Old Gods/Practices/Vernal Equinox: Difference between revisions

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|Recipients=Everyone at the Festival of Lights
|Recipients=Everyone at the Festival of Lights
|Content=Festival of Lights. Agyr.
|Content=Festival of Lights. Agyr.
Nerta steals a chalice from the palace as she passes dancers bathed in the light of an emerald green frame. The violet painted woman only manages a taste of the ale before one of their number grabs an arm to swing her into the crowd.

Ale splashes everywhere as Nerta's thrown into a pirouette, but her angry bark is cut short by the familiar voice.
"Spilling the ale! Have you no shame Weaver?"
Glittering eyes widen, and Nerta grabs the man dressed in a patchwork of leather soaked in stale wine.
"Vedens! Where have you been you lush?"
The big grin remains as friendly as ever, even as he drapes atop Nerta.
"Why's about tss far from trouble 's I can, unlike a ssertain someone. How is it you've gotten in '''more''' danger since I found ya neked in the forest hunted by beasts? Noble, Priestess, Monster Slayer, Paramour, ''Judge''..."
Shoving the drunk off with an eyeroll, she doesn't make it far before he pulls her back.
"No no, none of that. Furst man gits a dance! Th-There'ss ruless 'bout tha."
The smell was, unique. But despite his slurred words, the man was able to keep up and after a few bars Nerta was even smiling. 

Revision as of 04:54, 22 March 2022

Preparing (March 2022)
Request from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Your majesty,

The vernal equinox approaches on the 20th. The festival of light involves massive outdoor bonfires to push back the winter. These fires are colored by alchemical potions to create vibrant pools amidst the snow. Once revellers arrive they are expected to shed their winter furs and find comfort in the balance between the heat of the flame and the ice of the air.

All revellers dine, dance & duel as an expression of returning life. Often lovers will come together this time dressed and painted and matching colors.

As this is a celebration of spring, any and all are welcome; so would her majesty you care to host a tournament?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Report from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta Unti
Lady Nerta,

I believe a tournament could be just what all realms need to lighten their spirits after the catastrophes to befall the southlands. Ideally the festivities should fall either side of the equinox with a competition of blades for duellists of the highest calibre to demonstrate their skill.

I will provide prize purses of 1,000 gold to the victor and another 500 to the runner up to attract some worthy competitors.

Which city do you feel would be the best suited to such a celebration?
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
That's most generous your majesty. Even the tournament grounds alone would have been enough, but to offer a prize as well... As for a location. We just finished repairing the temple in Agyr, thanks in no small part to your donation. Between that and the Eternal Flame seems a fine place for the festival.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Tournament Announced

Aibhlidhn Dubhaine, Queen of Ar Agyr, Royal of Ar Agyr, Duchess of Havilmark has announced a Tournament of Swordfighting to be held in Agyr 9 days from now.
The winner will be rewarded with 1000 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 500 gold for the runner-up.
All nobles of the continent are welcome on the tournament grounds on the day of this event. Make sure you announce your participation in time.

Report from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Message to everyone in Ar Agyr
To celebrate the upcoming Vernal Equinox, a day held sacred by followers of the Old Gods, I invite all knights honourable and true to compete in a Trial of Blades before the Eternal Flame in Agyr. Nobles, Priests, and Adventurers from across the Realms of Man are also invited to join the festivities in the city both to enjoy the spectacle and to share tales of valour from their respective homelands.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Tyler Thrice-Blessed
Report from Kane
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods

my name is Kane younger brother of Tyler the adventurer. I have come to take my place with the old gods as my brother had hoped to one day join.

Most here will not know him. But he saved the vales from destruction and then he gave his life to save nothoi. If any of you can get me in contact with nerta unti Tyler had a letter he wished passed on to the priestess.
Kane (Adventurer)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone at the Festival of Lights
Tyler Thrice-Blessed is well known in these halls. His sacrifice no doubt saved Nothoi and bought us all time. Hopefully he rests, but if the Sunken Kingdom transformed him into a death knight we'll make sure he earns his rest.

You're welcome here as long as you wish to stay. Currently the Festival of Lights will begin in Agyr. You're welcome to join in.

Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Report from Kane
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Lady nerta unti, I do not think that will be a problem. I'm unsure if the events that transpired we're ever passed onto these halls but Tyler has in fact been turned into an undead. This was when he returned to the city to clear undead outside of the portal area. The portal seemed to give the undead purpose they saught to turn all those of creasur into undead to join them brothers and sisters in eternal in life. This was caused after some magical symbols were apparently corrupted upon the circle activation. It seemed Tyler or what was left of him was under the same influence. However in a moment of defiance Tyler subverted the will placed upon the masses of undead. In that moment he reached into a wound in his head and wrote the symbol for purity in blood. This caused a blinding light that wiped whatever curropted will was placed on the undead. This same light led to the wall that defends nothoi today. Moments after this Tyler's corpse threw itself into the light. His corpse seemed to evaporate into nothing. I truly believe Tyler overcame death turning the magic of the portal to his will with a single symbol. I think he saw no way that did not end with this power corrupting his mind and turning him into what he fought so hard to defeat. He chose to end his life with the the very barrier he brought into the world.
Kane (Adventurer)
Report from Kane
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I wish to offer the shield of Tyler as a prize for the winner of the upcoming tournament. In exchange I ask a sermon be performed by both nerta unti and the preistess yao ling. Of the daishi. I want the exploits if my brother to not be forgotten. While I would like to keep such an item for myself I'm afraid that I being young could simply lose the item to some monster den. I know this is unusual but I hope it is acceptable.
Kane (Adventurer)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
So the Thrice-Blessed fool managed to slip the chains of the Crystal Maiden in the end. I'm glad. I didn't relish hunting him down, though we'd finally get that duel. As I told your brother once, I can't dispense blessings like an apothecary, but if you want me to say a few words about Tyler I can certainly do that. Come by the festival and we'll see what we can do.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Festival of Lights
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
Festival of Lights. Agyr.

The Eternal Flame gutters in the winter wind. But the seasons turn and so a crowd gathered before the  ancient temple to the Old Gods of Beluaterra. The various people were here, not for a sermon or ritual, but to purchase paints and dyes for the Festival of Light.

Some couples had already begun to paint their faces in the bright colours while others paint each other, and at least one group of rowdy children had begun a playful brawl that left twenty as rainbows. Drink flowed freely and as Nerta steps from the old halls, she eyes a trio of bravos competing for the right to match colours with a blushing lass. 

This rare taste of home earned one of those fleeting smiles from the warrior-priestess, who purchased Incindia purple paint and made her way to the festival grounds.

Outside the city walls great fires roared, coloured by alchemy and melting circles in the snow. Already hundreds danced, feasted and laughed in defiance of winter's bite. Once the tournament hosted by Bob & Queen Aibhlidhn began there would be even more to see, but for now the city was bright with spring. 
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
Festival of Lights. Agyr.

Nerta steals a chalice from the palace as she passes dancers bathed in the light of an emerald green frame. The violet painted woman only manages a taste of the ale before one of their number grabs an arm to swing her into the crowd.

Ale splashes everywhere as Nerta's thrown into a pirouette, but her angry bark is cut short by the familiar voice.

"Spilling the ale! Have you no shame Weaver?"

Glittering eyes widen, and Nerta grabs the man dressed in a patchwork of leather soaked in stale wine.

"Vedens! Where have you been you lush?"

The big grin remains as friendly as ever, even as he drapes atop Nerta.

"Why's about tss far from trouble 's I can, unlike a ssertain someone. How is it you've gotten in more danger since I found ya neked in the forest hunted by beasts? Noble, Priestess, Monster Slayer, Paramour, Judge..."

Shoving the drunk off with an eyeroll, she doesn't make it far before he pulls her back.

"No no, none of that. Furst man gits a dance! Th-There'ss ruless 'bout tha."

The smell was, unique. But despite his slurred words, the man was able to keep up and after a few bars Nerta was even smiling.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)