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Latest revision as of 22:43, 27 March 2006

“Thess wake up” Kitiara was usually very stoic, but unlike her father she let her emotions be a part of her life. She saw in her father the price of holding everything in. At this moment that wisdom showed through. The sound of her voice was firm yet carried a gentile tone that showed her love of her brother.

“Kuhr … what happened to him” Thessan could hardly speak.

“He is here, eating down stares as we speak” That same tone was still in her voice. That tone showed love for a brother she had only seen once many years before. A heart that understood her family was too small already, and could not bare to shut anyone out. “Lesell …. Did she make it“? Thessan was coming around now. He was at home in his room. Pain was in every muscle. He was wounded before his run in with the bounty hunter. Now even though he had managed to survive, the damage was done. The wound would take weeks to heal. Thessan had been asleep for 6 days under her sister’s care.

Kuhr had almost ended his own brother’s life. When his mother died he went into a rage and directed it toward his brother.

“You will pay for this Thessan” yelled Kuhr. He was so stunned at the loss of his mother that the comment was almost impossible to understand.

“Kuhr… I did not know I was followed…. I….I… am sorry”. The events of the last minute were still setting in. Thessan had, in that moment, met for the first time his half brother. Unfortunately the bounty hunter that had followed Thessan did not care who it was, but only wanted to make sure that the bounty was his. When Lesell sacrificed her own life for that of her son Thessan had little time to think. As the bounty hunter closed in, the wounded Thessan drew his sword.

Thessan was tired, wounded, and reeling from the events of the last few days. The bounty hunter however showed no fear. Clearly experienced in collecting on bounties, Thessan was out matched. Healthy and rested his chances were slim but in this instance no one would have given him a chance against his enemy.

In the few seconds that passed as they drew near each other, the balance was moved clearly to Thessan. The rage of a child who felt abandoned, and had for the first time met his brother and the woman who he felt was responsible for his parent’s downfall, created something Thessan would instantly fear. The pain and insecurities of his childhood welled up in him for the first time in his life. The person, who could give him answers to his father’s life away from him, was dead. The brother he never knew wanted him dead as well. That moment Thessan felt a rage that is impossible to explain, a rage that saved his life.

With the sword of his father in his hand he struck at the bounty hunter. The strike was simple and almost clumsy. The bounty hunter prepared to block the blow and strike at his mark. The block that he had used so many times before failed him that day. The rage with which Thessan had swung his family sword was so strong that the bounty hunters blade was shattered into pieces. He had only a fraction of a second to know true fear as the Silvan family sword cleaved his skull in half.

“I will see you dead” was all Thessan remembers hearing from his brother before the darkness fell upon him.

Fortunately for them both Kitiara had gone to check up on her little brother. She managed to stop Kuhr. Her love of her half brother might not have been enough to stop her from killing him had he succeeded in his attempt on Thessan.

As Thessan slept, Kuhr had time to take in everything that had happened leading to the death of his mother. He had spent his life fighting to survive on the streets. He knew the worst things people were capable of, and had developed a great ability to judge character. He almost instantly respected Kitiara. After he spent a couple of days by himself in grief he allowed his sister the opportunity to explain the recent events.

Kuhr was still angry for a few days, but he understood the truth of the matter. He had witnessed his brother almost give up his life fighting to protect innocent strangers. He found truth in the story Kitiara had told him and he respected the person his half brother was.

Kuhr came to visit Thessan for the first time after he finally awoke.

“Good thing I have bad aim.” Kuhr said with a half smile.

Thessan paused for a moment to take in the sincerity of the statement. He began to laugh. Which was a very painful thing to do.

They all three spent their time together for the next couple of weeks. Thessan and Kuhr were there when Kitiara brought the corrupt police to justice. Kuhr watched, with almost no emotion, as those who were responsible for the death of his mother were tried and executed.

Soon Thessan was well enough to take over the care of the estate. Kuhr had moved into his rightful home, and Kitiara soon left to continue her work bringing peace and justice to the realm. Thessan taught Kuhr everything he could. He was soon able to care for the estate. As positions opened on the estate he was also able to employ some of his friends in need from the street.

This is when Thessan took his place among the troop leaders of the realm.