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The Queen let out a joyful chuckle as she regarded the blushing boy, easing herself onto the feather bed as she did, “Oh mon sweet darleng Erik, even if such a articl wairé trué ai wouldn’t let eet deny zé desiyairé een mon h'airt. Comé now ét embrace me as a lovair.”
The Queen let out a joyful chuckle as she regarded the blushing boy, easing herself onto the feather bed as she did, “Oh mon sweet darleng Erik, even if such a articl wairé trué ai wouldn’t let eet deny zé desiyairé een mon h'airt. Comé now ét embrace me as a lovair.”
|Sender=Amélie Tempest
Amélie awakened to a pale sunrise as its light slowly filled the Queen’s royal chambers. Erik was still sound asleep next to his Queen as she sat herself up on the bed pausing for a moment to gaze upon his innocent face.
The Queen reached down to rub her hand through his messy hazel locks still askew from the tender lovemaking of the night before while whispering to the sleeping boy, “Oh mon sweet darléng Erik, zo ai suppose zis eez what love eez. Eet 'asn't evén been a dai but ai would burn ze whole world down if anytheng 'appenéd to you mon coeur”
Continuing to stoke Erik’s hair Amelie thought to herself, what a beautiful first time with an adorable man. I wonder if this was Erik’s first shared moment of passion as well. Slight feelings of jealousy entered Amélie’s heart however she quickly dismissed such animosity for it did not matter if Erik had previous lust filled encounters. As long as he loved Amélie as she loved him now nothing else mattered to the Queen of Portion.
Sunlight now completely filled the royal chambers as the light and Amélie’s gentle massage slowly woke the young Viscount.
Queen Amélie’s eyes met Erik’s as he slowly opened his own with a yawn, “Good mairneng mon chéri, mon coeur. Did you sleep well?”
|Sender=Erik Kingsley
Queen Amélie’s eyes met Erik’s as he slowly opened his own with a yawn, “Good mairneng mon chéri, mon coeur. Did you sleep well?”
Erik stretched and yawned.  "Um... yeah I did sleep well.  This is a pretty comfortable bed.  Which I guess makes sense seeing as you are the queen and stuff, so it's probably the most comfortable bed in the kingdom.  The one I have in Lavraz is nice bu-"  He was interrupted with her lips over his, which startled him, something he was certainly not used to.
"Oh um."  he muttered as she smiled at him and laid back down to curl up with him again.  She's very warm He found himself thinking as she pressed into him.  And her breasts are very soft.  "You're very warm.  And your breasts are very soft."  She giggled at that, which Erik imagined to be a good sign.  The Queen hmmed contentedly into his shoulder as she settled in.  In the morning light he could certainly tell she looked very different.  Her brush with death had left her pale, her eyes somewhat tired, her body slightly leaner, and he could the grisly scars that she was left with.  He winced at the sight, but Amélie could not see as she seemed to be far too busy nuzzling him.  Suddenly he felt bad.  The Queen had suffered as she tried to negotiate his release and lead the armies against the ravagers of the North, while he was off chasing some fool mission he didn't even succeed.  She was the real thing, a true woman and true queen.  He was just Erik, and what good was that?  I need to be a better man, and a better... um..
"Are we courting?"  He blurted out.  The Queen looked up at him with her head to the side.  "I mean," he began stuttering  "we made love and we call each other darling and 'mon care' and I feel like you really like me, on account of the making love, and I definitely really think you're wonderful and love you so I think that counts as courting but I felt like it was probably best to sort of get that set in stone in case maybe one of us wasn't sure exactly what the other one was feeling about the exact meaning of the lovemaking that you and I did together last night and also hopefully more later if that was something you were inclined to be interested in, assuming you aren't busy with stuff for being queen and also were okay with being courted by um... me."
He scratched his hair awkwardly and winced.  You really talk a lot, Erik.
|Sender=Amélie Tempest
"Are we courting?"  Erik blurted out.
Queen Amélie listened as the young Lord prattled on in his typical adorable fashion before he ended his er speech,
"Assuming you aren't busy with stuff for being queen were okay with being courted by um... me?
"Mon chéri, Of curse i am ok wiv beeng curtéd by your adairabuhl self. If ai wasn't ai nevair would 'ave invitéd you to mon bed now would ai." Queen Tempest would reply with a chuckle as she made her way off the bed grabbing a fresh nightgown to wear, a nightgown that was much less revealing than the one she wore night before.
"Shareng last night wiv you was quite possiblee ze bést night of mon life zo far mon coeur and ai wouldn't tradé you fair anythéng een zis whirld. Howevair mon chéri you need to find yur confidence now, you aré wiv a Queen aftair all." Amélie would return to the bedside to give Erik a tender kiss on the cheek before continuing,
"Mon amour, Ai must leave you now fair awhile. Ai 'ave zum wairk to tend to within le palace but you mai stai hairé een mon chambairs as long as you would like. You probablee 'ave zum of yur own wairk to ténd to as wéll maibé? If you 'ave to travel don't be awai fair long. Mon béd will grow cold without you mon chéri."
As if almost on queue Queen Amélie's handmaiden Emma would knock on the door, "My Queen many letters have arrived for you, shall I bring them here?"
Amélie would open the door a crack, look back at her love blowing him a kiss before leaving the room.

Latest revision as of 12:22, 16 September 2020


Roleplay from Amélie Tempest
Amélie finally arrived in Portion after the long rough ride. The company of Sir Elias was pleasant enough but despite it being days later her wound still had not properly healed. Queen Tempest thought to herself as she entered the main gates to the capital, Whaire eez mon estate even now. Come to think of eet zis eez mon first trip to ze captial sincé beeng proclaimed Queen twice!

Somewhat perplexed Queen Amélie would instructor her entourage to bring her to the Royal Palace as she couldn't think of anywhere else to call home now that she was no longer permitted to hold the land of Frundi. When the palace came into view it was a sight to behold, Amélie had never seen such an extravagant building this closely before. Guards and servants made their way to assist the young Queen before she even approached the stairs. No doubt many had heard of her harrowing tale on some terrible hills far from the capital.

Queen Tempest would only take a short pause in the throne room to see the grand chambers before asking to be directed to her new chambers. Hand maidens helped the wounded lady down the many halls and up staircases finally arriving at the royal quarters of the palace. Opening the doors revealed a room that was surly too extravagant for a single woman but Amélie wasn't about to complain about that now.

Amélie would amble towards the massive feather bed and fall upon it letting the feeling of comfort completely envelope her before speaking to a hand maiden, "Can you write? Sairry zat was rudé of me what eez yur namé?" "Emma your majesty and of course I shall fetch a quill immediately." the hand maiden replied and fetched implements to write a letter.

"Excellent Emma, tak zis down and ensuré eet eez sent to ze nobles of ze realm." The Queen of Portion replies before dictating a letter, Portioneers

Ai 'ave finally made eet safely to la capital and et looking fair zum rest een le palacé. Zéré are zo many of you ai 'avé not evén met propairly zo ai went to invite all to come visit ze royal palacé ét meet yur new queen if you zo désiyaire. You'll 'avé to bé patient wiv me because well ai am still ovaircoméng mon injury but you all desairve at least zum of what time ai can sparé.

In Service

Amélie concludes simply with "and titles" before sleep finally catches up with her.
Amélie Tempest

Erik Kingsley

Roleplay from Erik Kingsley
Erik shrunk as the guard gave him an strange look and a shake of the head. The climb up the stairs had been long and Erik was a bit out of breath. "Sorry..." He panted. "The Lavrazi don't believe in stairs. They believe men aren't meant to live above the ground. Frankly I get it I think."

The queensman just squinted, but said nothing as the tall, somewhat lanky priest caught his breath. "So can I come in? The queen said she wanted to see me." He reported, still a little wheezy. "I have this letter," Erik said producing the queen's latest open invitation to the guard. "And this one." He continued, pulling out a private letter the queen had written him a few days prior, noting her desire to see him in Portion for some specific discussion. "And this one." He finished pulling out a third and final letter from his time in prison in which Amélie had noted she hoped to see him soon. He fumbled them out of his pockets and dropped the pages, scattering them around the floor. He scrambled to pick them up and mumbled some apology to himself before presenting them out of order to the guardsman who just glanced at them and back up at the hapless priest who smiled meekly in return.

Finally the queensman just shrugged and stepped inside to inform Her Majesty of the priest's arrival.
Erik Kingsley

Roleplay from Amélie Tempest
Queen Amélie was still resting when the hand maiden Emma gently woke the Queen not knowing if it was proper but because she knew the contents of the earlier letter thought it was pertinent to do so. Amélie slowly opened her eyes as Emma spoke softly to her, "My Queen there is a Count Erik here to see you, shall I tell him now is not a good time?"

The wounded lady nearly jumped from the bed before exclaiming, "Non, non don't turn 'im awai! Merde!" Amélie held her wound, the quick movement causing her some pain. "Tell mon darléng Erik zat he may come visit me een mon chambairs as le stairs don't agree wiv me right now. Pleasé go fetch 'im Emma." While the hand maiden went to fetch the young priest Amélie did what she could to make herself more presentable but gave it up as a futile effort. Any amount of movement was still quite tiring for her so she opted to sit on the veranda and take in the morning sun while she waited.

Emma returned shortly with Count Erik in tow and brought him to the veranda where the Queen was waiting. "The priest Erik as you requested your majesty" Emma announced then retreated back within the chambers behind.

Amélie sat there enjoying Erik's face for a moment. The boy she came to care for deeply still had the same innocent face as he always did although it show some signs of fatigue. It's likely the prison trip to Outer Tilog didn't suit him well or perhaps it was concern for Lady Tempest herself.

The view for Erik was certainly not as familiar for the appearance he would have recognized was almost entirely gone. Amélie sat before him looking like a different lady, her face still looked that of a young woman but her eyes and hair was that of someone who had felt the fatigue of time. Through the Queen's sheer nightgown Erik would be able to see her abdomen still tightly bandaged among other things.

Queen Amélie broke the silence first, "Mon Cheri, Eet eez zo good to finally see you again ai 'ave misséd you darling. Tell mé 'ow has life been treating my young prest. Ai 'ope yur meeteng wiv Outer Tilog wasn't an unfairtunaté as mine."

Amélie would motion for Erik to have a seat before continuing, "Ai must confide een you mon darling. While ai lay on mon death bed ai 'ad a vision. Non 'ow do you sai eet a dream? Non non non, a meeteng wiv destiny. Régardlez la highfathair 'as fairsakén me when he léft me to die twice and ai am now lost. Ai do not know 'ow to move fairward for myself let alone fair an éntiyaire realm."

The wounded Queen grasps both of Erik's hands within her own, "Please 'elp me"
Amélie Tempest

Roleplay from Erik Kingsley
Erik tried carefully to keep his eyes away from the Queen's sheer nightgown, her grievous wound beneath wrapped tightly in bandages. He gulped as all of a sudden he fully appreciated the scene he now found himself in; the queen's bedroom, in her nightclothes. Suddenly the room got very hot and he felt his face flushing. He started to stammer out an excuse when Amélie motioned for him to sit down:

"Mon Cheri, Eet eez zo good to finally see you again ai 'ave misséd you darling. Tell mé 'ow has life been treating my young prest. Ai 'ope yur meeteng wiv Outer Tilog wasn't an unfairtunaté as mine." "Oh um... No, just scary." He glanced down at her body and the bandaged wound that graced her before quickly turning his head away and wringing his hands awkwardly. There was a brief silence as sat down next to him. "Ai must confide een you mon darling. While ai lay on mon death bed ai 'ad a vision. Non 'ow do you sai eet a dream? Non non non, a meeteng wiv destiny. Régardlez la highfathair 'as fairsakén me when he léft me to die twice and ai am now lost. Ai do not know 'ow to move fairward for myself let alone fair an éntiyaire realm." This shocked Erik and his face reflected as such as he recoiled slightly from this surprise. She's always been the most devout... She must have noticed his surprise as she reached over and took Erik's hands in hers. His hands wrapped around hers gently as she looked up at him earnestly. "Please 'elp me" Erik gulped. She's the queen, why would she want my help? She looked at him expectantly. Erik sputtered.

She tilted her head with some concern as Erik mumbled something about scripture. "Erik?"

"Ah... Amélie... I... don't know if I can..." He held onto her hands and frowned. "I... I'm not a good priest. I'm not even really a priest. At least I don't think. I was just sort of there and they said I was a priest so I just kind of... went with it. I don't know that much about the Highfather or the Order. I can't even get through most of the Old Texts. I'm not sure if I even believe all the stuff in that book. Some of it..." He paused with a nervous laugh "is pretty wild. There's a part where one of the First Knights chops off like 10 guys heads at once. Prophecies about Magical Kings in the mountains."

The Queen looked at him skeptically. She was close, but her eyes felt somewhat distant. Losing her, dummy. "I just... I don't know what I believe about all that. But I know I believe in you. You're the strongest person I know Amélie. Err... Queen Amélie. And... I know the Highfather is supposed to protect us and stuff. But... He didn't protect me when I got captured by Outer Tilog. But you know who did? The Queen of Portion sent a letter to the Chair...thing or whatever they call him to help secure my release. Who came to the Lavrazi's aid when monsters showed up? It wasn't the church. It was you and the other lords of Wetham."

He laughed nervously again. "Look... I don't know the answers.... but I trust you to lead us. I think you'll be a great queen. You are brave and strong without the blessing of a god. And if he forsook you... well. Then it's his loss" He finished giving her a meek smile as he tapped his foot nervously.

Don't look at her nightgown.
Erik Kingsley

Roleplay from Amélie Tempest
Amélie listened to Erik as he awkwardly navigated the situation and conversation they were sharing as the poor boy was clearly flustered by the appearance of his Queen. As he rambled on in classic Erik style it warmed the Queen’s heart as she did find it simply adorable watching the innocent boy navigate difficult social situations. He couldn't know it but after her own traumatic experience which saw the loss of her faith and part of herself in the process Amélie found it soothing just listening to Erik’s voice.

You're the strongest person I know Amélie. Look... I don't know the answers.... but I trust you to lead us. I think you'll be a great queen.

The Queen of Portion felt her face become flush but was not aware if such a thing as blushing would be noticeable given her current state.

“Oh mon sweet Erik, you mai 'avé a difficult timé findeng le right wairds but you cairtainly know 'ow to flattair a lady.” Amélie whispered softly gripping the young priest’s hands even tighter.

“Howevair mon darleng ai don’t need a preest, ai need a partnair. Zumoné to 'elp mend mon damaged soul et aid mé wiv zis burden fair eet eez too 'eavy fair me to bair alone.”

Still grasping Erik’s hands firmly within her own Amélie prised Erik and herself towards banister of the veranda overlooking the royal courtyard below,

“You are zo precious to me Erik and while you might not reahlize eet yet ai owé you mon h'airt.”

Amélie embraced the young man tightly and leaned in for a tender gentle kiss, she was unsure of herself, she had never loved someone before. While her own true feelings were still a mystery the Queen was resolved to move forward and find out together as she shared Erik’s warmth against her cool delicate skin. She might have often called him a boy but at this moment they were both innocent.

Parting from their tender embrace Amélie made her way within her Royal Chambers turning to face Erik within the archway, “Will you join me, mon darleng?"

Erik followed nervously as his Queen slowly walked backwards toward a most regal bed while letting her nightgown slip off her shoulders onto the floor. Her pale body from her weary face, to tender breast down to sylphlike legs was devoid of any color.

Amélie felt a little self conscious so exposed before another. She was aware of her beauty before the incident but feared such an ideal might not be true after her brush with death. She gently touched her bandages thinking how much has changed over something others might think insignificant.

Erik would break the silence, “You Dropped your nightgown.”

Realizing what a foolish statement that was, he quickly blurted “Im... supposed to do that too aren't I? The priest robes don't really slide off like that hold on-"

He took the Valentic Robe he had been given by the Temple Priests, pulling it over his head and briefly getting tangled in it. Finally he got it off and began fumbling with his belt, his face flushed.

"Sorry. Trying to be quick I'm not sure of the standard procedure for this sort of th-". Erik stopped suddenly, looking with concern as he tried to undo his belt. "This isn't illegal is it. Since you're the queen?"

The Queen let out a joyful chuckle as she regarded the blushing boy, easing herself onto the feather bed as she did, “Oh mon sweet darleng Erik, even if such a articl wairé trué ai wouldn’t let eet deny zé desiyairé een mon h'airt. Comé now ét embrace me as a lovair.”
Amélie Tempest

Roleplay from Amélie Tempest
Amélie awakened to a pale sunrise as its light slowly filled the Queen’s royal chambers. Erik was still sound asleep next to his Queen as she sat herself up on the bed pausing for a moment to gaze upon his innocent face.

The Queen reached down to rub her hand through his messy hazel locks still askew from the tender lovemaking of the night before while whispering to the sleeping boy, “Oh mon sweet darléng Erik, zo ai suppose zis eez what love eez. Eet 'asn't evén been a dai but ai would burn ze whole world down if anytheng 'appenéd to you mon coeur”

Continuing to stoke Erik’s hair Amelie thought to herself, what a beautiful first time with an adorable man. I wonder if this was Erik’s first shared moment of passion as well. Slight feelings of jealousy entered Amélie’s heart however she quickly dismissed such animosity for it did not matter if Erik had previous lust filled encounters. As long as he loved Amélie as she loved him now nothing else mattered to the Queen of Portion.

Sunlight now completely filled the royal chambers as the light and Amélie’s gentle massage slowly woke the young Viscount.

Queen Amélie’s eyes met Erik’s as he slowly opened his own with a yawn, “Good mairneng mon chéri, mon coeur. Did you sleep well?”
Amélie Tempest

Roleplay from Erik Kingsley
Queen Amélie’s eyes met Erik’s as he slowly opened his own with a yawn, “Good mairneng mon chéri, mon coeur. Did you sleep well?”

Erik stretched and yawned. "Um... yeah I did sleep well. This is a pretty comfortable bed. Which I guess makes sense seeing as you are the queen and stuff, so it's probably the most comfortable bed in the kingdom. The one I have in Lavraz is nice bu-" He was interrupted with her lips over his, which startled him, something he was certainly not used to.

"Oh um." he muttered as she smiled at him and laid back down to curl up with him again. She's very warm He found himself thinking as she pressed into him. And her breasts are very soft. "You're very warm. And your breasts are very soft." She giggled at that, which Erik imagined to be a good sign. The Queen hmmed contentedly into his shoulder as she settled in. In the morning light he could certainly tell she looked very different. Her brush with death had left her pale, her eyes somewhat tired, her body slightly leaner, and he could the grisly scars that she was left with. He winced at the sight, but Amélie could not see as she seemed to be far too busy nuzzling him. Suddenly he felt bad. The Queen had suffered as she tried to negotiate his release and lead the armies against the ravagers of the North, while he was off chasing some fool mission he didn't even succeed. She was the real thing, a true woman and true queen. He was just Erik, and what good was that? I need to be a better man, and a better... um..

"Are we courting?" He blurted out. The Queen looked up at him with her head to the side. "I mean," he began stuttering "we made love and we call each other darling and 'mon care' and I feel like you really like me, on account of the making love, and I definitely really think you're wonderful and love you so I think that counts as courting but I felt like it was probably best to sort of get that set in stone in case maybe one of us wasn't sure exactly what the other one was feeling about the exact meaning of the lovemaking that you and I did together last night and also hopefully more later if that was something you were inclined to be interested in, assuming you aren't busy with stuff for being queen and also were okay with being courted by um... me."

He scratched his hair awkwardly and winced. You really talk a lot, Erik.
Erik Kingsley

Roleplay from Amélie Tempest
"Are we courting?" Erik blurted out.

Queen Amélie listened as the young Lord prattled on in his typical adorable fashion before he ended his er speech,

"Assuming you aren't busy with stuff for being queen were okay with being courted by um... me?

"Mon chéri, Of curse i am ok wiv beeng curtéd by your adairabuhl self. If ai wasn't ai nevair would 'ave invitéd you to mon bed now would ai." Queen Tempest would reply with a chuckle as she made her way off the bed grabbing a fresh nightgown to wear, a nightgown that was much less revealing than the one she wore night before.

"Shareng last night wiv you was quite possiblee ze bést night of mon life zo far mon coeur and ai wouldn't tradé you fair anythéng een zis whirld. Howevair mon chéri you need to find yur confidence now, you aré wiv a Queen aftair all." Amélie would return to the bedside to give Erik a tender kiss on the cheek before continuing,

"Mon amour, Ai must leave you now fair awhile. Ai 'ave zum wairk to tend to within le palace but you mai stai hairé een mon chambairs as long as you would like. You probablee 'ave zum of yur own wairk to ténd to as wéll maibé? If you 'ave to travel don't be awai fair long. Mon béd will grow cold without you mon chéri."

As if almost on queue Queen Amélie's handmaiden Emma would knock on the door, "My Queen many letters have arrived for you, shall I bring them here?"

Amélie would open the door a crack, look back at her love blowing him a kiss before leaving the room.
Amélie Tempest

Rainier Storme

Roleplay from Rainier Storme
"I'VE NEVER BEEN IN A CASTLE" Gennie spoke in an excited voice that was approaching a scream as they made their way to the main gates of the castle. Unlike other lords, Rainier had no carriage just a horse and dressed in their best clothes he and his daughter arrived on horseback. The attendants at the gate asked his name, then the girl's name, and helped his daughter off the horse before he hopped off and it was lead away in the swift flurry of a greeting.

"Remember Gennie" Rainier spoke softly, but sternly to the girl- barely seven dressed in a pile of azure frills that reminded her father of a cake from the waist down. "Soft, calm voice, remember what your tutor says about a ladies voice and no"

"Speaking unless spoken to!" she interrupted in a boisterous burst but was paralyzed instantly by her fathers disapproving glare. "Speaking...out of turn" she repeated, slowly, properly.

An attendant waved them through to the interior of the palace- Rainier had never been in a place like this but contrary to what Gennie thought, this was certainly no plain castle. "Right" He sighed, and flicked dark wayward curls back into place on her head as they were shown down the hallway. Nervously, he kept reminding her "She is a Queen you call her /your majesty/ unless she tells you otherwise" At this point he was talking more to himself then the big eyed girl at his side, gawking at portraits and decor displayed along the way.

"Wait here please" they were told, near the type of seat both of them would've got a severely clipped ear for going near a year ago and stared at it before simultaneously deciding to stand instead.

"...How do I look?" He asked, to the surprise of his young girl.

From her point of view she saw the same man who had always been with her, just buckled into leathers dyed a little blacker, boots that shined instead of the worn down ones that he let the dogs lick clean after a day cleaning game, a face that was shaved clean instead of scraggly from neglect "Like a King" She said tersely, almost outraged he had asked "And I look like a Princess."

"Yes you do" He laughed
Rainier Storme

Roleplay from Amélie Tempest
Queen Amélie was reading some history of the colonies in the palace library when a hand maiden delivered word that the newly appointed Baron Rainier had come to meet his Queen.

"Magnificent, please breng 'im to meet me haire. Ai am sure le royal library will be quite la spectacle fair ur young lord." Amélie instructed her hand maiden.

After a brief moment the hand maiden returned with Baron Storme in tow along with this young daughter who the Queen was somewhat eager to meet. Amélie stood up form the desk to get a proper look at her former vassal before properly introducing herself,

"Baron Rainier, eet eez éxcéllént to finally meet you. Ai am Amélie Tempest. Zis meeteng 'as been a long time coming mon fairmair knight. Eet feels mon hairt wiv pridé to see 'ow far you 'ave come een such a shairt timé. Tell mé 'ow are you finding la noble life? Ai would think eet eez quite ze adjustmont fair zumone as yur self."

Amélie looks to face the little girl acting somewhat shy hiding slightly behind her father,

"ét what abut you lit-tell un. What eez yur name and 'ow are you findéng le changé? Do you know 'ow to réad yet, pairhaps if you'd lik we could find zum stairees fair you to read haire een ze library. What do you sai?"

The Queen would motion for the two to follow to her to the a lounging area speaking while they made their way to the regal looking purple velvet chesterfields in the center of the grand library,

"Please let us relax, standeng still 'as not been agreeeng wiv me as of late."
Amélie Tempest

Roleplay from Rainier Storme
Neither Rainier or his daughter had ever been in a library, and it showed as they gawked at the room filled to the brim with books they had never seen before. Within was a desk where the Queen sat, when she stood- both he and his daughter looked stunned for a moment. He knew she had been badly wounded in battle but she looked...truly tattered. Gennie who had been so eager now stayed quiet behind him, peeking out occasionally. When she spoke, the both of them relaxed instantly- her accent was a warmand familiar thing to them both.

"Baron Rainier, eet eez éxcéllént to finally meet you. Ai am Amélie Tempest. Zis meeteng 'as been a long time coming mon fairmair knight. Eet feels mon hairt wiv pridé to see 'ow far you 'ave come een such a shairt timé. Tell mé 'ow are you finding la noble life? Ai would think eet eez quite ze adjustmont fair zumone as yur self."

"She Speaks like grandmere!" Gennie laughed and covered her mouth with both hands as her bather hushed her with a look.

One big hand landed on his girl's head , patting the curls as she moves behind him again, and he answered "It is an adjustment, but one I welcome. It's a life I could never have aspired to, before. It's wonderful to finally meet you" while still looking slightly embarrassed by his daughters outburst.

"ét what abut you lit-tell un. What eez yur name and 'ow are you findéng le changé? Do you know 'ow to réad yet, pairhaps if you'd lik we could find zum stairees fair you to read haire een ze library. What do you sai?"

"I'm Genevieve" She answers looking at her father instead of Amélie. When he gives her an encouraging nod she hops out from behind him and runs up the stairs declaring "I can read I just don't like to!" When they are invited to sit, Gennie wait for Rainier before pushing herself up onto a seat.

"Of course Majesty" Her father tries not to look bothered; he had a feeling this would go about as well as it was. His girl was a ball of energy at the best of times, at least she had not tried to touch anything too priceless...

yet. "I should say first I was surprised and honoured to receive your commendation for Frundi, Thank you."
Rainier Storme

Roleplay from Amélie Tempest
The cheerful girl brought a smile to Amélie. Genevieve's innocence reminded the Queen of herself from a time far in the past. Queen Tempest thought to herself how she could best protect such an adorable little girl from the horrors of the world most notably the Tilogians and their awful BBQ’s.

"I can read I just don't like to!"

Genevieve blurted out whatever first came to mind in a way that only a child would or well should. Once the three had sat within the library lounge comfortably Amélie reached for a book and gave it to the enthusiastic young girl.

"Zis stairy was mon favairité when ai was youngair mon sweet girl,” The Queen passed a book titled The Beauty and the Beast to a waiting Genevieve, “Actually it’s almost le stairy of 'ow mon last battell wiv Ootair Tilog wént when ai think abut zat dai.”

With Genevieve distracted Amélie turned to converse with Rainier once again, “Lord Storme, now zat you 'ave many responsibilitees ai wish fair you to leave littéllGenevieve hairé at le royal palace whenevair you are on lé campaign. Ai trust Frundi eez safe but if anytheng évair 'appéned to zis littell darleng ai would névair fairgive myself.”

Queen Amélie stood up from her chair, gently stroking the reading child's hair before continuing, “Ai must leavé you now Rainier as ai feel wairy and must rest zum mairé. Ai am zo vairy 'appy wé finally mét. Pléasé stai een ze library as long as you wish. Ai am sure zere aré plentay of intairésteng books fair you to read as wéll mon loyal retainair.”

Amélie would whisper to her handmaiden while leaving the grand library, “Mak sure zé littéll darléng doés not go wenténg.”
Amélie Tempest

Elias Stormreaver

Roleplay from Elias Stormreaver
Getting past the guards at the palace was rather easy, very little persuasion was required for Elias in this case as they had all heard of the harrowing ordeal in the wilderness. He made it all the way to the Queen's private residence before being stopped by something he would have to work at talking around, one of the Queen's handmaids.

"Sorry, Sir, but the Queen is occupied with company, you will have to wait", the young lady informed him and Elias raises an eyebrow with a half-smirk that implied interest.

"Not like THAT! She's in with Count Erik", the handmaid scolds the noble as if reading his mind though his expression, causing Elias to grin fully now, he rather liked this handmaid...

"She's in with Darling Erik, is she? That's quite alright, I can come back..", Elias replies calmly, though his eyes dart obviously over the handmaid. "May I know your name, loyal handmaiden?"

"Emma", she replies with narrowing eyes wondering what he was after.

"Emma", he repeats with a happy sigh, "What is it about Portion that has it teeming with beautiful woman..."

Reaching out, Elias takes Emma's hand a brushes a kiss along the back before releasing her and stepping back.

"Thank you, Emma, do tell your mistress I stopped by to wish her well before going out monster slaying", he grins and turns to walk away.

"But who are you?", she inquires, him having not introduced himself. The only response she gets is a grin over his shoulder as she slips away, leaving her shaking her head, this would be curious tale to tell the Queen.. or not...

. .. ...

As Elias returns outside, his men waiting to march, Tim looks pensively at some paperwork as they begin to move.

"Ummm.. the name change is done. Are you sure this is a wise name? I mean... won't some people read too far into it?", Tim inquires as he hands off the official paperwork and motions to the new banners.

"Why? What's wrong with the name? The men are quite proud of it...", Elias shrugs and glances back over his shoulder towards the palace as they move, a small smirk tugging at his lips at a recollection before watching where he was going once more.

"But... won't some consider the Portion BBQ Enthusiasts to be possibly... you know... slightly Outer Tilogy?", Tim insists again.

"After so many of our men perished from starvation, we decided to hold a barbecue in their honour using some sauce recipes from OT, certainly. It's not like anyone is going to think we're spies...", Elias insists with a shrug. "Who would be stupid enough to think that?"
Elias Stormreaver