De Haguns Family/Orpheu/The Battle of Woolton: Difference between revisions

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The Last Day of Peace, the First Day of Our Lives

Timeframe: War! The Battle of Woolton looms in the horizon.

The Knight of the Perdan Mines strode through his soldiers, inspecting the troops with his judgmental, distant eyes. He nodded affirmatively towards captain Falstaff, although it was clear by his semblance that he was not confident at all in the troops. Orpheu just hoped they would not realize this. And there was Thea, back in the tent, who had felt nauseous earlier. He just hoped that she was feeling better by now.

“Falstaff, is squire Theodora’s horse saddled and ready? Are her two escorts ready as well?”

“Yes, sir. And the sooner she goes, the easier it will be to cross into Bisciye. Still, my lord, is it wise to send two men to accompany her? We may need them within the army.”

“Do as you are told.”, said Orpheu, as he glanced at the sky with disinterest.

Miners, not soldiers… they are not ready yet. He thought, entering into his pavilion. It was lavish, with wool rugs covering the ground, and delicate cushions placed with furs where he would sleep. His squire Thea was already awoke, and dressed in her leather gambeson and half plate, sharpening Orpheu’s longsword. Her own sword was by her side.

Seeing as there was no one nearby, she smiled vividly as she saw the man she loved. “Orpheu, there you are! I am sorry, I was feeling unwell in the morning, I did not want to trouble you… how is the Silver Guard?”

The knight smiled gently as he saw her, and without a word, went straight into her arms, embracing Theodora fondly. He caressed her neck and face, and their lips touched, the passionate, desperate kiss of lovers who hide from the world.

“You need to undress from your armor…”, he started, leaving her embrace.

“Now? With battle almost upon us?”, asked the woman, puzzled.

“Let me finish. You need to change into clothes suited to travel because you will not accompany me into battle. In fact, I want you to retreat into Bisciye, and should I fall in battle, go straight to Aix.”, he replied, taking the longsword and examining its polishment, his voice unmoved. “From there, back to the Mines, back to Pelasgia. If everything goes well, however, I will send you word.”

“No, I won’t”, started out the squire. “I promised, or better, you promised we would always be together… to think I could lose you, I won’t stand that!”, she protested.

“And I must protect you, my love. Ever since that day in the Mines… after we returned from Alexandria, do you think I would even risk your life in the battlefield? I brought you with me because I want you to live with me, not die for me.”

Thea crossed her arms, pouting playfully, while Orpheu remained serious and stoic. “Thea, this is not a game… only the Crone, Ballisa of the North Wind knows how many may die. And I would fight better knowing you are safe. I have already ordered your horse readied and saddled, and two of my most trusted soldiers will accompany you. Coins have been set aside for this. Besides, how do you plan on fighting, if you were feeling unwell earlier today?”

Thea sighed, and eyed Orpheu. The handsome knight was right, but she feared for him. She feared he might be wounded, or even die. She made a little prayer to the warrior goddess Aulysia, so that the south winds would strength his arm and help him land his sword true on his opponents, while protecting him.

“I will only leave you as it is an order from my sir… but as your woman, it does not please me. I should be at your side, protecting you.”, and with that, she once again embraced the Haguns knight. “It is spring. And we are young… do not die on me, my love. May Elysia, Aulysia and Zama protect you…”

Taken by surprise, he just let himself fall in her embrace, and hugged her tightly, kissing her neck and ears, which caused Thea to laugh as she felt it tickling. He laughed together with her. “Enough doom and gloom, I love when you laugh. Now, shall we prepare you?”, said Thea.

After Thea changed into lighter clothes, better suited to travel by horse, she helped Orpheu to put his full plate. “Thunderlight has already been donned for war. Now, let us go, we cannot lose more time”, said Orpheu, motioning for them to leave the tent. As they did, they noticed that the men were all silent, their backs turned, looking at the sky.

Crows flew through darkened skies, and there was an eerie feeling throughout the Haguns campsite. Thea held his armored arm. “What is that?”, she whispered.

“Something… I have never seen before, only read about in books. Magic, evil arcane arts… it must be Shadowdale, if the tales are true. To delve into the darkness like this… Now, more than ever, I want you to go. And do not stop until you reach a safe town in Bisciye!”, he said, rushing Thea to his horse and giving the signal for her and the escorts to go away. As she galloped far away, she turned back to look at him one more time.

Orpheu stood still for a long while as he saw them crossing the camp and deep into the woodlands, towards the east. He said a little prayer, so she would remain safe.