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He did not view any realm or any realm's government with as much hostility and resentment as that of Eponllyn.  
He did not view any realm or any realm's government with as much hostility and resentment as that of Eponllyn.  

Rearden noted a bottle at the edge of the desk he sat across. Silently, he looked at it before catching Alyssa's eye with a questioning expression which managed to communicate a request her permission to pour a drink for himself, while also asking her if she would join him in that drink. She nodded, and he paused for a moment, considering her question to him as he poured the unknown liquid into two glasses. Not knowing what it was, he raised the glass to his lips and took a hearty sip. It burned his throat as he swallowed.
Rearden noted a bottle at the edge of the desk he sat across. Silently, he looked at it before catching Alyssa's eye with a questioning expression which managed to communicate a request to her for permission to pour a drink for himself, while also asking her if she would join him in that drink. She nodded, and he paused for a moment, considering her question to him as he poured the unknown liquid into two glasses. Not knowing what it was, he raised the glass to his lips and took a hearty sip. It burned his throat as he swallowed.

Exactly what he was hoping it would be.  
Exactly what he was hoping it would be.  

Revision as of 15:41, 17 August 2022

Alyssa meets with Rearden Arylon, an Ambassador from Sirion during the negotiations following the River War


The stern-looking young knight led the former Lord Speaker down the corridor towards the Queen's private office. Cool moonlight from the windows and the warm light of lanterns flickering along the wall melted together into a balanced serenity along the hallway. The knight had been silent during their journey from the steps of the palace where they had met, matching the quiet peace of the palace after dark. Moreso than usual, aides, courtiers, and knights occasionally passed them, rushing quickly off to wherever they were needed, but their conscious, silent steps and the serious, exhausted expressions they wore gave them impression of ghosts in the moonlight.

"The proper address is Your Majesty." The knight explained with utter seriousness, her white cape flowing behind her as they walked. "She will not correct you on it, but she will notice. I doubt the Queen will turn her back to you, but if she does, make no sudden or quiet movements. Since you are not her subject, and this is not a formal meeting so you are not expected to bow, but you may do so if you wish." The knight paused for a moment. "It would be respectful if you did." They stopped just in front of the door, and the knight knocked lightly, with a surprising tenderness. Another knight opened the door, saluting to the knight-escort.

The Queen's office was surprisingly small for her position. Attached to the room instead of a South wall was a balcony overlooking the vibrant Queen's garden; moonlight poured in from outside lighting much of the room with a soft bright glow. The North Wall continued past the room into a small hallway leading back to some other room with shelves full of books and scrolls. The East wall, next to the door, held a warm hearth, presently lit, the orange light of the flames spilling into the see of blue moonlight across the floor. Next to the West wall of the room stood a large, sturdy, ornately carved oak desk, presently covered in stacks of impeccably organized tomes and papers as well as several lanterns. Behind the desk and mounted on the wall were weapons of all sorts from across the Continent and the world. A shimmering blade from Caligus with a golden lion's head on the pommel. A bone dagger from across the sea, the curved obsidian blade from the old islands, a huge hefty axe covered in Yssrgardian runes, among a few others.

As the door opened, the knight inside the Queen's office invited the two in, and Alyssa Kingsley looked up to them over her spectacles. "Kira." She said to the knight in acknowledgement as she stepped in. The knight said nothing but saluted proudly and stood at attention by the door as the former Lord Speaker was let in. The other knight saluted as well.

The Queen's face was pale in the moonlight and obviously held signs of exhaustion. Golden hair was tied messily into a bun, strands hanging loose around her head, soft bags under her eyes, and she wore a stern, tired expression as the knight's entered. The circlet that she typically wore sat dutifully upon one of the books on the corner of her desk.

"Your Majesty." Dame Kira said with a bow. "Duke Rearden Arylon of Avamar"

Alyssa glanced over to the visitor, her stoic expression lightening for only the slightest of moments, as her lip curled briefly and lightly into a flash of a warm, tired, smile before fading back into her usual aspect. She removed her spectacles and stood up to greet him, offering a respectful nod to her friend. Despite her stoic, weary visage, her voice while proud and regal, held a gentle openness at the sight of the man before her.

"Duke Rearden, thank you for coming."


It was odd to be here in Perdan once more for Rearden. When he first visited, he was but a common man and no one knew his name. He had been here, as so many other places, seeking trinkets and treasures, and fighting back the occasional beast that may roam the countryside.

Seeing this country in that manner was a great deal different than when he later returned, adorned with the Dragon Crown of the Republic of Sirion, draped in a the Crimson Jacket of the Lord Speaker. Suddenly, he was important, and many servants of both his own realm and that of Perdan waited on him. They also showed him entirely different parts of the city, such as gilded halls and stone government buildings. Were he high-born, this would have been the only parts of the continent's cities that he would know, and it would likely radically change his perspective on things. Being who he was, it was always very difficult for him to see an entire people as evil or worthy of scorn, just because a government was antagonistic. Spending so much time among the common people, he knew that most were more or less the same, wherever they were. He also knew how they lived, and how often those in power hurt them while showing now compassion or regret whatsoever.

It was why he so loathed war. The Kings and Queens who start wars never seem to pay much of a price, while the people of their realms suffer greatly.

Perdan knew war, and just concluded a conflict with Eponllyn. Eponllyn, whose government Rearden so despised, for their underhanded and snake-like scheming during the unfortunate conflict between Sirion and Shadowndale. They were ambitious, greedy, backstabbing vipers, as far as he was concerned, and the very fact that Perdan stood tall and declared that government's actions duplicitous was enough to endear him to Queen Alyssa and the Perdanese government, if he had not already thought highly of them.

As he was introduced to the Queen, he smiled wryly, and dropped to a single knee while holding the hilt of the sword on his hip. This was not a proper bow, and Rearden knew it, yet it was a major signal of respect and affection. He hoped this would both communicate his genuine feelings for Alyssa while also maintaining his and his realm's dignity. Not knowing what was in his mind, the Queen's aide who had shown him in breathed an audible grunt.

Rearden stood, and as he did, he more fully examined the Queen. He noticed her somewhat disheveled appearance, far less put together than he remembered her. Interestingly, as he gazed at her, a sudden wave of attraction washed over him, seeing her in this somewhat vulnerable and worn down fashion. Perhaps it was his common blood and a lifetime of finding beauty in no-nonsense women who didn't have time to obsess over their appearance. Maybe it was the sacrifice she had made for her people, voluntarily grinding herself into dust for their benefit. Maybe it was a lot of things, but this was a new phenomenon for Rearden.

He had always recognized the Queen was beautiful, but had never really thought of her in that way. He was so singularly devoted to leading Sirion as Lord Speaker, he did not have time for such nonsense. And, of course, she was a married woman... and not just married but... her marriage was to a woman, betraying that her tastes were either not for men, or not just for men. Either way, this was not a thought he had ever had, but seeing her now in the way that she was, his mind had wandered into uncharted territory.

It lasted for but a moment, though, as the Queen's gaze snapped him back to reality. "Your Majesty," Rearden began, "it is a distinct pleasure to see you again. Thank you for allowing me the grace of your presence once more."

She smiled at him, loosening any tension that may have existed. "And you, Rearden. I understand you have been sent as a special envoy of the current Lord Speaker of Sirion?"

"Indeed I have," he said in reply. "You have proven over time to be a tremendous leader, and a genuine friend of Sirion. I come today to bring you the tidings of my people, and the Lord Speaker. My mission is a simple goodwill visit: I am here to continue to build on the friendship and connections between Sirion and Perdan, and deepen our ties together. I am not here to seek support in a war, or negotiate a specific treaty..."

Rearden paused for a moment, perceiving that the Queen, while flattered by the warm words, may be impatient with a pointless visit from a diplomat seeking no official goal.

"...Queen Alyssa, if you will permit me to be frank?"

She nodded.

"You and your people have been through a lot recently... and perhaps now it would help to be visited by a friend."


"You and your people have been through a lot recently... and perhaps now it would help to be visited by a friend."

Alyssa sighed and motioned for him to have a seat across the desk from her.  She returned to her seat, sitting up straight in the front of her chair, her eyes glancing over at Kira who was eyeing the former Lord Speaker with with some skepticism, Alyssa suspected because of the overt kneeling but could not know.  Alyssa trusted her bodyguard, but the knight took her responsibilities incredibly seriously, and truly trusted no one else around the Queen.  She gave Kira a look, and the knight returned to attention.

"That will be all, mydame." Alyssa said coolly to the knight who saluted and took her leave, closing the door quietly behind her. The Queen turned her attention to the ambassador in front of her.

"Indeed a friend is what we need the most.  While we have many friends across the Continent, this fight has been ours alone.  Bearing the weight of endless Eponlli duplicity takes its toll.  It's not your fight of course, so I don't intend to ask for your help. But I'm glad you're here."

Alyssa allowed herself to relax, only slightly, but her shoulders lowered and she leaned back a little in her chair.

"I'm happy to hear," she began, contrary to her present and usual stoic expression, "that you have enjoyed your time in the capital.  I have lived most of my life here in the city, you know. I was chosen as the Imperatrix when I was eighteen years old.  While the realm was besieged by Alliance forces, I lived in that tower over there." She nodded towards the balcony overlooking the moonlit garden. In the distance a tall tower attached to the far side of the Ducal Palace overlooked the city.  "The Imperator's Tower," she explained.  "The office's presence in the capital."

"After that, region command, Duchess of Perdan, Queen."

"But I still think of home as that quiet hollow by the stream in the west.  Bisciye, if you're familiar with the Kingdom's provinces. It's been over a decade since I've been back..."  She trailed off, thinking of the quiet little hollow where her aunt and uncle lived peacefully.  It was a different time.  But maybe someday she would have that peace herself once more. Her gaze found the bright moon shimmering brightly overhead.

"I dream of peace, Rearden." She admitted.  "Perhaps I'm not very good at that. Or maybe this world is just cruel and violent.  Some days it's hard to tell.  But I am trying.  And I have never given up on my dream before."  She paused for a moment, as that thought lingered within her, a reminder to herself despite the exhaustion that draped her.

She turned back to him, icy blue eyes flickering now with the fire of resolve and determination. "Nor will I."

"What do you dream, of Rearden Arylon?"


The Queen's words surprised him. At this moment, to sit on the throne and have all the power in the world, and have the weight of that world crashing down upon her had clearly had a major impact on her. It was a testament to her character that when circumstances were suffocating her, she thought of home, family and peace.

Rearden knew all too well that most people in her position dreamed of glory, conquest and empire. That was certainly the case for Eponllyn and her Queen.

His teeth immediately began to gnash when Queen Alyssa mentioned them. When Rearden had risen to the position of Lord Speaker, Eponllyn was counted as one of Sirion's closest friends on the continent. Yet what value are friends who are with you when nothing is required of that friendship, and turn on you in a moment of need? As Rearden began to explore his sister Lyanna's disappearance and a conflict began to brew with Shadowdale, Eponllyn turned their back on Sirion. Not only did they betray trust and abandon an ally, but they openly defamed Sirion, and Rearden as well, accusing him of warmongering and openly mocking his search for Lyanna before formally breaking their alliance. Soon it became apparent that the Queen's antics were self-interested and opportunistic as Eponllyn sought to make themselves masters of the East Continent.

He did not view any realm or any realm's government with as much hostility and resentment as that of Eponllyn.

Rearden noted a bottle at the edge of the desk he sat across. Silently, he looked at it before catching Alyssa's eye with a questioning expression which managed to communicate a request to her for permission to pour a drink for himself, while also asking her if she would join him in that drink. She nodded, and he paused for a moment, considering her question to him as he poured the unknown liquid into two glasses. Not knowing what it was, he raised the glass to his lips and took a hearty sip. It burned his throat as he swallowed.

Exactly what he was hoping it would be.

"No one has ever asked me that before, Highness." She smiled back at him gently. As she did, a sullen look came over his face.

"I dream of dying," he continued. Alyssa's smile evaporated and her face became ashen. This was clearly not what she expected to hear. The inquisitive look she gave him, though, prodded him to say more.

"I am not a great man, Highness. I was born a commoner, received no special education, and rose to the nobility and then later the preeminence of my country due only to its tolerance of republican values. I am no great statesman. I am no great political leader. I am not a talented writer, nor an artistic man."

He continued. "I have always believed that the only reason for my tenure as a leader has been to fulfill some purpose that was outside my understanding. I came to understand that purpose was reconstituting Sirion's strength and relevancy after a long and precipitous decline, which is something that I'm proud to say I did. But now that it is done and my time is over, I have felt... without purpose." Again, the Queen looked sad to be hearing this.

"My dream? My dream is to rediscover that purpose and to die in its pursuit. My greatest wish is that I will have found some kind of evidence that Lyanna is still alive, and that through my actions I free her so that she may return to Sirion, and return to you so that those with a special talent and destiny can take over. Then, my death would close the story of my life, having finally seen my final purpose achieved."

The Queen nodded and took a sip of the drink he had poured for her. As she did, Rearden remembered the reason he was here.

"But those are the selfish dreams of an old warrior. One ambition that I have that is shared by all of Sirion is to see justice and honor reign on the East Continent. Bonds of friendship have been made, and other bonds have been broken," he said, once again nearly snarling at the thought of Eponllyn. "I am here because the Lord Speaker shares that dream, and I think he sees in you a kindred spirit who wants the same things. He wanted me to come here and communicate to you our friendship and desire for closer ties, in the pursuit and service of trying to build that new future."

He knew that likely sounded rehearsed and perhaps even a little hollow. It was, however, spontaneous and true. Rearden was, after all, not a talented diplomat.

Again, the Queen nodded, taking another sip of her drink.

"What can I do for you, Highness?" Rearden then asked her. "You look as if the burdens of your office have consumed you. How may I, and we in Sirion, lighten those burdens?"