Vulparan Family/Octavius Lysander/Seeking Answers - Into Hell: Difference between revisions

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He nodded with curt severity to the assortment of guards posted at the entrance to the cave, guarding the menagerie of horses, provisions, and equipment that accompany any grandiose noble's personal retinue. His features, like his posture, were taught as he steadily made his way into the darkness of the gaping maw before them all, a hard-fought façade of youthful energy overriding the exhaustion of several days travel with painfully little respite.
He nodded with curt severity to the assortment of guards posted at the entrance to the cave, guarding the menagerie of horses, provisions, and equipment that accompany any grandiose noble's personal retinue. His features, like his posture, were taught as he steadily made his way into the darkness of the gaping maw before them all, a hard-fought façade of youthful energy overriding the exhaustion of several days travel with painfully little respite.
|Sender=Ichabod Poe
|Recipients=Message sent to all nobles of Vordul Sanguinis (9 recipients) - 2021-06-22 16:42:17
|Content='''Cave of Sheja'''
The smile that crept across the lips of Ichabod was conveniently concealed by darkness.
"I have no idea brothers, I have not seen this symbol before or a goat drawn in such a way. Those of Gotland didn't use this image so I suspect it's from a culture we have yet to meet".
The sound of heavy footsteps began to grow louder as the Gal Vorbak that Ichabod had sent on ahead had returned with news of the path before them. The Arch Angel nodded in approval as it appeared that the cave splits into two a little further down the way, turning to his gathered brethren he offered a path for them to take.
'''Left''' - This path is narrow and the light from the torches can barely breach the darkness, it appears to go down into the cave and into the caverns below.
'''Right''' - This path is short and leads back out onto the coastline, unreachable by any other means due to the rock ribbed coast.
'''Stay put''' - You can choose to stay where you are for now and wait for the others to return.
"Brethren, the choice is yours" smiles Ichabod.
(OOC: Not too late if anyone wants to jump in on the fun)
|Sender=Dredmor Gloomdirge
|Recipients=Message sent to all nobles of Vordul Sanguinis (9 recipients) - 2021-06-22 23:07:33
|Content='''Cave of Sheja'''
"Long ago, people hid their secrets here. When it comes to secrets, people tend to bury them. I will go left, into the depths, to see what the darkness conceals."
|Sender=Octavius Lysander Vulparan
|Recipients=Message sent to all nobles of Vordul Sanguinis (9 recipients) - 2021-06-23 11:28:00
|Content='''Cave of Sheja'''
Octavius steeled himself as best as he could as the heavy shroud of darkness and gloom that filled the cave engulfed him and his fellows. He furrowed his brows at the offered pathways, unsatisfied with the dirt, grime, and potential dangers that each offered - but he dare not let his façade slip.
"We shall take the left." He said curtly, a sharpness of tone managing to mask a growing tremble of fear in his voice.
He glanced briefly to his companions as if pausing for agreement, but continued brazenly, feeling for the reassurance of the pommel of his sword hanging from his hip as he spoke. "Whatever may lurk in the darkness shall be deep in the bowels of this place, of that I have no doubt."

Revision as of 11:46, 23 June 2021

Roleplay from Ichabod Poe
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles of Vordul Sanguinis (11 recipients) - 2021-06-17 21:47:05
Cave Entrance - Sheja

Ichabod had commanded his Gal Vorbak to secure a small area on the coastline of Sheja, there he would wait for his brethren to gather before they all delve deeper into the cave of Sheja and discover the reason why he had been guided here. The fact that his weird compendium had been lost when he entered isolation didn't matter anymore as the tattooed angel of Vordul now attached the loose parchment directly to his armour.

"My blessed sons, some of you will guard the entrance when we enter. There isn't any point in all of us going to hell," smirked Ichabod.
Ichabod Poe

Roleplay from Impi Wolfvern
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles of Vordul Sanguinis (11 recipients) - 2021-06-18 01:35:31
Cave Entrance - Sheja

Impi had word Poe was in the region near a cave along the coastline. He wasn't given directions to his location so he sent many hours in searching. When he recognized a color formation of a group of men in the distance he rushed to them.

"Ahh finally the Gal Vorbak good to see we found you. Where is Demeter Poe?" Asking slightly out if breath. "Ligher Bringer our Commander is in the cave. Said There isn't any point in all of us going to hell. That's why some are here guarding the entrance." The folder replied. Impi laughed "That is true not all need to go see hell. Though for our protection all my Head Hunters will be going with us."

With that he made his way into the cave.
Impi Wolfvern

Roleplay from Dredmor Gloomdirge
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles of Vordul Sanguinis (11 recipients) - 2021-06-18 02:27:17
Cave Entrance - Sheja

By the time Dredmor and his guards neared the area home to the cave, several units of soldiers had already passed through, leaving a clear trail to follow. Arriving at the cave he recieved word from the soldiers stationed there that The Light Bringer and the Demeter had already entered.

He addressed his guards, "men, stay here with the others. If hell does exist within, I wish to see it now, on my own terms... Before I'm sent for good."

With that he followed in the wake of his lords, shield in hand.
Dredmor Gloomdirge

Roleplay from Octavius Lysander Vulparan
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles of Vordul Sanguinis (10 recipients) - 2021-06-19 14:09:45
Cave Entrance - Sheja

The neatly-trimmed hooves of the Vice-Marshal's courser sank into the soft earth as rider and mount broke off from the path that had lead them to the prophesised cave. He furrowed his brow, assessing the situation before him as he swung himself from atop the saddle that, by now, he was desperately tired of blessing with his presence. Walking steadily towards the throng of activity before him, Octavius swept his coal-black hair backwards out of his face, showering droplets of sweat and rain upon the dew-soaked grass behind him.

He nodded with curt severity to the assortment of guards posted at the entrance to the cave, guarding the menagerie of horses, provisions, and equipment that accompany any grandiose noble's personal retinue. His features, like his posture, were taught as he steadily made his way into the darkness of the gaping maw before them all, a hard-fought façade of youthful energy overriding the exhaustion of several days travel with painfully little respite.
Octavius Lysander Vulparan

Roleplay from Ichabod Poe
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles of Vordul Sanguinis (9 recipients) - 2021-06-22 16:42:17
Cave of Sheja

The smile that crept across the lips of Ichabod was conveniently concealed by darkness.

"I have no idea brothers, I have not seen this symbol before or a goat drawn in such a way. Those of Gotland didn't use this image so I suspect it's from a culture we have yet to meet".

The sound of heavy footsteps began to grow louder as the Gal Vorbak that Ichabod had sent on ahead had returned with news of the path before them. The Arch Angel nodded in approval as it appeared that the cave splits into two a little further down the way, turning to his gathered brethren he offered a path for them to take.

Left - This path is narrow and the light from the torches can barely breach the darkness, it appears to go down into the cave and into the caverns below.

Right - This path is short and leads back out onto the coastline, unreachable by any other means due to the rock ribbed coast.

Stay put - You can choose to stay where you are for now and wait for the others to return.

"Brethren, the choice is yours" smiles Ichabod.

(OOC: Not too late if anyone wants to jump in on the fun)
Ichabod Poe

Roleplay from Dredmor Gloomdirge
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles of Vordul Sanguinis (9 recipients) - 2021-06-22 23:07:33
Cave of Sheja "Long ago, people hid their secrets here. When it comes to secrets, people tend to bury them. I will go left, into the depths, to see what the darkness conceals."
Dredmor Gloomdirge

Roleplay from Octavius Lysander Vulparan
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles of Vordul Sanguinis (9 recipients) - 2021-06-23 11:28:00
Cave of Sheja

Octavius steeled himself as best as he could as the heavy shroud of darkness and gloom that filled the cave engulfed him and his fellows. He furrowed his brows at the offered pathways, unsatisfied with the dirt, grime, and potential dangers that each offered - but he dare not let his façade slip.

"We shall take the left." He said curtly, a sharpness of tone managing to mask a growing tremble of fear in his voice.

He glanced briefly to his companions as if pausing for agreement, but continued brazenly, feeling for the reassurance of the pommel of his sword hanging from his hip as he spoke. "Whatever may lurk in the darkness shall be deep in the bowels of this place, of that I have no doubt."
Octavius Lysander Vulparan