorned Coat of Wisdom. King Marchusson Polytus is spotted reading from the Book of Ibladesh.

Attacker Victory! Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-01-27 00:07:03

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   8 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 16 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (171 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now worshipful.

Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-01-27 00:07:03


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Orders from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-27 02:07:08

Can the two nobles in Sirion city and anyone else nearby please help Leofric in Dolmbar

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Senator of Trinbar

Out-of-Character from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-27 05:44:05

It is good to see some folks offer to take on the next act/chapter for the realm if need be... Letter from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-27 05:55:25


Chancellor of the Treasury Razo Carmel has made a good point that I had forgotten... it would take time to restore a region... we have seen results swiftly through Oroya City thanks to Royal Duke Rearden's efforts, but we can also see the lasting effect of rebuilding population to any meaningful level through Parm City... we still suffer the effects of Parm City having been lost to rogue rebellion, and the population having to be re-established... for many seasons now... and the population is still not... halfway to what it was before it first fell to rebel hands.

Sir Temple and Tallbar may be notable sacrifices in that regard then indeed... if Rowanglade and Ashforth City were taken in their place...

...however, our current situation in the last few days have seen a few new Knights join us, although one has disappeared from the listings soon after. Nevertheless... we may be able to afford one more extra region at this time? Will it be Ashforth City, or Obando (as Sir Dominic suggests, but it would mean declaring war upon Eponllyn in order to obtain the region), or still something like Rowanglade...? All without sacrificing Sir Temple and Tallbar?

I will admit... reading the Recruitment Center names for Parm City and a few other Sirionite regions... there is history and lore to be found in their names and offerings... some are built and reflect the old names of Sirionites we may remember from the past, or the tenure and time they did spend in the realm... some of those recruitment centers I can remember when they fielded units that did make their way onto battlefields and thus battle reports that stand in the archives of time and history...

However... we do still need to consider upgrading and refining ourselves as need be... I remember when Prime Minister back then, Zakilevo Lappallanch... did an incredible job remastering and honing the recruitment centers to meet his high standards for military operations... I believe Sir Erik Serpentis spent considerable funds on as well on such endeavors... and countless others... tearing down and building new recruitment centers have been a thing done in the past... quite heavily... during the times heavily military-minded Sirionites, or those with Great Funds, could do so...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Letter from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-27 05:57:00


A correction... I had meant to write Oberndorf, instead of Obando... my apologies... the amount of times Obando has come up over the last many weeks in battle reports, reports of rogue monsters or undead... have mixed my old mind around...

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Report from Rearden Arylon Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-27 09:36:31

I have done some calculations, based on birth and immigration rates, I calculate that Oroya will be able to maximize its population somewhere between April 28th of this year and June 24th of this year. I consider the later estimate to be the more realistic date in terms of what is realistic... it really depends on whether immigration rates remain reasonably similar to their current rate, or whether they are proportional to population size, and thus would increase as overall population increases.

Either way, we still have several months ahead of us to get Oroya back to full strength and turn it into what it really should be. But with immigration now coming in, we are on the right track.

Rearden Arylon Royal of Sirion Duke of Oroya Governor of Oroya

Letter from Delphine de Montigny Message sent to everyone in Adventurer's Guild (42 recipients) - 2023-01-27 10:25:17

Guild members,

Our guild offers an essential service to adventurers and nobles alike. However, recently our funds have run worrisomely low, causing many guild houses to downsize or close completely. If you wish to continue to benefit from the large spread and accessibility of The Adventurer's Guild, I would ask that all members, especially lords where guild houses are located, donate to the closest guild treasury so that we may continue to maintain them.


Delphine de Montigny Duchess of Perdan Margravine of Perdan Priestess of Aspects of the Flame Head Archivist of Adventurer's Guild

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-27 12:10:53

Wear and tear causes 2 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 4 points. Your men seem to be getting along better. Unit cohesion rises. Travel Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-27 12:10:53

You make a short stop in Dale before you continue your travel to Tabost. Battle in Dolmbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Dolmbar - 2023-01-27 12:11:01

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 120 men vs. 50 men Royal Zadek Dragul is spotted wielding the Glowing Sabre of Nightmare.

Attacker Victory! Gold Transfer (Personal message) - 2023-01-27 19:29:42

Senator Brock Ketchum has transferred 200 bonds to Knight Naismith Willarc on 2023-01-27

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

Report from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-27 19:30:27

200 bond to Knight Naismith. 200 bond to Duke Rearden.

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

Letter from Razo Carmel Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-27 19:54:49

That is really useful information Duke Rearden, thank you.

I am definitely not an expert on population rates but as you know production is directly connected. It may be useful to note that for the last week or so the North Plains region has been suffering a drought which has reduced production by half. I am wondering if your calculations may have been effected by that and so by a possible surge when the drought finely abates?

Similarly productivity probably effects immigration and I do know that the current lack of a Lord in Obando will be dropping production there by about 25%. Although I suppose its maximum population is not much anyway.

I hope that is useful and please keep me posted.

Razo Carmel Chancellor of the Treasury of Sirion Senator of Elmbar

Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-27 21:02:23

What is better, to hold onto something we shouldn't be, or to take a little time and build a stronger front line against those that would come for us?


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-27 21:26:40

Sirions strength has always been strategic depth. Whatever the pressure on the front, the secure regions always provide food and gold.

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Senator of Trinbar

Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-27 23:54:55

And that strength has been largely diminished by the seas opening up to troops and the river shifting during the last great cataclysm. While we have an excellent back country to retreat to, unlike our in history it's not protection... it's a backup plan. We must be just as aggressive as the rest of the realms on the island now.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Travel Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-28 00:11:47

You make a short stop in Tabost before you continue your travel to Trinbar. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-28 00:11:52

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 1 points. Battle in Avamar message to all realms participating in the battle in Avamar - 2023-01-28 00:12:06

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 170 men

Defender Victory! Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-01-28 00:12:22

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   The fortifications in Parm are taking damage through wear and tear. They are now 66 % damaged.
   13 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 16 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (171 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 29 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now enthralled.

Regional Events in Tabost message to everyone in Tabost - 2023-01-28 00:12:22

   Surplus food in the region allows for troops to resupply.

Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-01-28 00:12:22


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-28 03:30:36


Sir Dominic and High Commander Lorenzo both discuss important points to consider... and to choose which is more valuable to you all. There are geographical changes since the continent-wide cataclysm... and sea-raiding is a possibility now, making landings towards are back not impossible... more so than before. A stronger front-line still allows us to retake the regions towards our back at some point later on, when our nobles increase in number for the realm. Sir Dominic points out things we should keep careful watch upon... this Old Knight thinks... And though I do not claim any semblance of lineage to any general or military mastermind... what High Commander Lorenzo says also makes sense to me... and to an extent Chancellor of the Treasury Razo... in that regions producing stable income and production can provide the coffers and means to maintain an active war front as well... and then there is the question of many ancient lore and traditions tied to the regions of Sir Temple... but as Sir Dominic might agree with... doing things for the sake of the past and tradition... may place us in danger should we go too far in that direction... there is a balance that needs to be struck... and you, the Ancient Republic of Sirion, must decide collectively where that line falls.

Royal Duke Rearden's report in addition to Chancellor-Senator Razo's insights give a fair window into the next few months of how long it may take to recover just Oroya City alone to levels of production, and gold, that it should be at minimum generating for the realm. Is that worth your time and effort, milords, to repeat with possibly Ashforth City, if we take it? Or even Oberndorf or Rowanglade?

And there is still the question of whether we can afford to move to takeover another region at this time, without sacrificing any current lands we hold thus far? A new Knight has joined our ranks in the last few days, as I mentioned before... and have already introduced themselves. Is this enough to make some small progress towards having another region fly the banners of Sirion?

... I continue to make for Sirion City, and travel through the Tabost-Trinbar roads now... thanks to Senator Brock Ketchum for the transfer of funds to my accounts... together with Senator Molly's previous funding, this Old Knight has 300 gold available... to support Royal Duke Rearden's letter requesting extra reserves be sent to support Oroya City's recovery, I will be only retaining 50 gold out of the 300 gold in my coffers, and transfer the rest to Royal Duke Rearden... the enlarging of my company's numbers, will wait for another day...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-28 12:15:13

Wear and tear causes 2 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 7 points. Arrival (Personal message) - 2023-01-28 12:15:15

You have arrived in Trinbar, a Townsland region (friendly territory). Battle in Sermbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Sermbar - 2023-01-28 12:15:22

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 20 men vs. 50 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Lissambar message to all realms participating in the battle in Lissambar - 2023-01-28 12:15:23

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 70 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Sir Temple message to all realms participating in the battle in Sir Temple - 2023-01-28 12:15:30

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 20 men

Defender Victory! Out-of-Character from Razo Carmel Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-29 05:48:24

Did we miss the last turn?

Carl Zimmer Out-of-Character from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-29 07:20:37

yes, seems to be

Mo Travel Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-29 12:15:00

You find a good route and make progress faster than assumed, saving one hour of travel time. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-29 12:15:02

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 9 points. Your men seem to be getting along better. Unit cohesion rises. Arrival (Personal message) - 2023-01-29 12:15:04

You have arrived in Sirion, a City region (friendly territory). Battle in Sir Temple message to all realms participating in the battle in Sir Temple - 2023-01-29 12:15:16

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 20 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Parm message to all realms participating in the battle in Parm - 2023-01-29 12:15:17

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 40 men vs. 80 men Senator Brian M. Cameron is spotted wearing the Grisly Ring of Dishonesty. Senator Brian M. Cameron is spotted wielding the Guard of War.

Defender Victory! Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-01-29 12:15:27

Undead are still at large in Parm: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Gold Transfer (Personal message) - 2023-01-29 13:45:44

Knight Naismith Willarc has transferred 250 bonds to Royal Rearden Arylon on 2023-01-29

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-29 13:54:29

   You have successfully transferred 250 bonds to Rearden.

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm New Recruitment Center message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-01-29 16:03:36

A recruitment center has been constructed within Salta. The center offers infantry recruits, with 6 volunteers signing up immediately. They have a training of 55%, weapons quality of 70%, and armour quality of 50%. Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-29 17:14:01

Useful RC Lady Molly. How much does it cost to raise to size 2? I am happy to help out by paying for the enlargement

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Senator of Trinbar

Out-of-Character from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-29 21:56:09

   Did we miss the last turn?



Keely I. Family Investment message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-01-30 00:04:34

Leofric Kubo, Senator of Glinmar has initiated an investment of 240 gold in the region of Glinmar. Production soars to 190 %. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-30 00:10:22

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 7 points. Arrival (Personal message) - 2023-01-30 00:10:24

You have arrived in Trinbar, a Townsland region (friendly territory). Battle in Sermbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Sermbar - 2023-01-30 00:10:32

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 70 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Hillmar message to all realms participating in the battle in Hillmar - 2023-01-30 00:10:33

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 30 men

Defender Victory! Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-01-30 00:10:53


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-01-30 00:10:53

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   War, looting or unrest makes the peasants unhappy.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   12 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 16 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (171 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm has dropped a little. It is now worshipful.

Monster Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-01-30 00:10:54

Monsters are rampaging in Tabost: The monsters have eaten 23 bushels of food. 10 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters. Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-30 00:46:52


There are 15 monsters in Tabost, which is ahead of my travels as I leave Trinbar's borders and enter Tabost's borders... sunset is in 11 hours from now, and I shall delay my arrival until Sunrise... which is 23 hours from henceforth...

Tabost is the only route through Sirion holdings to rejoin those of you stationed around Salta, Oroya City, or Ashforth City... Scout report of Tabost is attached.

Requesting assistance to clear the Tabost of the rogue monsters, 15-strong. I shall arrive in two turns of the sun and moon... by Sunrise tomorrow.


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-30 00:53:36

Sir Naismith,

We should join forces at the Border Fort and drive these monsters out. I will be there at the same time.

In Service,

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-30 05:25:24

Senator-Marshal Solomon,

A good plan to rally at the Border Fort, Milord of House Steele... we are currently holding near the Trinbar-Tabost boundaries, but shall be marching for your manor and estate, the Border Fort, to meet with you with haste, so that we may rally with your banners and prepare to march forth from there together with your forces, to where the monsters were last sighted. Government reports indicate Knight Lorne Roseguard may be close enough within the midlands of Dale's region, and with his additional archers... should we see them in time for Sunrise in 18 hours from this letter, the extra 50-strong archers under his command may be most useful against the 15 monsters...

Safe travels, we shall see you soon... and then I shall continue onwards to Salta... or where the High Commander may instruct us next.


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-30 12:13:28

Wear and tear causes 3 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 2 points. Battle in Sermbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Sermbar - 2023-01-30 12:13:39

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 80 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Hillmar message to all realms participating in the battle in Hillmar - 2023-01-30 12:13:40

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 30 men

Defender Victory! Monster Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-01-30 12:13:57

Monsters are rampaging in Tabost: Rampaging monsters cause damage to various buildings and production drops 2 %. 17 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters. Monsters are rampaging in Limbar: The monsters have eaten 4 bushels of food. 28 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters. Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-30 16:54:37


From the three bordering regions surrounding Tabost, they come...the banners of Sirion's forces march, arrows nocked and bows drawn.. from Dale, Sermbar, and Trinbar...

... a gathering is to happen, and the monsters shall soon face Knight Lorne's company of archers, with Senator-Marshal Solomon's ranged force as well, and I shall support with the small company travelling with me...

Scout report attached. This Old Knight looks forward to the meeting of realm-mates against the rogue monstrous foes...

...thank you, for responding to the call for aid.


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-30 16:57:17


I was just informed now, but also here in Tabost will be High Arbiter Lerriana Leather, a most welcome presence if she may join us, even without a unit of soldiers, but knowing she is within the region, a government official of the Ancient Republic... lends morale to the coming battle... at least to this old soul...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Letter from Razo Carmel Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-30 19:04:44

On my way to Limbar...

Razo Carmel Chancellor of the Treasury of Sirion Senator of Elmbar

Travel Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-31 00:15:56

Even though you wished to continue your travels, you stop in Tabost. Enemy troops were spotted here, belonging to (rogue). Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-31 00:16:02

Wear and tear causes 2 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops falls 1 points. Arrival (Personal message) - 2023-01-31 00:16:04

You have arrived in Tabost, a Badlands region (friendly territory). Battle in Tabost message to all nobles participating in the battle in Tabost - 2023-01-31 00:16:11

No. Role Army Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Roseguard 1st Thorns Lorne Sirion 47 Arch line 763 2 A Ser Naismith's Old Reliables Naismith Sirion 23 Arch line 371 3 A Steele Defenders Solomon Sirion 57 Arch line 587 4 D Monsters (Monsters) (rogue) 12 other line 750

Total: 3 attackers (127 Arch) 1 defenders (12 other) Total combat strengths: 1721 vs. 750

The troops from (rogue) set up defenses because they control the battlefield. The Sirion troops attack because they are at war with (rogue).

A calm wind blows, to the joy of the archers.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters) Turn No. 1

	 	3 (57-A)

1 (47-A) 2 (23-A) 4 (12-M)

Steele Defenders (3) move closer to get better shots. Roseguard 1st Thorns (1) fire on Monsters (4), scoring 242 hits. Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (2) fire on Monsters (4), scoring 150 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 392 Monsters (4) advance towards the enemy.

Monsters (4) take 392 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 392 (0 from close combat and 392 from ranged) Total casualties: 0 attackers, 3 defenders

Turn No. 2

	 	 	1 (47-A)

2 (23-A) 3 (57-A) 4 (9-M)

Steele Defenders (3) fire on Monsters (4), scoring 191 hits. Roseguard 1st Thorns (1) fire on Monsters (4), scoring 463 hits. Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (2) fire on Monsters (4), scoring 144 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 798 Monsters (4) advance towards the enemy.

Monsters (4) take 798 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 798 (0 from close combat and 798 from ranged) Total casualties: 0 attackers, 6 defenders

Attacker Victory!

The battle does minor damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 2 %. The locals are grateful for defeating the evil forces plaguing their region. Battle Results (Personal message) - 2023-01-31 00:16:12

Your unit participated in a battle in Tabost. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 1 Honour. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 16 points. Your men's equipment suffers 1 % damage. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 4 points. Battle in Sermbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Sermbar - 2023-01-31 00:16:13

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 10 men Senator Brian M. Cameron is spotted wearing the Grisly Ring of Dishonesty. Senator Brian M. Cameron is spotted wielding the Guard of War.

Attacker Victory! Battle in Limbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Limbar - 2023-01-31 00:16:15

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 80 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Hillmar message to all realms participating in the battle in Hillmar - 2023-01-31 00:16:16

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 100 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Sirion message to all realms participating in the battle in Sirion - 2023-01-31 00:16:25

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 110 men

Defender Victory! Regional Events in Tabost message to everyone in Tabost - 2023-01-31 00:16:39

   Surplus food in the region allows for troops to resupply.

Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-01-31 00:16:39


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-01-31 00:16:39

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   11 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 16 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (171 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now worshipful.

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-31 01:52:49

Early Battle of Tabost Battle Report

Further missive from Knight Naismith to follow later...

See attached below.

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-01-31 12:11:53

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 2 points. Your men seem to be getting along better. Unit cohesion rises. Battle in Tabost message to all nobles participating in the battle in Tabost - 2023-01-31 12:12:01

No. Role Army Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Monsters (Monsters) (rogue) 3 other line 215 2 D Roseguard 1st Thorns Lorne Sirion 47 Arch line 759 3 D Ser Naismith's Old Reliables Naismith Sirion 23 Arch line 367 4 D Steele Defenders Solomon Sirion 58 Arch line 566

Total: 1 attackers (3 other) 3 defenders (128 Arch) Total combat strengths: 215 vs. 1692

The region owner Sirion and their allies defend. The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Sirion.

A calm wind blows, to the joy of the archers.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters) Turn No. 1

	 	 	1 (3-M)

2 (47-A) 3 (23-A) 4 (58-A)

Roseguard 1st Thorns (2) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 291 hits. Steele Defenders (4) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 259 hits. Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (3) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 114 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 664, Defenders: 0 Monsters (1) advance towards the enemy.

Monsters (1) take 664 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 664 (0 from close combat and 664 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged) Total casualties: 3 attackers, 0 defenders

Defender Victory!

The locals are grateful for defeating the evil forces plaguing their region. Battle Results (Personal message) - 2023-01-31 12:12:02

Your unit participated in a battle in Tabost. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 0 Honour. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 13 points. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 4 points. Battle in Salta message to all realms participating in the battle in Salta - 2023-01-31 12:12:04

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 120 men Senator Molly Prestongreen is spotted wearing the Zakilevo's Ring of Tara.

Defender Victory! Battle in Sermbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Sermbar - 2023-01-31 12:12:05

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 10 men Senator Brian M. Cameron is spotted wearing the Grisly Ring of Dishonesty. Senator Brian M. Cameron is spotted wielding the Guard of War.

Attacker Victory! Battle in Limbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Limbar - 2023-01-31 12:12:06

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 60 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Sirion message to all realms participating in the battle in Sirion - 2023-01-31 12:12:10

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 40 men vs. 160 men

Defender Victory! Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-01-31 12:12:22

Undead are still at large in Salta: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Undead are still at large in Sirion: The undead are leaving the region and moving somewhere else. Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-31 13:14:23

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Letter from Lorne Roseguard Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-31 13:48:35

Lorne Roseguard Knight of Sirion

Letter from Lerriana Leather Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-31 14:51:33

I was at the battle hopefully I helped in a small way. I am headed out now may everyone kill the undead and our land can be safe once again

Lerriana Leather High Arbiter of Sirion Governor of Avamar Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-31 15:50:47

Perhaps, when it comes to RC's, we should ask an expert. I happen to have the contact of one, and will ask him if he's willing to assist.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Report from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-31 16:29:05

   Letter from Eisenritter Felsenbach
   (Personal message to Dominic Rea) - 5 minutes ago
   π”‡π”’π”žπ”― 𝔇𝔬π”ͺ𝔦𝔫𝔦𝔠,
   𝔗π”₯π”žπ”«π”¨ 𝔢𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔬𝔯 π”―π”’π”žπ” π”₯𝔦𝔫𝔀 𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔱𝔬 π”ͺ𝔒 π”žπ”«π”‘ 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔑𝔒𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔀 π”ͺ𝔒 π”žπ”° π”žπ”« π”žπ”‘π”³π”¦π”°π”¬π”― 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔢𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔯𝔒𝔠𝔯𝔲𝔦𝔱π”ͺ𝔒𝔫𝔱 𝔠𝔒𝔫𝔱𝔒𝔯 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔧𝔒𝔠𝔱. β„‘ π”žπ”ͺ π”₯𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔯𝔒𝔑 𝔱𝔬 π”Ÿπ”’ π”žπ”°π”°π”¬π” π”¦π”žπ”±π”’π”‘ 𝔴𝔦𝔱π”₯ 𝔱π”₯𝔒 𝔭𝔯𝔒𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔀𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰 π”π”žπ”­π”žπ”©π”©π”žπ”«π” π”₯ 𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔒 π”žπ”«π”‘ π”žπ”ͺ π”₯π”žπ”­π”­π”Ά 𝔱𝔬 π”₯π”’π”žπ”― 𝔱π”₯π”žπ”± 𝔦𝔱 π” π”žπ”―π”―π”¦π”’π”° π”ͺ𝔲𝔠π”₯ 𝔴𝔒𝔦𝔀π”₯𝔱 𝔦𝔫 𝔱π”₯𝔒 π”ͺπ”žπ”±π”±π”’π”―π”° 𝔬𝔣 π”Ÿπ”žπ”±π”±π”©π”’ π”žπ”«π”‘ π”©π”’π”žπ”‘π”’π”―π”°π”₯𝔦𝔭 𝔦𝔫 𝔖𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔫.
   β„‘ π”žπ”ͺ π”’π”žπ”€π”’π”― 𝔱𝔬 π”Ÿπ”’ 𝔬𝔣 π”žπ”°π”°π”¦π”°π”±π”žπ”«π” π”’ π”žπ”«π”‘ 𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔑 π”Ÿπ”’ π”₯π”žπ”­π”­π”Ά 𝔱𝔬 π”žπ” π” π”’π”­π”± 𝔢𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔬𝔣𝔣𝔒𝔯. β„‘ π”žπ”ͺ π”žπ”³π”žπ”¦π”©π”žπ”Ÿπ”©π”’ 𝔱𝔬 π”±π”―π”žπ”³π”’π”© 𝔱𝔬 𝔖𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔫 π”žπ”° 𝔰𝔬𝔬𝔫 π”žπ”° β„‘ 𝔯𝔒𝔠𝔒𝔦𝔳𝔒 𝔢𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔣𝔦𝔯π”ͺπ”žπ”±π”¦π”¬π”«. β„‘ 𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔨 π”£π”¬π”―π”΄π”žπ”―π”‘ 𝔱𝔬 π” π”¬π”«π”±π”―π”¦π”Ÿπ”²π”±π”¦π”«π”€ 𝔱𝔬 𝔢𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔧𝔒𝔠𝔱 π”žπ”«π”‘ π”žπ”ͺ π”€π”―π”žπ”±π”’π”£π”²π”© 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔱π”₯𝔒 𝔬𝔭𝔭𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔱𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔨 𝔴𝔦𝔱π”₯ 𝔢𝔬𝔲.
   𝔅𝔒𝔰𝔱 π”―π”’π”€π”žπ”―π”‘π”°,
   π•°π–Žπ–˜π–Šπ–“π–—π–Žπ–™π–™π–Šπ–— π•±π–Šπ–‘π–˜π–Šπ–“π–‡π–†π–ˆπ–
   Eisenritter Felsenbach
   Knight of Fontan

High Commander Lorenzo, and Marshal Solomon, what region should I put him up in to be most available to you?


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-31 18:43:55

Sir Dominic,

I think that Sir Eisenritter Felsenbach would be a good Lord for Dale. It is a central region and If he can put 3 good RCs in that region then they will supply militia for Dale, Salta , Obando and Tabost. I will supply him with 800 gold which should be enough to put 3 level 1 RCs in Dale. If they are of reasonable quality We can expand them.

Dale also needs a granary and a scouts guild, we can help him with gold for that too.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Senator of Trinbar

Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-01-31 22:00:44

I was under the impression he would be visiting our lands as an advisor, not that he would be joining our realm...although if you are able to convince him otherwise, we could use the help. I doubt that you'll be able sway him to our banner unless you can offer him an estate that is several hundred gold a week to replace the one he has in Fontan.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-01 00:12:24

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 3 points. Battle in Limbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Limbar - 2023-02-01 00:12:34

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 110 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Glinmar message to all realms participating in the battle in Glinmar - 2023-02-01 00:12:36

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 30 men vs. 50 men

Defender Victory! Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-01 00:12:53

Undead are still at large in Glinmar: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-01 00:12:53

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   11 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 15 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 42 new births.
   In summary, production has improved a bit. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now worshipful.

Regional Events in Tabost message to everyone in Tabost - 2023-02-01 00:12:53

   Surplus food in the region allows for troops to resupply.

Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-02-01 00:12:53


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Letter from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-01 00:25:33

I miss Fontan.

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-01 03:58:34

Well we'll see what he says. But three good RCs in Dale would really help. We need a lord for Dale anyway.

If he's just here for advice he can tour the realm and give a report.

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Senator of Trinbar

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-01 12:04:53

Your men enjoy having a few hours for themselves. Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 14 points. Out-of-Character from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-01 14:54:31


I most likely won't be able to post for a couple of days. Someone please fill in with commands if I don't issue commands within a few hours of turn change.

Mo Family Investment message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-01 20:29:16

Lorne Roseguard, Knight of Sirion has initiated an investment of 500 gold in the region of Sirion. Production soars to 162 %. Travel Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-02 00:14:04

You find the route excellent and make very good way, reducing your travel time by 2 hours. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-02 00:14:09

Wear and tear causes 3 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 5 points. Arrival (Personal message) - 2023-02-02 00:14:11

You have arrived in Dale, a Rural region (friendly territory). Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-02 00:14:38

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   16 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 15 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 55 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm has improved a bit. It is now enthralled.

Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-02-02 00:14:38


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-02 04:31:59


Over the last few days, across the Republic many of you have continued to battle the rogue monsters and undead forces from the rural coasts of Glinmar and Hillmar, where I presume Senator Brock Ketchum did battle, to Sermbar where Senator Brian M. Cameron was spotted clearing the region, and then to other places like Limbar where Chancellor of the Treasury Razo Carmel responded to the reports of rampaging monsters... and then to Tabost, Sirion City... and Salta too, where I presume it was Senator Molly Prestongreen whom stood guard as diligent as ever in patrolling the lands there for the last weeks and more... while it may be a usual routine for many of you now, in the absence of a wartime summons, know that this Old Knight appreciates the active service of so many of you Sirionites, continuing to hone your skills and battle prowess... while also securing our holdings and citizens against the constant threats of monsters and undead summoning forth and rampaging across the Ancient Republic's countryside...

And many thanks as well for the swift response and joint battle together with Senator-Marshal Solomon Steele, Knight Lorne Roseguard, and with High Arbiter Lerriana Leather in Tabost, where together we gathered ourselves into a Republican force and encampment, and then met the monsters and swept them from the field... while it was a brief meeting, our tents, banners, and preparing to act together with our companies and units, with High Arbiter Lerriana's presence being quite a morale boost... at last for this elderly old bag of bones... it was good to see you all. Thank you again, for your time and effort to rally together and achieve the timing needed to muster together, and not have one person arrive too early, or too late for the battle.

Knight Lorne Roseguard's scout report of Oberndorf from a few days ago does show an Eponllyn Lord commanding 60 special forces in the region. Perhaps standing watch upon the border with Sirion, but the report also does confirm he holds an estate there, a plantation by the looks of it. Most likely a regional Lord looking after his holdings... one may hope...

On the matter of having Sir Eisenritter Felsenbach visit our lands, to aid us in an advisor capacity in the project to rebuild, and analyze our Recruitment Centers across the Republic... I would welcome it... mostly because this Old Soul remembers the time Zakilevo Lapallanch did exist here within Sirion for many years, as it's Prime Minister, General... and more... though we still had Sir Handow Meadowcrest... and others like him... but if Sir Eisenritter Felsenbach does have ties to the Lapallanch Family, I would be gladdened to at least, even temporarily, have someone of such connection be within Sirion's lands once more, and to aid Sirion in the military affairs of Recruitment Centers alongside our military minds as a joint, collaborative project. My thanks to Knight Dominic Rea for reaching out through their contacts and network to perhaps bring a Felsenbach to Sirion... whether he takes up an estate and lordship, or not.

The Lapallanchs were known for a strong mind, an indomitable will, and a voice ready to speak their mind, but also be firm in decisions. In that, there was to be found loyalty, and dedication... and if Sir Eisenritter Felsenbach is already committed in loyalty to the realm he already serves, which I believe may be the case, it may not be his goals or plan to join Sirion at all, but truly to act and offer services as advisor to our military project into researching and refining the Recruitment Centers our realm holds... and to provide insights into the decisions we wish to take next... and particularly those of you in the military leadership and planning circles...

It is nostalgic to see name of Fontan attached to the Sir Eisenritter Felsenbach's name... it refers to the City, of course... but as Senator Brock remarked... it does bring memories of the Realm of Fontan itself... many decades, and decades.... and decades... ago...

Lastly, thanks to Knight Lorne Roseguard for investing over 500 gold into Sirion City -- we may see that investment reap additional coin to add to the realm coffers if production and other factors are kept in good order... let us hope it does... for if Sir Eisenritter and the Sirion leadership, and many of you whom choose to participate in the discussions... to so choose to move forward with rebuilding, or building completely new, Recruitment Centers... there will be much coin put to use...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Request from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-02 04:35:15


...Speaking of gold... it seems time has passed by quickly already... and this Old Knight now holds 15 gold in the coffers already... I did recruit a good number of scouts from Trinbar... on the way to Tabost, and eventually back to Salta, the last rallying order my elderly mind can be remember... but it seems the days have gone by already, and I may soon need to request at least 25 gold to stay in the field another week or so.

I do not need it urgently yet, for the 15 gold will suffice for another 1-2 days. But should anyone be close to a bank anytime soon, and willing to fund an Old Knight's company to stay afield for another week or so, 25 gold will do the trick... I would urge the rest to be either donated to Oroya City where Royal Duke Rearden has last requested additional reserves be sent to rebuild the City, or to be held onto for possible spending upon the potential Recruitment Center military project to re-assess what we have...

Many thanks...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Travel Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-02 12:08:04

You find the route excellent and make very good way, reducing your travel time by 2 hours. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-02 12:08:05

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 1 points. Arrival (Personal message) - 2023-02-02 12:08:08

You have arrived in Salta, a Rural region (friendly territory). Battle in Elmbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Elmbar - 2023-02-02 12:08:14

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 80 men

Defender Victory! Fortifications upgraded message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-02 12:38:59

Fortifications in Oroya have been raised to Fortress (5). Rearden Arylon carved his name into the final stone during a small ceremony today. Report from Rearden Arylon Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-02 12:40:04

Oroya today stands more protected than before, with shining walls so high.

Congratulations to Sirion for this new defensible beacon for our realm.

Rearden Arylon Royal of Sirion Duke of Oroya Governor of Oroya

Letter from Lerriana Leather Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-02 14:04:52

Nobles I have quite a bit of gold that I can send out to nobles who are in need. Send me a message telling me how much you need and I will send you some gold.

Lerriana Leather High Arbiter of Sirion Governor of Avamar Letter from Jay II Fireborn Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-02 14:16:13

I currently have enough gold to mantain my unit for around a month, but after that i will need gold again.

In arms,

Jay II Fireborn Knight of Parm

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-03 00:13:57

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 2 points. Battle in Elmbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Elmbar - 2023-02-03 00:14:08

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 70 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Flismar message to all realms participating in the battle in Flismar - 2023-02-03 00:14:10

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-03 00:14:25

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   15 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 15 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 37 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm has improved a bit. It is now enthralled.

Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-02-03 00:14:25


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Regional Events in Salta message to everyone in Salta - 2023-02-03 00:14:25

   Surplus food in the region allows for troops to resupply.

Taxes Received (Personal message) - 2023-02-03 00:14:35

As a knight of Parm, Naismith Manor earns you 14 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold. Region Tax Report message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-03 00:14:35

The following taxes were collected in Parm. The tax rate for this collection was 2 %.

Regional income and expensesPeasants Taxes 82 gold Taxes from Guildhouses + 2 gold Buildings Upkeep - 7 gold Collectable Tax Gold 77 gold Estate of Size Peasants Tax Collected Knight Share Lord Share Jay II 20 % 2144 15 gold 14 gold 1 gold Naismith 20 % 2144 15 gold 14 gold 1 gold Ivo 20 % 2144 15 gold 15 gold (vacant) 20 % 2144 7 gold 7 gold (vacant) 20 % 2144 7 gold 7 gold Region Totals 59 gold 28 gold 31 gold

Lord and Duke SharesLord Share 31 gold Dukes Share - 31 gold Lords Tax Income nothing

Realm Tax Report message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-03 00:14:36

Taxes were collected today throughout the realm. Here is a summary of what the tax collectors could get: Region Tax Income Upkeep avg. Knight Share Lord Share Duke Share Realm Share Duchy of Avamar (100% rulers share) Avamar 511 gold 157 gold 485 gold 26 gold Sir Temple 321 gold 85 gold ~ 122 gold - 199 gold Tallbar 114 gold 130 gold 102 gold 12 gold Duchy Totals 946 gold 372 gold 237 gold Duchy of Oroya (25% rulers share) Oroya 65 gold 13 gold - 65 gold Salta 90 gold 3 gold ~ 28 gold 55 gold 7 gold Duchy Totals 155 gold 16 gold 54 gold 18 gold Duchy of Osmeneliath (100% rulers share) Dale 39 gold 0 gold - 39 gold Obando 11 gold 0 gold - 11 gold Parm 59 gold 7 gold ~ 14 gold - 31 gold Tabost 113 gold 0 gold 107 gold 6 gold Trinbar 366 gold 134 gold 347 gold 19 gold Duchy Totals 588 gold 141 gold 106 gold Duchy of Sirion (25% rulers share) Elmbar 336 gold 135 gold 312 gold 24 gold Glinmar 653 gold 13 gold 607 gold 46 gold Hillmar 318 gold 48 gold 295 gold 23 gold Limbar 89 gold 10 gold 84 gold 5 gold Sirion 1028 gold 190 gold ~ 204 gold - 620 gold Duchy Totals 2424 gold 396 gold 538 gold 180 gold

The crown has received 541 gold tax income thanks to an average rulers share of 63%. The crown also receives 275 gold in property taxes (1% above 1000 gold or bonds) and 0 gold in wealth taxes (5% above 10000 gold or bonds). This brings the crown's total income to 816 gold.

With a 10% share, the realm's 6 knights and dames each receive 14 gold from the crown. With a 30% share, the High Commander receives 245 gold from the crown. The Lord Speaker retains 487 gold for himself.

Subsidy Received (Personal message) - 2023-02-03 00:14:36

As a knight of the The Ancient Republic of Sirion, you earn 14 gold as a subsidy from the crown. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold. Report from Nemean JeVondair Renodin Message sent to everyone in Adventurer's Guild (42 recipients) - 2023-02-03 03:32:43

Members of the Guild,

This letter is about history. It speaks of the days that inspire the present. It is an offer and a chance.

In some three days time I will receive family in Domus. A small city that sits in the middle of our continent. There will be those among you that recall the days of the Imperium. The heights of Highmarch. The Path of Ashes. The merging of the Horselords and the Redwing. The days that saw the blue turn to gold. An arm is reached to Perdan where yet again more are found that hail from a long legacy that finds terminus in blood. Quickening veins and stirring memory. Not blood shed idly but blood that gave life. Family.

Remember the days of Greater Xavax, the Era that saw great Migrations, where legend was made flesh and walked among us. You will know that they do still. To those that hold this dear and remember, know that you are welcome at my hearth. It is a select gathering but we will know our own. Make up your mind for there is time needed for traveling. This is nothing more than a gathering to once more look upon one another. To break bread and share wine as we once did. Our people. Of the olden days and those that came after but never had a chance to witness the time of their parents or simply those of which they descend. It is not lost. Only hope is forgotten at times. But you can gain it again.

Sans import other than legacy, you will know welcome. The Castellan will permit you entry into my castles and I will welcome you in the gathering.

Wings unfurled,

Nemean JeVondair Renodin Patriarch of Caligus Royal of Caligus Ambassador of Caligus Duke of the Lion's Mane Newcomer of Adventurer's Guild

Request from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-03 04:11:31

Milord High Arbiter Lerriana Leather,

If the gold is ample enough, I would directly request 25 gold at this time. The taxes have come in, and that did increase my coffers enough to last one week by itself... Another 25 gold would last my company a total of two weeks before having to request funding again. This should be enough to cover provisions, equipment repairs, and wages.

Many thanks, if you are able to fulfill this request... I would leave the rest for others to request gold from your reserves as needed... such as Steward-Knight Sir Jay II alluded to.

An additional congratulations to the Oroya City walls being reinforced and upgraded by the Royal Duke Rearden, of House Arylon. This is good news, more defensive options means we may have less to worry about should future conflict come bearing down upon the Republic... and with sea routes and sea travels now a more viable option than decades ago... but let us hope the possible arrival of someone from the Felsenbach Family will also help us open more opportunities to express and prepare our military options, and flexibility should such a day require it...

For those not yet acquainted with the Adventurer's Guild missives and collective, a letter was recently shared from the Patriarch of Caligus, Nemean JeVondair Renodin... and it seems to touch upon... a reunion and gathering feast for those formerly of the Xavax Imperium... a copied letter soon to follow...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-03 04:11:43

   Report from Nemean JeVondair Renodin
   Message sent to everyone in Adventurer's Guild (42 recipients) - 24 minutes ago
   Members of the Guild,
   This letter is about history. It speaks of the days that inspire the present. It is an offer and a chance.
   In some three days time I will receive family in Domus. A small city that sits in the middle of our continent. There will be those among you that recall the days of the Imperium. The heights of Highmarch. The Path of Ashes. The merging of the Horselords and the Redwing. The days that saw the blue turn to gold. An arm is reached to Perdan where yet again more are found that hail from a long legacy that finds terminus in blood. Quickening veins and stirring memory. Not blood shed idly but blood that gave life. Family.
   Remember the days of Greater Xavax, the Era that saw great Migrations, where legend was made flesh and walked among us. You will know that they do still. To those that hold this dear and remember, know that you are welcome at my hearth. It is a select gathering but we will know our own. Make up your mind for there is time needed for traveling. This is nothing more than a gathering to once more look upon one another. To break bread and share wine as we once did. Our people. Of the olden days and those that came after but never had a chance to witness the time of their parents or simply those of which they descend. It is not lost. Only hope is forgotten at times. But you can gain it again.
   Sans import other than legacy, you will know welcome. The Castellan will permit you entry into my castles and I will welcome you in the gathering.
   Wings unfurled,
   Nemean JeVondair Renodin
   Patriarch of Caligus
   Royal of Caligus
   Ambassador of Caligus
   Duke of the Lion's Mane
   Newcomer of Adventurer's Guild

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-03 12:12:26

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Battle in Trinbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Trinbar - 2023-02-03 12:12:35

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 50 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Flismar message to all realms participating in the battle in Flismar - 2023-02-03 12:12:37

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 160 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Slimbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Slimbar - 2023-02-03 12:12:38

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Monster Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-03 12:12:48

Monsters are rampaging in Limbar: 15 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters. Report from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-03 17:23:31

I'll be sending our advisor to Sirion City to start talks, since no one has really spoken about it. Perhaps the Lord Commander and Marshal can meet us there?


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Report from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-03 17:37:12

All is secure in the east. Rogue attack has been deal with swiftly. No stranger reported.

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

Report from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-03 17:38:14

The Horsemasters have not been in Ashforth nor has the single unit in Obendorf moved for some days now, and since talks about what region to drop in favor of the city have stalled, I am travelling to meet our advisor in Sirion City. If anyone wants to keep track of the goings on in Ashforth, the area is quiet but important.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Gold Transfer (Personal message) - 2023-02-03 18:41:15

High Arbiter Lerriana Leather has transferred 25 bonds to Knight Naismith Willarc on 2023-02-03

Lerriana Leather High Arbiter of Sirion Governor of Avamar Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-04 00:13:39

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Battle in Trinbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Trinbar - 2023-02-04 00:13:52

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 40 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Limbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Limbar - 2023-02-04 00:13:54

Caligus, Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 80 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Hillmar message to all realms participating in the battle in Hillmar - 2023-02-04 00:13:55

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 200 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Slimbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Slimbar - 2023-02-04 00:13:56

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Tallbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Tallbar - 2023-02-04 00:13:57

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 50 men

Defender Victory! Regional Events in Salta message to everyone in Salta - 2023-02-04 00:14:10

   Surplus food in the region allows for troops to resupply.

Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-04 00:14:10

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   14 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 15 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 28 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now enthralled.

Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-02-04 00:14:10


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Monster Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-04 00:14:11

Monsters are rampaging in Obando: 6 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters. Duchy Renamed message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-04 00:32:12

Lord Speaker Ivo Mersault has announced that the former duchy of Avamar shall henceforth be known as the duchy of Anarionath instead. Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-04 01:47:26

I was intending to meet our guest in Sirion City. Instead, I will keep an eye on Ashforth from Tabost. Our advisor guest is welcome to visit me in Tabost at my estate.


Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Freeman Pauses message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-04 02:00:12

Blep has been autopaused indefinitely due to inactivity. Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-04 02:25:53

There are seventeen nobles in Sirion, Senator. I think any one of them that is not you, me, or the Lord Commander can do that instead.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-04 03:42:04

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Senator Abdicates message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-04 05:49:04

Lorenzo Falconi has abdicated from his lordship in Trinbar. He has given the following reason:

   It has been a pleasure and a privilege to be Lord of Trinbar, but now I step down in order to take up new duties in the Service of Sirion.

A New Duke message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-04 06:01:00

Lord Speaker Ivo Mersault has appointed Lorenzo Falconi to the vacant Duke position of Anarionath. A New Lord message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-04 07:26:30

Duke Lorenzo Falconi of Anarionath Duchy has appointed Lorenzo Falconi to the vacant lordship position in Sir Temple. Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-04 07:31:32

Lord Speaker Ivo,

Thank you for appointing me Duke of Anarionath.

I pledge to hold my duchy safe in the service of the realm.

For Sirion!

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Lorne Roseguard Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-04 09:38:59

Lorne Roseguard Knight of Sirion

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-04 12:07:50

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Battle in Avamar message to all realms participating in the battle in Avamar - 2023-02-04 12:07:59

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 30 men vs. 90 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Salta message to all nobles participating in the battle in Salta - 2023-02-04 12:07:59

No. Role Army Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Monsters (Monsters) (rogue) 13 other line 625 2 D Mithril Blades Molly Sirion 42 Inf line 593 3 D Ser Naismith's Old Reliables Naismith Sirion 23 Arch line 374 4 N Fighters (militia/guard unit) Eponllyn 49 SF line 528

Total: 1 attackers (13 other) 2 defenders (42 Inf, 23 Arch) Total combat strengths: 625 vs. 967 1 neutral observers (528 combat strength).

The region owner Sirion and their allies defend. The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Sirion. Fighters don't know what to do and stay out of the battle.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.

Senator Molly Prestongreen is spotted wearing the Zakilevo's Ring of Tara.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters) Turn No. 1

	 	 	1 (13-M)

2 (42-I) 3 (23-A)

Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (3) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 89 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 89, Defenders: 0 Monsters (1) advance towards the enemy. Mithril Blades (2) advance towards the enemy.

Monsters (1) take 89 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 89 (0 from close combat and 89 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged) Total casualties: 1 attackers, 0 defenders

Turn No. 2

	 	 	 	1 (12-M)

2 (42-I) 3 (23-A)

Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (3) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 178 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 178, Defenders: 0 Monsters (1) advance towards the enemy. Mithril Blades (2) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line): 1 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. Monsters (1) score 138 hits on Mithril Blades (2). Mithril Blades (2) score 579 hits on Monsters (1). Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 579, Defenders: 138

Monsters (1) take 757 hits (579 in close combat, 178 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat. Mithril Blades (2) take 138 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 757 (579 from close combat and 178 from ranged), Defenders: 138 (138 from close combat and 0 from ranged) Total casualties: 9 attackers, 5 defenders

Defender Victory!

The locals are grateful for defeating the evil forces plaguing their region. Battle Results (Personal message) - 2023-02-04 12:08:00

Your unit participated in a battle in Salta. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 1 Honour. You have improved your leadership skill. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 15 points. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 3 points. Battle in Limbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Limbar - 2023-02-04 12:08:01

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 20 men vs. 40 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Hillmar message to all realms participating in the battle in Hillmar - 2023-02-04 12:08:03

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 80 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Slimbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Slimbar - 2023-02-04 12:08:04

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 70 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Tallbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Tallbar - 2023-02-04 12:08:05

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 50 men

Defender Victory! Takeover message to all nobles on East Continent - 2023-02-04 12:08:20

Perleone has taken control of Ejarr Puutl. The region used to belong to Yssrgard. Monster Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-04 12:08:20

Monsters are rampaging in Obando: The monsters have eaten 7 bushels of food. 23 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters. Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-04 12:08:21

Undead are still at large in Avamar: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-04 12:18:14

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Important Event for Hunting & Swordfighting message to the elders of Hunting & Swordfighting - 2023-02-04 12:26:28

Noble Rearden Arylon has constructed a new guild house in Oroya. Also check the Guild Log for recent events. Guild Rank Change (Personal message) - 2023-02-04 12:31:43

High Dragon Rearden has promoted you to the rank of Emerald Dragon in the guild "Order of the Red Dragon". You are now a full member of the guild. There is no monthly grant or fee for this rank. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-05 00:07:16

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 7 points. Battle in Salta message to all nobles participating in the battle in Salta - 2023-02-05 00:07:26

No. Role Army Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Monsters (Monsters) (rogue) 3 other line 160 2 D Mithril Blades Molly Sirion 42 Inf line 558 3 D Ser Naismith's Old Reliables Naismith Sirion 23 Arch line 375 4 N Fighters (militia/guard unit) Eponllyn 49 SF line 528

Total: 1 attackers (3 other) 2 defenders (42 Inf, 23 Arch) Total combat strengths: 160 vs. 933 1 neutral observers (528 combat strength).

The region owner Sirion and their allies defend. The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Sirion. Fighters don't know what to do and stay out of the battle.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.

Senator Molly Prestongreen is spotted wearing the Zakilevo's Ring of Tara.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters) Turn No. 1

	 	 	1 (3-M)

2 (42-I) 3 (23-A)

Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (3) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 101 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 101, Defenders: 0 Monsters (1) advance towards the enemy. Mithril Blades (2) advance towards the enemy.

Monsters (1) take 101 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 101 (0 from close combat and 101 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged) Total casualties: 1 attackers, 0 defenders

Turn No. 2

	 	 	 	1 (2-M)

2 (42-I) 3 (23-A)

Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (3) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 132 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 132, Defenders: 0 Monsters (1) advance towards the enemy. Mithril Blades (2) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line): 1 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. Mithril Blades (2) score 180 hits on Monsters (1) (464 before overkill). Monsters (1) score 30 hits on Mithril Blades (2). Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 180 (464 before overkill), Defenders: 30

Mithril Blades (2) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Monsters (1) take 312 hits (180 in close combat, 132 from archer fire), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 312 (180 from close combat and 132 from ranged), Defenders: 30 (30 from close combat and 0 from ranged) Total casualties: 2 attackers, 1 defenders

Defender Victory!

The locals are grateful for defeating the evil forces plaguing their region. Battle Results (Personal message) - 2023-02-05 00:07:27

Your unit participated in a battle in Salta. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 0 Honour. You have improved your leadership skill. Your captain has improved his skill level. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 9 points. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 3 points. Battle in Limbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Limbar - 2023-02-05 00:07:28

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 260 men Senator Brian M. Cameron is spotted wearing the Grisly Ring of Dishonesty. Senator Brian M. Cameron is spotted wielding the Guard of War.

Defender Victory! Battle in Sir Temple message to all realms participating in the battle in Sir Temple - 2023-02-05 00:07:40

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 20 men

Defender Victory! Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-02-05 00:07:53


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Monster Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-05 00:07:53

Monsters are rampaging in Obando: The monsters have been seen moving away. They are probably going to another region. Monsters are rampaging in Tabost: 6 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters. Regional Events in Salta message to everyone in Salta - 2023-02-05 00:07:53

   Surplus food in the region allows for troops to resupply.

Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-05 00:07:53

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   14 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 15 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 70 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now enthralled.

A New Season message to everyone on East Continent - 2023-02-05 00:07:59

The season has turned and it is now Winter. Orders from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-05 05:33:06

Rogue forces arriving in Salta and rogue present in Tabost. Please deal with them.

I think we have enough knights arriving already to deal with them.

Things will get more difficult over winter with slower travel.

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-05 07:27:40


Thanks to Senator Molly, the rogue monsters in Salta have been cleared in the last few days. Two battles were fought, the battle reports are attached below.

In response to Sir Dominic's move to meet the advisor from House Felsenbach in Sirion City... and especially now that Winter is upon us... I shall be remaining here in Salta to assist with scout reports into Ashforth City, and the surrounding regions bordering Salta. Five scout reports are attached... Ashforth City itself shows no signs of activity from the Horsemasters or any other realm currently... we have an Obando presence of monsters, 10-strong, making movements towards Oroya City, beware of a possible battle for Royal Duke Rearden and Sir Periurium there... finally Dale remains clear of any rogue threat, and is empty... and finally a report on Salta itself, where Senator Molly and myself are stationed...

Sir Lorne's scout reports from a day or so ago indicate several things... Flismar was clear of rogue threats, which aligns well with Senator Brock's mentioning that the eastern front is secure from rogue attacks at this time. Further southwards towards the Flismar-Rowanglade borders however, the scout reports indicate a undead horde present with the estimation of 40-strong roaming the countryside. They may have moved on in the last day or so since the scout report, but so far none of the battle reports vaguely reported to the Realm seem to have dealt with a battle of 40-strong in any of the neighbour regions. Be wary if travelling in the area still, you may encounter that horde still. Elmbar stands strong still with the three militia units stationed there, holding watch over the bordering Montijo region via the only bridge crossing available between the two regions... and finally Senator Brian's region of Limbar was where Sir Eisenritter was seen moving out to Sirion City, and Sir Lorne was also stationed and sending out scout reports from. Many thanks again for providing insights into that area of Sirion, Sir Lorne, and for holding a joint battle together with Sir Eisenritter a few days ago against a force of 9 monsters. Sir Eisenritter's force of 18-strong took 8 casualties... I hope they were able to receive aid and recover... otherwise the House Felsenbach member may only have 10-strong to safely travel home with...

A congratulations to the now Duke of Sir Temple, of the Anarionath Duchy -- milord Lorenzo Falconi, High Commander of Sirion. An appointment that moves from the Senator lordship in Trinbar to one of higher post in the northern regions of our Ancient Republic...

My thanks as well to High Arbiter Lerriana for sending forth the requested gold so that my company can stay in the field for at least another week or two more... I will re-evaluate and likely request funding again at that time.

   Gold Transfer
   (Personal message) - 1 day, 12 hours ago
   High Arbiter Lerriana Leather has transferred 25 bonds to Knight Naismith Willarc on 2023-02-03
   Lerriana Leather
   High Arbiter of Sirion
   Governor of Avamar

Senator Solomon of House Steele, as per my words above... you are free to reinforce our meeting with the advisor from House Felsenbach in Sirion City if you so wish still -- I shall keep watch over Ashforth City from here in Salta for the time being... the more friendly faces whom may greet Sir Eisenritter, the more interesting stories I think may arise... but I leave the decision to you, but I am sure Sir Dominic may appreciate additional company in meeting with Sir Eisenritter if we also have the High Commander and Marshal together there.

On news from the Guilds I retain membership in... the Hunting & Swordfighting Guild has expanded with a guildhouse in Oroya City, thanks to Royal Duke Rearden's sponsorship. The guild is more of a Sirionite entity, focused on the relationship between Adventurers and Nobility in the fields of Unique Item repairs, and hunting monster and undead threats. The more larger Adventurer's Guild, has a greater membership representing more realms across the East Continent, but the Hunting & Swordfighting Guild is more a quieter version... with Lord Speaker Ivo at the helm as the remaining elder Guild leadership. The Order of the Red Dragon has recently reported to me that I have been raised to the rank of Emerald Dragon, by the rank of High Dragon which our own Royal Duke Rearden holds in that Order. As I recall, the Guild and Order is a creation by the Royal Duke to explore and be a cultural anchor for Sirion culture, activities, and possibly retaining and development of Realm culture, and Sirion values, history, and potentially more in time.


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm

Request from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-05 09:47:02

Lords Leofric, Brock and Lerriana,

There is now a chance to tidy up our duchies by you three region Lords transferring allegiance.

I would like to see Glinmar & Hillmar transfer to my duchy of Anarionath, and see Avamar transfer from Anarionath to the duchy of Sirion. I would actually lose income on this since Avamar is richer than the other two regions combined, but I support such a move because it's geographically neater.

I hope that the Lords of these three regions agree and are willing to transfer. I hope that Speaker Ivo also supports this change.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-05 12:08:17

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 4 points. Battle in Avamar message to all realms participating in the battle in Avamar - 2023-02-05 12:08:26

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 90 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Tabost message to all realms participating in the battle in Tabost - 2023-02-05 12:08:27

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 70 men vs. 20 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Hillmar message to all realms participating in the battle in Hillmar - 2023-02-05 12:08:29

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 110 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Oroya message to all realms participating in the battle in Oroya - 2023-02-05 12:08:30

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 150 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Sir Temple message to all realms participating in the battle in Sir Temple - 2023-02-05 12:08:37

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 20 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Csopa message to all realms participating in the battle in Csopa - 2023-02-05 12:08:38

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Rowanglade message to all realms participating in the battle in Rowanglade - 2023-02-05 12:08:39

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 30 men

Attacker Victory! Report from Lerriana Leather Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-05 13:13:13

It seems Avamar is going to stay where she is.

As the lord of Avamar, you can change the allegiance of your region to a different duchy. At this time, Avamar is a part of the duchy of Anarionath.

You can switch to other duchies in the following situations:

   When at least one region of that duchy is a bordering neighbour of your region.
   When you are in a region of that duchy. This means you can switch to any duchy you desire simply by travelling there and pledging your allegiance.
   By meeting a duke in person, by both of you being in the same region.
   By a duke visiting your region, by travelling to your region.
   By meeting a duke at a tournament you attend.

If the duchy you switch your region to belongs to a different realm, you and all your knights will automatically join that realm. Your knights will not follow you to the new realm if they are already banished from that realm. Duchies you can Join There are currently no duchies available for selection.

Lerriana Leather High Arbiter of Sirion Governor of Avamar Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-05 13:17:25

Lady Lerriana,

I think you can do it by traveling to Sirion Duchy:

   When you are in a region of that duchy. This means you can switch to any duchy you desire simply by travelling there and pledging your allegiance.

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Request from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-05 16:48:10


... Fresh scout reports have a force of 20 monsters appearing in Salta, stationary, origins unknown... they were not detected in the neighbouring regions this strongly beforehand from my scout reports... Senator Molly of Salta and myself may be able to dispatch the beasts, but I worry for Senator Molly's troops bearing the brunt of the melee to come, as my company may not be strong enough to reduce the rogue force with arrows and bow before reaching our frontlines.

Requesting assistance from the nearest friendly Sirion forces in Oroya City... if Sir Periurium or Royal Duke Rearden, you should receive this message in time... this Old Knight asks for your presence in Salta, to aid in the potential fight against the monster force here.. and to reduce the potential casualties Senator Molly's force may suffer. While Senator Molly's force numbers 40-strong in infantry, my force only numbers 20-strong, and I have seen enough to believe your added companies of archers or infantry may save additional lives.

Scout report of Salta is attached, and of several surrounding regions.... Obando and Ashforth City remain clear... no hostile rogues or other forces present at this time... Oberndorf has it's regional lord from Eponllyn still maintaining a presence there, having what seems to be a finished battle against monsters there as well.


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Report from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-05 20:17:50

Rogue go away day.

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

Report from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-05 20:19:08

I need to meet a Duke day.


As the lord of Hillmar, you can change the allegiance of your region to a different duchy. At this time, Hillmar is a part of the duchy of Sirion.

You can switch to other duchies in the following situations:

   When at least one region of that duchy is a bordering neighbour of your region.
   When you are in a region of that duchy. This means you can switch to any duchy you desire simply by travelling there and pledging your allegiance.
   By meeting a duke in person, by both of you being in the same region.
   By a duke visiting your region, by travelling to your region.
   By meeting a duke at a tournament you attend.

If the duchy you switch your region to belongs to a different realm, you and all your knights will automatically join that realm. Your knights will not follow you to the new realm if they are already banished from that realm. Duchies you can Join There are currently no duchies available for selection.

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-05 20:48:47

Senator Brock,

I'm moving to Sir Temple. Just meet me there. Or I can come to you

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-06 00:03:24

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 5 points. Battle in Tabost message to all realms participating in the battle in Tabost - 2023-02-06 00:03:36

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 70 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Salta message to all nobles participating in the battle in Salta - 2023-02-06 00:03:36

No. Role Army Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Monsters (Monsters) (rogue) 13 other line 770 2 D Mithril Blades Molly Sirion 42 Inf line 559 3 D Ser Naismith's Old Reliables Naismith Sirion 23 Arch line 379 4 D Xavax Archers Periurium Sirion 68 Arch line 867 5 N Fighters (militia/guard unit) Eponllyn 49 SF line 525

Total: 1 attackers (13 other) 3 defenders (42 Inf, 91 Arch) Total combat strengths: 770 vs. 1805 1 neutral observers (525 combat strength).

The region owner Sirion and their allies defend. The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Sirion. Fighters don't know what to do and stay out of the battle.

A calm wind blows, to the joy of the archers.

Senator Molly Prestongreen is spotted wearing the Zakilevo's Ring of Tara.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters) Turn No. 1

	 	 	1 (13-M)

2 (42-I) 3 (23-A) 4 (68-A)

Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (3) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 151 hits. Xavax Archers (4) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 280 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 431, Defenders: 0 Monsters (1) advance towards the enemy. Mithril Blades (2) advance towards the enemy.

Monsters (1) take 431 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 431 (0 from close combat and 431 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged) Total casualties: 3 attackers, 0 defenders

Turn No. 2

	 	 	 	1 (10-M)

2 (42-I) 3 (23-A) 4 (68-A)

Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (3) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 216 hits. Xavax Archers (4) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 414 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 630, Defenders: 0 Monsters (1) advance towards the enemy. Mithril Blades (2) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line): 1 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. Mithril Blades (2) score 594 hits on Monsters (1). Monsters (1) score 217 hits on Mithril Blades (2). Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 594, Defenders: 217

Mithril Blades (2) take 217 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties. Monsters (1) take 1224 hits (594 in close combat, 630 from archer fire), which cause 9 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1224 (594 from close combat and 630 from ranged), Defenders: 217 (217 from close combat and 0 from ranged) Total casualties: 9 attackers, 9 defenders

Defender Victory!

The locals are grateful for defeating the evil forces plaguing their region. Battle Results (Personal message) - 2023-02-06 00:03:37

Your unit participated in a battle in Salta. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 1 Honour. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 13 points. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 2 points. Battle in Oroya message to all realms participating in the battle in Oroya - 2023-02-06 00:03:39

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 50 men

Defender Victory! Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-02-06 00:03:54


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-06 00:03:54

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   6 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 22 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 37 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now worshipful.

Report from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-06 01:17:45

After this next battle with the monsters, I'll be traveling to Sirion City.

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-06 04:13:53

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Report from Ivo Mersault Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-06 07:02:47

This is what I drew up last time

   Duchy of Oroya
   Duchy of Parm
   Duchy of Sir Temple
   Sir Temple
   Duchy of Sirion
   Duchy of Avamar

Ivo Mersault Lord Speaker of Sirion Royal of Sirion Duke of Osmeneliath Governor of Parm

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-06 08:04:14

Well you know my preference, Hillmar and Glinmar to duchy of Anarionath and Avamar to Duchy of Sirion,

Regarding Obando, you can't change its duchy unless it has a region Lord

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-06 12:14:04

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 7 points. Battle in Salta message to all nobles participating in the battle in Salta - 2023-02-06 12:14:15

No. Role Army Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Monsters (Monsters) (rogue) 1 other line 75 2 D Mithril Blades Molly Sirion 38 Inf line 513 3 D Ser Naismith's Old Reliables Naismith Sirion 23 Arch line 379 4 D Xavax Archers Periurium Sirion 68 Arch line 874 5 N Fighters (militia/guard unit) Eponllyn 49 SF line 524

Total: 1 attackers (1 other) 3 defenders (38 Inf, 91 Arch) Total combat strengths: 75 vs. 1766 1 neutral observers (524 combat strength).

The region owner Sirion and their allies defend. The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Sirion. Fighters don't know what to do and stay out of the battle.

Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.

Senator Molly Prestongreen is spotted wearing the Zakilevo's Ring of Tara.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters) Turn No. 1

	 	 	1 (1-M)

2 (38-I) 3 (23-A) 4 (68-A)

Xavax Archers (4) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 234 hits. Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (3) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 95 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 329, Defenders: 0 Monsters (1) advance towards the enemy. Mithril Blades (2) advance towards the enemy.

Monsters (1) take 329 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 329 (0 from close combat and 329 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged) Total casualties: 1 attackers, 0 defenders

Defender Victory!

The locals are grateful for defeating the evil forces plaguing their region. Battle in Tabost message to all realms participating in the battle in Tabost - 2023-02-06 12:14:15

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 60 men

Defender Victory! Battle Results (Personal message) - 2023-02-06 12:14:16

Your unit participated in a battle in Salta. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 0 Honour. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 16 points. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 3 points. Battle in Sirion message to all realms participating in the battle in Sirion - 2023-02-06 12:14:25

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 20 men vs. 320 men Senator Brian M. Cameron is spotted wearing the Grisly Ring of Dishonesty. Senator Brian M. Cameron is spotted wielding the Guard of War.

Defender Victory! Letter from Lerriana Leather Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-06 12:38:19

I'll head there. Thank you.

Lerriana Leather High Arbiter of Sirion Governor of Avamar

Request from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-06 15:36:45

   There is now a chance to tidy up our duchies by you three region Lords transferring allegiance.

Oaths to Dukes are now a thing to be traded at a whim rather then a sacred oath? How......curious....


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Gold Transfer (Personal message) - 2023-02-06 15:39:27

Knight Sir Dominic Rea has transferred 300 bonds to Knight Naismith Willarc on 2023-02-06

Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Letter from Dominic Rea (Personal message to Naismith Willarc) - 2023-02-06 15:39:40

For your coffers, Ser.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-06 16:15:12

Sir Dominic,

Your statement does not match reality. If that was true then no reorganization in any realm would be possible, but we see that many realms have sensibly structured contiguous regions in their duchies that were obviously planned. Reorganization goes on all the time in many realms. Nothing strange about it, its absolutely normal.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-06 17:29:17

Says the man that called for the very idea. Perhaps save the insults for later, after you've countered my point? I could care less about other realms, as Sirion has been historically the pride of the island, and as such, we should hold ourselves to a higher standard then others, rather then just "reaching the same level." Oaths are not sets of clothes to be shucked off and replaced at any whim. While there is a great many reasons for a Lord to swear fealty to a new Duke, "because it make the map look nicer" is a rather poor reason. It's not as if there is any monetary or control reasons to do so: the peasants and merchants care less if the region they work is contiguous with the rest of it's Duchy.

Perhaps you should try to personally message the lords you wish to swap to you, and convince them that you are a better Duke then the one they have. I hear lower tax rates and more engaged Dukes tend to get larger duchies....


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-06 18:31:12

Sir Dominic,

The only person who issued an insult was you. I just explained how you were wrong. Clearly, plainly, demonstrably wrong. Its not an insult to be proven wrong. But you said of me "Says the man that called for the very idea" which is an insult implying I'm insincere and only speaking for defending my idea.

Now I'm going to resist the impulse to insult you back and let it rest.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Report from Molly Prestongreen Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-06 18:49:00

All's quiet on the Ashforth front.

Molly Prestongreen Senator of Salta

Letter from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-06 21:52:58

See you at Sir Temple then. All is quiet at east.

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-07 00:10:21

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 1 points. Battle in Ustimbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Ustimbar - 2023-02-07 00:10:33

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 90 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Sir Temple message to all realms participating in the battle in Sir Temple - 2023-02-07 00:10:39

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 20 men

Defender Victory! Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-07 00:10:51

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   7 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 22 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 35 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm has improved a bit. It is now enthralled.

Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-02-07 00:10:51


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Monster Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-07 00:10:52

Monsters are rampaging in Dale: 24 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters. Orders from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-07 05:37:14

There are small rogue forces in Dale and Osslambar. Please can the nearest knights kill them

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Freeman returns message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-07 07:33:35

Gustav has unpaused the character Blep and rejoined the game. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-07 12:10:50

Your men enjoy having a few hours for themselves. Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 15 points. Battle in Salta message to all nobles participating in the battle in Salta - 2023-02-07 12:10:59

No. Role Army Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Undead Horde (Undead) (rogue) 42 other line 673 2 D Mithril Blades Molly Sirion 38 Inf line 507 3 D Ser Naismith's Old Reliables Naismith Sirion 23 Arch line 381 4 D Xavax Archers Periurium Sirion 68 Arch line 876 5 N Fighters (militia/guard unit) Eponllyn 49 SF line 524

Total: 1 attackers (42 other) 3 defenders (38 Inf, 91 Arch) Total combat strengths: 673 vs. 1764 1 neutral observers (524 combat strength).

The region owner Sirion and their allies defend. The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Sirion. Fighters don't know what to do and stay out of the battle.

Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.

Senator Molly Prestongreen is spotted wearing the Zakilevo's Ring of Tara.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters) Turn No. 1

	 	 	 	1 (42-U)

2 (38-I) 3 (23-A) 4 (68-A)

Xavax Archers (4) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 343 hits. Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (3) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 114 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 457, Defenders: 0 Undead Horde (1) advance towards the enemy. Mithril Blades (2) advance towards the enemy.

Undead Horde (1) take 457 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 457 (0 from close combat and 457 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged) Total casualties: 18 attackers, 0 defenders

Turn No. 2

	 	 	 	 	1 (24-U)

2 (38-I) 3 (23-A) 4 (68-A)

Xavax Archers (4) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 482 hits. Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (3) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 249 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 731, Defenders: 0 Mithril Blades (2) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line): 1 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. Mithril Blades (2) score 520 hits on Undead Horde (1). Undead Horde (1) score 110 hits on Mithril Blades (2). Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 520, Defenders: 110

Mithril Blades (2) take 110 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. Undead Horde (1) take 1251 hits (520 in close combat, 731 from archer fire), which cause 24 casualties, wiping the unit out. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1251 (520 from close combat and 731 from ranged), Defenders: 110 (110 from close combat and 0 from ranged) Total casualties: 24 attackers, 5 defenders

Defender Victory!

The locals are grateful for defeating the evil forces plaguing their region. Battle Results (Personal message) - 2023-02-07 12:11:00

Your unit participated in a battle in Salta. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 1 Honour. You have improved your leadership skill. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 11 points. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 4 points. Monster Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-07 12:11:13

Monsters are rampaging in Dale: The monsters have eaten 3 bushels of food. Rampaging monsters cause damage to various buildings and production drops 6 %. 28 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters. Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-07 12:11:14

Undead are still at large in Salta: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Orders from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-07 12:20:13

Someone nearby please clear Dale

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Report from Molly Prestongreen Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-07 15:30:58

The Blades march to Dale. Who joins us?

Molly Prestongreen Senator of Salta

Report from Molly Prestongreen Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-07 15:33:39

Upon checking it will be 17 hours to Dale, so we march but it will take a while to arrive.

Molly Prestongreen Senator of Salta

Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-07 16:22:02

I have had a strange message. I am not inclined to take it seriously:

   Request from Jimminy Pantucket
   Message sent to: Lorenzo Falconi, William Armsworth - 34 minutes ago
   Good Generals
   In two weeks time, I invite you both to rally with us in Montejo. 
   There, if you are willing, we will form our Troops to cause a battle. The battle for Montejo. 
   Winner keeps Montejo. Details on transfer to be arranged. 
   Jimminy Pantucket
   Dux Militum of Caligus
   Royal of Caligus
   Earl of Abadan
   Marshal of the Wings of Retribution

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-07 22:12:22


Senator Brock's battle report from a few days ago showing the clearing of rogue monsters from Hillmar have his special forces of 68-strong, the Hillmarians Honour Guards, working together with the local militia unit to drive deadly waves of arrows into the beasts' and wiping them out completely, with no survivors. I can only wish for those old days when I could command special forces without worry... perhaps that day may come again... In Salta, the call for aid was answered, and Sir Periurium and his Xavax Archers, along with Senator Molly's Mithril Blades joined forces to defeat the 13 monsters here over the course of two battles in the region... and while my company of archers were present in the battle... it was those two's efforts that took the day and the field. Thank you Sir Periurium for making the travels from Oroya City in time to lend your strength of archers to the call of battle. The region is safe for a time, until the next monster or undead incursion. It was an honour for this Old Knight to fight with you both... and to watch you both work together in the name of the Republic In response to the High Commander-Duke's call to clear Dale of the monsters rampaging there... I also move with my company for Dale, following Senator Molly's path along the roads between Salta-Dale. It was also reported to me that it would take 17 hours... although for some reason my travel and military advisors said something strange like this to me...

   Naismith 	Salta 	Ser Naismith's Old Reliables
   -7 hours (+17 to Dale) / 9 (+325) gold 	travelling 	[D 2 L] 23 men, Archers

While I may be elderly, and the fields of scholarly math not my calling or strength... I still find myself befuddled and confused when my advisors tell me this '-7 hours (+17 to Dale)' information... I cannot understand if they are saying I have 7 hours in the day left, and so because it will take a total of 17 hours to reach Dale, the calculations should be 17 - 7 = 10... meaning when the sun rises in two hours from this letter... I will be 10 hours away from Dale at that point...? Or are they telling me I need to do 7 + 17 = 24 hours to reach Dale?! Nevertheless... I shall be following Senator Molly's force as closely as possible... perhaps that will be the only way I can arrive in time... darn travel advisors spouting nonsense to my old eyes... I must also thank Sir Dominic of House Rea, for a substantial transfer of gold to this Old Knight... he has provided enough that my force can stay in the field for quite a few weeks, if not at least a month and more. As Senator Solomon travels for Sirion City, the discussion and movement of other Senators to re-arrange the Duchies... and the oaths they hold, as Lord Speaker Ivo, Sir Dominic and High Commander Lorenzo have touched upon, are interesting points to consider... but I have little experience in those matters at the high political level... and leave that discussion for others of you more suited and capable of debate than I... but safe travels all the same to Senator Leofric Kubo, Senator Brock Ketchum, and High Arbiter Lerriana Leather and High Commander Lorenzo as you make the journey... Also take note of the scout reports from Senator Molly from a few days ago concerning two Horsemaster Eponllyn regions bordering Salta... Oberndorf and Gadlock... there are present regional lords in each region, Lord Graive with 40-strong Special Forces, and Lord Ivan with 25-strong Infantry. Both appearing as they are indicate a quiet routine of regional maintenance at this time... though who knows if they are are sending scouts into our regions as we are to them... Ashforth City does remain empty still, as the Senator alluded to. Attached to this letter are recent scout reports of Salta and Dale, showing monsters numbering 20-strong currently holding in Dale. Additional forces may once again be of great relief to those of us already upon the winter roads and heading to Dale... it would be a most welcome sight to see more Sirionite banners if any in the surrounding regions of Dale believe they can also make the travels to join Senator Molly and I for battle against the Monsters there... As for the Caligus letter which High Commander Lorenzo shared... most interesting... but perplexing too... is this endorsed by Caligus' ruler? Will Sirion be answering?


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-07 22:18:29

   Undead Activity
   message to all nobles of Sirion - 9 hours, 12 minutes ago
   Undead are still at large in Salta:
   Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state.


... I do not know why the rumours state that Undead are still at large in Salta... as you can see from the scout report attached... there are none left roaming the region, and none at large to be fearful of, nor pose a threat to the common-folk and citizens here... do know that Senator Molly, and myself are leaving Salta after having thoroughly dealt with the Undead after Sir Periurium's help in securing the region... be wary of other reports from across the Republic stating such things as rogue monsters or undead still rampaging about the region, especially if a battle has been reported just before... it has caused me to stay in a region one too many times thinking there was still another battle to be fought, but it turns out there were no Undead at large at all to be found... it may save you a day or two of travels instead of waiting in a region for a battle to finished off monsters or undead that do not exist...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Region Allegiance Changed message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-07 23:46:09

Leofric Kubo has changed the allegiance of Glinmar to the duchy of Anarionath. The region used to be part of the duchy of Sirion. Travel Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-08 00:13:32

You find the route excellent and make very good way, reducing your travel time by 2 hours. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-08 00:13:39

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 6 points. Battle in Rollbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Rollbar - 2023-02-08 00:13:48

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 70 men vs. 20 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Sir Temple message to all realms participating in the battle in Sir Temple - 2023-02-08 00:13:55

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 40 men vs. 90 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Parm message to all realms participating in the battle in Parm - 2023-02-08 00:13:57

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 40 men

Defender Victory! Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-08 00:14:09

   The drought in the North Plains area has ended. The peasants are relieved. The weather is now average.
   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   War, looting or unrest makes the peasants unhappy.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   7 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 21 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now worshipful.

Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-02-08 00:14:09


       The drought in the North Plains area has ended. The peasants are relieved. The weather is now average.


       The drought in the North Plains area has ended. The peasants are relieved. The weather is now average.
       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.


       The drought in the North Plains area has ended. The peasants are relieved. The weather is now average.


       The drought in the North Plains area has ended. The peasants are relieved. The weather is now average.


       The drought in the North Plains area has ended. The peasants are relieved. The weather is now average.

Monster Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-08 00:14:10

Monsters are rampaging in Dale: The monsters have eaten 25 bushels of food. 14 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters. Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-08 00:14:10

Undead are still at large in Sir Temple: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Report from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-08 01:09:05

2 rogue units ambushed my unit at Rollbar. Survived to tell the tale. Will continue my journey to Sir Temple.

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-08 07:31:05

Senator Brock's troops are of utmost high quality, they not only kept safe their Senator... but they removed the beasts from existence and formed ranks to protect their Lord. It is good to see you survived... and the battle report shows dedication and discipline among your troops... your force would be one to fear on the battlefield as well... should war ever come to Sirion again...

For the rest of milords, with Winter now arrived, with it's seasonal changes... the Northern Plains stretching from Dale, Obando, Parm, Trinbar and Tabost have seen weather much less harsh than the drought conditions of the last few weeks.

   Duchy Report for Osmeneliath
   message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 7 hours, 6 minutes ago
       The drought in the North Plains area has ended. The peasants are relieved. The weather is now average.

       The drought in the North Plains area has ended. The peasants are relieved. The weather is now average.
       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

       The drought in the North Plains area has ended. The peasants are relieved. The weather is now average.

       The drought in the North Plains area has ended. The peasants are relieved. The weather is now average.

       The drought in the North Plains area has ended. The peasants are relieved. The weather is now average.


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm New Recruitment Center message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-08 08:25:06

A recruitment center has been constructed within Oroya. The center offers infantry recruits, with 6 volunteers signing up immediately. They have a training of 50%, weapons quality of 60%, and armour quality of 80%. Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-08 10:05:58

useful RC

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Rearden Arylon Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-08 11:24:30

Nothing amazing, but good middle-of-the-road chum, and easily the best option that has shown itself since I began trying to build RCs here.

Rearden Arylon Royal of Sirion Duke of Oroya Governor of Oroya

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-08 12:11:40

Wear and tear causes 2 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 3 points. Arrival (Personal message) - 2023-02-08 12:11:43

You have arrived in Dale, a Rural region (friendly territory). Battle in Elmbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Elmbar - 2023-02-08 12:11:52

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 40 men vs. 70 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Dale message to all nobles participating in the battle in Dale - 2023-02-08 12:11:52

No. Role Army Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Mithril Blades Molly Sirion 38 Inf line 472 2 A Ser Naismith's Old Reliables Naismith Sirion 23 Arch line 385 3 A Xavax Archers Periurium Sirion 68 Arch line 878 4 D Monsters (Monsters) (rogue) 12 other line 855

Total: 3 attackers (38 Inf, 91 Arch) 1 defenders (12 other) Total combat strengths: 1735 vs. 855

The troops from (rogue) set up defenses because they control the battlefield. The Sirion troops attack because they are at war with (rogue).

A calm wind blows, to the joy of the archers.

Senator Molly Prestongreen is spotted wearing the Zakilevo's Ring of Tara.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters) Turn No. 1

	 	 	1 (38-I)

2 (23-A) 3 (68-A) 4 (12-M)

Xavax Archers (3) fire on Monsters (4), scoring 360 hits. Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (2) fire on Monsters (4), scoring 76 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 436 Mithril Blades (1) advance towards the enemy. Monsters (4) advance towards the enemy.

Monsters (4) take 436 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 436 (0 from close combat and 436 from ranged) Total casualties: 0 attackers, 3 defenders

Turn No. 2

	 	 	2 (23-A)

3 (68-A) 1 (38-I) 4 (9-M)

Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (2) fire on Monsters (4), scoring 189 hits. Xavax Archers (3) fire on Monsters (4), scoring 511 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 700 Mithril Blades (1) advance towards the enemy. Monsters (4) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line): 1 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. Mithril Blades (1) score 441 hits on Monsters (4). Monsters (4) score 260 hits on Mithril Blades (1). Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 260, Defenders: 441

Mithril Blades (1) take 260 hits in close combat, which cause 14 casualties. Monsters (4) take 1141 hits (441 in close combat, 700 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 260 (260 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 1141 (441 from close combat and 700 from ranged) Total casualties: 14 attackers, 8 defenders

Attacker Victory!

The locals are grateful for defeating the evil forces plaguing their region. Battle Results (Personal message) - 2023-02-08 12:11:53

Your unit participated in a battle in Dale. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 1 Honour. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 10 points. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 3 points. Battle in Parm message to all realms participating in the battle in Parm - 2023-02-08 12:12:02

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 50 men

Defender Victory! Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-08 12:12:18

Undead are still at large in Elmbar: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-08 12:50:16

Its whats needed in a front line city

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-08 13:03:21

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm New Duchy Created message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-08 16:24:42

Ivo Mersault, Lord Speaker of Sirion, Royal of Sirion, Duke of Osmeneliath, Governor of Parm has promoted Lerriana Leather to Duchess, creating a new duchy in Avamar named "the duchy of Avamar". Region Allegiance Changed message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-08 18:38:58

Brock Ketchum has changed the allegiance of Hillmar to the duchy of Anarionath. The region used to be part of the duchy of Sirion. Letter from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-08 18:39:40

I pledge my sword to Duke Lorenzo.

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-08 19:30:39


Lord Leofric and Lord Brock have Sworn allegiance to Anarionath. With that, the Duchy is now complete. All our rearward areas are gathered into a single duchy.

Glinmar - Lord Leofric Kubo Hillmar - Lord Brock Ketchum Sir Temple - Duke Lorenzo Falconi Tallbar - Lord Tyr Erickson

Anarionath is a duchy of some importance to our history. Sir Temple, its seat, is the birthplace of Elvendom on this continent. Sir Temple was the first capital of Sirion and the site of the First Temple of the Elves. It is the most Holy place to our culture.

If at some point in the future we can take the region of Rollbar, which has a decent gold income, then all regions in the duchy will be linked. Not likely in the near future, but we can wish.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-08 19:51:09

And yet it's still unabashedly foolish to hold onto Sir Temple when Nivimus's birthplace sits cold and empty, easier to hold, and makes more gold. Once again I call on the Lord Speaker to hold a referendum on dropping Sir Temple in favor of sanity.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-08 20:46:46

Sir Dominic,

How can you prioritize the Nivemus capital (wherever that is) over the heartland of Sirion? You seem more concerned with resurrecting Nivemus than with the traditional strength of Sirion which is its heartland.

Abandon this dangerous idea. I am the Duke of Anarionath and have sworn oaths to protect it. I will not allow it to be abandoned.

If you want to take a particular region then there are at least two poor regions we can abandon, Dale and Obando. Every single region in Anarionath is much better than those two regions. If you have a problem with that assessment then you don't care about facts.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-08 21:50:56

I prioritize Sirion City, as it is our historical capital, and I prioritize regions that aren't in the middle of nowhere, far away from the rest of the nobility on the island. Making the realm look like swiss cheese is also a very poor choice, as we struggle to hold regions when they are far apart for a multitude of reasons. You are the one not caring about facts, just some dusty tomes in someone's basement...and even then, Sir temple has an equal (or lesser even) weight with regards to our shared realm history to Ashforth, so even that is a completely irrelevant talking point.

You can have your damn titles if they are so painfully important to you, no one is saying you can't. It's that it is stupid to have those titles in the lands that we shouldn't be holding when there are perfectly good lands available right here.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-09 00:11:45

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 4 points. Battle in Dale message to all nobles participating in the battle in Dale - 2023-02-09 00:11:53

No. Role Army Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Monsters (Monsters) (rogue) 1 other line 85 2 D Mithril Blades Molly Sirion 30 Inf line 383 3 D Ser Naismith's Old Reliables Naismith Sirion 23 Arch line 385 4 D Xavax Archers Periurium Sirion 68 Arch line 881

Total: 1 attackers (1 other) 3 defenders (30 Inf, 91 Arch) Total combat strengths: 85 vs. 1649

The region owner Sirion and their allies defend. The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Sirion.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.

Senator Molly Prestongreen is spotted wearing the Zakilevo's Ring of Tara.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters) Turn No. 1

	 	 	1 (1-M)

2 (30-I) 3 (23-A) 4 (68-A)

Xavax Archers (4) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 283 hits. Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (3) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 124 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 407, Defenders: 0 Monsters (1) advance towards the enemy. Mithril Blades (2) advance towards the enemy.

Monsters (1) take 407 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 407 (0 from close combat and 407 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged) Total casualties: 1 attackers, 0 defenders

Defender Victory!

The locals are grateful for defeating the evil forces plaguing their region. Battle Results (Personal message) - 2023-02-09 00:11:54

Your unit participated in a battle in Dale. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 0 Honour. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 14 points. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 1 points. Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-09 00:12:11

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   War, looting or unrest makes the peasants unhappy.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   The fortifications in Parm are taking damage through wear and tear. They are now 67 % damaged.
   7 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 21 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   The Weapon/Armour Smith has to shut down for today due to insufficient production.
   In summary, production has improved a bit. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale has dropped a little. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now worshipful.

Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-02-09 00:12:11


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Report from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-09 08:14:16

On the way to Tallbar.

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

Report from Rearden Arylon Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-09 09:32:47

Quickly I would like to weigh in as the former long time Lord of Sir Temple. There was some talk of abandoning her in the past when I took the city on, but we chose to keep it. The main reason people felt we should keep it was the infrastructure and recruitment centers that were there. That was not an illogical concern.

That said, though, I am one of the voices that is in favor of moving toward contiguous borders. Ashforth has slightly more gold than Sir Temple and is in a strategically important location, and would nicely add to our contiguous borders. It would not immediately be productive, but its population is actually fairly good right now, and when I was briefly lord there, I actually invested a LOT of my gold in the local economy. So it is probably in pretty good shape.

Regarding cultural history and what not, I do not consider those to be real arguments either in favor or in opposition to EITHER of these locations, whether it is Sirion's historical ownership of the Temple or Nivemus's capital being Ashforth. If you have a long enough memory and a knowledge of history, virtually all northern cities and rural communities are "historically ours" and all of them have been at various times under our banner, or sometimes in the control of rogues, or perhaps even enemies. Sirion's history can not be a prison to lock ourselves into... we need to make rational decisions for today based on the current geopolitical environment. Sir Temple is no less important to Sirion if we were to withdraw from the city than if we were to keep it. Ashforth would just be more important to us in comparison, if we were to make that decision.

And my opinion is that we should. Ashforth is more valuable to us, and more useful to us than is the Temple. Importantly, our firm western wall of regions also means that no one is going to realistically "sneak behind" us to take it. If they somehow did, we could respond quickly and easily.

In addition to this, I would like to address one thing regarding duchies as well.

I would like to see one region (at least) from the Duchy of Osmeneliath shift to the Duchy of Oroya, for two main reasons: first the reasonable spread of regions across our duchies in general. Osmeneliath has 5, and I have only 2... having one move over would give Osmeneliath 4 and Oroya 3. Still uneven, but much closer and would make the whole realm much more equal.

Secondly is income. Oroya city is still not giving me much in the way of gold and my personal gold reserves are nearly gone. I can keep subsidizing myself for a little while, but income is important, and any opportunity to get more (as Duke) would be helpful.

Rearden Arylon Royal of Sirion Duke of Oroya Governor of Oroya

Travel Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-09 12:14:13

You find the route excellent and make very good way, reducing your travel time by 3 hours. You make a short stop in Obando before you continue your travel to Oroya. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-09 12:14:14

Wear and tear causes 2 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 2 points. Battle in Tallbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Tallbar - 2023-02-09 12:14:21

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 200 men

Defender Victory! Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-09 13:34:14


Regarding Sir Temple. First thing to say is that it is my region, and my duchy, and I take my duties very seriously to my people, Lords and Commoners alike. Moreover the cultural significance of the region is priceless to a man like me who values culture. If Sir Temple is given up without overwhelmingly good reasons, I will consider it a betrayal of Anarionath by the realm and I will be leaving Sirion.

Secondly this argument Sir Rearden has set up about Sir Temple vs Ashforth, is a straw man... a fake argument to justify abandoning Sir Temple. We can easily keep both regions by abandoning a bad rural region instead. Either Obando or Dale are prime candidates for abandonment, two regions so poor that we haven't even bothered to appoint a Lord for them.

Now to Sir Reardens prejudice about only keeping Contiguous regions ie only those regions joined up to the rest of the realm. It is dangerous nonsense that if applied would fatally weaken the realm.. The whole of Anarionath Duchy plus Avamar is non contiguous. To follow Sir Rearden's logic we would have to abandon at least 4 out of 5 of these excellent regions. The idea is as mad as anything! These regions are under total control and present no difficulty in administration. They provide food and wealth and strategic depth that Sirion has always relied upon in times of war. Plus if we abandon them it will create a bigger vacuum in the north enticing other realms to have a go.

As a military man I cannot emphasize how bad Sir Reardens ideas are strategically. If we start abandoning non contiguous regions we abandon the north and those things that have kept us safe throughout the ages. Our position holding the north with no rivals behind us, our strategic depth, some of our best regions. Why this knight thinks these ideas are good I cannot fathom. No enemy throughout the ages has ever been as dangerous to Sirion as these bad ideas.

For Sirion!

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Report from Rearden Arylon Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-09 14:08:29

I'm a patient man, High Commander, but I must admit to being long since tired of your lectures to us being justified by your being a "military man."

My family has among the known world's most accomplished military backgrounds, with a long list of strategists and commanders that have led armies and won wars going back to the now-drowned continent of Atamara. I personally resent the constant implication that you, more than anyone else, understand military strategy and that the rest of us are mewling children who know nothing of war and conflict. I furthermore resent the implication that disagreeing with you -- as you and I frequently have over the issue of milita, and other issues -- is some kind of dispute between someone who knows the military, and someone who doesn't. I would match my tactical knowledge with any soul alive.

I will remind you that I am the last man who led Sirion into and then out of war in my service as Lord Speaker. I take your comment about how "bad" my ideas are strategically as a personal insult, and one so aggravating that I am tempted to cross swords over it, though I have yet to find anyone in this realm or beyond that can match my swordsmanship, so my likely victory would not bring me much satisfaction.

More to the point, though, I would like you to stop making gigantic leaps of inference and telling the people of this realm that I said something, when I said nothing of the kind.

For instance, my exact words were that I favored "moving toward contiguous borders." I did not call for an entirely contiguous realm... if I did then I would have to advocate for the loss of Tallbar too... but given Tallbar's incredible food production that would be disastrous for us. What I favor -- and pay attention to this so that you don't continue to misrepresent what I say -- is that we have a mindfulness to the importance of being as contiguous as possible. When presented the choice between holding either Sir Temple or Ashforth, given the near-identical nature of the two (with Ashforth being slightly better on gold), the benefit of making the realm more contiguous was a positive argument in favor of shifting to Ashforth.

And while I'm listing my grievences, if you ever accuse me of making a "fake argument" again, I will personally ride to Sir Temple and cut your head off myself. Such an insult is beyond my tolerance and I will not stand for it. And for the record, I am not "this Knight," as though I am some young, anonymous sellsword. I am the former Lord Speaker of Sirion, and currently both a Duke and a Governor. If you are going to lie and misrepresent what I say, the least you could do is show an ounce of respect for the blood I have shed for this realm.

Back to your absurd statement, you act like I have some kind of burning desire to offload Sir Temple, entirely ignoring the fact that I was its previous Governor, Falconi. Much of the infrastructure of the city is my doing. I loved my estate there, and deeply cherish its people. I have no interest or intention of "justifying" anything, I was simply weighing in on the debate about what we are to do, and where we are to go. If my perspective doesn't win out, I have no intention of throwing a temper tantrum or rage-quitting my realm as you seem to intend.

Incidentally, speaking of fake arguments, you created an entire scenario which is not only not recommended by me, but also a complete misrepresentation of what would happen anyway. If we abandoned some non-contiguous regions, for instance, we could theoretically take some current rogue regions and MAKE places like Avamar contiguous. It is not a choice of "abandoning 4 our of 5" of our regions... and anyway, I was not referencing all non-contiguous regions anyway, as I've already made clear.

The one worthwhile thing you said in that screed, Lord Commander, is that there may be other options that would prevent us from having to choose between the Temple and Ashforth. That is true, though Obando and Dale do have value as well, and blithely dismissing them as expendable without weighing the relative pros and cons of the various regions is foolhearty.

My last word: Republics can only function if the nobility is able to think and speak freely as to their opinions . You all know me, I have never insulted anyone in this realm, even when provoked, and my last message to the realm was reasonable and honest. The Lord Commander's was neither.

If we are to debate the merits of ideas, let us act like mature adults as we do so.

Rearden Arylon Royal of Sirion Duke of Oroya Governor of Oroya

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-09 15:11:05

High Commander Lorenzo,

It is shocking to hear you state - if you overwhelmingly disagree with the Realm's decision that you would abandon your oaths and duty. Your duty is first to Sirion not commoners or Lords - instead their duty is to serve you. We sacrifice Lord and commoners in service of Sirion - not the other way around. Regardless, your Lords and knights will not leave so you would abandon them as well. Let us have discussion without ultimatums. I ask and encourage you to retract your statement.

Sirion must be stronger to defend itself. The region change is based in survival and defense. You yourself have said Ashforth would serve to provide an excellent defense to our Southern border.


Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-09 15:16:08

Fellow nobles,

I would change the conversation. One more noble joining our Realm would change this conversation significantly. If we had more nobles, would we all agree on taking over Ashforth? I will start a referendum. If the answer is "yes." Then I will seek to solve that problem.


Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

New Referendum message to Naismith, Zadek, Brock, Ivo, Dominic, Lerriana, Periurium, Molly, Razo, Solomon, Rearden, Brian M., Lorne, Leofric, Lorenzo, Jay II, Tyr, Vandryn - 2023-02-09 15:20:44

A new referendum has been initiated by Solomon Steele, Senator of Tabost, Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath. The topic is " 1 noble = take Ashforth?" and as a noble of Sirion, you are invited to vote on it. Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-09 15:21:03

Sir Reardon,

No. You're not a patient man.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Rearden Arylon Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-09 15:23:27

Not when a brother noble insults me and mischaracterizes what I say. You're right, not much patience for that.

Rearden Arylon Royal of Sirion Duke of Oroya Governor of Oroya

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-09 15:23:49

Senator Steele,

Foreign policy is the prerogative of Speaker Ivo. It is inappropriate to carry on by referendum, unless the speaker agrees. That is forcing the Speaker's hand.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-09 15:24:12

Or anything else

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Ivo Mersault Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-09 15:33:45

I have no issues with Senator Steele's referendum.

There has been plenty of my hand being forced this past week anyway, both in the open and behind the scenes. Sirion will have to find its way forward with or without me, and constructive decision will be the way to go.

I would encourage other nobles, especially among our senior ranks, to speak up and be counted too.

Ivo Mersault Lord Speaker of Sirion Royal of Sirion Duke of Osmeneliath Governor of Parm

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-09 15:35:31

High Commander Lorenzo,

I do not believe my referendum is inappropriate. I am a senator with the right to hold a referendum by definition of a Republic. I have asked the Realm for guidance on what I myself should do. I have also phrased the referendum very specifically by asking if they would agree with the act.

I hold the Lord Speaker in the highest regard, he is my Duke and would not force is hand in any matter. If the Lord Speaker believes it is inappropriate then I will retract my referendum.


Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-09 15:38:09

Lord Solomon,

Now that Speaker Ivo has authorized it, I am happy to take part in the Referrendum


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Molly Prestongreen (Personal message to Naismith Willarc) - 2023-02-09 18:32:56

Sir Naismith,

I shall be headed to Oroya to refit before returning home to work on the locals in Salta. You are more than welcome to join me. Should you be willing, perhaps you can share a tale or two during our travels.

Best wishes,

Molly Prestongreen Senator of Salta

Letter from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-09 18:46:22

Nobles of Sirion,

Interesting discussion. I think we should find some common grounds first before we move on towards the difference.

First thing that we can be in agreement on. It has been known that many rogue regions surrounding our region can cause rogue attack. When rogue attack happens, either we station militia which caused drain in our food productivity or we station the region lord which caused Sirion military strength to decrease in any frontline war. Or we do none of these two actions and let the rogue damage our rural region or drive it rogue which does not look like a region lord acceptable code of conduct.

Second thing that I am sure we all can agree upon. We all like cities or stronghold. City produces gold more. No matter Ashforth city, Oroya city or Sir Temple itself. However a city or stronghold requires food from rural region as it does not feed itself. Usually it is an ideal situation if we have 3 rural regions to feed 1 city. While I do not possess data on our food situation, this will have to be provided by our good dependable Banker.

In a conclusion, we need balance our good need(city) and our food need(rural). Do we wish to see ourselves having to buy food from abroad, from another foreign realm just because we cant feed our own cities?

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

Letter from Naismith Willarc (Personal message to Molly Prestongreen) - 2023-02-09 20:46:45

Senator Molly,

Many thanks for your letter and kindness, my company saw yours packing up camp and belongings and moving for the Obando roadways early on, and I realized I need to access the banks to refill my purse with coin to pay the company. I quickly sent word to follow suit and try to catch up with your travelling group so that we might share safeyy in numbers if any rouges attempt ambush upon us like they did Senator Brock.

I had been planning on moving through Obando to Oroya City as well, and am pleased our paths and plans aligned, although at the time the only information I had was a Salta scout report confirming you were heading for Obando.

As for stories, we shall see if I have any to spare... at the moment as you can tell, there is much catching up to in regards to the realm debate, of heated nature... concerning which regions the Republic should claim... and now a referendum is being held...

... I will tell you this.. since the arrival and rekindled activity from Sir Dominic Rea, and High Commander Lorenzo in the last few years... I have not seen debate of this intensity for some years... not since the days perhaps more nobles dwelled on the East Continent, it is a sign of possible healthly engagement of the Realm, but we have to wait and see what unfolds next...

...at least, perhaps this path is better than fading away into obscurity as our noble count previously was dropping, and missives and discussions in the realm were more forlorn and long gaps in between the sparks of active voices over whatever topic it was to debate about...

I think I see your company upon the roads just ahead, I hope to catch up soon. Assume by the tike we reached Oroya City's walls, this Old Knight will have treated you to a few stories, and a good meal for your wounded and company of soldiers. Your troops fought well, and suffered injuries I only wish we could have avoided.

Thank you for your continued vigilance and engagement with the world we share... and the Realm we call home. I have been most warmed to see your letters, and swift response to undead and monster threats. It is one reason why I have enjoyed being stationed here in the northwest parts of the Republic the last few weeks... you and a few others, have constantly shown to be adept at timing movements and being aware of the surroundings to arrive to battles together with other Republican forces.

Warm regards,

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Travel Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-10 00:09:10

You find the route excellent and make very good way, reducing your travel time by 3 hours. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-10 00:09:15

Morale of your troops rises by 11 points. Battle in Parm message to all realms participating in the battle in Parm - 2023-02-10 00:09:30

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 30 men vs. 90 men

Defender Victory! Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-10 00:09:41

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   War, looting or unrest makes the peasants unhappy.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   7 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 21 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   In summary, production has dropped a little. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale has improved. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now enthralled.

Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-02-10 00:09:41


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-10 00:09:42

Undead are still at large in Parm: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Referendum Summary (Personal message) - 2023-02-10 00:09:48

You are currently a party to the following referenda:

   1 noble = take Ashforth? (5 days left to vote)
   The choices are "yes" or "no".You have voted "yes."

Taxes Received (Personal message) - 2023-02-10 00:09:51

As a knight of Parm, Naismith Manor earns you 14 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold. Region Tax Report message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-10 00:09:51

The following taxes were collected in Parm. The tax rate for this collection was 2 %.

Regional income and expensesPeasants Taxes 84 gold Taxes from Guildhouses + 2 gold Buildings Upkeep - 7 gold Collectable Tax Gold 79 gold Estate of Size Peasants Tax Collected Knight Share Lord Share Jay II 20 % 2178 15 gold 14 gold 1 gold Naismith 20 % 2178 15 gold 14 gold 1 gold Ivo 20 % 2178 15 gold 15 gold (vacant) 20 % 2178 7 gold 7 gold (vacant) 20 % 2178 7 gold 7 gold Region Totals 59 gold 28 gold 31 gold

Lord and Duke SharesLord Share 31 gold Dukes Share - 31 gold Lords Tax Income nothing

Subsidy Received (Personal message) - 2023-02-10 00:09:51

As a knight of the The Ancient Republic of Sirion, you earn 16 gold as a subsidy from the crown. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold. Realm Tax Report message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-10 00:09:51

Taxes were collected today throughout the realm. Here is a summary of what the tax collectors could get: Region Tax Income Upkeep avg. Knight Share Lord Share Duke Share Realm Share Duchy of Anarionath (25% rulers share) Glinmar 324 gold 13 gold 301 gold 23 gold Hillmar 315 gold 50 gold 292 gold 23 gold Sir Temple 432 gold 77 gold ~ 124 gold - 308 gold Tallbar 127 gold 113 gold 120 gold 7 gold Duchy Totals 1198 gold 253 gold 270 gold 91 gold Duchy of Avamar (25% rulers share) Avamar 508 gold 161 gold - 508 gold Duchy Totals 508 gold 161 gold 381 gold 127 gold Duchy of Oroya (25% rulers share) Oroya 71 gold 20 gold - 71 gold Salta 92 gold 5 gold ~ 29 gold 56 gold 7 gold Duchy Totals 163 gold 25 gold 58 gold 20 gold Duchy of Osmeneliath (100% rulers share) Dale 42 gold 0 gold - 42 gold Obando 15 gold 0 gold - 15 gold Parm 59 gold 7 gold ~ 14 gold - 31 gold Tabost 84 gold 0 gold 79 gold 5 gold Trinbar 173 gold 124 gold - 173 gold Duchy Totals 373 gold 131 gold 266 gold Duchy of Sirion (25% rulers share) Elmbar 333 gold 130 gold 309 gold 24 gold Limbar 89 gold 10 gold 84 gold 5 gold Sirion 1046 gold 193 gold ~ 208 gold - 631 gold Duchy Totals 1468 gold 333 gold 495 gold 165 gold

The crown has received 669 gold tax income thanks to an average rulers share of 40%. The crown also receives 275 gold in property taxes (1% above 1000 gold or bonds) and 0 gold in wealth taxes (5% above 10000 gold or bonds). This brings the crown's total income to 944 gold.

With a 10% share, the realm's 6 knights and dames each receive 16 gold from the crown. With a 30% share, the High Commander receives 284 gold from the crown. The Lord Speaker retains 564 gold for himself.

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-10 12:09:59

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 9 points. Arrival (Personal message) - 2023-02-10 12:10:02

You have arrived in Oroya, a City region (friendly territory). Battle in Hillmar message to all realms participating in the battle in Hillmar - 2023-02-10 12:10:09

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 40 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Sir Temple message to all realms participating in the battle in Sir Temple - 2023-02-10 12:10:17

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 70 men

Defender Victory! Gold Transfer (Personal message) - 2023-02-10 13:56:04

Knight Naismith Willarc has transferred 100 bonds to Royal Rearden Arylon on 2023-02-10

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Letter from Razo Carmel Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-10 20:19:56

I just wish to respond to Senator Brock's very useful letter and provide my take of what I think of Sirion's food balance, now and future.

Sirion is food rich; second to Caligus but that is only because our recent lengthy drought was not also effected in the same way by Caligus.

The figures I now keep you are based on summer data which also happens to be the realm's annual average. I have rounded them and adjusted populations to simulate full restoration.

On that basis the realm's net supply is 190 bushels per day, made up of a surplus of 265 bushels and a deficit of 75 bushels.

As expected most of the surplus comes from the four top rural regions and any two of those fully satisfy the total deficit. Our individual city supply needs are quite spread with the largest daily deficit of 40 bushels belonging to Parm while in contrast Sir Temple actually enjoys a daily surplus of 5 busheels. By comparison Ashford would have a net daily deficit of 13 bushels which is not signifiant compared to the total realm supply.

I conclude that our food supply is safe as long as we at least maintain our current rural regions and are not visited by too many unusually long droughts like we have just had.

I hope this has been useful. I am always happy to discuss the food system I use with anyone who will listen.

Razo Carmel Chancellor of the Treasury of Sirion Senator of Elmbar

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-11 00:14:42

Morale of your troops rises by 8 points. Battle in Hillmar message to all realms participating in the battle in Hillmar - 2023-02-11 00:14:53

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 20 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Tallbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Tallbar - 2023-02-11 00:14:54

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 90 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Sir Temple message to all realms participating in the battle in Sir Temple - 2023-02-11 00:14:57

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 10 men

Defender Victory! Takeover message to all nobles on East Continent - 2023-02-11 00:15:08

Perleone has taken control of Priotness. The region used to belong to Yssrgard. Duchy Report for Osmeneliath message to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath - 2023-02-11 00:15:09


       Production is very low and in desperate need of aid.

Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-11 00:15:09

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   7 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 21 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale has improved a bit. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm has improved a bit. It is now enthralled.

Referendum Summary (Personal message) - 2023-02-11 00:15:16

You are currently a party to the following referenda:

   1 noble = take Ashforth? (4 days left to vote)
   The choices are "yes" or "no".You have voted "yes."

Orders from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-11 02:02:02

Lord Tyr - Please attack the rogue force in Sir Temple

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Ivo Mersault Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-11 03:23:39

Thank you for the detailed report, Chancellor Razo.

Ivo Mersault Lord Speaker of Sirion Royal of Sirion Duke of Osmeneliath Governor of Parm

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-11 03:25:13

Agreed. An excellent report. It is good to hear we are well stocked with food.

Are other Realms reliant on us for their grain?

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Letter from Brian M. Cameron Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-11 09:20:20

I have just noticed the expansion and shrinking of some realms. Caligus now borders. I considered them a friend when I was Lord Commander I am not sure if they have changed their tune much, but I know we have one of their nobles here speaking of RC reform. That can be good; though my initial thought was why on earth are we giving away the structure of our military away.

As to Senator Solomon's point about nobles I agree that our main focus should always be to increase our noble count. To touch on his referendum I saw no issue with the Senator beginning the Referendum it forces no hand it is simply a poll to see how the realm feels about a certain topic. If we are to gain another noble Ashforth would for sure be a good acquisition as long as it does not infringe on the previous agreement we had with Eppollyn.

Something I also noticed is that no realm has an ally this has changed only slightly since I last looked where Shadowdale and Eppollyn were the sole allies; seems there could be some tension between the two since we gave up Ashforth as suspected might happen.

I will stop here to not bore you all with any more of my thoughts.

Let Us Unite,

Brian M. Cameron Senator of Limbar

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-11 12:07:21

Wear and tear causes 3 % damage to your unit's equipment. Arrival (Personal message) - 2023-02-11 12:07:24

You have arrived in Salta, a Rural region (friendly territory). Battle in Tabost message to all realms participating in the battle in Tabost - 2023-02-11 12:07:30

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Battle in Tallbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Tallbar - 2023-02-11 12:07:32

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 130 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Sir Temple message to all realms participating in the battle in Sir Temple - 2023-02-11 12:07:37

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 50 men

Defender Victory! Letter from Eina Message sent to everyone in Adventurer's Guild (41 recipients) - 2023-02-11 13:57:35

Dear Guild members,

Wyque, the wise man of the wild, is at Supra.


Eina Newcomer of Adventurer's Guild Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-11 14:01:45

Senator Brian,

Excellent observations. Due to your letter I had my scribes provide me reports. Eponllyn has lost 8 nobles over the last 3 months. They have been forced to shrink their Realm's size as a result. According ot the reports, Eponllyn cannot capture more regions. Therefore, Eponllyn is limited in its war capacity - a war with them would mean no concern of our regions being taken over. Based on their makeup of regions, I expect they could not feed Ashforth when they could no longer retain all of their rurals.

The other Realms have had a momentary increases or decreases of nobles, but have remained fairly stable. Sirion has been the most stable in nobles which is a testament of greatness to its nobles.

I'm in Sirion City with a handful of others. I do not know exactly what information was shared before I arrived, but since I have arrived our discussion has been military theory and information that is widely available. I share your concern about sharing too much information.


Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Letter from Lorne Roseguard Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-11 19:41:50

Lorne Roseguard Knight of Sirion

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-12 00:07:52

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-12 00:08:20

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   7 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 21 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 47 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now enthralled.

Referendum Summary (Personal message) - 2023-02-12 00:08:26

You are currently a party to the following referenda:

   1 noble = take Ashforth? (3 days left to vote)
   The choices are "yes" or "no".You have voted "yes."

Paganism Surge message to all characters in Salta and its Lord and knights - 2023-02-12 00:08:38

A surge of paganism in Kazan is spreading to Salta. Many people are finding more solitude in the old local faiths and all religions lose followers. Request from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-12 03:05:57

Someone taking part in these discussions in Sirion city regarding RCs. Please send me a coy of any discussion points. Unfortunately I can't be physically at the discussions because I have to repair the walls of Sir Temple and put in a decent archer RC here.

If you can then try to send me the contact of the Caligus advisor Sir Eisenritter Felsenbach so I can send him letters directly.

If there are to be any realm wide guidelines on RCs them my office, the office of the High Commander of Sirion, will have to approve them.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Request from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-12 03:06:33

lease send me a copy of any discussion points.

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-12 12:07:46

Your men enjoy having a few hours for themselves. Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-12 12:08:05

Undead are still at large in Glinmar: 3 peasants have vanished and were either killed by the undead or have fled in panic. Orders from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-12 12:11:20

40 undead in Glinmar - Please can someone close by kill them

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Request from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-12 16:29:08

I ask again,

Anyone taking part in these discussions in Sirion city regarding RCs. Please send me a copy of any discussion points.

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

New Recruitment Center message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-12 17:07:54

A recruitment center has been constructed within Oroya. The center offers infantry recruits, with 11 volunteers signing up immediately. They have a training of 65%, weapons quality of 65%, and armour quality of 65%. Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-12 17:57:52


Forgive my lack of participation in the other discussions ongoing within the Republic, my health has fallen ill and I can only manage a few basic actions at this time each day. I muster the strength to temporarily inform you of the Undead Horde, numbering roughly 100... that have infested Ashforth City. Senator Molly, Sir Vandryn, and myself are stationed in Salta. Several scout reports attached for your inspection.

I will remain encamped here in Salta over the next days as I attempt to recover my health and mind, and provide routine scout reports and have them copied to all of you in the Realm where I can. My apologies for not engaging with the current Realm discourse on several topics, again. I believe you all to have contributed greatly with your engagement, letters, debates, even if heated in some circles, to the overall health of Sirion, and the future we may hold -- not as a dying Realm where silence reigns supreme, and nobles fade away into obscurity -- but as a Realm that has re-lit the early candles of the Ancient Republic we once were, where our nobility across all stations begin to contribute more their voices on matters of state and the world we all dwell in.

You have an Old Knight's thanks for giving hope and light to a new chapter for Sirion, and whether the regions we choose to gain or lose come to pass, or War with the Horsemasters or some other Realm -- many of you have proven to be loyal and steadfast in your own ways to helping keep the Republic alive.

An Old Knight's salutes, as he tries to recover his mind and health.


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-12 22:03:38

Decent RC in Oroya

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-13 00:07:22

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Battle in Glinmar message to all realms participating in the battle in Glinmar - 2023-02-13 00:07:30

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 80 men vs. 50 men

Attacker Victory! Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-13 00:07:46

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   7 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 21 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   The Weapon/Armour Smith has to shut down for today due to insufficient production.
   Population is growing through 41 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm has improved a bit. It is now enthralled.

Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-13 00:07:46

Undead are still at large in Glinmar: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Referendum Summary (Personal message) - 2023-02-13 00:07:52

You are currently a party to the following referenda:

   1 noble = take Ashforth? (2 days left to vote)
   The choices are "yes" or "no".You have voted "yes."

Report from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 00:33:52


In Sirion city we have discussed the below two battles. Eponllyn has used cavalry to great affect. Cavalry do not suffer the problems due to the weather as archers do and therefore are more reliable. Cavalry are only poor in attacks on fortifications. By my count we have plenty of nobles who could afford 90 cavalry, matching Eponllyn's calvary force in the below Battle in Troyes. I indicated, but did not lie, to our guest that we could not afford that cavalry. I did this to obfuscate our capabilities.

Our other discussion has been about the Astrum special. An army made up of mixed infantry, archers and special forces. That army will not struggle with fortifications, but can be run down by a heavy opposing cavalry force.

We recognize every noble has a right to choose their troops. We can explain our strategy, ask and have the right RCs for our strategy.



In Service,

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Report from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 00:51:38

Battle report in Glinmar. I suspected rogue hiding when I passby them on my way to Hillmar recently.

The reason I do not use cavalry against rogue because it will be like bringing horse to an arrow fight.

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 04:28:49

Ashforth City now has a second Undead Horde, also around 100-strong. There now lies approximately 200 Undead within Ashforth City's bounds.

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 05:43:09


Sir Temple is now in perfect condition. Level 6 Walls fully repaired, statistics perfect:

Fortification:Citadel (6) Fort. Damage:0% Population:10100 / 10100 Production:Thriving (100%) Morale:Joyful (100%) Realm Loyalty:Worshipful (100%) Realm Control:Core (100%)

I will continue to try and build a useful Archer RC here.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-13 12:08:27

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 15:16:37

I have no doubt the Horsemasters have used magic in some attempt at the old adage about 'if we can't have it nobody can'. Instead they have only given us a good target to practice our army line-up on. I think even High Commander Lorenzo can agree on the very simple premise that 200 undead on our borders is a security threat and needs to be dealt with.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 16:29:28

Well, it does appear then one of the Undead Hordes are turning to wreak havoc and travel into Oberndorf...

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Request from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 16:50:26

Lord Solomon,

What cavalry do we have in the realm? I'm talking about useful cavalry with good stats. In what quantities? You should be able to see it all in Sirion city.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 17:01:04

We have one cavalry RC. Elric's Vestal Virgins out of Parm has almost perfect cavalry. My scribes show 160/20 available for recruitment. I don't recall seeing that before.

Name Type Weapons Armour Training Home Morale available cost Elric's Vestal Virgins Cav 90 95 90 Parm 100 160/20 115

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Report from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 17:03:11

We don't have the money to support cav unless you plan to actually do some semblance of anything I say. We'd need to actually fight the Horsemasters for Oligarch, and unless you've changed your mind about clinging to Sir Temple like your titles depend on it, we won't be able to take the more richer regions to the south.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 17:15:59

Ser Naismith's Old Reliables, also hailing from Parm, show 143/25 as well. I wonder if the Lord Speaker is hosting the party of the century? You would think that the scribes would be sober while counting, but perhaps not.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 17:38:28

Sir Solomon,

So the only decent cavalry center we have is in Parm. The solution is obvious. Sirion city and Avamar city have only three RCs each so the cost of building another RC will be not be too high for those cities. The Lords of those two cities could concentrate on producing one good cavalry RC each. If successful, we would triple our cavalry production.

I assume that if we try this we are only interested in good RCs. what would you say was a minimum requirement? 70/70/70  ?


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 18:30:17

Sorry, I meany Senator Solomon, not Sir Solomon

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 18:40:34

High Commander Lorenzo,

If we were to pursue a more cavalry heavy army we would tear down RCs first. That requires a discussion, a plan and agreement. However, we must immediately freeze building more RCs.

Cities should only build the high quality RCs, while rural and townsland regions should create the other RCs. In this way, once we get the rare good high quality RC we can expand it to the largest possible size. We do not need size 4 RCs in the cities of low quality RCs, if the rurals we'll always keep behind the front lines provide those troops. RCs increase in cost as you build more - by spreading the RCs around we reduce the total cost of a RC renovation.


Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 18:40:56

Here are all our RCs Name Type Range Weapons Armour Training Home Morale available cost Arylonian Guard Inf 65 70 40 Avamar 100 25/25 41 Anarionath - Blood Ravens Inf 80 80 40 Sir Temple 100 200/200 45 Velaryon Infantry Inf 70 60 45 Glinmar 98 50/50 42 Arylonian Heavy Infantry Inf 50 85 50 Avamar 100 184/50 45 Defenders of the Faith Inf 60 80 50 Elmbar 93 50/50 46 Rearden's Roughnecks Inf 60 80 50 Oroya 100 25/25 46 Blades of Honor Inf 70 50 55 Salta 91 50/50 44 Anarionath - Blood Hawks Inf 70 80 60 Sir Temple 100 200/200 53 Sirion Rangers Inf 65 65 65 Oroya 100 13/25 51 Trinbarii Infantry 1st Inf 75 65 65 Trinbar 100 56/100 53 Hardy Elves Inf 65 75 70 Hillmar 100 50/50 55 Anarionath - Blood Eagles Inf 70 85 75 Sir Temple 100 200/200 61 Silver Dragons Inf 70 90 80 Sirion 100 200/200 65 Ser Naismith's Old Reliables Inf 80 100 80 Parm 100 143/25 70 Trinbarii Infantry 2nd Inf 80 75 90 Trinbar 100 100/100 68 The Lord Speaker's Finest Inf 100 85 95 Parm 100 25/25 79 Bloody Peasants MI 3 35 25 25 Tallbar 100 50/50 28 Tallbar Mixed Infantry MI 2 55 35 60 Tallbar 100 50/50 48 Sirion Senate Guards (3) MI 3 60 60 75 Sirion 100 180/200 63 Trinbarii MI MI 3 85 75 75 Trinbar 100 100/100 75 Elric's Vestal Virgins Cav 90 95 90 Parm 100 160/20 115

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 18:41:03

1st Special Forces Academy Spec 75 45 45 Glinmar 98 15/15 70 Elmbar Blademasters Spec 80 60 70 Elmbar 93 30/30 97 Siegebreakers Spec 85 80 85 Hillmar 100 30/30 120 Mithril Bows Spec 4 100 95 100 Sirion 100 120/120 148 Arylonian Bowmen Arch 4 75 45 45 Glinmar 98 50/50 40 Trinbarii Archers 1st Arch 4 80 70 45 Trinbar 100 99/100 46 Elmbar Archers Arch 3 65 45 50 Elmbar 93 50/50 40 Arylonian Bowmen Arch 4 75 70 50 Avamar 100 100/100 47 Trinbarii Archers 2nd Arch 4 80 70 65 Trinbar 100 100/100 55 Trinbarii Archers 3rd Arch 4 75 75 90 Trinbar 100 55/100 67

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 18:41:43

Header added to the latest

Name Type Range Weapons Armour Training Home Morale available cost 1st Special Forces Academy Spec 75 45 45 Glinmar 98 15/15 70 Elmbar Blademasters Spec 80 60 70 Elmbar 93 30/30 97 Siegebreakers Spec 85 80 85 Hillmar 100 30/30 120 Mithril Bows Spec 4 100 95 100 Sirion 100 120/120 148 Arylonian Bowmen Arch 4 75 45 45 Glinmar 98 50/50 40 Trinbarii Archers 1st Arch 4 80 70 45 Trinbar 100 99/100 46 Elmbar Archers Arch 3 65 45 50 Elmbar 93 50/50 40 Arylonian Bowmen Arch 4 75 70 50 Avamar 100 100/100 47 Trinbarii Archers 2nd Arch 4 80 70 65 Trinbar 100 100/100 55 Trinbarii Archers 3rd Arch 4 75 75 90 Trinbar 100 55/100 67

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 19:19:19

Senator Solomon,

I have some observations to make. Please give them careful consideration because its not a simple matter. These are far reaching and expensive investments and we must be careful of not causing more damage than benefit.

1. Sirion knights do not tend to choose cavalry because most of our fighting is against rogue and we tend to optimize with ranged troops to fight rogue. Lets say that some knights choose cavalry to fight a human war. We will still only have say three knights willing and able to field large cavalry units, so we are looking at a total build of say three level 4 cavalry RCs. So we already have one such RC, I judge that two more are enough for our needs.

2. I am against destroying existing RCs in our cities because everyone knows that producing good RCs was easier in the old days. That is why we have a lot of good ancient RCs. The time and effort to replace them would be very high and we might not even get good replacements because nowadays if you already have existing good RCs the new ones tend to be lower quality. It's a gamble I think unnecessary.

3. Also the existing RCs we have in cities are more useful than you might think. Take for example Avamar, it has three mediocre RCs, but its an isolated forward city and they are pretty useful if you need to put up a lot of reasonably priced militia in a hurry. I wouldn't want Avamar to lose them.

4. Building a new cavalry RC in Sirion or Avamar is not that expensive. Because they only have three RCs each. Even my region of Sir Temple which has 4 RCs, the cost of a cavalry RC is only 625 gold which is very affordable. In Sirion and Avamar it will be even cheaper. Once the first level of an RC is built the cost does not go up due to the number of RCs I think, so we won't get any benefit for levels 2, 3 and 4 by destroying existing RCs, and that's the most expensive part, especially level 4.

In summary, we should not destroy existing RCs, we should instead build two new cavalry RCs, one in Avamar and one or even two in Sirion city. The only question in my mind is how good do we want those RCs to be? What are the minimum stats required?


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-13 23:22:29

High Commander,

I would highly recommend that you forgo Sir Temple in join us in Sirion City as soon as possible, as your last letter is quite a ways behind what has already been discussed, and it's clear no one is going to copy every single letter to you.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-14 00:11:37

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 5 points. Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-14 00:12:02

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   6 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 21 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 62 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm has improved a bit. It is now enthralled.

Referendum Ending 2023-02-14 00:12:09

One or more referenda is ending tomorrow. Make sure you cast your vote. Referendum Summary (Personal message) - 2023-02-14 00:12:09

You are currently a party to the following referenda:

   1 noble = take Ashforth? (1 day left to vote)
   The choices are "yes" or "no".You have voted "yes."

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-14 01:35:17


Is Sir Dominic correct? Are the nobles gathered in Sirion city incapable or unwilling to forward messages? Or even to pass on contact details? What a sorry state of affairs if true. I don't see how we can fight a war if we can't even pass on messages.

Very well, since no one seems to be able to forward messages I will depart Sir Temple and physically travel to Sirion city to take part in the discussions. What a sorry state of affairs.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Jay II Fireborn Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-14 10:56:35

Horses are vital so we cant rely on a single city to provide them, so i agree, we need one new top quality cavalry RC in Sirion and Avamar as they are our two bastion cities.

Quality? It will depend, 70 on weapons should be the minimum standard.

In arms,

Jay II Fireborn Knight of Parm

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-14 12:13:47

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Battle in Trinbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Trinbar - 2023-02-14 12:13:56

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 30 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Hillmar message to all realms participating in the battle in Hillmar - 2023-02-14 12:13:57

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 30 men vs. 80 men

Defender Victory! Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-14 12:14:11

Undead are still at large in Hillmar: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-15 00:19:17

Your men enjoy having a few hours for themselves. Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Battle in Trinbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Trinbar - 2023-02-15 00:19:27

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 30 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Tallbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Tallbar - 2023-02-15 00:19:28

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 30 men vs. 80 men

Defender Victory! Takeover message to all nobles on East Continent - 2023-02-15 00:19:45

Yssrgard has taken control of Priotness. The region used to belong to Perleone. Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-15 00:19:46

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   6 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 22 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 54 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now enthralled.

Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-15 00:19:47

Undead are still at large in Tallbar: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Referendum Results 2023-02-15 00:19:52

The referendum " 1 noble = take Ashforth?", initiated by Senator Solomon Steele, has ended. Here is the final tally:

   8 votes for yes
   1 votes for no
   0 abstentions
   9 votes were not cast.

The winning choice is therefore yes, with 8 votes. A simple majority was required (i.e., 1 votes).

As a reminder, the full text of the referendum was: If Sirion had one more noble and so could capture Ashforth without abandoning a region would you agree to capturing Ashforth?

Vote "Yes" to agree to capturing Ashforth,without abandoning a region, if Sirion gains another noble. Vote "No" to disagree with capturing Ashforth even if Sirion gains another noble.

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-15 08:33:13

News from Salta - Undead Horde invading from Ashforth City

The shambling horde of undead seen roaming Ashforth City's bounds have been spotted on the move towards the borders of Salta. Scout reports are attached of Ashforth, Salta, and a few other regions surrounding the area. The horde numbers 90-strong in undead creatures, Senator Molly, and Sir Vandryn along with Sir Naismith currently stand guard in Salta, numbering approximately 85-90 strong in force. Reinforcements from nearby regions may arrive too late now for the initial battle to come, but might still be of help should there be a second battle. More forces would likely reduce casualties, but scout reports arrived too late to inform other nobility in time.

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Letter from Jay II Fireborn Message sent to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath (3 recipients) - 2023-02-15 11:22:00

My Lords,

It has been pointed out to me, that i could be helping by claiming the lordship of Trinbar, and still holding Parm. I think that Trinbar could be holded with militia while i can remain protecting Parm from within the walls and moving in and out of Trinbar to perform mantainance work.

I have commited myself to restore this city so i would like your point of view on this matter.


Jay II Fireborn Knight of Parm

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-15 12:05:17

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Battle in Elmbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Elmbar - 2023-02-15 12:05:25

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 60 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Salta message to all nobles participating in the battle in Salta - 2023-02-15 12:05:26

No. Role Army Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Undead Horde (Undead) (rogue) 92 other line 1113 2 D Mithril Blades Molly Sirion 33 Inf line 406 3 D Ser Naismith's Old Reliables Naismith Sirion 23 Arch line 381 4 D Sworn of Atar Vandryn Sirion 47 Inf line 637 5 D Xavax Archers Periurium Sirion 68 Arch line 902 6 N Fighters (militia/guard unit) Eponllyn 49 SF line 499

Total: 1 attackers (92 other) 4 defenders (80 Inf, 91 Arch) Total combat strengths: 1113 vs. 2326 1 neutral observers (499 combat strength).

The region owner Sirion and their allies defend. The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Sirion. Fighters don't know what to do and stay out of the battle.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.

Senator Molly Prestongreen is spotted wearing the Zakilevo's Ring of Tara.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters) Turn No. 1

	 	 	 	1 (92-U)

2 (33-I) 3 (23-A) 4 (47-I) 5 (68-A)

Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (3) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 110 hits. Xavax Archers (5) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 453 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 563, Defenders: 0 Undead Horde (1) advance towards the enemy. Sworn of Atar (4) and Mithril Blades (2) advance towards the enemy.

Undead Horde (1) take 563 hits from archer fire, which cause 22 casualties. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 563 (0 from close combat and 563 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged) Total casualties: 22 attackers, 0 defenders

Turn No. 2

	 	 	 	 	1 (70-U)

2 (33-I) 4 (47-I) 3 (23-A) 5 (68-A)

Xavax Archers (5) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 535 hits. Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (3) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 163 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 698, Defenders: 0 Mithril Blades (2) and Sworn of Atar (4) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line): 6 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. Mithril Blades (2) score 309 hits on Undead Horde (1). Sworn of Atar (4) score 447 hits on Undead Horde (1). Undead Horde (1) score 62 hits on Mithril Blades (2). Undead Horde (1) score 82 hits on Sworn of Atar (4). Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 756, Defenders: 144

Mithril Blades (2) take 62 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties. Sworn of Atar (4) take 82 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Undead Horde (1) take 1454 hits (756 in close combat, 698 from archer fire), which cause 57 casualties. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1454 (756 from close combat and 698 from ranged), Defenders: 144 (144 from close combat and 0 from ranged) Total casualties: 57 attackers, 6 defenders

Turn No. 3

	 	 	 	 	1 (13-U)

2 (29-I) 4 (45-I) 3 (23-A) 5 (68-A)

Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (3) have no enemy in range and hold their fire. Xavax Archers (5) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee.

Close Combat (Center Line): 6 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. Mithril Blades (2) score 362 hits on Undead Horde (1). Sworn of Atar (4) score 388 hits on Undead Horde (1). Undead Horde (1) score 12 hits on Mithril Blades (2). Undead Horde (1) score 20 hits on Sworn of Atar (4). Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 750, Defenders: 32

Mithril Blades (2) take 12 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Sworn of Atar (4) take 20 hits in close combat. No casualties. Undead Horde (1) take 750 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, wiping the unit out. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 750 (750 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 32 (32 from close combat and 0 from ranged) Total casualties: 13 attackers, 1 defenders

Defender Victory!

The battle does minor damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 3 %. The local roads network has also been damaged. The locals are grateful for defeating the evil forces plaguing their region. Battle Results (Personal message) - 2023-02-15 12:05:27

Your unit participated in a battle in Salta. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 1 Honour. Your captain has improved his skill level. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 10 points. Your men's equipment suffers 1 % damage. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 3 points. Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-15 12:05:42

Undead are still at large in Salta: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Undead are still at large in Tabost: A new undead horde is forming! Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath (3 recipients) - 2023-02-15 12:50:51

Sir Jay,

When you joined Sirion you committed yourself to the defense of Sirion. I believe this duty comes first. Becoming Lord of Trinbar serves the defense of Sirion (physically and in gold production) and furthermore you would not abandon your commitment to the defense of Parm.


Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Letter from Ivo Mersault Message sent to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath (3 recipients) - 2023-02-15 14:55:11

I think you would be very welcome in Trinbar, Sir Jay. The people have watched your exploits in Parm City and have sung songs about your skill in dispatching undead.

Ivo Mersault Lord Speaker of Sirion Royal of Sirion Duke of Osmeneliath Governor of Parm

Orders from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-15 19:10:38

All nobles nearby - please gather in Dale or Trinbar. When enough are gathered I will order an attack into Tabost

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-15 21:14:48


Sir Periurium arrived to Salta and with the extra strength Senator Molly, and Sir Vandryn held with their forces, the Undead Horde was defeated with very few casualties and wounded on the Republic side -- a heart-warming result compared to the more grim predictions I had worried about... thank you Sir Periurium for coming to our aid, I have no doubt your assistance did wonders for reducing severe fatalities.

Battle report attached.

It will take my company 17 hours to reach Dale, and there are only 10 hours left today... but I move nonetheless from Salta to Dale, to prepare for the order to march upon the Undead Horde forming this moment in Tabost. Safe travels, and know that I support Sir Jay II, the Steward of Parm, whom has proven dedicated service to rebuilding the City alongside Lord Speaker Ivo's efforts. To become the Lord of Trinbar, would not be unwelcome to my own eyes and heart...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Travel Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-16 00:12:05

You find the route excellent and make very good way, reducing your travel time by 3 hours. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-16 00:12:11

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 5 points. Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-16 00:12:32

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   6 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 22 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 50 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm has improved a bit. It is now enthralled.

Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-16 00:12:33

Undead are still at large in Tabost: The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 16 %. 9 peasants have vanished and were either killed by the undead or have fled in panic. Undead are still at large in Tabost: The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 9 %. 3 peasants have vanished and were either killed by the undead or have fled in panic. The undead are leaving the region and moving somewhere else. Orders from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-16 03:27:44

Someone please scout Tabost. I want to know where those rogue are headed

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-16 03:28:58

No signs of Dale being their destination, yet... scout report attached.

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Family Investment message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-16 04:03:15

Leofric Kubo, Senator of Glinmar has initiated an investment of 240 gold in the region of Glinmar. Production soars to 187 %. Letter from Jay II Fireborn Message sent to the duke and nobles of Osmeneliath (3 recipients) - 2023-02-16 08:56:07

My lords,

Then with your consent, i place my name forward for the Lordship of Trinbar, assuming that responsability with honor.

In arms,

Jay II Fireborn Knight of Parm

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-16 12:09:14

Wear and tear causes 2 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 2 points. Arrival (Personal message) - 2023-02-16 12:09:17

You have arrived in Dale, a Rural region (friendly territory). Battle in Trinbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Trinbar - 2023-02-16 12:09:23

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 140 men

Defender Victory! Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-16 12:09:40

Undead are still at large in Tabost: The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 11 %. 13 peasants have vanished and were either killed by the undead or have fled in panic. Undead are still at large in Trinbar: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-16 12:43:26


Fresh scout reports attached... Sir Periurium, Sir Vandryn have arrived here to Dale, or will be fully arrived in a few hours, having approached from Salta. Scout reports of Ashforth City show no more Undead roaming there... but Tabost has a force of 100-strong Undead creatures. Sermbar remains empty and there should be no surprises from that direction.


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Knight Leaves message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-16 15:03:42

Jay II has abandoned his estate in your region of Parm. Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-16 15:17:24

Well I found out where that moving undead horde went, it landed on me & Lord Solomon

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Ivo Mersault Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-16 15:19:15

Well fought, gentlemen.

Ivo Mersault Lord Speaker of Sirion Royal of Sirion Duke of Osmeneliath Governor of Parm

A New Lord message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-16 15:19:32

Duke Ivo Mersault of Osmeneliath Duchy has appointed Jay II Fireborn to the vacant lordship position in Trinbar. Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-16 15:22:19

Congratulations Jay II Fireborn. A fitting reward for your dedicated service to the Duchy of Osmeneliath

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Orders from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-16 15:24:45

All Nobles in Dale and Trinbar - Attack Tabost now, with delay arrival orders so that you arrive at sunset tomorrow.

Any other nobles nearby who can make it to Tabost at sunset tomorrow please try to get there.

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Request from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-16 15:26:31

Senator Molly,

When you get a chance please assign your knight Sir Vandryn to the Lyanna's Wrath army.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Jay II Fireborn Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-16 15:46:49

Thank you High Commander for your words and many thanks to my Duke Ivo for this great responsability that i gladly assume.

For Sirion,

Jay II Fireborn Senator of Trinbar

Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-16 16:25:44

It really is too bad we don't have direct proof of whoever casted the magic to cause these hordes. It is nothing short of a act of war by a dishonorable foe.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-16 16:39:10

Agreed Sir Dominic. Perhaps we could turn this to our advantage. One could argue by protecting Ashforth we have created a present claim to Ashforth.

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-16 20:22:26

I do believe you are correct, Senator. I had not considered present claim...


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-16 21:05:51

   Orders from Lorenzo Falconi
   Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 5 hours, 32 minutes ago
   All Nobles in Dale and Trinbar - Attack Tabost now, with delay arrival orders so that you arrive at sunset tomorrow.
   Any other nobles nearby who can make it to Tabost at sunset tomorrow please try to get there.
   Lorenzo Falconi
   High Commander of Sirion
   Duke of Anarionath
   Governor of Sir Temple

High Commander Lorenzo,

Understood, departing Dale for Tabost, and delaying arrival until Sunset of tomorrow... I hope you and Senator Solomon did not suffer too many losses from the Undead... quite rude of them to land upon your forces without a dinner invitation...

And in light of the news, most welcome, of Senator Jay II's appointment to Trinbar's lordship, I also agree... that with these numbers of Undead in the last few days... even I must doubt whether this was innocent coincidence or an action undertaken on purpose by some who may seek to deny Ashforth City to others... or at least delay or buy time for their own plans (or forces)... to rally...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-17 00:12:36

Wear and tear causes 3 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 2 points. Battle in Avamar message to all realms participating in the battle in Avamar - 2023-02-17 00:12:48

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 80 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Rowanglade message to all realms participating in the battle in Rowanglade - 2023-02-17 00:12:52

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-17 00:13:05

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   5 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 21 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 44 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now worshipful.

Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-17 00:13:06

Undead are still at large in Tabost: The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 6 %. Realm Tax Report message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-17 00:13:15

Taxes were collected today throughout the realm. Here is a summary of what the tax collectors could get: Region Tax Income Upkeep avg. Knight Share Lord Share Duke Share Realm Share Duchy of Anarionath (25% rulers share) Glinmar 291 gold 13 gold 270 gold 21 gold Hillmar 315 gold 52 gold 292 gold 23 gold Sir Temple 415 gold 98 gold ~ 119 gold - 296 gold Tallbar 127 gold 113 gold 120 gold 7 gold Duchy Totals 1148 gold 276 gold 260 gold 87 gold Duchy of Avamar (25% rulers share) Avamar 516 gold 148 gold - 516 gold Duchy Totals 516 gold 148 gold 387 gold 129 gold Duchy of Oroya (25% rulers share) Oroya 87 gold 21 gold - 87 gold Salta 92 gold 5 gold ~ 29 gold 56 gold 7 gold Duchy Totals 179 gold 26 gold 70 gold 24 gold Duchy of Osmeneliath (100% rulers share) Dale 43 gold 0 gold - 43 gold Obando 21 gold 0 gold - 21 gold Parm 51 gold 7 gold ~ 14 gold - 37 gold Tabost 144 gold 0 gold 136 gold 8 gold Trinbar 173 gold 93 gold 164 gold 9 gold Duchy Totals 432 gold 100 gold 118 gold Duchy of Sirion (25% rulers share) Elmbar 339 gold 124 gold 315 gold 24 gold Limbar 120 gold 10 gold 114 gold 6 gold Sirion 646 gold 475 gold ~ 128 gold - 390 gold Duchy Totals 1105 gold 609 gold 315 gold 105 gold

The crown has received 463 gold tax income thanks to an average rulers share of 40%. The crown also receives 262 gold in property taxes (1% above 1000 gold or bonds) and 0 gold in wealth taxes (5% above 10000 gold or bonds). This brings the crown's total income to 725 gold.

With a 10% share, the realm's 5 knights and dames each receive 15 gold from the crown. With a 30% share, the High Commander receives 218 gold from the crown. The Lord Speaker retains 432 gold for himself.

Taxes Received (Personal message) - 2023-02-17 00:13:15

As a knight of Parm, Naismith Manor earns you 14 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold. Subsidy Received (Personal message) - 2023-02-17 00:13:15

As a knight of the The Ancient Republic of Sirion, you earn 15 gold as a subsidy from the crown. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold. Region Tax Report message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-17 00:13:15

The following taxes were collected in Parm. The tax rate for this collection was 2 %.

Regional income and expensesPeasants Taxes 84 gold Taxes from Guildhouses + 2 gold Buildings Upkeep - 7 gold Collectable Tax Gold 79 gold Estate of Size Peasants Tax Collected Knight Share Lord Share (vacant) 20 % 2238 7 gold 7 gold Naismith 20 % 2238 15 gold 14 gold 1 gold Ivo 20 % 2238 15 gold 15 gold (vacant) 20 % 2238 7 gold 7 gold (vacant) 20 % 2238 7 gold 7 gold Region Totals 51 gold 14 gold 37 gold

Lord and Duke SharesLord Share 37 gold Dukes Share - 37 gold Lords Tax Income nothing

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-17 03:34:02

The undead remain stationary in Tabost. Sirionite forces from the northern Dale borders, and eastern Trinbar borders spotted closing in on the Horde. Scout report attached.

Let our banners fly high... proud of your response, Milords.


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm New Recruitment Center message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-17 06:36:26

A recruitment center has been constructed within Tallbar. The center offers archers recruits, with 13 volunteers signing up immediately. They have a training of 50%, weapons quality of 50%, and armour quality of 45%. Their range is 4 rows. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-17 12:11:50

Wear and tear causes 4 % damage to your unit's equipment. Arrival (Personal message) - 2023-02-17 12:11:52

You have arrived in Tabost, a Badlands region (friendly territory). Battle in Tabost message to all nobles participating in the battle in Tabost - 2023-02-17 12:11:59

No. Role Army Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Ser Naismith's Old Reliables Naismith Sirion 23 Arch line 371 2 A Steele Defenders Solomon Sirion 67 Arch box 983 3 A Vengeance Dragon Lorenzo Sirion 55 SF box 1002 4 A Xavax Archers Periurium Sirion 68 Arch line 888 5 D Undead Horde (Undead) (rogue) 96 other line 1058

Total: 4 attackers (158 Arch, 55 SF) 1 defenders (96 other) Total combat strengths: 3244 vs. 1058

The troops from (rogue) set up defenses because they control the battlefield. The Sirion troops attack because they are at war with (rogue).

There is almost no wind today, archers will be deadly. Solomon Steele, Senator of Tabost, Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters) Turn No. 1

	 	 	1 (23-A)

2 (67-A) 3 (55-S) 4 (68-A) 5 (96-U)

Vengeance Dragon (3) fire on Undead Horde (5), scoring 501 hits. Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (1) fire on Undead Horde (5), scoring 232 hits. Xavax Archers (4) fire on Undead Horde (5), scoring 544 hits. Steele Defenders (2) fire on Undead Horde (5), scoring 444 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 1721 Undead Horde (5) advance towards the enemy.

Undead Horde (5) take 1721 hits from archer fire, which cause 67 casualties. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 1721 (0 from close combat and 1721 from ranged) Total casualties: 0 attackers, 67 defenders

Turn No. 2

	 	 	1 (23-A)

2 (67-A) 3 (55-S) 4 (68-A) 5 (29-U)

Steele Defenders (2) fire on Undead Horde (5), scoring 802 hits. Ser Naismith's Old Reliables (1) fire on Undead Horde (5), scoring 279 hits. Xavax Archers (4) fire on Undead Horde (5), scoring 715 hits. Vengeance Dragon (3) fire on Undead Horde (5), scoring 1327 hits. Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 3123 Undead Horde (5) advance towards the enemy.

Undead Horde (5) take 3123 hits from archer fire, which cause 29 casualties, wiping the unit out. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 3123 (0 from close combat and 3123 from ranged) Total casualties: 0 attackers, 29 defenders

Attacker Victory!

The battle does minor damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 2 %. The locals are grateful for defeating the evil forces plaguing their region. Battle Results (Personal message) - 2023-02-17 12:12:00

Your unit participated in a battle in Tabost. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 1 Honour. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 12 points. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 2 points. Battle in Rowanglade message to all realms participating in the battle in Rowanglade - 2023-02-17 12:12:04

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-17 12:12:14

Undead are still at large in Tabost: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-17 12:37:01

Duke Zadek & Duchess Lerriana,

Are you agreeable to trying to each building a good cavalry RC in your cities ?

It will mean sitting there day after day and trying the free consultations until you get a good cavalry RC. And by good I mean that stats should be 70/70/70 or above. After that the RC wi

We already have one good cavalry RC in Parm, if we can get another two in Avamar and Sirion, we will have the basis of a cavalry force.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-17 12:37:43

Good movement to clear Tabost

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-17 12:37:46


The undead presence in Tabost is being put to rest, and the remaining ones are indeed falling apart. The battle was a success, with two volleys of arrows from all companies and their troop leaders wiping out the attack before they reached the Sirionite lines. There will be some opportunity to investigate the battlefield and make sure the undead bodies have been destroyed utterly... but for the most part the region is clear, and a warm congratulations to all the banners of Sirion folk whom made the effort to secure the Tabost Badlands.

Battle report and several scout reports of surrounding regions attached. Ashforth City remains empty, as does Oberndorf (held by Eponllyn) except for it's militia unit there. Commonyr (held by Shadowdale) also has militia but also it's regional lord, the noble named Koloyok Sethar... likely overseeing and tending to his holdings... this is the same noble whom was from Yssrgard, along with his like-minded companion whom went by Sean Dixon. They both have a reputation for... stirring up incidents across the East Continent, some say they brought the destruction of Yssrgard through actions when they were in government office there...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Battle in Tabost (Tabost, 13 turns) - Report from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-17 13:17:35

   New Recruitment Center
   message to all nobles of Sirion - 6 hours, 37 minutes ago
   A recruitment center has been constructed within Tallbar. The center offers archers recruits, with 13 volunteers signing up immediately. They have a training of 50%, weapons quality of 50%, and armour quality of 45%. Their range is 4 rows.

I know everyone is very excited to do this RC project, but please put a hold on your excitement until after the Marshal gives you some direction. Our advisor has stated what we have is mostly outdated, and needs to be torn down to improve our chances at better centers: making more low grade centers is going to do nothing but make this harder.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Request from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-17 15:53:15


For archival and record-keeping purposes, would anyone be able to provide an Old Knight some form of list concerning the current names and statistical details of any RCs (Recruitment Centers) that plan to be destroyed and torn down? Or perhaps even a drawing (some of my scribes say a strange word apprently while at the taverns called 'screenshot').

I do support the initiative to update Sirion's military infrastructure, but I do have an old soft spot for history and culture and lore in some ways similar to High Commander Lorenzo. There are stories within the names and statistical listings of our current centers, and the regions they hail from.

I shall also try to go through old letters, as I think some sort of list was reported before, and I will attempt to travel to Sirion City now from Tabost, after the successful joint effort to clear the undead rogue threat here. But should any tearing down of centres occur before I reach the capitol, any whom might spare a moment to have their scribes record down the list of centers right before we demolish the first one would be greatly appreciated by this elderly and sentimental old soul...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-18 00:14:57

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 3 points. Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-18 00:15:23

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   5 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 21 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   The Weapon/Armour Smith has to shut down for today due to insufficient production.
   Population is growing through 34 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now worshipful.

Orders from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-18 02:42:31

Continue regional protection duties

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-18 02:47:09

Duke Zadek & Duchess Lerriana,

I haven't had a response from either of you regarding cavalry RCs. Are you agreeable to trying to each building a good cavalry RC in your cities ?

It will mean sitting there day after day and trying the free consultations until you get a good cavalry RC. And by good I mean that stats should be 70/70/70 or above. Once built the RC will need to be expanded to maximum size 4.

We already have one good cavalry RC in Parm, if we can get another two in Avamar and Sirion, we will have the basis of a cavalry force. So please let me know if you are willing to work on this project.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Report from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-18 03:09:58

We were talking about Archers and Infantry, perhaps wait to build anything until you reach the region to talk to myself, Marshal Solomon, and Our Good Advisor?

A summary:

   Alternatively, you could try to recreate the legendary layered ranged army of Astrum, which once dominated the battlefield. This army replaced infantry with mixed infantry units, followed by archers and ranged SFs.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Request from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-18 08:28:57

Sir Dominic,

If you or Marshal Solomon have a set of guidelines then they need to be sent to me first so I can see and agree them. Please send me the guidelines your foreign advisor has suggested


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-18 08:33:55

This layered army sounds intriguing. It sounds equally useful against rogue and humans.I wonder how it would fare against massed cavalry.

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Treasury Collection message to the elders of Hunting & Swordfighting - 2023-02-18 08:53:25

The global treasury of "Hunting & Swordfighting" was dangerously low, and so Naismith has issued a call to all guildhouses to contribute 10% of their local treasuries to the global fund.

   The small guildhouse in Evora is too poor to contribute anything.
   The small guildhouse in Viseu is too poor to contribute anything.
   The small guildhouse in Braga is too poor to contribute anything.
   The small guildhouse in Karbala is too poor to contribute anything.
   The small guildhouse in Tabost contributes 52 gold.
   The small guildhouse in Trinbar is too poor to contribute anything.
   The small guildhouse in Slimbar is too poor to contribute anything.
   The small guildhouse in Oroya is too poor to contribute anything.
   The large guildhouse in Sirion is too poor to contribute anything.
   The vast and splendid guildhouse in Parm contributes 21 gold.

The global treasury now contains 553 gold.

Travel Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-18 12:06:21

You find the route excellent and make very good way, reducing your travel time by 3 hours. You make a short stop in Trinbar before you continue your travel to Sirion. Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-18 12:06:22

Wear and tear causes 3 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 7 points. Takeover message to all nobles on East Continent - 2023-02-18 12:06:38

Perleone has taken control of Xavax. The region used to belong to (rogue). Report from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-18 14:46:38

The guidelines are going back and forth, and have largely stalled without your input. The general summary is that most centers will have to be tore down and replaced with the sort of general composition we want our army to have, and that the centers we do build should be of a very high quality to start, and to keep those centers within the Cities. We are, in general focusing on countering the apparently once again heavy Calvary of the Horsemasters. However, without the General being here, we can not continue discussion, as several decisions have to be made before we can move forward. Which is why I urge you to trust in your fellow nobles to defend the realm, instead of travelling sideways to witness every rogue battle yourself.

I must make this very, very clear: if the Horsemasters get any ideas about attacking us, we will fold immediately if you can't put trust in your own army. You can not be everywhere at once, and trying to do so will do nothing but cause wax burns on your fingers and sleepless nights on your horse. Leading isn't about being at the forefront of the charge: it's about being able to step back and see the bigger picture, to support and strategize with those below you to have the best overall result. Every single army on the island has a General and a Marshal position for that very reason: one noble focuses on the larger scale war, and the the other gets their hands muddy in the trenches with all the details. Some armies have tried to have the same noble do both, but it has always ended in dysfunction....at best. This same idea is how our very society works. We are ordained to lead above those that work the fields by blood, yes, but do we use our days to set the measurements between the seeds? In our class, do the region lords have to sit in their regions for days on end to worry about every little bureaucratic thing? That is what we have Courtiers for.

This here, is why you should have been in Sirion City days ago, High Commander. You are our highest level of military leadership, the man who is in change of working on the biggest picture. A single battle against rogue, or any single region in this realm are both lesser concerns for your position to the realm-wide concern of our RC situation. Delegate those things, High Commander. Empower your nobles, trust them, not burn yourself out running all over the place.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Letter from Lerriana Leather Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-18 15:32:08

Duke Lorenzo I am not in favor of building a Calvary center in my city. Personally I think Calvary is pricier then infantry and archers. And it would take a rich noble to be able to recruit and keep a Calvary unit in my mind. Plus how many nobles would want to have a Calvary unit in the first place? If there is not much of an appetite for nobles to recruit those types of units then to me it is folly to make more then one.

I say give the nobles a choice by having one they can recruit from and make it the biggest center it can be. But Calvary is only good in combat. They are not good for militia or PW so they are less versatile then other units.

Lerriana Leather High Arbiter of Sirion Duchess of Avamar Governor of Avamar Letter from Lorne Roseguard Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-18 19:39:02

Lorne Roseguard Knight of Sirion

Letter from Zadek Dragul Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-18 20:04:28

Duke Lorenzo, I tend to agree with High Arbiter Lady Lerriana with regard to the building of more Calvary RCs. While it is true that Sirion has only one Calvary RC, there are only two Centers which have more expensive recruits; both are ranged Special Forces. There already are some RCs which have excellent numbers in all categories from which our nobles can choose from. To me, a better plan would be to increase the size of the best of these RCs so the availability of quality units can be utilized by all of our nobility depending on the funds available to them. Best regards,

Zadek Dragul Royal of Sirion Duke of Sirion Governor of Sirion Marshal of the Galadrim

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-18 21:59:35

Creating Calvary RCs is premature, since we have not agreed on a strategy or plan.

If we did want to emphasize Calvary RCs one RC that has been enlarged is not nearly enough. Large Calvary RCs gain recruits very slowly. We would need more RCs to keep up with the demand for cavalry. I have seen 3 special forces RCs being unable to keep up with moderate demand for special forces in peacetime due to each RC only gaining 2 recruits per day.


Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-18 22:37:25

Sir Lorne's scout reports indicate 5 monsters in Coquarda, which is south of Hillmar.

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-19 00:12:54

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment. Morale of your troops rises by 1 points. Arrival (Personal message) - 2023-02-19 00:12:56

You have arrived in Sirion, a City region (friendly territory). Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-19 00:13:18

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   5 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 22 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 52 new births.
   In summary, production has dropped a little. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now enthralled.

Report from Ivo Mersault Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-19 01:51:45

   Letter from Harl Dolan
   Message sent to the rulers of East Continent (6 recipients) - 12 hours, 45 minutes ago
   Perleone has taken control of Xavax.
   Well 2 more cities for you to TO then. With Itorunt and Semall, you can realize your dream, to dominate eight cities. Maybe it's time now to change your capital to Ibladesh?

   Harl Dolan
   Exalted Overlord, Warlord of Yssrgard
   Royal of Yssrgard
   Duke of Fallangard
   Marshal of the Howling Oath Wolf Legion

Ivo Mersault Lord Speaker of Sirion Royal of Sirion Duke of Osmeneliath Governor of Parm

Request from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (6 recipients) - 2023-02-19 04:18:55

Sir Eisenritter Felsenbach,

Greetings. I am Duke Lorenzo, High Commander (General) of Sirion. I have been away from Sirion city fighting rogue in the north and the west.But now I have returned and would hear your expert opinion on the state of our recruitment centers.

So could you please give me a summary of your findings, and what strategies we could employ to improve our fighting tactics. I am in particular intrigued by Astrum layered defense, but I welcome all your ideas.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Report from Eisenritter Felsenbach Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (6 recipients) - 2023-02-19 04:44:05

Greetings, Commander Falconi,

Looks like you already got some of my letters. If you are interested in Astrum's mighty layered ranged walls, your priority would be to focus on getting three types of RCs.

Archer, Ranged SF and MIs. Among those, both archers and MIs will work as the backbone of your army. The ranged R5 RCs will be nice to have but those are not as important for Sirion since Sirion seems to lack the funds to run them effectively.

I'd suggest focusing on aiming for high quality archer and MI RCs first. Since your realm already has RCs with 100, you are unlikely to get any additional RCs with 100 on them. Of course there is still a chance but your chance of getting one will be very low.

Also, while the Astrum's army format is quite powerful and is known to be one of the most cost efficient ones, it has never been tested against a realm such as Eponllyn. As you may know, most realms on Dwilight can't run cavalry RCs since they need to focus on fighting rogues. And rogues are very good against cavalry units as they are not as weak and soft as us humans. To survive their cavalry units, you will definitely need to focus more on your MI RCs defense stats.

Eisenritter Felsenbach Knight of Fontan

Report from Eisenritter Felsenbach Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (6 recipients) - 2023-02-19 04:45:50

Personally, I think it might be better to purely focus on MI RCs only. You will certainly be lacking a bit of range but nothing having more MIs can't handle. MI units aren't afraid to engage enemies in melee and you won't have to bother much about them panicking over not having an infantry unit to prevent them from advancing forward.

Eisenritter Felsenbach Knight of Fontan

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (6 recipients) - 2023-02-19 09:32:44

Sir Eisenritter,

ok, So here is a proposed formation using your Astrum layered ranged army.

Have I understood correctly? Can it be improved? Please tell me what you think:

Range 3 MI - Middle box defensive Range 4 SF & Range 4 Archers - Back line defensive Range 5 SF - Rearguard Skirmish Defensive Infantry - Rearguard Line Normal Cavalry - Rearguard Aggressive wedge

For reference I believe we have some excellent ranged 4 SF but rather poor ranged 5 SF.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Monster Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-19 12:15:17

Monsters are rampaging in Obando: 4 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters. Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (6 recipients) - 2023-02-19 19:49:39

I've had a good look at the RCs in the realm. Its not very impressive. Here are the production figures for good useful troops:

Infantry - About 600 good infantry.

Archers - About 300 good ranged 4 archers

MI - About 300 good ranged 3 MI

Ranged SF - 120 excellent but only range 4 SF.

Cavalry - About 20 excellent cavalry from a small damaged RC

Its a largely infantry base. We are far away from being able to create a cavalry army. If we want to allow nobles to convert infantry to MI then we need to provide more and better MI RCs. Also Ranged 5 SF need to be built.

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Eisenritter Felsenbach Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (6 recipients) - 2023-02-19 20:03:22

If you have too many high quality infantry RCs, you may have to demolish them to increase your chances of getting good MIs. Otherwise, you will be betting on less than a percent chance to get a good one. If you have less than a percent chance to get it you will be spending a lot more gold and time to get one.

It would be cheaper to demolish the existing infantry RCs and focus on getting good MIs. Also, from the report I got, Sirion has too many RCs in Trinbar for no reason.

Eisenritter Felsenbach Knight of Fontan

Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-20 00:15:16

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   6 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 22 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 31 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm has improved a bit. It is now enthralled.

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (6 recipients) - 2023-02-20 02:18:56

Yes but Trinbar has our best archer and MI RCs, all expanded to size 3. Its an invaluable resource. Also its right next to the capital so we can use it to reinforce Sirion militia if an enemy gets that close. I don't want to lose the excellent RCs in Trinbar. Its our cities that tend to have poor RCs. I don't know why.

I can get rid of a couple of high quality infantry RCs in Sir Temple up north, I just hesitate to destroy the work of decades.

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Public, Ask First Roleplay from Naismith Willarc Message sent to everyone in Sirion (6 recipients) - 2023-02-20 05:35:11

The Old Knight had finally reached the Capitol again... a journey he had made many times over the 140 years and more that he had served in Sirion as a Knight... the streets, the pathways and buildings... the walls and gates... some things have changed, some things remained... old names and new names... Naismith Willarc was an elderly noble... though he remembered fondly the days past when other names echoed down the historical annals of his mind...

He grunted, as he moved with his small company of troops towards the districts where recruitment, refitting, equipment repairs, and banking services lay. Opening the latest letters from High Commander Lorenzo, and Sir Eisenritter, he mumbled the following...

"Harrumph... I better hope to have scribes record the list of recruitment centers Sirion currently has before any are torn down... it appears I may have arrived in time..."

He raised an old eyebrow and noted the comments from the House Felsenbach advisor...

"It seems Sir Dominic was correct in choosing this foreign advisor to visit our lands... if I wasn't mistaken... he would have made a fine substitute for Prime Minister Zakilevo Lappallanch... or should I say when the young rascal served as our General... able to converse with our High Commander Lorenzo on military affairs with quite ease and confidence..."

Naismith muttered and tucked the letters safely away...

"Somehow, my heart is warmed to have this House Felsenbach fellow visit Sirion... it feels like an Old Friend returning to briefly connect with those friends and family of times long past... may you find good winds and fates upon your journey... Sir Eisenritter... this Old Knight has refitting duties and some documentation work to do before you and our military-minded souls go to work restructuring Sirion's military capability alongside your advice..."

He patted the letters from Sir Eisenritter gently with his hand, and looked upwards ahead.

"I shall keep these letters safe... they are signed after all by Sir Eisenritter... and if the rumours that the Lappallanch bloodline has any presence in the Felsenbach history... well... an Old Knight deserves a few treasures, eh... My goodness, Zakilevo, if you were here now... you would still see the Dragul Family here... the Leather Family... Mersault still breathes as well... and I have felt even some hints of the Hinamoto Family course through Senator Jay II Fireborn oft days... and then there is...."

The Old Knight trailed off, grumbling, muttering, and mumbling about days long past... but eternally grateful that Sir Dominic Rea had made such a meeting come to pass in Sirion City, where Sir Eisenritter of House Felsenbach, visited the Ancient Republic of Sirion, and gave hope and heart to an elderly old soul... as Sirion's military minds and the Advisor from House Felsenbach, continued their discussions. Private, Please Don't Interrupt Roleplay from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-20 05:35:55

   Roleplay from Naismith Willarc
   Message sent to everyone in Sirion (6 recipients) - just in
   The Old Knight had finally reached the Capitol again... a journey he had made many times over the 140 years and more that he had served in Sirion as a Knight... the streets, the pathways and buildings... the walls and gates... some things have changed, some things remained... old names and new names... Naismith Willarc was an elderly noble... though he remembered fondly the days past when other names echoed down the historical annals of his mind...
   He grunted, as he moved with his small company of troops towards the districts where recruitment, refitting, equipment repairs, and banking services lay.  Opening the latest letters from High Commander Lorenzo, and Sir Eisenritter, he mumbled the following...
   "Harrumph... I better hope to have scribes record the list of recruitment centers Sirion currently has before any are torn down... it appears I may have arrived in time..."
   He raised an old eyebrow and noted the comments from the House Felsenbach advisor...
   "It seems Sir Dominic was correct in choosing this foreign advisor to visit our lands... if I wasn't mistaken... he would have made a fine substitute for Prime Minister Zakilevo Lappallanch... or should I say when the young rascal served as our General... able to converse with our High Commander Lorenzo on military affairs with quite ease and confidence..."
   Naismith muttered and tucked the letters safely away...
   "Somehow, my heart is warmed to have this House Felsenbach fellow visit Sirion... it feels like an Old Friend returning to briefly connect with those friends and family of times long past... may you find good winds and fates upon your journey... Sir Eisenritter... this Old Knight has refitting duties and some documentation work to do before you and our military-minded souls go to work restructuring Sirion's military capability alongside your advice..."
   He patted the letters from Sir Eisenritter gently with his hand, and looked upwards ahead.
   "I shall keep these letters safe... they are signed after all by Sir Eisenritter... and if the rumours that the Lappallanch bloodline has any presence in the Felsenbach history... well... an Old Knight deserves a few treasures, eh... My goodness, Zakilevo, if you were here now... you would still see the Dragul Family here... the Leather Family... Mersault still breathes as well... and I have felt even some hints of the Hinamoto Family course through Senator Jay II Fireborn oft days... and then there is...."
   The Old Knight trailed off, grumbling, muttering, and mumbling about days long past... but eternally grateful that Sir Dominic Rea had made such a meeting come to pass in Sirion City, where Sir Eisenritter of House Felsenbach, visited the Ancient Republic of Sirion, and gave hope and heart to an elderly old soul... as Sirion's military minds and the Advisor from House Felsenbach, continued their discussions.

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-20 05:42:16


Some scout reports from here in Sirion City, as I move to refit my troops and do some paperwork on other projects... all while Sir Eisenritter, the foreign advisors Sir Dominic has helped to see visit our realm, continues discussions with High Commander Lorenzo regarding the Republic's future Recruitment Centers, alongside what others in the realm have shared on the public channels. Your discussions have all been of interest and a sign of engagement towards the future capabilities Sirion may hold in conflicts that may arise down the road. My thanks again for reaching forth to write letters and messages that have no doubt helped the Sirion Military Command further lean towards a decision that hopefully will align with the Realm's interest and what you have all been voicing feedback upon...

On the scout reports, just be warned as a light advisory that we have around 50-strong Undead in Dolmbar, just east of Sirion City, and slightly north of the borders here. They are stationary at this time.


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Letter from Eisenritter Felsenbach Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (6 recipients) - 2023-02-20 06:40:53

High Commander,

I don't understand your point regarding wanting to have RCs in Trinbar over Sirion. Why would you want to use Trinbar's RCs to fortify Sirion when you can just have RCs in Sirion to fortify the city? Also, they are level 3. You can't even expand them to level 4 which is twice as big as level 3.

It doesn't matter there are good RCs in Trinbar. You need to get rid of them and have them built in your cities. It is mathematically unwise to try for good RCs in your cities when you already have them in non-city regions. Unless of course you want to do this RC project for over 300~500 days.

Eisenritter Felsenbach Knight of Fontan

Public, Ask First Roleplay from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-20 08:08:58

β€œCaptain, what news you have today?” Brock asks.

Captain Max holding the parchments as he goes through.

β€œMany people are complaining about the high taxes. 12 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.”

”Wait, what? Why people complain about high tax?” Brock inquires further.

Taking another scroll out, Captain Max replies β€œApparently the neighbouring regions must have aet the tax rate too low compared to Hillmar.”

”That must be it. By the way, have you instructed guard to go through the food before decided the food is completely rotten?” Brock continues on.

Captain Max replies β€œYes, my lord.”

”Look like we have to go through this winter with many food losses. There is food deficit today, there will be many such days to come. Order the guards to protect the warehouse at all cost. Rotate the guards by shift. Noone should walk alone while on guard duty” Brock instructs.

Written down Brock instruction, Captain Max nods as he replies β€œIt will be done immediately.”

As his Captain leaves the tent, Brock ponders over another parchment report on his desk. The men equipment damage is getting heavier each day. Battle in Obando message to all realms participating in the battle in Obando - 2023-02-20 12:03:48

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (7 recipients) - 2023-02-20 12:21:32

I am back after a short military exercise.

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Request from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-20 17:00:50


My heart goes out to isolated regions that is Hillmar and Glinnar, in addition to Sir Temple, Tallbar and Avamar. While I appreciate and support the possibilities to... gain Ashforth City and make strong our borders into a solid line... as we move forward, let us not forget the potential effects of separation... take for example Glinmar and Hillmar... rumours abound that taxes in the (rogue?) regions nearby influence the morale and loyalty in the citizens that say, Senator Brock oversees.

Keep in mind also that... I believe Senator Brock has had to continue keeping to patrols and rogue threat operations and cannot contribute to larger military operations... his force and attention far exceeds my own... he was Kronogos of Nivemus once after all... and if I recall correctly, a safe land bridge between the Glinmar and Hillmar coastal regions say via Rowanglade may aid in reducing how much time he has to stay stuck in such an Endless patrol... he no doubt has to care for equipment damage to his company and must make the unsafe travels through rogue territory to reach Sirion City for refitting. The same as our nobility and Lords of Avamar City, Sir Temple, and Tallbar...

As Royal Duke Rearden once said... a contiguous realm would be preferred... but I also accept this may not be the case for some time... and there are bigger priorities to address... but still... keep in mind this as our Realm hopefully may draw more active nobles to our cause and banners... so that a time may come when we can claim more regions, and release older Red Dragons of Sirion onto the field... leave the quiet regional work and undead or monster hunting to stubborn souls like me .. .

Chancellor Razo, can you remind an Old Knight the status of our winter stores across the Republic?


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm

Report from Razo Carmel Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-20 20:37:52

Good day Sir Naismith. I understand you have been asking about the Realm's grain reserves? I can report that as of today the Chancellery's official statement has posted:

   Total production: 140 bushels/day
   Total consumption: 383 bushels/day
   Total net: 243 bushel daily deficit
   Total storage: 12472 bushels
   The realm will run out of food in 51 days without extra imports.

I should point out that 51 days assumes we remain at the winter deficit given above; which is not true of course. In 51 days we will be enjoying our autumn bonanza of 737 daily surplus and having already had spring and summer surpluses, our granaries will be almost replenished ready for next winter. The report above is for today's average weather but even with a drought it would still be more accurate to say we will not run out of food.

Razo Carmel Chancellor of the Treasury of Sirion Senator of Elmbar

Letter from Lorne Roseguard Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-20 21:15:20

Lorne Roseguard Knight of Sirion

Letter from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-20 21:16:05

Milord Chancellor Razo,

Most excellent... thank you Chancellor, this information is the reassurance I was seeking... thank you for relaying and assuaging an Old Knight's inquiry... this seems to be good news indeed on the food front...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm

Report from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-20 22:56:47

I feel that I once again should note that unless we double our noble count, we will never hold the regions behind us with any strong hand: frankly we should be focusing on what regions to take from the honorless Horsemasters and the rebellious Southern Duchy to replace the regions on our backline that can no longer be well managed. As I have stated, we can deal with both Sir Temple and Tallbar by simply taking Ashforth and Obendorf: two regions we hold old claim over anyways. My old Lordship of Hillmar and the neighboring Gilnmar are more problematic to switch up, but I see no reason to worry about them so much, as war and opportunity will pull more nobles to us and we may be able to truly take some of the rogues between....that is, if we are willing to leave Sir Temple and Tallbar to the rogues at that time.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Battle in Obando message to all realms participating in the battle in Obando - 2023-02-21 00:07:55

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 50 men

Defender Victory! Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-21 00:08:11

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   5 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 22 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 29 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now enthralled.

Report from Kryss Message sent to everyone in Adventurer's Guild (39 recipients) - 2023-02-21 03:35:28

Honoured members of the guild,

Many of you will remember a few months ago when the Tormentor of Shadowdale - Sean Dixon was found to be attacking adventurers at random without cause or warning. When this came to light in the guild, after many in the guild openly said they were planning to end all relationships with Shadowdale while such a man remained. He swore that this was a misunderstanding and that such actions would not happen again unprovoked. As a landed member of the nobility, I took him at his word.

Well here we are a few months later... and Shadowdale is still an unsafe location for adventurers.

Beaten Up! (Personal message) - 2 days, 2 hours, 35 minutes ago

You are suddenly captured by a group of men and soon brought before Sean Dixon, Tormentor of Shadowdale, Earl of Greatbridge while you are in Krimml. He punches you hard, tossing you onto the ground, kicking your head, jumping up and down your abdomen like a monkey, but you can do nothing except whining and begging for mercy. After some good hours, he has finally gone, and you could feel something is broken about your body even only barely conscious. You are now wounded.

I was attacked, without warning, without a word being spoken, seemingly at random while walking the streets of Krimml. It seems Sean Dixon's word amounts to being worth nothing.

You sent your thugs to attack an unarmed woman in the street. You have proven that you have no honour. You have proven your word is nothing but lies. Your mere existence now actively harms the reputation of your own realm. You sir, are nothing but a coward.

To my clients and contacts in Shadowdale I apologize, but I can no longer do business in your realm while Sean Dixon remains.

Kryss Newcomer of Adventurer's Guild Letter from Marchusson Polytus Message sent to everyone in Adventurer's Guild (39 recipients) - 2023-02-21 03:50:59

Fellow Members,

It is about time that Sir Sean is removed from this guild, no member has ever been so harmful for the guild then this man has. It should be very clear for all of our members here not to do business with this man and stay very far away from him. This guild is designed for nobles to hire adventurers for repairs or buy their items, If some of our members abuse that trust and use the guild to harm and steal from venturers and nobles, our entire reputation is at stake. This man has stolen destroyed, tortured, killed and beaten his way through the East Continent and even left his own realms in shatters as he moved on to the next. What Shadowdale does with this man is up to them, but this guild should have taken action yesterday and not wait for more damage to be done tomorrow.

At this moment we have only one elder member of this guild, Lady Delphine, please take action and cleanse this guild of those that seek to harm it. This guild means very little if we let people like Sean harm its members and its reputation.


Marchusson Polytus King of Perleone Royal of Perleone Marshal of the Blazing Swords Benefactor of Adventurer's Guild

Report from Etain Dubhaine Message sent to everyone in Adventurer's Guild (39 recipients) - 2023-02-21 04:45:08

Fellow Members,

It has been made very clear to all my subjects that I expect adventurers to be left to their business within Shadowdale's borders and my patience now wears rather thin that I am again addressing an issue which I thought resolved.

I have asked Tormentor Sean to provide a full account of his actions and when the matter has been investigated I will judge accordingly. Until then I can only reiterate that wanton abuse of commoners is not a sign of nobility and those who indulge in such brutality cannot expect to earn respect by doing so.

If the charges are proven I will support Benefactor Marchusson's call for the expulsion of Lord Sean from these halls.

Etain Dubhaine Shadow Queen of Shadowdale Royal of Shadowdale Duchess of Southern March Margravine of Viseu Stalker of Adventurer's Guild

Letter from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-21 08:42:02


I am compelled by most of Sir Dominic says... though I still would regret having to abandon the history and lore of Sir Temple to rogues, we have already had to make significant sacrifices to other regions of the Republic also holding cherished history during times we reigned over and flew our banners over the regions... and Sir Dominic points out that should we at least be willing to part with the northern regions, the Hillmar and Glinmar regions might stand a chance to be reunited sooner to Sirion City...

But perhaps I might ask directly of the Senators and Lords of those regions themselves -- milords of Sir Temple - High Commander Lorenzo Falconi, Tallbar - Senator Tyr Erickson, Hillmar - Senator Brock Ketchum and Glinmar - Senator Leofric Kubo.... would you, milords, be willing at all... to becoming Lords of another region elsewhere in the Republic, the same title and responsibilities as Senator... but somewhere different... relocated as Sir Dominic suggests... should the decision to trade some, or all, of your regions at some point in the future... to manage more front-line regions closer to the borders with other Realms? Perhaps we can discuss the statistical benefits of production, gold, and food all we desire... but how do you Senators, the Lords of these Regions, feel about such a transfer of Lordship to another region? That may help inform the realm on how quickly a decision can be made to take future regions with the idea to abandon some of the other regions some of you may currently reign over... with the expectation you would still be granted another region to become Senator and Lord of.

I do believe High Commander Lorenzo has voice strong opposition to losing the cultural and historical significance of Sir Temple, but still... maybe there are other considerations to be had... abandoning regions may sound quite difficult to fathom... but there is truth that they mostly lay behind our front-line, and it is not like they shall be swallowed by a glacier and disappear from the continent forever... at least I hope never again should any Continent face that fate again.... and I am reassured by Real Astrologers of omens and portents that it will not ever happen again.... so if we can always reclaim them later again if our active noble numbers should rise higher... the region's history, cultural significance... even the description we have for the regions in the Republic Archives and information and census lists... will still be unchanged and present... I think....


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Letter from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-21 08:44:56

....however, I failed to mention that I would assume for High Commander Lorenzo, a similar position of Duke and an accompanying new Duchy, would be considered naturally as replacement compensation for losing the Duchy of Anarionath centered around Sir Temple...

Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Letter from Daizen Tideweaver Message sent to everyone in Adventurer's Guild (39 recipients) - 2023-02-21 10:24:00

Ah yes, another deflection out of Shadowdale for the actions of its nobility.

I do enjoy the classics, however predictable. Is anyone truly suprised? I know that I am not.

Daizen Tideweaver Arbiter of Eponllyn Royal of Eponllyn Duke of the Hydra's Fang Margrave of Marinen Marshal of the Dark Guard of the Free Men Newcomer of Adventurer's Guild

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-21 12:11:12

Your men enjoy having a few hours for themselves. Battle in Tallbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Tallbar - 2023-02-21 12:11:20

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 40 men

Defender Victory! Letter from Etain Dubhaine Message sent to everyone in Adventurer's Guild (39 recipients) - 2023-02-21 17:05:54

Newcomer Daizen, are you one of those men who judges without first hearing evidence from both sides of a dispute?

Mistress Kryss has provided me with detailed testimony and I have requested that Lord Sean do likewise. When I've studied both I will be able to judge whether there has been wrongdoing. If there is a suitable punishment will be imposed, which in the case of abuse of a commoner is likely to be a compensation payment as this is the custom of Shadowdale.

Quite where the deflection is in this I am uncertain. Perhaps you mean that legal processes in general are a deflection?

Etain Dubhaine Shadow Queen of Shadowdale Royal of Shadowdale Duchess of Southern March Margravine of Viseu Stalker of Adventurer's Guild

Battle in Hillmar message to all realms participating in the battle in Hillmar - 2023-02-22 00:13:34

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 110 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Tallbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Tallbar - 2023-02-22 00:13:35

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 40 men

Defender Victory! Battle in Sir Temple message to all realms participating in the battle in Sir Temple - 2023-02-22 00:13:38

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 70 men

Defender Victory! Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-22 00:13:50

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   5 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 22 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 50 new births.
   In summary, production has improved a bit. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm has improved a bit. It is now enthralled.

Undead Activity message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-22 00:13:51

Undead are still at large in Sir Temple: Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state. Report from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (17 recipients) - 2023-02-22 01:19:21

Rogue driven back to the sea.

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

Battle in Hillmar (Hillmar, 4 turns) Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (7 recipients) - 2023-02-22 01:51:14

Back to our discussions. The Astrum special - army of mixed infantry, archers and special forces could certainly be devastating, but we need an answer for cavalry troops. As Sir Eisenritter stated, Eponllyn has chosen to field elite deadly cavalry and has yet to be matched on the battlefield.

In a defensive situation, using the Astrum special all units could dig in with mixed infantry in back with archers and special forces in rearguard. This severely reduces the effectiveness of the enemies archers as they will shoot the entire battle at their max range. This allows two charges of enemy cavalry in position middle before they hit our lines and puts the cavalry alone at point blank range. The question would be if we can withstand the last cavalry charge from those cavalry they put in back.

We could have 4 heavy cavalry units in rearguard. They would meet the enemy's infantry and first cavalry charge, who is weakened by missile fire, in our front and could stop the charge.

However, after we did that our enemy would put all their troops in front and overwhelm us.


Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Freeman Pauses message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-22 02:00:13

Blep has been autopaused indefinitely due to inactivity. Letter from Eisenritter Felsenbach Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (7 recipients) - 2023-02-22 02:24:06

Marshal Steele,

You can only dig in as a defender and you need to either own the region or run a TO.

It is a good idea to have your own cavalry units to counter but if enemies land their charges first, you will suffer the same.

You could choose to hire enough MIs to soak up the damage. If half of your nobles field MIs, you can probably deploy them in 2 rows to soak up the initial charge.

Eisenritter Felsenbach Knight of Fontan

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-22 12:10:28

Your men enjoy having a few hours for themselves. Battle in Dolmbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Dolmbar - 2023-02-22 12:10:38

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Paganism Surge message to all characters in Parm and its Lord and knights - 2023-02-22 12:10:56

A surge of paganism in Sermbar is spreading to Parm. Many people are finding more solitude in the old local faiths and all religions lose followers. Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (7 recipients) - 2023-02-22 13:32:50

Sir Eisenritter,

Agreed, on the limitations of digging in.

Does cavalry still ride by other cavalry if they do not end their turn in the same position?

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Letter from Eisenritter Felsenbach Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (7 recipients) - 2023-02-22 14:43:00

Marshal Steele,

I don't quite understand what you mean but cavalry will continue to move forward until they hit something. If both attackers and defenders move to the same row at the same time, it will be up to whoever moved to the row first. Unfortunately, units don't move all at the same time. Some units move ahead of others even in the same round. From the battles between Perleone and Alara, Perleone's cavalry untis always moved before Alara's for some reason which resulted in Perleone missing their charges all the time.

Eisenritter Felsenbach Knight of Fontan

Letter from Eisenritter Felsenbach Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (7 recipients) - 2023-02-22 14:43:38

  • missing their charge attacks.

Eisenritter Felsenbach Knight of Fontan

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (7 recipients) - 2023-02-22 15:32:43

That is exactly what I'm referring to. Long has it been since I have seen many cavalry units in a large action. One of the drawbacks to the cavalry was when they would oddly miss their charge attacks. It would be very powerful to understand how we could make an enemy's cavalry miss their charge attacks.

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Letter from Eisenritter Felsenbach Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (7 recipients) - 2023-02-22 16:07:19

That is why it is recommended to deploy your cavalry units in 2 rows. You will never miss your charge that way.

Eisenritter Felsenbach Knight of Fontan

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (7 recipients) - 2023-02-22 17:06:08

But the first row of cavalry could still miss - resulting in half of their most powerful troops being greatly reduced in affect.

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

New Knight of Avamar message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-22 21:11:59

A new knight has emerged from among the ranks of the Sirion nobles. Henri St. Laurent Player experience level: new Player play preference: unsure has taken up the vacant Forest estate estate in the region of Avamar and started his career today. He comes from an unknown noble family (OOC: 0 days in game), and may need some assistance to get started. Please help him out. You can check the background of this family or send a welcome message. Letter from Dominic Rea Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (18 recipients) - 2023-02-22 21:48:31

Ah, a new noble! Perhaps everyone should make introductions? I am Sir Dominic, a longtime citizen of the lands of the Red Dragon. In my youth I was a General and later Vice-Marshal of two different armies(in two different realms), but now a days I spend my days sipping tea in the capital and conversing with foreign diplomats. If you stop by the capital sometime, you can usually spot me walking the streets discussing the architecture of the city with those same diplomats....even if they get a bit glossy-eyed after a while.


Sir Dominic Rea Knight of Sir Temple

Letter from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (18 recipients) - 2023-02-22 22:14:38

Welcome new noble to Sirion. Sirion is used to be Land of Elves but now Elves have gone on with their life elsewhere. There is also used to be Orcs in Oligarch and they also say their goodbye before Elves did. Now many are human here and we all come from many different culture, fallen realms and whatsnot.

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-23 00:10:20

Your men enjoy having a few hours for themselves. Battle in Dolmbar message to all realms participating in the battle in Dolmbar - 2023-02-23 00:10:28

Sirion vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 70 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory! Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-23 00:10:41

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   5 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 22 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 32 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm has improved a bit. It is now enthralled.

Letter from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (18 recipients) - 2023-02-23 06:44:25

Dear Sir Henry... of the St. Laurent Family,

Welcome to Sirion, as Sir Dominic Rea and Senator Brock Ketchum have done, I offer my greetings... you join the ranks of nobility here in the realm among seasoned folks whom have been around the East Continent for many years... and have stories to share from within their own families across other islands, continents, and lands.

There have been many far older than me... whom have seen wars and much more from the earliest days of history recorded... but now I have to call myself Old among their ranks, but still one of the youngest... perhaps... my heart lies with the maintaining of peace against the rogue monsters and undead that frequently infest the land, and arise from lairs, graveyards, and much worse -- to then cause havoc among the common-folk of the land, harming much in the process and endangering many innocent lives... I maintain membership in Guilds such as the Adventurer's Guild, and the Hunting & Swordfighting Guild, where folks often known as Adventurers render services in hunting down such foul creatures on their own... but must work with the nobility of the land for coin and safety.

Sirion itself, undergoes several interesting, and possible developments... with the help of those such as our Lord Speaker Ivo Mersault, the ruler of our realm, and many other voices of nobility whom hold great influence and history within Sirion, there are now options being explored to rebuild our military force and support structures, called Recruitment Centers, so that we can defend ourselves and march to end conflict should such a grim fate befalls our Ancient Republic of Sirion. Talk in recent months have also included the claiming of Ashforth City, a region and city towards the northwest parts of Sirion's lands, but that runs into land claims by the Horsemasters, or also known as the realm called Eponllyn... to our south lies Shadowdale', once an offshoot colony of [Realm:Sirion, but has over many years grown their own darker, and perhaps some may say... suspicious ways of culture and atmosphere.

In the last many years, Sirion has suffered greatly at the hands of fate, for many reasons... but in this last while, new voices mixed with the old have arisen to chart a tentative new future for our realm, one that involves one of engagement and participation from our nobility that hasn't been seen for some time, but only comes from passion and the spirit to want to see Sirion survive ordeals, and thrive to higher heights than we stand now.

Your adventure and life as a noble among peers has begun, and you have started in Sirion, the Ancient Republic of Sirion. Where you go from here, is up to you, and the world beckons for you to become part of history and join others like yourself in writing new chapters into the ongoing story that is life in these lands, and much more.


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Out-of-Character from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (18 recipients) - 2023-02-23 06:48:41

This is an out of character message... but I am sorry for the weird looking mistake when I sent the last message from my character Naismith....

lies Shadowdale', once an offshoot colony of [Realm:Sirion, but That part seemed to show up in my original message as a URL link... but messy... I think I didn't do the formatting properly to link certain things... sorry... it is late here in Canada and I should have done a proof-read + click the preview button... but my head is too sleepy....

See you soon in the morning....

Report from Naismith Willarc Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (18 recipients) - 2023-02-23 07:10:30


A few scout reports attached below.


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Scout Report of Dolmbar (Dolmbar, 2 turns) - Scout Report of Limbar (Limbar, 2 turns) - Scout Report of Sirion (Sirion, 2 turns) New Recruitment Center message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-23 11:57:41

A recruitment center has been constructed within Oroya. The center offers archers recruits, with 13 volunteers signing up immediately. They have a training of 60%, weapons quality of 50%, and armour quality of 55%. Their range is 4 rows. Battle in Salta message to all realms participating in the battle in Salta - 2023-02-23 12:14:00

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 30 men Senator Molly Prestongreen is spotted wearing the Zakilevo's Ring of Tara.

Defender Victory!

Letter from Lerriana Leather Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (18 recipients) - 2023-02-23 14:22:38

Welcome Henri. Make yourself home here in Siron. I am sure you will have many adventures to tell your grandchildren about in our great realm.

Lerriana Leather High Arbiter of Sirion Duchess of Avamar Governor of Avamar Report from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (18 recipients) - 2023-02-23 14:45:17

useful militia RC in Oroya

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Out-of-Character from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (8 recipients) - 2023-02-23 14:45:54

Sorry had no internet for 2 days. back now.

Mo Out-of-Character from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (18 recipients) - 2023-02-23 14:46:12

Sorry had no internet for 2 days. back now.

Mo Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (8 recipients) - 2023-02-23 14:58:46

Not sure of this RC thing. Seems to me that this is the situation:

Cons: 1. we have no range 5 SF RCs 2. we have just one RC of decent but not spectacular range 3 MI 3. we have just one badly damaged excellent cavalry RC in Parm. Might not be easy to expand until Parm recovers. 4. We have no buy in from and city Lords at this point on either destroying existing RCs or building new cavalry or MI RCs.

Pros: 1. We do have Oroya city as a blank slate. 2. I'm willing to destroy two good infantry RCs in my stronghold of Sir Temple and try for MI , Cav & range 5 RCs. 3. We can probably afford to destroy 3 good RCs in Trinbar in order to improve our odds, but I insist we keep an archer and an infantry RC in Trinbar.

I am somewhat skeptical about the risks involved, we'll be destroying at least 5 good RCs in the hope of creating a different force balance with no guarantees we will be better off. I don't think you'll get the city Lords to agree. Dukr Zadek is here, he's the Lord of Sirion city. What does he think.


Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (8 recipients) - 2023-02-23 15:23:15

We cannot go to war with only good archers and good infantry. We'll be defeated by a cavalry charge and/or our archers will be outranged. The battle report shows that Eponllyn, Caligus and Perdan are able to bring both ranged special forces with range 5 and cavalry.

We can put replacements for those RCs torn down in regions adjacent to the cities.

We have to tell the city Lords that we cannot defend their cities unless they complete these tasks.

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Letter from Eisenritter Felsenbach Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (8 recipients) - 2023-02-23 15:54:16

High Commander,

If you can't convince the lords on doing what is right for the realm, you will be stuck with an outdated army which won't be able to compete with your most powerful neighbour.

I pray that Sirion's diplomats are better than its soldiers. That would be the only way to outcompete your potential enemies.

If you are just planning on destroying 5 RCs, I'd recommend just keeping them. It is quite clear that Sirion is not ready to fix its RC problems. The RC project can't be done with people only committing what they are willing to lose. It requires the cooperation from the entire realm. If you can't achieve that there is no point on trying.

It is quite unfortunate to see how short sighted Sirionites have become. Maybe the departure of the elves did more damage to the realm than I initially thought.

Eisenritter Felsenbach Knight of Fontan

Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (8 recipients) - 2023-02-23 15:57:48

Sir Eisenritter Felsenbach,

So how extensive would the dismantling need to be? I assume you are only talking about dismantling very good RCs? because the average RCs don't make a difference do they? How many and how good do these RCs need to be?

[ooc: without knowing how the code works its hard to work out what is needed]

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Letter from Eisenritter Felsenbach Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (8 recipients) - 2023-02-23 16:29:12

High Commander,

It is up to you and Sirionites how extensive you want it to be. Sirion's problem is quite clear. Your realm lacks any vision when it comes down to what kind of army you want. I don't know why Sirion's military is still living in the past. Looks like Sirionites have been sleeping in their ancient forest. Unfortunatley for Sirion, the rest of the continent tries to outdo each other. Your neighbour Eponllyn is powerful because they were willing to risk more than you are willing to. Sirion still has RCs from its ancient times meaning Sirion's generals either never caught up with the changes or they never bothered to. In the past, Sirion could afford to get away with this by having more allies. It doesn't matter how effective one realm's army is when its enemies can bring three times as many troops. Those days are long gone. At most you can do is bring your one ally but Sirion does not even have that.

It is quite confusing to me why Sirion wants to remain so inefficient. Sirion no longer has walls once it protected its lands from the foreigners. Sirion's last war against Shadowdale went quite poorly despite Shadowdale's RCs not being that impressive either. But Shadowdale's RC types are still more diverse than that of Sirion. Sirion is mainly infantry and melee SFs. Most of its RCs are in Trinbar for some reason. It has RCs in places where it shouldn't be while having too focused on melee units. Is Sirion benchmarking Perdan? Perdan is known for its infantry units and it is one of the reasons why it struggles so much against Eponllyn. Perdan can't even fight Eponllyn without the walls of Bescanon and Altar of Flames. Unless you are hoping to stay in the north-east corner of the continent permanently, you will have to find a way to deal with Eponllyn. It is not my job to do that. It is yours. I am merely here to assist you in doing so but if the best you can do is giving me reasons why you can't do it, then I am not interested in helping a realm that refuses to help itself.

I would recommend destroying any RC which has any of its stat above 75. Of course the best solution is for Sirion to double in size overnight but the likelihood of that happening is less than the chance of elves coming back from whichever land they sailed to.

I will simplify what you need to do here. 1. Choose the types of RCs you want to focus on. I'd recommend only choosing 2 main ones to focus on. 3 at most. You need to learn to let go of the remaining 2 RC types. If I were you, I'd let go of infantry and one more. Ones you let go will be built later when you are done building RCs you need. Since you want to mimic Astrum's army, I'd suggest focusing on MIs and archers first before focusing on SFs.

2. Destroy RCs that have 75 or above in any of its stats.

3. Build in your cities first before building in other regions.

4. Expand main RCs to lv4 first.

I don't know why you are insisting on keeping RCs in Trinbar. I don't know which idiot built so many RCs there but he/she should be treated as a traitorous scum for wasting so much gold in a region which hardly benefits Sirion strategically. If you think RCs in Trinbar is going to protect Sirion City, then you should focus on actually having RCs in Sirion City first. Regions touching Trinbar are all poor except Sirion City and having RCs in Trinbar has no strategic value. You want RCs in non-city regions only when you need the region to supply militia units to regions connected to it. Trinbar is only connected to Tabost, Sermbar and Sirion. Both Tabost and Sermbar are poor and if Sirion is under attack, RCs in Trinbar won't do much. Not to mention having so many RCs decent quality RCs in Trinbar lowers your chance of getting those RCs in other regions. Average RCs are around 50 and below. Those don't affect your RC quality too much. You can keep those unless they are in your cities. If they are in your cities, they should be demolished for wasting a valuable space. Also, having more RCs in one region lowers your chance of getting good RCs in that region. So your best chance of getting a good RC will be when you have nothing.

Anyway, I have already said all I needed to say. At the end of the day, it is your call. If you don't mind commanding an infantry heavy army against Eponllyn, keep the RCs you have.

(ooc: nobody exactly knows how it works. It is not something that gets shared. But we all know more you have, less chance you get - more RCs which is considered good that is. It is also based on how the number of nobles you have. More nobles = more chances to get better RCs + more you can actually have. Also, Sirion's RCs are crap to begin with. No point on keeping most of them.)

Eisenritter Felsenbach Knight of Fontan

Out-of-Character from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (8 recipients) - 2023-02-23 17:26:29

yes, but no benefit in destroying the crap ones in the regions, they don't affect our chance of producing good ones and they provide RCs for the regions.

I'm going to have to: (1) identify and destroy many good rcs, (2) stop all the region Lords making more rcs (3) persuade all city & fortress lords to destroy non useful rcs and concentrate on ones we want.

Got to get buy in from most of the realm.

Anyway, thanks for the advice. I'll put a plan together to present to the realm

Mo Letter from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (8 recipients) - 2023-02-23 17:50:42

one easy fix is to get rid of our 3 non ranged SF RCs.

I also think we need to leave one archer RC and one Infantry RC in each city

Lorenzo Falconi High Commander of Sirion Duke of Anarionath Governor of Sir Temple

Out-of-Character from Eisenritter Felsenbach Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (8 recipients) - 2023-02-23 17:51:31

From what I can tell you will have to destroy,

inf 40 80/80 Sir Temple inf 60 70/80 Sir Temple inf 75 70/85 Sir Temple inf 50 50/85 Avamar inf 50 60/80 Elmbar inf 65 75/65 Trinbar inf 90 80/75 Tinbar inf 80 70/90 Sirion inf 70 65/75 Hilmar inf 80 80/100 Parm inf 95 100/85 Parm

arch Get rid of all R3 arch 45 80/70 Trinbar arch 65 80/70 Trinbar arch 90 75/75 Trinbar

SF Get rid of all melee SF(Melee SFs are awful in general. Both cavalry and inf do the same job but better)

MI 75 85/75 Trinbar

Once you get rid of these RCs, you will start seeing better options. If you want to improve your chances even more, you will have to smash more RCs however.

Zakky Out-of-Character from Lorenzo Falconi Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (8 recipients) - 2023-02-23 17:59:14

I can agree to a lot of that, but I want to keep 4 good infantry RCs. I'm willing to get rid of 7 of them.

I'm willing to kill all non ranged SF

Delighted to get rid of all archers and MI that don't have max range.

Want to keep one Trinbar archer RC

are we likely to get into bother with the Titans on inalienable rights to recruit watever unit type you want?

Mo Out-of-Character from Eisenritter Felsenbach Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (8 recipients) - 2023-02-23 18:16:44

No. You won't get into the IR issue unless you tell them what to recruit. Also, you are fine telling people what to get as long as they are asking you what they should recruit when they can't decide.

Limiting their choices is a different matter entirely. Because it comes at a cost. If you only keep 1 cavalry around, you will see less people grabbing cavalry units. But it also kills diversity. But the game balance does not change often enough to promote diversity. It changes slowly enough to focus on the most favourable type and be dominant for years until it changes again. The game's balance only majorly changed once from Melee to Ranged.

As for keeping 4 good RCs, know that in return, you won't get good quality RCs for other types. So you will have to settle for less higher quality RCs of other types. High quality Infantry RCs are the easiest RCs to get. The hardest is Cavalry followed by MI and archer(Many archer RCs are good but extremely good ones are rather rare). High quality R5s are not as rare as some people believe them to be.

Zakky Letter from Eisenritter Felsenbach Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (8 recipients) - 2023-02-23 20:26:26


Good luck to you all. I believe I have given all the advice I can give and will be heading back to Caligus to rest. If you need my help, you know how to contact me.

Eisenritter Felsenbach Knight of Fontan

Letter from Solomon Steele Message sent to all nobles in Sirion (8 recipients) - 2023-02-23 21:06:16

Thank you Sir Eisenritter for traveling all this way and providing your priceless insights.

Solomon Steele Senator of Tabost Marshal of the Lyanna's Wrath

Letter from Naismith Willarc Message sent to everyone in Sirion (8 recipients) - 2023-02-23 22:25:34

Sir Eisenritter,

You shall be missed... but surely the lands of Caligus call home to you... but in another life... perhaps your spirit was as Sirion as anyone else here...

Thank you for visiting the land of the Red Dragon... and the collection of nobles that call this realm home. I am certain as the days of Prime Minister Zakilevo that your insights on military affairs harken to the days of old... and that our miltay-minded Sirionites here have gained valuable knowlege from your advice... where we go next is anothee question altogether...

...but safe travels and may kind fates be bestowed upon you. I shall travel with you at a distance into Limbar and perhaps a region further to assist with monsters or undead should they attempt to ambush or suddenly move in from neighbouring regions, and then you shall be on your own back to the Caligan borders...


Naismith Willarc Knight of Parm Letter from Eisenritter Felsenbach Message sent to everyone in Sirion (8 recipients) - 2023-02-23 23:39:44

Sir Willarc,

My fellow realmmates unfortunately are too focused on enjoying their wines and stories.

They haven't gone to war in awhile and have forgotten about what it means to be a true noble. But it is something they will remember once they meet an aggressive neighbour. They will be forced to remember I am sure when it does happen.

As for Sirion, I truly hope that the realm manages to pull the project off. It is often quite difficult to get nobles to cooperate and I've only heard and seen it thrice in history of this world. Astrum, Eponllyn and Luria Nova. All those realms somehow pulled it off but they also struggled with their nobles to get it done.

People tend to not like seeing RCs gone but I hope they remember you can always aim for something better. That is how you best use your peace time. To improve on your infrastructure for the next war.

Once you build the RCs, you will have to experiment with them to figure out the best line settings. But remember line settings will need to be changed often after each battle to counter your enemies. Also, at the end of the day, winning battles alone won't win you wars. You have all witnessed that in the Perdan-Eponllyn war. Eponllyn's army was stronger but Perdan played their cards right and halted Eponllyn's advance. Figure out your strengths and weaknesses. Make sure to separate long term goals and short term goals. Do not randomly attack a region for no reason. When you are doing something, you should have a purpose.

Ultimately, the quickest way to win a war is to crush your enemy's will to fight. Astrum despite having all the greatest RCs in the world in one place fell because the realm was inhabited by weak minded nobles. Even the thickest armor can't protect you from an idiot who wants to die. As long as you have the will to fight, RCs won't be your biggest problem.

Eisenritter Felsenbach Knight of Fontan

Unit Status Report (Personal message) - 2023-02-24 00:11:49

Wear and tear causes 3 % damage to your unit's equipment. Arrival (Personal message) - 2023-02-24 00:11:51

You have arrived in Limbar, a Woodland region (friendly territory). Battle in Montijo message to all realms participating in the battle in Montijo - 2023-02-24 00:11:58

(rogue) vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 50 men

Defender Victory! Regional Report for Parm message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-24 00:12:13

   Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
   Taxes are so low that the peasants praise their luck.
   The fortifications in Parm are taking damage through wear and tear. They are now 48 % damaged.
   5 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
   Today's harvest could not cover the consumption. 22 bushels were taken from the granary.
   The "Ser Naismith's Old Reliables" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (143 men).
   The "Elric's Vestal Virgins" cavalry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (160 men).
   The "The Lord Speaker's Finest" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (25 men).
   Population is growing through 31 new births.
   In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now slow.
   In summary, peasant morale remains unchanged. It is now joyful.
   In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now enthralled.

Region Tax Report message to the lord and knights of Parm - 2023-02-24 00:12:22

The following taxes were collected in Parm. The tax rate for this collection was 2 %.

Regional income and expensesPeasants Taxes 84 gold Taxes from Guildhouses + 2 gold Buildings Upkeep - 7 gold Collectable Tax Gold 79 gold Estate of Size Peasants Tax Collected Knight Share Lord Share (vacant) 20 % 2290 7 gold 7 gold Naismith 20 % 2290 15 gold 14 gold 1 gold Ivo 20 % 2290 15 gold 15 gold (vacant) 20 % 2290 7 gold 7 gold (vacant) 20 % 2290 7 gold 7 gold Region Totals 51 gold 14 gold 37 gold

Lord and Duke SharesLord Share 37 gold Dukes Share - 37 gold Lords Tax Income nothing

Taxes Received (Personal message) - 2023-02-24 00:12:22

As a knight of Parm, Naismith Manor earns you 14 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold. Subsidy Received (Personal message) - 2023-02-24 00:12:23

As a knight of the The Ancient Republic of Sirion, you earn 12 gold as a subsidy from the crown. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold. Realm Tax Report message to all nobles of Sirion - 2023-02-24 00:12:23

Taxes were collected today throughout the realm. Here is a summary of what the tax collectors could get: Region Tax Income Upkeep avg. Knight Share Lord Share Duke Share Realm Share Duchy of Anarionath (25% rulers share) Glinmar 345 gold 13 gold 320 gold 25 gold Hillmar 316 gold 51 gold 293 gold 23 gold Sir Temple 386 gold 128 gold ~ 111 gold - 275 gold Tallbar 126 gold 114 gold 119 gold 7 gold Duchy Totals 1173 gold 306 gold 247 gold 83 gold Duchy of Avamar (25% rulers share) Avamar 640 gold 142 gold ~ 228 gold - 412 gold Duchy Totals 640 gold 142 gold 309 gold 103 gold Duchy of Oroya (25% rulers share) Oroya 100 gold 22 gold - 100 gold Salta 102 gold 5 gold ~ 32 gold 63 gold 7 gold Duchy Totals 202 gold 27 gold 80 gold 27 gold Duchy of Osmeneliath (100% rulers share) Dale 44 gold 0 gold - 44 gold Obando 25 gold 0 gold - 25 gold Parm 51 gold 7 gold ~ 14 gold - 37 gold Tabost 159 gold 0 gold 151 gold 8 gold Trinbar 328 gold 72 gold 311 gold 17 gold Duchy Totals 607 gold 79 gold 131 gold Duchy of Sirion (25% rulers share) Elmbar 350 gold 114 gold 325 gold 25 gold Limbar 120 gold 10 gold 114 gold 6 gold Sirion 620 gold 508 gold ~ 123 gold - 374 gold Duchy Totals 1090 gold 632 gold 303 gold 102 gold

The crown has received 446 gold tax income thanks to an average rulers share of 40%. The crown also receives 259 gold in property taxes (1% above 1000 gold or bonds) and 0 gold in wealth taxes (5% above 10000 gold or bonds). This brings the crown's total income to 705 gold.

With a 10% share, the realm's 6 knights and dames each receive 12 gold from the crown. With a 30% share, the High Commander receives 212 gold from the crown. The Lord Speaker retains 421 gold for himself.

Report from Brock Ketchum Message sent to all nobles of Sirion (18 recipients) - 2023-02-24 01:11:17

I am refitting. All is quiet in the east. Hope it stays that way.

Brock Ketchum Senator of Hillmar

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