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"Here to represent Clermont, Lord Tsingu Orobar, Grand Custodian of the Grand Court, Keeper of The Armour Key Tablet."
"Here to represent Clermont, Lord Tsingu Orobar, Grand Custodian of the Grand Court, Keeper of The Armour Key Tablet."
|Sender=Ulric Hawk, Viscount of Az Zarqua.
'''The Court – Introductions'''
Ulric held the stone tablet he had been sent from the Duke and Imperator. It was a stone tablet with the sigil of a spear on it. The only hint of what it meant was a note that went along with it that said The Court Protects
He had thought about what it meant, and during his time south fighting in the Yssrgard war he would think to the tablet and the mysterious message that the Duke had sent him. Now he was here, in the Great Libary of Aix with his stone tablet in hand. Ulric had placed his stone sigil in the cavity within one of the walls, as instructed, and watched in amazement as the wall parted, and revealed steps leading beneath the library. Ulric watched as Lucius and Lorelai walked down the stairs, and placed their sigils in two more spots, which opened up the door. Ulric took a moment, and followed the group into the great room.
It was a large room, and Ulric saw that each section was made up of each region in the duchy.
“I welcome you to our Grand Court. All in attendance please say your name and the region you represent”
Ulric found his seat easily in the Az Zarqua section. He smiled, it felt like home sitting in the seat for his region. He looked among the Lords of the Duchy, each one a valiant supporter of Perdan. He looked last at Christopher, Lord of Beziers. Ulric gave a nod to his former Steward, one of the men he trusted most in the realm, if not the world.
When it was his turn, Ulric cleared his throat and spoke, "I am Ulric Hawk, Lord of Az Zarqua."
|Sender=Christopher Stewart, Viscount of Beziers.
'''The Court - Introductions'''
Christopher entered the hall and looked about him. Sections of the great room were divided into the regions that served the duchy and he made his way to the Beziers section. Just as he took his seat, Marshal Hawk entered the room. With a nod from the Marshal, Christopher smiled and nodded in return. The Marshal not only commanded Christopher and his men, but was his mentor, educator and most of all, friend.
Though recent actions were not of his liking, Christopher felt that the Grand Court was one of the few good things in his life at the moment. With the announcement made, Christopher stood and said "I am Christopher Stewart, Lord of Beziers" and took his seat with pride in his heart. He felt welcomed by the Duke and his Steward.


Revision as of 15:32, 17 February 2021

The Grand Court of Aix

Roleplay from Lucius Poe, Duke of the Grand Court & Margrave of Aix
The Court – Introductions

Lucius stood before the assembled Lords, knights and designated equerries.

“My dear friends, today the Grand Court of Aix opens its doors for the first time as we gather and discuss the past, the present and the future of our duchy” began the Duke.

Lucius had instructed the Lords of the Court to place their gifted stone sigil in the cavity within one of the walls in the Great Library of Aix. Upon doing so the wall parted revealing a set of stone steps leading beneath the library. At the bottom of the stairs stood a great awe-inspiring iron door with two more spaces that fit a sigil.

Lucius and Lorelai descended the stairs together hand in hand, each clutching a sigil. Lucius held one bearing the mask of a Harlequin and Lorelai the mask of the Merry Widow. As they placed them within the door it began to slowly open as the mechanism came to life.

The room was lit by a number of sconces, the many secret passages for the court well used to ensure the room was perfect for the very first session.

Large and Circular, the room was split into sections based on the regions that fell under the duchy. Each of the sections had a head seat to sit the Lord of the region and the knights a place behind them.

Aix itself echoed this set up and Lorelai as acting steward sat at the head chair with the Duke sat facing all the Lords and Knights of the Court.

Permission was granted for each of the regional Lords to decorate their section with items that are culturally significant to them so that they can be proud of the region they belong to. Banners and tapestry hung from the walls depicting all the Lords and knights heraldry.

“I welcome you to our Grand Court. All in attendance please say your name and the region you represent” asked the Duke as everyone takes their seat.
Lucius Poe, Duke of the Grand Court & Margrave of Aix

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain, Steward of Aix
The Court - Introductions

As Steward she had cared for the city now on several occasions, when Lucius was absent or simply indisposed. The people had come to regard her figuratively at least as the Lady of the City, though in truth her purview stretched no further than the humours of her Lord and the borders of Cúirt na Baintrí.

Taking her place alongside the Lords of the Court she felt rather exposed as the only woman and by far the least of those assembled. Where she did benefit though, was she had been here before.

Ironically, because they were gentlemen, they all stood, waiting fir her to sit, only taking their places as she did. Lucius nodded his approval at their etiquette and gave her an encouraging smile.

As they settled, she took to her feet again.

"My Lords, I have been fortunate enough to share the fields of battle with each of you," her eyes shot to Lord Bisciye, who hse favoured with her warmest smile, "or been afforded a welcome and a dance floor when none was expected."

"I am Lorelai Genevive Catherine de Wolf Chamberlain, Dame and Steward of the fair City of Aix, Princess of two fallen Kindoms heiress of the Ora'n Diadem and keeper of the coin of fate." Lucius positively beamed at her. "As with all things I have the honour to stand beside my Leige, His Grace, the Prince of Perfection, the Duke of the Grand Court and Margrave of Aix. I stand for Aix. A city known for its artistic and scholarly pursuits."

She turned her attentions fully to Lucius, dipping in a deep curtsey. "In recognition of these things, I have had these commissioned for you and the court my Leige," she placed a box on the table, opening it to reveal a book and a second smaller box. "The book is a history of the ice fall and the war of the Eponite relocation, the Ice wars." She turned her attention to the small box. "And I had this commissioned by the artisans."

Turning the key, she opened the box, watching as the North Tower of Castle Nylucia rendered in gold royated as it came into view accompanied by the gentles strains of The Golden City, played in the twinkling tinniness of the music box.
Lorelai Chamberlain, Steward of Aix

Roleplay from Tsingu Orobar, Grand Custodian of the Grand Court and Earl of Clermont.
The Court – Introductions

This was like a childhood dream. Personalized stone tablets as keys, secret doors, mysterious stairwells and a fabulous meeting room. Tsingu felt like a kid again, playing with his brothers, protagonist in a heroical adventure.

The excitement he felt wasn't visible on his face. He kept his distance from the others as they made their way down, a cold silent figure as if a shadow decided to join the members of the Grand Court. Tsingu didn't know most of the attendees, only met a few in person, so he decided to stay reserved. So was his nature anyway, it would allow him to wait and see.

Once inside the room, Tsingu quickly recognized the seat reserved for Clermont. There was a small pedestal, upon which a bouquet of the Clermont striped dewflower rested next to a sheaf of wheat. Symbols of the beauty and abundance of his lands. He sat down and listened to Lucius' welcoming words.

The Duke of the Grand Court finished his speech with the request to announce themselves. Tsingu looked around, none of the others gave the impression they'd be taking the word. Well, why not go first then. It would give him time to organize his thoughts about the plans he wanted to suggest during this meeting, and to carefully study the others here. Tsingu took a step forward, bowed politely towards the Duke first, then to the others.

"Here to represent Clermont, Lord Tsingu Orobar, Grand Custodian of the Grand Court, Keeper of The Armour Key Tablet."
Tsingu Orobar, Grand Custodian of the Grand Court and Earl of Clermont.

Roleplay from Ulric Hawk, Viscount of Az Zarqua.
The Court – Introductions

Ulric held the stone tablet he had been sent from the Duke and Imperator. It was a stone tablet with the sigil of a spear on it. The only hint of what it meant was a note that went along with it that said The Court Protects

He had thought about what it meant, and during his time south fighting in the Yssrgard war he would think to the tablet and the mysterious message that the Duke had sent him. Now he was here, in the Great Libary of Aix with his stone tablet in hand. Ulric had placed his stone sigil in the cavity within one of the walls, as instructed, and watched in amazement as the wall parted, and revealed steps leading beneath the library. Ulric watched as Lucius and Lorelai walked down the stairs, and placed their sigils in two more spots, which opened up the door. Ulric took a moment, and followed the group into the great room.

It was a large room, and Ulric saw that each section was made up of each region in the duchy.

“I welcome you to our Grand Court. All in attendance please say your name and the region you represent”

Ulric found his seat easily in the Az Zarqua section. He smiled, it felt like home sitting in the seat for his region. He looked among the Lords of the Duchy, each one a valiant supporter of Perdan. He looked last at Christopher, Lord of Beziers. Ulric gave a nod to his former Steward, one of the men he trusted most in the realm, if not the world.

When it was his turn, Ulric cleared his throat and spoke, "I am Ulric Hawk, Lord of Az Zarqua."
Ulric Hawk, Viscount of Az Zarqua.

Roleplay from Christopher Stewart, Viscount of Beziers.
The Court - Introductions

Christopher entered the hall and looked about him. Sections of the great room were divided into the regions that served the duchy and he made his way to the Beziers section. Just as he took his seat, Marshal Hawk entered the room. With a nod from the Marshal, Christopher smiled and nodded in return. The Marshal not only commanded Christopher and his men, but was his mentor, educator and most of all, friend.

Though recent actions were not of his liking, Christopher felt that the Grand Court was one of the few good things in his life at the moment. With the announcement made, Christopher stood and said "I am Christopher Stewart, Lord of Beziers" and took his seat with pride in his heart. He felt welcomed by the Duke and his Steward.
Christopher Stewart, Viscount of Beziers.