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==Region RP==
==Post Battle Region Roleplay==

===Luna and Aila with Shadowdale Nobles===
===Luna and Aila with Shadowdale Nobles===
[[Tempest Family/Luna/Aggravating-Aila-Storme#The_Fields_of_Ar_Mosul |'''The Fields of Ar Mosul''']]
[[Tempest Family/Luna/Aggravating-Aila-Storme#The_Fields_of_Ar_Mosul |'''The Fields of Ar Mosul''']]

Latest revision as of 02:50, 18 April 2020

Post Battle Region Roleplay

Luna and Aila with Shadowdale Nobles

The Fields of Ar Mosul

Luna, Maccio and Jaques

Letter from Grey Exarch Luna Tempest, Dame of Evora
(Personal message to Jaques Talos)

Ser Jaques

I very much appreciate the offer but I wont have anyone harming Lady Aila. I quite enjoy making her angry but not injured.

That said I think I shall join you for some wine.

In the Shadow,
Grey Exarch Luna Tempest, Dame of Evora

Letter from Grey Exarch Luna Tempest, Dame of Evora
(Personal message to Maccio Aurelle)

Margrave Aurelle

I hope you enjoyed the show, was there a pressing issue you needed to see me about?

In the Shadow,
Grey Exarch Luna Tempest, Dame of Evora

Roleplay from Ser Jaques Talos, Knight of Braga
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

Jaques watched as the woman was escorted away from the tent, and felt a frown form, well at least they had had a good battle and that had cheered him up.

Looking around he saw no sign of the Margrave, but thought it best to wait as that would be the noble thing to do.

'Paige, looks like we won't get a show after all, shame really. Well at least I have had enough violence to keep me sated for now, being to aggressive might upset Father'
Ser Jaques Talos, Knight of Braga

Roleplay from Grey Exarch Luna Tempest, Dame of Evora
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

Luna left the tent shortly after Lady Aila was out of sight. Glancing around it wasn't it wasn't hard to spot Ser Jaques sitting nearby obviously watching and listening to the earlier exchange intently.

The Grey Exarch wasn't phased as she didn't care what anyone thought about her... ahem... duel with the enemy dame. Lady Tempest made her way straight to where Jaques was siting and drinking.

"Well Ser Talos, you offered me a drink, I am here to collect if you don't mind," Luna said to the knight as she sat down and held out her hand.
Grey Exarch Luna Tempest, Dame of Evora

Roleplay from Lord Maccio Aurelle, Margrave of Akesh Temple
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

After leaving Lady Luna's tent, Maccio returned to his own. For some reason now filled with joy, he sat down and waited for the venison to arrive with a smile on his face.

- "My lord, Sir Jaques and Lady Lune have both sent a note to you. Also, our scouts have managed to sneak into Al Aquabah and hunt a deer. They should be back in..."

Maccio unfolded both messages and read them. A big grin formed in his face.

- "Ah hah! Wine n' wenches! Udo, bring the deer to Jaques' tent! Today we're havin' a party!"

- "But it's not y-"

- "I SAID YE BRING IT. I'll tell Luna to join too. 'Tis goin' to be great! Field parties are the best parties!"

- "Y-yes, my lord..."

Maccio once again stormed out of his tent, returned to Luna's, introduced one of his arms into it and accompanied his loud voice with numerous gestures.

- "Oi there, miss seductress, conqueror of ladies, breaker of hearts! Ye done with that fine lass? We havin' a party at Jaques' camp, will be waitin' 'ere, 'aight? See ya!"

Maccio, with a big grin and hysterically laughing as if he were a child making mischief, left and headed towards Sir Jaques' tent and entered.

- "Good night, Jack! Wine, venison n' a show, ye? Is it wenches? Captives? Some local bard? A fistfight? My, is it goin' to be glorious.

Nothin' like a good 'ole party after a battle! Ah hah!"
Lord Maccio Aurelle, Margrave of Akesh Temple

Roleplay from Lord Maccio Aurelle, Margrave of Akesh Temple
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

Maccio looked in shock at Luna and Jaques.

- "Wait a minute... I just told ye to come 'ere..." - Said looking at Luna - "But fer some reason ye be 'ere already..." - Makes a short pause - "Which means ye weren't at the tent. If so... Who did I talk to...?"

Maccio scratches his head for a few seconds.

- "No matter! We 'ere fer the party, ye? Also, how did it go with that fine lookin' sweet sweet lass ye had at ye tent, miss seductress, conqueror of ladies, breaker of hearts? Ye sure have grown up since

yer stay at Akesh, ey? Hah!"
Lord Maccio Aurelle, Margrave of Akesh Temple

Roleplay from Grey Exarch Luna Tempest, Dame of Evora
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

Lady Tempest welcomes Lord Aurelle as he rambles on something about talking to her the Grey Exarch in her tent just moments before.

Luna speaks to the clearly tipsy Lord "Margrave Maccio, I think in your current state you might have mistaken me for being in my tent but its ok, myself and Ser Talos have the solution. A seat and a drink!"

The three share a toast "To Victory" before the Grey Exarch answers the Margrave's question, "Considering it was our first actual meeting between Lady Aila and myself it was fantastic. She is so filled with rage, its just adorable to get her wound up. It was fun in our letters but in person it was something else. I only regret that we parted ways with her somewhat upset and not just angry but tis ok. I'm sure I can get her all riled up when I write her again."

Lady Tempest chugs back her goblet of wine before continuing, "I have to admit I have found some confidence since my wounded stay in Akesh. A confidence I am quite enjoying bringing to my command. Still i'd like to thank you, not just for hosting me while I was wounded but you have been an exemplary solider as well my Lord. A general is only as good as their soldiers and with men like yourself, Ser Talos and the rest of Shadow Legion there is no finer army."

The Grey Exarch motions for her goblet to be refilled.
Grey Exarch Luna Tempest, Dame of Evora

Roleplay from Ser Jaques Talos, Knight of Braga
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

Jaques smiled at the marshal and poured some wine into a goblet, passing it into her outstretched hand.

'Not quite how I would have handled the matter Lady Marshal, but then again that is why you are the Marshal.'

He smiled as he saw the Margrave heading over and said in an elevated voice

'Page, get us another chair for the Margrave, he must be tired after all the running to get here.'

He poured an extra goblet and set it in front of the Margraves chair.

'Well my comrades', he raised his cup 'to victory'
Ser Jaques Talos, Knight of Braga

Roleplay from Lord Maccio Aurelle, Margrave of Akesh Temple
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

- "But I'm not yet ti- Oh well."

Maccio takes a seat, sips his goblet and listens with a snarky grinto Luna as she talks about her encounter with Aila.

- "Hah! My men didn't do much this time in battle. Just a few shots 'ere n' there. Would've been deadlier had I had more o' them, but those prideful trainers think I'm still not good enough to handle more. Fok 'em, I say.

N' by the way, why are we returnin' so soon? We should advance n' screw those perdanites from behind. Their underbelly is near, we might be able to GUT them 'ere n' now. Robbin' them of their gold n' fair maidens,

n' burnin' their supplies we might damage them enough."
Lord Maccio Aurelle, Margrave of Akesh Temple

Roleplay from Grey Exarch Luna Tempest, Dame of Evora
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

Luna sips from her refilled goblet while bidding Ser Talos a good rest before addressing Maccio's inquiry,

"Well my lord the primary goal of this campaign was to test some our new knights. Their skill, their ability to follow orders and this is why more seasoned commanders such as yourself were not originally called to this campaign. I regret that more of our new knights were unable to make it this far south but i'm proud to say those that did have proved their valor and worth to the Shadow King. That said I am glad that yourself and some of our other seasoned commanders volunteered and marched all the way down here to join the fight."

Lady Tempest again takes another drink, "Second, our allies provisions run low and their damage high. Its better to withdraw now before we over extend ourselves as they have much longer supply lines that ours. Lastly but perhaps most importantly the recent news the the rebellion in Nivemus troubles me. We have next to no intel of the situation and have no way to know how it might shake the dynamic up north. We need to get the Shadow Legion back to Shadowdale to protect our home first and foremost."
Grey Exarch Luna Tempest, Dame of Evora

Roleplay from Lord Maccio Aurelle, Margrave of Akesh Temple
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

- "Ah, a'ight. Makes sense... At least I got to leave Akesh fer a while. Such boredom! Let's see what is goin' on at Nivermus and, if they got it all tied up, go back 'ere n' smash those perdanite mutts once n' fer all! Ah hah!

I'll rest before we depart. Maybe we could continue this talk as we march back, n' ask Jack if he has had any encounter like yours!"

Maccio stands up, still holding and sipping his goblet, and leaves Sir Jaques' camp, walking in a zig zag

pattern and stumbling all around.
Lord Maccio Aurelle, Margrave of Akesh Temple

Roleplay from Grey Exarch Luna Tempest, Dame of Evora
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

The Grey Exarch bids Lord Aurelle a good rest as well while also retiring herself, with her goblet of wine in hand.

It seems Ser Talos will be short two goblets in the morning.
Grey Exarch Luna Tempest, Dame of Evora

Battle in Ar Mosul Full Report

1A ArchballistasHalusioSirion83 Archskirmish  842
2A Aurellian SnipersMaccioShadowdale20 SFline  549
3A Blue GuardJaquesShadowdale36 Infbox  377
4A Canvendish BowsKieraShadowdale97 Archline  953
5A Dim ArchersAustinSirion80 Archskirmish  996
6A Golden CavalryLyannaSirion71 Cavwedge  1333
7A Heavy HoovesAzrealSirion46 Cavwedge  556
8A Hired gunsUbinSirion89 Archline  957
9A His ShadowElricSirion93 SFskirmish  1871
10A House Kinsey SnipersLionelEponllyn85 Archskirmish  880
11A Knights of SirionBlazorSirion69 Infline  439
12A Mejor spearsTio TomballEponllyn87 Infline  989
13A Moon squadFoxenShadowdale70 Infbox  862
14A Northern AvengersJulianEponllyn50 SFline  972
15A Raphin StormersJürgenSirion32 Cavwedge  705
16A Redhaven BladesKanchelsisEponllyn65 Infline  587
17A Sagari lightbringerSagariEponllyn42 SFskirmish  725
18A Tempest RangersLunaShadowdale61 Archline  698
19A The Hairy Horde from HagleyNornEponllyn105 Infline  1116
20A The Sharpensoul WarriorsAlexanderShadowdale35 Infbox  425
21A ThunderstormsTheodiusSirion101 Cavwedge  1157
22A Xavax ArchersPeriuriumSirion79 Archskirmish  854
23A Xavax SteelGreatjonEponllyn42 SFskirmish  882
24D Bathgate SpecialistsSamuel IIPerdan63 SFskirmish  1223
25D Daddy’s DandiesDaedalusVix Tiramora222 Archskirmish  1765
26D Dark rainGregPerdan46 Archskirmish  537
27D Everlight StormfrontIsanaPerdan35 Archskirmish  455
28D Goldwater RetainersJacelynPerdan40 Infline  552
29D GuardiansJorebPerdan62 SFskirmish  1110
30D Icebeard LegionAndreasVix Tiramora76 Infline  870
31D Kitsune AmazonsScarlettPerdan41 SFskirmish  1079
32D Lady's LuckAlyssaPerdan52 Infline  660
33D LongbowmanHighlanderPerdan60 Archskirmish  748
34D Marlior Black-and-GoldsWerantiorVix Tiramora39 Infline  515
35D Paxwax GuardsNicolaiVix Tiramora112 Infline  1318
36D Pellegrini GuardsJessularVix Tiramora39 Archline  410
37D Snake EyesSableVix Tiramora36 Archline  397
38D Starck BlackswordsBarthoganVix Tiramora59 Infline  778

23 attackers (467 Inf, 574 Arch, 250 Cav, 247 SF)
15 defenders (378 Inf, 438 Arch, 166 SF)
Total combat strengths: 19725 vs. 12417

The troops from Vix Tiramora set up defenses because they control the battlefield.
The Sirion troops attack because they are at war with Vix Tiramora.
The Eponllyn troops attack because they are at war with Vix Tiramora.
The Shadowdale troops attack because they are at war with Vix Tiramora.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.

Lord Speaker Lyanna Arylon is spotted wearing the Bizarre Ring of Defeat.
Lord Speaker Lyanna Arylon is spotted reading from the Doomed Collection of Republicanism.
Lord Speaker Lyanna Arylon is spotted wielding the Flail of Avamar.
Lord Speaker Lyanna Arylon is spotted wielding the Enchanted Shield of Protection.
Grey Exarch Lady Luna Tempest is spotted wearing the Bloody Plate Mail of Avamar.
Elric Altenahr, Commander of Sirion, Duke of Sirion, Margrave of Sirion, Marshal of the Army of Sirion takes command of his army. They deploy in Archer Opening formation.
Lionel Kinsey, Talon of Eponllyn, Count of Dulbin, Marshal of the Phoenix Hussars takes command of his army. They deploy in Archer Opening formation.
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale, Dame of Evora, Marshal of the Shadow Legion takes command of her army. They deploy in Archer Opening formation.
Andreas Greybrook, Prime Knight of Vix Tiramora, Representative of Eldoret, Marshal of the Central Democratic Army takes command of his army.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

  2 (20-S)
6 (71-C)
7 (46-C)
15 (32-C)
21 (101-C)
  3 (36-I)
11 (69-I)
12 (87-I)
13 (70-I)
14 (50-S)
16 (65-I)
19 (105-I)
20 (35-I)
1 (83-A)
4 (97-A)
5 (80-A)
8 (89-A)
9 (93-S)
10 (85-A)
17 (42-S)
18 (61-A)
22 (79-A)
23 (42-S)
  25 (222-A)
30 (76-I)
34 (39-I)
26 (46-A)
27 (35-A)
33 (60-A)
36 (39-A)
37 (36-A)
24 (63-S)
29 (62-S)
31 (41-S)
28 (40-I)
32 (52-I)
35 (112-I)
38 (59-I)

Xavax Archers (22) fire on Daddy’s Dandies (25), scoring 497 hits.
Dim Archers (5) fire on Icebeard Legion (30), scoring 430 hits.
Northern Avengers (14) fire on Marlior Black-and-Golds (34), scoring 326 hits.
His Shadow (9) fire on Longbowman (33), scoring 739 hits.
Hired guns (8) fire on Dark rain (26), scoring 318 hits.
Xavax Steel (23) fire on Everlight Stormfront (27), scoring 208 hits.
Kitsune Amazons (31) move closer to get better shots.
Archballistas (1) fire on Kitsune Amazons (31), scoring 253 hits.
Guardians (29) fire on Canvendish Bows (4), scoring 494 hits.
Canvendish Bows (4) fire on Pellegrini Guards (36), scoring 429 hits.
Sagari lightbringer (17) fire on Snake Eyes (37), scoring 204 hits.
Daddy’s Dandies (25) fire on House Kinsey Snipers (10), scoring 846 hits.
Dark rain (26) fire on His Shadow (9), scoring 143 hits.
Bathgate Specialists (24) fire on Tempest Rangers (18), scoring 511 hits.
Tempest Rangers (18) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 115 hits.
Longbowman (33) fire on Dim Archers (5), scoring 267 hits.
Pellegrini Guards (36) fire on Hired guns (8), scoring 132 hits.
Snake Eyes (37) fire on Xavax Steel (23), scoring 102 hits.
Everlight Stormfront (27) fire on Xavax Archers (22), scoring 106 hits.
Aurellian Snipers (2) move closer to get better shots.
House Kinsey Snipers (10) fire on Guardians (29), scoring 141 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2601, Defenders: 3660
Thunderstorms (21), Raphin Stormers (15), Golden Cavalry (6) and Heavy Hooves (7) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
Mejor spears (12), The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19), Moon squad (13), Blue Guard (3), Redhaven Blades (16), Knights of Sirion (11) and The Sharpensoul Warriors (20) advance towards the enemy.
Starck Blackswords (38), Goldwater Retainers (28), Lady's Luck (32), Paxwax Guards (35), Icebeard Legion (30) and Marlior Black-and-Golds (34) advance towards the enemy.

Xavax Archers (22) take 106 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Dim Archers (5) take 267 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Austin Moore, Duke of Anarionath, Margrave of Sir Temple has been wounded by Longbowman (33).
His Shadow (9) take 143 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Hired guns (8) take 132 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Xavax Steel (23) take 102 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Kitsune Amazons (31) take 253 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Guardians (29) take 141 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Canvendish Bows (4) take 494 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties.
Daddy’s Dandies (25) take 452 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties.
Dark rain (26) take 318 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
Bathgate Specialists (24) take 115 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Tempest Rangers (18) take 511 hits from archer fire, which cause 19 casualties.
Icebeard Legion (30) take 430 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
Longbowman (33) take 739 hits from archer fire, which cause 19 casualties.
Marlior Black-and-Golds (34) take 326 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Pellegrini Guards (36) take 429 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties.
Snake Eyes (37) take 204 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Everlight Stormfront (27) take 208 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Isana Everlight, Dame of Bescanon has been wounded by Xavax Steel (23).
House Kinsey Snipers (10) take 846 hits from archer fire, which cause 31 casualties.
Lionel Kinsey, Talon of Eponllyn, Count of Dulbin, Marshal of the Phoenix Hussars has been wounded by Daddy’s Dandies (25).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2601 (0 from close combat and 2601 from ranged), Defenders: 3615 (0 from close combat and 3615 from ranged)
Total casualties: 87 attackers, 97 defenders

Turn No. 2

   2 (20-S)
6 (71-C)
7 (46-C)
14 (50-S)
15 (32-C)
21 (101-C)
1 (83-A)
3 (36-I)
4 (84-A)
5 (71-A)
8 (85-A)
9 (89-S)
10 (54-A)
11 (69-I)
12 (87-I)
13 (70-I)
16 (65-I)
17 (42-S)
18 (42-A)
19 (105-I)
20 (35-I)
22 (75-A)
23 (39-S)
30 (68-I)
34 (33-I)
25 (212-A)
26 (35-A)
27 (26-A)
31 (35-S)
33 (41-A)
36 (26-A)
37 (31-A)
24 (59-S)
28 (40-I)
29 (56-S)
32 (52-I)
35 (112-I)
38 (59-I)

Sagari lightbringer (17) fire on Icebeard Legion (30), scoring 332 hits.
Guardians (29) fire on His Shadow (9), scoring 137 hits.
Kitsune Amazons (31) fire on The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19), scoring 500 hits.
Everlight Stormfront (27) fire on Mejor spears (12), scoring 167 hits.
Longbowman (33) fire on Dim Archers (5), scoring 163 hits.
Archballistas (1) fire on Marlior Black-and-Golds (34), scoring 610 hits.
House Kinsey Snipers (10) fire on Daddy’s Dandies (25), scoring 426 hits.
Canvendish Bows (4) fire on Dark rain (26), scoring 187 hits.
Xavax Archers (22) fire on Kitsune Amazons (31), scoring 282 hits.
Dim Archers (5) fire on Snake Eyes (37), scoring 503 hits.
Snake Eyes (37) fire on Hired guns (8), scoring 75 hits.
Hired guns (8) fire on Pellegrini Guards (36), scoring 459 hits.
Dark rain (26) fire on Xavax Steel (23), scoring 97 hits.
Pellegrini Guards (36) fire on Moon squad (13), scoring 129 hits.
Aurellian Snipers (2) fire on Longbowman (33), scoring 78 hits.
Northern Avengers (14) fire on Everlight Stormfront (27), scoring 334 hits.
His Shadow (9) fire on Paxwax Guards (35), scoring 650 hits.
Bathgate Specialists (24) fire on Redhaven Blades (16), scoring 314 hits.
Tempest Rangers (18) fire on Starck Blackswords (38), scoring 101 hits.
Xavax Steel (23) fire on Lady's Luck (32), scoring 207 hits.
Daddy’s Dandies (25) fire on Knights of Sirion (11), scoring 1136 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2718, Defenders: 4169
Golden Cavalry (6), Thunderstorms (21), Raphin Stormers (15) and Heavy Hooves (7) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.
The Sharpensoul Warriors (20), Blue Guard (3), Redhaven Blades (16), Moon squad (13), The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19), Mejor spears (12) and Knights of Sirion (11) advance towards the enemy.
Starck Blackswords (38), Paxwax Guards (35), Lady's Luck (32) and Goldwater Retainers (28) advance towards the enemy.
Thunderstorms (21), Raphin Stormers (15), Knights of Sirion (11) and Heavy Hooves (7) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Center Line):
3 Eponllyn banners are visible in the melee.
4 Vix Tiramora banners are visible in the melee.
5 Shadowdale banners are visible in the melee.
Golden Cavalry (6) score 2457 hits on Icebeard Legion (30).
The Sharpensoul Warriors (20) score 263 hits on Marlior Black-and-Golds (34).
Marlior Black-and-Golds (34) score 121 hits on Mejor spears (12).
Marlior Black-and-Golds (34) score 84 hits on Moon squad (13).
Marlior Black-and-Golds (34) score 44 hits on The Sharpensoul Warriors (20).
Blue Guard (3) score 147 hits on Icebeard Legion (30).
Redhaven Blades (16) score 622 hits on Icebeard Legion (30).
Moon squad (13) score 466 hits on Marlior Black-and-Golds (34).
The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19) score 884 hits on Icebeard Legion (30).
Mejor spears (12) score 909 hits on Marlior Black-and-Golds (34).
Icebeard Legion (30) score 228 hits on The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19).
Icebeard Legion (30) score 137 hits on Redhaven Blades (16).
Icebeard Legion (30) score 183 hits on Golden Cavalry (6).
Icebeard Legion (30) score 82 hits on Blue Guard (3).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 879, Defenders: 5748

Kitsune Amazons (31) take 282 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Everlight Stormfront (27) take 334 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Golden Cavalry (6) take 183 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Longbowman (33) take 78 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
The Sharpensoul Warriors (20) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Marlior Black-and-Golds (34) take 2248 hits (1638 in close combat, 610 from archer fire), which cause 33 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Blue Guard (3) take 82 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Starck Blackswords (38) take 101 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Redhaven Blades (16) take 451 hits (137 in close combat, 314 from archer fire), which cause 30 casualties.
Moon squad (13) take 213 hits (84 in close combat, 129 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties.
Dim Archers (5) take 163 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19) take 728 hits (228 in close combat, 500 from archer fire), which cause 18 casualties.
Norn Van der Voort, Count of Hagley has been wounded by Icebeard Legion (30).
Paxwax Guards (35) take 650 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
Snake Eyes (37) take 503 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties.
Sable Sarkis, Knight of Eldoret has been wounded by Dim Archers (5).
Hired guns (8) take 75 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Mejor spears (12) take 288 hits (121 in close combat, 167 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties.
Dark rain (26) take 187 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Greg Derik, Knight of Perdan has been wounded by Canvendish Bows (4).
Pellegrini Guards (36) take 459 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
His Shadow (9) take 137 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Icebeard Legion (30) take 4442 hits (4110 in close combat, 332 from archer fire), which cause 68 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Andreas Greybrook, Prime Knight of Vix Tiramora, Representative of Eldoret, Marshal of the Central Democratic Army has been wounded by The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19).
Lady's Luck (32) take 207 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Xavax Steel (23) take 97 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Daddy’s Dandies (25) take 387 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
Knights of Sirion (11) take 1136 hits from archer fire, which cause 45 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3597 (879 from close combat and 2718 from ranged), Defenders: 9878 (5748 from close combat and 4130 from ranged)
Total casualties: 129 attackers, 185 defenders

Turn No. 3

   2 (20-S)
14 (50-S)
1 (83-A)
4 (84-A)
5 (66-A)
8 (82-A)
9 (85-S)
10 (54-A)
17 (42-S)
18 (42-A)
22 (75-A)
23 (36-S)
3 (34-I)
6 (67-C)
7 (46-C)
12 (79-I)
13 (64-I)
15 (32-C)
16 (35-I)
19 (87-I)
20 (34-I)
21 (101-C)
25 (203-A)
26 (28-A)
28 (40-I)
31 (29-S)
32 (46-I)
33 (39-A)
35 (101-I)
37 (18-A)
38 (57-I)
24 (59-S)
29 (56-S)

Kitsune Amazons (31) fire on Golden Cavalry (6), scoring 452 hits.
Archballistas (1) fire on Daddy’s Dandies (25), scoring 242 hits.
Dim Archers (5) fire on Paxwax Guards (35), scoring 428 hits.
Xavax Archers (22) fire on Starck Blackswords (38), scoring 370 hits.
Bathgate Specialists (24) fire on Thunderstorms (21), scoring 394 hits.
Canvendish Bows (4) fire on Lady's Luck (32), scoring 317 hits.
Sagari lightbringer (17) fire on Goldwater Retainers (28), scoring 494 hits.
Daddy’s Dandies (25) fire on The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19), scoring 989 hits.
Tempest Rangers (18) fire on Longbowman (33), scoring 133 hits.
Northern Avengers (14) fire on Dark rain (26), scoring 187 hits.
Longbowman (33) fire on Mejor spears (12), scoring 258 hits.
Dark rain (26) fire on Moon squad (13), scoring 250 hits.
His Shadow (9) fire on Kitsune Amazons (31), scoring 412 hits.
Aurellian Snipers (2) fire on Snake Eyes (37), scoring 84 hits.
House Kinsey Snipers (10) fire on Guardians (29), scoring 125 hits.
Guardians (29) fire on Raphin Stormers (15), scoring 469 hits.
Xavax Steel (23) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 190 hits.
Snake Eyes (37) fire on Heavy Hooves (7), scoring 95 hits.
Hired guns (8) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 138 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2907, Defenders: 3120
Raphin Stormers (15), Thunderstorms (21), Heavy Hooves (7) and Golden Cavalry (6) charge forward.
The Sharpensoul Warriors (20), Redhaven Blades (16), Moon squad (13), Blue Guard (3), The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19) and Mejor spears (12) advance towards the enemy.
Goldwater Retainers (28), Lady's Luck (32), Starck Blackswords (38) and Paxwax Guards (35) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
3 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
3 Eponllyn banners are visible in the melee.
9 Vix Tiramora banners are visible in the melee.
5 Shadowdale banners are visible in the melee.
The Sharpensoul Warriors (20) score 234 hits on Daddy’s Dandies (25).
Raphin Stormers (15) score 1501 hits on Paxwax Guards (35).
Goldwater Retainers (28) score 285 hits on Mejor spears (12).
Goldwater Retainers (28) score 139 hits on Heavy Hooves (7).
Daddy’s Dandies (25) score 54 hits on The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19).
Daddy’s Dandies (25) score 42 hits on Golden Cavalry (6).
Daddy’s Dandies (25) score 15 hits on Blue Guard (3).
Daddy’s Dandies (25) score 17 hits on The Sharpensoul Warriors (20).
Lady's Luck (32) score 369 hits on Moon squad (13).
Thunderstorms (21) score 2128 hits on Starck Blackswords (38).
Redhaven Blades (16) score 402 hits on Paxwax Guards (35).
Moon squad (13) score 753 hits on Lady's Luck (32).
Heavy Hooves (7) score 767 hits on Goldwater Retainers (28).
Blue Guard (3) score 163 hits on Daddy’s Dandies (25).
Golden Cavalry (6) score 2335 hits on Daddy’s Dandies (25).
The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19) score 995 hits on Daddy’s Dandies (25).
Starck Blackswords (38) score 667 hits on Thunderstorms (21).
Paxwax Guards (35) score 607 hits on Redhaven Blades (16).
Paxwax Guards (35) score 519 hits on Raphin Stormers (15).
Mejor spears (12) score 895 hits on Goldwater Retainers (28).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 2714, Defenders: 10173

Kitsune Amazons (31) take 412 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
The Sharpensoul Warriors (20) take 17 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Bathgate Specialists (24) take 328 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties.
Raphin Stormers (15) take 988 hits (519 in close combat, 469 from archer fire), which cause 27 casualties.
Goldwater Retainers (28) take 2156 hits (1662 in close combat, 494 from archer fire), which cause 40 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye has been wounded by Sagari lightbringer (17).
Daddy’s Dandies (25) take 3608 hits (3388 in close combat, 220 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 83 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 24 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Lady's Luck (32) take 1070 hits (753 in close combat, 317 from archer fire), which cause 30 casualties.
Longbowman (33) take 133 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Thunderstorms (21) take 1061 hits (667 in close combat, 394 from archer fire), which cause 34 casualties.
Redhaven Blades (16) take 607 hits in close combat, which cause 35 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Dark rain (26) take 187 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Moon squad (13) take 619 hits (369 in close combat, 250 from archer fire), which cause 19 casualties.
Heavy Hooves (7) take 234 hits (139 in close combat, 95 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties.
Blue Guard (3) take 15 hits in close combat. No casualties.
Golden Cavalry (6) take 494 hits (42 in close combat, 452 from archer fire), which cause 11 casualties.
The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19) take 1043 hits (54 in close combat, 989 from archer fire), which cause 26 casualties.
Guardians (29) take 125 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Snake Eyes (37) take 84 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Starck Blackswords (38) take 2498 hits (2128 in close combat, 370 from archer fire), which cause 45 casualties.
Paxwax Guards (35) take 2331 hits (1903 in close combat, 428 from archer fire), which cause 41 casualties.
Mejor spears (12) take 543 hits (285 in close combat, 258 from archer fire), which cause 16 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 5621 (2714 from close combat and 2907 from ranged), Defenders: 12932 (9834 from close combat and 3098 from ranged)
Total casualties: 177 attackers, 299 defenders

Turn No. 4

   2 (20-S)
14 (50-S)
1 (83-A)
4 (84-A)
5 (66-A)
8 (82-A)
9 (85-S)
10 (54-A)
17 (42-S)
18 (42-A)
22 (75-A)
23 (36-S)
  3 (34-I)
6 (56-C)
7 (38-C)
12 (63-I)
13 (45-I)
15 (5-C)
19 (61-I)
20 (33-I)
21 (67-C)
32 (16-I)
35 (60-I)
38 (12-I)
26 (21-A)
31 (20-S)
33 (36-A)
37 (16-A)
24 (49-S)
29 (51-S)

Xavax Archers (22) fire on Kitsune Amazons (31), scoring 205 hits.
Dark rain (26) fire on His Shadow (9), scoring 121 hits.
Archballistas (1) fire on Longbowman (33), scoring 239 hits.
Snake Eyes (37) fire on Hired guns (8), scoring 69 hits.
Tempest Rangers (18) fire on Dark rain (26), scoring 167 hits.
House Kinsey Snipers (10) fire on Snake Eyes (37), scoring 238 hits.
Guardians (29) fire on Dim Archers (5), scoring 267 hits.
Bathgate Specialists (24) fire on Canvendish Bows (4), scoring 374 hits.
His Shadow (9) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 406 hits.
Longbowman (33) fire on Xavax Steel (23), scoring 160 hits.
Xavax Steel (23) fire on Guardians (29), scoring 146 hits.
Aurellian Snipers (2) move closer to get better shots.
Dim Archers (5) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 148 hits.
Hired guns (8) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 134 hits.
Canvendish Bows (4) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 109 hits.
Sagari lightbringer (17) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 171 hits.
Kitsune Amazons (31) fire on Xavax Archers (22), scoring 83 hits.
Northern Avengers (14) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 108 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1074, Defenders: 2071
Raphin Stormers (15) and Heavy Hooves (7) charge forward.
Blue Guard (3) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
3 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
3 Eponllyn banners are visible in the melee.
9 Vix Tiramora banners are visible in the melee.
5 Shadowdale banners are visible in the melee.
Mejor spears (12) score 761 hits on Paxwax Guards (35).
The Sharpensoul Warriors (20) score 244 hits on Starck Blackswords (38).
Paxwax Guards (35) score 210 hits on Mejor spears (12).
Paxwax Guards (35) score 213 hits on Thunderstorms (21).
Paxwax Guards (35) score 200 hits on Golden Cavalry (6).
The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19) score 718 hits on Lady's Luck (32).
Thunderstorms (21) score 900 hits on Paxwax Guards (35).
Lady's Luck (32) score 199 hits on The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19).
Golden Cavalry (6) score 1174 hits on Paxwax Guards (35).
Moon squad (13) score 446 hits on Starck Blackswords (38).
Starck Blackswords (38) score 129 hits on Moon squad (13).
Starck Blackswords (38) score 94 hits on The Sharpensoul Warriors (20).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1045, Defenders: 4243

Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
2 Perdan banners are visible in the melee.
Dark rain (26) score 36 hits on Raphin Stormers (15).
Snake Eyes (37) score 30 hits on Blue Guard (3).
Longbowman (33) score 74 hits on Blue Guard (3).
Raphin Stormers (15) score 603 hits on Dark rain (26).
Heavy Hooves (7) score 706 hits on Kitsune Amazons (31).
Blue Guard (3) score 109 hits on Longbowman (33).
Blue Guard (3) score 53 hits on Snake Eyes (37).
Kitsune Amazons (31) score 156 hits on Heavy Hooves (7).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 296, Defenders: 1471

Xavax Archers (22) take 83 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Dark rain (26) take 770 hits (603 in close combat, 167 from archer fire), which cause 21 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Snake Eyes (37) take 291 hits (53 in close combat, 238 from archer fire), which cause 7 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Mejor spears (12) take 210 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.
The Sharpensoul Warriors (20) take 94 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Guardians (29) take 146 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Bathgate Specialists (24) take 1076 hits from archer fire, which cause 30 casualties.
His Shadow (9) take 121 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Longbowman (33) take 348 hits (109 in close combat, 239 from archer fire), which cause 9 casualties.
Xavax Steel (23) take 160 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Dim Archers (5) take 267 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Paxwax Guards (35) take 2835 hits in close combat, which cause 50 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19) take 199 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Thunderstorms (21) take 213 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.
Lady's Luck (32) take 718 hits in close combat, which cause 16 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Alyssa Kingsley, Imperatrix of Perdan, Margravine of Bescanon has been wounded by The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19).
Hired guns (8) take 69 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Canvendish Bows (4) take 374 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties.
Golden Cavalry (6) take 200 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Lyanna Arylon, Lord Speaker of Sirion, Margravine of Avamar has been wounded by Paxwax Guards (35).
Moon squad (13) take 129 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Starck Blackswords (38) take 690 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Raphin Stormers (15) take 36 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Heavy Hooves (7) take 156 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Blue Guard (3) take 104 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Kitsune Amazons (31) take 911 hits (706 in close combat, 205 from archer fire), which cause 19 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Scarlett Zond, Dame of Perdan has been wounded by Heavy Hooves (7).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2415 (1341 from close combat and 1074 from ranged), Defenders: 7785 (5714 from close combat and 2071 from ranged)
Total casualties: 70 attackers, 170 defenders

Turn No. 5

    2 (20-S)
14 (50-S)
1 (83-A)
4 (74-A)
5 (57-A)
8 (80-A)
9 (82-S)
10 (54-A)
17 (42-S)
18 (42-A)
22 (72-A)
23 (31-S)
  6 (52-C)
12 (57-I)
13 (41-I)
19 (56-I)
20 (30-I)
21 (60-C)
3 (31-I)
7 (33-C)
15 (4-C)
33 (27-A)
24 (19-S)
29 (46-S)

Tempest Rangers (18) fire on Guardians (29), scoring 141 hits.
Guardians (29) fire on Golden Cavalry (6), scoring 323 hits.
Sagari lightbringer (17) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 157 hits.
Northern Avengers (14) fire on Guardians (29), scoring 184 hits.
Canvendish Bows (4) fire on Guardians (29), scoring 175 hits.
Dim Archers (5) fire on Guardians (29), scoring 138 hits.
Xavax Steel (23) fire on Guardians (29), scoring 120 hits.
Bathgate Specialists (24) fire on Thunderstorms (21), scoring 312 hits.
House Kinsey Snipers (10) fire on Guardians (29), scoring 230 hits.
His Shadow (9) fire on Guardians (29), scoring 559 hits.
Hired guns (8) fire on Guardians (29), scoring 145 hits.
Aurellian Snipers (2) fire on Guardians (29), scoring 49 hits.
Xavax Archers (22) fire on Guardians (29), scoring 178 hits.
Archballistas (1) fire on Guardians (29), scoring 175 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 635, Defenders: 2251
Thunderstorms (21) are eager to charge, but the melee is too crowded already.
Golden Cavalry (6) charge forward.
Blue Guard (3) break through the frontlines!
Moon squad (13), The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19), Mejor spears (12) and The Sharpensoul Warriors (20) advance towards the enemy.
Moon squad (13), The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19), Mejor spears (12) and The Sharpensoul Warriors (20) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
Heavy Hooves (7) score 247 hits on Longbowman (33).
Raphin Stormers (15) score 156 hits on Longbowman (33).
Golden Cavalry (6) score 2827 hits on Longbowman (33).
Longbowman (33) score 1 hits on Raphin Stormers (15).
Longbowman (33) score 41 hits on Golden Cavalry (6).
Longbowman (33) score 22 hits on Blue Guard (3).
Longbowman (33) score 23 hits on Heavy Hooves (7).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 87, Defenders: 3230

Close Combat (Defender Line 3):
Blue Guard (3) score 79 hits on Guardians (29).
Blue Guard (3) score 26 hits on Bathgate Specialists (24).
Blue Guard (3) score 40 hits on Longbowman (33).
Guardians (29) score 373 hits on Blue Guard (3).
Bathgate Specialists (24) score 223 hits on Blue Guard (3).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 596, Defenders: 145

Heavy Hooves (7) take 23 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Blue Guard (3) take 618 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 4 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Raphin Stormers (15) take 1 hits in close combat. No casualties.
Guardians (29) take 2173 hits (79 in close combat, 2094 from archer fire), which cause 46 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Joreb deLacy, Earl of Perdan Mines has been wounded by Archballistas (1).
Golden Cavalry (6) take 364 hits (41 in close combat, 323 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties.
Bathgate Specialists (24) take 183 hits (26 in close combat, 157 from archer fire), which cause 5 casualties.
Longbowman (33) take 3270 hits in close combat, which cause 27 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Highlander DeGrey, Earl of Clermont has been wounded by Raphin Stormers (15).
Thunderstorms (21) take 312 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1318 (683 from close combat and 635 from ranged), Defenders: 5626 (3375 from close combat and 2251 from ranged)
Total casualties: 42 attackers, 78 defenders

Turn No. 6

    2 (20-S)
14 (50-S)
1 (83-A)
4 (74-A)
5 (57-A)
8 (80-A)
9 (82-S)
10 (54-A)
17 (42-S)
18 (42-A)
22 (72-A)
23 (31-S)
  21 (50-C)
6 (44-C)
7 (32-C)
12 (57-I)
13 (41-I)
15 (4-C)
19 (56-I)
20 (30-I)
24 (14-S)

Archballistas (1) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 159 hits.
Bathgate Specialists (24) fire on Golden Cavalry (6), scoring 297 hits.
House Kinsey Snipers (10) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 156 hits.
Aurellian Snipers (2) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 78 hits.
Dim Archers (5) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 145 hits.
Hired guns (8) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 132 hits.
His Shadow (9) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 388 hits.
Xavax Archers (22) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 237 hits.
Sagari lightbringer (17) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 95 hits.
Northern Avengers (14) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 265 hits.
Tempest Rangers (18) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 114 hits.
Xavax Steel (23) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 198 hits.
Canvendish Bows (4) fire on Bathgate Specialists (24), scoring 147 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 297, Defenders: 2114
Raphin Stormers (15) are eager to charge, but the melee is too crowded already.
Heavy Hooves (7) are eager to charge, but the melee is too crowded already.
Golden Cavalry (6) charge forward.
Thunderstorms (21) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.
Mejor spears (12), Moon squad (13), The Sharpensoul Warriors (20) and The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19) advance towards the enemy.
Moon squad (13), Golden Cavalry (6), Thunderstorms (21), The Sharpensoul Warriors (20) and The Hairy Horde from Hagley (19) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Defender Line 3):
3 Eponllyn banners are visible in the melee.
Mejor spears (12) score 716 hits on Bathgate Specialists (24).
Bathgate Specialists (24) score 98 hits on Mejor spears (12).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 98, Defenders: 716

The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.

Mejor spears (12) take 98 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Bathgate Specialists (24) take 2830 hits (716 in close combat, 2114 from archer fire), which cause 14 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Samuel II Bathgate, Viscount of Lorient has been wounded by Mejor spears (12).
Golden Cavalry (6) take 297 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 395 (98 from close combat and 297 from ranged), Defenders: 2830 (716 from close combat and 2114 from ranged)
Total casualties: 10 attackers, 14 defenders

Attacker Victory!

The battle does extensive damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 49 %.
The local roads network has also been damaged.