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[[File:Phoenix of Xavax.png|300px|thumb|frame|left|The Standard of Xavax]]
[[File:Phoenix of Xavax.png|800px|thumb|frame|right|The Standard of Xavax]]
==The History of the Imperium of Greater Xavax==
===[[Greater Xavax/History/Imperial Calendar|Imperial Calendar]]===

The Imperial Calendar, also known as '''Imperial Reckoning''' or the '''Selenian Calendar''' for the Xerarch who ordered it's implementation, is an accounting of time dating to and and from the founding of the Imperium of Greater Xavax. Greater Xavax was a nation at war for most of its early history, and few documents of persons or events exist from that time that were not penned down or accounted for by Xerarch Selenia herself.

The Calendar is broken into year-long periods and punctuated with "ICY" for "Imperial Calendar Year". Given Xavax's history, some scholars are amused at the acronym.
==[[Greater Xavax/History/Imperial Calendar|The History of the Imperium of Greater Xavax]]==
===[[Greater Xavax/History/Imperial Calendar|Imperial Calendar]]===

====0-1ICY (Dec 2015-Jan 2016)====
The Imperial Calendar, also known as [[Greater Xavax/History/Imperial Calendar|'''Imperial Reckoning''']] or the [[Greater Xavax/History/Imperial Calendar|'''Selenian Calendar''']] for the Xerarch who ordered it's implementation, is an accounting of time dating to and and from the founding of the [[Greater Xavax|Imperium of Greater Xavax]]. Greater Xavax was a nation at war for most of its early history, and few documents of persons or events exist from that time that were not penned down or accounted for by [[JeVondair Family/Selenia|Xerarch Selenia]] herself.
The Imperium of Greater Xavax is Founded after the icy shelves and glaciers that had made the southern portion of the East Continent inaccessible for several years finally melted. Magnus Aurea elected as First Xerarch, titling himself and adopting the image of the Phoenix for the Imperium. Duchy of Xavax and Isadril established under Selenia JeVondair and Iuz Crownguard  respectively. Kellan Dodger appointed as Strategos. Kin Hyral wins continent-wide tournament for swordsmanship and donates her winnings, earning the unofficial title of Champion and getting the Academy in Xavax renamed in her honor. Wine Trader Tharan establishes his first vineyards in Tota.

The Calendar is broken into year-long periods and punctuated with "ICY" for "Imperial Calendar Year". Given [[Xavax]]'s frigid origin, some scholars are amused at the acronym.
'''Realm Report'''
{{Quotation| The Truth is not what you want it to be. It is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie| Xerarch Selenia JeVondair}}

Xavax is prosperous with a large military class (legiones imperi) and a very dense abundance of noble houses. These houses are not very wealthy, reflecting a large merchant class in the cities which compete with the patrician nobility. The realm is largely rural in character, but the farmers live comfortably, likely reflecting more intensive and profitable agricultural practices such as wine and cheese making and orchards rather than solely growing staple crops.|Godric}}
==Fallen Heroes==
===Jadyn Jaron, First of the Fallen===
The First Hero to fall in the Xavax Wars
===Uthred the Undying===
Died in battle in Leibo, then got up, fought some more, and was brought down again.
===Selenia the Phoenix===
Died in battle in Xavax and was resurrected via healing magic.
===Jarvin the Redwing===
Died in battle in Betholm after designing the flag of Xavax
===Gilth the Rose Knight===
Died in battle in Igno after defecting to Xavax from an enemy realm, Vix Tiramora.
===Ayden JeVondair, Duchess of Blades===
Died in Battle in Bescannon defending against mob action
===Aramon Abjur, Xerarch of Redhaven===
Died in Briev charging an enemy formation.

====1-2ICY (Feb 2016-March 2016)====
Alliance with Fallangard Established. Friction with Alara caused by defection of Itor Bass by Sayuki Kuriga. Xavax Civil War Lead by Iuz Crownguard and Kellan Dodger against Xerarch Magnus. End to hostilities negotiated by Selenia, who forced Magnus to Step down, pardoned the rebels. Kellan Dodger and others Defects to Perdan. For his final act, magnus appointes Lionel Kinsey to Strategos position.
Feel free to peruse the forums [,7194.0.html|here] to see what players were saying out of character about major events as they happened!
===The Ice Melts===
===The Rise of Magnus===
===The Xavax Civil War===
===The Rise of Selenia===
===The Xavax Wars===
====Fallangard Breaks the Federation====
====The Feast of the Black Swan====
====The Death and Rebirth of Selenia====
====New Allies====

====2-3ICY (March 2016 - April 2016)====
==Ruling Councilors==
Selenia of Greater Xavax crowned as the second Xerarch and meets with High Queen Teniel of Caligus and King Edvard of Fallangard. Isadril lost to Infiltrator Stegman Hemmings, who as a noble of Perdan fabricated claims to the city. Isadril is reclaimed by force. Xerarch Selenia declares war against Robb Starfall of Alara. Saradomin Warchief of Minas Nova and Deklan Flour of Perleone side with Alara and declare War on Greater Xavax. Alara and Minas Nova declare Hatred against Greater Xavax and resort to tactics of Rape and Genocide in Itor Bass and Aeng. Xerarch Selenia declares both nations to be bandits. '''The Xavax Wars''' begin.
===Magnus Aurea===
First Xerarch

====3-4ICY (May 2016 - June 2016)====
===Kellan Dodger===
Xavax reduces Alara to a single city state and sacks Semall. The population of Isadril is driven mad by unkown magic and desert Xavax en masse, rampaging through Vix Tiramora and Perdan in search of some mystic. They are eventually put down by the nobles whose lands they tresspassed. King Odoaker of Perdan and Jeames Dacara of Vix Tiramora intervene on the side of Alara to declare war on Greater Xavax. Fallangard enters the war in the Imperium's defense. Selenia and Edvard of Fallengard sign into a Federation
First Strategos, Instigator of the Xavax Civil War

====4-5ICY (June 2016-July 2016)====
===Ruslan Orlov===
Xavax Conquers Ibladesh, but is forced to retreat when the combined allied armies shattered their defense, pushing them all the way back to Xavax City. Igno defects to Fallangard.
First Arbiter

====5-6ICY (July 2016-Aug 2016)====
===Eoin Gabhann===
War continues unabated as Xavax struggles on two fronts against 5 enemy realms.
First Xenophon, Second Margrave of Xavax

===Iuz Vidar Crownguard===
'''Realm Report'''
First Duke of Isadril, Leader of the Rebellion During the Xavax Civil War

With the loss of their western rurals to rebel forces, Xavax now exhibits a density just about the East Continent average. The nobility have seen their wealth increase an insignificant amount, likely due to the loss of noble houses combined with the loss of regions. The peasantry are still wealthier than the average, though they have suffered somewhat from the war effort. The war effort has been significant: even with the loss of noble houses, militarization of the realm is significantly in excess of the East Continent average, the reported value being due to a major battle with Alara. It is debatable how much longer Xavax can maintain this war, being grossly outnumbered and outmanned, but it is unclear if the war machine has peaked.|Godric}}
===Selenia JeVondair===
Second Xerarch, First Duchess of Xavax, Founder/Sponsor of the Phoenix, Flames, and Steele Armies of the Imperium

====6-7ICY (Sept 2016- Oct 2016)====
===Lionel Kinsey===  
Duchess beck Hosts the Feast of the [[Greater Xavax/Black Swan|Black Swan]], a mass-knighting where Xerarch Selenia raised multiple noble houses from commoner status. Xavax defeats the combined armies of Vix and Perdan in Leibo. Selenia brokers marriage treaty with Caspian, the young new King of Perdan, that withdrew Perdan from the War.
Second Strategos, First to be Granted the Honorable title of Talon

====7-8ICY (Oct 2016 - Nov 2016)====
===Godric Tórrarin ka Habb===
Vix forces Fallangard to break the Federation and declare defacto war against Xavax. Noble population of Xavax rises to over 50 houses. Selenia names Aramon Abjur, third Arbiter of the Imperium, as her heir. Xerarch Selenia gives birth to a healthy son.
Second Arbiter, Authour of the [[Greater Xavax/Laws|''Codex Imperi'': The Imperial Codex of Law]]

====8-9ICY (Dec 2016 - Jan 2017)====
===Beck Mozzoni===
Perdan gets a new King, Qu, and reopens hostilities. Xavax conquers and lays claim to Leibo The first Phoenix Court convened in Leibo to judge a Vixen defector, Gilth Gildre. Xerarch Selenia killed in the defense of the Capital city by bandit raiding party. Selenia is resurrected and secures diplomatic ties to Caligus, who then declares war on Fallangard while providing significant financial aid to the Imperium.
Second Xenophon, Second Duchess of Xavax

===Aramon Abjur===
'''Realm Report'''
Third Arbiter of the Imperium, Confirmed Heir to Xerarch Selenia, [[Greater Xavax/Stegman Execution|Executed Stegman Hemmings]]

As Greater Xavax suffers further from the wanton violence of the western rebels and Semall bandits, the population has become significantly more concentrated towards urban areas. The average peasant has not seen a significant decrease in the quality of life due to the large numbers being pressed into military service. With one of the highest militarization rates on the continent, every brother, sister, and cousin seems to be a soldier for the Phoenix. The line between nobility and the wealthy merchant class has remained distinct; with widespread carnage and embargos, most merchants have fled or gone bankrupt. The vast majority of commerce and trade is directly controlled by Imperial officers under direction of court of the Xenophon.  This means that landed nobility have seen most of their fortunes siphoned away towards the war effort. They are instead distinguished by military service, noble lineage, or royal decree bestowing nobility. The countryside has been largely burned and most peasants are too afraid to return to the fields: consequently there is a chronic food shortage and there are many small estates concentrated in Isadril and Xavax proper. The effects of the war on Xavax society have been dire but as the popular saying goes, Xavax Endures.|Godric}}
Endured a multiyear war on 2 fronts against 5 enemy realms.
====10-11 ICY (Jan 2017 - Feb 2017)====
The war continues unabated as Xavax is slowly reduced. New flag adopted. Tectonic diplomatic plates begin to shift in favor of the Xavax as other nations begin to openly support the Imperium against an increasingly arrogant and unpredictable Perdan now lead by the former Xavax Traitor Kellan Dodger, self-styled Imperator King of the renamed Greater Perdan Imperium.
====9-10ICY (Mar 2017 - April 2017)====
==Notable Figures==
Magnus Aurea - First Xerarch
Kellan Dodger - First Strategos, Instigator of the Xavax Civil War

_____________ -  First Arbiter
Only nation 2016 to Present Battlemasteria to have more than 60 nobles at once.

_____________ - First Xenophon
Caused Perdan to suffer their first military defeat in over a IG decade.

Iuz Vidar Crownguard - First Duke of Isadril, Leader of the Rebellion During the Xavax Civil War
Founded a religion: The [[Path of the Paragons]]

Under High Queen Teniel agreed to not interfere with the Xavax Wars despite the participation of Caligan allies. Under High King Bjorn dissolved their alliance with Alara and Minas Nova after evidence of war crimes. Under High King Zinar funded the Imperium, Under High King Rebec promised military force to aid Xavax.
Under Queen Kira, funded The Imperium and extended an offer of alliance before declaring war on Perdan on the Imperium's behalf.
Under Krognos Brock Ketchum, Nivemus declared war on Perdan and its allies in defense of Greater Xavax.
Plotted against Greater Xavax, insulted it's ruler and people which lead directly to a Xavax declaration of war, committed mass rape and genocide against the smallfolk of Greater Xavax. Declared Hatred on GX
===Minas Nova===
Under King Saradomin Warchief, plotted against Greater Xavax by feigning interest in an alliance before betraying the Imperium by declaring war in favor of Alara and hatred on GX, earning them the Hatred of GX in return. Committed mass rape and genocide against the smallfolk of Greater Xavax. Under King Druzil Sharspear, insulted it's ruler and people
Joined the Alara/Minas Nova Alliance, raided Xavax territories, refused all peace talks.
===Vix Tiramora===
Under Jeames DacaraInterfered in the Xavax Wars to ensure that GX grew no stronger. Claimed to be coming to the defense of the smaller realms above. Continued by Successor Daedelus Dogsbody
Under King Odoaker, Interfered in the Xavax Wars to ensure that GX grew no stronger. Claimed to be coming to the defense of the smaller realms above. Successor King Caspian made peace in exchange for marriage to the Xerarch, but unexpectedly vanished. Successor Qu'Ardan Lapallanch reignited war, spreading mass propoganda that Xerarch was in fact an undead lich queen, but unexpectedly vanished. Successor Imperator-King Kellan Dodger, a former Xavax traitor, continues the war.

Selenia JeVondair - Second Xerarch, First Duchess of Xavax, Founder/Sponsor of the Phoenix, Flames, and Steele Armies of the Imperium
Originally a federated ally of GX, broke Federation when brought to heel by the Vix but made no attempt to mend bridges with Xavax. Later allied with above realms against GX and spoke out publicly against them.
Lionel Kinsey - Second Strategos, First to be Granted the Honorable title of Talon
Godric - Second Arbiter, Authour of the Imperial Codex of Law
Cordial relations, they dislike Perdan
Eoin - Second Xenohpon
Cordial relations
===First Oligarch===
Cordial relations, they like Perdan
Aramon Abjur - Third Arbiter of the Imperium, Confirmed Heir to Xerarch Selenia, Executed Stegman Hemmings
===Obsidian Isles===
No Relations, they like Perdan
Beck Mozzoni - Third Xenophon, Second Duchess of Xavax
==Friends and Enemies==

Latest revision as of 17:38, 1 May 2019

The Standard of Xavax

The History of the Imperium of Greater Xavax

Imperial Calendar

The Imperial Calendar, also known as Imperial Reckoning or the Selenian Calendar for the Xerarch who ordered it's implementation, is an accounting of time dating to and and from the founding of the Imperium of Greater Xavax. Greater Xavax was a nation at war for most of its early history, and few documents of persons or events exist from that time that were not penned down or accounted for by Xerarch Selenia herself.

The Calendar is broken into year-long periods and punctuated with "ICY" for "Imperial Calendar Year". Given Xavax's frigid origin, some scholars are amused at the acronym.

The Truth is not what you want it to be. It is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie

– Xerarch Selenia JeVondair

Fallen Heroes

Jadyn Jaron, First of the Fallen

The First Hero to fall in the Xavax Wars

Uthred the Undying

Died in battle in Leibo, then got up, fought some more, and was brought down again.

Selenia the Phoenix

Died in battle in Xavax and was resurrected via healing magic.

Jarvin the Redwing

Died in battle in Betholm after designing the flag of Xavax

Gilth the Rose Knight

Died in battle in Igno after defecting to Xavax from an enemy realm, Vix Tiramora.

Ayden JeVondair, Duchess of Blades

Died in Battle in Bescannon defending against mob action

Aramon Abjur, Xerarch of Redhaven

Died in Briev charging an enemy formation.


Feel free to peruse the forums [1] to see what players were saying out of character about major events as they happened!

The Ice Melts

The Rise of Magnus

The Xavax Civil War

The Rise of Selenia

The Xavax Wars

Fallangard Breaks the Federation

The Feast of the Black Swan

The Death and Rebirth of Selenia

New Allies

Ruling Councilors

Magnus Aurea

First Xerarch

Kellan Dodger

First Strategos, Instigator of the Xavax Civil War

Ruslan Orlov

First Arbiter

Eoin Gabhann

First Xenophon, Second Margrave of Xavax

Iuz Vidar Crownguard

First Duke of Isadril, Leader of the Rebellion During the Xavax Civil War

Selenia JeVondair

Second Xerarch, First Duchess of Xavax, Founder/Sponsor of the Phoenix, Flames, and Steele Armies of the Imperium

Lionel Kinsey

Second Strategos, First to be Granted the Honorable title of Talon

Godric Tórrarin ka Habb

Second Arbiter, Authour of the Codex Imperi: The Imperial Codex of Law

Beck Mozzoni

Second Xenophon, Second Duchess of Xavax

Aramon Abjur

Third Arbiter of the Imperium, Confirmed Heir to Xerarch Selenia, Executed Stegman Hemmings


Endured a multiyear war on 2 fronts against 5 enemy realms.

Only nation 2016 to Present Battlemasteria to have more than 60 nobles at once.

Caused Perdan to suffer their first military defeat in over a IG decade.

Founded a religion: The Path of the Paragons



Under High Queen Teniel agreed to not interfere with the Xavax Wars despite the participation of Caligan allies. Under High King Bjorn dissolved their alliance with Alara and Minas Nova after evidence of war crimes. Under High King Zinar funded the Imperium, Under High King Rebec promised military force to aid Xavax.


Under Queen Kira, funded The Imperium and extended an offer of alliance before declaring war on Perdan on the Imperium's behalf.


Under Krognos Brock Ketchum, Nivemus declared war on Perdan and its allies in defense of Greater Xavax.



Plotted against Greater Xavax, insulted it's ruler and people which lead directly to a Xavax declaration of war, committed mass rape and genocide against the smallfolk of Greater Xavax. Declared Hatred on GX

Minas Nova

Under King Saradomin Warchief, plotted against Greater Xavax by feigning interest in an alliance before betraying the Imperium by declaring war in favor of Alara and hatred on GX, earning them the Hatred of GX in return. Committed mass rape and genocide against the smallfolk of Greater Xavax. Under King Druzil Sharspear, insulted it's ruler and people


Joined the Alara/Minas Nova Alliance, raided Xavax territories, refused all peace talks.

Vix Tiramora

Under Jeames DacaraInterfered in the Xavax Wars to ensure that GX grew no stronger. Claimed to be coming to the defense of the smaller realms above. Continued by Successor Daedelus Dogsbody


Under King Odoaker, Interfered in the Xavax Wars to ensure that GX grew no stronger. Claimed to be coming to the defense of the smaller realms above. Successor King Caspian made peace in exchange for marriage to the Xerarch, but unexpectedly vanished. Successor Qu'Ardan Lapallanch reignited war, spreading mass propoganda that Xerarch was in fact an undead lich queen, but unexpectedly vanished. Successor Imperator-King Kellan Dodger, a former Xavax traitor, continues the war.


Originally a federated ally of GX, broke Federation when brought to heel by the Vix but made no attempt to mend bridges with Xavax. Later allied with above realms against GX and spoke out publicly against them.



Cordial relations, they dislike Perdan


Cordial relations

First Oligarch

Cordial relations, they like Perdan

Obsidian Isles

No Relations, they like Perdan