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You visit your family mansion, home of your kind for generations. The mansion is impressive and large, symbol of a successful family. You are proud to belong here. You visit the grave of the dog you had as a child, and make friends with the new cat your family now has.

Aidan nodded solemnly to the gravestone, before turning out of the garden and moving back through the mansion. It was far larger now than when he had been a child, as the standing of the family had dramatically improved over the last generation. The various aunts and uncles and cousins had every opportunity, and a rare warm smile crossed Aidan's face briefly as he took in the tangible evidence that his tenure as head of the family had not been a failure.

Striding out into the street, he remounted his horse and made his way to the temple. Truly, this was the part that excited him, as while he had worked on the designs, he had little idea how they had turned out in practice. But as he approached, his usual stern face relaxed somewhat. Yes...Yes, that was how he had hoped it would look...

But it was when he entered that he felt truly satisfied. The flashes of lightning came through as he had hoped, the sounds, the feel...A deep smile of contentment settled onto him, and he reverently began removing his boots, wanting to experience the stonework fully.

And as he walked, hearing, seeing, feeling the majesty and wonder, the habitual tension of his duty and care slowly washed away, as he was wrapped in the presence of the Tidemother, She whose greatness was so far beyond his petty concerns that he could not hold them. And as he dipped his hands into the waters, slowly swirling them, he for once did not appear the battle-scarred Cavalier, the icy Duke, the careworn Courtier and Head of the House.

He was just...Aidan, shorn of all duties.

Whomever that was.

De Haguns

Furiae had left the Free Company under the command of captain Magnus at their encampment near the causeway that led into one of the towns that dotted Farrowfield. They had the day free, as there was no immediate danger that needed swift action of the Golden Host, and some rest was in order. Maybe the Company would soon decide if they would follow her or not, as a retinue, or if they would part ways.

The Haguns girl wanted to see the small town, which seemed picturesque from afar. Still clad in her breastplate and wearing the light padded leather armor she wore during the skirmishes at Mozyr and Farrowfield, she strode into the its main road, where the populace received her with a warm welcome. She was taken by surprise by this small gathering, and her proud heart softened when a small child ran towards her with a red, large apple, asking is she was hungry and thanking her for helping protect the town. Taking the fruit with a gentle smile, she nodded towards the people and went on her way. Soon she came back to her senses. They were rabble, and it would not do well to mingle with the peasants. It was one thing to protect the smallfolk, but another to dignify them with her nobility.

Chewing on the apple, one building caught her attention. A magnificent structure of timber and stone towered over the town, stained glasses for its windows. Curious as ever, the young dame took notice of the surrounding garden as she went inside the building, her boots singing clack, clack, clack on the mosaic floor as she was almost finishing her apple, disturbing its inner peace.

Clack, clack, clack she went inside the temple, but soon Furiae stopped, seeing a barefoot man inside, almost venerating something. The pagan girl, born and raised under the local customs of the Mines ate the last bite of the apple and watched the man, her big blue eyes frowning as she tried to understand what he was doing.


Aidan brought some of the water to his face in pooled hands, using it to lightly bathe his face as a benison before drying it with his handkerchief. He stood, slowly studying around him at all the little details he had just absorbed on his entrance, and noticed the woman behind him. He realized, belatedly, that he had heard the clack of her boots, but had ignored the sound as irrelevant during his experience.

The formidable blonde nodded his head in the correct degree for a Duke and Councillor to a region lord, not knowing her precise rank but assuming he would have heard if a higher-ranked dignitary had arrived.

"My lady, welcome to the House of Storm, temple to the Tidemother. I am Aidan, of House MacArbin. And among other things, I am a Waveweaver of the Church. Is there aught I could answer for you?"

He had a slight smile, and his eyes took in her equipage (and visage) approvingly.


Two loud voices could be heard approaching the temple to the Tidemother, one a deep masculine and the other an animated female, both embroiled in apparanent argument. "Lady Calypso, you've only just gotten better from your last wound...marching back to Mozyr to mount an active defense with so small a unit is foolhardy!" The female voice exclaimed loudly, with the male immediately responding, "If Lady Malachite wishes the Menagerie to ride then that is what shall happen, shrill cyclops!"

The voices seemed to stop outside the temple as the sound of metal armor being shoved hard could easily be heard, "Her name is Calypso, Foreigner, and by the Tidemother my name is Xena! The next time you call me a bloody cyclops I will take this greatsword and shove it up your ~!"

"That is enough, both of you." Came a third voice, not raised like the others, but no less clearly heard. The two voices stopped as the door opened to the temple as Lady Calypso Hwitt, Lady of Mozyr stepped lightly into the hall, "I will not have either of you disturbing this place..."

Calypso was still getting accustomed to her plate again, after having not worn in for so many months in Nightmarch, The brightly painted patterns and designs the Zuma had given her were mercifully beginning to fade, and she had been pleasantly surprised that there had been no rumors or slander about her odd appearance. Well, none that had reached her ears, at least. On her head, she wore the Malachite Circlet of the Tidemother, and the five blue stones inset into it seemed to glow with a soft blue light as they entered the holy space of the Tidemother.

Behind her was a middle aged woman with greying hair, wearing half plate with a greatsword carried on her shoulder. It was easy to see the woman was perturbed as she surveyed the temple through her single eye, a large cloth eye patch covering the other. Last to enter was a dark skinned man, dressed in an entirely foreign style and covered head to toe in elaborate painted symbols and designs of various colors. He carried a sabre at his side in the style of a cavalryman. The man waited near the entrance, and nodded respectfully to Calypso as she walked further in.

Calypso herself was surprised to see an armored noble here, a dark-haired woman even younger than her by the looks of it. It wasn't a surprise really, when Calypso thought about it, as the past few months had seen many nobles leaver for other shores, and others rise to prominence among their peers. Calypso though was happy at the thought of having someone talk to beside the sour Xena and the dour Lanwin. She thought briefly about what a pair they made, and how they had immediately hated each other when they had first met.

Calypso walked forward toward the other noblewoman, and gave a polite nod, seeing the woman's livery marking her as a Dame of Golden Farrow. "Greetings Dame...and welcome to the Temple of the Tidemother, I do not believe we have met and so I should introduce myself. I am Calypso Hwitt, Lady of Mozyr and Thunderborn of the Tidemother. Have you come to pray here? If so, I would be most honored to join you."

De Haguns

Furiae listened to this man, as his voice echoed through the temple. He had the demeanor of a higher noble and as she was greeted by him, suddenly panicked. Should she salute him? Should she curtsy him? So used she was to wearing gowns, now the armor seemed out of place inside the building. Without thinking more, she saluted him, bowing slightly her head, her eyes never leaving his face. She took her time studying the man.

“My lord. I am Furiae de Haguns, from Perd… I mean, I am a Dame of Golden Farrow”, she said, almost slipping back into the past. “House of Storme¸ you say? So this is the where Lady Storme, the Stratarch resides? I thought she was a military leader, not a priestess...” The young knight asked confused as she looked around the temple with inquisitive and lively eyes, not understanding properly his pronunciation of ‘Storm’. Wholly unfamiliar with the Tidemother church, its rituals and roles, everything seemed new to her in Tol Goldora.

Suddenly, she stopped paying attention to the man and turned her head towards the entrance, as she heard footsteps approaching. An odd trio entered into the temple and Furiae gazed upon them. The beauty’s eyes went wide as she noticed their appearance, far different from anything she had seen before. The woman in plate armor walked forward and the Haguns dame was surprised both by how she managed to carry herself with the heavy armor, something the young knight was unable to wear due to her weaker body, as well as the brightly painted colors that adorner her. The glowing circlet atop her head did not pass unnoticed by Furiae, who immediately tought how regal she would look if it was adorning her head instead.

Before Calypso got closer, Furiae recovered her composure as to act naturally, despite her obvious surprise. She found it difficult not to stare at the other woman and her odd companions, but resisted her impulses as much as she could. She did not want to offend the other… fearsome looking warrior.


Aidan's lips quirked.

"Ah, Lady Furiae, welcome indeed. And this is indeed Statarch Svari's temple, and so one might call it the temple of House Storme, but it is also dedicated to the Tidemoter in Her aspect of the Storm. It seemed appropriate."

As Calypso entered, Aidan's eyes widened a moment. He had heard the reports, of course, but to see the holy artifact in person was another matter. He gave a slight bow, voice warm.

"Lady Calypso, welcome home. I was pleased we were able to gather the food for your release so quickly, and that no ill befell you. That you now have such a Circlet is even more impressive, I will admit. Lady Furiae, the Thunderborn was taken captive by the Zuma and held for some time as a hostage on behalf of the whole realm. I do not mean to overlook you, but her return has been eagerly anticipated."


The Temple of Storms was causing quite the stir among the local population. Already around twice the amount of believers had converted in the name of the Tidemother, abandoning the Astroist faith after realizing that even if the stars affect man they do so with or without worship. Edelyn had already changed into a clean, dry set of robes after leading some of the newest converts through prayers in the wading pools located deeper in the church when she happened across the conversation going on in the main sanctuary.

Peaking from the hallways, Edelyn watched and listened as the woman spoke more. It was to Aidan, an old friend, to which she spoke, and out of seemingly nowhere Calypso also appeared. Edelyn found herself overjoyed with relief to see the Thunderborn return, and almost ran out to greet her, but instead walked gracefully up to Calypso and softly pulled her into an embrace after Furiae was finished talking.

"Sister, it is nice to see you again, and I am glad to see you return from the land of daimons for I worried about you immensely," Edelyn spoke first to Calypso, then turned her attention to Furiae, "And Dame, It is nice that you took me up on my offer, but I think you mean Duke MacArbin. One does not refer to a duke as a lord, even if they also hold a lordship unless they are their direct liege. I am sure my good friend Aidan here does not care, several people here will nitpick over such an offense. I have sadly seen more than one Vestarch protested for not enforcing such social customs. I would hate to see you yelled at over such pettiness."

Finally, Edelyn turned over to Aidan himself and smiled. Her blonde hair was still damp from the waiting pools with a few strands slightly stuck to her head. Her eyes locked with his, their greenness shining like emeralds, "Aidan, I do believe this is the first time I have seen you in person since Solomon stripped me from the title of Shuberstone to reward that witch in the mountains. Feels like decades since I took temporary refuge in Itau. One wonders if the pirates are still a problem there sometimes."

Smiling, and brushing some fallen hair from her face, Edelyn looks back to Furiae, "You have come to learn of Her Holiness the Tidemother, I hope? We can get to know one another and the Goddess at the same time. I am sure you will see this is not a church like many of the others you may have seen. It does not condemn raiding nor do we try to interfere politically as a church."


Calypso was even surprised that the man she saw was Duke Aidan, she had never met the man, and she bowed low in respect, giving a small gesture for Xena to back away, and now beginning to blush from the exchange that had occurred before she had opened the door. I hope they didn’t hear all that...

“Duke Aidan, it is an honor to finally mee-Lady Edelyn!” Calypso cut off quickly as she met the embrace of her mentor and friend, returning it warmly with a genuine smile. She smiled as Edelyn gave her greetings to all, and Calypso spoke up only when it seemed the others were not speaking.

“Duke Aidan, my apologies! Yes it is an honor to finally meet you and you are too kind in your words. It is the realm that should be given the credit for coming together so quickly, and I’m told you had quite the hand in it, and for that I owe you a debt of gratitude I cannot repay.”

To the Tidespeaker, she said, “My Lady thank you for your kind letters sent since I’ve seen you last. I’m sorry I didn’t answer the latest, but an injury kept me in bed convalescing for 3 days in the last week. By Her grace I should recover fully soon. I had heard you were staying here...but wasn’t sure I’d see you! I had stopped to pray about what we had discussed, and the prospect of finding a husband, as silly as I’m sure that sounds!”

Calypso caught herself at that, not wanting to bore the Duke or Dame with her various goings on. She nodded at Edelyn’s last words to Dame Furiae and spoke when the other woman had finished speaking, “The Tidespeaker saved my life, in more ways than physical, I owe her, and the Tidemother all that I am! I do hope you shall stay to learn more of Her!”


Corna had went looking for her Duke Aidan since she was now clear for active duty again. Hearing that he went to the temple she went there to find him in addition she made some tea as well. The people pointed to where they had some him enter into the temple and went in to follow. "Sorry Your Grace for being late I had.. made ..." she slowed down her pace when she noticed Two other people had been conversating with him " Oh you have company " as she made her approach quietly up to the group. "Sorry for being late I was just cleared by the doctors and headed this way after making some medicinal teas.

She carried three teapots in her silver tray with 6 cups " The red pot is maca tea for relieving stress and boosting energy. The yellow pot is Lemongrass to soothe pain and digestive discomfort. And the green is Lemon Balm for calming nerves and calming the mind and the body. Please feel free to try some." Corna is a tall woman standing at 6'3ft with a furred cape and scar on her eye.

" Hello Lady Calypso and Lady Furiae" she bowed slightly keeping balance the tray. "I'm Corna it's very nice to meet you two. My apologies if I interrupted the conversation." She stepped slightly behind Duke Aidan not wanting to be rude inserting herself into the group.

De Haguns

The dame watched as the blonde priestess made her way through the hallways and greeted them, and was surprised by her familiarity with Lady Hwitt She hugged her! Back in the hardened Mines, she rarely saw such effusive way of showing affection, which was mostly reserved for immediate family members. She did hug her guardians, but the Mohuns had acted as true parents to Furiae when she was their ward, so they were mostly family…

Furiae gazed at MacArbin in surprise. And to think she almost had asked him if he was the Stratarch’s steward, tending to her house in her absence, barefoot as he was.

“Your Grace, forgive my manners, I did not know of your station and rank!”, she said, feeling a bit ashamed to be corrected by Edelyn in front of all. The Dame of Golden Farrow’s eyes sparked with interest as Lady Luitolf talked about her own liege lord, the Royal Duke Greybrook. He had stripped the countess of a title, to give to another woman? Oh, Furiae reveled in the gossip and made a mental note to inquire more about this… after all, she had swore an oath to serve Greybrook as his knight, but the man remained an enigma to her.

Furiae had not come to pray. In fact, she had come across the temple by mere chance, yet meeting the Countess Luitolf, who had been so gentle and welcoming in her letters was a fortunate coincidence, one she had been eagerly looking forward.

Before she could answer, another woman approached them from behind, but this time Furiae was not startled. The dame was exceedingly tall and so Furiae, standing five feet and seven inches had to look up to her. What kind of people do these Tol Goldorans breed?!, she thought, surprised, amazed and impressed at the same time. The gentle demeanor of Corna did not pass unnoticed and Furiae, ladylike as she was, greeted her with a bright smile.

“Dame Corna, it is a pleasure to meet you. Please, do not shy away from our merry group, come, come”, said the Haguns girls, approaching her. Without waiting for an answer, she gracefully took the red pot and served some tea for herself. After the battles she had fought, a medicinal tea to boost her energy was welcome. “Your Grace, my ladies, I would love to try some of the tea. May I help you with some as well? It seems there are no servants around, yet it would honor me to serve you”, she said in her smooth voice, preparing to pour tea according to each taste. She had learnt etiquette well during her time with the Mohuns, and so her manners were elegant and refined. Back in Perdan, all thought she would one day become a noble lady-in-waiting to a higher lady or marry a lord himself, all but herself.

Turning to all of the nobles that had arrived at the temple, Furiae went on excitedly. “Lady Edelyn had invited me to meet with her, but it seems I was lucky to meet you all at the same time!” The dame turned to the Countess of Demyansk and the Viscountess of Mozyr. “I must tell you the truth! At first, I did not come here for any specific purpose, my ladies. My troops are camping on the outskirst of Farrowfield, and I decided to see the town for myself. It was by chance that I wandered into this temple… by far the most impressive and beautiful building in the town. Maybe we should call it calling of sorts?”, she asked, chuckling lightly. “I was born and raised under the tenets of the Triumvirate, are you aware of it, Lady Luitolf? However, despite my upbringing, I would certainly be honored and eager to know more about the Tidemother, if you would teach me.”

Furiae seemed excited, but in truth she had more earthly aspirations than she revealed. She was no fool, and had slowly realized that in Tol Goldora, the Tidemother reigned. What good would it do to her if she refused to learn, or rebuked them outright?

After all, when in Tol Goldora, do as the goldorans do.


Calypso smiled and gave a polite nod to the freshly arriving Corna, “The pleasure is all mine, Dame Corna, and it is good to meet you as well. Thank you for your offer of tea but I am not thirsty at the moment.”

She took the moment to walk away from the growing assembly to meet up with Xena and pulled her close to whisper, “Have the Menagerie make camp outside town, we won’t be moving forward tonight, I think. Have the horse fed and watered, and take the evening to rest.”

Captain Xena nodded and relayed the message to Lanwin, who was still lurking near the door, eyeing the various nobles with his discerning look. Lanwin bowed deeply and looked toward Calypso, “Lady Malachite, the Menagerie shall await your command.” The pair walked off, Xena only just keeping her voice down in her reproach of Lanwin for continuing to call Calypso by the name the Zuma had given her.

In truth, Calypso didn’t really know what to do with herself. It had been over a year since she had been in close contact with this many of Goldoran nobility, and that had been while the war still raged on Libidizedd. She didn’t want to take Edelyn away from their new younger nobles, as it was far more important that they be introduced to the faith. So she found a nice chair, near enough so as not to exclude herself from the gathering, but far enough away she felt she could relax. Let the others talk, she had grown accustomed to the long days of silence she had experienced in Nightmarch.

Idly, without even realizing it, she fiddled with the circlet she now wore at almost all times except when asleep. Deep down she was nervous to be around realm mates again, though not even she could likely verbalize that sentiment.


Aidan met Edelyn's eyes with a slight smile.

"It has indeed been far too long. The pirates are not a problem anymore, when I am present at least."

The Duke's smile curved predatorily.

"They have learned that lesson. When I leave...Is another matter. But you should come visit again, soon. Few enough make the trek to the western reaches."

He inclined his head slightly toward Calypso.

"It was my honour and my duty. And it seems we may have gained more than we bargained for."

His eyes lingered on her circlet a moment, before turning to Furiae.

"No apologies are needed, my lady. In this hall-"

Aidan gestured around them.

"I am a Waveweaver, first. Though, in truth, I am not certain of the correct form of address there. Perhaps 'Your Implacableness', though that may be merely wishful thinking on my part. And, Lady Corna, thank you for the tea, it is much appreciated."

He signalled for the maca, nodding thanks to Furiae for serving, and sipping slowly while he enjoyed the interplay. This was the largest gathering of high nobility he had been a part of in...Longer than he could remember. He needed to get out of Itau more often, or bring such society to it...


"Shall we call one another by our temple ranks then, Waveweaver Aiden?"

A thoroughly nondescript man detached himself from the wall next to the doorway. Wearing traveling clothes that were merely fine, but not ostentatious, and of middle years with no particularly defining features, the man would have been beneath the notice of any peer of the realm, had he not seemingly invited himself to a meeting of them. He was neither handsome, nor homely, with short brown hair that was slightly unkempt. He carried no weapons, and didn't move in any way that suggested he wouldn't need them. He wasn't tall, but neither was he short. As a matter of fact, one would have been hard pressed to pick a defining feature of the man. He was, in a word, boring, and would easily have been dismissible, had he not walked right up to Aiden and crossed his arms. His face was passive, showing little in the way of emotion, except for his eyes, which twinkled as if with mischievousness.

"I see no issue with that, because that's the only way in which I have ever consistently outranked you."


The local parishioners were starting to stare at the ever-growing nobility count. It seemed that with every moment that passed, a new person arrived and said something else. Edelyn was beginning to fear that they might be thinking this was a house of chaos as most of them were newly converted from the false stars. The newest addition, Leander, seemed particularly ornery.

"Well, Your Excellency Stormsage Leander," Edelyn began with a faux bow before the man, "Let this not deter you, but that could be easily changed should the good Waveweaver ever wish for true ordination. He would then be raised to your equal. In fact, if we officiate hybrid styles, he might even be your technical superior there too."

"And you," she said pointing over the Aidan, "Your Impecablness? Really? That is ridiculous. Although, if you really want I can introduce you to a nice bird the new Autarch gifted me right before he was elected and we could make the peckable part literal. Maybe even use those restraints you give me to hold monsters during research so long ago on you to give it a fighting chance?"

She smiled slightly after teasing the two gentlemen, it had been a while since she had the ability to be less formal, even if it would soon come to an end. She could not allow the constant influx to make the locals think this was some sort of nobles-only club. Placing her hand over on Furiae, the woman looked around the gathering, "Ladies and Gentlemen, can we possibly move this meeting in the back? I am actively trying to convert the populace of this region, and large gatherings of high-ranked nobles tend to put peasants unaccustomed to it on edge."

Letting the nobles mull it over, as giving even the illusion of choice was better than making demands, Edelyn walked back over to Calypso. Leaning down, and peering into her eyes with a soft smile, the Tidepeaker spoke, "Sister, don't think I have forgotten about you. We have much to discuss, and you might even be able to help convert this one noble that has come in with questions. Come with us, it has been far too long."


Aidan laughed and welcomed Leander with an armclasp.

"I will let the Tidespeaker's riposte stand, and just add a welcome. It has been too long, my friend."

His amused gaze turned to Edelyn next.

"And is that what you would do if you had me in restraints, then? Leander, I believe my charm must be failing me, I may have to borrow yours."

Leander's words matched his twinkling eyes better than his blank expression.

"I knew you had a reason for wanting me as a knight. Well, needs must when your liege calls."

Aidan grinned more broadly, before leading the way towards the back rooms, motioning Corna to join on his left, assuming Leander would join when he had a mind.

De Haguns

Furiae finished serving the other nobles and placed the teapots on the silver tray. Despite her gentle smile and friendly demeanor, it was not something she liked to do. It reminded her of a Furiae that had died in Perdan, a ladyling born to serve higher ranking nobles as a lady-in-waiting, or to serve that horrible man that had paid for her hand in marriage. A servant by all means, only of a noble background. Still, despite her feelings, she had found long ago that gentleness was a path of opportunities and that even these small pleasantries could earn her favors.

Realizing she had been lost to her thoughts for too long, the girl shook her head slightly, feeling the need to regain her composure. A sweet smile once again adorned her pretty face.

Then, she was surprised by a newcomer, someone that caught her attention. She had not even noticed him before, but his daring, mischievous ways caused an impression. The hooded man who was regarded as Stormsage Leander. While his appearance was ordinary, unremarkable, his small jest with the Duke of Itau did not pass unnoticed to Furiae.

Her eyes lingered at this man Leander with interest for longer than she wanted to admit, until Edelyn joked about restraining the peckable Duke. The dame of Golden Farrow chuckled as she imagined the whole situation, her hand covering her mouth in a playful manner, but her eyes glinting with amusement for another reason entirely. Furiae made a mental note to eventually ask the priestess about these monster researches that had been mentioned.

Complying with Lady Luitolf’s request, the dame followed MacArbin and the two knights as they went towards the back of the temple.

“Your Grace, I believe I have not been introduced to… Stormsinger Laendre, is it?”, she said, feigning disinterest by misspelling both name and title. A sly smile crossed her face.


Calypso listened to everyone talk, it was nice to finally be around equals again, even if she still wasn't used to being a Lady of the realm. As nice as it was though, she still felt like she was in the gilded cage that Kettle had between herself and the other nobles gathered around the temple. Her time amongst the daemonkind had been lonely, always being watched, but never truly with her "hosts". It was true she had the company of Ser Daubney, but she was a dour sort, and Calypso had felt her ire at many of the decisions Calypso had made to try and keep Tol Goldora safe from the wrath of the daemons.

As always, it seemed, it was Lady Edelyn that broke Calypso from reverie once more as her friend and mentor came over to her. Calypso gave a small smile, knowing that she wasn't forgotten about. It was more important that the others be greeted, compared to some of the luminaries present here, Calypso was still a nobody. "Of course Tidesp...Edelyn. I had heard the holy pools were completed here, which was part of the reason I wanted to stop. Perhaps we can talk there?"

Calypso stood from the chair and began to walk through the temple toward the richly decorated back area, where she knew the pools would be located. As she walked through the temple, Calypso was painfully aware of how loud her plate armor was, and she suddenly felt quite self-conscious about the fact she was dressed in battle plate among the other nobles. Calypso signaled one of the priestesses, a Stormsinger, who dutifully attended his Thunderborn, "Please help me doff this armor in one of the side chambers while the nobles are transitioning..."

Calypso ducked into a sidechamber of the church and began to expertly doff her plate. The priestess, though unaccustomed to such things, helped as best he could, and in just a few minutes Calypso had been helpfully changed into a dark grey robe made of light fabric. She immediately felt more comfortable in the light fabric and she thanked the Stormsinger humbly. Calypso walked out of the sidechamber and moved to join the nobles in the back area where the bathing pools would be located.

The room was made of uniform bricks and was fed by a complex system of pipes that fed out warm water to the pool. Designs and ocean motifs covered the room and there was a statue of the Tidemother rising from the middle of pool. Steam rose slowly from the water, as it was being fed from a natural hot spring close by to the temple. Calypso entered behind the others, smiling politely as she did so, "Forgive me Lords, Ladies, and Sirs...I wanted to change into..."

In that moment Calypso found herself staring at the statue of the Tidemother and felt overwhelmed looking into it. In that moment she felt any self-consciousness she felt toward the other nobles present melt away as she felt the statue pull her toward the pull the pool in the center of the room. She stopped mid sentence and walked silently toward the wading pool, completely ignoring the other nobles in the room. Without a word she walked down the bricks steps into the waste high pool and quietly lay on her back, floating in the warm water as she felt the Tidemother's embrace cover her as she had not felt since returning from Nightmarch.

As Calypso lay floating in the water, her long robes spreading out around her in the world in an almost ghostlike fashion, the 5 stones on the Circlet of the Tidemother began to shine with an inner light, filling the room with cool blue light as the long lost relic of the Goddess was at last returned to its proper place in Her temple. For Calypso, the whole world could have shouted her name and should would not hear them, she just lay in the water, and let her Goddess embrace her.


At Edelyn's urging, the group starting to move out of the main sanctuary to the wading pools. It was not the Tidespeaker's first choice, but it was Lady Calypso's request, and given the amount of trauma she had suffered in the name of the realm, Edelyn found it hard to deny her this simple want. The trip took over a few moments as the pools were meant to be easily accessible, and happened to be the one place within the temple with a more serene motif. Along the ceiling were still darkened clouds, but more soft greys as opposed to the heavy set sky of the sanctuary. They played a scene of the calm before the storm when the seas were still welcoming yet it could be seen that the squalls would come.

"Dame Furiae, The good Stormage Leander has been instrumental in the church, but he is not often around. It is a true treat that we blessed with his presence, and know this, you are not anyone's servant here. From the simple dame to the highest duke, including the Autarch himself, we are all the same hereunder Her Holiness's visage. I only said what I did before out of warning when you leave, there are those out there that will try and assault you over such petty things." The tidespeaker had dealt with enough nobles to know how Furiae felt about serving the tea before. It had emanated off of her in waves like the sea itself churned when in duress. Others might not have sensed it, but Edelyn was used to dealing with people and their personal issues. Everyone here seemed to think it was her job, and in a way it sort of was.

Edelyn kept looking at Furiae with warm eyes, hoping to relay that she was truly safe here. So many religions and realms in the past had tried to treat nobles as slaves for their bidding, she worried that most thought the same of the church. "My friend, you may just call me Edelyn, or if that is too formal, Tidespeaker as I speak the words for my goddess in her name. This is a wonderful temple, built to the specifications of Aidan, you know. It's almost as glamorous as the temple in Golden Farrow itself."

It was during this time that Calypso made her debut wearing the robes of a stormsinger. Edelyn smiled as she approached the group and started to speak, but was confused when she seemed to just walk into the water. The woman seemed to be staring at the statue, mesmerized by the depiction of the goddess, walking ever forward toward. Edelyn raised her hand to hush quiet murmurs coming from others in the room, "It is true that each of us experiences the goddess in different ways, the serenity has always been hers. In contrast I..."

Edelyn was cut off as the circlet about Calypso's head began to glimmer, glow, then shine a brilliant blue. She had assumed it was just a common unique item, but it seemed to react to the presence of the Tidemother herself. "Could that be another artifact like my own Jewel of Wind?" Edelyn managed to mumble between bated gasps of astonishment.

After a few moments, Edelyn turned her attention back to the new dame, "Furiae, this here you see now is the power of our goddess. She keeps us safe and watches over us as we march and clear the land of the vile monsters the void gods force upon us. You may or may not have come here to speak of the Tidemother, but a display such as this is a rare sight and it seems she favors Calypso with her blessing, and you with a rare vision of power before you even know of her. I am here if you wish more clarity, and you are always welcome even if you choose not to accept the Goddess's invitation."

De Haguns

Just as Furiae approached the Duke of Itau’s group, eyeing Leander with interest, but before she could hear an answer, the girl was approached by Edelyn. What the tidespeaker said briefly worried the young dame, as she wondered if her semblance while serving the tea had revealed inner thoughts and self-doubts she would rather hide away. Soon, however, any nervousness she had had seemed to vanish, washed away by the soft and gentle voice of Edelyn.

“You are so kind and gentle, Edelyn. But if I am to call you by your name, then you should call me simply as Furiae”, she replied, taking the tidespeaker hands in a gentle manner and holding them. She then looked towards the ceilings of the temple, her vivid eyes slowly trying to discover every detail of its design. Her eyes shone with wonder at the clouds, and she immediately thought of the ceiling in the main sanctuary. There was certainly some significance in this motifs, but Furiae could not point it clearly, unversed as she was on the Tidemother and the believes that surrounded the goddess.

“My, my, Aidan is certainly talented. And once I am back to Golden Farrow, I shall visit the temple in the capital.” Furiae had seen it from the distance, but was ashamed to say that she had been more interested in walking through the bazaars and stylish shops for young noblewomen, or in training with captain Magnus, than in pursuing more knowledge about this religion.

Despite this, the girl had an eye for beauty, and was definitely impressed with the temple’s architecture and motifs of the ocean and storms. The wading pools with the statute of the Tidemother gave it a mystic aspect which enthralled Furie. There was nothing like this in the Perdan Mines, as far as she knew! She had only seen the small altars within the residence of her home, as well as in the Mohuns manor, all dedicated to the three goddesses of the winds, as the Crone representing winter was not as revered.

The dame was interrupted from her wonder as she heard the bearer of the Tidemother’s Malachite Circlet approaching. Before she could say anything, Calypso walked away from the gathering of nobles without another word. Surprised by this sudden behavior, Furiae watched her with curiosity and soon realized the warrior was going towards the goddess statue, seemingly entranced.

Then the Dame of Golden Farrow visibly gasped and clutched Edelyn’s forearm. She had seen the circlet emanate a low glow as Calypso had joined them in the temple, but thought it was just an impression of hers, or a reflection caused by the sunlight. Now, however, it shone with a radiant blue, glimmering and glowing as its bearer floated in the water, near the goddess statue.

A shiver ran down her spine and she let go of the tidespeaker’s arm. She felt the wind blowing towards her, whispering a name in her ear. She almost lost her balance, but managed to hold herself together, as the wind once again whispered that name in her ears. A name she had never heard until now.

She looked initially distressed at Edelyn as she spoke, but soon her face softened once again. She could not understand what had just happened, but took a deep breath and listened to the countess of Demyansk.

“What I have witnessed and felt… your goddess has power, I have never in my life seen… I have never felt anything like this”, she said, with some difficult to articulate her thoughts. She was truly astonished, both by what she had seen in the wading pools and by the singing winds. “I cannot deny what happened, I cannot.”

She had a decisive look to her, and for a while Furiae looked much older than her true age. “I have been raised under the Triumvirate faith in the Perdan Mines… the winds are our goddesses, and I was raised to believe this, but never witnessed anything like this before. Tell me, Edelyn, does the Tidemother rules the winds? Can the goddess whisper in our ears through the winds?”


Aidan enjoyed the banter and conversations, sharing the occasional raised eyebrow with Leander or grin with Edelyn, but he felt...Expectant. Not anxious, just...

The feeling intensified as Calypso returned, and his brow furrowed as he tried to consider the source of it...And then his eyes widened at her display.

"Waves and winds...And it was in the hands of the Zuma..."

He knelt, reverentially, cupping some of the water and staring into it, wondering if any of the light would be found within it. He could not tell, but Furiae's words reached him, and he turned towards her.

"Yes, the Tidemother is the Mistress of Storms and Wind as well as Wave and Water. The gentle breeze that cleanses the air, or the gale that rends asunder, are both under Her sway. And this temple was dedicated to that aspect..."

He let the water slip through his fingers, before standing again, still barefoot, though his solid presence seemed not to notice it.

"If you serve the winds, then you serve the Tidemother, my lady. And if you wish to make it official...We have a Waveweaver, a Stormsage, a holy artifact taken from the depths of strangeness, and the Tidespeaker herself..."

His lips quirked.

"There seems no omen overlooked, to me."