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The Itorunt Informer
Price: Free! Written by the Exiled Family and Aurum Bishamon. Bringing you the best of the press from Itorunt! April Edition

Special issue, information supplied by Robert, Count of Zamor

Here at the Itorunt Informer we have had the good fortune to gain access to an archive of the history of Avamar and the guild called the "Black Hand", and have permission to reproduce it to supply the information to the rest of the Continent. Aren't we nice? The following Chronicle will explain the events of the current revolution that was just won by El Cid, leader of the rebel forces and now tyrant of Kalmar.

The history of the Black Hand, to shed light on the Revolution in Kalmar

The Black Hand was a guild that formed in Avamar. They were known for the vilest and sneakiest methods of achieving their goals of taking over the whole world. They infiltrated Avamar and ruled it.

OOC: They had many characters in different kingdoms and cheated often by spying and sharing knowledge.

The Black Hand would send a few nobles to another realm to get established. At that point they would forment a rebellion in the target nation and attempt to take control from within. It was much easier to send in 8 nobles and take complete control of a nation by surprise from within then to defeat them in battle. Once a nation was captured, they would ally themselves with Avamar. The Black Hand created the Avamar Empire, which included a few slave kingdoms that they had conquered from within. At this point Avamar was despised by everyone not under their thumb. The corruption and abuse of power by the Black Hand seemed to taint more nobles, though, and many people ended up using their methods. Most of this happened up north, especially in the centre of East Continent.

OOC: Tom banned the guild as it was causing too much trouble in the game. Some players were banned. It created a huge mess. From what I gather it was a real nightmare to deal with. Many Black Hand players were still around though. It seemed that all cheaters liked that realm and many were in the game. Even though Tom tried to purge the bad players, there were just too many of them that were bad, but hard to find.

Black Hand Part II

The current Northern Alliance that fights Oligarch were the ones who opposed Avamar. Together they were able to defeat the evil nation. The final battles took place a few months ago (OOC: around Xmas and New Years). On the day that Avamar was finally destroyed the Gods acted. There had been vague rumours for a week or so about monsters, volcanoes, and chaos cults. For a few days, though, the entire East Continent was covered in dark clouds of dust. No one ventured out doors and everything was halted. (OOC: You could log in, but couldn't do anything, including communicate with others for a bit. It was crazy)

When the dust settled, much hand changed. Not only had regional production dropped and many peasants died, but the very continent itself had changed! The current lake between Ibladesh and us was not always a lake. It used to be part of the ocean! Nimraw used to be the tip of a peninsula that stuck out into the ocean. You had to take boat travel to reach Ibladesh and it was incredibly slow. The very ground had moved and changed! Zamor used to be under water, but had risen up out of the sea by the gods.

The Kalmar Islands didn't exist, either. The whole island chain appeared after the dust clouds. They aren't involved in anything currently as production in their entire kingdom is very low, as is their population. They were planning on spending a few months just trying to get productive before they picked sides in anything.

Dayr z' Zawr used to be one province, but religious differences between those people caused the lands to split and now we have two different territories.

I'm sure there are many more changes to East Continent, but I was witness to only that which was in front of me or obvious. I believe that there were more changes that I have not described here. Besides many monster attacks, Itorunt gained a few territories and a land bridge to Ibladesh that wasn't there before. I believe that the gods thanked us for having nothing to do with Avamar or the Black Hand. I was the first noble into Zamor and Lucian pressed for me to be risen to Lord to rule over our new territory.

The Effects of Avamar and the Black Hand

With Avamar thrown down and the very gods changing the face of East Continent, one would think that the past was behind us and the corruption of the Black Hand would be over. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Many of the vile nobles of Avamar fled to Oligarch and continued their fight against the Northern Alliance. Many thought that the fight would be short lived since Oligarch could not hold off against so many aggressors. Rumours from Yssaria have informed us that many members of the banned Black Hand found was to continue their struggles. With family members in other nations on other Continents sending money to their relatives in Oligarch, that nation has been able to fund large forces to face off against the Northern Alliance. Much wealth has poured in from other lands. Nobles in other countries hold no allegiance to their kingdoms, yet take their tax money and trade their food to pay for the Black Hand and Oligarch.

Yet hope is not lost. The machinations of the Black Hand still could not prevent the combined forces of the Northern Alliance from advancing. Oligarch forces have been pushed back and are being scattered. Slowly they are being defeated and Oligarch is shrinking. It has been believed that with the death of Oligarch we would see the final death of Avamar and the Black Hand.

Recent developments in Kalmar Islands show that there are those that want to keep Avamar alive by using the old methods of the Black Hand. Most people by now completely associate Avamar with the Black Hand and despise any mention of the two. To have Kalmar Islands become the new home to the remnants of Avamar would be a problem for all. If this were the case, then the Kalmar Islands would need to be purged, as well. All nations would need to be wary of Black Hand members who would want to forment rebellion in their nation and usurp the rightful power to the forces of evil.