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''Navarch of Tol Goldora''
''Navarch of Tol Goldora''
''Duke of Golden Farrow''}}
''Duke of Golden Farrow''}}
|Type= Roleplay
|Sender=Gheric Arylon
|Recipients=Solomon Greybrook
|Content=Dusk enveloped the air around the golden fields of Eidulb Outskirts, and Gheric once again sat down to read a missive from the Navarch of Tol Goldora.
::''Archon Gheric,''
::''Tol Goldora has also made great investments in this war and the city but I respect your decision. I hope that we can meet half way between our offers at around 55,000. This is pushing my provisional budget and have very little movement to maneuver here. Please bare that in mind.''
::''In terms of structuring the deal, trust is the biggest issue for both sides. One option is to have a deposit to be placed for the settlement, as per the ancient loans of banking institution and then the rest of the gold paid in installments. This is the most economically viable for Tol Goldora but I would understand your concern for payments over time.''
::''Alternatively, a payment plan that would suit you would be a series of transactions can be made whereby I forsee three stages. First, a deposit for the return of the Golden Reach bar Golden Farrow. Then, seeing the return of these regions, a second deposit made which would see Golden Farrow returned which then Tol Goldora would make a final payment.''
::''We could adjust these to make a suitable hybrid but these offer two starkly different options. The founders have suggested for any 5% deposit, they are also concerned with trust but like this extraordinary agreement, we can discuss this.''
::''I will be honoured to partake in peace talks in person. However, once again my council is concerned with my safety of coming to your estate and the matter of Farrowfield. We shall not attempt to break the takeover before it finishes. While I have trust and respect for you through our conversations, that does not exist for D'Hara. What is going to happen to the town?''
::''Furthermore, a formal ceasefire will be required for us to meet in person, which my council are concerned that Farrowfield will be immediately fortified. As they expect the worst and I will be simply captured, while I don't agree with them on this matter, I wish to lay to rest their concerns to prevent more fighting. Therefore, if I am to come to your estate and agree to this formal ceasefire, can we agree that Farrowfield will not be fortified by additional militia?''
Not fortify Farrowfield? Gheric initially reacted poorly to reading that line of the letter. His temper had always been his worst personality trait, and it had once again reared its ugly head in the middle of delicate diplomatic negotiations.
The Archon knew that a fleet of Lurian vessels had already left, and was sailing for the west. In addition, his scouts had brought word to him earlier in the day of a large Goldoran host on the march, undoubtedly toward Farrowfield. If he were to leave Farrowfield open for attack, he faced a two pronged assault from declared enemies, and could very well guarantee the loss of the region.
After a moment, though, his anger subsided, and he started to try to see through the lens of his adversary from Tol Goldora. A man who, in another life perhaps, likely would have been his friend. Gheric had invited him to hostile territory and had expected him to say yes without trying to find a way to protect himself?
''Calm yourself, Gheric.''
He sat down, and once again began to write.
::''Navarch Greybrook --''
::''I think we are getting close on the price and the structure, though our cost discussion has circulated around the Golden City -- giving Farrowfield with it would obviously increase price. I do not think we need to nail down the exact structure at this time, though clearly we still have a great deal of negotiating to do, though I do think you are on the right track. These details need to be ironed out in person, however. To facilitate this, I am willing to talk about Farrowfield. However, you must know that I will not leave it unprotected.''
::''I will not allow the town to stand unprotected with a Goldoran host of great strength within striking distance as you are now, and with the Lurians sailing for my land. Withdraw your army back to your capital, and call back the Lurians. If I can verify that -- and I will indeed need that verification, particularly of the Lurian activities -- than I will instruct the D'Harans to not add reinforcements to the walls of Farrowfield and we can call a general cease-fire -- if not an official achievement of peace itself -- while we work to come to an agreement. It would be my pleasure to be your host in those circumstances, though we could also meet in a neutral location if that will ease your mind. ''
::''Hopefully, we would then forge a peace that could stand for all time. What say you?''
With that, he sealed the parchment and instructed his messenger to set off.''}}

Latest revision as of 17:59, 28 January 2020

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Gheric Arylon
Solomon sat in his quarters within Via while the news of his public declaration was raced around the kingdom. While the Navarch was pleased with what he had achieved, he was surprised to see the Archon willing to come to the metaphorical negotiation table, something he almost had given up upon over the many seasons this war had waged. Casting his mind back to the beginning of Tol Goldora, the thrill of arriving on the Western continent to raise the Tol Goldoran flag was something he will always treasure. Yet, he did not know then how much blood would be split over that flag the founders hoisted over Golden Farrow. Having brewed a needed cup of tea, his scribe assistant poured a glass for the Navarch as he pondered over the first words of his letter to the Archon, released from his captivity by his command. There was much that could be said but words sometimes failed to define what he wanted to communicate. Solomon nearly tasted victory just a week ago but how the tide has changed, as war does. While there was hope for a military victory, and there still could be but only slight now, war is not the only way to solve conflict.

Eventually, Solomon began writing as the sun rose in the sky:

“Archon Gheric,
I am pleased that you are willing to correspond with me on this vital matter. I shall be candid with you as I write this letter in Via, far away from the unfortunate siege in Farrowfield. Golden Farrow and it’s surrounding Farrowlands in the Golden Reach is pivotal for not only our identity but our culture, as you are aware. Therefore, I wish to re-iterate to you that we in Tol Goldora seek peace with Westgard and its allies on the basis that there are negotiated terms for the aforementioned regions. I understand the pain, suffering and expense your realm has exerted to fight this war, so I do not expect this to come for free. I am prepared to negotiate what is a reasonable compensation for Westgard for the return of these lands to the Crown of Tol Goldora, under the Duchy of Golden Farrow with lords of the duke's choosing, along with the revoking of Westgardian claims. I would be keen to understand what a just compensation for the above request would be, I am prepared to do what we must to return our realm’s ancestral home, within reasonable means.
To support the above, Tol Goldora is willing to agree terms that have been previously discussed such as a favorable food deal, defined borders and so forth.”

Solomon paused as he looked up to see his collection of maps on the floor, knocked over by the anxious scribe. Getting up to tidy these documents, the emblem of Luria Nova shined in the window sunlight. Unrolling the map in his hands, the Lurian Empire was depicted at the time of Emperor Alessio de Medici. The Navarch took pride in his counterpart’s eagerness and loyalty to support his plight, from the long-awaited reunion with many old Lurian allies, Bennet, Cador, Ciarghuala, Wassgandr, Perdita, Owen, Kiran and so many more. Many have passed away now, some were missing and some still lived. The Lurian Empire will always be his root, many he would consider as near to family as he could achieve without blood, he shall not forget them as he continued writing:

“I will also look to end the war on all fronts, all sides have suffered enough. Therefore, I hope through these talks we can end the war in the East as well and build a better future for all. Some of the most traditional ways of securing this peace is also through marriages, something we should consider as well as we attempt to move forward, together.
Solomon Greybrook
Navarch of Tol Goldora
Duke of Golden Farrow.”
Solomon Greybrook

Roleplay from Gheric Arylon
Message sent to Solomon Greybrook
Gheric sat in his study inside the Royal Palace of Eidulb, exhausted from the flurry of a diplomatic missives from six different realms that he had been busily answering for hours. Finally, he affixed his seal on a letter to the Salvador Zond, the Dragon King of Westgard's greatest ally in the war against the Goldorans, D'Hara.

The hour was late, the embers of his fire were dying down, and sleep called to him. A historic victory in Farrowfield, a mass of rogue invasions of Westgard's territory, and the ever present -- and very real -- threat of Lurian ships landing somewhere in the west and attacking Westgard's flank. The aphorism "Heavy Lies the Crown" was never more true than it was right now.

His thoughts drifted aimlessly, before they were interrupted by the sound of a metal latch raising, and the door to his chambers opening.

"Sir," said one of the young administrators helping him with state business, "I apologize, but I just received a rider bearing this message from Navarch Solomon Greybrook. I thought you'd want to see it immediately." He then walked over and handed the letter to Gheric, still sitting in his chair.

He had been waiting for this letter. Solomon had asked him to come to the negotiating table and discuss peace, and despite Westgard's stunning victory at Farrowfield, and a firm and sincere belief that the military advantage was now in favor of the Alliance, he had agreed. In the end, if there was a chance at peace, he had a duty to see if it could be forged.

So he pulled out a knife, sliced open the Navarch's seal on the parchment, and opened it up to read.

“Archon Gheric,
I am pleased that you are willing to correspond with me on this vital matter. I shall be candid with you as I write this letter in Via, far away from the unfortunate siege in Farrowfield. Golden Farrow and it’s surrounding Farrowlands in the Golden Reach is pivotal for not only our identity but our culture, as you are aware. [...] I am prepared to negotiate what is a reasonable compensation for Westgard for the return of these lands to the Crown of Tol Goldora, under the Duchy of Golden Farrow with lords of the duke's choosing, along with the revoking of Westgardian claims. I would be keen to understand what a just compensation for the above request would be, I am prepared to do what we must to return our realm’s ancestral home, within reasonable means.
To support the above, Tol Goldora is willing to agree terms that have been previously discussed such as a favorable food deal, defined borders and so forth."

It was Greybrook's hand, he knew that. The letter was genuine.

But was his intention genuine? Greybrook has enjoyed a reputation as an honorable leader, and in his own dealing with him, he did feel there was a rapport. But Gheric was wary. What he proposed was... complicated. Still, he sat down and wrote.

"Navarch Greybrook --
My thanks to you for your last letter. I am happy to listen and discuss with you a possible end to the enmity we find ourselves in.
I will be equally frank with you. Westgard owns Golden Farrow. We have also crushed your forces in Farrowfield, and will own it in short order. We are in the militarily superior position, and with the support of our allies and the resources we are able to command, I know we can maintain control of the city in perpetuity. I do not fear losing it militarily.
However, I acknowledge you and your people's self-identification with the city, and your desire to possess it. I am not an unreasonable man -- I am willing to entertain any offer of compensation for any property owned by Westgard, including the Golden City. However, I must warn you, the price will be very steep. There are also questions of international diplomacy -- namely your support from the Lurians, and identity with them -- as well as triggers and failsafes to guarantee compliance any to terms of peace.
This would be an armistice of two realms at war, not a treaty between a winning power and losing power. As such, as you are asking us to give up something invaluable to us when we have the means to keep it militarily, what we would need to receive back from you would have to be equally valuable to you.
If you believe such a peace could be designed, I am willing to listen."

Gheric then rolled the parchment up, affixed his royal crest to the gold wax sealing the paper, and handed it back to the young administrator, and instructed him to send it to Via immediately.

Golden Farrow. What was a city worth, in lives and in gold? For Gheric to give it up, it would have to be something truly historic and unprecedented.
Gheric Arylon

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Gheric Arylon
Dear Archon Gheric,

Tol Goldora amassed a great host to break the walls of Golden Farrow and while I pride our military, it is outmatched by your allies support, I know this.

I acknowledge that the alliance of your fellow realms fears the Lurians and our relations. I will attempt to address these: 1) Golden Farrow is indeed a strategic port, I will not deny this. Therefore, if I controlled the port of Golden Farrow, I will control whom is allowed to use the city for transport. This means that I won't allow the city to be used for military campaigns without my authorization, which would lead to denouncement and escalation, which will include the Lurian Empire. 2) I fear the creation of Tol Goldora has been manipulated a great amount over the course of this war. Therefore, I shall be brief and factual. The founding of Tol Goldora involved no supporting funds from any realm and has never done. Nobles were drawn from across Dwilight, only two of the original 7 were Lurian. We have never been Lurian and will not join the Empire, I am very happy to publicize this if needed.

I am prepared to meet a reasonable price for the return of the Farrowlands and our identity. I wish to see this as hopefully an armistice as you say. If it is within my means, it can be done.

I look to your reply.

Solomon Greybrook Navarch of Tol Goldora

Duke of Golden Farrow
Solomon Greybrook

Roleplay from Gheric Arylon
Message sent to Solomon Greybrook
The letter arrived in late afternoon, and Gheric had read it more than a dozen times.
"Dear Archon Gheric,
Tol Goldora amassed a great host to break the walls of Golden Farrow and while I pride our military, it is outmatched by your allies support, I know this.
I acknowledge that the alliance of your fellow realms fears the Lurians and our relations. I will attempt to address these:
1) Golden Farrow is indeed a strategic port, I will not deny this. Therefore, if I controlled the port of Golden Farrow, I will control whom is allowed to use the city for transport. This means that I won't allow the city to be used for military campaigns without my authorization, which would lead to denouncement and escalation, which will include the Lurian Empire.
2) I fear the creation of Tol Goldora has been manipulated a great amount over the course of this war. Therefore, I shall be brief and factual. The founding of Tol Goldora involved no supporting funds from any realm and has never done. Nobles were drawn from across Dwilight, only two of the original 7 were Lurian. We have never been Lurian and will not join the Empire, I am very happy to publicize this if needed.
I am prepared to meet a reasonable price for the return of the Farrowlands and our identity. I wish to see this as hopefully an armistice as you say. If it is within my means, it can be done.
I look to your reply.
Solomon Greybrook
Navarch of Tol Goldora"


One of the most critical concerns of the northern alliance that had driven them to be absolutist over the city of Golden Farrow was Lurian influence. The allies, rightly in Gheric's estimation, feared giving the Lurian Empire a foothold in the west, with direct access to Port Raviel, Eidulb, serving as gateway to the west, and permanently threatening the allied nations. That justified fear had been one of the most critical reasons to guarantee possession of the Golden City.

And here was Greybrook saying, essentially, that he was interested in re-polarizing the world, and would not be aligning his realm with the Lurian Empire. Were these just words? Was he serious? How could he trust that this was true? How could the allies be sure? How could we trust this to be true?

But if it was...

He dipped his quill in an ink well, and began to write.

"Navarch Greybrook --
I believe we are making progress. The city of Golden Farrow, to put it in simple terms, is a critically important port that can threaten all of our realms. It is simply unacceptable to leave ourselves open to attack like that. You are, I hope, educated about my own history on this continent and my father's experience as the founding High King of Everguard. That realm was destroyed by a sea launched invasion by a duplicitous ally who had promised to protect and defend Everguard, and had promised friendship.
As that took place during my childhood, I am particularly sensitive to promises made, especially from foreign parties who are attempting to gain something incredible valuable from my realm.
So I am incredibly heartened that you would make such a pledge, and view this as an important landmark in our discussion. That said, I believe we are going to need to build in significant protections into any agreement we would reach, in order to disincentivize any potential betrayal or violation of the terms of the treaty. Please do not misunderstand that as a slight on you, your honor, or your word. This would, instead, do much to put minds at ease, and facilitate an opportunity to foster trust and friendship between our realms.
Ultimately, Navarch, we are faced with a situation whereby we are leading two realms that do not trust each other. Trust can be earned -- and in this I acknowledge it needing to happen in two directions -- but as we begin the process of seeking peace, we need to find ways of generating, and guaranteeing trust, so that a more natural, deep and everlasting trust will have the room to develop.
Nonetheless, I think this is a very good start, and we can discuss the details of this aspect of a peace at a more formal, in person negotiation soon.
Before we get there, though, I feel we must begin to discuss the potential cost of the city, if you wish to purchase rights to her. To your mind, what would you consider a fair sum to compensate us for the loss of the city, and the investment we have made in it? I would like to hear your opening offer.
I look forward to your next letter, and am left with a great deal more hope for the future.
Gheric Arylon
Archon of Westgard"
Cost. What cost could ever be just compensation to hand over such a prize? Gheric wondered.
Gheric Arylon

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Gheric Arylon
Archon Gheric,

We are both stepping into the unknown where either of us could betray the other, yet I believe we won't. I think despite our loyalties, we may have more in common than two enemies would. Both of us are pledging amounts which are not easily recoverable, high stake for a great reward, for both of us. As long as these insurances do not jeopardize the sovereignty of Tol Goldora nor the regions the crown govern, there is room to discuss.

In terms of an offer for the Golden Reach, it is fairly difficult to quantify such an important piece of identity to Tol Goldora, however I am a reasonable man and I want us to be both satisfied by this. I have asked one of my economists to calculate a starting offer based off some estimations of taxation. Therefore, through his numbers, I am willing to offer 30,000 gold coins for the lands based off a half year in earnings pre expenses. I hope we can agree a sensible payment plan to match this.

I look forward to progress further in our discussions.

Kind regards

Solomon Greybrook Navarch of Tol Goldora

Duke of Golden Farrow
Solomon Greybrook

Roleplay from Gheric Arylon
Message sent to Solomon Greybrook
Given the speed and frequency with which the messengers were now departing and arriving, Gheric had given instructions to the Royal Guard to immediately admit any arriving Goldorans bearing letters to his company. No need to involve middle men, at this point.

He saw the Goldoran rider coming up over the hills of Duil toward his encampment in Eidulb Outskirts. Greybrook's spies, it seemed, were keeping a good eye on his location, and knew where to send the letter.

After a short time, the messenger arrived, and was immediately admitted to Gheric's quarters to deliver his charge. "Thank you, Goldoran," said Gheric, "please make yourself comfortable in our camp and have some dinner with my men. They will treat you well. I suspect your master would like to hear back from me tonight, and so I shall read his message and send back with you a reply."

The man nodded and walked off to an area adjacent to the tent where several men were eating. As he did, Gheric opened the letter.

Archon Gheric,
We are both stepping into the unknown where either of us could betray the other, yet I believe we won't. I think despite our loyalties, we may have more in common than two enemies would. Both of us are pledging amounts which are not easily recoverable, high stake for a great reward, for both of us. As long as these insurances do not jeopardize the sovereignty of Tol Goldora nor the regions the crown govern, there is room to discuss.
In terms of an offer for the Golden Reach, it is fairly difficult to quantify such an important piece of identity to Tol Goldora, however I am a reasonable man and I want us to be both satisfied by this. I have asked one of my economists to calculate a starting offer based off some estimations of taxation. Therefore, through his numbers, I am willing to offer 30,000 gold coins for the lands based off a half year in earnings pre expenses. I hope we can agree a sensible payment plan to match this.
I look forward to progress further in our discussions.
Kind regards
Solomon Greybrook
Navarch of Tol Goldora

30,000 gold coins? That was... surprisingly fair. Not the price Gheric intended to exact from the Goldorans, but reasonable.

Still, the city pulled in roughly 2300 gold per week in taxation for the crown. What Greybrook was offering represented roughly thirteen weeks of income. And that, of course, was not considering the massive investment in lives and gold that Westgard had expended protecting the city. A generous offer, but not enough. Still, a fair starting point.

He sat down, and began writing.

Navarch Greybrook --
You have approached me with great fairness and wisdom, moreso than I expected, in offering that sum for the city of Golden Farrow.
However, that sum does not represent enough for me to agree to sell our claim on it to you. You must understand, we have expended hundreds of thousands of gold pieces in the effort to press our claims on the city, and the city brings in a handsome income that we would enjoy in perpetuity if we possessed it. And, as my previous letter made clear, its importance as a strategic hub make it invaluable in many ways.
Still, you have come to me in good faith with an offer, and in the interest of fostering amity, I shall make you a counter-offer. I propose a sum of 85,000 gold, which would represent three quarters of a year's worth of income, which I find reasonable for the transfer of the city's ownership. Such an amount would allow us the resources necessary to re-establish our northern holdings and ensure the realm could be rebuilt properly at the conclusion of our war. Additionally, it would represent, in my mind, real sacrifice from you which would tell the world that both you and I gave up something incredibly valuable to our realms in order to secure peace.
What does concern me, Navarch, is the capacity of Tol Goldora to pay such a price. I mean no disrespect, but that is a large amount of money -- rather unprecedented. How do you propose we structure this?
Additionally, I believe we have enough here as a beginning framework that we can set an official meeting to hammer out such details in person. I have recently taken an estate in Walefishire and would be happy to host you as my guest, if you were willing. If you are agreeable to this, I think it would make sense to call a general cease-fire while our peace talks are conducted. Would you agree to such a temporary cessation of hostilities so that we may search for a final solution?
I await your reply. May Tor watch over you, Navarch.
Gheric Arylon
Archon of Westgard
He called over the messenger, handed him the parchment and nodded his permission to leave.
Gheric Arylon

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Gheric Arylon
Archon Gheric,

Tol Goldora has also made great investments in this war and the city but I respect your decision. I hope that we can meet half way between our offers at around 55,000. This is pushing my provisional budget and have very little movement to maneuver here. Please bare that in mind.

In terms of structuring the deal, trust is the biggest issue for both sides. One option is to have a deposit to be placed for the settlement, as per the ancient loans of banking institution and then the rest of the gold paid in installments. This is the most economically viable for Tol Goldora but I would understand your concern for payments over time.

Alternatively, a payment plan that would suit you would be a series of transactions can be made whereby I forsee three stages. First, a deposit for the return of the Golden Reach bar Golden Farrow. Then, seeing the return of these regions, a second deposit made which would see Golden Farrow returned which then Tol Goldora would make a final payment.

We could adjust these to make a suitable hybrid but these offer two starkly different options.

The founders have suggested for any 5% deposit, they are also concerned with trust but like this extraordinary agreement, we can discuss this.

I will be honoured to partake in peace talks in person. However, once again my council is concerned with my safety of coming to your estate and the matter of Farrowfield. We shall not attempt to break the takeover before it finishes. While I have trust and respect for you through our conversations, that does not exist for D'Hara. What is going to happen to the town?

Furthermore, a formal ceasefire will be required for us to meet in person, which my council are concerned that Farrowfield will be immediately fortified. As they expect the worst and I will be simply captured, while I don't agree with them on this matter, I wish to lay to rest their concerns to prevent more fighting. Therefore, if I am to come to your estate and agree to this formal ceasefire, can we agree that Farrowfield will not be fortified by additional militia?


Solomon Greybrook Navarch of Tol Goldora

Duke of Golden Farrow
Solomon Greybrook

Roleplay from Gheric Arylon
Message sent to Solomon Greybrook
Dusk enveloped the air around the golden fields of Eidulb Outskirts, and Gheric once again sat down to read a missive from the Navarch of Tol Goldora.
Archon Gheric,
Tol Goldora has also made great investments in this war and the city but I respect your decision. I hope that we can meet half way between our offers at around 55,000. This is pushing my provisional budget and have very little movement to maneuver here. Please bare that in mind.
In terms of structuring the deal, trust is the biggest issue for both sides. One option is to have a deposit to be placed for the settlement, as per the ancient loans of banking institution and then the rest of the gold paid in installments. This is the most economically viable for Tol Goldora but I would understand your concern for payments over time.
Alternatively, a payment plan that would suit you would be a series of transactions can be made whereby I forsee three stages. First, a deposit for the return of the Golden Reach bar Golden Farrow. Then, seeing the return of these regions, a second deposit made which would see Golden Farrow returned which then Tol Goldora would make a final payment.
We could adjust these to make a suitable hybrid but these offer two starkly different options. The founders have suggested for any 5% deposit, they are also concerned with trust but like this extraordinary agreement, we can discuss this.
I will be honoured to partake in peace talks in person. However, once again my council is concerned with my safety of coming to your estate and the matter of Farrowfield. We shall not attempt to break the takeover before it finishes. While I have trust and respect for you through our conversations, that does not exist for D'Hara. What is going to happen to the town?
Furthermore, a formal ceasefire will be required for us to meet in person, which my council are concerned that Farrowfield will be immediately fortified. As they expect the worst and I will be simply captured, while I don't agree with them on this matter, I wish to lay to rest their concerns to prevent more fighting. Therefore, if I am to come to your estate and agree to this formal ceasefire, can we agree that Farrowfield will not be fortified by additional militia?

Not fortify Farrowfield? Gheric initially reacted poorly to reading that line of the letter. His temper had always been his worst personality trait, and it had once again reared its ugly head in the middle of delicate diplomatic negotiations.

The Archon knew that a fleet of Lurian vessels had already left, and was sailing for the west. In addition, his scouts had brought word to him earlier in the day of a large Goldoran host on the march, undoubtedly toward Farrowfield. If he were to leave Farrowfield open for attack, he faced a two pronged assault from declared enemies, and could very well guarantee the loss of the region.

After a moment, though, his anger subsided, and he started to try to see through the lens of his adversary from Tol Goldora. A man who, in another life perhaps, likely would have been his friend. Gheric had invited him to hostile territory and had expected him to say yes without trying to find a way to protect himself?

Calm yourself, Gheric.

He sat down, and once again began to write.

Navarch Greybrook --
I think we are getting close on the price and the structure, though our cost discussion has circulated around the Golden City -- giving Farrowfield with it would obviously increase price. I do not think we need to nail down the exact structure at this time, though clearly we still have a great deal of negotiating to do, though I do think you are on the right track. These details need to be ironed out in person, however. To facilitate this, I am willing to talk about Farrowfield. However, you must know that I will not leave it unprotected.
I will not allow the town to stand unprotected with a Goldoran host of great strength within striking distance as you are now, and with the Lurians sailing for my land. Withdraw your army back to your capital, and call back the Lurians. If I can verify that -- and I will indeed need that verification, particularly of the Lurian activities -- than I will instruct the D'Harans to not add reinforcements to the walls of Farrowfield and we can call a general cease-fire -- if not an official achievement of peace itself -- while we work to come to an agreement. It would be my pleasure to be your host in those circumstances, though we could also meet in a neutral location if that will ease your mind.
Hopefully, we would then forge a peace that could stand for all time. What say you?
With that, he sealed the parchment and instructed his messenger to set off.
Gheric Arylon