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''Location: Golden Farrow, estate of Stronghold Precint''
''Location: Golden Farrow, estate of Stronghold Precint''

She reminisced about everything that led her up to this moment and sighed. “No rest for the wicked, it seems.”
She reminisced about everything that led her up to this moment and sighed. “No rest for the wicked, it seems.”

Revision as of 15:12, 16 April 2021


Location: Golden Farrow, estate of Stronghold Precint

Shortly after being officially recognized as a knight by the royal duke of Tol Goldora, Furiae had little time left to enjoy the perks of her new estate. The Haguns girl had been travelling through many distant realms for months now, living from port to harbor aboard the Perdanese Free Company vessel, the Roar, as they travelled as far away as they could from the lion’s claws. She had wanted some rest now that there was a modicum of normality back in her life. Indulge herself at Stronghold Precint, maybe take a walk to the markets and simply familiarize herself with her new home in Golden Farrow.

However, she had been immediately assigned to serve in the Golden Host as orders came to prepare for a long march to Mozyr.

Without a proper retinue to follow in battle, the Free Company would escort her.

From the balcony of her quarters, the girl watched the soldiers prepare themselves: some sharpened their short swords, others polished their helmets. Some tried their longbows, making sure the curved limb was strong enough to endure the string push. And memories came flooding as she thought about everything that had happened since the day she went in search of her destiny.

Back then, when the mercenaries entered into her service, Furiae harbored initial mistrusts, though they lessened as the months passed. All by herself amongst veteran soldiers… however, there had been no alternative when she prepared to leave Pelasgia. Either travel alone, or pay for an escort. Running away from the wedding she did not want, the Haguns girl had hired them under the pretext that she would start her career in a foreign court as a knight with the full support of her family, and knowing that Pelasgia was the estate of the Haguns family, the mercenary captain trusted her word. Besides, the payment she offered was well welcome for the unemployed soldiers. Escort a girl and earn for it, easy.

The Free Company had been formed by former soldiers from Perdan and Perleone, though there was animosity amongst them. “A Lion is still a Lion”, they would often say. They were men and women who knew to wield the longbow and a disciplined force that had its core values of loyalty and duty. But they only knew how to fight, and without a lord to serve, sold their swords to earn a living. Landless and alone in the world, they found in each other companionship, Furiae had noticed.

Only once there had been an incident, as three soldiers had tried to have their way with their young master while the ship resupplied in Port Raviel, only to find death at the sticky end of swords, both hers and of their companions. The girl was fierce and despite her innocent appearance, knew how to defend herself while the remaining soldiers came to her aid after a cry for help.

Magnus, the old mercenary captain, had served under Haguns banners in the past and was honorable to a fault, but patronizing. Much older than Furiae, he saw the young girl as impatient, proud and brash, but eager to learn as much as she could and adventurous. She had the same physical traits of the Haguns: raven hair and blue eyes, but her personality was entirely different – wild, untamed, yet gentle. The girl would often be seen on the Roar’s deck, asking questions about seafaring, battle stories, commanders, Kings and Queens, and he would treat her with his tales and experience. Without anyone of noble station to talk to, she only had the company to entertain herself.

Sometimes, Furiae would spar with other soldiers to test her swordsmanship and often lose due to her weaker body, others she would join them as they sang merry songs, and through these small actions, their camaraderie grew, despite the enormous gap in life that separated the noblewoman from the commoners. None could deny her skills with the bow, her aim was certain. Slowly, the mutual distrust that existed between the lady and the mercenaries disappeared and the seed of respect started to grow.


Location: Golden Farrow, estate of Stronghold Precint

She reminisced about everything that led her up to this moment and sighed. “No rest for the wicked, it seems.”

From her balcony, she coughed and the captain whistled. All soldiers stopped what they were doing and turned towards the Haguns girl. From her balcony, gathering the Perdanese Free Company at Stronghold’s courtyard, the new knight read the Golden Host standing orders to the men, who remained quiet as usual and stood in formation. Disciplined as they were, Furiae knew she might have to part ways with them eventually – they were mercenaries, and the young Haguns girl needed a loyal retinue who would serve her. But they could always choose to pledge loyalty to her, and Furiae had slowly been working on this…

“Our mission is clear. Monsters were spotted approaching the border, more specifically a place called Mozyr. We are to meet with the Golden Host there, and support the army against this incursion. Be brave, be bold, and above all, make sure your arrows fall on them like a thunderstorm!”

As the soldiers finished their preparations for the march ahead, she descended from the seond floor and made her way towards the leader of the free company. “Captain Magnus, I had asked you, prior to my knighthood ceremony, to spread the word that I am recruiting soldiers. Tell me, how many have shown interest in joining my ranks? As you know, I would welcome the Free Company into my service as my personal retinue, if you would leave the life of a mercenary in the past and offer me your allegiance.” “Few so far, m’lady. It has been few hours since I sent boys to announce it. I’d ask your patience, soldiers don’t fall from the skies, nor are grown from trees”, replied the mercenary leader, matter of factly. “And as m’lady knows, the soldiers will hold a vote to decide if we should stay under your service, as a retinue.”

Insolent fool, you dare speak to me like this? After I offer you employment?, thought Furiae, frowning her face in visible disgust, but holding her tongue. After all, she was still dependent on their services. “Captain, do you take me for a child? Mind you, I may be young, but I am not as inexperienced as you think I am. I know professional soldiers are not easy to come by”, she replied icily, but visibly upset. The captain remained stoically in place, and did not move a muscle. He had seen many lordlings having their fits, but as long as they paid what was due, he did not care about their words. And despite Furiae’s small tantrum, he knew she had her heart in a good place. “I am grateful for your service and loyalty, Magnus. But mind your words as you address me!”

Mounting on Swifstar, she rode it slowly towards the archers. Her voice was firm and echoed through the courtyard. “As you all know, this land will be my home now. According to what your captain said, you will hold a vote to decide on what should the Free Company do. I offered you the possibility to serve as my retinue and start a new life in these lands. But some of you may want to sail to the South Islands or maybe even return to your former countries. That is understandable. And you are free to choose. However, should any of you want to join my retinue, you will be welcomed and well paid! Think about this opportunity! A new homeland!”

The soldiers remained quiet, as they used to. They would not choose a side now, as they wanted to see how Furiae would behave as a commander at Mozyr before deciding on the future of the Free Company.

Hours later, wearing breastplate, graves and cuisses, Furiae led the Free Company through the gates of Tol Goldora. Her armor was light, mostly padded leather, and she carried a longbow and quiver full of arrows. The Perdanese Free Company had mismatching armor, some bearing the Perdan Lion, others the Perleone sigil. All carried short swords, longbows and quiver, just as their Dame. The calm before the storm. They had seen battle before, but what would they find in these strange lands of Dwilight?